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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Besigydančių dėl širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų streso įveikos, savigarbos ir agresyvumo charakteristikų sąsajos / Connection between the characteristics of self-esteem, aggression and stress coping for cardiovascular patients

Šmatavičius, Gintaras Valentinas 23 December 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis (ŠKL) sergančių asmenų savigarbos, agresyvumo ir streso įveikos sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 161 asmuo – 86 vyrai (53,4 proc.) ir 75 moterys (46,6 proc.). Tiriamąją grupę sudarė 78 reabilitacijoje besigydantys pacientai. Palyginamąją grupę sudarė 83 sveiki asmenys. Tiriamųjų amžiaus svyravo nuo 19 iki 75 metų (50,81 ± 12,75). Tyrimo metu išanalizuotos streso įveikos, savigarbos ir agresyvumo charakteristikos bei sąsajos abejose grupėse. Tiriamųjų streso įveikos strategijų įvertinimui naudota Ž. Grakausko ir G. Valicko sudaryta streso įveikos vertinimo metodika. Tiriamųjų savigarbai nagrinėti naudota M. Rosenberg savigarbos skalė (The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale). Agresyvumo analizei tiriamiesiems buvo pateiktas A. Bass - Darki klausimynas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad tiriamųjų, sergančių ŠKL, savigarbos rodikliai žemesni nei sveikų respondentų. Nėra skirtumo tarp sergančių ŠKL ir sveikų tiriamųjų fizinės ir verbalinės agresijos charakteristikų. Sergantieji ŠKL ir sveiki tyrimo dalyviai vienodai dažnai naudoja vengimo ir su socialine parama susijusias streso įveikos strategijas. Tiriamųjų, sergančių ŠKL, į problemą orientuotų streso įveikos strategijų naudojimas nesusijęs su savigarbos rodikliais. Moterų, sergančių ŠKL, žemesni fizinės ir verbalinės agresijos rodikliai susiję su aukštesniais savigarbos rodikliais. Vyrų, sergančių ŠKL, savigarba ir verbalinės agresijos lygis nesusiję. Sergančių ŠKL vyrų aukštesni... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to evaluate the connection between self-esteem, aggression and stress coping of cardiovascular patients. 161 people participated in the research: 86 men (53.4%) and 75 women (46.6%). 78 patients in rehabilitation formed the experimental group. The control group was formed from 83 healthy people. The age of the participants ranged from 19 to 75 (50,81 ± 12,75). During the research, the characteristics and connection between self-esteem, stress coping and agression were analysed in both groups. For evaluating stress coping strategies, the methodology for evaluation of stress coping by Ž. Grakauskas and G. Valickas was used. For self-esteem, The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was applied, while Bass-Darky questionnaire was employed in order to analyse aggressiveness. The research results have demonstrated that self-esteem indicators were lower for the cardio-vascular patients than for healthy respondents. Besides, there is no difference between physical and verbal aggression characteristics of cardiovascular patients and healthy people. Both, the experimental group and the control group, use the avoidance strategy and the strategies related to social support in coping with stress. The usage of problem-oriented stress coping strategies of cardiovascular patients is not related to self-esteem indicators. Female cardiovascular patients exhibit lower physical and verbal aggression indicators, which are associated to higher self-esteem indicators... [to full text]

Globos namuose augančių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų ir streso įveikos strategijų sąsajos / Corellation of hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies in adolescents growing in foster home

