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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da estabilidade de trincas em componentes estruturais por meio do parâmetro elasto-plástico integral-J e comparação com resultados obtidos via mecânica da fratura elástica-linear / Crack stability assessment on structural components by using elastic-plastic J-integral parameter and comparison to results obtained from linear-elastic fracture mechanics

José Ricardo Tarpani 17 October 1995 (has links)
Neste trabalho são comparados os resultados analíticos de previsão de falha de um vaso nuclear PWR destinado à propulsão naval, contendo oito diferentes tipos de trinca, obtidos segundo a Mecânica da Fratura Elástica-Linear (MFEL) e a correspondente Elasto-Plástica (MFEP). Os resultados são fornecidos em termos da pressão interna e do gradiente de deformações ao longo da espessura da parede do componente estrutural, sendo diretamente aplicáveis às condições impostas e desenvolvidas em ensaios isotérmicos de hidro-pressurização. O elevado nível de conservativismo dos resultados derivados segundo a MFEL, via critério KIC de disparo de clivagem, quando comparados àqueles obtidos por meio da MFEP, através do critério de iniciação de rasgamento dúctil, Ji, e em especial dos critérios J50 e Jinstab.dúctil de falha com base na Teoria da Instabilidade do Rasgamento Dúctil ou Elasto-Plástico (TIRD/TIREP) por intermédio de diagramas J x T (integral-J versus módulo de rasgamento), foi avaliado e quantificado. O intenso efeito das dimensões dos corpos de prova nos resultados obtidos a partir de ambas abordagens, assim como o papel determinante dos entalhes laterais nos ensaios da MFEP foram definitivamente comprovados. Foi também demonstrado o saudável conservativismo das previsões segundo o critério J50 para projeto e serviço seguros de plantas nucleares frente às condições reais em que se verifica analiticamente a instabilidade dúctil do componente trincado, tais como definidas por Jinstab.dúctil, assim como das previsões decorrentes dos processos de extrapolação linear de curvas J-R no espaço J x T quando comparadas às resultantes de extrapolações não-lineares mais frequentemente utilizadas. Com relação aos efeitos exercidos nos resultados de previsão de falha pelo tipo, profundidade e comprimento da trinca contida na parede do vaso de pressão, ficou demonstrado que as trincas de superfície são muito mais críticas que as sub-superficiais de idênticas profundidade e comprimento, assim como que as avaliações de integridade são muito mais sensíveis a mudanças na profundidade da trinca relativamente a alterações no seu comprimento. As aproximações entre os resultados obtidos via J50 e através de Jinstab.dúttil, e entre os resultados obtidos pelos procedimentos de extrapolação linear e não-linear de curvas JMAT-TMAT, são muito mais nítidas para as trincas de superfície menos profundas e, em especial para as embutidas, mesmo aquelas mais críticas. Deste modo, a metodologia aqui aprimorada, destinada em última instância a avaliações de integridade estrutural de vasos PWR em transientes de potência durante a sua vida em serviço, se mostrou absolutamente efetiva no caso das trincas mais prováveis em tais circunstâncias, quais sejam, as de pequenas dimensões e situadas superficialmente na parede do vaso. Ainda, foi verificada a tendência da ocorrência do vazamento do meio pressurizante anteriormente à falha do vaso por instabilidade dúctil nos casos da presença das trincas mais profundas, independentemente de serem elas de superfície ou sub-superficiais e, novamente, de seu comprimento, contribuindo assim para a percepção visual da iminência da falha bem como para eventos de freamento de trinca dúctil, impedindo a falha catastrófica do vaso PWR. Por outro lado, trincas rasas ou meno·s profundas tendem a entrar no regime de instabilidade dúctil muito precocemente, com a essência da propagação se dando de modo instável, causando fratura rápida ou súbita do vaso sem sinal anterior. Finalmente, foi comprovada nesse estudo a aplicabilidade da técnica analítica de normalização linear para o levantamento de curvas J-R, e como consequência JMAT-TMAT, para a avaliação de integridade estrutural de componentes robustos falhando de modo dúctil após considerável, e mensurável, crescimento estável de trinca; também, foi aqui proposto o ajuste logarítmico de dados de curvas J-R, em oposição ao hoje consensualmente utilizado via lei de potência, de modo a computar os efeitos do fenômeno de saturação de J, permitindo assim extrapolações conservativas e seguras para as condições em que se