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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bewertung der Adaptivität von Geschossbauten für den städtischen Raum

Stroetmann, Richard, Otto, Jens, Eisele, Johann, Bleicher, Volkmar, Wisnewski, Joachim, Dorn, Charlotte, Trautmann, Benjamin, Bauer, Max 02 March 2023 (has links)
Demografische Veränderungen, ein sich wandelnder Arbeitsmarkt und konjunkturelle Schwankungen mit unterschiedlich dominierenden Gewerbezweigen erfordern Gebäude, die sich an verändernde Nutzeranforderungen anpassen können. Zur Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz sind Gebäude nicht nur hinsichtlich des Materialeinsatzes und Energieverbrauchs zu optimieren, sondern darüber hinaus für einen langen Nutzungshorizont auszulegen. Um die Anpassungsfähigkeit von Geschossbauten an verschiedene Nutzungsformen bewerten zu können, wurde im Rahmen des Innovationsprogramms „Zukunft Bau“ das Forschungsprojekt „Adaptive Gebäudestrukturen zur Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz von Geschossbauten im städtischen Raum“ durchgeführt. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Motivation zum Forschungsprojekt, eine Übersicht zu wesentlichen Fragestellungen und die Ergebnisse in einer zusammenfassenden Darstellung vorgestellt. / Demographic changes, a transforming labour market and economic volatility with different dominant industries require buildings that can adapt to changing user requirements. In order to increase resource efficiency, buildings must not only be optimised in terms of material use and energy consumption, but also designed for a long horizon of use. In order to be able to evaluate the adaptability of multi-storey buildings to different forms of use, the research project “Adaptive building structures to increase the resource efficiency of multi-storey buildings in urban areas” was carried out within the framework of the „Zukunft Bau“ research initiative. In the following article, the motivation for the research project, an overview of the main aspects and the results are presented in a summarising form.

Seismic analysis and retrofitting of an existing multi-storey building in Stockholm

