Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atrength off materials"" "subject:"atrength oof materials""
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A theoretical one-dimensional analysis of both the temperature and stress distributions in a flat semitransparent plate subjected to a high intensity radiative source at arbitrary incidence anglesFrankel, Jay Irwin January 1982 (has links)
The temperature and thermal stress distributions in a semi-transparent solid of flat plate geometry exposed to a collimated radiative source for various angles of incidence is investigated. This plate is convectively insulated on the surface where the radiation is incident while the rear surface is convectively cooled. Tile effective internal heat generation term is rederived so as to take into account the internal specular reflections (diffuse reflections were not considered) in the plate when the source is present. The newly-derived effective internal heat generation term allows for variations in the angle of incidence of the collimated source. This one-dimensional analysis investigates the importance of the incoming radiation wavelength, and the angle of incidence, on the behavior of the temperature and stress distributions. The nature of the concavity of the temperature distribution in relation to the stress distribution is also studied. The heating of the plate by a single pulsed source (laser) for a duration of 0.001 seconds followed by the subsequent cooling of the plate is examined by numerical example using Corning Glass Works #7940 Fused Silica glass as the semitransparent material. / Master of Science
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Transient analysis of layered composite plates accounting for transverse shear strains and von Karman strainsMook, Daniel Joseph January 1982 (has links)
The increasing use of laminated composites in moving structures such as aircraft has led to a need for an efficient and accurate procedure for performing transient bending analysis of laminated composite plates. Classical theory is inadequate because it neglects transverse shear deformation, rotatory inertia, and geometric nonlinearities.
In this thesis, a theory to account for transverse shear deformation and rotatory inertia is combined with the von Karman theory of geometric nonlinearities to develop the nonlinear governing equations of laminated composite plate bending. A finite element program is developed to solve these equations, using the Newmark direct integration technique to integrate the equations in time. Apparently, this constitutes the first transient finite-element analysis of laminated composite plate bending which accounts for transverse shear deformation, rotatory inertia, and geometric nonlinearities. The program accuracy is verified by comparison with results previously reported in the literature. Finally, results of a study of various material and plate geometry parameters are presented.
The results of the parametric study show that transverse shear deformation, rotatory inertia, and geometric nonlinearity may all have a profound effect on the predicted bending response. In addition, the effects of material orthotropy, plate aspect ratio, plate thickness, lamination scheme, and load magnitude are shown to be significant. Computational constants such as the Newmark coefficients, the time-step size, and the element mesh are also investigated, and appropriate observations are made on the computational aspects of the program. / Master of Science
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Hållfasthetslära i teknikläroböcker : En jämförande innehållsanalys av läroböcker i teknik för grundskolan årskurs 7-9 samt gymnasiet årskurs 1 / Strength of materials and solid mechanics as content in school books in technologyÖsth, Michael, Strandberg, Hans January 2019 (has links)
Hållfasthetslära är ett viktigt och centralt område inom ingenjörsutbildningar. Men att ha grundläggande kunskap om vad som gör konstruktioner hållfasta är dock något som inte enbart bör vara förbehållet ingenjörer, utan det är även ett område som tillhör allmänbildningen. Det är av den anledningen området hållfasthet tas upp redan i grundskolans lägre åldrar i skolämnet Teknik och fördjupas successivt upp till gymnasiets tekniska program. I denna studie har fem läroböcker för ämnet Teknik för grundskolans årskurs 7-9 samt två läroböcker för kursen Teknik 1 i gymnasieskolans årskurs 1, studerats för att utreda hur området hållfasthetslära beskrivs. Metoden som används i analysen är textanalys i form av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av förekomsten av hållfasthetsrelaterade begrepp samt en kvalitativ analys av hur begreppen beskrivs. Därtill görs en analys av hur läromedlen uppfyller styrdokumentens krav och riktlinjer. Studien visar att böckerna har stor variation i hur området hållfasthetslära framställs, dock med generaliseringar