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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modes de représentation pour l'éclairage en synthèse d'images

Pacanowski, Romain 09 1900 (has links)
En synthèse d'images, le principal calcul à effectuer pour générer une image a été formalisé dans une équation appelée équation du rendu [Kajiya1986]. Cette équation est la intègre la conservation de l'\'energie dans le transport de la lumi\`ere. Elle stipule que l'énergie lumineuse renvoyée, par les objets d'une scène, dans une direction donnée est égale à la somme de l'énergie émise et réfléchie par ceux-ci. De plus, l'énergie réfléchie par un élément de surface est définie comme la convolution de l'éclairement incident avec une fonction de réflectance. Cette dernière modélise le matériau (au sens physique) de l'objet et joue le rôle d'un filtre directionnel et énergétique dans l'équation du rendu, simulant ainsi la manière dont la surface se comporte vis-à-vis d'une réflexion. Dans ce mémoire de thèse, nous introduisons de nouvelles représentations pour la fonction de réflectance ainsi que pour la représentation de l'éclairement incident. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, nous proposons deux nouveaux modèles pour représenter la fonction de réflectance. Le premier modèle s'inscrit dans une démarche artistique et est destiné à faciliter la création et l'édition des reflets spéculaires. Son principe est de laisser l'utilisateur peindre et esquisser les caractéristiques (forme, couleur, gradient et texture) du reflet spéculaire dans un plan de dessin paramétrisé en fonction de la direction de la réflexion miroir de la lumière. Le but du second modèle est de représenter de manière compacte et efficace les mesures des matériaux isotropes. Pour ce faire, nous introduisons une nouvelle représentation à base de polynômes rationnels. Les coefficients de ces derniers sont obtenus à l'aide d'un processus d'approximation qui garantit une solution optimale au sens de la convergence. Dans la seconde partie de ce mémoire, nous introduisons une nouvelle représentation volumétrique pour l'éclairement indirect représenté directionnellement à l'aide de vecteurs d'irradiance. Nous montrons que notre représentation est compacte et robuste aux variations géométriques et qu'elle peut être utilisée comme système de cache pour du rendu temps réel ou non, ainsi que dans le cadre de la transmission progressive des données (streaming). Enfin, nous proposons deux types de modifications de l'éclairement incident afin de mettre en valeur les détails et les formes d'une surface. Le première modification consiste à perturber les directions de l'éclairement incident tandis que la seconde consiste à en modifier l'intensité. / In image synthesis, the main computation involved to generate an image is characterized by an equation named rendering equation [Kajiya1986]. This equation represents the law of energy conservation. It stipulates that the light emanating from the scene objects is the sum of the emitted energy and the reflected energy. Moreover, the reflected energy at a surface point is defined as the convolution of the incoming lighting with a reflectance function. The reflectance function models the object material and represents, in the rendering equation, a directional and energetic filter that describes the surface behavior regarding the reflection. In this thesis, we introduce new representations for the reflectance function and the incoming lighting. In the first part of this thesis, we propose two new models for the reflectance function. The first model is targeted for artists to help them create and edit highlights. Our main idea is to let the user paint and sketch highlight characteristics (shape, color, gradient and texture) in a plane parametrized by the incident lighting direction. The second model is designed to represent efficiently isotropic material data. To achieve this result, we introduce a new representation of the reflectance function that uses rational polynomials. Their coefficients are computed using a fitting process that guarantees an optimal solution regarding convergence. In the second part of this thesis, we introduce a new volumetric structure for indirect illumination that is directionally represented with irradiance vector. We show that our representation is compact and robust to geometric variations, that it can be used as caching system for interactive and offline rendering and that it can also be transmitted with streaming techniques. Finally, we introduce two modifications of the incoming lighting to improve the shape depiction of a surface. The first modification consists in warping the incoming light directions whereas the second one consists in scaling the intensity of each light source. / Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université Bordeaux 1 (France)

