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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Full-Field Measurement of the Taylor-Quinney Coefficient in Tension Tests of Ti-6Al-4V, Aluminum 2024-T351, and Inconel 718 at Various Strain Rates

Smith, Jarrod L. 08 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Wireless Strain Gauge System in a Multipath Environment

Tuncay, Orbay 01 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Regier, RYAN 21 August 2013 (has links)
To better manage deteriorating infrastructure, quantitative data about the performance of infrastructure assets is required. Rayleigh based distributed fibre optic strain sensing (FOS) is a technology that has the potential to offer this type of data and unlike traditional strain sensors it can measure the strain along the full length of the structure. A series of experiments were undertaken to develop installation techniques and evaluate sensor accuracy for typical civil engineering materials: steel, concrete and reinforced concrete. The results of these experiments showed that the choice of sensing fibre and adhesive was dependent on the material being monitored. When the sensing fibre and adhesive are chosen correctly, the Rayleigh system can provide the same accuracy as a strain gauge for steel and concrete, and useful measurements can be obtained even in areas of concrete cracking. The FOS technique was utilized to determine whether distributed strain measurements could be used to detect and quantify localized deterioration of the steel reinforcement (localized area reductions of 0-30%) at service loads. A series of specimens was tested, the sensing system was able to detect the presence of localized deterioration with embedded nylon and polyimide fibres, but the nylon fibre cannot quantify large strain gradients due to slip within the sensing fibre. The strain profiles gave insights to the failure mechanism occurring in the reinforced concrete specimens. The strain profiles for both test series indicated that the tension reinforcement was acting as a tension tie and the strain profiles suggested the presence of compressive struts indicative of an arching mechanism in the specimens. The Black River bridge in Madoc, Ontario was instrumented with fibre optics sensors to determine whether the use of FOS is both practical and beneficial for reinforced concrete bridge assessment when compared to conventional instrumentation. The FOS showed reasonably good agreement with conventional sensors. The fibre optic strain results are used to calculate curvature, slope and displacement but careful consideration of the boundary conditions is required. The results from the fibre optic sensors can be used to show the bridge load distribution and give insights into the support conditions of the beams. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2013-08-21 11:56:53.276

Strength grading of structural timber and EWP laminations of Norway spruce : Development potentials

Oscarsson, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Strength grading of structural timber is a process by which value is added to sawn products. It is to the greater part carried out using machine grading based on statistical relationships between so called indicating properties and bending strength. The most frequently applied indicating property (IP) on the European market is the stiffness in terms of average modulus of elasticity (MOE) of a timber piece, although MOE is a material property that varies within timber. A major limitation of today’s grading methods is that the described relationships are relatively poor, which means that there is a potential for more accurate techniques. The main purpose of this research has been to initiate development of more accurate and efficient machine grading methods. Strength of timber is dependent on the occurrence of knots. At the same time, knot measures applied as indicating properties until today have shown to be poor predictors of strength. However, results from this research, and from previous research, has shown that not only size and position of knots but also fibre deviations in surrounding clear wood are of great importance for local stiffness and development of fracture under loading. Thus, development of new indicating properties which take account of knots as well as properties of surrounding fibres, determined on a very local scale, was considered as a possible path towards better strength grading. In the research, results from contact-free deformation measurements were utilized for analysis of structural behaviour of timber on both local and global level. Laser scanning was used for detection of local fibre directions projected on surfaces of pieces. Scanned information, combined with measures of density and