Spelling suggestions: "subject:"būtasis"" "subject:"contasis""
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William Shakespeare's Parable of "Is" and "Seems": Ironies of God's Providence in <i>Hamlet</i> and <i>Measure for Measure</i>Kelly, Joseph L. 01 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines Hamlet and Measure for Measure as related “problem plays.” In these plays, Shakespeare uniquely combines the genre of parable and the literary device of irony as a means to involve his audience in the experience of ordeal and deliverance that both reorients the protagonists’ personal, political, and ultimately theological assumptions and prompts spiritual insight in the spectator. As in a parable, a spiritual dimension opens subtly alongside each story to inform the play’s action and engage the spectator in the underlying theological discourse. Irony invites the audience to see the disparity between pretended or mistaken reality and the spiritual truth—between what “seems” and what “is.” As these complex dramatized parables unfold, potent tapestries of multilayered thematic irony coalesce into providential irony that exalts, rather than defeats, the protagonists and ultimately determines the outcome.
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Intuice a vakuum filmového obrazu / Intuition and vacuum of film imagingKrůček, Václav January 2020 (has links)
My PhD thesis explores impacts of the specific moments of film within the context of its ontological potential. It follows forms of intervention into stability and continuity of visual re-presentation, which may induce intuition of the new. The opening chapters are devoted to the image "in itself", presented as duration of a "self-modulating" shot, whose apparent stillness initiates (with participation of sound) the pressure of off-screen field. The relationship of visible and sensible is considered from this point as initiation of impulses and changes immanent to film recording, as examined in subsequent arguments. Presented shots in these cases not only fulfill its narrative function by means of pictorial representation, but act concurrently as movement of elementary structures in time, as Gilles Deleuze points out. Based on references to his reflections, the following chapters expand on topics that analyze factors, partaking in possible initiation of intuition: effects of sequential processes of difference and repetition in film images, their rhythm, duration, elementarization, refraction and disappearance. Sudden occurences and persistence of these processes are demonstrated in film examples, where intuition departs medium and unfolds reality beyond film.
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[pt] Nesta dissertação o conceito freudiano de pulsão é articulado com a teoria econômico-sexual de Reich. Sob a ótica deste autor a pulsão ganha uma nova leitura que permite rediscutir este conceito sob um viés orgânico-energético. Assim, Reich desenvolve a teoria da libido de Freud, buscando demonstrar que a libido frustrada em sua finalidade (estase libidinal) constitui a fonte de energia que alimenta as neuroses. Em relação à pulsão de morte, Reich argumenta contra a ideia de haver no ser vivo um impulso à morte e, por conseguinte, contra a noção de um masoquismo erógeno, uma autodestruição primária. Dessa forma, ao desconsiderar a primazia da pulsão de morte, o dualismo pulsional, na visão reichiana, também não se sustentaria. / [en] In this thesis the Freudian concept of drive is linked to Reich s sex-economy theory. From the perspective of this author the concept of drive (Trieb) acquires a new interpretation that allows to revisit this concept in an organic-energy view. Reich developed Freud s libido theory, seeking to demonstrate that a frustrated libido (libidinal stasis) is the source of energy supplying the neurosis. Regarding the death drive, Reich argues against the idea of a natural impetus to death and therefore against the notion of an erogenous masochism, a primary self-destruction. Thus, the Reichian vision disregards the primacy of the death drive and rejects the instinctual dualism.
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Subject-Specific Calculation of Left Atrial Appendage Blood-Borne Particle Residence Time Distribution in Atrial FibrillationSanatkhani, Soroosh, Nedios, Sotirios, Menon, Prahlad G., Bollmann, Andreas, Hindricks, Gerhard, Shroff, Sanjeev G. 30 March 2023 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia that leads to thrombus formation,
mostly in the left atrial appendage (LAA). The current standard of stratifying stroke
risk, based on the CHA2DS2-VASc score, does not consider LAA morphology, and
the clinically accepted LAA morphology-based classification is highly subjective. The
aim of this study was to determine whether LAA blood-borne particle residence
time distribution and the proposed quantitative index of LAA 3D geometry can add
independent information to the CHA2DS2-VASc score. Data were collected from 16 AF
subjects. Subject-specific measurements included left atrial (LA) and LAA 3D geometry
obtained by cardiac computed tomography, cardiac output, and heart rate.We quantified
3D LAA appearance in terms of a novel LAA appearance complexity index (LAA-ACI).