Micro-Blast Waves

Obed Samuelraj, I 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The near field blast–wave propagation dynamics has been a subject of intense research in recent past. Since experiments on a large scale are difficult to carry out, focus has been directed towards recreating these blast waves inside the laboratory by expending minuscule amounts of energy(few joules),which have been termed here as micro–blast waves. In the present study, micro-blast waves are generated from the open end of a small diameter polymer tube (Inner Diameter of 1.3 mm)coated on its inner side with negligible amounts of HMX explosive (~18 mg/m), along with traces of aluminium powder. Experimental, numerical, and analytical approaches have been adopted in this investigation to understand the generation and subsequent propagation of these micro–blast waves in the open domain. Time–resolved schlieren flow visualization experiments, using a high speed digital camera, and dynamic pressure measurements (head–on and side–on pressures) have been carried out. Quasi one dimensional numerical modeling of the detonation process inside the tube, has been carried out by considering the reaction kinetics of a single(HMX) reaction to account for the reaction dynamics of HMX. The one dimensional numerical model is then coupled to a commercial Navier– Stokes equation solver to understand the propagation of the blast wave from the open end of the tube. A theory that is valid for large scale explosions of intermediate strength was then used for the first time to understand the propagation dynamics of these micro–blast waves. From the experiments, the trajectory of the blast wave was mapped, and its initial Mach number was found to be about 3.7. The side–on overpressure was found to be 5.5 psi at a distance of 20 mm from the tube, along an axis, offset by 30 mm from the tube axis. These values were found to compare quite well with the numerically obtained data in the open domain. From the numerical model of the tube, the energy in the blast wave was inferred to be 1.5 J. This value was then used in the analytical theory and excellent correlation was obtained, suggesting the exciting possibility of using such theories, validated for large-scale explosions, to describe these micro–blasts. Considering the uncertainties in the approximate model, a better estimate of energy was obtained by working back the energy(using the analytical model) from the trajectory data as 1.25 J. The average TNT equivalent, a measure of its strength relative to a TNT explosion, was found to be 0.3. A few benchmark experiments, demonstrating the capability of this novel blast device have also been done by comparing them against the extant large–scale explosion database, suggesting the possibility of using these micro–blast waves to study certain aspects of large–scale explosions.

Mesostructured particulate silica materials with tunable pore size : Synthesis, characterization and applications

Sörensen, Malin Helena January 2009 (has links)
Colloidal assemblies of surfactants and polymers in aqueous solutions have been used by human mankind for hundreds of years and they are of great importance in many of our technological processes, such as fabrication of soap and papermaking. Less than two decades ago the idea of using colloidal assemblies as templates of inorganic materials was borne. A new population of materials, referred to as surfactant templated materials, took form. These materials showed extraordinary properties such as monodisperse pore size distribution, large surface areas and pore volumes.   The main focus of this thesis has been on synthesis and functionalisation of spherical mesostructured silica particulate materials. In the first part of the work, mesostructured materials with expanded pores have been produced using a well established aerosol-based method as well as the newly developed emulsion and solvent evaporation (ESE) method. Increase in pore size was realized through using Pluronic block copolymer F127 together with a swelling agent poly(propylene glycol) as template. The influence of the swelling agent on pore size expansion was shown to have a roughly linear relationship. Furthermore, the impact of synthesis parameters on internal and exterior morphology has been investigated. Accessibility of the internal pore space, as well as the external surface roughness were shown to be highly dependent on synthesis temperature. Additionally, a very interesting well ordered 3D closed packed (P63/mmc) material was produced using the ionic surfactant C16TAB as template in the ESE method.   In the second part of the thesis work, mesoporous spheres with large pore size, having either hydrophilic or hydrophobic surface properties, were used as carriers of an enzyme, lipase. The enzymatic activity of lipase was increased onto the hydrophobic surface, compared to lipase immobilized into the hydrophilic support as well as for lipase free in solution. This effect was probably due to a combination of enhanced hydrophobic interactions preventing denaturation of the enzyme and interfacial activation of the enzyme.  This study generated an inorganic carrier material that is a promising candidate for biocatalysis applications. Additionally, mesoporous spheres were used as carriers of a model drug, Ibuprofen, to study the effect of polyelectrolyte multilayers on release properties. However, these layers were shown impermeable independent on pH and the substance was only released from uncoated particles. / <p>QC 20100811</p>

