Spelling suggestions: "subject:"straw."" "subject:"atraw.""
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Produtividade de cultivares de batata e atributos de qualidade para processamento industrial nas formas de palha e chips / Yield efficiency and industrial attributes of potatoes cultivars for shoestring and chipsThaís Helena de Araujo 20 January 2014 (has links)
O mercado brasileiro de processamento de batata tem mostrado expressivo crescimento nos ultimos anos. No entanto, sua expansao e condicionada pelo suprimento de materia-prima adequada ao processamento industrial. As principais industrias de batata frita priorizam cultivares aptas para cada forma de processamento, pois a escolha correta da cultivar contribui para a reducao do custo de producao e para o aumento do rendimento e da qualidade do produto final. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi estudar a eficiencia produtiva, a aptidao culinaria e as caracteristicas das cultivares de batata quando processadas na forma de palha e chips. Avaliou-se nove cultivares de batata: Agata, Almera, Arizona, Caruso, Destiny, Excelence, Fontane, Markies e Saviola. \'Agata\' e \'Almera\' foram utilizadas como cultivares nao aptas para fritura e \'Fontane\' e \'Markies\' como cultivares recomendadas para fritura. O ensaio foi conduzido no periodo de janeiro a maio de 2013, nas condicoes ambientais de Nova Resende, na regiao Sudoeste de Minas Gerais. As cultivares Arizona, Caruso, Agata e Markies exibiram o maior potencial produtivo e, junto a Saviola, a maior producao de tuberculos comerciaveis. Os teores mais elevados de materia seca foram exibidos por \'Destiny\' e \'Caruso\' (superior a 20%), seguidas por \'Excelence\', \'Fontane\' e \'Markies\' (17 a 18%). \'Caruso\' proporcionou o maior rendimento de fritura em ambas as formas de processamento. As cultivares Destiny, Excelence (ambas com cor amarela extremamente clara apos a fritura), e Caruso (cor dourada) na forma de palha; e Caruso e Destiny (cor amarela clara a dourada) na forma de chips apresentaram baixos teores de acucares redutores. Entre as cultivares avaliadas a maior eficiencia produtiva de materia-prima com aptidao para fritura foi exibida por \'Caruso\', \'Destiny\' e \'Excelence\', sendo que todas sao aptas ao processamento na forma de palha. Ja na forma de chips somente \'Destiny\' e \'Caruso\' proporcionaram fritas adequadas. / There is an increasing market for potato processing in Brazil, and the expansion of the potato industry can only be sustained if good quality product supplies of raw material are available. To reduce production costs and increase industrial efficiency, the industry must choose appropriated cultivars for each kind of product. This research investigated the tuber yield, frying aptitude, and the potato quality attributes for shoestring and chips. Nine potatoes cultivars were evaluated: Agata, Almera, Arizona, Caruso, Destiny, Excelence, Fontane, Markies and Saviola. \'Agata\' and \'Almera\' were considered unfit for frying, \'Fontane\' and \'Markies\' with frying standards. The trial ran from January to May 2013, in the south-west region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The cultivars Arizona, Caruso, Agata and Markies exhibited higher yield potential. These cultivars and Saviola obtained the highest marketable tubers. \'Destiny\' and \'Caruso\' showed the highest dry matter contents (higher than 20%) and were followed by \'Excelence\', \'Fontane\' and \'Markies\' (17- 18%). \'Caruso\' showed greater industrial efficiency for shoestring and chips. \'Destiny\', \'Excelence\' (extra light fries) and Caruso (medium light) for shoestring, and Caruso and Destiny (extra light to medium light) for chips showed low contents of reducing sugars. It was concluded that \'Destiny\', \'Excelence\' and \'Caruso\' outperformed all other cultivars in terms of yield. Besides, these varieties also displayed aptitude for shoestring frying. On the other hand, \'Destiny\' and \'Caruso\' were apt to frying as chips.