Muca, Matilda, Haikal, Celine January 2018 (has links)
Throughout the years earthquakes are a huge concern for structures; causing losses of peoples’ lives, damages and collapse of homes. Usually, most of the buildings that collapse or have serious damages are mostly old buildings that do not fulfil any longer the updated regulations and building codes concerning seismic design. The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to analyse and strengthen an existing building given by the company Sweco, by using proper and innovative retrofitting techniques; considering Eurocode 8 and collected data from previous studies. The selected building is a seven-storey structure in Stockholm; consists of prefabricated concrete and steel elements and is tested under seismic loading to investigate the global behaviour of the structure using the software MIDAS GEN. Two analyses are performed; assessment analysis which includes modelling of the given structure where the structural capacities are studied. The second analysis is the seismic analysis which includes two secondary analyses; before seismic retrofitting and after seismic retrofitting respectively. In the seismic analysis before the seismic retrofitting is applied, the main scope is to identify the most critical positions of the building where it behaves abnormally and the displacements are high enough in order to modify the structure to decrease displacements. Moreover, the frequencies were obtained and examined. The second seismic analysis includes the modified structure; where it was tested with different alternative methods of seismic retrofitting in order to identify which technique is the most proper one to optimise the strength and the structural performance of the given building. Finally, it appeared that a combination of seismic retrofitting methodologies was the most suitable selection. The selected combination consists of steel bracings and prefabricated reinforced concrete walls (shear walls). After performing the seismic retrofitting analysis, results of the frequencies and displacements of the structure were acquired and compared with the un-retrofitted analysis. The obtained results displayed that using this structural modification improved by increasing the frequency in the transverse direction (y) by 57.2%, in the longitudinal direction (x) by 27.6% and rotational along the z-axis by 12.9%; lastly, by decreasing the displacements in the x- and y-direction remarkably. Consequently, a combination of innovative seismic retrofitting methods appeared to be more effective, achieving a more resistant building under seismic hazards, by improving the stability and ductility of the structure. This gives rise to further researches and investigations for future solutions regarding seismic retrofitting applications and methodologies. / Jordbävningar är skakningar i marken som orsakar förluster av människors liv och leder till skador och kollaps av byggnader. Vanligtvis är de flesta byggnader som har allvarligt skadats eller kollapsat, äldre byggnader som inte längre uppfyller de uppdaterade byggreglerna för seismisk design. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att analysera och stärka en befintlig byggnad som har distribuerats av konsult företaget Sweco; lämpliga och innovativa seismisk eftermonteringsmetoder har använts för att förbättra byggnadens tillstånd med hjälp av insamlat vetenskapliga artiklar, tidskrifter och tidigare examensarbete samt svensk standard (Eurokod 8 - för dimensionering av bärverk med avseende på jordbävning). Den utdelade byggnaden är sju våningar hög och ligger i Stockholm. Den består av prefabricerade betong- och stålelement. Byggnaden kommer att testas under seismisk belastning med hjälp av programvaran MIDAS GEN, för att sedan examinera byggnadens globala beteende. Två analyser har utförts; en bedömningsanalys som innefattar granskning av den givna byggnadens kapacitet. Den andra analysen är den seismiska analysen som omfattar två sekundära analyser; en ’före applikation av seismisk eftermonteringsmetod’ och en ’efter applikation av seismisk eftermonteringsmetod’. I den första seismiska analysen, identifieras de mest kritiska positionerna där byggnadens beteende är avvikande med höga förskjutningar och låga frekvenser; således, är behovet av att modifiera och förbättra byggnadens prestanda betydande. Den andra seismiska analysen innefattar den modifierade byggnaden, som har testats med olika alternativa seismiska eftermonteringsmetoder för att identifiera vilken teknik som är mest passande för att optimera byggnadens hållfasthet, elasticitet och prestanda. Efter många experimentella försök, framgick det att en kombination av varierande seismiska eftermonteringsmetoder var det mest lämpliga urvalet. Den valda kombinationen består av stålfackverk och skjuvväggar. Efter genomförandet av den seismiska eftermonteringsanalysen erhölls resultat av frekvensen och förskjutningarna av byggnaden som sedan jämfördes med den första seismiska analysen, innan en eftermonteringsmetod var tillämpad. De erhållna resultaten visade att valet av denna modifikation har förbättrat byggnadens prestanda genom att öka frekvensen i tvärriktningen (y) med 57,2%, i längdriktningen (x) med 27.6% och rotationsfrekvensen längs z-axeln med 12.9%; slutligen, genom att minska förskjutningarna i x- och y-riktningen anmärkningsvärt. Följaktligen, verkade en kombination av varierande seismiska eftermonteringsmetoder vara effektiv, vilket resulterade i en seismisk resistent byggnad med avsevärt god hållfasthet, elasticitet och stabilitet. Denna forskning ger upphov till ytterligare efterforskningar och undersökningar för framtida lösningar avseende seismiska eftermonteringsapplikationer och metoder.

Parking Garages as Spaces of Opportunity - An Analysis of Overlooked Nodes as Potential Spaces for Adaptive Reuse

Legeland, Leon, Hoffmann, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Parking garages belong to the basic inventory of today’s cities, however their existence and contribution to the urban fabric is marginally discussed under the urban themes of structural transformation, environmental underperformance and socio-cultural fragmentation. This thesis is a study of parking infrastructure in the inner-city of Malmö with a particular focus on rooftops as spaces of opportunities for a sustainable urban development.The thesis aims to investigate whether an integration of parking garages into the urban fabric of their local environment can contribute to a more equal, mixed-use city development through adaptive reuse of the rooftops as public green spaces.Based on a literature review on public space transformation, urban green spaces, its threats and services and an investigation of a specific case study, this thesis identifies parking garages as potential spaces to compensate a lack of urban green and public environment. The study of possible integration of public and green services into the existing structures of parking garages is performed on the level of a city wide analysis, as well as in a particular context of a central district in Malmö. The study shows that the location of parking garages within network nodes of an increasingly mobile society and fragmented city structure could be strategic locations for additional uses. Furthermore an evaluation of parking garage usage has confirmed, that stand-alone, open-roof structures have been affected by vacancy, specifically in the upper floors due to decrease of demand for car parking in the central parts of Malmö. Finally this study concludes that parking garages are overlooked nodes with further potentials for adaptive reuse.