att högstadieboken beskriver området med text och gymnasieboken med formler. De studerade läroböckerna tar visserligen upp många ämnesspecifika begrepp men det är en markant skillnad mellan böckerna hur dessa begrepp beskrivs. Den fördjupade analysen som studerar om läroböckerna uppfyller styrdokumentens kursplaner i Teknik för grundskolan och Teknik 1 för gymnasieskolan påvisar även den en stor spridning mellan läroböckerna. Av studiens valda bedömningskriterier kan utläsas att området behandlas utförligt endast av två av böckerna: grundskolans Teknik Direkt (2018) från förlaget Sanoma Utbildning samt gymnasiets Teknik (2011) från förlaget Liber. Gemensamt för de valda gymnasieböckerna är att området hållfasthet behandlas mycket mer matematiskt än i högstadieböckerna och stort fokus ligger på olika former av spänningsberäkningar. Dock är det ett markant språng i abstraktionsnivå från de enklare textbaserade högstadieböckerna till gymnasieböckerna med matematiska beräkningar. Slutsatsen av detta är att varken högstadieböckerna eller gymnasieböckerna ger en heltäckande bild av viktiga grundläggande begrepp inom området hållfasthet. Studien visar att de bästa av böckerna kan i viss mån komplettera varandra, men med ogrundade val av läromedel riskerar det att bli osammanhängande. Det är därmed viktigt att läraren noggrant utvärderar lämpliga läromedel så de uppfyller det tänkta syftet i undervisningen. / Strength of materials and solid mechanics theory is an important and central area in engineering education. But having a basic knowledge of what makes structures durable, however, is not only reserved for engineers, but is also an area that belongs to general education. For this reason, the area of strength is already taken up in the elementary school's lower age in the subject of technology and is gradually expanded up to the high school's technical program. In this study, five textbooks for the subject of Technology for comprehensive school upper stage, grade 7-9, and two textbooks for the course Technology 1 in high school year 1 were studied to investigate how the field of strength theory is described. The method used in the analysis is text analysis in the form of a quantitative content analysis of the presence of strength-related concepts as well as a qualitative analysis of how the concepts are described. In addition, an analysis is made of how the teaching materials meet the requirements and guidelines of the steering documents. The study shows that the books have a great variety in how the field of strength theory is presented, however with generalizations that the upper stage textbook describes the area with text and the high school describes with formulas. Although the textbooks studied have many subject-specific concepts, it is markedly different between the books how these concepts are described. The in-depth analysis that studies whether the textbooks meet the syllabus of the steering documents in Teknik for the elementary school and Teknik 1 for the upper secondary school also shows a large distribution between the textbooks. From the chosen assessment criteria in the study, it can be seen that the area is in depth covered by only two of the books: Teknik Direkt (2018) from publisher Sanoma Utbildning (for the elementary school) and Teknik (2011) from publisher Liber (from upper secondary school). Common to all the selected high school books is that the area of strength is treated much more mathematically than for the upper stage books and great focus is placed on various forms of stress calculations. However, there is a significant leap in abstraction level from the simpler text-based upper stage books to the high school books with mathematical calculations. The conclusion of this is that neither the upper stage school books nor the high school books provide a comprehensive picture of important basic concepts in the area of strength. The study shows that the best of the books can to some extent complement each other, but with unfounded choice of study material it risks becoming incoherent. It is therefore important that the teacher carefully evaluates appropriate teaching material so that they fulfill the intended purpose of the teaching.
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Impact response of a continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic from a soft bodied projectileVan der Westhuizen, Artho Otto 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Saamgestelde materiale het baie gewilde materiale in die lugvaart- en motor
industrië geword as gevolg van die gewigsbesparende voordele wat dit inhou.
Kostes en ander verwerkingsprobleme het tradisioneel die wydverspreide gebruik
van spesifiek termoplasties-versterkte vesels in hierdie areas verhinder. Baie van
die vervaardigingsprobleme (spesifiek lang siklusse) is aangespreek met die
aanvang van termoplastiese matriks materiaal soos Polyphenolien Sulfied (PPS).
