Spelling suggestions: "subject:"straw."" "subject:"atraw.""
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Consórcio de milho com adubos verdes e manejo da adubação nitrogenada no cultivo de feijão em sucessão no sistema integração lavoura-pecuária no cerrado / Nitrogen fertilization management in bean cultivated after maize-legumes intercropping in the Crop-Livestock Integration system in Brazilian SavannahPriscila de Oliveira 29 June 2010 (has links)
Foram realizados dez experimentos envolvendo as culturas de feijão e milho consorciado com leguminosas e/ou Brachiaria brizantha, nas safras de verão de 2008/2009, inverno de 2009 e verão de 2009/2010, em dois municípios de estado de Goiás (GO). Em Ipameri-GO, a área foi cultivada com soja por vários anos e milho consorciado com B. brizantha na safra que precedeu a implantação dos experimentos. Em Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO, a área é mantida com a rotação de milho e soja com a forrageira B. brizantha, em esquema trienal. Os principais objetivos desses estudos foram avaliar: (i) a viabilidade do consórcio de milho com leguminosas, (ii) a resposta do feijoeiro cultivado em sucessão e (iii) o manejo do N nessas culturas. Foi constatado que em solos com média a alta fertilidade química, como os utilizados na experimentação, os consórcios de milho com B. brizantha ou com guandu-anão (Canajus cajan) ou crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis) não interferiram na produtividade de grãos de milho na presença de N em cobertura, exceto no experimento conduzido em Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO, no qual a crotalária reduziu significativamente a produtividade do milho. Também, em ambos os locais, no consórcio simultâneo ou defasado de milho com crotalária ou guandu-anão não ocorreu liberação de nitrogênio (N) das leguminosas para o milho, medido pela produtividade de grãos, durante o ciclo das espécies. Já nos consórcios em que a B. brizantha foi mantida sem dessecação nas entrelinhas do milho, denominado de dessecação parcial, ocorreu decréscimo significativo na produtividade do milho, em relação ao cultivo em área totalmente dessecada. A análise de crescimento revelou maiores índice de área foliar (IAF) e acúmulo de massa de matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA) para o guandu em monocultivo, sendo que para a crotalária cultivada na linha do milho, tanto o IAF quanto a MSPA aproximaram-se dos valores referentes ao monocultivo. As curvas de crescimento do milho revelaram a superioridade do cultivo com 90.kg.ha-1 de N tanto no IAF quanto na MSPA, quando comparado ao cultivo consorciado com leguminosas. No caso de Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO, na rotação trienal envolvendo espécies graníferas e forrageiras, registrou-se um acentuado aporte de N no solo, sendo obtidas altas produtividades de feijão cultivado em sucessão à pastagem, sem a aplicação de N mineral, ocorrendo, porém, aumento significativo na produtividade do feijoeiro nos tratamentos de palhadas que continham leguminosas. A aplicação de N mineral imediatamente antes da semeadura ou no estádio de plântulas do feijão e do milho teve efeito semelhante nas suas produtividades em relação à aplicação tradicional, ou seja, algumas semanas após a emergência dessas espécies. A aplicação de N mineral foi mais eficiente no aumento da produtividade de feijão irrigado quando feita próximo às fileiras de plantas ou quando o N foi incorporado mecanicamente no solo, comparados à aplicação a lanço. / Ten experiments were performed involving common beans and maize intercropped with legumes and/or Brachiaria brizantha, in the summer crops of 2008/2009, 2009 winter and summer of 2009/2010 in two municipalities in the Goiás (GO) state, Brazil. In Ipameri- GO, the area was planted with soybeans for several years and corn associated with B. brizantha in crop preceding the experiments. In Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO, the area is maintained with corn or soybean rotation with B. brizantha, in a three-year scheme. The main objectives of these studies were to evaluate the feasibility of intercropping maize with legumes and the response of common bean after it, in no-tillage system, on the mulching straws provided by the cultivation of maize intercropped with forage legumes and grasses and to study the management of nitrogen (N) in these two crops. It was found that in soils with medium to high chemical fertility, such as those used in the experiments, the intercropping of corn and B. brizantha or pigeonpea (Canajus cajan) and sunn hemp (Crotalaria spectabilis) had any influence on grain yield of maize in the presence of mineral N, except in the experiment conducted in Santo Antonio de Goiás-GO, where the sunn hemp significantly reduced corn productivity. Also, in both locations, simultaneous or lagged consortium of pigeonpea or sunn hemp with maize, there was no release of N