verifica a falha do componente nuclear. / In this work the analytical results related to a nuclear pressure vessel failure conditions as obtained by Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and the Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) were compared for eigth different crack types. The results are supplied in terms of internal pressure and strain gradient through the wall thickness of the structural component, and might be directly applied to isothermal hydrotests experiments. The high conservatism of LEFM approach, by using KIC criterion of cleavage triggering, as compared to results obtained via Ji of ductile crack initiation from EPFM approach, and specially to the J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria based on ductile Tearing Instability Theory through J x T (J-integral x tearing modulus) diagrams, was evaluated and quantified. The overriding effect of specimens size over LEFM and EPFM results were definitely proved, as well as the very strong influence of side-grooving the EPFM specimens. It was demonstrated the healthy conservatism of the predictions following the J50 criterion for safe design and service in the nuclear industry facing the real conditions where ductile instability takes place as analytically defined by Jduct.instab.. In the same way the conservatism of the predictions from the linear extrapolation procedure of J-R curves on J x T space, as compared with the most common non-linear process was proved as well. With respect to the effect exerted by type, depth and length of the crack over the results it was demonstrated that surface cracks are more critical than the embedded ones with identical dimensions, being the analytical evaluation much more sensitive to changes in the crack depth than in its length. The approximations among the results obtained from J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria as well as among the results from the linear and non-linear extrapolation procedure are best verified for the less depth surface cracks and specially for the embedded cracks even the largest ones. So, the methodology here improved, aimed in last instance to structural integrity assessment of PWR vessels on power transients during their service life has been shown to be a powerful tool in evaluating the most expected cracks under such circunstances, that is, those having small dimensions and located on surface wall. Still, it was demonstrated the trend for leak-before-ductile instability in the presence of the deepest surface and internal cracks, allowing the visual perception of the threshold of the vessel failure and the development of crack arrest events avoiding catastrofic rupture of the component. Otherwise, shallow cracks are prone to get very fast in the unstable regime of growth, with the essence of the propagation occuring under this condition, conducting to suddenly fracture of the vessel without any prior evidence. Finally, it was proved in this study the accuracy of the linear normalization technique in deriving J-R curves for the assessment of structural integrity of massive components which fail in a ductile way after undergo large stable crack extensions; it was suggested here the logarithmic fit of J-R data points taking in account more properly the J-saturation phenomena and leading to more safe and conservative extrapolation results when compared to resulting from power-law fit.

Influencia del modelamiento en la respuesta estructural de muros cortina utilizando el método de los elementos finitos en edificios de 10, 20 y 30 pisos en la ciudad de Lima / Influence of modelling in the structural response of curtain wall using the finite element method for a 10, 20 and 30 story bulidings in lima, peru

Polo Quispe, Rubén Marco, Cobeña Zuñiga, Otto Alfredo 20 November 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo contribuir a la comunidad ingenieril del área estructural en el desarrollo de la evaluación de un elemento no estructural conocido como muros cortina. Específicamente, el objetivo principal de la tesis es evaluar el comportamiento estructural del muro cortina (tipo stick) de manera integral a la estructura principal. Esto quiere decir que el edificio, junto con este sistema, se evalúa como un todo. Con ello, se conoce cómo se comporta estructuralmente el muro cortina frente a las cargas de viento y de sismo. Como parte de la información recopilada, se ha determinado que el método de análisis empleado en el medio local es un método simplificado, aislado de la estructura principal, conocido como parrilla. Uno de los objetivos planteados de la presente