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Isolamento e caracterização de ligninas de palha de cana-de-açúcar / Isolation and characterisation of lignins of sugarcane strawBruno Chaboli Gambarato 19 September 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi realizada a caracterização de ligninas de palha de cana-de-açúcar. O isolamento das ligninas se deu por acidólise branda e por polpação soda, precedida ou não por pré-tratamento com ácido diluído ou por explosão a vapor. A palha de cana e as ligninas foram caracterizadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE), Espectrometrias no Infravermelho (FT-IR) e no Ultravioleta (UV), por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de Prótons (1H RMN), Cromatografia de Permeação em Gel (GPC), Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA) e Calorimétrica (DSC), Análise Elementar e de Poder Calorífico Superior (PCS). A lignina técnica isolada por acidólise branda apresentou fórmula C9Har2,31Hal4,14O1,27(OH)ph0,58(OH)al1,19(OCH3)1,11 e relação H:G:S de 1 : 3,22 : 3,68, com 20% de condensação e massa molar média de 1908 Da. A cinética de termodegradação dessa lignina em atmosfera inerte se deu com energia de ativação de 13,90 kJ.mol-1, constante pré-exponencial 0,4799 min-1 e 42% em massa de carvão residual. Foram determinados, ainda, o coeficiente de extinção a 280 nm de 26,03 L.g-1 e o Poder Calorífico Superior de 23,72 kJ.g-1. A partir das informações obtidas em todas as análises, foi proposta uma estrutura para esta lignina. A deslignificação via polpação soda mostrou-se eficiente na remoção de lignina da matriz e foi verificado que, durante o processo, ocorre o rompimento de ligações entre a lignina e carboidratos, entretanto, algumas dessas ligações não são rompidas e o resíduo do processo, denominado lignina, contêm cerca de 17% carboidratos. A lignina soda apresentou poder calorífico superior de 25,14 kJ.g-1, 36% em massa de carvão residual e cinética de termodegradação com energia de ativação de 12,73 kJ.mol-1 e k0=0,4195 min-1. Foi verificado que as polpas soda que sofreram pré-tratamentos apresentaram um menor teor de lignina e maior solubilização de hemiceluloses. Estes tratamentos se mostraram eficientes na hidrólise dos complexos lignina-carboidrato e a ligninas obtidas apresentaram os menores teores de carboidrato residual e características estruturais diferentes das demais, mostrando-se mais condensadas em função das reações que ocorrem em meio ácido. Os coeficientes de extinção a 280 nm foram iguais a 24,2 L.g-1 e 23,3 L.g-1, respectivamente para as ligninas de explosão a vapor e pré-tratamento ácido e suas fórmulas estruturais determinadas por 1H RMN foram, respectivamente, C9Har1,59Hal4,12O0,84(OH)ph0,61(OH)al0,88(OCH3)1,51 e C9Har2,12Hal4,23O1,64(OH)ph0,83(OH)al0,58(OCH3)1,10. / In this work, the characterisation of lignins of sugarcane straw was made. The lignins were isolated by moderate acidolysis and soda process, preceded or not by either diluted acid or steam explosion pretreatments. The sugarcane straw and the lignins were characterised by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Infrared (FT-IR) and Ultraviolet (UV) Spectrometry, Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (H1-RMN), Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Thermogravimetrica analysis (TGA) and Differential Scattering Calormietry (DSC), Elemental Analysis and Heat Power (HP). The technical lignin isolated by moderate acidolysis has the formula C9Har2.31Hal4.14O1.27(OH)ph0.58(OH)al1.19(OCH3)1.11, H:G:S ratio of 1 : 3.22 : 3.68, is 20% condensed and its avarage molecular weight is 1908 Da. The thermal degradation kinetics analysis of this lignin in inert atmosphere was carried out, the results obtained were: activation energy of 13.80 kJ.mol-1, pre-exponential constant of 0.4799 min-1 and 42% residual char. The extinction coefficient obtained at 280 nm was 26.03 L.g-1 and the heat power 23.72 kJ.g-1. A structure was proposed for this lignin based on all the information obtained from these analyses. The delignification via soda process was efficient at removing lignin; during the process, the breaking of bonds between the lignin and carbohydrates was noticed, nevertheless, some of these bonds were not broken and the process residue, hereinafter called lignin, contains about 17% carbohydrates. The soda lignin has heat power of 25.14 kJ.g-1, 36% residual char and the thermal degradation kinetics ocurred with activation energy of 12.73 kJ.mol-1 and k0=0.4195 min-1. It was found that pretreated soda pulps have a lower lignin content and higher solubilisation of complexes, the lignins obtained had the lowest residual carbohydrates contents and different structural features from the untreated ones, being more condensed due to the reactions that occur in acid medium. The extinction coefficients at 280 nm obtained are 24.2 L.g-1 and 23.3 L.g-1, the structural formulas determined by 1H RMN are C9Har1.59Hal4.12O0.84(OH)ph0.61(OH)al0.88(OCH3)1.51 and C9Har2.12Hal4.23O1.64(OH)ph0.83(OH)al0.58(OCH3)1.10 for the steam explosion and acid pretreatment lignins, respectively.
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Развој и примена биокомпозитног плочастог термоизолационог материјала на бази биомасе и мицелијума гљива / Razvoj i primena biokompozitnog pločastog termoizolacionog materijala na bazi biomase i micelijuma gljiva / Development and utilisation of biocomposite thermal insulation panels based on biomass and mushroom myceliumMaoduš Nikola 08 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Истраживање у оквиру докторске дисертације обухвата анализу могућности производње и примене биокомпозитних термоизолационих плоча заснованих на нуспроизводима пољопривредне производње и мицелијума гљиве буковаче као везивног средства. Циљеви истраживања су развој методе за производњу биокомпозитних термоизолационих материјала и утврђивање морфолошких, физичко-хемијских, механичких и хигротермичких својстава биокомпозита. У складу са резултатима истраживања и закључцима да је могуће произвести и користити биокомпозитни термоизолациони материјал заснован на биомаси и мицелијуму гљива изведена је анализа енергетске ефикасности и животног циклуса материјала. Резултати истраживања представљају значајну полазну основу за производњу и даље унапређење биокомпозитних термоизолационих материјала у грађевинарству, са позитивном оценом мицелијума гљива као везивног средства.</p> / <p>Istraživanje u okviru doktorske disertacije obuhvata analizu mogućnosti proizvodnje i primene biokompozitnih termoizolacionih ploča zasnovanih na nusproizvodima poljoprivredne proizvodnje i micelijuma gljive bukovače kao vezivnog sredstva. Ciljevi istraživanja su razvoj metode za proizvodnju biokompozitnih termoizolacionih materijala i utvrđivanje morfoloških, fizičko-hemijskih, mehaničkih i higrotermičkih svojstava biokompozita. U skladu sa rezultatima istraživanja i zaključcima da je moguće proizvesti i koristiti biokompozitni termoizolacioni materijal zasnovan na biomasi i micelijumu gljiva izvedena je analiza energetske efikasnosti i životnog ciklusa materijala. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju značajnu polaznu osnovu za proizvodnju i dalje unapređenje biokompozitnih termoizolacionih materijala u građevinarstvu, sa pozitivnom ocenom micelijuma gljiva kao vezivnog sredstva.</p> / <p>Research in the thesis is focused on development and utilisation of<br />biocomposite thermal insulation panels based on agricultural biomass and<br />oyster mushroom mycelium as a binding agent. The goals of the research are<br />development of production method of biocomposite thermal insulation panels<br />and determination of morphological, physical-chemical, mechanical and<br />hygrothermal properties of the biocomposite. Energy efficiency and life cycle<br />assessment were conducted in accordance with the research results and<br />conclusions that it is possible to manufacture and use the biocomposite<br />thermal insulation panels based on biomass and mushroom mycelium. The<br />research results represent significant starting point for manufacturing and<br />further improvement of biocomposite thermal insulation panels used in civil<br />engineering and confirm the use of mycelium as a binding agent.</p>
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Effects of ryegrass residue management on Dayton soil organic carbon content, distribution and related propertiesChapin, Michele F. 13 March 1992 (has links)
Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, microbial respiration and enzyme
activity (β-glucosidase) were measured on several horizons of a Dayton silt loam
(fine, montmorillonitic, mesic, Typic Albaqualf) soil cropped to annual ryegrass
under two straw residue management systems. The study evaluated the effects
of annual burning of straw residues or annual incorporation of straw residues on
the content, distribution and bioavailability of soil organic carbon.
