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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação microestrutural, cinética e mecânica do comportamento de pelotas auto-redutoras a base de resíduos de aciaria elétrica contendo zinco do processo Waelz. / Microstructural evaluation, kinetic and mechanical behavior of self reducing pellet electric steelmaking waste base containing zinc by Waelz process.

Leidy Julieth Hernández Buitrago 02 April 2018 (has links)
Durante a produção do aço a partir da fusão de sucatas em fornos elétricos a arco é gerado entre 10 e 20 kg de resíduos por cada tonelada de aço fundido constituídos por fumos e poeiras contendo óxidos principalmente de ferro, zinco, cálcio e chumbo, tornando-os altamente perigosos e tóxicos. Na procura de uma solução para mitigar problemas de descarte desses resíduos, propõe-se a aglomeração da poeira de aciaria elétrica (PAE) na forma de pelotas auto-redutoras. Essas últimas, são tratadas termicamente pelo processo Waelz o qual consiste em um forno rotativo, alimentado pelas pelotas, e que recupera o zinco por meio de reações metalúrgicas de redução e oxidação. No presente trabalho avaliou-se o comportamento cinético e mecânico bem como as mudanças microestruturais, através do planejamento fatorial fracionário de experimentos tipo 3III(4-2), variando aglomerante, redutor, temperatura e basicidade binária. As técnicas empregadas para caracterização foram: MEV, EDS, DRX, FRX, DTA-TG, análise C-N-H e análise granulométrica a laser. A PAE estudada apresenta 37, 50 % de ferro na forma de hematita e 19, 40 % de zinco na forma de zincita. A maior parte das partículas apresentaram uma morfologia esférica com tamanho aproximado de 1 ?m. Através do método de tempo reduzido foram testados os modelos: (i) modelo de reação química de interface-simetria esférica, (ii) modelo exponencial de reação contínua e (ii) modelo do núcleo não reagido; resultando em um comportamento cinético com a combinação dos dois primeiros modelos. Entre 800 e 950 °C, foi detectada a formação de agulhas de óxido de zinco com impurezas de cloretos e chumbo. Os estudos do comportamento mecânico, após os tratamentos térmicos, apontaram para todas as temperaturas, um melhor comportamento no caso das pelotas aglomeradas com xarope de glicose e Ca(OH)2. / Steel production from scrap melting in electric arc furnaces, generates about 10 to 20 kg of waste per metric ton of molten steel, which are composed by fumes and dust containing mainly oxides of iron, zinc, calcium and lead. Thus, these residues are highly dangerous and toxic. To find ecofriendly solutions and mitigate problems of the solid waste, it was proposed to agglomerate electric steel dust (PAE) in the form of self-reducing pellets. The latter are thermally treated by the Waelz process, which consists of a rotary kiln fed by the pellets, recovering the zinc by means of reduction and oxidation metallurgical reactions. In this study, kinetic and mechanical behavior, as well as microstructural changes, were evaluated by fractional factorial design of type 3III experiments (4-2), varying: binder, reducer, temperature and binary basicity. Chemical and microstructural characterization were performed using: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction XRD, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (FRX), differential thermal analysis/thermogravimetric (DTA/TG), elemental analysis C-N-H and laser granulometric analysis. The PAE studied presented 37. 50 % of iron in the form of hematite and 19. 40 % of zinc in the form of zincite. Most of the particles showed a spherical morphology of ~1 ?m in size. Using the time-reduced method, the following models were tested: (i) spherical interface-symmetry reaction model; (ii) exponential continuous reaction model; and (ii) unreacted core model. The results obtained showed a kinetic behavior with the combination of the first two models. At 800 and 950 °C the formation of zinc oxide needles was observed, in which was detected chloride and lead impurities. Mechanical behavior studies after the heat treatments showed that the pellets agglomerated with glucose syrup and Ca(OH)2 presented the best behavior at all temperatures.

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

Viabilidade de projetos de investimento em equipamentos com tecnologia avançada de manufatura: estudo de múltiplos casos na siderurgia brasileira. / Investment projects feasibility in equipment with advanced manufaturing technology: multiple cases study in the Brazilian siderurgy.