tesis es comparar ambos métodos de análisis, integral y aislado, con ello se podrían obtener resultados óptimos para el diseño de sus elementos. Se evaluó tres edificaciones de diferentes alturas, 10, 20 y 30 pisos ubicado en la ciudad de Lima, diseñado bajo las normas nacionales; se aplicó dos tipos de análisis, integral (junto a la estructura principal) y aislado (tipo parrilla). Para la modelación estructural de la estructura con y sin muro cortina se utilizó el programa de cómputo ETABS 2016, con lo cual se obtuvieron los resultados del análisis. Para el desarrollo de la presente tesis se ha revisado diferentes tipos de bibliografía. Tales como, normas nacionales, normas internacionales, ASCE 7-10 (2010), FEMA E-74 (2012), normas de producto, ASEFAVE (2015), recomendaciones técnicas para muros cortina, journal indexados, tesis, seminarios entre otros. / The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the structural engineering community in the development of the structural evaluation of a non-structural element, known as curtain walls. Specifically, its main objective is to evaluate the structural behavior of a curtain wall (stick-type) attached to the main structure. That is, it will be analyzed as a whole. Precisely, it will be studied how a curtain wall behaves in response of wind and earthquake loads. As part of the information collected, it has been determined that the analysis method used by many engineering firms is a simplified method, which is isolated from the main structure. This structural model is known as a grill. One of the objectives of this thesis is to compare both methods, integral and isolated, with this, optimal results for the design of its elements could be obtained. Three buildings of different heights, 10, 20 and 30 stories, located in the city of Lima, were evaluated and designed under national codes. Two types of analysis were applied: integral (curtain wall attached to the main structure) and isolated (grill type). For the structural modeling of the buildings with and without the curtain wall, the ETABS 2016 computer program was used, with which the results of the analysis were obtained. For the development of this thesis, different types of bibliography have been reviewed. Such as, national standards, international standards, ASCE 7-10 (2010), FEMA E-74 (2012), product standards, ASEFAVE (2015), technical recommendations for curtain walls, indexed journals, theses, seminars, among others. / Tesis

Förbättring av bärighet vid brand : Utvärdering av befintlig betongstomme i hus 08 Falu lasarett

Lindholm, Erik, Malmqvist, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: this degree project will examine the possibilities of increasing the structural integrity in case of fire of a preexisting concrete building according to the rules in EKS 11, specifically for a hospital building. Furthermore, the degree project will provide solutions to increase the structural integrity in case of fire. Method: the study is based on a technical report provided by Kadesjös Ingenjörsbyrå AB where information about the hospital buildings technical aspects is presented. To examine current rules for fire-resistance rating of the hospital building, the regulations presented in BBR and EKS 11 were studied. Products had to fulfill the criteria of the European testing standards when they were evaluated as solutions that would increase the structural integrity of the building. The products were then evaluated according to the criteria presented in Eurocode 2 when dimensioning with tabulated data. An interview were held with Michael Försth professor in structural and fire engineering. Professor Försth were asked questions to evaluate potential methods and products that could increase the fire-resistance rating of the hospital building. Results: showed that proposed solutions are able to increase the structural integrity in case of fire of the hospital building to a degree where they were able to fulfill the requirements. Not all solutions were appliable on all building components of the hospital buildings. The difference in technical aspects of the solutions were presented. Conclusions: the identified solutions for increasing the structural integrity in case of fire are rock wool insulation, fire protection paint, additional concrete casting on columns and installation of sprinkler system. The solutions differ in technical aspects such as the space they take when implemented, weight increase when implemented, the amount they increase the structural integrity in case of fire when implemented and the method of implementing the solutions.