from legumes to maize, as measured by grain productivity, during the cycle of the species. However, in the consortia in which B. brizantha is maintained without drying between the maize lines, called partial desiccation, there was a significant decrease in the yield of corn in relation to the totally desiccated area. The growth analysis showed higher leaf area index (LAI) and total dry matter accumulation (TDM) for pigeonpea grown in single system, but for sunn hemp cultivated in the corn rows, both LAI and TDM approached to its single cropping, confirming its competitiveness with corn in the intercropping system. Growth curves also showed the superiority of the corn crop with 90 kg N ha-1 in both LAI and TDM, compared to intercropping with legumes. In the case of Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO the three-year rotation involving grain species and grass forages caused an intake of N in the soil, and high yields of beans grown in rotation with pasture were obtained, without the application of mineral N, occurring, though, significant increase in grain yield in the treatments of straws containing legumes. The application of mineral N immediately before sowing or at the seedling stage of beans and corn had a similar effect on their productivity compared to traditional application, a few weeks after the emergence of these species. The application of mineral N was more efficient in increasing the productivity of beans when applied on the soil surface near the plants rows and in cases where the fertilizer was mechanically incorporated into the soil, comparing to surface-broadcasting.
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Digestion anaérobie par voie sèche de résidus lignocellulosiques : Etude dynamique des relations entre paramètres de procédés, caractéristiques du substrat et écosystème microbien / Solid-state anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic residues : Dynamical study of the relationship between process parameters, substrate characteristics and microbial ecosystemMotte, Jean-Charles 06 November 2013 (has links)
L'optimisation de la digestion anaérobie par voie sèche est actuellement limitée par un manque de connaissances fondamentales. En particulier, les effets des principaux paramètres de procédé sur la dynamique réactionnelle sont peu connus en digestion sèche : teneur en eau, propriétés du substrat ou taux d'inoculation. Ces conditions opératoires ont des conséquences importantes à l'échelle des micro-organismes par la modification des conditions environnementales locales. Si la relation entre les propriétés des substrats lignocellulosiques et l'activité de la biomasse microbienne est au cœur de la dynamique réactionnelle, elle reste très peu prise en compte lors de l'ajustement des conditions opératoires. Ce travail vise à comprendre l'impact des paramètres de procédé (teneur en eau, caractéristiques du substrat, taux d'inoculation) sur le développement, la structuration et l'activité des micro-organismes au cours de la digestion sèche de substrats lignocellulosiques, en vue de maitriser le procédé dans son ensemble. La stratégie retenue a consisté à suivre la dégradation de la paille de blé, modèle des résidus agricoles méthanisables, en réacteurs discontinus faiblement inoculés. Quatre séries d'expériences ont été mises en place pour : i) comprendre comment les paramètres de procédés impactent les réactions, ii) étudier le comportement métabolique des micro-organismes à faibles teneurs en eau, iii) déterminer comment les communautés microbiennes se spécialisent selon l'évolution des caractéristiques du substrat au cours de sa dégradation, et enfin iv) valider les résultats par un taux d'inoculation moins contraignant. Tout d'abord, le criblage des principaux paramètres de procédés (teneur en matières sèches, taille des particules et taux d'inoculation) a montré une évolution progressive de leurs effets au cours de l'avancement de la réaction, sur les processus de digestion. Ensuite, l‘étude de la fermentation en voie sèche a permis de montrer, qu'en présence d'eau libre, l'augmentation de la siccité n'impacte pas le métabolisme microbien, mais modifie les équilibres entre les communautés microbiennes. Le recours à un protocole de compartimentation de la biomasse microbienne spécialement développé dans cette thèse a mis en évidence une spécialisation forte et progressive des communautés microbiennes associées à l'hydrolyse du substrat, au cours de sa dégradation. Des observations par microscopie électronique à transmission indiquent que cette modification coïncide avec la dégradation progressive des tissus de la paille en fonction de leur degré de lignification. La mise en évidence de barrières physiques, récalcitrantes à la biodégradation et rarement décrites dans le contexte de la méthanisation, indique que l'accessibilité du substrat est le paramètre principal limitant la réaction. Ces informations suggèrent que le broyage