We employed computational fluid dynamics analysis and a systems-based approach
to quantify residence time distribution and associated calculated variable (LAA mean
residence time, tm) in each subject. The LAA-ACI captured the subject-specific LAA 3D
geometry in terms of a single number. LAA tm varied significantly within a given LAA
morphology as defined by the current subjectivemethod and it was not simply a reflection
of LAA geometry/appearance. In addition, LAA-ACI and LAA tm varied significantly for a
given CHA2DS2-VASc score, indicating that these two indices of stasis are not simply
a reflection of the subjects’ clinical status. We conclude that LAA-ACI and LAA tm add
independent information to the CHA2DS2-VASc score about stasis risk and thereby can
potentially enhance its ability to stratify stroke risk in AF patients.
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Redefining Choice: A Rhetorical Analysis of "The Feminist Case Against Abortion"Bentley, Katie 30 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Inneraristokratische asymmetrische Nahbeziehungen im antiken Griechenland / Studien zu Gesellschaft, Politik und patronalen Strukturen in archaischer und klassischer ZeitSicklinger, Frank 24 March 2022 (has links)
Asymmetrische Beziehungen im antiken Griechenland werden in der Literatur mit „Klientel“ oder „Patronage“ beschrieben. Dabei wird eine schichtübergreifende Asymmetrie vorausgesetzt, und diese Beziehungen werden vor allem als (instrumentelle) Austauschverhältnisse verstanden. Die Studie argumentiert, dass schichtübergreifende Bindungen auszuschließen sind, und untersucht stattdessen inneraristokratische asymmetrische Beziehungen im Hinblick auf performative, symbolische und instrumentelle Gehalte im Kontext einer stratifizierten Gesellschaftsordnung.
In performativer Hinsicht orientiert sich die Zulassung zur Oberschichteninteraktion an der gesellschaftlichen Differenzierung und reproduziert diese damit. Wer aus ökonomischen Gründen seinen Status verliert, wird aus den Verkehrskreisen der Oberschicht ausgeschlossen, umgekehrt finden Aufsteiger leicht Aufnahme in die Aristokratie. Dem entspricht in symbolischer Hinsicht, dass Nahbeziehungen wesentlich zur Statusmanifestation der Aristokraten beitragen und aus diesem Grunde angestrebt werden. Aufrichtigkeit, Offenheit und wechselseitige Unterstützung werden zwar erwartet, diese Erwartungen werden aber häufig enttäuscht. In instrumenteller Hinsicht wird die Unterstützung durch asymmetrische Beziehungen als wichtiger, aber nicht zwingend entscheidender Einflussfaktor gesehen. In archaischer Zeit konnten die Beziehungspartner die Tyrannisaspiranten im Kampf mit den Konkurrenten unterstützen und durch Agitation Einfluss auf den Demos nehmen. In der Klassik verlegte sich die agitatorische Unterstützung in Friedensphasen in die rechtlichen und politischen Institutionen, während im Kontext der Stasis auch gewaltsame Aktionen gegen die konkurrierenden Aristokraten zu den typischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten gehörten. Inneraristokratische asymmetrische Nahbeziehungen erscheinen damit als wesentliches Strukturmerkmal der stratifizierten Gesellschaft und der politischen Ordnung. / Asymmetrical relationships in ancient Greece are described in the literature as “clientage” or “patronage”. Thereby, a cross-class asymmetry is assumed, and these relations are understood primarily as (instrumental) exchange relations. This study argues that cross-class ties are to be excluded, and instead examines intra-aristocratic asymmetrical relations in terms of their performative, symbolic, and instrumental contents in the context of a stratified social order. In performative terms, admission to upper-class interaction is oriented toward and thus reproduces social differentiation. Those who lose their status for economic reasons are excluded from the intercourse circles of the upper class; conversely, upwardly mobile people easily find admission to the aristocracy. In symbolic terms, this corresponds to the fact that personal relationships contribute significantly to the aristocrats’ manifestation of status and are sought for this reason. Sincerity, openness, and mutual support are expected, but these expectations are often disappointed. In instrumental terms, support through asymmetrical relationships is seen as an important, but not necessarily decisive, influencing factor. In archaic times, relational partners could support the aspirants to tyranny in their struggle with rivals and influence the demos through agitation. In the classical period, agitational support shifted to legal and political institutions during periods of peace, while in the context of stasis, violent action against competing aristocrats was also among the typical uses. Intra-aristocratic asymmetrical relations thus appear as an essential structural feature of stratified society and the political order.