Hierdie materiaal voldoen ook aan die lugvaart-industrie se brand-, rook- en
Termoplastiese saamgestelde materiale kan byvoorbeeld gevind word op
komponente in vliegtuie se binneruimtes en ook die voorste rand van die vlerke.
Hierdie komponente is hoogs vatbaar vir impakskade. Die hoë sterkte en styfheid
tot gewig verhoudings van saamgestelde materiale laat toe vir dun materiaal
dwarssnitte. Komponente is dus kwesbaar vir uit-vlakkige impak beladings.
Saamgestelde materiale kan ook intern deur hierdie beladings beskadig word en
kan nie met die blote oog waargeneem kan word nie. Dit is dus nodig om die
skade weens hierdie beladings tydens normale gebruik akkuraat te voorspel.
Verder sal dit nuttig wees om die struktuur se gedrag te bepaal in toepassings
waar byvoorbeeld passasier veiligheid krities is, soos op vliegtuig ruglenings
tydens noodlandings.
In hierdie studie is die potensiële vervaardigingsvoordele van termoplastiese
saamgestelde materiale gedemonstreer. Daarbenewens is 'n uit-vlakkige impak
deur 'n sagte liggaam herbou in 'n laboratorium omgewing. Die primêre doelwit
van hierdie studie was om die impak numeries te modelleer.
Vervaardigingsvoordele van `n vesel versterkte termoplastiese laminaat is
gedemonstreer deur die vervaardiging van 'n konkawe, agt laag laminaat uit 'n
vooraf gekonsolideerde geweefde doek. Die totale verwerkingstyd van die plat
laminaat na 'n konkawe laminaat was minder as vyf minute. 'n Eenvoudige plat
laminaat en 'n konkawe laminaat is onderwerp aan 'n lae snelheid impak deur 'n
sagte projektiel. Die impak is gemodelleer deur die evaluering van drie
modelleringsmetodes vir die saamgestelde paneel. Die evalueringskriteria het o.a.
ingesluit of laminaat se volle gedrag suksesvol gemodelleer kon word met behulp
van slegs 2D dop elemente.
Die reaksie van die saamgestelde paneel en gepaardgaande faling is met
wisselende vlakke van sukses deur die drie geëvalueerde modelle voorspel. Die
faling van tussen-laminêre bindings (verwys na as delaminasie) kon nie deur
enige van die modelle voorspel word nie. Twee van die modelle het egter in-vlak
faling met redelike akkuraatheid voorspel. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to weight saving advantages composite materials have become a highly
popular material in the aerospace and automotive industries. Traditionally
processing difficulties and costs have been a barrier to widespread composite
material use in these industries. With the advent of thermoplastic matrix materials
such as Polyphenoline Sulphide (PPS) the processing difficulties (especially long
cycle times) experienced with traditional thermosetting resins can be addressed
while maintaining aerospace Fire-Smoke and Toxicity (FST) approval.
Thermoplastic composites can for example be found on aircraft interior
components and leading edges of the wings. These areas are highly susceptible to
impact damage. The high strength- and stiffness to weight ratios of composites
allows for thin material cross sections. This leaves the components vulnerable to
out-of-plane impact loads. Composite materials may also be damaged internally
by these loads, leaving the damage undetectable through visual inspections. It
may therefore be necessary to predict the amount of damage a component would
sustain during normal operation. Additionally, it would be useful to predict
structural response of these materials in applications where passenger safety is
crucial, such as aircraft seat backrests during emergency landings.
In this study the potential processing benefits of thermoplastic composite
materials were demonstrated. Additionally an out-of-plane impact from a soft
bodied projectile was reconstructed in a laboratory environment. The primary
objective was to numerically model the impact event.
Processing benefits of thermoplastics were demonstrated by producing a single
curvature eight layered laminate from a pre-consolidated woven sheet. The total
processing time from flat panel to a single curvature panel was below five
minutes. A simple flat laminate and a single curvature laminate were subjected to
a low velocity drop weight impact load from a soft bodied projectile. These
impact events were modelled by evaluating three modelling methods for the
composite panel structural response and damage evolution. Part of the evaluation
criteria included whether laminate failure could be modelled successfully using
only 2D shell elements.