EDUARDO ENES COTA 05 October 2020 (has links)
[pt] Compreender como analisar trincas é essencial para a indústria petroquímica evitar qualquer incidente de uma forma econômica. Normas de Integridade Estrutural fornecem procedimentos conservadores para avaliar componentes trincados como tubulações e vasos de pressão. Portanto, previsões de cargas criticas foram calculadas assumindo uma placa com trinca passante seguindo procedimentos dos níveis 2 e 3 da API 579. Para comparação, testes experimentais foram realizados para avaliar o conservatismo da norma em falha por rasgamento dúctil. Além disso, a tenacidade à fratura foi medida por meio do JIc e curva J-R. A técnica usada durante o processo de fratura foi o método de flexibilidade elástica com descarregamento e carregamentos sequenciais. Adicionalmente, efeito de geometria e tipo de carregamento, os quais possuem grande influência nas medições de tenacidade, também foram avaliados usando conceitos da mecânica da fratura elastoplástica. O material utilizado nesse trabalho foi o API 5L X80, que é um aço de Alta Resistencia e Baixa Liga (ARBL) bifásico desenvolvido para tubulações aplicáveis em aguas profundas. Os ensaios experimentais de medição de tenacidade usando corpos de prova SE(B), que possuem média-alta restrição plástica, foram testados seguindo procedimentos da ASTM E1820-17. Já os experimentos usando corpos de prova SE(T), que possuem baixa restrição plástica, foram realizados considerando procedimentos da literatura. / [en] Understanding how to analyze cracks is essential for the petrochemical industry to avoid accidents or incidents in a safe and economical way. Structural Integrity standards provide conservative procedures to assess the actual strength of cracked components like pipes and pressure vessels. Therefore, critical loads predictions were computed on a plate with a through-wall crack following level 2 and 3 of the fitness-for-service guide API 579. For comparison, experimental tests were performed to evaluate the standard conservatism on a ductile tearing type of failure. Furthermore, the fracture toughness of the steel was measured through standard JIc tests and material s resistance curves (J-R curve). The technique used during the fracturing process was the elastic compliance method with unloading/reloading sequences. Additionally, the effects of the specimen s geometry and the type of loading, which can significantly change the value of its toughness, were also analyzed using concepts of elastoplastic fracture mechanics. The material used in this work was the API 5L X80, which is a High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) dual-phase steel developed for deepwater pipelines. The fracture toughness measurement tests using SE(B) specimens, which have a medium-to-high plastic constraint, followed the ASTM E1820-17 procedures. The experiments with SE(T) specimens, which present a low plastic restriction, considered literature procedures.

Robusthet hos miljonprogrammets prefabricerade betongkonstruktioner

Nilsson, Henrik, Larsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Elementbyggnad medför ofta problem, dels på grund av avsaknaden av naturliga kopplingar mellan dess element, dels kring hur konstruktionen i dess utformning ska motstå fortskridande ras. Med fortskridande ras avses det förlopp som uppstår då kollaps av en enskild bärverksdelsprids till intilliggande konstruktion. En konstruktion som har tillräcklig förmåga att motstå detta förlopp benämns robust.Bo G. Hellers, professor emeritus i konstruktionslära vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan, beskriver i en debattartikel att många byggnader uppförda med prefabricerade betongelement från miljonprogrammet inte uppnår tillräcklig robusthet.Syftet med denna studie baseras på Bo G. Hellers uttalande och har varit att undersöka om en befintlig byggnad uppförd under miljonprogrammet är utformad på ett sådant sätt att tillräcklig robusthet uppnås. Om otillräcklig robusthet påvisas tas även åtgärdsförlag fram för att öka byggnadens robusthet enligt dagens norm.De frågor som studien besvarar är: Hur är undersökt byggnad konstruerad i avseende på robusthet? Kan det med någon av dagens dimensioneringsmetoder påvisas att byggnaden är robust? Hur kan eventuella åtgärder utformas för att uppnå tillräcklig robusthet?För att besvara den aktuella frågeställningen har en litteraturstudie av de metoder som finns för dimensionering i avseende på robusthet genomförts, liksom av material som rör miljonprogrammet och dess områden. Dessutom har ritningar av en aktuell byggnad samlats inoch analyserats. Vidare har även diskussioner med professionella aktörer med kompetens inom området genomförts.För att uppfylla de normkrav som ställs krävs att det finns horisontella och vertikala dragband, alternativt att konstruktionen utformas med horisontella dragband och att alternativa lastvägar kan påvisas vid fiktivt avlägsnande av en bärverksdel. Kan inte alternativa lastvägar påvisasska avlägsnad bärverksdel dimensioneras som en väsentlig bärverksdel. Konstruktionen ska även innehålla tillräcklig sammanhållningsarmering mellan fasad och bjälklag.Vid analys av ritningar över den befintliga byggnaden konstateras att de kopplingar som finns mellan bjälklagselementen, tillsammans med bjälklagens böjarmering, samt mellan bjälklag och gavelelement kan utgöra