average axial dynamic MOE, was applied for calculation of the variation of local MOE in the longitudinal board direction. By integration over cross-sections along a piece, a stiffness profile in edgewise bending was determined and a new IP was defined as the lowest bending MOE along the piece. For a sample of Norway spruce planks, a coefficient of determination of 0.68 was achieved between the new IP and bending strength. For narrow side boards to be used as laminations in wet-glued glulam beams, the relationship between IP and tensile strength was as high as 0.77. Since the intended use of the narrow boards was as laminations in wet-glued beams, the possibility of grading them in a wet state was also investigated. Grading based on axial dynamic excitation and weighing gave just as good results in a wet state as when the same grading procedure was applied after drying. It was also found that the relationship between the new IP and strength was dependent on what scale the IP was determined. Optimum was reached for moving average MOE calculated over lengths corresponding with approximately half the width of investigated pieces. Implementation of the new IP will result in grading that is more accurate than what is achieved by the great majority of today’s grading machines. The new method will probably also be particularly favourable for development of engineered wood products made of narrow laminations. / Hållfasthetssortering av konstruktionsvirke innebär att värdet på sågade produkter ökar. Sorteringen genomförs oftast med maskinella metoder baserade på statistiska samband mellan s.k. indikerande egenskaper och böjhållfasthet. Den indikerande egenskap (indicating property, IP) som är vanligast på den Europeiska marknaden är styvhet uttryckt som ett medelvärde för elasticitetsmodulen (modulus of elasticity, MOE) i ett virkesstycke, trots att MOE är en materialegenskap som varierar i virket. En betydande begränsning med dagens sorteringsmetoder är att de beskrivna sambanden är förhållandevis svaga, vilket innebär att det finns en potential för metoder med högre noggrannhet. Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta doktorandprojekt har varit att initiera en utveckling mot sådana metoder. Hållfasthet hos virke är beroende av förekomst av kvistar. Samtidigt har de kvistmått som fram till idag kommit till användning visat sig vara dåliga prediktorer av hållfasthet. Resultat från såväl denna som tidigare forskning har dock visat att inte bara kvistars storlek och läge, utan också variationen i fiberriktning i omgivande träfibrer, är av stor betydelse för lokal styvhet och brottförlopp under inverkan av last. Utveckling av nya IP som tar hänsyn till såväl kvistar som omgivande träfibrers egenskaper fastställda på mycket lokal nivå bedömdes vara en möjlig väg för att uppnå bättre hållfasthetssortering. I detta doktorandprojekt användes beröringsfri deformationsmätning för analys av det strukturella beteendet hos virkesstycken på såväl lokal som global nivå. Laserskanning utnyttjades för detektering av lokala fiberriktningar projicerade på virkesstyckenas ytor. Med utgångspunkt från skannad information, virkesdensitet och medelvärde för axiell dynamisk elasticitetsmodul kunde variationen i lokal elasticitetsmodul i virkesstyckenas längdriktning bestämmas. Genom integration över tvärsektioner längs ett virkesstycke kunde en profil över hur böjstyvheten i styva riktningen varierade i virkesstyckets längdriktning beräknas. En ny IP definierades som den lägsta elasticitetsmodulen i böjning utmed virkesstyckets längd. För ett urval av granplankor erhölls en förklaringsgrad på 0.68 mellan den nya indikerande egenskapen och böjhållfasthet. För smala sidobrädor avsedda att användas som lameller i våtlimmade limträbalkar var motsvarande förklaringsgrad mellan samma IP och draghållfasthet så hög som 0.77. Eftersom sidobrädorna var avsedda att användas som lameller i våtlimmade balkar genomfördes en studie avseende möjligheten att hållfasthetssortera i vått tillstånd med hjälp av axiell dynamisk excitering och vägning. Det visade sig att sådan sortering gav lika bra resultat som då samma metod användes efter torkning. Sambandet mellan den nya indikerande egenskapen och hållfasthet visade sig också vara beroende av på vilken lokal nivå som egenskapen beräknades. Optimum uppnåddes då den bestämdes som ett glidande medelvärde beräknat över en längd motsvarande ungefär halva virkesstyckets höjd. Implementering av den nya sorteringsmetoden kommer att resultera i sortering som är noggrannare än vad som kan erhållas med det stora flertalet av de sorteringsmetoder som finns idag. Den nya indikerande egenskapen kommer sannolikt att bli särskilt gynnsam att använda för utveckling av ingenjörsmässiga träprodukter bestående av smala lameller.