Four fields were selected to represent the burn management system which
have been annually burned for a minimum of 40 years. Four fields were selected
to represent the straw incorportated system (mold board plow) which had been
annually burned for approximately 30 years, followed by incorporation of straw
residues into soil for a minimum of 10 years. One native site was selected to
represent non-cultivation conditions.
Straw management system strongly influenced both the total organic C and
N and microbial activity the surface soil horizon. Soil organic C and N content
were significantly greater (p < 0.05) in the Ap horizons of soils under the plowed
management system than soils under the burned management system. The
collective evidence suggests, however, that the significant differences observed
between the two residue management systems are not due to greater losses of
soil organic C and N as a result of burning but rather that organic C levels have
increased as a result of a change in management. Soil C:N ratios are slightly
higher in the Ap horizons of soils as a result of straw residue incorporation in
comparison to burning of straw residues.
When expressed on a mass soil basis, both C0₂ evolution from microbial
respiration, during a 32 day incubation period, and enzyme activity were
significantly greater (p < 0.10) for the Ap horizon of soils where straw residue had
been incorporated than in soils where residues had been annually burned. When
expressed on a per gram C basis, neither C0₂ evolution from microbial respiration
or enzyme activity were significantly different between the two management
systems. These results indicate that long-term annual burning of straw residues
has not decreased the bioavailability of soil organic C. / Graduation date: 1992
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The Role of Hepcidin in Regulation of Iron Balance in BatsStasiak, Iga 17 September 2012 (has links)
Iron storage disease is a significant cause of liver disease and mortality in captive Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus). The nature of the susceptibility in this and other captive exotic species to iron storage disease is not clear. Hepcidin, a key iron regulatory hormone, is involved in the regulation of iron absorption in humans and other mammalian species and a deficiency in hepcidin has been associated with a number of genetic mutations resulting in hemochromatosis in humans. The objectives of this thesis were to identify whether there is a functional mutation in the hepcidin gene in the Egyptian fruit bat that may increase the susceptibility of this species to iron storage disease, and whether there is a functional deficiency in hepcidin gene expression in the Egyptian fruit bat in response to iron challenge. We compared the coding region of the hepcidin gene amongst several species of bats and investigated hepcidin response to intramuscular injection of iron dextran amongst three species of bats with variable susceptibility to iron storage disease; the Egyptian fruit bat, the straw-colored fruit bat (Eidolon helvum), and the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus). While a number of genetic differences were identified amongst species, a functional mutation that could result in decreased hepcidin activity was not identified in the Egyptian fruit bat. Bats exhibited marked variation in hepcidin gene expression, with the highest level of hepcidin response to iron challenge in the common vampire bat. While the Egyptian fruit bat exhibited significant hepcidin response to iron challenge, the magnitude of response was lower than that in the common vampire bat and lower than expected based on findings in healthy humans. The straw-colored fruit bat did not exhibit any hepcidin response despite a significant increase in iron stores, which suggests this species may have evolved an alternate mechanism for coping with excessive iron or may be more susceptible to iron overload than previously recognized. / Toronto Zoo Scholarship Fund
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Effect of pretreatment on the breakdown of lignocellulosic matrix in barley straw as feedstock for biofuel production2014 October 1900 (has links)
Lignocellulosic biomass is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and extraneous compounds (waxes, fats, gums, starches, alkaloids, resins, tannins, essential oils, silica, carbonates, oxalates, etc). The sugars within the complex carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose) can be accessed for cellulosic bioethanol production through ethanologenic microorganisms. However, the composite nature of lignocellulosic biomass, particularly the lignin portion, presents resistance and recalcitrance to biological and chemical degradation during enzymatic hydrolysis/saccharification and the subsequent fermentation process. This leads to a very low conversion rate, which makes the process uneconomically feasible. Thus, biomass structure requires initial breakdown of the lignocellulosic matrix.