Scalar Waves In Spacetimes With Closed Timelike Curves

Bugdayci, Necmi 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The existence and -if exists- the nature of the solutions of the scalar wave equation in spacetimes with closed timelike curves are investigated. The general properties of the solutions on some class of spacetimes are obtained. Global monochromatic solutions of the scalar wave equation are obtained in flat wormholes of dimensions 2+1 and 3+1. The solutions are in the form of infinite series involving cylindirical and spherical wave functions and they are elucidated by the multiple scattering method. Explicit solutions for some limiting cases are illustrated as well. The results of 2+1 dimensions are verified by using numerical methods.

Testovani normalnosti dat genovich ekpresse / Normality test of the gene expression data

Shokirov, Bobosharif January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with a test of normality of gene expressions data. Based on characterization theorems of the normal distribution, the test of normality is replaced by a test of spherical uniformity. Due to strong correlations between the gene expression data, the normality test is conducted with $\delta$ sequences. A new characterization theorem of the normal distribution is proven. Based on that, the normality test is conducted using Kolmogorov's test statistic. The obtained characterization results for the normal distribution are extended to the complete type of distributions and based on that, a test is conducted to verify whether the distributions of the two data sets of the gene expressions belong to the same type. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Nanofluidique de solutions polymériques appliquées à la synthèse in situ d'oligosaccharides / L'auteur n'a pas fourni de titre en anglais

Rolland, David 20 January 2012 (has links)
Les biopuces connaissent un grand essor depuis quelques années avec des applications possibles pour l’ADN, les protéines et les oligosaccharides. Une puce à oligosaccharides présente des difficultés par rapport à une puce à ADN notamment par les contraintes en température et il existe moins de travaux dans ce domaine. Ce travail est donc consacré à l’étude d’une puce à oligosaccharide, par synthèse supportée et par masquage avec un film de polymère. Le procédé de fabrications est particulièrement détaillé.Nous étudions tout d’abord expérimentalement la formation d’un film de polymère obtenu par évaporation d’une goutte de solution polymérique sur une surface structurée chimiquement(zone de mouillabilité différente) en suivant son évolution transitoire. Nous montrons que ce type de surface hétérogène est particulièrement adapté pour la fabrication de biopuces.D’autre part, nous réalisons un modèle numérique de l’évaporation d’une goutte de solution polymérique sur une surface chauffée à partir de la méthode de la lubrification et d’un modèle de « hauteur de résine ». Les résultats expérimentaux et de simulation numérique sont comparés et montrent un bon accord qualitatif sur la forme des films de polymères résultant de l’évaporation.Dans ce travail, la synthèse supportée de biopuces à oligosaccharide est menée à bien en utilisant des polymères et des surfaces judicieusement choisies. En particulier, la technique de masquage par film de polymère se révèle être très bien adaptée pour protéger les oligomères à la fois à hautes et à très basses températures. / Biochips are experiencing recently a great success with possible applications for DNA,proteins and oligosaccharides. An oligosaccharide chip presents difficulties compared to aDNA chip because of the many temperature constraints and less work has been performed inthis area. This work is devoted to the study of a oligosaccharide chip fabricated par supportedsynthesis and protected with a polymer film. The manufacturing process is particularlydetailed.We first examine experimentally the formation of a polymer film obtained by evaporation of adrop of polymer solution on a chemically structured surface (zone of different wettability) byfollowing its transient evolution. We show that this type of heterogeneous surface isparticularly suitable for manufacturing biochips. On the other hand, we propose a numericalmodel of the evaporation of a drop of polymer solution on a heated surface using thelubrication method and a “height of resin”. The experimental results and numericalsimulations are compared and show good qualitative agreement on the shape of the polymerfilms obtained after evaporation.In this work, the supported synthesis of oligosaccharide microarrays was carried out usingpolymers and surfaces which have been carefully chosen in preliminary testing. In particular,the masking technique using polymer film turns out to be highly suitable for protectingoligomers at both high and very low temperatures.