Carlos Shinoda 26 March 2008 (has links)
Esta tese busca, de início, pesquisar comparativamente, com a abrangência possível, os métodos e processos pelos quais as empresas componentes do setor siderúrgico nacional avaliam - sob o ponto de vista da viabililidade - a tomada de suas decisões relativamente a seus peculiares e vultosos investimentos em equipamentos de tecnologia avançada de manufatura. Revisita primária e metodologicamente amplo repertório de métodos de avaliação consagrados pela prática e pela literatura, tendo como cenário o setor em referência representado pelas várias modalidades industriais que o suportam. A pesquisa é realizada com base no estudo de múltiplos casos realizados em grandes empresas siderúrgicas, a partir de visitas a suas instalações e entrevistas com seus especialistas de análise de viabilidade de projetos de investimento. Ao final, oferece modelo de avaliação a ser adotado complementarmente aos critérios utilizados pelo setor em referência, a partir das observações e discussões efetuadas em campo. / This thesis initially seeks to search, in a comparative basis and with the permissible largeness, the methods and procedures through which the companies comprising the national siderurgic sector appraise their decisions referring to their peculiar and huge investments in AMT equipments, under a feasibility point of view. A primary review is made, in a comparative way, of a large well known evaluation methods repertoire, in a background at which act the various concerned industrial modalities. The search is accomplished based on the study of multiple cases realized at big siderurgic companies, by visiting their installations and by interviewing their specialists in investment feasibility project analysis. Eventually offers an evaluation model to be adopted by this sector, based upon the observation and discussions made in the related field research.

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

Tekno-ekonomisk analys av CO2-avskiljning implementerat i ett DRI-system / Techno-economic analysis of carbon capture implemented in a DRI system