du substrat est un prétraitement de choix en digestion sèche. Cependant, une dernière expérience a montré qu'en voie sèche, un broyage fin limite les gains de performances du procédé par une augmentation des risques d'acidification des digesteurs. / Nowadays, optimization of solid-state anaerobic digestion is limited by a lack of fundamental knowledge. In particular, the effects of the main process parameters, such as water content, substrate property or inoculation rate, on the reaction dynamics are poorly understood in solid-state anaerobic digestion. In fact, process parameters have consequences at microbial scale by the modification of the local environmental conditions. Nevertheless, even if the relationship between the lignocellulosic substrate characteristics and the microbial activity is a keystone of the reaction dynamics, it is rarely considered for the selection of operating conditions.This work aims to understand the influence of process parameters (total solid content, substrate characteristics, and inoculation ratio) on the microbial development, compartmentation and activity in order to optimize dry anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic substrate. The selected strategy consisted in following wheat straw biodegradation, which is a model of agricultural wastes available for anaerobic digestion, in low inoculated batch reactors. Four series of experiment have been established to: i) understand the impact of process parameters on the reaction, ii) study the metabolic behavior of microorganisms face to low water content, iii) evaluate the relationship between substrate characteristics and modification of microbial communities and finally iv) validate results by less restricting inoculation rate.First, a screening of solid-state process parameters (total solid content, particle size and inoculation rate) showed a progressive change of their effect on digestion process during the reaction progress. Then, the study of dry fermentation indicated that, when water is free within the media, increasing total solid content has a low impact on the microbial metabolism, but modifies equilibriums between microbial communities. Based on a protocol developed to investigate the biomass compartmentation, we enlightened a strong and progressive specialization of the microbial communities associated to substrate hydrolysis during its biodegradation. Observations using transmission electronic microscopy indicated that this modification corresponds to a progressive degradation of the straw tissues depending on their lignification degree. Furthermore, the identification of physical barriers, rarely described in anaerobic digestion, suggests that substrate accessibility is the main parameter limiting the reaction. This information suggests that substrate milling can be theoretically a good pretreatment to improve dry anaerobic digestion. However, a last experiment showed that fine milling limits the process performances by a higher risk of acidification in digesters.
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Study and Engineering of a GH11 endo-beta-xylanase, a biomass-degrading hemicellulase / Etude et ingénierie d’une endo-beta-1,4-xylanase de la famille GH11, une hémicellulase dégradant la biomasse lignocellulosiqueSong, Letian 21 July 2011 (has links)
La création de nouvelles enzymes pour l’hydrolyse de la biomasse est une stratégie clé pour ledéveloppement du bioraffinage. Dans ce contexte, les xylanases de la famille GH11 sont déjàdéployées dans de nombreux procédés industriels et donc bien positionnées pour jouer un rôleimportant dans ces procédés. La cible de cette étude, la xylanase GH11 (Tx-Xyl) de la bactérieThermobacillus xylanilyticus, est une enzyme thermostable et donc une bonne candidate pour destravaux d’ingénierie visant l’amélioration de son activité sur des substrats ligno-cellulosiques.Dans cette étude, deux stratégies d’ingénierie des enzymes ont été employées afin d’obtenir denouvelles informations portants sur les relations structure-fonction au sein de Tx-Xyl. La premièrestratégie a consisté en l’utilisation d’une approche de mutagenèse aléatoire, couplée à l’emploi deméthodes de recombinaison in vitro. Ces travaux avaient pour objectif d’améliorer la capacitéhydrolytique de Tx-Xyl sur la paille de blé. La deuxième stratégie mise en oeuvre s’est appuyée surune approche semi-rationnelle visant la création d’une enzyme chimérique, qui bénéficierait d’uneamélioration des interactions enzyme-substrat au niveau du sous-site -3.Le premier résultat majeur de cette thèse concerne le développement d’une méthode de criblagequi permet l’analyse à haut débit de banques de mutants pour la détection de variants quiprésentent une activité hydrolytique accrue directement sur paille de blé. A l’aide de ce crible, nousavons pu analyser plusieurs banques de mutants, représentant un total de six générations demutants, et identifier une série de combinaisons de