Méthodes d'identification et de caractérisation de source de bruit en environnement réverbérant / Acoustic Source identification in bounded noisy environment

Braïkia, Yacine 11 September 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse à été financé par le projet LICORVE (Développement de garnitures légères, innovantes, recyclables et poly-sensorielles pour les applications de coffres de véhicule). Il consiste à développer une méthodologie de mesure pour localiser et caractériser les sources de bruit dans un coffre de voiture. L'environnement de mesure se caractérise par un petit volume où les réflexions de la source d'intérêt et des sources perturbatrices sur les parois ne peuvent être négligées. La méthode doit donc permettre de séparer les différents contributions pour estimer le plus précisément possible les sources étudiées (déconfinement). Dans un premier temps, deux méthodes de séparation : Double Layer SONAH (Statistically Optimal Near el Acoustical Holography) et Field Separation Method (FSM) sont étudiées numériquement. Les limites et avantages de chacune ont été déterminés dans un environnement de mesure confiné. Cela a permis de choisir la méthode la plus adaptée à notre problématique. Dans un deuxième temps les principales conclusions de l'étude numérique sont validées expérimentalement. Dans ce cadre, un ensemble de mesures sont réalisées dans une maquette avec la méthode FSM pour localiser et caractériser des sources maitrisées. Après avoir validée la fiabilité de la méthode de séparation, FSM a été mise en œuvre dans le coffre d'une Peugeot 508 sw en condition de roulement. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d'orienter le choix des garnitures pour un traitement acoustique optimal. / This thesis consists in developing, through the LICORVE project (light garnitures, innovative, recyclable and multi-sensorial for vehicle boots applications), a measurement method for localizing and characterizing noise sources in a vehicle trunk. The measuring environment is distinguished by a small volume where the reflections on the partitions generated by the source of interest and the interfering sources cannot be neglected. Therefore, the method must allow the separation of the different contributions in order to assess accurately the studied sources. As a first step, two separation methods : Double Layer SONAH (Statistically Optimized Near-Field Acoustical Holography) and Field Separation Method (FSM) are numerically studied. The limitations and advantages of each of them are determined in a confined measuring environment; this allowed to select the most appropriate method to tackle our problem. As a second step, the main conclusions of the numerical study are confirmed experimentally. In this context, measurements are performed, using the FSM method, in a trunk mock-up to localize and characterize the controlled sources. So confirmed the reliability of the separation method, it has been tested in the boot of a Peugeot 508 SW on a roller bench. The obtained results allowed guiding the selection of garniture for the acoustic treatment.

A característica de Euler

Justino, Gildeci José 24 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Clebson Anjos (clebson.leandro54@gmail.com) on 2015-05-18T18:12:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 13930019 bytes, checksum: d5e52fb67904848f89fafaf5ec93c06d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Clebson Anjos (clebson.leandro54@gmail.com) on 2015-05-18T18:15:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 13930019 bytes, checksum: d5e52fb67904848f89fafaf5ec93c06d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-18T18:15:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 13930019 bytes, checksum: d5e52fb67904848f89fafaf5ec93c06d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation is focused on the Euler's theorem for polyhedra homeomorphic to the sphere. Present statements made by Cauchy, Poincaré and Legendre. As a consequence we show that there are only ve regular convex polyhedra, called polyhedra Plato. / Esta dissertação tem como tema central o Teorema de Euler para poliedros homeomorfos à esfera. Apresentamos demonstrações feitas por Cauchy, Poincaré e Legendre. Como consequência mostramos a existência de apenas cinco poliedros convexos regulares, os chamados poliedros de Platão.

Poincaré duality in equivariant intersection theory / Poincaré duality in equivariant intersection theory

Gonzales Vilcarromero, Richard Paul 25 September 2017 (has links)
We study the Poincaré duality map from equivariant Chow cohomology to equivariant Chow groups in the case of torus actions on complete, possibly singular, varieties with isolated fixed points. Our main results yield criteria for the Poincaré duality map to become an isomorphism in this setting. The methods rely on the localization theorem for equivariant Chow cohomology and the notion of algebraic rational cell. We apply our results to complete spherical varieties and their generalizations. / En este artículo estudiamos el homomorfismo de dualidad de Poincaré, el cual relaciona cohomología de Chow equivariante y grupos de Chow equivariante en aquellos casos donde un toro algebraico actúa sobre una variedad singular compacta y con puntos fijos aislados. Nuestros resultados proporcionan criterios bajo los cuales el homomorfismo de dualidadde  Poincaré es un isomorfismo. Para ello, usamos el teorema de localización en cohomología de Chow equivariante y la noción de célula algebraica racional. Aplicamos nuestros resultados a las variedades esféricas compactas y sus generalizaciones.