Göransson, Alyssa January 2024 (has links)
År 2022 stod järn- och stålindustrin för ca 12,5% av Sveriges totala CO2-utsläpp, där den främsta utsläppskällan är reduktion av järnmalm i masugn. En attraktiv väg för att minska utsläppen från masugnen är att ersätta denna med direktreduktion med vätgas för att producera järnsvamp, som sedan kan smältas i en ljusbågsugn. Denna teknik har potentialen att minska CO2-utsläppen med upp till 98% jämfört med masugnsprocessen. För att minska utsläppen ytterligare kan tekniker för CO2-avskiljning implementeras.  Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur CO2-avskiljning kan implementeras i ett system som använder direktreduktion med vätgas, samt smältning av järnsvamp i ljusbågsugn. Målen med arbetet har varit att formulera ett processkoncept för detta system, för att sedan modellera denna process och utföra en tekno-ekonomisk analys. Arbetets frågeställningar har varit ifall det var mer fördelaktigt med hög eller låg CO2-halt i rökgaserna, ifall ett uppkolningssteg är mer fördelaktigt än uppkolning i ljusbågsugnen, samt ifall den avskilda koldioxiden bör lagras eller återanvändas i processen. En ytterligare frågeställning var även hur lönsamheten av CO2-avskiljning påverkas med avseende på kostnad för utsläppsrättigheter för CO2.  Systemets omfattning sträckte sig från direktreduktionsschaktet till uppvärmningsugnen innan valsning. De CO2-innehållande rökgaserna från de olika processtegen skickades in i en kalciumloopingenhet, som var den valda tekniken för CO2-avskiljning. Ett basfall utan CO2-avskiljning samt åtta scenarion med CO2-avskiljning ställdes upp baserat på frågeställningarna, där dessa sedan modellerades i Microsoft Excel. Resultaten från modellen utvärderades utifrån energirelaterade och ekonomiska prestandaindikatorer där alla scenarion jämfördes mot varandra, samt mot basfallet. Resultaten från arbetet visade att CO2-avskiljning med kalciumlooping kan minska CO2-utsläppen från detta system med 90-91%. Energianvändningen ökade för alla fall som använder CO2-avskiljning, där den lägsta ökningen jämfört med referensfallet var med 4% och den högsta med 40%. Alla scenarion medförde ökade kostnader för systemet jämfört med basfallet. Det scenario där endast koldioxidavskiljning adderades hade lägst kostnad av dessa fall. Detta scenario medförde en ökad produktionskostnad på 240 SEK/ton stål och det skulle krävas en kostnad för utsläppsrätter på 2200 SEK/ton CO2 för att investeringen ska uppnå en återbetalningstid på 25 år.  Utifrån analysen av arbetets olika scenarion, är det mest fördelaktigt att endast addera kalciumloopingtekniken på den befintliga processen. Att stänga ugnarna är fördelaktigt ur ett energiperspektiv, men blir kostsamt ekonomiskt. Därför kan detta vara ett bra alternativ om en ny anläggning ska byggas att då bygga ugnarna stängda. Ett separat uppkolningssteg kan vara ett alternativ för att uppkolning i ljusbågsugnen, men medför både ökad energianvändning samt ökade kostnader. Metanisering visade sig inte vara fördelaktigt utifrån ett ekonomiskt och energiperspektiv på grund av det stora elbehovet som detta medför, dock ger återanvändning av CO2 stora möjligheter till recirkulering av kol i processen vilket gör att upp till 92% av kolbehovet kan täckas av återanvänt kol. / In 2022, the iron and steel industry accounted for approximately 12.5% of Sweden's total CO2 emissions, with the primary source of emissions being the reduction of iron ore in a blast furnace. An attractive way to reduce emissions from the blast furnace is to replace it with direct reduction using hydrogen to produce direct reduced iron, which can then be melted in an electric arc furnace. This technology has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 98% compared to the blast furnace process. To further reduce emissions, carbon capture technologies can be implemented. The purpose of this work is to investigate how carbon capture can be implemented in a system that uses hydrogen direct reduction and melting of direct reduced iron in an electric arc furnace. The objectives of this work were to formulate a process concept for this system, then model this process and perform a techno-economic analysis. The research questions addressed whether it was more advantageous to have a high or low CO2 concentration in the flue gases, whether a separate carburizing step was more advantageous than carburizing the steel in the electric arc furnace, and whether the captured CO2 should be stored or reused in the process. An additional research question was how the profitability of carbon capture is affected by the cost of CO2 emission allowances. The scope of the system extended from the direct reduction shaft to the reheating furnace before rolling. The CO2 containing flue gases from the various process steps were fed into a calcium looping unit, which was the chosen technology for carbon capture. One base case without carbon capture and eight scenarios with carbon capture were set up based on the research questions, and these were then modeled in Microsoft Excel. The results from the model were evaluated based on energy-related and economic performance indicators, with all scenarios compared against each other and against the base case. The results of this work showed that carbon capture with calcium looping can reduce CO2 emissions from this system by 90-91%. Energy demand increased for all cases using carbon capture, with the lowest increase compared to the reference case being 4% and the highest 40%. All scenarios resulted in increased costs for the system compared to the base case. The scenario where only carbon capture was added had the lowest cost among these cases. This scenario resulted in an increased production cost of 240 SEK/ton of steel, and a CO2 emission allowance cost of 2200 SEK/ton CO2 would be required for the investment to achieve a payback time of 25 years. Based on the analysis of the various scenarios, it is most advantageous to only add the calcium looping technology to the existing process. Closing the furnaces is advantageous from an energy perspective but becomes costly economically. Therefore, this could be a good option if a new plant is to be built, as the furnaces could then be built closed. A separate carburizing step could be an alternative to carburizing in the electric arc furnace, but it entails both increased energy demand and higher costs. Methanation proved not to be advantageous from an economic and energy perspective due to the large electricity demand it entails, but the reuse of CO2 offers great possibilities for carbon recycling in the process, which means that up to 92% of the carbon demand can be covered by reused carbon.

