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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktuální otázky odměňování členů orgánů akciové společnosti / Topical Issues of Remuneration of Members of Governing Bodies of a Joint Stock Company

Tříško, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Topical Issues of Remuneration of Members of Governing Bodies of a Joint Stock Company Abstrakt Purpose of the thesis is to identify recommendation of changes in remuneration system of members of bodies of a joint stock company which are required by past financial crisis. Thesis evaluate the ways by which recommendations was reflected to Czech legal system. Because there is change of acts of private law, second goal of the thesis is to find and analyze changes in approach to remuneration and possible disputable questions in law. Thesis gather available specialized sources and case law regarding remuneration a analyze recommendation given by foreign authorities. Thesis is dividend to three chapters. First chapter explains basic concepts of remuneration for purposes of this thesis. Differences between past and new law is highlighted. Second part of first chapter describes remuneration law in past code and answers questions raised from case law. Second chapter pursues to analysis of financial crisis and main ways of reaction chosen by USA, OECD and EU. Last chapter describes main changes in remuneration in new law. Chapter evaluate how successfully are recommendations applied to the new law. Accent is on business corporation act and law of financial sector also. Conclusions are made in final chapter with few...

Monistická organizační struktura české akciové společnosti po rekodifikaci soukromého práva / The monistic structure of a Czech joint-stock company after recodification of private law

Tábořík, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a regulation of the monistic structure of a joint- stock company. This type of governance of a Czech joint-stock companies is introduced by the new Trade Corporations Act ("Act"), which is a part of an extensive recodification of the Czech private law. Introduction of this corporate governance system is not only consequence of this recodification, it is also largely a logical consequence of the statute shopping trend in Europe. The regulation of a monistic joint- stock company as introduced by the Act is not the first monistic company governance regulation in the Czech Republic. This option was already brought by the European Company Act in 2004. The first introductory part of the paper compares the two basic corporate governance systems and introduces the statutory bodies of the companies that distinguish these systems. Consequently, the study compares and evaluates the pros and cons of the two. Next part basically outlines the regulation of the European Company - Societas Europaea (SE). Main focus area of the study is the description of the monistic structure of a joint-stock company as introduced by the Act. The most important part is the description of the Board of Directors. Attention is paid to the membership in the Board, its convening and its conduct and also...

Ato de preenchimento de orgão de administração: natureza jurídica da relação entre o administrador e a sociedade anônima. / Act of fulfilling the administration body

Sacramone, Marcelo Barbosa 25 May 2012 (has links)
Com o propósito de conceituar a natureza da relação jurídica entre o administrador e as sociedades anônimas, expõem-se, inicialmente, os centros institucionalizados de poder, suas formas de estruturação e funções desenvolvidas na companhia. Delimita-se, então, a quais desses núcleos de poder as atividades de direção, execução e supervisão ordinárias da atividade corporativa foram atribuídas pela Lei. Caracterizado o administrador, aprecia-se a qualidade na qual este age e produz determinados efeitos com seu comportamento. Para a definição dessa posição ocupada na companhia, afere-se a natureza da atribuição da personalidade jurídica ao ente coletivo e sua independência em face dos membros subjacentes. O vínculo criador dessa posição jurídica, entretanto, não possui fundamento teórico uníssono da doutrina estrangeira, tampouco é consenso entre os doutrinadores brasileiros. Aprecia-se, assim, a adequação dos principais argumentos de cada teoria frente ao ordenamento jurídico pátrio mediante a abordagem dos elementos estruturais do ato de preenchimento de órgão. A modalidade do referido ato é definida pela análise da natureza da eleição, mediante a apreciação da deliberação dos órgãos legitimados, da possibilidade de manifestar a vontade social diretamente a terceiros e de produzir efeitos determinados com autonomia, bem como da função integradora da aceitação, como condição de existência de um negócio jurídico bilateral ou de eficácia de um negócio jurídico unilateral. Por fim, confrontam-se as principais características dessa relação jurídica aos contratos de mandato, de prestação de serviço e de trabalho para possibilitar a verificação de sua adequação típica e a definição de um conceito ao ato de preenchimento de órgão de administração das sociedades anônimas. / Aiming to create the concepts for the nature of the juridical relation between the officer and the joint-stock companies, this work initially exposes the institutionalized power centers, their structures composition and roles developed in the company. In the sequence, the essay outlines to which of those power nuclei the Law has ascribed the ordinary activities of direction, performance and supervision of the corporate activity. After the officer is characterized, the work analyzes the quality under which such officer acts and produces certain effects on his/her behavior. To define such position held with the company, it is verified the nature of the assigning the legal personality to the collective entity and its independence towards the underlying members. The bond creating such legal position, however, does not have unified theoretical ground in the foreign doctrine and neither is it a consensus among the Brazilian teachers. Hence, adequacy of each theorys main arguments is assessed against the countrys legal system by addressing the structural elements in the act of fulfilling the body. Modality of such act is defined by analysing the nature of the election, assessing deliberation of the empowered bodies, the possibility of manifesting the social will directly to third parties and to produce certain effects in autonomous manner, as well as the integration roles of the acceptance as a condition for existence of a bilateral juristic act or condition for efficacy of an unilateral juristic act. Finally the main characteristics of such legal relation are confronted with the power-ofattorney, service rendering and employment agreements to enable verification of their typical adequacy and definition of a concept to the act of fulfilling the administration body of the joint-stock companies.