In this study, two types of biomass pretreatment were applied on barley straw grind: radio-frequency (RF)-based dielectric heating technique using alkaline (NaOH) solution as a catalyst and steam explosion pretreatment at low severity factor. The pretreatment was applied on barley straw which was ground in hammer mill with a screen size of 1.6 mm, so as to enhance its accessibility and digestibility by enzymatic reaction during hydrolysis. Three levels of temperature (70, 80, and 90oC), five levels of ratio of biomass to 1% NaOH solution (1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, & 1:8), 1 h soaking time, and 20 min residence time were used for the radio frequency pretreatment. The following process and material variables were used for the steam explosion pretreatment: temperature (140-180oC), retention time (5-10 min), and 8-50% moisture content (w.b). The effect of both pretreatments was assessed through chemical composition analysis and densification of the pretreated and non-pretreated biomass samples. Results of this investigation show that lignocellulosic biomass absorbed more NaOH than water, because of the hydrophobic nature of lignin, which acts as an external crosslink binder on the biomass matrix and shields the hydrophilic structural carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose). It was observed in the RF pretreatment that the use of NaOH solution and the ratio of biomass to NaOH solution played a major role, while temperature played a lesser role in the breakdown of the lignified matrix, as well as in the production of pellets with good physical quality. The heat provided by the RF is required to assist the alkaline solution in the deconstruction and disaggregation of lignocellulosic biomass matrix. The disruption and deconstruction of the lignified matrix is also associated with the dipole interaction, flip flop rotation, and friction generated between the electromagnetic charges from the RF and the ions and molecules from the NaOH solution and the biomass. The preserved cellulose from the raw sample (non-treated) was higher than that from the RF alkaline pretreated samples because of the initial degradation of the sugars during the pretreatment process. The same observation applies to hemicellulose. This implies that there is a trade-off between the breakdown of the biomass matrix/creating pores in the lignin and enhancing the accessibility and digestibility of the cellulose and hemicellulose. The use of dilute NaOH solution in biomass pretreatment showed that the higher the NaOH concentration, the lower was the acid insoluble lignin and the higher was the solubilized lignin moieties. The ratio of 1:6 at the four temperatures studied was determined to be the optimal. Based on the obtained data, it is predicted that this pretreatment will decrease the required amount and cost of enzymes by up to 64% compared to using non-treated biomass. However, the use of NaOH led to an increase in the ash content of biomass. The ash content increased with the decreasing ratio of biomass to NaOH solution. This problem of increased ash content can be addressed by washing the pretreated samples. RF assisted-alkaline pretreatment technique represents an easy to set-up and potentially affordable route for the bio-fuel industry, but this requires further energy analysis and economic validation, so as to investigate the significant high energy consumption during the RF-assisted alkaline pretreatment heating process.
Data showed that in the steam explosion (SE) pretreatment, considerable thermal degradation of the energy potentials (cellulose and hemicellulose) with increasing acid soluble and insoluble lignin content occurred. The high degradation of the hemicellulose can be accounted for by its amorphous nature which is easily disrupted by external influences unlike the well-arranged crystalline cellulose. It is predicted that this pretreatment will decrease the required amount and cost of enzymes by up to 33% compared to using non-treated biomass.The carbon content of the solid SE product increased at higher temperature and longer residence time, while the hydrogen and oxygen content decreased.
The RF alkaline and SE treatment combinations that resulted to optimum yield of cellulose and hemicellulose were selected and then enzymatically digested with a combined mixture of cellulase and β-glucosidase enzymes at 50oC for 96 h on a shaking incubator at 250 rev/min. The glucose in the hydrolyzed samples was subsequently quantified. The results obtained confirmed the effectiveness of the pretreatment processes. The average available percentage glucose yield that was released during the enzymatic hydrolysis for bioethanol production ranged from 78-96% for RF-alkaline pretreated and 30-50% for the SE pretreated barley straw depending on the treatment combination. While the non-treated sample has available average percentage glucose yield of just below 12%.
The effects of both pretreatment methods (RF and SE) were further evaluated by pelletizing the pretreated and non-pretreated barley straw samples in a single pelleting unit. The physical characteristics (pellet density, tensile strength, durability rating, and dimensional stability) of the pellets were determined. The lower was the biomass:NaOH solution ratio, the better was the quality of the produced pellets. Washing of the RF-alkaline pretreated samples resulted in pellets with low quality. A biomass:NaOH solution ratio of 1:8 at the three levels of temperature (70, 80, and 90oC) studied are the RF optimum pretreatment conditions. The higher heating value (HHV) and the physical characteristics of the produced pellets increased with increasing temperature and residence time. The steam exploded samples pretreated at higher temperatures (180ºC) and retention time of 10 min resulted into pellets with good physical qualities.
Fourier transform infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS) was further applied on the RF alkaline and SE samples in light of the need for rapid and easy quantification of biomass chemical components (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin). The results obtained show that the FTIR-PAS spectra can be rapidly used for the analysis and identification of the chemical composition of biofuel feedstock. Predictive models were developed for each of the biomass components in estimating their respective percentage chemical compositions.