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Estado de causa: estudo e tradução do manual de Sulpitius Victor / Stasis: study and translation of Sulpitius Victor\'s handbookPustrelo, Matheus de Barros 04 April 2016 (has links)
Em nossa dissertação, estudamos o manual retórico de Sulpício Vítor, Institutiones Oratoriae. Nossa pesquisa é dividida em quatro partes. Na primeira, comentamos a bibliografia especializada que nos antecede, abordando questões importantes, como datação, ocorrência de alguns elementos retóricos e semelhança com outros manuais. Na segunda, comparamos os exemplos fornecidos por nosso autor com exercícios declamatórios, sobretudo os de Sêneca pai, mas também os de Calpúrnio Flaco e de Pseudo-Quintiliano. Na terceira, analisamos e explicamos a teoria dos estados de causa de Sulpício Vítor, comparando, sempre que possível, suas lições com as de outros textos. Na última, apresentamos uma tradução anotada para o português. / In our dissertation, we study Sulpitius Victors rhetoric handbook, Institutiones Oratoriae. Our research is divided into four parts. The first consists of a commentary to the specialized bibliography that precedes us, addressing important issues, such as dating, occurrence of some rhetorical elements and similarities with other handbooks. The second aims to compare examples given by our author with declamation exercises, especially those ones of Seneca the Elder, but also the ones of Calpurnius Flaccus and of Ps. Quintilian. The third is dedicated to the analysis and elucidation of Sulpitius Victors issue-theory, as we compare, whenever possible, his lessons with the ones of other texts. The last includes an annotated Portuguese translation.
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Sobre sofística e filosofia no platônico Siriano Filoxeno, \"o isocrático\" / About sophistry and philosophy in the Platonic Syrianus Philoxenus, \"the isocratic\"Sallum, Jorge Luiz Fahur 01 February 2013 (has links)
Apresentamos neste trabalho a tradução da primeira parte do Commentarium in Hermogenis librum PerÈ st.sewn, de Siriano Filoxeno, o isocrático. Na introdução procuramos circunscrever o gênero do comentário retórico às estases de Hermógenes, como praticado por filósofos platônicos durante os séculos III a VI d.C. Comisso pretendemos discorrer sobre como a sofística e a retórica se dão no currículo próprio das chamadas escolas filosóficas, que se evidencia pelo gênero encomiástico das vidas. Nessa operação, procuramos evidenciar como os filósofos platônicos interessam-se pela retórica declamatória, reaproximando os problemas que dizem respeito à invenção daqueles que concernem ao logos e a apreensão (kat.lhyic). Por fim, relativizamos, a partir da leitura do Comentário de Siriano, as categorias modernas que separam os filósofos platônicos da segunda sofística. / Here we present a translation of the rst part of the CommentariuminHermogenis librum PerÈ st^sewn, written by Syrianus Philoxenus, the isocratic. In the introduction we seek to circumscribe the rhetorical comment to stasis theory of Hermogenes a special kind of introductory work, as practiced by Platonic philosophers over the third to the sixth century. erewith, we intend to talk about how sophistry and rhetoric could happen in an curriculum, concerning the so called philosophical schools presented in the encomiastic gender of lifes. In this operation, we show how the Platonic philosophers rea>rm your interest in the declamatory rhetoric, reconnecting the problems that concern the invention (eÕresic) of those logos and his apprehension (kat^lhyic). Finally, from reading the Syrianus Commentary, we hope to relativize the modern categories that separate the Platonic philosophers from the Second Sophistic.
