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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

algorithmes de big data adaptés aux réseaux véhiculaires pour modélisation de comportement de conducteur / big data algorithms adapted to vehicular networks for driver's behavior modeling

Bourdy, Emilien 03 December 2018 (has links)
Les technologies Big Data gagnent de plus en plus d’attentions de communautés de recherches variées, surtout depuis que les données deviennent si volumineuses, qu’elles posent de réels problèmes, et que leurs traitements ne sont maintenant possibles que grâce aux grandes capacités de calculs des équipements actuels. De plus, les réseaux véhiculaires, aussi appelés VANET pour Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, se développent considérablement et ils constituent une part de plus en plus importante du marché du véhicule. La topologie de ces réseaux en constante évolution est accompagnée par des données massives venant d’un volume croissant de véhicules connectés.Dans cette thèse, nous discutons dans notre première contribution des problèmes engendrés par la croissance rapide des VANET, et nous étudions l’adaptation des technologies liées aux Big Data pour les VANET. Ainsi, pour chaque étape clé du Big Data, nous posons le problème des VANET.Notre seconde contribution est l’extraction des caractéristiques liées aux VANET afin d’obtenir des données provenant de ceux-ci. Pour ce faire, nous discutons de comment établir des scénarios de tests, et comment émuler un environnement afin, dans un premier temps, de tester une implémentation dans un environnement contrôlé, avant de pouvoir effectuer des tests dans un environnement réel, afin d’obtenir de vraies données provenant des VANET.Pour notre troisième contribution, nous proposons une approche originale de la modélisation du comportement de conducteur. Cette approche est basée sur un algorithme permettant d’extraire des représentants d’une population, appelés exemplaires, en utilisant un concept de densité locale dans un voisinage. / Big Data is gaining lots of attentions from various research communities as massive data are becoming real issues and processing such data is now possible thanks to available high-computation capacity of today’s equipment. In the meanwhile, it is also the beginning of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) era. Connected vehicles are being manufactured and will become an important part of vehicle market. Topology in this type of network is in constant evolution accompanied by massive data coming from increasing volume of connected vehicles in the network.In this thesis, we handle this interesting topic by providing our first contribution on discussing different aspects of Big Data in VANET. Thus, for each key step of Big Data, we raise VANET issues.The second contribution is the extraction of VANET characteristics in order to collect data. To do that, we discuss how to establish tests scenarios, and to how emulate an environment for these tests. First we conduct an implementation in a controlled environment, before performing tests on real environment in order to obtain real VANET data.For the third contribution, we propose an original approach for driver's behavior modeling. This approach is based on an algorithm permitting extraction of representatives population, called samples, using a local density in a neighborhood concept.

The Fire Performance of Post-Tensioned Timber Beams

Spellman, Phillip Michael January 2012 (has links)
Post-tensioned timber frames have recently been undergoing heavy research and development at the University of Canterbury. The recently developed post-tensioned timber system utilises engineering wood products such as Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) and glue laminated timber (Glulam), which are formed into box sections and post-tensioned with high strength steel tendons made from stranded steel wire or solid steel bars. The post-tensioning serves to counteract some of the bending actions imposed on the timber beam from loading through a variety of mechanisms. Previous research has focused on the seismic performance and gravity frame performance of post-tensioned timber, both of which yielded promising results. There is however a commonly perceived increase in fire risk with timber building, particularly multi-storey timber buildings, and the fire performance of post-tensioned timber had not previously been investigated. Therefore, the focus of this research was to investigate the fire performance of post-tensioned timber beams. This was completed through a series of full-scale furnace tests, and the development of a fire resistance design method. Three 4.36m span post-tensioned timber beams were exposed to the ISO 834 standard fire. Each of the test beams were glued box beams made from 63mm LVL and were of varying external dimensions. Each beam was intended to demonstrate a specific failure mechanism at approximately 60 minutes of fire exposure. The failure mechanisms demonstrated were a shear failure in the lower corner of due to corner rounding, and a combined bending and compression failure at the end of the beam. These failure mechanisms are unique to post-tensioned timber in fire. The results of the experimental testing were used to validate and refine the proposed fire resistance calculation. Also tested during the full-scale testing were five different forms of anchorage fire protection. These were tested as a secondary objective, but useful thermal data was collected. Through the full-scale testing and the calculation method development it was found that it is important to consider shear during fire design. The post-tensioning increases the bending capacity of a beam but doesn’t affect its shear capacity, therefore when more loading is applied to utilise the increased bending capacity the shear action is increased which leads to shear governing the design in many cases. It is also important to consider shear not only in the webs at the centroid where the shear flow is greatest but also in the lower corners, which can become much thinner than the webs. Without calculation it is not possible to determine where the shear stress will be greatest and therefore both the web and the lower corners need to be checked. It was also found that as the timber section chars on three sides the post-tensioning eccentricity increases which can lead to the moment at the end of the beam becoming critical. Other failure mechanisms which need to be checked include, combined bending and compression at mid span, and tension in the bottom most fibre at mid span. It was found that the proposed calculation method, when used with a char rate of 0.72mm/min and an additional allowance of 7mm for temperature-affected timber beneath the char layer, provided good predictions of the failure times for the full-scale experiments.