Modeliranje energetskih karakteristika dvostrukih ventilisanih fasada / MODELLING OF THE ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS OF A NATURALLY VENTILATED DOUBLE SKIN FACADE

Andjelković Aleksandar 23 April 2015 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja načelno se odnosi na razmatranje koncepta dvostrukih ventilisanih fasada (DVF) i njihov uticaj na energetsku efikasnost objekta. Ovaj koncept predstavlja jedan od primera adaptivnih fasada. Plan istraživanja zasnovan je na eksperimentalnom radu (na realnom objektu) i na numeričkim simulacijama modela objekta. Rezultati eksperimentalnog dela istraživanja pokazuju na koji način zavise termičke osobine objekta sa DVF od trenutnih meteorolo&scaron;kih uslova. Takođe, ovi rezultati poslužili su za fino pode&scaron;avanje modela i za postizanje &scaron;to vernije slike realnog objekta. Kriterijum prihvatljivosti, kada je model potvrđen, definisani su sa preporučenim statističkim indikatorima. Na taj način, formiran model u daljoj analizi je kori&scaron;ćen za definisanje sezonskih operativnih strategija. Rezultati simulacija za sve predložene operativne strategije, ocenjuju kakav je njihov uticaj na potro&scaron;nju energije za grejanje i klimatizaciju posmatranog objekta. Poređenjem sa modelima objekta sa tradicionalnom fasadom, pokazana je opravdanost primene koncepta DVF u klimatskim uslovima Beograda.</p> / <p>Research generally refers to the consideration of the concept of a double skin facades (DSF) and their impact on energy efficiency of the building. This concept is an example of adaptive facades. The research plan is based on experimental work and on the numerical model simulation. The results of experimental research works show how energy characteristics of the object with the DSF depend of current meteorological conditions. Also, these results were used to fine-tune the model to achieve as closely as possible the real presentation of the real building. The criterion of eligibility, when the model is verified, are defined with the recommended statistical indicators. Validated model in further analysis is used to define seasonal operational strategies. The simulation results for all proposed operational strategies, assess what is their impact on the building energy consumption for heating and air-conditioning. Compared to the models with a traditional facade, analysis show justification for the application of the concept of DSF in the climatic conditions of Belgrade.</p>

Contribuição ao projeto de estruturas multi-piso reticuladas em concreto pré-moldado / Contribution to the design of precast concrete multi-storey structures