Investigations on the Oxidation of Iron-chromium and Iron-vanadium Molten Alloys

Wang, Haijuan January 2010 (has links)
With the progress of high alloy steelmaking processes, it is essential to minimize the loss of valuable metals, like chromium and vanadium during the decarburization process, from both economic as well as environmental view points. One unique technique to realize this aim, used in the present work, is the decarburization of high alloy steel grades using oxygen with CO2 in order to reduce the partial pressure of oxygen. In the present work, the investigation on the oxidation of iron-chromium and iron-vanadium molten alloys under CO2-O2 mixtures was carried out and presented in this dissertation. For oxidation study on Fe-Cr molten alloy with CO2-O2 mixtures, on the basis of thermodynamic analysis, energy balance calculation and modeling results, experimental validation in laboratory was carried out, and later on, the oxidation kinetics of Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-C melts under controlled partial pressure of oxygen was investigated. Thermodynamics calculation and energy balance estimation demonstrated that, it is possible to use CO2 or CO2-O2 mixtures as decarburizers during EAF process and high initial carbon contents in the steel can be adopted at the beginning in order to reduce the cost. A generic model has been developed to describe the overall process kinetics prevailing in metallurgical reactors containing liquid metal and gas bubbles. This model is general and can be extended further to consider any gas liquid reactions in any chemical engineering reactor, and especially the metallurgical ones, like AOD. In the present dissertation, the model is applied in predicting the evolution of Cr and C contents in a Fe-C-Cr melt during injection of different O2-CO2 mixtures. The related simulation results illustrated that CO2 is efficient in Cr retention. In order to verify the modeling results, 1kg induction furnace experiments were carried out in the present laboratory. The results indicated that the predictions of the model are in good agreement with the experimental results. Meanwhile, the experimental results indicated that the Cr-losses can be significantly lowered by replacing the oxygen with CO2 in the injected gas, specifically for Fe-Cr-C melts with carbon levels higher than about 0.8 mass%. Subsequently, the oxidation kinetics of Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-C melts was investigated under different CO2-O2 mixtures. It is indicated that, the oxidation rate is controlled by the chemical reaction at the initial stage and the reaction rate can be expressed as  at the Cr range of 11-21 mass% in the Fe-Cr melt. For oxidation study on Fe-V liquid alloy, the investigation of the oxidation kinetics was carried out under CO2-O2 mixtures, which is followed by the study on thermodynamic properties of vanadium containing slags. During oxidation of Fe-V melt, in the case of alloys with vanadium contents exceeding 10 mass%, there exists an incubation period before the chemical reactions prevail the process. In addition, the ‘incubation time’ increased with the increase of temperature and the vanadium content, whereas it decreased with the increase of oxygen partial pressure in the oxidant gas. High-temperature mass spectrometric method was used to determine the activity of the vanadium oxide in CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-V2O3 slags, whereas, the oxidation states of vanadium in the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-VOxslag system was studied by XANES method. The results indicated that, higher basicities stabilize higher vanadium oxidation state, whereas, higher temperature stabilizes lower vanadium oxidation state. The present work, which was carried out within the ECO-STEELMAKING project funded by MISTRA via Jernkontoret is expected to lead to implementation of some modifications in high alloy steel production based on fundamental concepts towards more environment-friendly steel processing. / <p>QC20100628</p>

Modélisation systémique des filières sidérurgiques en vue de leur optimisation énergétique et environnementale / Systems modeling of steelmaking routes for energetic and environmental optimization