IMP3 as a cytoplasmic biomarker for early serous tubal carcinogenesis

Wang, Yiying, Li, Lingmin, Wang, Yue, Yuan, Zeng, Zhang, Wenjing, Hatch, Kenneth, Zheng, Wenxin January 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC) and the p53 signature in tubal mucosa have been supported to be precursor lesions in high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) of the fallopian tube, ovary, and peritoneum. It remains critical to find biomarkers for precursor lesions in order to detect HGSCs efficiently. IMP3 is an oncoprotein that has been explored in human malignancies. No studies have specifically addressed the expression of IMP3 in precursor or early lesions of HGSC. The main purposes of this study are to evaluate if IMP3 plays any role in the process of pelvic serous carcinogenesis by examining its expression in HGSC precursor lesions, to examine the relationship between IMP3 and p53 in those precursor lesions, and to check if IMP3 can be used as a biomarker for early diagnosis.METHODS:Immunohistochemistry for IMP3 and p53 was performed and evaluated in 48 HGSCs with STIC, 62 HGSCs without STIC, and 60 benign cases as negative controls. Sections of fallopian tubes with or without STIC , as well as cancers within the ovaries, were studied. IMP3 signature was defined as strong IMP3 cytoplasmic staining in 10 or more consecutive benign-looking tubal epithelial cells. The relationship between IMP3 and p53 overexpression was examined.RESULTS:In the 48 HGSC patients with STIC, IMP3 was positive in 46% of STIC lesions and had a similar positive rate in the invasive components of HGSC. IMP3 was also expressed in normal appearing tubal epithelia (IMP3 signature) in 15 (31%) of 48 HGSC cases with STIC and 10 (16%) of 62 cases without STIC. In contrast, no single IMP3 signature was found in the benign control group. Concordant expression of IMP3 and p53 signatures in the STIC group was found in up to one-third of the cases. There were also five (10%) STIC cases with positive IMP3 and negative p53.CONCLUSIONS:We conclude that IMP3 may be involved in the process and progression of pelvic HGSC and may serve as a complimentary biomarker in diagnosing STIC.

Fichiers de police, un encadrement légal et sociétal dans un contexte controversé / Police files, legal and societal framework in a controversial context

Derambarsh, Arash 11 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des fichiers de police et de gendarmerie pour, notamment, mettre en lumière l’idée-force selon laquelle une conception moderne de l’État de droit promeut non seulement leur encadrement mais plus encore leur nécessité. De fait, il existe en France de nombreux fichiers tenus par diverses administrations dont le but est par exemple de recenser des personnes en fonction de leur statut, de comptabiliser les propriétaires de véhicules ou les titulaires de permis de conduire, de dénombrer les personnes condamnées, et par ces biais de prévenir et si possible faciliter la répression des contraventions, délits et crimes. Le droit à la sûreté constitue une liberté fondamentale, et il convient de percevoir que par leur existence même les fichiers de police participent de cet objectif. En pratique, il s’agira de savoir si des abréviations comme FAED, FNAEG, FIJAIS, STIC, JUDEX, FPR, FRG, FVVS, FIT, FNFM, SDRF, SIS-Schengen, N-SIS,FAC, FCA, FPIS, SDRF, AGRIPPA, FDST, FOS, CIBLE, FIP, STUC, FTIVV, SCPPB, TREIMA, RAPACE, FAR, FNPE, FSCP, SALVAC, FNT, FBS, FTPJ, FSPORA ou FNPC désignent des outils véritables et efficients de rapprochements criminels, utilisés par les autorités afin d’élucider les crimes les plus graves. En substance, ces fichiers visent, grâce à une simple requête, à identifier voire à localiser les délinquants et les criminels dans toute la mémoire informatisée des services, qu’ils’agisse des fichiers d’antécédents criminels ou même des simples notes inscrites en procédure. Au demeurant, ces moteurs de recherche peuvent fonctionner pour tous les types de délits ou crimes. / This thesis is dedicated to the understanding of police files and to their compatibility with Human rights. Also, it questions both potential Human rights and individual freedom violations behind such acronyms: FAED, FNAEG, FIJAIS, STIC, JUDEX, FPR, FRG, FVVS, FIT, FNFM, SDRF, SIS-Schengen, N-SIS, FAC, FCA,FPIS, SDRF, AGRIPA FDST, FOS, CIBLE, FIP, STUC, FTIVV, SCPPB, TREIMA, RAPACE, FAR, FNPE, FSCP, SALVAC, FNT, FBS, FTPJ, FS-PORA or FNPC. While leading an investigation, the vigilance shall then be doubled: On one hand, investigators (police and customs) should be provided with relevant and sufficient information so as to lead their inquisition and to collect enough evidence (Loppsi 2). On the other hand, the Human rights of each citizen have to be insured against abuse and misuse of information. In 2009, The CNIL (National Commissionon Informatics and Liberty) revealed that 83 % of the data of the STIC was not accurate.Data related to victims and to their offender is then stored (identity, date and place of birth, nationalities addresses). Some crimes files even reveal information related to the ethnical or racial origins of the parties, information related to their political and religious opinions, and information related to their health or to their sexual life. In case of any information misuse, recourse to justice seems to be very limited. In France, no law supports the opposition of a party to access data related to his/her identity. This is an exception made to the Informatics and Liberty Law (according to the Law 78-17 dated January 6th 1978 modified).