Verbesserte Dehnungsmessung im Betonbau durch verteilte faseroptische Sensorik

Weisbrich, Martin 29 January 2021 (has links)
Die verteilte faseroptische Sensorik (VFOS) auf Basis von Rayleighstreuung stellt ein besonderes und vielversprechendes Verfahren zur Dehnungsmessung im Betonbau und im Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) dar. Neben einer hohen Ortsauflösung und Messempfindlichkeit kann sie geringste Dehnungsänderungen an jedem Punkt der Messfaser erfassen. Für einen zuverlässigen Einsatz fehlen aktuell Material- und Handlungsempfehlungen; in der Literatur finden sich widersprüchliche Aussagen zu den Dehnungsübertragungsverlusten zwischen Substrat und Messfaser. Diesbezüglich beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der Validierung des Messverfahrens für Szenarien im Betonbau. Neben der Applikation auf Stahl- und Betonoberflächen wurde die Integration in der Matrix untersucht. Im Zuge dessen sollten die Dehnungsübertragungsverluste verschiedener Fasercoatings bzw. Fasercoating-Klebstoff-Kombinationen überprüft werden. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Auswerteverfahren mithilfe der Programmiersprache Python entwickelt, das eine automatisierte Datenaufbereitung und Substituierung der Messabweichungen der enormen Datenmengen ermöglicht. Im Zuge der Validierung auf der Stahloberfläche wurden die Dehnungswerte der verschiedenen Coating-Klebstoff-Kombinationen an Präzisionsflachstählen im 4-Punkt-Biegeversuch mit einer photogrammetrischen Dehnungsmessung verglichen. Im Rahmen der Validierung auf der Betonoberfläche kamen Betondruckzylinder zum Einsatz, an denen zusätzlich zu den Coating-Klebstoff-Kombinationen der Einfluss einer Grundierung untersucht wurde. Induktive Wegaufnehmer dienten im Verlauf der Druckversuche als Vergleichsmesstechnik. Die Validierung verschiedener Coatingmaterialien in der Matrix fand anhand von Schwindversuchen an Betonprismen statt; als Vergleichsmessmethode dienten digitale Messuhren. Zur Bewertung der aus den Validierungsversuchen abgeleiteten Material- und Handlungsempfehlungen wurden Bauteilversuche an Betonbalken durchgeführt. Die Auswertung der Validierungsversuche zeigte, dass vor allem mit einem Ormocer-Coating gute Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Dehnungsübertragung erzielt werden konnten. Im Falle einer Applikation empfiehlt sich die Verwendung eines Cyanacrylatklebstoffs -- besonders der M-Bond 200 überzeugte durch geringe Dehnungsverluste. Betonoberflächen sollten vorher geschliffen und mit Epoxidharz grundiert werden. Im Falle einer Integration in die Betonmatrix zeigten auch die Ormocer-Fasern minimale Unterschiede zur Vergleichsmessung. Die Ergebnisse der Bauteilversuche verifizieren die Handlungs- und Materialempfehlungen: Die Dehnungswerte der Fasern decken sich mit denen der analytischen Bemessung der Betonbalken. Lediglich an den Lasteinleitungsstellen konnten Oszillationen des Dehnungsverlaufs durch Gefügestörungen festgestellt werden. Forschungsbedarf besteht v.a. hinsichtlich der Validierung weiterer Komponenten (Klebstoff, Coating, Grundierungsmittel) und deren Langzeitstabilität, insbesondere bei chemischen und dynamischen Beanspruchungen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte ein Überblick über verschiedene Materialien geschaffen werden, jedoch ist das Repertoire an verfügbaren Komponenten immens, gerade bei den Klebstoffen. Bei der Validierung auf der Betonoberfläche und in der Matrix kam eine Feinkornbetonmischung zum Einsatz. Diesbezüglich sollten in weiteren Forschungen unterschiedliche Matrices und Korngrößen Untersuchungsgegenstand sein. / Distributed fiber optic sensor (DFOS) technology based on Rayleigh scattering is a unique and promising method for strain measurement in concrete structures as well as structural health monitoring (SHM). It can detect the smallest strain changes at any point in the measuring fiber with a high spatial resolution and sensitivity. Currently, there exist no material and handling recommendations for a reliable application, and the literature contains contradictory statements on strain transfer losses between substrate and fiber. The present study deals with the validation of this measuring method for scenarios in concrete structures. Besides applications on steel and concrete surfaces, the integration in a concrete matrix was investigated. The validation yields results for strain transfer losses for different fiber coatings or fiber coating/adhesive combinations. Furthermore, the development of an evaluation method using the computer language Python provides automated data preparation and measurement error substitution of the enormous data volumes. For the validation on steel surfaces, the strain values of different coating-adhesive combinations on precision flat steels were compared in a 4-point bending test with a photogrammetric strain measurement. For the validation on concrete surfaces, concrete pressure cylinders were used to investigate the influence of a primer and different coating-adhesive combinations. Inductive displacement transducers served as a comparative measuring technique during the compression tests. Shrinkage tests allowed the validation of different coating materials in a matrix on concrete prisms. Digital dial gauges were used as a comparative measuring method. For evaluation purposes, the material and handling recommendations derived from the validation were tested on concrete beams. The results of the validation tests indicate good results regarding strain transfer with an Ormocer coating. For application as tested , the use of a cyanoacrylate adhesive is recommended -- especially M-Bond 200 was convincing due to its low strain losses. Concrete surfaces should be sanded and primed with epoxy resin. If integrated into a concrete matrix, the Ormocer fibers also showed minor differences from the comparative measurement. The results of the evaluation tests verify the handling and material recommendations: the strain values of the fibers correspond to the values obtained in concrete-beam analysis. Oscillations of the strain profile due to microstructural disturbances could only be detected at the load application points. Further research regarding the validation of additional components (adhesives, coating, primer) and their long-term stability, especially chemical and dynamic loads, is necessary. This study provides an overview of different coating and adhesives. However, the repertoire of available components is immense - especially for adhesives. During the validation on concrete surfaces and in matrix, a fine-grained concrete mixture was used. In this respect, different matrices and grain sizes should be the subject of further research.