horisontella dragband respektive sammanhållningsarmering. Eftervidare undersökning påvisas dock att de horisontella kopplingarnas kapacitet inte är tillräcklig för att överföra de krafter som erfordras och kräver därav åtgärd.De vertikala kopplingar som finns mellan gavelelementen bedöms inte kunna vara verksamma som vertikala dragband då dessa kopplingars förankringslängd är bristande. För innerväggar saknas helt kopplingar i vertikalled vilket omöjliggör ett uppfyllande av kraven.Ett alternativ för att uppfylla normen är att möjliggöra alternativa lastvägar. Vid fiktiv borttagning av ett gavelelement betraktas fallet som en flaggkonstruktion. Här krävs att en skjuvkraft ska vara överförbar mellan kvarstående gavelelement och ovanpåliggande bjälklag. Vid undersökning av kapacitet hos de befintliga kopplingarna mellan elementen visar sig denna vara bristande och kraftöverföringen är inte möjlig. Samma fall kan tillämpas vid fiktiv borttagning av en innervägg men då denna helt saknar kopplingar är inte någon kraftöverföring möjlig. Innerväggen kan även betraktas som en fritt upplagd balk där dragkapaciteten i underkant ska vara tillräcklig, vilket den efter undersökning inte kan påvisas vara. Inga bärverksdelar uppfyller heller kraven för väsentliga bärverksdelar.För att uppnå tillräcklig kapacitet och möjliggöra erforderliga kraftöverföringar används i samtliga fall plattstål samt L-stål som förankras i betongen med expander. För att möjliggöra inre dragband monteras plattstål mellan bjälklagen och då böjarmeringens kapacitet är tillräcklig i samtliga riktningar kan bjälklagen, efter denna åtgärd, utnyttjas som både inre och yttre dragband.Vid gavelelementen monteras plattstål på dess utsida och L-stål på dess insida. Dessa förankras med expander och möjliggör tvärkraftsöverföring och ger tillräcklig förankring på varje bjälklagsnivå. Plattstål kopplar även samman enskilda gavelelement och vertikala krafter kan därmed också överföras. För innerväggen monteras L-stål vilket möjliggör tillräcklig kraftöverföring mellan innerväggen och ovanförliggande bjälklag.Efter genomförd undersökning kan följande slutsatser dras: Byggnaden är till viss del utformad i avseende på robusthet då gavelelement är kopplade till varandra samt till bjälklagselement. Även bjälklagselementen är kopplade till varandra. Byggnaden i dess aktuella utförande kan inte påvisas vara tillräcklig robust för att uppfylla kraven som ställs i dagens gällande normer. För att uppfylla kraven på tillräcklig robusthet kan fogarna förstärkas genom att montera L-stål och plattstål förankrade med expandrar. Med föreslagen åtgärd kan tillräcklig robusthet endast uppnås vid dimensionering enligt betongnormen. / The avoidance of joints in critical locations and how to design a structure to prevent progressive collapse is often two major problems associated with the use of precast concrete structures. This is due to the lack of natural connections between the elements which is generated automatically when using structures cast in situ. A building which has a good ability to withstand a progressive collapse can be referred to as “robust”.The purpose of this study is to investigate the robustness of a building from the million program era in regards to its initial structural design. If the ability to withstand a progressive collapse is proven to be insufficient, actions based on current standards will be proposed.Questions intended to be answered by this study are: How is the examined building designed in regards to robustness? Can the building by current standards be referred to as robust? Which actions can be taken to achieve sufficient robustness?To answer these questions a survey of literature, relevant for the subject, has been conducted as well as discussions with professionals with expertise in the subject. Blueprints of a building from the million program era has also been collected and analyzed.Analysis of the blueprints show that the building was built with some regards to robustness. Horizontal ties were placed in joints to connect the floor elements and the floor elements with the wall elements. Between exterior wall elements vertical ties were also placed to handle vertical loads. However, vertical ties, that connect the inner walls to the floor elements, are none existent.Further analysis of these joints show that their capacity does not meet the requirement for them to be able to transfer the desired forces. Therefore actions have to be taken to meet current standards.The actions proposed in this study is based on placing flat steel connections and L-steel connections in the joints to increase the capacity and enable the required force transfers. The steel connections are anchored to the concrete with expansion anchors.The study leads to the following conclusions: The building is in some ways designed to withstand a progressive collapse. The wall elements are connected with horizontal and vertical ties to nearby elements. The floor elements are also connected with horizontal ties. The initial building design does not meet the requirements of the current standards in regards to robustness. To meet the current standards the joints have to be reinforced. These reinforcements are done by placing flat steel connections and L-steel connections in the joints. These actions only fulfill the requirements of the concrete structures standard.