Approche communicationnelle de l'organisation humaine des systèmes d'information

Pin, Didier 13 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le rôle de la communication dans l'organisation humaine du Système d'Information d'une Université. Par organisation humaine, nous entendons l'ensemble des différents groupes sociotechniques constituant les services fonctionnels et techniques d'un Etablissement. L'approche communicationnelle est, ici, le fil conducteur pour comprendre les interactions individuelles et collectives des acteurs au sein des services. Notre statut de Directeur de la DSI de l'Université Paul Cézanne nous a permis de conduire une recherche compréhensive de terrain. Celle-ci a particulièrement mis en évidence les logiques relationnelles qui donnent une plus grande efficacité au système d'information. La question de départ est donc de savoir comment optimiser le SI d'une Université. Pour répondre à cette question, nous sommes allé chercher dans les Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, les fondements théoriques de la mise en relation. Les travaux de l'Ecole de Palo Alto et particulièrement sa mise en application dans le modèle orchestral nous ont donné des outils conceptuels pour construire une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique des relations. La Communication devenait ainsi la clé des pratiques et des usages communs qui construisent un SI. Elle devient un catalyseur de la compréhension entre les métiers et même, sous certains aspects, le lien entre les facteurs techniques et humains. Grâce à notre démarche, à la fois conceptuelle (celle du doctorant) et pratique (celle du professionnel), nous avons identifié les différentes visions du SI perçues par les acteurs et nous avons mis en avant leurs ambivalences et leurs complémentarités. / This thesis presents the role of communication in human organization of the University's Information System. By human organization, we mean all the different socio-technical groups constituting the technical servicing of an establishment. The approach is communicative, here the link to understand the interactions of individual and collective actors within departments. Our status as DSI Director of the University Paul Cézanne has allowed us to conduct a comprehensive research field. This was particularly highlighted the relational logics that give greater efficiency to the information system. The initial question is how to optimize the IF of a University. To answer this question, we looked for in Information Science and Communication, the theoretical foundations linking. The work of the School of Palo Alto and especially its implementation in the orchestral model gave us the conceptual tools to build a better understanding of the dynamics of relationships. Communication thus became the key practices and common usage that build an IS. It becomes a catalyst for understanding between business and even, in some respects, the link between the technical and human factors. With our approach, both conceptual (the PhD's) and practice (the profesionnal's), we identified the different visions of SI perceived by the actors and we have put forward their ambivalence and their complementarities. Therefore, the computational aspects are generally put forward a simple vision repositioned as special issue of one of the groups, the engineers' one.

Modélisation du circuit de la signification des produits du design : approche sémiotique et systémique / Modeling the circuit of the significance of design products : systemic approach and semiotic

El Khamsa, Sarah 30 October 2015 (has links)
Les modèles théoriques proposés par les STIC ont été à ce jour révisés par les protagonistes des Design Studies. Ils proposent entre autres de vérifier leur validité et leur viabilité comme modèles de communication pour les systèmes, services, biens et situations de plus en plus complexes. C’est dans cette lignée que nous inscrivons notre projet. L’idée étant de construire un modèle interprétatif constituant un nouveau cadre théorique. Il aura comme principal objectif de saisir le potentiel communicatif des produits au carrefour de leurs potentiels d’actions, d’habitudes et de croyances matérialisés en eux. Notre cadre théorique et notre outil analytique s’articuleront autour de l’approche sémiotique peircienne et de la théorie systémique (dénommée seconde systémique par Morin) qui permettra aussi de développer une perception écologique de l’objet comme système cohérent et interactif avec son environnement. / The theoretical models proposed by STIC (Information and Communication Sciences) have been revised to date by the protagonists of Design Studies. They suggest among others to check their validity and viability as communication models for the systems, services, goods and situations, which are getting more and more complex.It is in this vein that we register our project. The idea is to build an interpretative model constituting a new theoretical framework. The main objective is to seize the communicative potential of the products at the crossroads of potential actions, habits and beliefs embodied in them. Our theoretical framework and our analytical tool will revolve around the peirce semiotic approach and the systemic theory (second systemic as called by Morin), which will also develop an ecological perception of the object as a coherent and interactive system with its environment.