mutations différentes. D’un côté, un variant,comportant deux mutations silencieuses, permet une meilleure expression de Tx-Xyl, alors qued’autres enzymes mutées présentent des modifications intrinsèques de leurs aptitudes catalytiques.Comparés à l’enzyme parentale Tx-Xyl, certains mutants solubilisent davantage les arabinoxylanes dela paille et, lorsqu’ils sont déployés avec un cocktail de cellulases, participent à une réactionsynergique qui permet un accroissement du rendement des pentoses et du glucose libérés.A l’aide d’une approche semi-rationnelle, une séquence de 17 acides aminés en provenance d’unexylanase GH11 fongique a été ajoutée à l’extrémité N-terminale de Tx-Xyl, afin de créer de nouveauxbrins β. L’enzyme chimérique a pu être exprimée avec succès et caractérisée. Néanmoins, l’analysede ses propriétés catalytiques a révélé que celle-ci ne présente pas davantage d’interactions avec sonsubstrat dans le sous-site -3, mais les résultats obtenus fournissent de nombreux renseignements surles relations structure-fonction au sein de l’enzyme. De plus, ces travaux nous permettent depostuler que Tx-Xyl posséderait un site de fixation secondaire pour les xylanes, un élement jusqu’iciinsoupçonné dans cette enzyme. Par ailleurs, l’analyse de nos résultats nous permet de proposer uneexplication rationnelle pour l’échec de notre stratégie initiale / Engineering new and powerful enzymes for biomass hydrolysis is one area that will facilitate thefuture development of biorefining. In this respect, xylanases from family GH11 are already importantindustrial biocatalysts that can contribute to 2nd generation biorefining. The target of this study, theGH11 xylanase (Tx-Xyl) from Thermobacillus xylanilyticus is thermostable, and is thus an interestingtarget for enzyme engineering, aiming at increasing its specific activity on lignocellulosic biomass,such as wheat straw. Nevertheless, the action of xylanases on complex biomass is not yet wellunderstood, and thus the use of a rational engineering approach is not really feasible.In this doctoral study, to gain new insight into structure-function relationships, two enzymeengineering strategies have been deployed. The first concerns the development of a randommutagenesis and in vitro DNA shuffling approach, which was used in order to improve the hydrolyticpotency of Tx-Xyl on wheat straw, while the second strategy consisted in the creation of a chimericenzyme, with the aim of probing and improving -3 subsite binding, and ultimately improvinghydrolytic activity.The first key results that has been obtained is the development of a novel high-throughputscreening method, which was devised in order to reliably pinpoint mutants that can better hydrolyzewheat straw. Using this screening method, several generations of mutant libraries have beenanalyzed and a series of improved enzyme variants have been identified. One mutant, bearing silentmutations, actually leads to higher gene expression, while others have intrinsically altered catalyticproperties. Testing of mutants has shown that some of the enzyme variants can improve thesolubilization of wheat straw arabinoxylans and can work in synergy with cellulose cocktails torelease both pentose sugars and glucose.Using a semi-rational approach, 17 amino acids have been added to the N-terminal of Tx-Xyl, withthe aim of adding two extra β-strands coming from a GH11 fungal xylanase. A chimeric enzyme hasbeen successfully expressed and purified and its catalytic properties have been investigated.Although this approach has failed to create increased -3 subsite binding, the data presented revealsimportant information on structure-function relationships and suggest that Tx-Xyl may possess ahitherto unknown secondary substrate binding site. Moreover, a rational explanation for the failureof the original strategy is proposed.
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Objekt vinařství / Winery BuildingKovář, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The goal of the thesis and its theme “ Winery Object“ is to create the contract documents for realization of the building. Winery is drafted for processing the grapes. It is situated into steep land, in uptown of Pavlov. The building is designed as a detached object with three floors. The first floor is partially sunk into the ground. The building consists of two objects on the first floor and is connected into one joint area, where is space for aging the wine, bottling, storage area and shipping. The first part of the object includes administrative area, area for employees, grape press plant and cellarage. In the second object there is designed the room for degustation and in the loft area the room for drying the straw wine. Supporting brickwork is slated of cement bricks of sacrificial formwork, insulated and there is aired facade. Ceiling construction is made of cellular Spiroll panels. The entire object is roofed with queen post truss with burnt roof covering.