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Etanol celulósico: um estudo de viabilidade econômico-financeiraPinto, Fábio Henrique Paschoal Bianchi 08 November 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-08 / The rapid expansion of cultivation of sugarcane, essentially held from 2004, in the State of São Paulo, one of the most traditional and well localized of country in terms of logistics and proximity of large consumer centres, as well as in other states not so privileged, raised several discussions about the sustainability of the sector and possible breakthrough in land which, directly or indirectly, would undermine food production in the country. This encouraged the rapid industry organization, through its principal representative, UNICA, which initiated an irreversible process of professionalization and consolidation of large groups with a view to strengthening growth and to meet the challenges of "commoditization" of their products: sugar and ethanol. In this context, after project implementations as the "Green Ethanol Protocol" and "Agro-Envirnomental Zoning for the sugar-alcohol sector of the State of São Paulo" and subsequently "Agro-Ecological Zoning of cane" in Brazil, and dissemination of RFS2 "– Renewable Fuel Standard 2", in the United States, which may be considered key milestones to indicate that the industry must involve, either by socio-environmental, whether through external market growth opportunity (USA), and also without forgetting the growing fleet of vehicles flex-fuel in Brazil, it tries to develops at wide steps, evident that with greater focus and investment in the United States, in order to obtain greater industrial productivity, with the same amount of sugar cane planted area, which would accomplishes the two calls: the sustainability and the opening of the market. The second-generation ethanol is the central subject, and with greater expectation today, to the expected evolution of one of the fastest growing sectors and participation in the Brazilian economy. The laboratory researches demonstrate productive viability for this second-generation ethanol through cellulosic material hydrolysis, but the major problems are related to the absence of plants with commercial production scale, high processing time (enzymatic hydrolysis) and deterioration of equipment involved in the process (hydrolysis), and also the need for better studies to understand the replacement of bagasse to sugar cane trash in the process of electricity generation in the mills. This work showed, besides its limitations and due to the considered parameters, that the economic feasibility of second generation is a little bit far to be achieved and it’s dependent of the future prices of ethanol. The additional 85% (eight five percent) yield of ethanol liters per ton of sugarcane and price of R$ 800 (eight hundred reais) per cubic meters are input data, feasible to be obtained, in thesis, the net income but not the NPV. The incognits are the velocity for large scale production plant development and the prices behavior in face of the analyzed perspectives. In front of the achieved re results and discussion exposed, there are clealy possibilities for self-affirmation of the sector, which after decades of unsuccessful initiatives such as the Proálcool, and critics to their sustainability policies (social and environmental), can have a promising scenario for the perpetuation of its hegemony and avant-garde in the production of biofuel (ethanol), food (sugar) and electric power. / A rápida expansão da cultura da cana-de-açúcar, essencialmente ocorrida a partir de 2004, tanto no Estado de São Paulo, um dos mais tradicionais e mais bem localizado do país, em termos de logística e proximidade de grandes centros consumidores, bem como em outros não tão privilegiados, levantou diversas discussões sobre a sustentabilidade do setor e eventual avanço em terras que, direta e indiretamente, prejudicariam a produção de alimentos no país. Esse evento desencadeou uma rápida reorganização do setor, através de sua principal entidade representativa, a UNICA, e, fundamentalmente, iniciou um processo irreversível de profissionalização e consolidação de grandes grupos com o intuito de crescimento e fortalecimento para fazer frente aos desafios da 'comoditização' integral de seus produtos: o açúcar e o etanol. Nesse âmbito, após implementações de projetos como o 'Protocolo Etanol Verde' e o 'Zoneamento Agroambiental para o Setor Sucroalcooleiro do Estado de São Paulo', e posteriormente o 'Zoneamento Agro-Ecológico da Cana-de-Açúcar', no Brasil, e divulgação da 'RFS2 – Renewable Fuel Standard 2', nos Estados Unidos, os quais podem ser considerados pontos fundamentais para a indicação de que o setor deveria evoluir, seja via sócio-ambiental, ou através da oportunidade de crescimento do mercado externo (EUA), sem esquecer a crescente frota de veículos flex-fuel no Brasil, e tenta evoluir a passos largos, evidentemente que com maior enfoque e investimento tecnológico nos Estados Unidos, no sentido de obter maior produtividade industrial, com a mesma quantidade de área de cana plantada, o que atenderia aos dois apelos: o de sustentabilidade e o de abertura de mercado. O etanol de segunda geração é o assunto central, e de maior expectativa atualmente, para a esperada evolução de um dos setores de maior crescimento e participação na economia brasileira. As pesquisas de laboratório demonstram viabilidade produtiva do etanol de segunda geração, através da hidrólise do material celulósico, mas os grandes problemas estão relacionados à ausência de plantas com escala de produção comercial, elevado tempo de processamento (hidrólise enzimática) e deterioração de equipamentos envolvidos no processo (hidrólise ácida), além da necessidade de melhores estudos, para entendimento da substituição do bagaço pela palha da cana-de-açúcar, no processo de geração de energia elétrica nas unidades industriais. Este trabalho demonstrou, considerando suas limitações e parâmetros, que a viabilidade econômica para o etanol de segunda geração está um pouco distante de ser atingida e depende do preço futuro do etanol. O rendimento adicional de 85% (oitenta e cinco por cento) de litros de etanol, por tonelada de cana processada, e o preço de R$ 800 (oitocentos reais) o metro cúbico, são dados de entrada em tese factíveis de serem obtidos para geração de lucro líquido, mas não para o VPL. As incógnitas são a velocidade do desenvolvimento da planta de grande escala de produção e comportamento de preços diante das perspectivas analisadas. Diante dos resultados obtidos e do exposto, há a clara possibilidade de autoafirmação do setor que, após décadas de insucessos, como o do Proálcool, e críticas às suas políticas de sustentabilidade (sócio-ambiental), vislumbra um cenário promissor para a perpetuação de sua hegemonia e vanguarda na produção de biocombustível (etanol), alimento (açúcar) e energia elétrica.