The response of the composite panel and accompanying failure were predicted
with varying levels of success by the three evaluated models. The failure of interlaminar
bonds (referred to as delamination) could not be predicted by either
model. However two of the models predicted in-plane failure with reasonable
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Sobre os dimensionamentos de perfis de aço formados a frio. / Cold-formed steel design.Silva, Edson Lubas 27 July 2006 (has links)
Os perfis de aço formados a frio possuem até 3 modos de flambagem: local, distorcional e global. Essa diversificação torna muito complexa a verificação de esforços resistentes nesses perfis. Recorre-se, então a métodos simplificados e interativos, com o intuito de fornecer ao engenheiro civil ferramentas que sejam práticas e apresentem um bom resultado. Métodos numéricos, como o MFF (métodos das faixas finitas), apesar de serem mais precisos, não são ainda, de uso corrente em projetos. O enfoque principal deste trabalho são as normas brasileiras de perfis formados a frio NBR 14762:2001 Dimensionamento de estruturas de aço constituídas por perfis formados a frio" e NBR 6355:2003 Perfis estruturais de aço formados a frio - Padronização". Comparam-se as tabelas D1 e D2 na NBR14762:2001, referentes à flambagem distorcional, a resultados calculados por meio do processo recomendado pela norma. Verificaram-se quais perfis padronizados pela NBR 6355:2003 dispensam a verificação da resistência por distorção da seção transversal. Uma análise geral de perfis de aço formados a frio, a fim de identificar aqueles que possuem melhor eficiência (perfis que resistem esforços mais elevados com menor área da seção transversal) também é feita. Para a realização desta pesquisa foi desenvolvido um programa de computador. / The cold formed steel members have up to 3 buckling modes: local, distortional and global. This diversification makes very complex the verification of these members resistance. For this reason it is used simple and interactive methods to provide the Civil Engineers tools that are practical and present a good result. Although numerical methods such as FDM (Finite Strip Methods) are more precise, they are still not currently used in projects. The main focus of this dissertation is the Brazilian rules regarding the cold formed steel members NBR 14762:2001 Dimensioning steel structures made of cold formed profiles" and NBR 6355:2003 Cold formed steel members Standardizing". It compares the D1 and D2 tables of NBR14762:2001, regarding the distortional buckling, with the calculated results recommended by these rules. In this way it is verified which NBR 6355:2003 standardized profiles do not require the verification of resistance by distortional buckling. It is also made a general analysis of these cold formed steel members. And to make this research it was developed a computer program.
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Avaliação do desempenho térmico da placa do sistema de vedação vertical externo usando placas cerâmicas contendo lodo de eta e cinza de casca de arrozPetterle, Antônio Rodrigues 01 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marlucy Farias Medeiros (marlucy.farias@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-09-27T20:33:58Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
ANTÔNIO RODRIGUES PETTERLE- 2018.pdf: 2305522 bytes, checksum: 69cc82567d353c585b3c2aad186edee3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marlucy Farias Medeiros (marlucy.farias@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-09-27T21:03:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ANTÔNIO RODRIGUES PETTERLE- 2018.pdf: 2305522 bytes, checksum: 69cc82567d353c585b3c2aad186edee3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-27T21:03:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ANTÔNIO RODRIGUES PETTERLE- 2018.pdf: 2305522 bytes, checksum: 69cc82567d353c585b3c2aad186edee3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / Placas cerâmicas prensadas foram obtidas a partir de misturas com diferentes proporções contendo argila caulim, sílica extraída da casca de arroz após queima em temperatura controlada e lodo de estação de tratamento de águas (LETA). Propriedades físicas como densidade aparente, absorção de água e porosidade, propriedades mecânicas como resistência à compressão, e propriedades térmicas como condutividade térmica das placas cerâmicas após queima (Norma DIN EN12667) foram avaliadas. A sílica quando inserida na argila caulim propicia aumento da fase vítrea, redução na fase porosa, redução de condutividade térmica e aumento de resistência mecânica. O uso do LETA quando inserido na massa cerâmica propicia aumento considerável dos picos de mulita e de cristobalita, expressivo aumento de porosidade e diminuição das resistências térmica e mecânica. As placas cerâmicas com traço de mistura contendo 80% argila caulim, 20% sílica de casca de arroz e 10% LETA apresentaram o menor valor de condutividade térmica na placa cerâmica após queima de 0.2574W / mK, e a maior resistência à compressão de 189.97 MPa quando comparada aos demais traços testados. Em função dessas propriedades termomecânicas, as placas cerâmicas com esta formulação foram aplicadas como revestimento em uma parede de alvenaria em escala real com dimensões 1,20 m de largura x 2,20 m de altura, sendo submetida ao ensaio de