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Alternativní výstavba - hliněné rodinné domy / Alternative construction - clay housesSmékalová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with alternative construction based on natural and renewable materials. A part of the thesis is processing of legislative, technical and material possibilities. Accent is put on cost-oriented price, market price and analysis of individual construction parts of the building with the final economic evaluation of the case study.
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Détermination de la contamination microbiologique des litières de fumier recyclé en filière de production bovine en fonction des pratiques de productions et de gestion en élevage.Beauchemin, Jessika 08 1900 (has links)
La litière de fumier recyclé (LFR) est utilisée dans les fermes canadiennes comme alternative à la litière conventionnelle de paille. Elle est obtenue par l’extraction de la fraction solide du fumier des vaches, parfois suivie par une maturation. Toutefois, les caractéristiques microbiologiques de cette litière sont peu documentées. Ainsi, cette étude a permis la description du microbiote et des caractéristiques microbiologiques de la LFR comparativement à la paille, avant et après leur utilisation, et d’évaluer l’impact de différentes méthodes de production de la LFR sur ces écosystèmes. Les résultats des analyses du microbiote ont démontré que la richesse et la diversité du microbiote de la LFR avant utilisation étaient différentes de celles de la paille. Les litières de fumier recyclé avant et après utilisation possédaient une diversité microbienne moindre comparativement à celles mesurées pour la paille avant et après utilisation. Aussi, les différentes méthodes de production de la LFR n’influençaient pas la richesse du microbiote, mais influencent sa composition. La méthode de production utilisant la séparation suivie d’une maturation en amas possédait une charge bactérienne moindre que celle utilisant la séparation suivit d’une maturation en boîte. Finalement, la LFR contenait plus de Listeria monocytogenes et de Salmonella spp que la litière de paille. Cela permet de conclure que la LFR, actuellement produite dans les fermes de l'Est du Canada, constitue un risque microbiologique plus élevé que la litière de paille. / Recycled manure solid bedding (RMS) is used on Canadian farms as an alternative to conventional straw bedding. RMS is obtained by extracting the solid fraction of dairy cow manure, sometimes followed by maturation. However, the microbiological characteristics of this bedding are poorly documented. This study allowed the description of the microbiota and microbiological characteristics of RMS compared to straw and assessed the impact of the RMS production methods on its microbiota. The results of the microbiota analyses demonstrated that the richness and diversity of the microbiota in unused RMS were different from unused straw. Unused RMS and used RMS possessed more similar microbial diversity compared to the microbial diversity between unused and used straw. Moreover, the different RMS production methods did not influence the richness of the microbiota but influence its composition. The RMS production method using separation followed by heap maturation had a lower bacterial load than production method using separation followed by box maturation. Finally, RMS contained more Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp than straw bedding. This leads to the conclusion that RMS bedding currently produced on farms in Eastern Canada, clearly constitute a greater microbiological risk as compared to straw bedding.
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Pivovar ve městě, město v pivovaru - architektonicko urbanistická studie přestavby znojemského pivovaru / Brewery in the city, the city in the brewery - architectural and urban redevelopment of a brewery in ZnojmoBalážová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Brewery premises waiting for its time once again to raise their fate. The proposal deals with thinning adequate space for the return of the former grandeur of the castle courtyard. Take the power of its current and cumbersome, and bring back into the historic character of the former in the form of vertical predatory towers and all the socio-eco-logical aspects.