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Estimativa do escoamento superficial em diferentes níveis de dossel vegetativo e cobertura do solo / Runoff estimate at different levels of canopy vegetative and soil coverKnies, Alberto Eduardo 25 March 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The soil tillage systems modify its water balance and for the correct irrigation
management is fundamental to determining the runoff and effective rainfall, which helps
to maximize the use of rainwater and minimizes the use of supplemental irrigation. The
objective of this study was to determine, model and estimate the runoff and the effective
rainfall during the development cycle of the common black bean and maize in soil with
and without straw on the surface, in different land slope and rainfall intensities simulated,
using the field experiments, multivariate equations, the Curve Number Method (CN) and
the SIMDualKc Model. Two experiments were conducted in the field with crops of black
beans and maize, where different intensities of simulated rainfall (35, 70 and 105 mm h-1)
were applied at different times of the crop cycle (soil cover of 0, 28, 63 and 100% by the
canopy beans; 0, 30, 72 and 100% by canopy of maize) and distinct land slope (1, 5 and
10%) in soil without and with (5 Mg ha-1) of oat straw on the surface. The runoff values
observed were compared with those estimated by the CN method, suggesting new
values of CN to improve the estimate. From the set of data collected from the field
analysis of multiple linear regression to estimate runoff and simulations with SIMDualKc
model to estimate runoff and effective rainfall were performed. The start time of the
runoff, constant runoff rate, total runoff and the percentage of runoff in relation to the
volume of rain were little influenced by the crops of beans and maize. Reductions in
runoff were provided by the straw on the soil surface within 45 and 48% for the crops
beans and maize, respectively. The CN method for the bean crop underestimated runoff
by up to 10% for the soil without straw on the surface, and overestimated by up to 17%
for the soil with straw. For maize, the method overestimated the runoff by up 32.4% in
soil with straw and 12% in soil without straw. To improve estimation the CN, new values
are proposed for CN, considering the crop, the presence or absence of straw on soil
surface and intensity rain. The use of multiple linear regression analyzes indicated that
the volume of precipitation (R2=0.52) and soil cover by straw (R2=0.18) are the variables
with the greatest influence on runoff. Four multiple equations were generated, and the
equation 2, whose input parameters are the volume of rain and amount of litter on the
soil surface, was presented the best estimate of the runoff of a data set than the one that
gave its origin. The SIMDualKc Model requires adjustments to estimate runoff and
effective rainfall during the crop cycle of beans and maize, so consider the benefits of
straw on the soil surface in reducing runoff. Thus, the suggested value of CN (CN=75)
was changed to 71 and 87 to the black bean crop, and 56 and 79 for the maize crop for
the soil with and without straw on the surface, respectively. / Os sistemas de manejo do solo modificam o seu balanço hídrico e para o correto
manejo da irrigação é de fundamental importância a determinação do escoamento
superficial e da chuva efetiva, o que contribui para maximizar o uso da água das chuvas e
minimiza a utilização de irrigação suplementar. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi
determinar, modelar e estimar o escoamento superficial e a chuva efetiva durante o ciclo de
desenvolvimento das culturas do feijão e milho, cultivados em solo com e sem palha na
superfície, em diferentes declividade do terreno e intensidades de chuvas simuladas,
utilizando experimentos a campo, equações multivariadas, o método Curva Número (CN) e
o modelo SIMDualKc. Foram realizados dois experimentos à campo, com as culturas do
feijão e milho, em que foram aplicadas diferentes intensidades de chuvas simuladas (35, 70
e 105 mm h-1), em diferentes momentos do ciclo das culturas (cobertura do solo de 0, 28, 63
e 100% pelo dossel vegetativo do feijão; 0, 30, 72 e 100% pelo dossel vegetativo do milho) e
distintas declividade do terreno (1, 5 e 10%), em solo sem e com (5 Mg ha-1) palha de aveia
preta na superfície. Os valores de escoamento superficial observados foram comparados
com os estimados pelo método CN, sugerindo-se novos valores de CN para melhorar a
estimativa. A partir do conjunto de dados coletados a campo, foram realizadas análises de
regressão linear múltiplas para a estimativa do escoamento superficial e, simulações com o
modelo SIMDualKc para estimativa do escoamento superficial e da chuva efetiva. O tempo
de início do escoamento, a taxa constante de escoamento, o escoamento total e a
porcentagem de escoamento em relação ao volume da chuva foram pouco influenciados
pelo crescimento do dossel vegetativo das plantas de feijão e milho. Reduções no
escoamento superficial foram proporcionadas pela presença de palha na superfície do solo,
em até 45 e 48% para as culturas do feijão e milho, respectivamente. O método CN para a
cultura do feijão subestimou o escoamento superficial em até 10% para o solo sem palha na
superfície e, superestimou em até 17% para o solo com palha. Para a cultura do milho, o
método CN superestimou o escoamento superficial em até 32,4% no solo com palha e 12%
no solo sem palha. Para melhorar a estimativa do método CN, foram propostos novos
valores de CN, considerando a cultura, a presença ou não de palha na superfície do solo e a
intensidade da chuva. A utilização de análises de regressão linear múltiplas indicaram que o
volume da chuva (R2=0,52) e a cobertura do solo por palha (R2=0,18) são as variáveis com
maior influência sobre o escoamento superficial. Foram geradas quatro equações múltiplas,
sendo que a equação 2, cujos parâmetros de entrada são o volume da chuva e quantidade
de palha na superfície do solo, foi a que apresentou a melhor estimativa do escoamento
superficial de um conjunto de dados diferente daquele que lhe deu origem. O modelo
SIMDualKc necessita de ajustes para estimar o escoamento superficial e a chuva efetiva
durante o ciclo das culturas de feijão e milho, de modo que considere os benefícios da palha
na superfície do solo na redução do escoamento superficial. Desta forma, o valor sugerido
de CN (CN=75) foi alterado para 71 e 87 para a cultura do feijão e, 56 e 79 para a cultura do
milho, para o solo com e sem palha na superfície, respectivamente.