Praktické aspekty účetního řešení fúzí obchodních společností / Practical aspects of accounting for mergers of corporations

Kučerová, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define the problems associated with the process of the mergers of companies in the Czech legislation. The theoretical part deals with mergers from the legal, accounting and tax point of view. The following part is a practical example which describes the merger of five joint-stock companies. This example is based on real data and it demonstrates some situations characterized in the theoretical part.

Zakladatelská smlouva (listina a stanovy akciové společnosti) / The memorandum of association (deed of incorporation and by-laws of a joint-stock company)

Karásek, Radim January 2012 (has links)
in English The thesis analyzes memorandum of association and by-laws of a joint-stock company, from both general point of view as well as from the point of their required particular informations. The part concerning general point of view describes and evaluates memorandum of association as document incorporating a joint-stock company, it is described what role is performed by this document throught the whole process of incorporation of a joint-stock stock company and what role is assigned to this document after the company has been established. The part concerning general point of view then covers the by-laws as a document which is a basic norm for functioning of a particular joint-stock company. The functions of a by-laws in relation to the chosen subjects are described and evaluated. The two general parts are connected through the tract about the relation between a memorandum of association and by- laws, where the relation is evaluated and the role and significance of the two documents is compared. The other part of the thesis concerns itself with particular required informations, every one of the information describes and evalutes relevant legal regulation which is confronted with the opinions contained in the scientific literature, in the court decisions and my opinions. Eeach required...

Överlåtelser av aktiebolag : Spörsmål kring tillämlig lag, felansvar och Due Diligence / Transfers of Joint Stock Companies : Applicable Law, Liability and Due Diligence

Ginström, Jenni January 2003 (has links)
<p>Transfers of joint stock companies can be executed in several ways - for example by transferring individual shares or by transferring all shares or by selling the company's assets and liabilities. It is not fully clear which rules should apply to transfers of joint stock companies. Some legal experts claim that the Sales Act (Köplagen) is applicable, while others claim that the rules for promissory notes (Skuldebrevslagen) should apply. This distinction is of great significance regarding the extent of the vendor's liability. According to Skuldebrevslagen the vendor's liability is rather limited, while Köplagen enjoins the vendor a more extensive liability.A transfer of a joint stock company brings about great economical risks, both for the vendor and for the purchaser. Therefore it has become customary to execute a so-called due diligence, before the actual purchase takes place. The concept of due diligence derives from Anglosaxon law and appears in Sweden since the 1990's. The purchaser is allowed to examine the company before the purchase. Normally the purchaser engages expertise to do the actual investigation, for example a law firm. An interesting question is to what extent the actual examiner (i.e. the lawyer) can be considered liable.</p>

Överlåtelser av aktiebolag : Spörsmål kring tillämlig lag, felansvar och Due Diligence / Transfers of Joint Stock Companies : Applicable Law, Liability and Due Diligence

Ginström, Jenni January 2003 (has links)
Transfers of joint stock companies can be executed in several ways - for example by transferring individual shares or by transferring all shares or by selling the company's assets and liabilities. It is not fully clear which rules should apply to transfers of joint stock companies. Some legal experts claim that the Sales Act (Köplagen) is applicable, while others claim that the rules for promissory notes (Skuldebrevslagen) should apply. This distinction is of great significance regarding the extent of the vendor's liability. According to Skuldebrevslagen the vendor's liability is rather limited, while Köplagen enjoins the vendor a more extensive liability.A transfer of a joint stock company brings about great economical risks, both for the vendor and for the purchaser. Therefore it has become customary to execute a so-called due diligence, before the actual purchase takes place. The concept of due diligence derives from Anglosaxon law and appears in Sweden since the 1990's. The purchaser is allowed to examine the company before the purchase. Normally the purchaser engages expertise to do the actual investigation, for example a law firm. An interesting question is to what extent the actual examiner (i.e. the lawyer) can be considered liable.

Informacinių technologijų panaudojimas UAB "Lintel" darbuotojų kvalifikacijai kelti / Usage of information technologies for qualification raise for workers of joint stock company „Lintel“:

Plučiūtė, Ingrida 30 May 2005 (has links)
The main goal of the Master’s theses is to raise joint stock company „Lintel“ workers self-reliance and help them to plan monthly knowledge evaluation. Quick information technologies development becomes the most important reason for requirements chancing to education. Workers must learning all live and raise qualification if they want to survive in work market. Quick chance of information is very important not only for joint stock company „Lintel“. This problem is important for all companies, which work in information sector. Distance learning is the way, which can help to workers learning where they want; when they want and choose a temp how quickly they want to learn information. Workers can learn without going out from the work for a long time. The most important subject in this kind of studies is student. Students in distance learning course can study information, make self-tests and quizzes. The results of quizzes and self-tests allow to workers to know limitation of they profession knowledge’s.

