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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Steel Sheet Applications and Integrated Heat Management

Ahmadi Moghadam, Parham January 2016 (has links)
Increasing energy use has caused many environmental problems including global warming. Energy use is growing rapidly in developing countries and surprisingly a remarkable portion of it is associated with consumed energy to keep the temperature comfortable inside the buildings. Therefore, identifying renewable technologies for cooling and heating is essential. This study introduced applications of steel sheets integrated into the buildings to save energy based on existing technologies. In addition, the proposed application was found to have a considerable chance of market success. Also, satisfying energy needs for space heating and cooling in a single room by using one of the selected applications in different Köppen climate classes was investigated to estimate which climates have a proper potential for benefiting from the application. This study included three independent parts and the results related to each part have been used in the next part. The first part recognizes six different technologies through literature review including Cool Roof, Solar Chimney, Steel Cladding of Building, Night Radiative Cooling, Elastomer Metal Absorber, and Solar Distillation. The second part evaluated the application of different technologies by gathering the experts’ ideas via performing a Delphi method. The results showed that the Solar Chimney has a proper chance for the market. The third part simulated both a solar chimney and a solar chimney with evaporation which were connected to a single well insulated room with a considerable thermal mass. The combination was simulated as a system to estimate the possibility of satisfying cooling needs and heating needs in different climate classes. A Trombe-wall was selected as a sample design for the Solar Chimney and was simulated in different climates. The results implied that the solar chimney had the capability of reducing the cooling needs more than 25% in all of the studied locations and 100% in some locations with dry or temperate climate such as Mashhad, Madrid, and Istanbul. It was also observed that the heating needs were satisfied more than 50% in all of the studied locations, even for the continental climate such as Stockholm and 100% in most locations with a dry climate. Therefore, the Solar Chimney reduces energy use, saves environment resources, and it is a cost effective application. Furthermore, it saves the equipment costs in many locations. All the results mentioned above make the solar chimney a very practical and attractive tool for a wide range of climates.

Estudio numérico y experimental de la interacción entre la chapa de acero y el hormigón para la mejora resistente de las losas mixtas frente al deslizamiento longitudinal.