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Medição e simulação da temperatura e conteúdo de água em argissolo sob resíduos de aveia / Measurent and simulation of soil temperature and water content in alfisols under oat residuesZwirtes, Anderson Luiz 27 January 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research was conducted with the objective of studying the dynamics of soil temperature and water content as a function of the different amounts of black oat residue (Avena sativa Schreb.) in the soil cover, through existing relationships with meteorological variables, as well as the simulation of these dynamics using Hydrus-1D. The experiment was carried out in an Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico arênico (Rhodic Paleudalf) in Santa Maria - RS. The treatments consisted of the use of 3, 6 and 9 Mg ha-1 of oat straw in soil cover and an uncovered soil treatment (0 Mg ha-1). Soil temperature and water content at different depths, in addition to meteorological conditions, were measured during the period from December 1, 2014 to December 6, 2015. The effect of straw on soil temperature was analyzed at different depths, correlating covered soil temperature with uncovered soil temperature. The equations used for estimating soil surface temperature were adjusted by the least square method, where the surface temperature is estimated as a function of air temperature and incident solar radiation, and its performance compared to the sinusoidal equation. The hydraulic and thermal parameters required for the simulation of soil temperature and water content were optimized by the reverse solution and validated on uncovered soils. The optimized parameters were used to simulate the temperature and water content in soils with different amounts of straw with two contour conditions for the soil surface temperature, one measure and the other estimated. The straw affected the soil temperature down to 50 cm deep. The uncovered soil temperature at which inversion of the straw effect occurred was 19.6 ° C at the surface and 15.8 ° C at 50 cm depth. The presence of straw keeps the soil warmer than the soil without straw at the beginning of the day, but prevents it from warming similar to the ground without straw for the rest of the day, causing in turn that, bare soil gets warmer during the day and cools more at night compared to the covered soil. This temperature was similar in all amounts of straw, but decreased in depth. The temperature of the soil surface can be estimated as a function of air temperature and solar radiation. In uncovered soil the proposed equation presents better performance compared to the sinusoidal equation. In covered soils the sinusoidal equation had better performance. The optimal hydraulic and thermal parameters of the soil improved the simulations of temperature and soil water content. The soil temperature with different amounts of oat straw can be simulated using Hydrus-1D, and the use of the contour condition with the measured surface temperature performed better than the estimated surface temperature. / Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de estudar a dinâmica da temperatura e do conteúdo de água do solo em função de diferentes quantidades de resíduos de aveia preta disposta em cobertura por meio das relações existente com variáveis meteorológicas, bem como a representação destes comportamentos por meio de simulação utilizando o Hydrus-1D. O experimento foi conduzido em um Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico arênico em Santa Maria - RS. Os tratamentos consistiram da utilização de três diferentes níveis de cobertura do solo (3, 6 e 9 Mg ha-1) com palha de aveia (Avena sativa) e um tratamento com solo descoberto (0 Mg ha-1). A temperatura do solo e o conteúdo volumétrico de água, em diferentes profundidades, além das condições meteorológicas, foram mensurados durante o período de 01/12/2014 a 06/12/2015. O efeito da cobertura do solo com resíduos vegetais na temperatura do solo foi analisado nas diferentes profundidades correlacionando a temperatura do solo com palha e a temperatura do solo descoberto. O método dos mínimos quadrados foi usado para gerar equações de estimativa da temperatura da superfície do solo em função da temperatura do ar e da radiação solar e o seu desempenho foi comparado com a equação senoidal. Os parâmetros hidráulicos e térmicos, necessários para a simulação da temperatura e do conteúdo de água do solo, com o Hydrus-1D, foram otimizados por meio da solução inversa e validados em solos descobertos. Os parâmetros otimizados foram usados para a simulação da temperatura e do conteúdo de água em solos com diferentes quantidades de palha com duas condições de contorno para a temperatura da superfície do solo, uma medida e outra estimada. A palha exerce influência sobre a temperatura do solo até 50 cm de profundidade. A temperatura do solo descoberto em que ocorre a inversão do efeito da palha foi de 19,6 °C na superfície e 15,8 °C a 50 cm de profundidade. A presença de cobertura de palha mantém o solo mais aquecido que o solo sem palha no início do dia, mas impede que ele se aqueça igual ao solo sem palha no restante do dia. Assim resultando em uma percepção de que a palha aquece e resfria o solo em relação à temperatura do solo desnudo. Essa temperatura foi semelhante em todas as quantidades de palha, porém decresceu em profundidade. A estimativa da temperatura da superfície do solo pode ser estimada em função da temperatura do ar e da radiação solar. Em solo descoberto as equações propostas tem melhor desempenho que a equação senoidal. Em solos cobertos a equação senoidal teve melhor desempenho. Os parâmetros hidráulicos e térmicos do solo otimizados melhoraram as simulações da temperatura e conteúdo de água do solo. A simulação da temperatura do solo com diferentes quantidades de cobertura vegetal pode ser simulada usando o Hydrus-1D, sendo que o uso da condição de contorno com a temperatura da superfície medido teve melhor desempenho que o utilizando a temperatura da superfície estimada.