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Estado de causa: estudo e tradução do manual de Sulpitius Victor / Stasis: study and translation of Sulpitius Victor\'s handbookMatheus de Barros Pustrelo 04 April 2016 (has links)
Em nossa dissertação, estudamos o manual retórico de Sulpício Vítor, Institutiones Oratoriae. Nossa pesquisa é dividida em quatro partes. Na primeira, comentamos a bibliografia especializada que nos antecede, abordando questões importantes, como datação, ocorrência de alguns elementos retóricos e semelhança com outros manuais. Na segunda, comparamos os exemplos fornecidos por nosso autor com exercícios declamatórios, sobretudo os de Sêneca pai, mas também os de Calpúrnio Flaco e de Pseudo-Quintiliano. Na terceira, analisamos e explicamos a teoria dos estados de causa de Sulpício Vítor, comparando, sempre que possível, suas lições com as de outros textos. Na última, apresentamos uma tradução anotada para o português. / In our dissertation, we study Sulpitius Victors rhetoric handbook, Institutiones Oratoriae. Our research is divided into four parts. The first consists of a commentary to the specialized bibliography that precedes us, addressing important issues, such as dating, occurrence of some rhetorical elements and similarities with other handbooks. The second aims to compare examples given by our author with declamation exercises, especially those ones of Seneca the Elder, but also the ones of Calpurnius Flaccus and of Ps. Quintilian. The third is dedicated to the analysis and elucidation of Sulpitius Victors issue-theory, as we compare, whenever possible, his lessons with the ones of other texts. The last includes an annotated Portuguese translation.
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Sobre sofística e filosofia no platônico Siriano Filoxeno, \"o isocrático\" / About sophistry and philosophy in the Platonic Syrianus Philoxenus, \"the isocratic\"Jorge Luiz Fahur Sallum 01 February 2013 (has links)
Apresentamos neste trabalho a tradução da primeira parte do Commentarium in Hermogenis librum PerÈ st.sewn, de Siriano Filoxeno, o isocrático. Na introdução procuramos circunscrever o gênero do comentário retórico às estases de Hermógenes, como praticado por filósofos platônicos durante os séculos III a VI d.C. Comisso pretendemos discorrer sobre como a sofística e a retórica se dão no currículo próprio das chamadas escolas filosóficas, que se evidencia pelo gênero encomiástico das vidas. Nessa operação, procuramos evidenciar como os filósofos platônicos interessam-se pela retórica declamatória, reaproximando os problemas que dizem respeito à invenção daqueles que concernem ao logos e a apreensão (kat.lhyic). Por fim, relativizamos, a partir da leitura do Comentário de Siriano, as categorias modernas que separam os filósofos platônicos da segunda sofística. / Here we present a translation of the rst part of the CommentariuminHermogenis librum PerÈ st^sewn, written by Syrianus Philoxenus, the isocratic. In the introduction we seek to circumscribe the rhetorical comment to stasis theory of Hermogenes a special kind of introductory work, as practiced by Platonic philosophers over the third to the sixth century. erewith, we intend to talk about how sophistry and rhetoric could happen in an curriculum, concerning the so called philosophical schools presented in the encomiastic gender of lifes. In this operation, we show how the Platonic philosophers rea>rm your interest in the declamatory rhetoric, reconnecting the problems that concern the invention (eÕresic) of those logos and his apprehension (kat^lhyic). Finally, from reading the Syrianus Commentary, we hope to relativize the modern categories that separate the Platonic philosophers from the Second Sophistic.
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