Mota, Joaquim Eduardo 21 October 2009 (has links)
Estruturas em concreto pré-moldado vêm sendo utilizadas com freqüência em sistemas reticulados do tipo multi-piso, destinados às mais variadas atividades como: estabelecimentos comerciais, estacionamentos, escolas, hospitais e etc. A utilização de ligações viga-pilar do tipo semi-rígida constitui uma alternativa interessante para o enrijecimento e para a garantia da estabilidade global deste tipo de estrutura. Atualmente, a rigidez e a resistência destas ligações têm sido determinadas por ensaios de modelos em escala real. Estes ensaios, além de apresentarem um custo elevado, têm aplicação restrita à ligação examinada o que torna esta metodologia limitada e não adequada à prática de elaboração de projeto. Apresenta-se, neste trabalho, um modelo mecânico para determinação numérica da relação força-deslocamento de uma ligação viga-pilar semi-rígida a partir da contribuição da rigidez individual de cada componente de transferência de força utilizado na vinculação. A formulação do equilíbrio do modelo é implementada em planilha eletrônica constituindo-se numa ferramenta de cálculo para o projetista, permitindo o estudo, de forma rápida e amigável, da influência do posicionamento e da rigidez individual de cada componente de transferência de força na rigidez e na resistência da ligação. Este modelo mecânico foi utilizado para o cálculo da rigidez à rotação para momento fletor positivo de uma ligação viga-pilar ensaiada em laboratório. Os valores para a rigidez da ligação obtidos em ensaio e pelo modelo mecânico ficaram muito próximos. Da formulação do equilíbrio do modelo mecânico pode-se extrair ainda uma matriz de rigidez que é utilizada na representação da ligação semi-rígida no modelo de barra da estrutura. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido para a análise de pórticos planos com ligação viga-pilar semi-rígida considerando ainda as não linearidades físicas e geométricas do modelo de cálculo. O programa foi validado pela comparação de resultados de exemplos também processados no programa ANSYS. A não-linearidade geométrica é considerada pelo método modal, não incremental-iterativo, e que obtém a parcela não-linear da resposta estrutural pela combinação dos seus modos de flambagem. A não-linearidade física do concreto é considerada pelo método da rigidez secante no qual a rigidez de cada barra da estrutura é reduzida na análise conforme suas armaduras e o nível de sua solicitação. Para o cálculo da rigidez secante dos pilares desenvolveu-se um programa que permite a consideração de armaduras ativas e passivas na seção. A análise de alguns exemplos revelou que a protensão dos pilares é também uma alternativa interessante para o enrijecimento da estrutura. Além de exemplos práticos, outros temas pertinentes ao projeto deste tipo de estrutura como: estabilidade na fase construtiva, esforços finais após a montagem, efeitos dependentes do tempo, assimetria de rigidez e plastificação das ligações, são também abordados no trabalho. / Precast concrete multi-storey structures have been more frequently used to construct commercial buildings, parking, schools and hospitals. The use of semi-rigid beam-tocolumn connections is a good strategy to guarantee the global stability of this type of structure. Actually the rigidity and the strength of this type of connection are obtained in an experimental program using full scale prototypes. This procedure is not only expensive but limited and not adequate for design since the results are only valid for the examined connection. This research presents a mechanical model used to determine numerically the force-displacement relationship of a beam-to-column semirigid connection. The procedure uses the contribution of any individual force transfer component active in the connection. The equilibrium equation of the model is implemented in an electronic-worksheet where the designer can rapidly and friendly study the influence of the position and the individual rigidity of each force transfer component in the global rigidity and strength of the connection. For validation, this procedure was used to calculate the flexural rigidity for positive bending moment of a beam-to-column semi-rigid connection that was tested in laboratory. The numerical values of the connection rigidity obtained by test and by the mechanical model are very close. The matrix used in the formulation of the mechanical model equilibrium can also be used to represent the semi-rigid connection in the finite element model of the structure. A computational program was developed for plane frame analysis including semi-rigid beam-to-column connections and both physical and geometric nonlinearities. The program was tested by comparing the results of some examples that are also analysed in the ANSYS program. The geometric nonlinearity is considered by a modal method where the nonlinear response of the structure is obtained by a combination of its buckling modes. The physical nonlinearity of the concrete is considered by the secant rigidity method. In this method the rigidities of all concrete bars in the structure are reduced by coefficients that depend of the reinforcement in the cross section and the level of the efforts. A special computational program was developed to calculate the secant rigidity for a concrete cross section with reinforcing bar and prestressing steel. The analysis of some examples shows that the use of prestressing steel in collums is also an interesting alternative to sttifen the structure. Beyond of some practical examples, others themes related to the design of this type of structure like: stability in the erection process, efforts in the end of the erection process, time-dependent effects, non symmetrical and plastic behavior of the connections, are also treated in this work.