Non-contact Assessment of Acute Mental Stress with Camera-based Photoplethysmography

Ernst, Hannes 26 September 2024 (has links)
Acute mental stress is an everyday phenomenon that has evidently intensified over the past decades and poses significant health risks. Conventional methods for stress assessment are not suitable for everyday use. They are suitable only for clinical and laboratory assessment because they require full attention, limit the freedom of movement (sensors, cables), often require trained personnel or special equipment, and thus are cost-intensive. This work investigates camera-based photoplethysmography (cbPPG), a non-contact technique for the monitoring of cardiovascular vital signs, as an alternative for the assessment of acute mental stress that is suitable for everyday use. As a non-contact technique cbPPG is considered susceptible to artifacts. To overcome limitations of existing cbPPG methods, this work covers essential developments for the robust extraction of non-contact vital signs in addition to the assessment of acute mental stress. An experimental study was designed and conducted with 65 healthy participants to gain a database for cbPPG including synchronized reference measurements (e.g. electrocardiography, skin conductance, salivary cortisol concentration). The experimental study resulted in the „Dresden Multimodal Biosignal Dataset for the Mannheim Multi-component Stress Test“ (DMBD). In addition, the „Binghamton-Pittsburgh-RPI Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Database“ (BP4D+) was utilized. For robust extraction of non-contact vital signs measured with cbPPG, a novel method for the extraction of cbPPG signals was developed: O3C. O3C optimizes the combination of the color channels of RGB cameras with an evaluation metric in a specialized, systematic grid search. Several investigations on properties of the novel method revealed that the grid search always identified a global optimum. O3C was independent of different skin tones and the choice of evaluation metric. Temporal normalization of the RGB color channels improved the transferability of O3C between datasets (DMBD, BP4D+). At the example of breath rate measurement, it was shown that the method behind O3C is transferable from pulse rate to other vital signs. In addition, a novel method for automatic, reference-free identification of erroneous measurements was developed on the basis of signal quality indexes (SQIs). The developments on robust extraction of non-contact vital signs contribute to the fundamentals of cardiovascular monitoring that is suitable for everyday use. Among other aspects, this forms the basis for non-contact assessment of acute mental stress with cbPPG. In the experimental study (DMBD), conventional reference methods showed distinct changes in psychometric variables, chemical biomarkers, and contact-based vital signs during acute mental stress. The results are widely in line with existing literature and indicated successful activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) as well as sympathetic activation of the autonomic nervous system. A special characteristic of this investigation on stress assessment resides in the large variety of synchronized reference parameters, which allows a side-by-side comparison of the effectiveness of different measurement techniques. To assess the physiological reaction to acute mental stress with non-contact technique, ten vital signs derived with cbPPG were analyzed. The cbPPG vital signs registered positive chronotropy, peripheral vasoconstriction, and altered respiration in accordance with reference measurements. Thus, they also successfully indicated sympathetic activation of the autonomic nervous system. In a machine learning approach, the cbPPG vital signs were effective in detecting the immediate stress response with a fairly high temporal resolution of 30 s. These investigations are unique in terms of their extent and the possibility to adduce diverse synchronized reference measurements for comparison. They provide valuable insights into capabilities and effectiveness of cbPPG for non-contact assessment of acute mental stress. The findings of this work pave the way for robust non-contact monitoring with cbPPG. At the example of acute mental stress, a method for physiological assessment of the human state that is suitable for everyday use has been presented. This provides new opportunities to make use of the great potential that cbPPG offers for numerous everyday applications (e.g. telemedical video consultations, adaptive human-machine interfaces).:1 Introduction .. 