Ferrer Ballester, Miquel 10 November 2005 (has links)
El fallo resistente de las losas mixtas se produce generalmente por el deslizamiento longitudinal entre la chapa nervada de acero y el hormigón. La dificultad de diseño de chapas para losas mixtas reside en asegurar su comportamiento efectivamente mixto; en diseñar sistemas de retención que consigan una elevada resistencia al deslizamiento longitudinal relativo entre acero y hormigón.Para cumplir las funciones encomendadas a la chapa, encofrado perdido y armadura de tracción, existen muchos tipos de diseño, creados sobre la base de la experiencia acumulada y cuya eficacia debe siempre ser evaluada empíricamente.Los actuales diseños de chapas incorporan un patrón de embuticiones que se repiten a lo largo de toda la longitud de la chapa. Su función es dificultar el deslizamiento longitudinal, análogamente al corrugado de las barras para el armado del hormigón, pero sus mecanismos resistentes son completamente distintos. En las losas mixtas, el efecto de cuña de las embuticiones transforma el deslizamiento en esfuerzos perpendiculares a la chapa que provocan su flexión transversal y, en algunos casos, la desconexión total.El ángulo de conformado que define los nervios de la losa, la posición de las embuticiones, su profundidad, longitud, etc., son algunos de los parámetros importantes de diseño, ya que contribuyen significativamente a bloquear el deslizamiento. El proceso de diseño y optimización de esta geometría, y también la comprobación de su eficacia, se realiza actualmente de forma completamente empírica. También los métodos de cálculo adoptados por las normativas de todo el mundo para el cálculo de losas mixtas, están basados en parámetros experimentales, obtenidos del ensayo de modelos estándar reducidos. Estos ensayos intentan reproducir, con mayor o menor fidelidad, las condiciones reales de funcionamiento.Esta tesis se enmarca en una línea de investigación destinada a mejorar la conexión entre el acero y el hormigón de los actuales sistemas e idear conceptos innovadores que, a más largo plazo, puedan significar la conexión total sin deslizamiento.Se han desarrollado dos actividades principales:- Experimental: ensayos reducidos de Pull-out y ensayos de flexión de losas completas según método normativo m-k, instrumentadas con galgas extensométricas.- Numérica: establecimiento de un procedimiento validado para la elaboración de modelos tridimensionales de elementos finitos. Simulación del fallo por deslizamiento y estudio paramétrico descriptivo.Con el objetivo general de aportar conocimiento y afianzar la comprensión del comportamiento mecánico de la losa mixta, la tesis aborda el estudio numérico y experimental del fallo por deslizamiento longitudinal, consiguiéndose las siguientes aportaciones particulares:- Procedimiento de simulación numérica local tridimensional y no-lineal del deslizamiento entre la chapa de acero y el hormigón, con el que se describe exactamente la mecánica de funcionamiento de algunos diseños existentes en el mercado.- Análisis del efecto que tienen distintos parámetros físicos y geométricos en la resistencia de la losa mixta frente al deslizamiento longitudinal: rozamiento, profundidad de embutición, longitud, posición, ángulo de conformado, espesor de la chapa, etc., mediante los modelos de elementos finitos.- Evaluación, mediante los modelos numéricos, del perfil de distribución de tensiones longitudinales en tracción simple, con el fin de cuantificar las sombras de tensión que provocan las embuticiones,- Evaluación de la influencia de las condiciones superficiales de la chapa durante el hormigonado en la resistencia al deslizamiento.- Evaluación de la uniformidad de distribución de esfuerzos rasantes transmitidos por las embuticiones. Las losas ensayadas a flexión se han instrumentado, en los tramos de luz rasante, con galgas extensométricas fijadas en varias secciones situadas a distintas distancias de los apoyos.- Recomendaciones generales de diseño. Aplicación al diseño del nuevo perfil "T80" y ensayo.El nuevo perfil "T80", ha sido ya producido en serie, comercializado y puesto en obra en edificios de gran altura, presentando resultados muy satisfactorios. / The resistant failure of composite slabs is generally due to longitudinal slip between the profiled steel sheet and concrete. The main goal when designing sheets for composite slabs, consists of ensuring its effective composite behaviour; conceiving retention systems that achieve higher longitudinal slip strengths.To carry out these functions entrusted to steel sheet, i.e. permanent formwork and traction reinforcement, lots of design types are available, created on the basis of prior experience and which effectiveness has to be evaluated empirically.Current sheet designs show a repeating embossments pattern all along the span. Its function is to inhibit the longitudinal slip in a similar way than the reinforcing bar corrugations for concrete; however, their resistant mechanisms are quite different. In the case of the composite slabs, the embossments wedge effect transforms the slip to normal efforts that produce the transversal bending of the sheet and, sometimes, the connection loss.The profiling shape that defines the ribs of the slab, the embossment locations, its depth, length, etc. are some of the main parameters that significantly contributes to lock the slip.Currently, the design and optimization processes for the geometry, and also the checking of its effectiveness, are just empirically evaluated.In the same way, also the composite slabs calculation methods adopted by all national and international standards are based on experimental parameters, obtained from the test of reduced specimens. These tests attempt to reproduce the real behaviour conditions.The framework of this thesis is a research line devoted to improve the longitudinal shear connection between steel and concrete of the current designs as well as conceive innovative concepts that might achieve the permanent connection.Two main activities have been developed:- Experimental: reduced Pull-out tests and standard m-k bending tests, with the use of strain gauges technology.- Numerical: state a validated procedure for making parametrical 3D non-linear finite elements models to simulate the failure micro-mechanics due to longitudinal slip. Within the global aim of improving the knowledge and to strengthen the comprehension of the micro-mechanical behaviour of the composite slabs, this thesis approach the numerical and experimental analysis of the longitudinal slip failure micro-mechanics, achieving the following particular contributions:- Stating a procedure for creating non-linear 3D finite elements models to simulate the slip between steel sheet and concrete, by which the failure mechanics of several existing designs has been exactly described and analysed.- Analysis of the shear strength dependency on several physical and geometrical parameters, such as: friction coefficient, embossment depth, length, location, profiling angle, sheet thickness, etc., by means of the above said FEM procedure.- Evaluation, by FEM, of the distribution of longitudinal stresses in simple traction, for quantifying the stress shadows due to embossments.- Effect of the sheet surface conditions, prior to setting the concrete, in the longitudinal shear strength.- Distribution analysis of the longitudinal shear forces transmitted by the embossments all along the shear span. Strain gauges have been bonded to the free steel surface of several composite slabs, in different locations along the shear span.- General design recommendations. Pre-design, optimization and test of the new "T80" open-rib profile.This new "T80" profile is being manufactured, commercialized, and used in many outstanding buildings and skyscrapers, showing very good results in comparison to other existing open-rib designs.