Análise da deslocabilidade lateral de edifícios de múltiplos andares com modelos tridimensionais de barra / Analysis of lateral displaceability of multi-storey building with bar tridimensional models

Avilla, Marcella Caon 31 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Aelson Maciera (aelsoncm@terra.com.br) on 2017-03-29T18:21:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMCAad.pdf: 6301246 bytes, checksum: 1a4544ba506998d2e95d6d0e3106cbc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-04-03T20:08:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMCAad.pdf: 6301246 bytes, checksum: 1a4544ba506998d2e95d6d0e3106cbc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-04-03T20:08:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMCAad.pdf: 6301246 bytes, checksum: 1a4544ba506998d2e95d6d0e3106cbc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-03T20:13:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMCAad.pdf: 6301246 bytes, checksum: 1a4544ba506998d2e95d6d0e3106cbc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / Não recebi financiamento / The structural modeling of mult-storey buildings using the simplified model in which the slabs is calculated in isolation and their efforts transferred to a three-dimensional frames is now overcome by the state of the art computational analysis. Currently even with structures formed by bar elements (three-dimensional frames) it is possible to make the analysis considering the effect monolithic of concrete structures or operating as a whole. For certain cases, it is essential to consider all the structural elements participating in the bracing to the structure is presented stable in the horizontal actions combined with vertical actions, such as the flat slabs systems.Through of analysis examples of structures of buildings with multiple floors in reinforced concrete are presented advantages in performing three-dimensional modeling, comparing the results obtained with the simplified models. It shows the importance of considering the slab stiffness in flat slabs systems and how the distribution of efforts to change the three-dimensional model. Analyses are done using commercial software tool allowing verify quantitative variation of structural materials. Finally an analysis is made of the examples made showing the main differences in the new models. / A modelagem estrutural de edifícios de múltiplos andares usando o modelo simplificado no qual o pavimento é calculado de forma isolada e seus esforços transferidos para um pórtico tridimensional hoje está superada pelo estado da arte da análise computacional. Atualmente mesmo com estruturas constituídas por elementos de barras (pórticos tridimensionais) já é possível fazer a análise considerando o efeito monolítico das estruturas de concreto, ou seja, funcionando com um todo. Para determinados casos, é fundamental a consideração de todos os elementos estruturais participando do contraventamento para que a estrutura se apresente estável frente às ações horizontais combinadas com as ações verticais, como, por exemplo, os sistemas de lajes lisas. Por meio das análises de alguns exemplos de estruturas de edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos de concreto armado são apresentadas as vantagens em se realizar a modelagem tridimensional, comparando-se os resultados obtidos com os dos modelos simplificados. Mostra-se a importância da consideração da rigidez da laje em sistemas de lajes lisas e como a distribuição de esforços se altera no modelo tridimensional. As análises são feitas através de ferramenta computacional comercial permitindo assim verificar a variação de quantitativo de materiais estruturais. Por fim é feita uma análise dos exemplos realizados mostrando as principais diferenças encontradas nos novos modelos.

Análise da influência da rigidez das ligações viga-pilar no comportamento estrutural de edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos em concreto armado / Analysis of the influence of the stiffness of beam-column connections on the structural behavior of reinforced concrete buildings with multiple floors