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Purificação da enzima glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase por processo de extração líquido-líquido em sistemas aquosos bifásicos integrado ao rompimento celular de Candida guilliermondii / Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase purification by liquid-liquid extraction process using aqueous two-phase systems integrated to cell disruption of Candida guilliermondiiDaniela de Borba Gurpilhares 12 December 2007 (has links)
A utilização de resíduos agrícolas visando à produção de insumos por via biotecnológica tem se mostrado importante uma vez que estes resíduos são fontes renováveis de carbono. A fração hemicelulósica destes resíduos apresenta como componente principal a xilose, que pode ser utilizada como substrato em processos de bioconversão para a obtenção de produtos com valor agregado. Um destes produtos é a enzima glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PD), primeira enzima da via das pentoses fosfato que pode ser utilizada como reagente analítico em análises quantitativas, sobretudo em estudos bioquímicos e médicos. O presente trabalho visou estudar o processo de purificação dessa enzima empregando a extração em sistemas de duas fases aquosas convencional (sem integração) e integrado ao rompimento celular, em duas escalas, reduzida e ampliada. A enzima foi produzida por Candida guilliermondii FTI 20037 cultivada em meio constituído de hidrolisado hemicelulósico de palha de arroz, sob condições pré-determinadas. Inicialmente, foram realizados ensaios para avaliar o efeito das variáveis volume de suspensão celular, velocidade de agitação do moinho de esferas de vidro e tempo sobre o rompimento das células. Os valores destas variáveis foram, então, estabelecidos em: 100 mL, 400 rpm e 25 minutos, respectivamente. Posteriormente, a influência da massa molar de PEG e comprimento de linha de amarração sobre a extração da G6PD foram investigados no sistema convencional (homogeneizado obtido a partir do rompimento celular, em presença ou ausência de fragmentos) e integrado (rompimento na presença dos componentes da extração), empregando-se a metodologia do planejamento experimental. Nos ensaios realizados em escala reduzida, sob condições otimizadas, alcançou-se um fator de purificação na fase rica em sal (FPf), ou fase fundo, de 2,8 e em maior escala, ou seja, em moinho de rompimento, de 1,3. Com isso, realizou-se o estudo cinético e termodinâmico empregando a enzima presente no homogeneizado antes da purificação e após purificada no processo integrado em escala reduzida, nas seguintes condições: TLL 40% e PEG 1500 mol/L. Os valores determinados para os parâmetros cinéticos foram Km, 0,07 e 0,05 mM, Vm, 34,8 e 19,1 U/L e dos parâmetros termodinâmicos ΔG, -13,71 e -13,64 KJ/mol; ΔH, -2,49 e -2,50 KJ/mol; ΔS, 37,02 e 36,77 J/mol.K; Ea, 24,18 e 15,02 KJ/mol, da enzima presente no homogeneizado celular antes e após purificação, respectivamente. / The employment of agricultural residues aiming the attainment of biotechnological products has been shown its importance since these residues are renewable and low cost sources of carbon. The hemicellulosic fraction of these residues presents xylose as main component, which can be utilized as substrate for different bioconversion processes for the acquisition of high value products. As an example, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the first enzyme of pentose phosphate pathway which can be used as analytical reagent in several quantitative analysis, mainly in biochemical and medical studies. The present work contemplated the study of glucose-6-phosphate (G6PD) purification process by a conventional aqueous two phase systems extraction and integrated with cell disruption, in two scales, reduced and increased. The enzyme was obtained from cells of Candida guilliermondii FTI 20037 grown in hemicellulosic rice straw hydrolysate, using conditions established in previous work. Initially, assays in bead mill were performed to determine the effect of cell suspension volume, agitation speed and time on cell disruption. The determined conditions were: 100 mL, 400 rpm and 25 minutes, respectively. After this, the influence of molar mass of PEG and tie line lenght (TLL) on the G6PD recovery were investigated in the conventional system (with previous disrupted cells, with or without cell fragments) and integrated (disruption in the presence of extraction components), using the experimental design methodology. In the reduced scale assays, in optimized conditions, a purification factor in salt rich phase (FPf), or bottom phase, of 2,8 was reached while in the increased scale, this means in bead mill, a FPf of 1,3 was attained. In addition, kinetic and thermodynamic studies were performed, employing the enzyme present in the homogenate before and after purification in reduced scale, in the following conditions: TLL of 40% and PEG 1500 mol/L. The established values for the kinetics parameters were Km, 0,07 and 0,05 mM, Vm, 34,8 and 19,1 U/L and of thermodynamics ΔG, -13,71 and -13,64 KJ/mol; ΔH, -2,49 and -2,50 KJ/mol; ΔS, 37,02 and 36,77 J/mol.K; Ea, 24,18 and 15,02 KJ/mol, of the enzyme present in the homogenate before and after purification respectively.
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