Influence de la fréquence de chargement sur la résistance à l'amorçage et la croissance des fissures de fatigue dans des aciers utilisés dans des applications mécaniques exigeantes / Influence of cycling frequency on fatigue strength and crack growth of engineering steels for demanding applications

Ouarabi, Mohand Ouramdane 25 May 2018 (has links)
Les essais de fatigue peuvent être effectués dans une gamme de fréquences similaire, mais les fréquences les plus élevés sont généralement préférables afin de réduire le temps de test et d'obtenir des résultats dans une période raisonnable. La question reste à savoir si un effet de fréquence existe. Cette étude traite de l'effet de la fréquence de chargement sur la résistance à l'amorçage et à la propagation des fissures sur 3 matériaux (M800HY, CP1000 et DP1180) utilisés dans le domaine automobile. Deux rapports de charge (R=-1 et 0.1) et cinq fréquences de chargement (25 Hz, 30 Hz, 150 Hz et 20 kHz) ont été étudiés. Tout d'abord, nous avons réalisé des calculs par élément finis en dynamique pour dimensionner les éprouvettes et calculer l'étendue du facteur d'intensité de contrainte durant la propagation de la fissure de fatigue. Ensuite, nous avons réalisé des essais d'amorçage et de propagation. Indépendamment de la fréquence de chargement,l'amorçage de la fissure de fatigue est toujours surfacique à cause des concentrations de contraintes dues au processus de laminage ou de l'électro-galvanisation. L'observation des faciès de rupture sur éprouvettes testées à 30 Hz et 20 kHz montre que le mode de propagation est transgranulaire avec quelques localisations de rupture intergranulaire ou par clivage sur la nuance DP1180. Les stries de propagations sont présentes sur les faciès d'éprouvettes M800HY et absentes sur les faciès des deux autres nuances. La nuance DP1180 présente une meilleure résistance à l'amorçage et à la propagation de la fissure de fatigue. Concernant l'effet de la fréquence de chargement, globalement l'amorçage de la fissure de fatigue est dépendante de la fréquence de chargement, par contre, la propagation est indépendante de la fréquence. / Fatigue tests can be performed in a similar frequency range, but the higherfrequencies are generally preferable to reduce the test time and obtain results within areasonable time. The question remains whether a frequency effect exists. This study dealswith the effect of the loading frequency on fatigue strength and crack growth of 3 steels(M800HY, CP1000 and DP1180) used in automotive industry. Two load ratios (R = -1 and0.1) and five load frequencies (25 Hz, 30 Hz, 150 Hz and 20 kHz) were studied. First, weperformed dynamics finite element method to calculate the dimensions of the specimens(to vibrate with a resonance at 20 kHz), and, the stress intensity range as a function of the length of crack. Then, we have done some test on fatigue crack initiation and propagation. Whatever the loading frequency, the initiation of the fatigue crack is always on the surfacebecause of the stress concentrations due to the rolling process or the electro-galvanization.The observation with SEM of fracture surface of the specimens tested at 30 Hz and 20 kHzshows that the mode of propagation is transgranular with some locations of intergranularfailure or by cleavage on DP1180 grade. The fatigue striation on fracture surface arepresent on the M800HY and absent on the other two materials. The grade DP1180 has abetter resistance to the initiation and propagation of the crack. Regarding the effect ofloading frequency, overall the initiation of the fatigue crack is dependent on the loadingfrequency, however, the propagation is independent of the loading frequency.