Santos, Júlia Borges dos 25 April 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Conventional structural analysis of buildings in reinforced concrete is performed considering beam-column connections as rigid. However, experimental results prove the existence of relative rotations in beam-column connections of reinforced concrete structures, showing the partial transfer of bending moment. In this study the influence of the stiffness of beam-column connections on the structural behavior of multi-storey buildings in reinforced concrete was investigated. On a first stage, the value of the rotation restriction of connections was varied, observing the impact on horizontal displaceability of the structure, on the &#947;z coefficient, on the negative and positive moments of the beams and on the longitudinal reinforcement of the pillars. This analysis was performed for buildings with 05, 10, 15 and 19 floors. The results show that the reduction of the rotation restriction of connections increases the values of the horizontal displacements, of the &#947;z coefficient, of the positive moments and of the reinforcement of the pillars. The increases that occur on the values of the analyzed parameters become larger as the number of floors of buildings increases. On a second stage, the same building was calculated with rigid connections and deformable connections. In order to determine the factor &#945;R of deformable connections, two analytical models available in literature were used, and a comparison between the results obtained by each analytical model was also performed. Based on the results, it is concluded that neglecting the influence of the stiffness of the beam-column connections on the analysis of monolithic reinforced concrete structures may result in different solutions compared to the real behavior of the structure. The stiffness values obtained with the analytical models that were used differ considerably from the condition of rigid connections, suggesting an adjustment on the standard consideration of rigid connections adopted by the computer programs of structural calculation. / A análise estrutural convencional de edificações em concreto armado é realizada considerando as ligações viga-pilar como rígidas. Entretanto, resultados experimentais comprovam a existência de rotações relativas nas ligações viga-pilar de estruturas de concreto armado, evidenciando a transmissão parcial de momento fletor. Neste trabalho foi investigada a influência da rigidez das ligações viga-pilar no comportamento estrutural de edificações de múltiplos pavimentos em concreto armado. Em uma primeira etapa, variou-se o valor de restrição à rotação das ligações observando os impactos na deslocabilidade horizontal da estrutura, no coeficiente &#947;z, nos momentos negativos e positivos das vigas e nas armaduras longitudinais dos pilares. Esta análise foi realizada para edificações com 05, 10, 15 e 19 pavimentos. Observou-se por meio dos resultados que a redução da rigidez à rotação das ligações provoca aumento nos valores dos deslocamentos horizontais, do coeficiente &#947;z, dos momentos positivos das vigas e das armaduras dos pilares. Os acréscimos ocorridos nos valores dos parâmetros analisados são maiores à medida em que se aumentam o número de pavimentos das edificações. Em uma segunda etapa, calculou-se uma mesma edificação com ligações rígidas e com ligações deformáveis. Para determinação da restrição à rotação das ligações deformáveis, utilizaram-se dois modelos analíticos disponíveis na literatura, realizando-se, também, uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos pelos modelos. Com base nos resultados, conclui-se que negligenciar a influência da rigidez das ligações viga-pilar na análise de estruturas monolíticas em concreto armado pode gerar soluções muito diferentes do comportamento real da estrutura na prática. Os valores de rigidez obtidos pelos modelos analíticos utilizados divergem consideravelmente da condição de ligações rígidas, sugerindose a adequação na consideração padrão de ligações rígidas adotada pelos programas computacionais de cálculo estrutural. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Contribuição ao projeto de estruturas multi-piso reticuladas em concreto pré-moldado / Contribution to the design of precast concrete multi-storey structures