Afanga, Khalid 19 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur la modélisation mathématique des principaux procédés sidérurgiques en suivant une approche systémique. L’objectif est d’élaborer un outil de modélisation de l’ensemble de la filière destiné à l’optimiser du point de vue énergétique et environnemental. Nous avons développé des modèles physico-chimiques du haut fourneau, de la cokerie, de l’agglomération et du convertisseur. Ces modèles ont ensuite été reliés entre eux sous forme d’un diagramme de flux unique en utilisant le logiciel ASPEN Plus. Dans une première partie, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés au haut fourneau à recyclage, une variante innovante du haut fourneau dans laquelle les gaz de gueulard sont recyclés et réinjectés aux tuyères après capture du CO2. Nous avons testé une réinjection à un niveau (aux tuyères) et à deux niveaux (tuyères et ventre). Les résultats ont été comparés avec succès à des données expérimentales issues d’un réacteur pilote et montrent que le recyclage permet une baisse de plus de 20 % des émissions de CO2 du haut fourneau. Le recyclage à deux niveaux ne semble pas plus performant que celui à un seul niveau. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons simulé le fonctionnement d’une usine sidérurgique intégrée dans son ensemble. Différentes configurations ont été testées, pour un haut fourneau classique ou un haut fourneau à recyclage, en considérant un éventuel recyclage du laitier de convertisseur à l’agglomération, et en étudiant l’influence de la teneur en silicium de la fonte sur toute la filière. On montre notamment qu’il est possible de réduire le prix de revient de la tonne d’acier en substituant et recyclant différents sous-produits / This research study deals with mathematical modeling of the main steelmaking processes following a systems approach. The objective was to build a modeling tool of the whole steelmaking route devoted to its energetic and environmental optimization. We developed physical-chemical models for the blast furnace, the coke oven, the sintering plant and the basic oxygen furnace. These models were then linked together in a single flow sheet using the ASPEN Plus software. First, we focused on the top gas recycling blast furnace, a novel variant of the blast furnace in which the top gas is recycled and re-injected into the tuyeres after CO2 removal and capture. We tested both a reinjection at one level (tuyeres only) and at two levels (tuyeres and shaft). The results were successfully compared with experimental data from a pilot reactor and demonstrate that recycling can lower the blast furnace CO2 emissions by more than 20%. Recycling at two levels does not seem more efficient than at a single level. Second, we simulated the operation of an entire integrated steelmaking plant. Different configurations were tested, using a conventional blast furnace or a top gas recycling blast furnace, considering a possible recycling of the converter slag to the sintering plant, and studying the influence of Si content in the hot metal on the entire steelmaking plant operation. We show that it is possible to reduce the cost of producing steel by substituting and recycling various by-products

Využití některých velkoobjemově produkovaných druhotných surovin k přípravě pojiv a kompozitů na bázi geopolymerů / Utilization of some massive produced byproducts for preparation of geopolymer based binders and composites

Eckl, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
Preparation of geopolymer composites from industrial wastes of energy power stations and metalurgy.

Conditions for Industrial Symbiosis surrounding a hydrogen based steel industry / Förutsättningar för industriell symbios kring en vätebaserad stålindustri