Įmonės savininko ir aukščiausio vadovo atskyrimo problematika / The peculiarity of separating firm’s owner and highest manager

Motiečiūtė, Rima 06 August 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama aukščiausio įmonės vadovo ir savininko atskyrimo problematika. Vadybos literatūroje yra menkai nagrinėta vadovo kaip savininko ir vadovo kaip ne savininko įtaka organizacijai, bei būdai ir metodai kaip atskirti vadovą nuo savininko. Darbo tikslas – parengti siūlymus, kaip atskirti aukščiausią įmonės vadovą ir savininką. Pirmojoje dalyje nustatytas ir atskleistas aukščiausio vadovo ir savininko santykis, jų atskyrimo problematika remiantis vadybos literatūra. Antrojoje dalyje aprašomas atliekamas UAB „Gelžbetonis“ tyrimas, tyrimo vertė, tyrimui naudojami metodai ir šaltiniai, pristatomi ir įvertinami analizės rezultatai, išskiriami taisytini aspektai. Atliktos analizės rezultatai rodo, kad įmonės generaliniam direktoriui iškyla nemažai problemų derinant aukščiausio vadovo ir savininko vaidmenis. Trečiojoje dalyje siūlomas vadovo ir savininko atskyrimo projektas UAB „Gelžbetonis“ pavyzdžiu. / In this paper there is analyzed the peculiarity of separating firm’s owner and highest manager. In management literature the influence to organization of manager as an owner and manager as not an owner, and methods how to separate manager from owner are very weak analyzed. The target of this thesis is to prepare offers, how to separate manager from owner. In the first part there is a defined highest manager’s and owner’s relation, the facility of their separation appealing to management literature. In the second part there are describing the research of JSC “Gelžbetonis”, research value, methods and sources used in research, introducing and evaluating results of research. In third part there are a project, how to separate highest manager and owner in JSC “Gelžbetonis” example.

Ato de preenchimento de orgão de administração: natureza jurídica da relação entre o administrador e a sociedade anônima. / Act of fulfilling the administration body

Marcelo Barbosa Sacramone 25 May 2012 (has links)
Com o propósito de conceituar a natureza da relação jurídica entre o administrador e as sociedades anônimas, expõem-se, inicialmente, os centros institucionalizados de poder, suas formas de estruturação e funções desenvolvidas na companhia. Delimita-se, então, a quais desses núcleos de poder as atividades de direção, execução e supervisão ordinárias da atividade corporativa foram atribuídas pela Lei. Caracterizado o administrador, aprecia-se a qualidade na qual este age e produz determinados efeitos com seu comportamento. Para a definição dessa posição ocupada na companhia, afere-se a natureza da atribuição da personalidade jurídica ao ente coletivo e sua independência em face dos membros subjacentes. O vínculo criador dessa posição jurídica, entretanto, não possui fundamento teórico uníssono da doutrina estrangeira, tampouco é consenso entre os doutrinadores brasileiros. Aprecia-se, assim, a adequação dos principais argumentos de cada teoria frente ao ordenamento jurídico pátrio mediante a abordagem dos elementos estruturais do ato de preenchimento de órgão. A modalidade do referido ato é definida pela análise da natureza da eleição, mediante a apreciação da deliberação dos órgãos legitimados, da possibilidade de manifestar a vontade social diretamente a terceiros e de produzir efeitos determinados com autonomia, bem como da função integradora da aceitação, como condição de existência de um negócio jurídico bilateral ou de eficácia de um negócio jurídico unilateral. Por fim, confrontam-se as principais características dessa relação jurídica aos contratos de mandato, de prestação de serviço e de trabalho para possibilitar a verificação de sua adequação típica e a definição de um conceito ao ato de preenchimento de órgão de administração das sociedades anônimas. / Aiming to create the concepts for the nature of the juridical relation between the officer and the joint-stock companies, this work initially exposes the institutionalized power centers, their structures composition and roles developed in the company. In the sequence, the essay outlines to which of those power nuclei the Law has ascribed the ordinary activities of direction, performance and supervision of the corporate activity. After the officer is characterized, the work analyzes the quality under which such officer acts and produces certain effects on his/her behavior. To define such position held with the company, it is verified the nature of the assigning the legal personality to the collective entity and its independence towards the underlying members. The bond creating such legal position, however, does not have unified theoretical ground in the foreign doctrine and neither is it a consensus among the Brazilian teachers. Hence, adequacy of each theorys main arguments is assessed against the countrys legal system by addressing the structural elements in the act of fulfilling the body. Modality of such act is defined by analysing the nature of the election, assessing deliberation of the empowered bodies, the possibility of manifesting the social will directly to third parties and to produce certain effects in autonomous manner, as well as the integration roles of the acceptance as a condition for existence of a bilateral juristic act or condition for efficacy of an unilateral juristic act. Finally the main characteristics of such legal relation are confronted with the power-ofattorney, service rendering and employment agreements to enable verification of their typical adequacy and definition of a concept to the act of fulfilling the administration body of the joint-stock companies.

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