calor e choque térmico (ABNT NBR 15575). O desempenho a durabilidade indicou que a placa cerâmica contendo está formulação tem potencial para ser utilizada como revestimento em fachadas de edifícios. O resultado do ensaio de durabilidade não apresentou nenhuma degradação tais como: deformação, fissuras ou desnivelamento, e apresentou um deslocamento horizontal de 1,13 mm, sendo este um valor abaixo do estabelecido na norma NBR 15575 que prediz 8 mm para uma altura de 2,40m. / Pressed ceramic plates were obtained from mixtures with different proportions containing kaolin clay, silica extracted from the rice husk after burning at controlled temperature and sludge from a water treatment plant (LETA). Physical properties such as bulk density, water absorption and porosity, mechanical properties such as compressive strength, and thermal properties as thermal conductivity of the ceramic plates after firing (DIN EN12667) were evaluated. The silica when inserted in the kaolin clay provides an increase in the glassy phase, reduction in the porous phase, reduction of thermal conductivity and increase of mechanical resistance. The use of the LETA when inserted in the ceramic mass provides a considerable increase of the mullite and cristobalite peaks, expressive increase of porosity and decrease of the thermal and mechanical resistances. The ceramic plates with a mixture trace containing 80% kaolin clay, 20% silica rice husk and 10% LETA showed the lowest value of thermal conductivity in the ceramic plate after burning of 0.2574W / mK, and the highest compressive strength of 189.97 MPa when compared to the other traits tested. Due to these thermomechanical properties, the ceramic plates with this formulation were applied as a coating on a real-scale masonry wall with dimensions 1.20 m wide x 2.20 m high, being submitted to the heat and thermal shock test (ABNT NBR 15575). The durability performance indicated that the ceramic plate containing this formulation has potential to be used as coating on building facades. The results of the test of durability did not present any degradation such as: deformation, cracks or unevenness, and presented a horizontal displacement of 1,13 mm, being this a value below that established in norm NBR 15575 that predicts 8 mm for a height of 2 , 40m.
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Anisotropic Nature of Radially Strained Metal TubesStrickland, Julie N. 12 1900 (has links)
Metal pipes are sometimes swaged by a metal cone to enlarge them, which increases the strain in the material. The amount of strain is important because it affects the burst and collapse strength. Burst strength is the amount of internal pressure that a pipe can withstand before failure, while collapse strength is the amount of external pressure that a pipe can withstand before failure. If the burst or collapse strengths are exceeded, the pipe may fracture, causing critical failure. Such an event could cost the owners and their customers millions of dollars in clean up, repair, and lost time, in addition to the potential environmental damage. Therefore, a reliable way of estimating the burst and collapse strength of strained pipe is desired and valuable. The sponsor currently rates strained pipes using the properties of raw steel, because those properties are easily measured (for example, yield strength). In the past, the engineers assumed that the metal would be work-hardened when swaged, so that yield strength would increase. However, swaging introduces anisotropic strain, which may decrease the yield strength. This study measured the yield strength of strained material in the transverse and axial direction and compared them to raw material, to determine the amount of anisotropy. This information will be used to more accurately determine burst and collapse ratings for strained pipes. More accurate ratings mean safer products, which will minimize risk for the sponsor’s customers. Since the strained metal has a higher yield strength than the raw material, using the raw yield strength to calculate burst and collapse ratings is a conservative method. The metal has even higher yield strength after strain aging, which indicates that the stresses are relieved. Even with the 12% anisotropy in the strained and 9% anisotropy in the strain aged specimens, the raw yield strengths are lower and therefore more conservative. I recommend that the sponsor continue using the raw yield strength to calculate these ratings. I set out to characterize the anisotropic nature of swaged metal. As expected, the tensile tests showed a difference between the axial and transverse tensile strength. The correlation was 12% difference in yield strength in the axial and transverse directions for strained material and 9% in strained and aged material. This means that the strength of the metal in the hoop (transverse) direction is approximately 10% stronger than in the axial direction, because the metal was work hardened during the swaging process. Therefore, the metal is more likely to fail in axial tension than in burst or collapse. I presented the findings from the microstructure examination, standard tensile tests, and SEM data. All of this data supported the findings of the mini-tensile tests. This information will help engineers set burst and collapse ratings and allow material scientists to predict the anisotropic characteristics of swaged steel tubes.