Nylund, Erland January 2023 (has links)
There is an ongoing transition to a more sustainable industry with lower climate impact. As part of this transition, the steel industry is expected to move from the conventional process for producing iron and steel using Blast Furnace (BF) and Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) processes, consuming large amounts of fossil fuels. In Sweden, transition to an alternative process route using Hydrogen Direct Reduction of Iron (H DRI) combined with electric arc furnace s (EAFs) is underway. Large H DRI based steel industries are being established and are expected to produce significant volumes of residues. According to the principles of circular economy, these residues should be valorised as products or raw materials to as large an extent as possible. Industrial Symbiosis is a method for increasing industrial circularity by promoting transactions of information and residues to- provide economic and environmental synergies in a network of industry actors. There are existing industrial networks for valorising residues from the traditional iron and steel industry. Notably, large amounts of BF slags are used as a Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCMs) or raw material in cement production. However, there is a lack of research into how these existing networks can manage the residues produced in the new H DRI and EAF based process. There is also a need to better understand to what extent EAF slags can replace BF and BOF slags in valuable applications such as SCM or cement production. Research into these issues is complicated by the fact that no commercially operating HDRI based steel industries exist at present. Therefore, an exploratory and qualitative research approach was chosen to investigate the knowledge and current conditions in a region where such an industry is being established. A case study was conducted to investigate the industrial network surrounding an emerging steel industry that will use H DRI and EAF processes. A theoretical framework was constructed to assess conditions for the development of an Industrial Symbiosis Network (ISN) in such an industry. Social as well as technological conditions important for ISN development were identified.  The growing network of recyclers, metal industries and other actors surrounding the planned steel plant of H2 Green Steel (H2GS) in Boden was chosen as case. Potential ISN participants were identified and participated in four focus group workshops and ten in depth interviews. An overview of expected residues from H2GS was compiled, together with a list of potential methods for valorisation. The Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) of these valorisation processes were assessed, and the social conditions for ISN development were investigated. There seems to be an existing ISN kernel already forming among recyclers and waste management actors surrounding H2GS. Social networks and an exchange of experiences are in place, and technological and economic barriers are perceived as the main obstacles to efficient residue management. The presence of traditional iron and steel industries in the region seems to be a clear benefit to ISN development. Most of the residues originating in the planned H2GS plant are well known and similar to those produced by other steelmakers, except for the large volumes. However, valorisation of EAF slags is a significant challenge. The most mature technology valorising EAF slags as rocky materials in construction seems unlikely to be able to valorise large volumes of EAF slags in the long run. EAF slags has potential as an SCM material or as raw material for cement production. However, these applications require further refining using technologies that are not yet mature. When the development trajectory of these immature technologies can be predicted, the ISN participants can adjust and prepare for the opp ortunities they create. Some valorisation technologies would bring great ISN advantages by improving diversity of inputs and outputs. However, when development trajectories are unpredictable, ISN development is blocked. / Det pågår en omställning till en mer hållbar industri med lägre klimatavtryck. Som en del i denna omställning förväntas stålindustrin röra sig i väg från den konventionella framställningsprocessen för järn och stål som använder masugn och syrgaskonverter där stora mängder fossila bränslen förbrukas. I Sverige pågår en omställning till en alternativ processväg där direktreduktion med vätgas används tillsammans med ljusbågsugnar. Stora industrier baserade på direktreduktion med vätgas håller på att etablera sig och förväntas producera stora mängder restprodukter. Enligt principerna för cirkulär ekonomi bör dessa restprodukter användas som produkter eller råmaterial för andra processer i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Industriell symbios är en metod för att förbättra industrins cirkularitet genom att främja utbyten av information och restprodukter som kan skapa ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar i ett industrinätverk. Det finns existerande industrinätverk för att använda restprodukter från den traditionella järn- och stålindustrin. Särskilt relevant är att stora mängder masugnsslagg används som alternativa cementmaterial eller som insatsvara i cementproduktion. Det finns dock en brist på forskning om hur sådana nätverk kan hantera restprodukterna från den nya processkedjan med vätgasreduktion och ljusbågsugn. Vidare finns ett behov av att förstå i vilken utsträckning ljusbågsugnsslagg kan ersätta masugnsslagg och konverterslagg i tillämpningar som cementproduktion eller produktion av alternativa cementmaterial. Forskning om dessa ämnen försvåras av att det ännu inte finns någon aktiv stålindustri i storskalig kommersiell drift som använder sig av vätgasreduktion och ljusbågsugnsprocesserna. Därför valdes en utforskande och kvalitativ forskningsdesign för att undersöka kunskapen och de nuvarande förutsättningarna i en region där en sådan industri håller på att etableras. En fallstudie genomfördes för att undersöka industrinätverket kring en framväxande stålindustri som kommer att använda vätgasreduktion och ljusbågsugn. Ett teoretiskt ramverk konstruerades för att bättre bedöma förutsättningarna för industriella symbiosnätverk att växa fram i en sådan industri. Sociala så väl som tekniska omständigheter som påverkar nätverkets framväxt identifierades. Det framväxande nätverket av återvinnare, metallindustrier och andra aktörer runt H2 Green Steels planerade stålverk i Boden valdes som fallstudie. Potentiella nätverksdeltagare identifierades och deltog i fyra fokusgruppworkshops samt tio djupintervjuer. En sammanställning av förväntade restmaterial från H2GS sammanställdes tillsammans med en lista över möjliga metoder för att nyttja dessa. Den tekniska färdighetsnivån (TRL-nivån) hos dessa nyttjandealternativ bedömdes och de sociala förutsättningarna för ett industriellt nätverk att växa fram undersöktes. Ett frö till symbiosnätverk verkar redan formas bland återvinnare och restmaterialhanterare runt H2GS. Sociala nätverk och utbyten av erfarenheter finns, och tekniska och ekonomiska barriärer ses som de största hindren för effektiv restmaterialhantering. Närvaron av traditionella järn- och stålindustrier verkar vara en tydlig fördel för framväxten av ett symbiosnätverk. De flesta av restprodukterna som förväntas från den planerade H2GS anläggningen är väl kända och lika de som produceras av andra stålverk, förutom att de kommer produceras i större volymer. Nyttjande av ljusbågsugnsslagg är dock en betydande utmaning Den mest mogna nyttjandemetoden för denna slagg är att använda den som ett stenmaterial i byggnadstillämpningar. Det verkar dock osannolikt att denna metod skulle kunna hitta avsättning för de stora mängderna ljusbågsslagg som väntas på lång sikt. Ljusbågsugnsslagg har potential som ett alternativt cementmaterial eller som insatsvara i cementproduktion. Dessa tillämpningar kräver dock vidare förädling av slaggen med hjälp av tekniker som inte är mogna ännu. När utvecklingsbanan för dessa tekniker kan förutsägas kan nätverksdeltagarna anpassa sig och förbereda för de möjligheter de skapar. Vissa nyttjandemetoder skulle ge stora symbiosfördelar till nätverket genom att öka mångfalden av insatsvaror och produkter som är möjliga. När utvecklingsbanorna inte går att förutsäga blockeras dock symbiosnätverkets utveckling.