Juškaitė, Jurga 23 December 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti globos namuose augančių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų bei streso įveikos sąsajas. Globos namuose augantys paaugliai dažnai susiduria su psichologiniais sunkumais. Lietuvoje nėra daug tyrinėtos šių paauglių beviltiškumo, neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų bei streso įveikos psichologinės problemos. Tyrime dalyvavo 52 globos namuose augantys paaugliai. Tyrimas atliktas taikant tris metodus: A. T. Beck nevilties skalė, kitas E. J. Young ankstyvų neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų klausimynas, trumpoji forma ir trečias Ž. Grakausko bei G. Valicko keturių faktorių streso įveikos klausimynas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė merginų imtyje beviltiškumo ir neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų sąsajas, kai tuo tarpu vaikinų imtyje šios sąsajos nenustatytos. Tyrimu nustatytos streso įveikos strategijų bei neadaptyvių kognityvinių schemų sąsajos tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų imtyje. Beviltiškumo ir streso įveikos strategijų sąsajų nerasta nei merginų, nei vaikinų tarpe. Nenustatyti reikšmingi skirtumai beviltiškumo, streso įveikos strategijų: problemų sprendimo, vengimo bei socialinio palaikymo tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų imtyje. / The aim of the study was to reveal corellation of hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies in adolescents growing in foster home. Adolescents growing in foster home often interfere psychological difficulties. In Lithuania there is not many researches on adolescents hopelessness, maladaptive cognitive schemes and stress coping strategies. 52 girls and boys participated in the research from foster home. In the present thesis was applied three methods: A. T. Beck’s hoplessness scale, E. J. Young maladaptive cognitive schemes questioner and Ž. Grakauskas, G. Valickas stress coping strategies scale. The survey results showed the corellation of hopelessness and maladaptive cognitive schemes of girls but the results of boys presents no corelations between hopelessness and maladaptive cognitive schemes. The results of boys and girls showed corellation of stress coping strategies and maladaptive cognitive schemes. There were no meaningful differences of boys and girls on average between hoplessness and stress coping strategies: problems solving, social support and avoidance.

Verslo organizacijų darbuotojų patiriamo streso ir pasitenkinimo darbu ryšys / The link between job stress and job satisfaction experienced by workers in business organizations

Balnionytė, Rūta 25 June 2008 (has links)
Siekiant geriau suprasti verslo organizacijų darbuotojų patiriamą darbinį stresą ir pasitenkinimą darbu, jų ryšio nustatymas pasirinktas šio tyrimo tikslu. Kad jį atskleistume, naudojome tris metodikas: Veiksnių, Sukeliančių Stresą Darbe, Įvertinimo Klausimyną (Gulbinaitė, 2007), Pasitenkinimo Darbu Skalę (Spector, 1985) ir Streso Įveikos Klausimyną (Grakauskas, Valickas, 2006), kuriomis ištirta 118 tiriamųjų. Gauti rezultatai parodė, jog vyrai, labiau nei moterys, patiria didesnį darbinį stresą, susijusį su darbo reikalavimais bei darbo santykiais. Tuo tarpu moterys, skirtingai nuo vyrų, patiria didesnį pasitenkinimą darbu, susijusį su darbo organizavimu. Skirtumų tarp jaunesnių (18-25m.) ir vyresnių (26-40m.) tiriamųjų darbinio streso ir pasitenkinimo darbu nenustatyta. Tačiau rasta, jog vyrų ir moterų grupėse darbiniam stresui didėjant, pasitenkinimas darbu mažėja. Taip pat gauta, jog ne visos streso įveikos strategijos susijusios tarpusavyje, su darbiniu stresu ir pasitenkinimu darbu. Nustatyta, jog trijose tiriamųjų, patirianči���� skirtingą darbinį stresą ir pasitenkinimą darbu, grupėse naudojamos streso įveikos strategijos skiriasi tik iš dalies. / In order to understand better the job stress and job satisfaction experienced by workers in business organizations, its link is chosen as the aim of this study. For this reason, there were used three methods: The Evaluations Questionnaire of Variables, That Cause Job Stress (Gulbinaite, 2007), Job Satisfaction Scale (Spector, 1985) and Coping with Stress Questionnaire (Grakauskas, Valickas, 2006). 118 participants took part in this study. The results indicated that men comparing with women experience a bigger job stress, connected with job requirements and job relations. Whereas women, differently than men, experience a bigger job satisfaction, connected with job planning. It was also found that there are no differences of job stress and job satisfaction in groups of younger (18-25 years) and older (26-40 years) participants. Moreover, the results indicated, that when job stress is going up, the job satisfaction is going down in men and women groups. Besides, just some stress coping strategies are interdependent, have connection with job stress and job satisfaction. Finally, stress coping strategies differ just in part in three participants groups, who experience different job stress and job satisfaction.

Vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių ir fizinio aktyvumo bei streso įveikimo strategijų sąsajos / Men's and women's addictions and physical activity and stress coping strategies associations

Dainutytė, Kristina 21 December 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių ir fizinio aktyvumo bei streso įveikimo strategijų sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 115 18-52 metų vyrai (n=43, 37,4 proc.) ir moterys (n=72, 62,6 proc.). Tyrimui respondentai buvo atrinkti atsitiktinės atrankos būdu. Tai buvo ir KTU, ir VDU studentai, taip pat skirtingų profesijų ir amžiaus asmenys. Streso įveikimo strategijoms įvertinti buvo naudojama C. S. Carver, M. F. Scheier ir J. K. Weintraub streso įveikimo strategijų klausimynas (COPE), žalingiems tyrimo dalyvių įpročiams nustatyti naudotas prof. A. Goštauto subjektyvaus sveikatos vertinimo ir svaigalų vartojimo klausimynas, fiziniam aktyvumui nustatyti buvo suformuluota keletas klausimų. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad fiziškai aktyvių ir pasyvių vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių išreikštumas nesiskiria. Ilgiau ir trumpiau užsiimančių sportine veikla ir dažniau bei rečiau per savaitę sportuojančių vyrų ir moterų žalingų įpročių išreikštumas nesiskiria. Streso įveikimo strategijų naudojimas tarp skirtingo fizinio aktyvumo vyrų ir moterų nesiskiria. Dažniau ir rečiau per savaitę sportuojantys tiek vyrai, tiek moterys yra linkę pritaikyti adaptyvesnes streso įveikimo strategijas. Ilgiau ir trumpiau sportine veikla užsiimantys vyrai yra vienodai linkę pritaikyti adaptyvesnes streso įveikimo strategijas, tačiau ilgiau sportine veikla užsiimančios moterys yra labiau linkusios pritaikyti adaptyvias, į problemą ir į emocijas nukreiptas streso įveikimo strategijas nei moterys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess the addictions and physical activity and stress coping strategies associations of men's and women's. The subjects of the study were 115 men (n=43, 37,4 per cent) and women (n=72, 62,6 per cent) 18 – 52 years old. The respondents for research work were selected at random. It were students of various universities and people of different age and professions. C. S. Carver, M. F. Scheier and J. K. Weintraub’s stress coping strategies questionnaire (COPE) was used for evaluation of the stress coping strategies. Professor A. Goštautas’s subjective assessment of health and drug use questionnaire were used for evaluation as well and besides several questions were formulated for pointing out physical activity. The results of the study showed that physically active and passive men’s and women’s addictions are not different. There is no difference in addictions between men and women more or less practice in sports activities they have or more or less frequently per week they go in for sports. The use of stress coping strategies between men and women with different physical activity are the same. These two groups are disposed to use more adaptive stress coping strategies whether they more or less often do sports. Men with longer or shorter practice in sports activities use more adaptive stress coping strategies equally but women with longer practice in sports activities are more likely to apply adaptive, to the problem and emotions directed stress... [to full text]

A Review of Minority Stress Related to Employees' Demographics and the Development of an Intersectional Framework for Their Coping Strategies in the Workplace

Köllen, Thomas January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Every employee embodies manifestations of every demographic that attach to him or her different minority and majority statuses at the same time. As these statuses are often related to organizational hierarchies, employees frequently hold positions of dominance and subordination at the same time. Thus, a given individual's coping strategies (or coping behavior) in terms of minority stress due to organizational processes of hierarchization, marginalization and discrimination, are very often a simultaneous coping in terms of more than one demographic. Research on minority stress mostly focuses on single demographics representing only single facets of workforce diversity. By integrating the demographics of age, disability status, nationality, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and religion into one framework, the intersectional model proposed in this article broadens the perspective on minorities and related minority stress in the workplace. It is shown that coping with minority stress because of one demographic must always be interpreted in relation to the other demographics. The manifestation of one demographic can limit or broaden one's coping resources for coping with minority stress because of another dimension. Thus the manifestation of one demographic can determine the coping opportunities and coping behavior one applies to situations because of the minority status of another demographic. This coping behavior can include disclosure decisions about invisible demographics. Therefore organizational interventions aiming to create a supportive workplace environment and equal opportunities for every employee (e.g. diversity management approaches) should include more demographics instead of focusing only on few. (author's abstract)