1.1 Relevance .. 1.2 Scope .. 1.3 Outline .. 1.4 Delineation 2 Physiological Fundamentals .. 2.1 Stress and Strain .. .. 2.1.1 Historical Development .. .. 2.1.2 Definition .. 2.2 Endocrine System .. 2.3 Autonomic Nervous System .. 2.4 Cardiovascular System .. .. 2.4.1 Heart .. .. 2.4.2 Vascular System .. .. 2.4.3 Facial Vasculature .. 2.5 Skin 3 Methods to Assess the Human Response to Acute Mental Stress .. 3.1 Clinical and Laboratory Procedures .. .. 3.1.1 Stress Induction .. .. 3.1.2 Stress Response Assessment .. 3.2 Biomedical Engineering Techniques .. .. 3.2.1 Conventional Techniques .. .. .. Electrocardiography .. .. .. Photoplethysmography .. .. .. Blood Pressure Measurement .. .. .. Electrodermal Activity .. .. .. Vital Signs of Conventional Techniques .. .. 3.2.2 Non-contact Techniques .. .. .. Overview .. .. .. Comparison .. 3.3 Summary 4 Camera-based Photoplethysmography .. 4.1 Functional Principle .. 4.2 Measurement Technology .. 4.3 Pulse Rate Measurement .. 4.4 Algorithms for Signal Extraction .. .. 4.4.1 Image Processing .. .. 4.4.2 Channel Combination .. .. 4.4.3 Signal Processing .. .. 4.4.4 Excursus: A Note on Deep Learning .. .. 4.4.5 Summary .. 4.5 Application to Stress Assessment 5 Study Design .. 5.1 Binghamton-Pittsburgh-RPI Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Database .. 5.2 Dresden Multimodal Biosignal Dataset for the Mannheim Multicomponent Stress Test .. .. 5.2.1 Protocol .. .. 5.2.2 Setup .. .. 5.2.3 Annotations .. .. 5.2.4 Cohort Summary 6 Investigations on Robust Extraction of Non-contact Vital Signs .. 6.1 Color Space Transformations .. 6.2 Novel Method for the Optimization of Color Channel Combinations .. 6.3 Impact of Skin Tone on the Optimal Color Channel Combination .. 6.4 Impact of Normalization on the Optimal Color Channel Combination .. 6.5 Impact of Evaluation Metric on the Optimal Color Channel Combination .. 6.6 Optimal Color Channel Combination for Breath Rate Measurement .. 6.7 Signal Quality Index Filtering .. 6.8 Summary 7 Investigations on the Assessment of Acute Mental Stress .. 7.1 Examination of Reference Parameters .. 7.2 Examination of Camera-based Vital Signs .. 7.3 Prediction from Camera-based Vital Signs .. 7.4 Summary 8 Conclusion .. 8.1 Summary .. 8.2 Outlook References Appendix .. A Schematic Structure of the Autonomic Nervous System .. B Other Conventional Techniques for Biosignal Acquisition .. C Recording and Synchronization of the Dresden Multimodal Biosignal Dataset for the Mannheim Multicomponent Stress Test .. D Definition of Regions of Interest From Facial Landmarks .. E Definition of Color Space Transformations .. F Extended Results of Camera-based Pulse Rate Measurement With Different Color Spaces and Regions of Interest .. G Level-Set Regions of Interest in the Experimental Study .. H Relative Accuracy Differences Across the Hemispherical Surface Grid for Multiple Settings .. I Descriptive Statistics for the Reference Vital Signs of the Experimental Study .. J Insignificant Reference Vital Signs of the Experimental Study .. K Statistics for the Binary Logistic Regression with Forward Selection .. .. K.1 Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients .. .. K.2 Model Summary .. .. K.3 Hosmer and Lemeshow Test .. .. K.4 Classification Table .. .. K.5 Equation Variables / Akuter mentaler Stress ist ein alltägliches Phänomen, dass sich im Laufe der vergangenen Jahrzehnte nachweislich intensiviert hat und ein Risiko für die Gesundheit darstellt. Herkömmliche Methoden zur Stressbewertung sind nicht alltagstauglich. Sie eignen sich nur für Klinik und Labor, da sie volle Aufmerksamkeit erfordern, Bewegungsfreiheit einschränken (Sensoren, Kabel), zumeist Fachpersonal oder Spezialausrüstung voraussetzen und entsprechend kostenintensiv sind. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der kamerabasierten Photoplethysmographie (cbPPG), einer kontaktlosen Technik zum Monitoring kardiovaskulärer Vitalparameter, als alltagstaugliche Alternative zur Bewertung der physiologischen Reaktion auf akuten mentalen Stress. Als kontaktlose Technologie gilt cbPPG allerdings als artefaktanfällig. Um Limitationen bestehender Methoden zu überwinden, umfasst diese Arbeit neben der Stressbewertung mit cbPPG essenzielle Weiterentwicklungen zur robusten Extraktion kontaktloser Vitalparameter. Um eine Datenbasis für cbPPG mit zahlreichen Referenzmessverfahren (z. B. Elektrokardiografie, Hautleitfähigkeit, Speichelkortisolkonzentration) zu schaffen, wurde eine Experimentalstudie mit 65 gesunden Probanden aufgesetzt. Daraus resultierte das „Dresden Multimodal Biosignal Dataset for the Mannheim Multi-component Stress Test“ (DMBD). Zusätzlich fand die „Binghamton-Pittsburgh-RPI Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Database“ (BP4D+) Anwendung. Für die robuste Extraktion von Vitalparametern mit cbPPG wurde eine neuartige Methodik zur Signalextraktion entwickelt: O3C. O3C optimiert die Kombination der Farbkanäle einer RGB-Kamera in einer spezialisierten, systematischen Rastersuche anhand einer Evaluationsmetrik. Die Untersuchung zentraler Eigenschaften von O3C zeigte, dass stets ein globales Optimum der Rastersuche existiert und die neue Methode robust gegenüber verschiedenen Hauttönen und Evaluationsmetriken ist. Zeitliche Normalisierung der RGB-Farbkanäle verbesserte die Übertragbarkeit von O3C zwischen verschiedenen Datensätzen (DMBD, BP4D+). Am Beispiel der Atemratenmessung wurde gezeigt, dass die Methodik von O3C auf andere Vitalparameter übertragbar ist. Darüber hinaus wurde eine neue Methode zur referenzfreien Identifikation fehlerhafter Messungen mittels Signalqualitätsindizes (SQIs) entwickelt. Die Entwicklungen zur robusten Extraktion von Vitalparametern leisten einen grundlegenden Beitrag für das alltagstaugliche kardiovaskuläre Monitoring mit cbPPG. Damit schaffen sie unter anderem die Voraussetzung für die kontaktlose Stressbewertung mit cbPPG. Die Referenzmessverfahren der Experimentalstudie (DMBD) zeigten bei akutem mentalem Stress deutliche Veränderungen psychometrischer Variablen, chemischer Biomarker und kontaktbasiert erfasster Vitalparameter. Die Ergebnisse stehen in weitreichender Übereinstimmung mit bisheriger Literatur und wiesen die erfolgreiche Aktivierung der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse und die sympathische Aktivierung des autonomen Nervensystems aus. Eine Besonderheit dieser Untersuchung zur Stressbewertung liegt in der Vielfalt synchronisierter Referenzparameter, mit der sich die Effektivität verschiedener Referenzmessverfahren direkt gegenüberstellen lässt. Für die kontaktlose Bewertung der physiologischen Reaktion auf akuten mentalen Stress wurden zehn cbPPG Vitalparameter analysiert. Die cbPPG Vitalparameter erfassten positive Chronotropie, periphere Vasokonstriktion und veränderte Atmung, und zeigten damit ebenfalls die sympathische Aktivierung des autonomen Nervensystems erfolgreich an. Die cbPPG Vitalparameter eigneten sich darüber hinaus zur zuverlässigen automatisierten Detektion der unmittelbaren Stressreaktion mit einer hohen zeitlichen Auflösung von 30 s. Die Untersuchungen sind einzigartig in ihrem Umfang und der Möglichkeit, diverse Referenzmessverfahren zum Vergleich heranzuziehen. Sie liefern damit wertvolle Erkenntnisse über Möglichkeiten und Leistungsfähigkeit von cbPPG zur kontaktlosen Stressbewertung. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ebnen den Weg für ein robustes kontaktloses Monitoring mittels cbPPG. Am Beispiel akuten mentalen Stresses wurde eine Methode zur alltagstauglichen Bewertung physiologischer Zustände aufgezeigt. Damit eröffnen sich neue Möglichkeiten, das große Potenzial von cbPPG für zahlreiche Anwendungsfälle (z. B. adaptive Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen, telemedizinische Videokonsultationen) alltagstauglich zu erschließen.:1 Introduction .. 1.1 Relevance .. 1.2 Scope .. 1.3 Outline .. 