ヒステリシス特性を考慮した有限要素磁界解析の実用化に関する研究 / ヒステリシス トクセイ オ コウリョ シタ ユウゲン ヨウソ ジカイ カイセキ ノ ジツヨウカ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

北尾 純士, Junji Kitao 22 March 2017 (has links)
本論文では,鉄損算出精度向上を目的としたプレイモデルによるヒステリシス特性を考慮した磁界解析の実用化に向けて,ヒステリシスモデルのモデリング精度向上,計算機の記憶容量低減,有限要素磁界解析の計算時間削減に関する手法を提案した.さらに,ヒステリシス特性の考慮の有無が解析結果に与える影響を検討し,提案したヒステリシス特性を考慮した有限要素磁界解析の実用性を明らかにした. / In order to achieve the highly accurate analysis of an iron loss for electric machines, this paper proposes finite element magnetic field analyses taking account of the hysteretic property by using the play model. As a consequence, it is verified that the proposed method can accurately estimate an iron loss of a magnetic materials and decrease computational costs. Furthermore, this paper investigates the influence of the hysteretic property in finite element magnetic field analyses to demonstrate its effectiveness. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Проект малого предприятия ООО "STEGRA" : магистерская диссертация / Project of a small enterprise "STEGRA" LLC.

Шипицына, З. С., Муллаярова, Д. Р., Черных, А. Э., Гирник, П. Д., Shipitsyna, Z. S., Mullayarova, D. R., Chernykh, A. E., Girnik, P. D. January 2023 (has links)
Цель работы – создать организацию, которая занимается изготовлением картин из тонких стальных листов по авторским эскизам, а также по сюжетам знаменитых художников. Уникальные картины в технике «сталеграфика» станут превосходным украшением интерьера. Разработан проект предприятия с расчетом: – производственной программы; – необходимого оборудования и персонала; – материальных затрат на производство. Рассчитана себестоимость продукции. Приведена планировка производственного участка. Выбрана организационно-правовая форма предприятия и налоговый режим (УСН). Упрощенная система налогообложения для ООО — это вариант налогообложения для небольшого предприятия, который помогает снизить налоговое бремя и упростить бухгалтерский учет. Была выбрана такая система налогообложения, поскольку при помощи нее проще платить налоги, так же требуется минимум налоговой отчѐтности. / Stalegraphics is a type of fine art that combines graphics and monumentality. It is used as a decorative part of the interior or exterior. It is based on the tonal principle of painting, which divides the tone into three components: light, penumbra, shadow. The purpose of our work is to create an organization that produces paintings from thin steel sheets based on author's sketches, as well as on the plots of famous artists. Unique paintings in the technique of "stalegraphy" will be an excellent decoration of the interior. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, thirteen chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices. The volume of work is 283 pages, 33 applications, 54 graphic elements and 13 tables. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, shows the goals and objectives. The first chapter deals with the issue of paintings by certain authors and titles. The second chapter is devoted to the study of the market, the study of competitors, as well as pricing. The third chapter reflects the ways of promoting paintings. The fourth chapter presents the production program of the enterprise. The fifth chapter describes the technology of creating paintings using programs. In the sixth and seventh chapters, the technology of creating paintings and equipment was selected. The eighth chapter shows the technology of manufacturing metal panels on a laser machine, describes the inkjet processing. In the ninth chapter, the materials necessary for the production of paintings were selected. In chapter ten, the painting is analyzed and selected. In chapter eleven, the choice of premises was justified and the plan of the enterprise was presented. Chapter twelve demonstrates the economic feasibility of the project and the main economic indicators are calculated. The thirteenth chapter describes the purchase and storage of personal protective equipment. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn.