Stres u uživatelů pervitinu / Methamphetamine users and stress

FILIPOVÁ, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis called "Stress among Methamphetamine Users" focuses on the phenomenon of stress in general, but especially on the strategies of coping with stressful situations. These so-called coping strategies are given great attention in contemporary research. The thesis inquires into the development of the Czech drug scene and particularly focuses on methamphetamine as a typical "Czech drug". It describes the period of methamphetamine early expansion in the Czech drug scene, the subsequent period of radical intervention of justice and police into the resulting socially unbearable situation, and the recent respective state of affairs. It also deals with the risks associated with the use of methamphetamine and the various forms of its application. In this respect it logically gives attention to the issue of drug addiction in general and the methamphetamine addiction in particular. An indispensable part of the thesis is a description of the phenomenon of stress according to selected distinguished experts in this area Paulík (2010), Baštecká (2009) a Joshi (2007). The initial discussion of specifically defined and operationalized stress is followed by a discussion of coping in general. First, the emergence of coping is discussed. The theoretical section provides definitions of various scientifically developed coping strategies and deals with the situation around the SVF 78 instrument as well as with the stress coping strategies and the phenomenon of stress itself. The section discusses different coping strategies and identifies their respective pitfalls as well as their influence on people from the holistic model viewpoint. The theoretical section is concluded with the topic of social work with drug addicts and its basic pillars. Describes the aims, research questions and hypotheses of the thesis. Two aims were selected for the thesis: "to find out which coping strategies are used by methamphetamine users" and "to find out how coping strategies change over a prolonged period of methamphetamine use". Three research questions and four associated hypotheses were formulated on the basis of these aims. The hypotheses are operationalized in this chapter. The methodological section discusses the SVF 78 instrument which was used to gather data from drug addicted respondents. The data were gathered in contact centres in South Bohemia via quantitative strategy of data gathering. Next, the research sample consisting of 50 respondents and the ethical aspects of the research are described. An indispensable part of the section is also a description of the statistical methods used for data evaluation. Next chapter, called "Results", describes the research sample with respect to respondents' sex, with the actual ratio being 54 percent of female respondents and 46 percent of male respondents. The respondents' age is described here as well together with an average age, median and standard deviations. Another thing mentioned is respondents' time period of methamphetamine use and their highest achieved education. The discussion section focuses on obtained results and their comparison with actual researches. Despite very interesting results it is necessary to assert that none of the hypotheses was statistically verified. However, analysis of similar studies leads us to a discovery of an analogous problem. The most interesting study in this regards appears to be Konopka et al. (2013) which found no significant differences in coping strategies adopted by benzodiazepine users. In spite of this it is possible to point at frequency differences which were found among methamphetamine users. They were found in particular with respect to the relation between negative coping strategies ratio and period time of methamphetamine use, where negative coping strategies were preferred by respondents using methamphetamine for more than 11 years etc. The concluding section summarizes the research results and reflects on the aims of the thesis.