1.4 Delineation 2 Physiological Fundamentals .. 2.1 Stress and Strain .. .. 2.1.1 Historical Development .. .. 2.1.2 Definition .. 2.2 Endocrine System .. 2.3 Autonomic Nervous System .. 2.4 Cardiovascular System .. .. 2.4.1 Heart .. .. 2.4.2 Vascular System .. .. 2.4.3 Facial Vasculature .. 2.5 Skin 3 Methods to Assess the Human Response to Acute Mental Stress .. 3.1 Clinical and Laboratory Procedures .. .. 3.1.1 Stress Induction .. .. 3.1.2 Stress Response Assessment .. 3.2 Biomedical Engineering Techniques .. .. 3.2.1 Conventional Techniques .. .. .. Electrocardiography .. .. .. Photoplethysmography .. .. .. Blood Pressure Measurement .. .. .. Electrodermal Activity .. .. .. Vital Signs of Conventional Techniques .. .. 3.2.2 Non-contact Techniques .. .. .. Overview .. .. .. Comparison .. 3.3 Summary 4 Camera-based Photoplethysmography .. 4.1 Functional Principle .. 4.2 Measurement Technology .. 4.3 Pulse Rate Measurement .. 4.4 Algorithms for Signal Extraction .. .. 4.4.1 Image Processing .. .. 4.4.2 Channel Combination .. .. 4.4.3 Signal Processing .. .. 4.4.4 Excursus: A Note on Deep Learning .. .. 4.4.5 Summary .. 4.5 Application to Stress Assessment 5 Study Design .. 5.1 Binghamton-Pittsburgh-RPI Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Database .. 5.2 Dresden Multimodal Biosignal Dataset for the Mannheim Multicomponent Stress Test .. .. 5.2.1 Protocol .. .. 5.2.2 Setup .. .. 5.2.3 Annotations .. .. 5.2.4 Cohort Summary 6 Investigations on Robust Extraction of Non-contact Vital Signs .. 6.1 Color Space Transformations .. 6.2 Novel Method for the Optimization of Color Channel Combinations .. 6.3 Impact of Skin Tone on the Optimal Color Channel Combination .. 6.4 Impact of Normalization on the Optimal Color Channel Combination .. 6.5 Impact of Evaluation Metric on the Optimal Color Channel Combination .. 6.6 Optimal Color Channel Combination for Breath Rate Measurement .. 6.7 Signal Quality Index Filtering .. 6.8 Summary 7 Investigations on the Assessment of Acute Mental Stress .. 7.1 Examination of Reference Parameters .. 7.2 Examination of Camera-based Vital Signs .. 7.3 Prediction from Camera-based Vital Signs .. 7.4 Summary 8 Conclusion .. 8.1 Summary .. 8.2 Outlook References Appendix .. A Schematic Structure of the Autonomic Nervous System .. B Other Conventional Techniques for Biosignal Acquisition .. C Recording and Synchronization of the Dresden Multimodal Biosignal Dataset for the Mannheim Multicomponent Stress Test .. D Definition of Regions of Interest From Facial Landmarks .. E Definition of Color Space Transformations .. F Extended Results of Camera-based Pulse Rate Measurement With Different Color Spaces and Regions of Interest .. G Level-Set Regions of Interest in the Experimental Study .. H Relative Accuracy Differences Across the Hemispherical Surface Grid for Multiple Settings .. I Descriptive Statistics for the Reference Vital Signs of the Experimental Study .. J Insignificant Reference Vital Signs of the Experimental Study .. K Statistics for the Binary Logistic Regression with Forward Selection .. .. K.1 Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients .. .. K.2 Model Summary .. .. K.3 Hosmer and Lemeshow Test .. .. K.4 Classification Table .. .. K.5 Equation Variables

Utilisation d’une méthode optique sans contact pour décrire le comportement mécanique de composites bois/plastique ‘WPC’ / Mechanical behaviour of Wood Plastic Composites investigated by 3D Digital Correlation

Ben'MBarek, Talel 16 December 2011 (has links)
Dans cette étude, les propriétés mécanique et la microstructure du polyéthylène à haute densité (PEHD)/ fibres de bois (Pinmaritime) ont été caractérisés. Le comportement en traction et en flexion 4 points de composites fibres de bois/polyéthylène(WPC) avec et sans additif a été étudié en utilisant des mesures de champs par stéréo-corrélation d’image numériques. Nousavons tout d’abord comparé les mesures de déformation longitudinale par stéréo-corrélation d’image à celles mesurées parextensométrie mécanique au cours d’un essai de traction simple uni-axial. Les valeurs de déformation macroscopiquemesurées sont comparables à celles obtenues