Comportamento e ecologia ac?stica da baleia jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae) na regi?o Nordeste do Brasil

Santos, Marcos Roberto Rossi 07 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:36:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcosRRS_TESE_2red.pdf: 2914202 bytes, checksum: 607aa226333ce661d0e57d380f43b9e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The acoustic ecology concept involve the relation between the live organisms and their sound environment and is applied in the present work to study the context in which the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) singing behavior, known as the most complex display in the nature, occurred in the northeastern Brazilian coast, outside the core area of Abrolhos Bank, between 2005 and 2010.I analyze the singer male occurrence , their spatial distribution and probable relations with oceanographic features, such as depth, tide regimen and moon phases. I also describe the acoustic structure and temporal variation of the singing behavior, based on song frequency and time measurements outside the Abrolhos Bank, and further compare the song complexity, registered in the same period, between Abrolhos Bank (16?- 19? S, 37?- 39? W) and the adjacent North Coast, herein considered from Itacar? (14? S, 38? W) to Aracaju (11? S, 37? W). Additionally, I look for describe and analyze anthropogenic noise sources in the marine environment of the study area, produced by the oil industry as well as by the whale watching operation, relating their frequencies to the acoustic niche utilized by the humpbacks. The results indicated a great plasticity in the singing behavior, evidenced by the occurrence of singer males in diverse social structures, from solitary individuals to other groups, even containing females and calves, as well as by the diversity which compound the song, when compared between two regions inside the same breeding area, which present distinct oceanographic characteristics. The singer male distribution may be related with the continental shelf extent along the study area. The anthropogenic noise presented frequency range, amplitude and sound intensity in potential to interfere acoustically in the singing behavior of the species, may resulting in disturbance during the breeding season in the Brazilian coast. Implications about the obtained results in the humpback whale mating system are discussed. In this way, I pretend to contribute with the acoustic ecology subject and provide information to subsidize humpback whale conservation / O conceito de ecologia ac?stica envolve a rela??o entre os organismos vivos e o seu ambiente sonoro e ? aplicado no presente trabalho para estudar o contexto no qual ocorreu o comportamento de canto da baleia jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae), considerado o mais complexo comportamento reprodutivo (display) da natureza, na costa nordeste do Brasil, fora da concentra??o reprodutiva do Banco de Abrolhos, entre os anos de 2005 e 2010. Analiso a ocorr?ncia de machos cantores em diferentes estruturas de grupo, sua distribui??o espacial e prov?veis rela??es com fatores oceanogr?ficos, como profundidade, regime de mar?s e fases da lua. Tamb?m descrevo a estrutura ac?stica e a varia??o temporal do comportamento de canto, baseado em medi??es de frequ?ncia e tempo dos cantos, fora do Banco de Abrolhos, al?m de comparar a complexidade do canto, registrada no mesmo per?odo de estudo, entre o Banco de Abrolhos (16?- 19? S, 37?- 39? W), e a Costa Norte adjacente, aqui considerada desde Itacar? (14? S, 38? W) a Aracaj? (11? S, 37? W). Ainda busco descrever e analisar as fontes de ru?dos antropog?nicos no ambiente marinho da ?rea de estudo, produzidos pela atividade de explora??o de petroleo e g?s e tamb?m pelo turismo de observa??o de baleias, relacionando-os com o nicho ac?stico utilizado pela jubarte. Os resultados indicaram uma grande plasticidade no comportamento de canto, evidenciado pela ocorr?ncia dos cantores em diversas estruturas sociais, de indiv?duos solit?rios a grupos contendo outros animais, inclusive f?meas com filhotes, bem como pela diversidade que comp?e o canto da esp?cie, quando comparado entre duas regi?es dentro da mesma ?rea de reprodu??o, como o Banco de Abrolhos e a Costa Norte, que apresenta caracter?sticas oceanogr?ficas distintas. A distribui??o dos machos cantores parece estar relacionada com a extens?o da plataforma continental na ?rea de estudo. Os ru?dos antropog?nicos produzidos demonstraram uma faixa de frequ?ncias, amplitude sonora e intensidade capazes de interferir acusticamente no comportamento de canto da esp?cie, podendo resultar em dist?rbios durante o per?odo de reprodu??o da esp?cie na costa brasileira. Implica??es sobre os resultados obtidos na teoria do sistema de acasamento da esp?cie s?o discutidas. Dessa forma, pretendo contribuir com o tema da ecologia acustica e gerar informa??es que subsidiem a conserva??o da baleia jubarte

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