Análise dinâmica não-linear de uma membrana hiperelástica esférica / Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a hyperelastic spherical membrane

Amaral, Pedro Felipe Tavares do 05 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T11:57:05Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Pedro Felipe Tavares do Amaral - 2018.pdf: 5863877 bytes, checksum: 084454dc18411f245114eb910cfa2474 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T13:20:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Pedro Felipe Tavares do Amaral - 2018.pdf: 5863877 bytes, checksum: 084454dc18411f245114eb910cfa2474 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-03T13:20:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Pedro Felipe Tavares do Amaral - 2018.pdf: 5863877 bytes, checksum: 084454dc18411f245114eb910cfa2474 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the present work, studies about the nonlinear static and dynamic behavior of a spherical membrane are presented. This membrane is composed by a hyperelastic, incompressible homogeneous and isotropic material, which is defined by either of the two distinct constitutive models: Mooney-Rivlin or the Neo-Hookean model. The equilibrium equations are obtained from the large-strain theory, by utilizing a variational formulation and by subjecting the membrane to an uniformly distributed internal radial pressure differential. From the nonlinear static analysis, internal membrane tensions and strains are obtained. From the dynamic analysis, the frequency-amplitude relation, the linear stability analysis, the time response, bifurcation diagrams, resonance curves and basins of attraction are obtained. As a first step, there is an analysis on a membrane composed by the same experimental material, which is described by the two different constitutive models presented in this work. It is observed that the dynamic responses are considerably distinct, due to the difference between the geometrical nonlinearities that each constitutive model insert on the equilibrium equation. The Neo-Hookean model has a lower pre-stretching limit, and its attraction basins are more eroded and irregular than the Mooney-Rivlin, that is still stable on regions of larger vibration amplitudes. Then, the influence of the Mooney-Rivlin parameter (α) is evaluated, and it is found that this parameter is the main source of the differences between the constitutive models, modifying the stability, nonlinear vibrations and also influencing on the loss or gain of the global rigidity of the membrane. / Neste trabalho são apresentados estudos dos comportamentos não lineares, estático e dinâmico, de uma membrana de geometria esférica composta por um material hiperelástico, incompressível, homogêneo e isotrópico definido por um entre esses dois modelos constitutivos: Mooney-Rivlin ou Neo-Hookeano. As equações de equilíbrio são obtidas a partir da teoria de grandes deformações, utilizando uma formulação variacional e considerando a membrana esférica submetida a uma pressão interna na direção radial uniformemente distribuída. A partir da análise não linear estática, encontram-se as tensões e as extensões radiais da membrana e da análise dinâmica obtêm-se as relações frequência-amplitude, a análise não linear da estabilidade, as respostas no tempo, os diagramas de bifurcação, as curvas de ressonância e as bacias de atração da membrana. Primeiramente, analisa-se a membrana composta por um mesmo material experimental e descrita pelos dois modelos hiperelásticos avaliados nesta dissertação. Observa-se que as respostas dinâmicas são consideravelmente distintas entre si devido à diferença entre as não linearidades geométricas que cada modelo constitutivo insere na equação de equilíbrio, sendo que o modelo Neo-Hookeano apresenta menor limite de pré-carregamento com bacias de atração mais erodidas e menos uniformes quando comparado ao modelo de Mooney-Rivlin, que ainda apresenta estabilidade em regiões de maior amplitude de vibração. Posteriormente, avalia-se a influência do parâmetro do material do tipo Mooney-Rivlin (α), que é a principal fonte das diferenças entre os modelos constitutivos, na estabilidade e nas vibrações não lineares da membrana esférica, observando-se que o parâmetro influência na perda ou no ganho de rigidez global do problema.

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