Usage of Natural Gas in Modern Steel-making : A Financial and Environmental Evaluation of Available Steel-making Technology in Sweden

Wadbrant, William January 2020 (has links)
A method of producing steel that is not used in Sweden today is direct reduction using natural gas, a method which could has enormous potential in the future of steelmaking. Historically, steelmaking prioritized productivity and profitability. However, other aspects such as safety, sustainability, and environmentally friendliness have become increasingly important to Swedish steelmakers. This study evaluates the usage of natural gas to  directly reduce iron ore into the porous form known as iron sponge, then finally processing that sponge into crude steel. The technology available today is assessed through a literature review, then two calculative data-based model: using DRI sponge in a traditional integrated steelmaking line or replacing steel scrap with it in an electric arc furnace. While this technology is used in many regions where natural gas is plentiful, it has not yet been used in Sweden. Now, when the Swedish natural gas network is expanding and the vehicular transportation of liquid natural gas is becoming more and more viable, it is a prime situation to evaluate direct reduction in Sweden. While models require assumptions and estimations, they suggest that DRI will absolutely be a viable option in the years to come. Integrated plant operators can reduce their immense carbon emissions for a reasonable price, while DRI sponge melting in an electrical arc furnace can either help steelmakers escape the volatile scrap market or be used to replace the blast furnace as a whole in the future. / En metod för att producera stål som inte används i Sverige idag är direkt reduktion med hjälp av naturgas, en metod som har en enorm potential i framtida ståltillverkning. Historiskt har ståltillverkningen prioriterat produktivitet och vinst, men säkerhet, hållbarhet, och miljövänlighet har blivit områden mer och mer viktiga för svenska ståltillverkare. Den här studien utvärderar användningen av naturgas för att direkt reducera järnmalm till den porösa formen känd som järnsvamp, och sen bearbeta den till primärt stål. Teknologin som flnns idag utvärderas genom en litteraturstudie, vars data beräknas till två scenariomodeller: användningen av järnsvamp i ett traditionellt integrerat stålverk eller genom att ersätta stålskrot med järnsvamp i ljusbågsungen. Den här teknologin används redan idag i regioner där naturgas är lättillgängligt, men har hittills inte använts i Sverige. Men nu när Sveriges naturgasnät byggs ut och fordonstransporterad flytande naturgas blir mer och mer kostnadseffektiv så är det lämpligt att utvärdera direkt reduktion i Sverige. Modellerna kräver antaganden och uppskattningar, men de pekar på att direkt reducering av järnmalm kommer att vara en genomförbar metod för ståltillverkning i en nära framtid. Integrerade masugnslinjer kan minska sina enorma koldioxidutsläpp till ett rimligt pris, och järnsvampssmältning i ljusbågsugn kan hjälpa ståltillverkare att undanfly den instabila stålskrotsmarknaden eller användas för att helt ersätta masugnsproduktion i framtiden.

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