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Dynamic stress analysis of composite structures under elastic wave load : particulate reinforced metal matrix compositesAghachi, Izendu Emenike Alu. January 2012 (has links)
D. Tech. Mechanical Engineering. / Discusses the main objective of this study was to extend the hybrid method developed by Paskaramoorthy, et al (1988). This objective was to study the effect of elastic wave on any particulate reinforced metal matrix composite (PRMMC). The specific objectives were: to compare the effect of plane wave and shear vertical wave on a particular particulate reinforced metal matrix composite (PRMMC)-Mg/TiC, using analytical method ; to use the extended hybrid method to determine the effect of particle size and single interface layer on Mg/TiC.
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Computational and analytical modelling of composite structures based on exact and higher order theories.Tabakov, Pavel. January 1995 (has links)
The objective of the present study is the computational and analytical modelling of
a stress and strain state of the composite laminated structures.
The exact three dimensional solution is derived for laminated anisotropic thick cylinders
with both constant and variable material properties through the thickness of a
layer. The governing differential equations are derived in a such form that to satisfy
the stress functions and are given for layered cylindrical shell with open ends. The
solution then extended to the laminated cylindrical shells with closed ends, that is
to pressure vessels.
Based on the accurate three-dimensional stress analysis an approach for the optimal
design of the thick pressure vessels is formulated. Cylindrical pressure vessels are
optimised taking the fibre angle as a design variable to maximise the burst pressure.
The effect of the axial force on the optimal design is investigated. Numerical results
are given for both single and laminated (up to five layers) cylindrical shells. The
maximum burst pressure is computed using the three-dimensional interactive Tsai-:
Wu failure criterion, which takes into account the influence of all stress components
to the failure. Design optimisation of multilayered composite pressure vessels are
based on the use of robust multidimensional methods which give fast convergence.
Transverse shear and normal deformation higher-order theory for the solution of dynamic
problems of laminated plates and shells is studied. The theory developed is
based on the kinematic hypotheses which are derived using iterative technique. Dynamic
effects, such as forces of inertia and the direct influence of external loading on
the stress and strain components are included at the initial stage of derivation where
kinematic hypotheses are formulated. The proposed theory and solution methods
provide a basis for theoretical and applied studies in the field of dynamics and statics
of the laminated shells, plates and their systems, particularly for investigation of
dynamic processes related to the highest vibration forms and wave propagation, for
optimal design etc.
Geometrically nonlinear higher-order theory of laminated plates and shells with
shear and normal deformation is derived. The theory takes into account both transverse
shear and normal deformations. The number of numerical results are obtained
based on the nonlinear theory developed. The results illustrate importance of the
influence of geometrical nonlinearity, especially, at high levels of loading and in case
when the laminae exhibit significant differences in their elastic properties. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1995.
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Physics of strength and plasticity.January 1969 (has links)
Edited by Ali S. Argon. / Published in honor of Egon Orowan. / Includes bibliographies.
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