Kim, Jong-Ho 01 August 2015 (has links)
Stress is the main contributing risk factor in the development of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes as well as mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. In particular, job stress may undermine the productivity, morale, relationships, and well-being of employees. Mounting research demonstrate that leisure can contribute to one’s health and well-being by enhancing a stress coping mechanism. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate stress coping and health-promoting behaviors in conjunction with leisure by comparing three types of leisure (active, passive, and social). In addition, the associations between types of leisure motivation and types of leisure, personal attributes influencing types of leisure, and personal attributes moderating the impact of types of leisure motivation on active leisure, were examined. A cross-sectional study was conducted by distributing electronic surveys containing five instruments (Types of Leisure, Leisure Motivation, Coping Self-Efficacy, Perceived Stress, and Health-Promoting Behaviors) along with a demographic questionnaire to 3739 Southern Illinois University (SIU) full-time employees. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) was used to provide the theoretical framework for this study. Perceived stress, coping self-efficacy, and health-promoting behaviors in conjunction with types of leisure were examined. SDT, which mainly posits human psychological well-being induced by fostering intrinsic motivation as opposed to extrinsic motivation, derived research questions with respect to the relationships between types of leisure, types of leisure motivation, and health-promoting behaviors. In addition, the influences of types of leisure motivation on alleviation of perceived stress were examined by comparing the types of leisure (active, passive, and social). For the demographic variables, the influences of personal attributes such as age and BMI on types of leisure were examined. Lastly, whether perceived health status moderates the effect of the type of leisure motivation on active leisure was investigated. Demographic data showed that out of 605 (N = 605) who participated in the survey, 448 participants completed all the survey questions. Statistical analyses which employ descriptive, Pearson correlation, simple/simultaneous regression, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were performed to investigate the research questions. The analyses revealed that all three types of leisure (active, passive, and social) were positively correlated with each other, coping self-efficacy, health-promoting behaviors and negatively correlated with perceived stress. Also, coping self-efficacy significantly predicted health-promoting behaviors as well as perceived stress. With respect to the associations between types of leisure motivation and types of leisure, intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation had the strongest significant association with active leisure. Intrinsic leisure motivation toward knowledge had the strongest significant association with passive leisure. Extrinsic leisure motivation identified had the strongest significant association with social leisure. With regard to types of leisure motivation influencing perceived stress, intrinsic leisure motivation toward external regulation was the strongest significant predictor for elevated levels of perceived stress even after taking into account intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation and extrinsic leisure motivation identified. In addition, extrinsic leisure motivation identified significantly predicted lowered levels of perceived stress. With regard to the association between types of leisure motivation and health-promoting behaviors, extrinsic leisure motivation identified had the strongest significant association with health-promoting behaviors. For the demographic variables in conjunction with types of leisure, females exhibited a significantly higher score on social leisure than males and education levels influenced active leisure, indicating that employees with a master's degree had a significantly higher score on active leisure than those with bachelor's degree or some college/high school diploma. Perceived health status significantly predicted active leisure, indicating that university employees with higher levels of perceived health status were more likely to participate in active leisure than those with lower levels of perceived health status. Lastly, the interaction between perceived health status and intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation was significant, indicating that the impact of intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation on active leisure differed depending on perceived health status. In other words, the impact of intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation was significantly greater in university employees with low perceived health status as compared to those with high perceived health status. This study seems to be meaningful in suggesting that leisure can be a contributing factor for health possibly through reducing perceived stress and enhancing health behaviors. Also, meaningful engagement in leisure may play a role as an effective stress coping strategy, which may lead to long term health-promoting behaviors by fostering intrinsic motivation. Personal attributes such as age, BMI, education level, and perceived health status may impact participating in active leisure. Furthermore, perceived health status may moderate the impact of intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation on active leisure. Further research comparing types of leisure impacting stress and health behaviors with more well-refined types of leisure scale is warranted.

Syndrom vyhoření u učitelů: Copingové strategie učitelů / Burnout Syndrome of Teachers: Teacher's Coping Strategies

Kulhánková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
communication with pupils and their parents, stress in relation with teacher's role as well as

Stres a stratégie jeho zvládania v exponovanej profesii / Stress and coping strategies of exposed profession

Bieliková, Liliana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to point out the stress factors present in the profession of a firefighter, define the concept of stress and suggest the options of coping with stressful and challenging situations. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part is focused on clarifying the definition of the concept of stress, its types, manifestations and potential stressors. In addition, conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, burnout, coping with stressful situations and Eysenck personality typology factors are explained. The empirical part is focused on the analysis of coping strategies, used by firefighters on the selected workplace and their connection to temperament, age and years of service. Based on the analysis, recommendations for management in HaZZ Nitra are suggested.

Stres a copingové strategie u pracovníků na vedoucích pozicích z perspektivy genderu / Stress and the coping strategies of the lead workers from the perspective of gender

Nováková, Monika January 2021 (has links)
In this master's thesis, we present a theoretically-critical analysis of the current academic thinking with regard to the differences between men and women as the lead workers in terms of specific stressors and the use of specific coping strategies. In the theoretical part, we analysed the topic of the specific requirements managers need to meet and the associated stressors. The empirical part analysed the differences in the use of coping strategies between men and women. Probands (of sample size 2105, men N = 1307, women N = 798) completed the Stress Management Questionnaire consisting of twelve coping strategies. The questionnaire distinguishes strategies aimed at resolving situations from those that protect mental well-being. Regarding the use of these twelve coping strategies, the results of the one-way MANOVA multivariate analysis revealed a significant difference (F(12,2092)=10.7, p<0.001) between men and women. A significant difference was revealed on the scale of strategies aimed at resolving situations, in which case men used these strategies significantly more than women. Univariate tests revealed significant differences in specific strategies, on the scales Self-Control (used more by men), Sharing, Someone Else's Fault, Relaxing, Avoiding, Reconciling, and Self- reflection (reported more...

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