Joaquim Eduardo Mota 21 October 2009 (has links)
Estruturas em concreto pré-moldado vêm sendo utilizadas com freqüência em sistemas reticulados do tipo multi-piso, destinados às mais variadas atividades como: estabelecimentos comerciais, estacionamentos, escolas, hospitais e etc. A utilização de ligações viga-pilar do tipo semi-rígida constitui uma alternativa interessante para o enrijecimento e para a garantia da estabilidade global deste tipo de estrutura. Atualmente, a rigidez e a resistência destas ligações têm sido determinadas por ensaios de modelos em escala real. Estes ensaios, além de apresentarem um custo elevado, têm aplicação restrita à ligação examinada o que torna esta metodologia limitada e não adequada à prática de elaboração de projeto. Apresenta-se, neste trabalho, um modelo mecânico para determinação numérica da relação força-deslocamento de uma ligação viga-pilar semi-rígida a partir da contribuição da rigidez individual de cada componente de transferência de força utilizado na vinculação. A formulação do equilíbrio do modelo é implementada em planilha eletrônica constituindo-se numa ferramenta de cálculo para o projetista, permitindo o estudo, de forma rápida e amigável, da influência do posicionamento e da rigidez individual de cada componente de transferência de força na rigidez e na resistência da ligação. Este modelo mecânico foi utilizado para o cálculo da rigidez à rotação para momento fletor positivo de uma ligação viga-pilar ensaiada em laboratório. Os valores para a rigidez da ligação obtidos em ensaio e pelo modelo mecânico ficaram muito próximos. Da formulação do equilíbrio do modelo mecânico pode-se extrair ainda uma matriz de rigidez que é utilizada na representação da ligação semi-rígida no modelo de barra da estrutura. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido para a análise de pórticos planos com ligação viga-pilar semi-rígida considerando ainda as não linearidades físicas e geométricas do modelo de cálculo. O programa foi validado pela comparação de resultados de exemplos também processados no programa ANSYS. A não-linearidade geométrica é considerada pelo método modal, não incremental-iterativo, e que obtém a parcela não-linear da resposta estrutural pela combinação dos seus modos de flambagem. A não-linearidade física do concreto é considerada pelo método da rigidez secante no qual a rigidez de cada barra da estrutura é reduzida na análise conforme suas armaduras e o nível de sua solicitação. Para o cálculo da rigidez secante dos pilares desenvolveu-se um programa que permite a consideração de armaduras ativas e passivas na seção. A análise de alguns exemplos revelou que a protensão dos pilares é também uma alternativa interessante para o enrijecimento da estrutura. Além de exemplos práticos, outros temas pertinentes ao projeto deste tipo de estrutura como: estabilidade na fase construtiva, esforços finais após a montagem, efeitos dependentes do tempo, assimetria de rigidez e plastificação das ligações, são também abordados no trabalho. / Precast concrete multi-storey structures have been more frequently used to construct commercial buildings, parking, schools and hospitals. The use of semi-rigid beam-tocolumn connections is a good strategy to guarantee the global stability of this type of structure. Actually the rigidity and the strength of this type of connection are obtained in an experimental program using full scale prototypes. This procedure is not only expensive but limited and not adequate for design since the results are only valid for the examined connection. This research presents a mechanical model used to determine numerically the force-displacement relationship of a beam-to-column semirigid connection. The procedure uses the contribution of any individual force transfer component active in the connection. The equilibrium equation of the model is implemented in an electronic-worksheet where the designer can rapidly and friendly study the influence of the position and the individual rigidity of each force transfer component in the global rigidity and strength of the connection. For validation, this procedure was used to calculate the flexural rigidity for positive bending moment of a beam-to-column semi-rigid connection that was tested in laboratory. The numerical values of the connection rigidity obtained by test and by the mechanical model are very close. The matrix used in the formulation of the mechanical model equilibrium can also be used to represent the semi-rigid connection in the finite element model of the structure. A computational program was developed for plane frame analysis including semi-rigid beam-to-column connections and both physical and geometric nonlinearities. The program was tested by comparing the results of some examples that are also analysed in the ANSYS program. The geometric nonlinearity is considered by a modal method where the nonlinear response of the structure is obtained by a combination of its buckling modes. The physical nonlinearity of the concrete is considered by the secant rigidity method. In this method the rigidities of all concrete bars in the structure are reduced by coefficients that depend of the reinforcement in the cross section and the level of the efforts. A special computational program was developed to calculate the secant rigidity for a concrete cross section with reinforcing bar and prestressing steel. The analysis of some examples shows that the use of prestressing steel in collums is also an interesting alternative to sttifen the structure. Beyond of some practical examples, others themes related to the design of this type of structure like: stability in the erection process, efforts in the end of the erection process, time-dependent effects, non symmetrical and plastic behavior of the connections, are also treated in this work.