par extensométrie mécanique classique. Quatre formulations ont été testées(avec ou sans l'additif et avec 10% ou 30% de bois) au travers des essais de traction et flexion 4 points en utilisant laméthode par stéréo-corrélation d’image. Nous avons pu ainsi corréler la visualisation combinée des images enregistrées parles caméras au comportement mécanique ainsi qu’aux modifications des surfaces des composites. Les résultats ont montréque les singularités au niveau de la surface des échantillons ainsi que la présence des fibres de bois (dans les proportionsutilisées durant nos essais) n’ont pas d’effets sur la qualité du composite. La stéréo corrélation d’images nous permet d’avoirune information précise sur le cisaillement tant d’un point de vue quantitatif que qualitatif. L’essai cyclique a été utilisé pouranalyser l’endommagement du composite. Les courbes en traction et flexion ont montré un comportement global non linéaire. Le module d’élasticité (MOE) est évalué par la tangente à l’origine d’un modèle de Maxwell-Binhgam ajusté paroptimisation sur les courbes expérimentales. Les cartographies fausses couleurs du champ de déformation du WPC ont étéprésentées. D’autre part, on a analysé le comportement endommageable et le degré d’hétérogénéité pour différentspourcentages de bois à l’aide des valeurs de l’écart type spatial du champ de déformation longitudinale. Par cette technique,nous avons également pu étudier les propriétés mécaniques en traction et en compression à partir d’un essai de flexion 4points. Le second objectif était d’améliorer la performance des liaisons entre les fibres de bois hydrophiles polaires et lamatrice plastique de PEHD hydrophobe non polaire. Pour cette raison, la fibre de bois a été traitée par anhydride maléique depolyéthylène (MAPE) (greffage par copolymérisation) et acétylée (greffage de chaine de carbone). Dans cette partie, nousavons étudié l’effet de MAPE ainsi que la longueur de la chaine de carbone greffée sur les propriétés mécaniques du WPC.Par ailleurs, nous avons pu observer et caractériser la morphologie à l’interface fibre de bois/HDPE du WPC greffé enutilisant un microscope électronique à balayage (MEB). / Firstly we have compared longitudinal strenght obtained by stereo correlation with mechanical extensometer forthe same tests. It is shown that macroscopic values of the longitudinal strain are closed to those measured bymechanical extensometers using standard mechanical tests. Four injected WPC formulations (with or withoutadditive and with 10% or 30% of wood) are consider. WPC surface particularities and wood fibers distributionon samples have no effect on WPC mechanical performances. Also 3D digital image correlation givesinformations on Tensile performances (from quality and quantity point of view). Cyclic tensile tests have beenperformed in order to analyse the damage of material. A non-linear behaviour is shown. The Modulus ofElasticity (MOE) is provided by a Maxwell-Bingham model fitted to the experimental tensile curves. Color mapsof the spatial strain distribution are commented. Moreover, the damage behaviour and the degree ofheterogeneity for several percentages of fibre wood-based WPC are analysed thanks to the spatial standarddeviation of the longitudinal strain field. With this technology it was possible to study of the mechanicalproperties in tensile and compression during four bending test. The second objective was to improve the linkbetween PEHD matrix and wood fibres because of the incompatibility between the polar hydrophilic wood fibresand the non-polar hydrophobic polyethylene. For this reason, the wood fibre was treated by maleic polyethyleneanhydride (MAPE) (grafting by copolymerization) and was acetylated (grafting of carbon chain). In this part, theeffect on the mechanical properties, of maleic anhydride modified polyethylene (MAPE) and of the length of thecarbon chain graft (CCG) between a (HDPE) matrix and wood fiber is studied. Furthermore, Scanning ElectronMicroscope (SEM) is used to characterize the morphology of the wood fibre / HDPE matrix interface forspecimens with carbon chain grafted.

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