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Family deceased estate division agreements from old Babylonian Larsa, Nippur and SipparClaassens, Susandra Jacoba 11 1900 (has links)
In most cases in a deceased person’s estate, there are problems with co-ownership where
more than one family member inherits the deceased family estate assets. To escape the perils
of co-ownership the beneficiaries consensually agree to divide the inherited communallyshared
asset/s. This agreement can take place immediately after the death of the family
estate owner or some time later regarding some or all of the said assets. On the conclusion of
the division agreement, the contractual party who receives the awarded assets enjoys sole
ownership and the other contractual parties by agreement retract their ownership. In a
jurisprudential content analysis of forty-six recorded family deceased division agreements
from Old Babylonian Larsa and Nippur, essential elements are identified which are the
framework and qualification requirements for a family deceased division agreement. Within
this framework the concepts, terms and elements of the agreement are categorised as natural
and incidental elements, which reflect the specific law traditions and choices of contractual
parties and show the unique scribal traditions in the different Old Babylonian city-states of
Larsa, Nippur and Sippar. The aim of the study is to shed a more focused light on the
interpretation of recorded Old Babylonian division agreements and to show that the division
agreement was a successful, timeless, estate administration mechanism and tool to obviate
any undesirable consequences of co-ownership of the bequeathed property. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
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Procédés de fractionnement de la matière végétale : application à la production des polysaccharides du son et de la paille de blé / Fractionation processes of plant material : application to the production of wheat bran and straw polysaccharidesZeitoun, Rawan 09 March 2011 (has links)
Le son et la paille de blé, riches en hémicelluloses, sont deux co-produits de la récolte de blé, abondants et renouvelables, mais qui restent à mieux valoriser. Dans le but d'extraire ces hémicelluloses, possédant plusieurs propriétés intéressantes (filmogènes, épaississantes, émulsifiantes, stabilisantes…), un procédé de fractionnement a été élaboré. Ce procédé consiste, après extraction alcaline, en la purification des extraits hémicellulosiques obtenus. Deux techniques ont été appliquées : l'ultrafiltration et la chromatographie sur résine échangeuse d'anions. L'ultrafiltration a permis de concentrer les extraits d'hémicelluloses et de les purifier en éliminant dans le perméat la plupart des molécules contaminantes, essentiellement les sucres libres et les sels minéraux. Les principales limitations de cette étape étaient la viscosité des extraits et les phénomènes de polarisation de concentration et de colmatage des membranes. La percolation sur résine, quant à elle, a permis de décolorer les extraits et de produire des poudres d'hémicelluloses plus claires en fixant certaines molécules colorées telles que les molécules possédant des groupements phénoliques. La combinaison des deux techniques a permis de produire des hémicelluloses pures à 60%. L'extrapolation du procédé à l'échelle pilote par l'utilisation d'un extrudeur bi-vis a permis d'obtenir des poudres d'hémicelluloses pures à 40%. / Wheat bran and wheat straw are two by-products abundant and renewable, rich in hemicelluloses, but still not well valued. In order to extract these hemicelluloses characterized by their several interesting properties (film-forming, thickening, emulsifying, stabilizing…), a fractionation process was developed. This process consisted, after alkaline extraction, to purify the hemicellulosic extracts obtained. Two techniques were used: ultrafiltration and chromatography on anion exchange resin. The ultrafiltration allowed to concentrate the extracts and to purify them by removing in the permeate, the contaminating molecules, mostly free sugars and minerals. The main limiting factors of this stage were the extracts viscosity and the fouling of the membranes. The percolation on the resin discoloured the extracts and allowed to produce hemicellulosic powders with lighter colours and that by capturing the coloured compounds such as molecules with phenolic groups. The combination of the two techniques allowed the production of purified hemicelluloses; the purity was about 60%. The extrapolation of the process at a pilot scale using a twin-screw extruder allowed to obtain hemicelluloses with a purity of 40%.
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Aplikace ligninolytických hub na pevných substrátech pro degradace endokrinních disruptorů / Application of ligninolytic fungi on solid substrates for degradation of endocrine disruptersSlavíková - Amemori, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Today a lot of attention is focused on compounds called endocrine disrupters (EDs) among substances released to environment by humans. They are a group of substances which can disturb function of hormonal system of organisms including humans. Their poor removal at wastewater treatment plants (WwTP) were shown at various studies, thus they can reach the environment in water. A prospective way for the degradation of EDs at WwTP can be their removal by ligninolytic fungi. They are able to degrade lots of lignin-like aromatic substances because of their highly nonspecific enzymes. In this work growth and enzyme production capability of four ligninolytic fungal strains were monitored on three solid substrates (straw pellets, poplar sawdust mixed with straw pellets, oak sawdust with straw pellets), which may be suitable substrates for fungal growth in bioreactors for wastewater treatment. Ability of these enzymes to degrade EDs were tested in in-vitro degradation experiment. Trametes versicolor was found as best degrading strain with 20 μg/ml of bisphenol A, 17 α- ethynylestradiol and nonylphenol degraded below a quantification limit within 24 hours. Fungal strains degraded EDs well on all of the three substrates but wood sawdust seemed to be a better substrate for fungal growth because straw pellets...
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