Karaktärisering av stålplåt : Metallografi och kemisk analys / Characterization of steel sheet : Metallography and chemical analysis

Petersson, Rickard, Nilsson, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Studien har genomförts på ett antal stålplåtar från olika kulturhistoriska byggnader. När kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader ska renoveras måste detta göras med så god kunskap som möjligt om byggnadens olika delar och de värden dessa representerar. Det problem som studien har ämnat att lösa har varit en bristande kunskap om historiska stålplåtar. Studien har därför utförts för att bidra med kunskap som kan användas när gamla byggnader ska renoveras.För att uppnå syftet att bidra med kunskap som kan vägleda renovering av kulturhistoriska byggnader har studiens mål varit att undersöka hur de olika plåtarna tillverkats och vilka resultat de processerna har fått.Detta har genomförts genom att utföra en metallografi på samtliga prover för att undersöka deras mikrostrukturer och få en förståelse för materialen. Även en kemisk analys av materialens innehåll har gjorts genom en optisk emissions spektroskopi.De resultat som hämtades från plåtarna visade hur stor skillnad det var mellan olika tillverkningsmetoder och deras konsekvenser. Genom att ha sett den mångfald av egenskaper som fanns bland plåtarna har slutsatserna dragits att det finns ett värde i att respektera de äldre materialen.Genom att vara medveten om att det kan finnas stora skillnader i materialen kan valet av plåt göras på ett bättre sätt. Under studiens gång blev det även uppenbart hur mycket historia som fanns lagrad i de gamla plåtarna som är viktig att ta vara på. / The study has been conducted on a number of steel plates from different buildings of cultural and historical value. When old, cultural buildings are to be renovated, it must be done with as much knowledge as possible about the different parts of the building and the values that they represent. The problem that the study has aimed to solve has been an inadequate level of knowledge in regards to historical steel plates. Because of this, the study has been conducted to contribute with knowledge that could be used when old buildings are to be renovated.To achieve the purpose of contributing knowledge to guide renovations of culturally and historically valuable buildings, the goal of the study has been to analyze how the different plates have been made and what the results of those processes were.This has been carried out by conducting a metallography on all of the samples to analyze their microstructures and to gain an understanding of the materials. A chemical analysis has also been conducted on the contents of the materials by using optical emission spectroscopy.The results showed how big of a difference there was between different manufacturing methods and their consequences. By discovering the diversity of the properties of the plates the conclusion has been drawn that there is value in respecting the values of the older materials.By being conscious of how large the difference is between different types of steel sheets, better decisions can be made during choice of steel sheet, and it is more obvious how much history that is stored within the old plates.

異常渦電流損を考慮したモータの鉄損予測手法に関する研究 / イジョウ ウズデンリュウソン オ コウリョ シタ モータ ノ テッソン ヨソク シュホウ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

吉岡 卓哉, Takuya Yoshioka 22 March 2020 (has links)
近年、自動車の電動化が加速しており、車両駆動を担うモータのさらなる効率向上が求められている。高効率モータ設計に向けて、主な損失の1つである鉄損予測の精度向上が求められている。本論文では、鉄損を構成する各種損失の中から、実用的なモデル化手法が確立していない、異常渦電流損に関して、磁気測定から影響を与える諸因子を検討した。また、得られた知見に基づき、モータ鉄損予測にあたり、実用的なモデルを開発した。 / In recent years, electrification of automobiles has accelerated, and further improvement in efficiency of motors that drive the vehicles is required. For high-efficiency motor design, it is important to improve the accuracy of iron loss estimation, which is one of the main losses in the motor. In this paper, we investigated influencing factors of excess loss, which is one element that consists iron loss and has not been established as practical estimating modeling, from the magnetic measurement. In addition, based on the obtained knowledge, a practical model was developed for motor iron loss estimation. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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