Low Frequency Impact Sound in Timber Buildings : Simulations and Measurements

Olsson, Jörgen January 2016 (has links)
An increased share of construction with timber is one possible way of achieving more sustainable and energy-efficient life cycles of buildings. The main reason is that wood is a renewable material and buildings require a large amount of resources. Timber buildings taller than two storeys were prohibited in Europe until the 1990s due to fire regulations. In 1994, this prohibition was removed in Sweden.     Some of the early multi-storey timber buildings were associated with more complaints due to impact sound than concrete buildings with the same measured impact sound class rating. Research in later years has shown that the frequency range used for rating has not been sufficiently low in order to include all the sound characteristics that are important for subjective perception of impact sound in light weight timber buildings. The AkuLite project showed that the frequency range has to be extended down to 20 Hz in order to give a good quality of the rating. This low frequency range of interest requires a need for knowledge of the sound field distribution, how to best measure the sound, how to predict the sound transmission levels and how to correlate numerical predictions with measurements.     Here, the goal is to improve the knowledge and methodology concerning measurements and predictions of low frequency impact sound in light weight timber buildings. Impact sound fields are determined by grid measurements in rooms within timber buildings with different designs of their joist floors. The measurements are used to increase the understanding of impact sound and to benchmark different field measurement methods. By estimating transfer functions, from impact forces to vibrations and then sound pressures in receiving rooms, from vibrational test data, improved possibilities to correlate the experimental results to numerical simulations are achieved. A number of excitation devices are compared experimentally to evaluate different characteristics of the test data achieved. Further, comparisons between a timber based hybrid joist floor and a modern concrete floor are made using FE-models to evaluate how stiffness and surface mass parameters affect the impact sound transfer and the radiation.     The measurements of sound fields show that light weight timber floors in small rooms tend to have their highest sound levels in the low frequency region, where the modes are well separated, and that the highest levels even can occur below the frequency of the first room mode of the air. In rooms with excitation from the floor above, the highest levels tend to occur at the floor levels and in the floor corners, if the excitation is made in the middle of the room above. Due to nonlinearities, the excitation levels may affect the transfer function in low frequencies which was shown in an experimental study. Surface mass and bending stiffness of floor systems are shown, by simulations, to be important for the amount of sound radiated.     By applying a transfer function methodology, measuring the excitation forces as well as the responses, improvements of correlation analyses between measurements and simulations can be achieved / ProWood / Silent Timber Build / Urban Tranquility / BioInnovation FBBB

Gestaltning och dimensionering av metallfria knutpunkter / Design of non-metallic timber connections

Al-saadi, Mohammed, Hilal, Marwa Abdulnasir Hilal January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop knowledge of non-metallic connections in order to develop and change the Swedish wood architecture as well as wood structures. The main question being "Are metal-free connections suitable for contemporary timber buildings?". In the theory chapter, facts about wood are introduced, followed by literature studies and previous research. Through literature research in the university database and conducting interviews with an architect, a designer and a carpenter, data was collected for the design process and for the calculation of the dimensions for one of the selected glulam connections. The result showed that there is a lack of knowledge in Sweden regarding non-metallic connections, other countries such as Switzerland are more developed in the area and has accepted the idea of this concept. The result also showed that the lack of strength in wooden connections lead to large dimensions of the timber elements, but an aesthetic advantage can be developed. Finally, the results are discussed and analyzed according to the different requirements set on appearance, durability and manufacturability. / Detta examensarbete syftar till att utveckla kunskap om metallfria knutpunkter för att möjliggöra en mer varierad svensk träarkitektur. Den övergripande frågan har varit ”Hur väl lämpar sig metallfria knutpunkter för nutida byggande av träkonstruktioner?”. I teorikapitlet beskrivs fakta om materialet trä, följt av beskrivning av litteratur och tidigare forskning som är relevant för denna studie. Genom en litteraturstudie via universitetets databaser samt intervjuer med en arkitekt, en konstruktör och en möbeldesigner samlades data för gestaltningsprocessen och dimensionering av en knutpunkt i limträ. Resultatet visade att det finns kunskapsbrist i Sverige gällande metallfria knutpunkter, andra länder som Schweiz är mer utvecklade inom området samt har accepterat tanken på detta koncept. Resultatet visade även att frågor kring hållfasthet leder till stora dimensioner för de ingående träelementen, men att en estetisk fördel kan utvecklas. Slutligen diskuteras och analyseras resultaten utefter olika krav som ställts på utseende, hållfasthet och tillverkning.

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