Μελέτη διάδοσης τασικών κυμάτων σε πολύστρωτες διατάξεις ινωδών συνθέτων υλικών. Αποτίμηση δομικής ακεραιότητας κατασκευαστικών στοιχείων

Αντωνίου, Αλέξανδρος 12 April 2010 (has links)
Κίνητρο της παρούσας διατριβής αποτέλεσε η αποτίμηση της δομικής ακεραιότητας κελυφοειδών κατασκευών από σύνθετα υλικά που παρουσιάζουν ανοχή στη βλάβη, με τη χρήση ακουστικών τεχνικών μη καταστροφικού ελέγχου. Στόχος ήταν η πειραματική και θεωρητική μελέτη επίδρασης της αστοχίας, που αναπτύσσεται σε μια πολύστρωτη μετά από φόρτιση, σε μετρήσιμα χαρακτηριστικά της κυματικής διάδοσης. Χωρίζεται σε δύο τμήματα, στη μοντελοποίηση της βλάβης και στη μελέτη επίδρασης αυτής στην κυματική διάδοση. Η έρευνα εστιάστηκε σε μορφές αστοχίας που συναντώνται σε πολύστρωτες υπό επίπεδη εντατική κατάσταση και συσσωρεύεται κατά το πάχος τους στη διάρκεια φόρτισης. Για την προσομοίωση της δημιουργήθηκαν διαφορετικά μηχανικά μοντέλα. Έμφαση δόθηκε στην προσέγγιση της συμπεριφοράς του υλικού υπό μονότονη στατική φόρτιση. Γι’ αυτό αναπτύχθηκε ένα φαινομενολογικό πρότυπο προοδευτικής αστοχίας για gl/ep πολύστρωτες. Η δομή του στηρίχθηκε σε τέσσερις πυλώνες. Πρώτον στην πειραματική διαδικασία χαρακτηρισμού μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων της μονοαξονικής στρώσης, ως το βασικό δομικό υλικό μιας πολύστρωτης. Ο ενδελεχής χαρακτηρισμός του υλικού σπάνια συναντάται σε τέτοια έκταση. Δεύτερον από τις δοκιμές προέκυψαν οι καταστατικές εξισώσεις της στρώσης. Η προσέγγιση της ανισότροπης μη – γραμμικότητας του υλικού έγινε με βηματική, γραμμική ανά βήμα, τασική ανάλυση στο επίπεδο της στρώσης χρησιμοποιώντας εφαπτομενική ελαστικότητα. Ο τρίτος πυλώνας αφορά στον προσδιορισμό έναρξης αστοχίας. Υιοθετήθηκαν κριτήρια ευρείας αποδοχής στο σχεδιασμό με σύνθετα υλικά, όπως π.χ. του Puck, των Shokrieh και Lessard κ.α., προτείνοντας και έναν νέο συνδυασμό τους. Τέλος, στρατηγικές υποβάθμισης των μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων της στρώσης προσομοίωσαν το αποτέλεσμα της συσσώρευσης αστοχίας μετά την έναρξή της. Το πρότυπο προοδευτικής αστοχίας ενσωματώθηκε σε στοιχείο κελύφους εμπορικού κώδικα πεπερασμένων στοιχείων. Ακολούθησε αξιολόγηση του, συγκρίνοντας τα αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα με πλειάδα μονοαξονικών και πρωτότυπων διαξονικών πειραμάτων. Η διαδικασία αυτή οδήγησε αφενός στην σημαντική για τον σχεδιασμό παρατήρηση εξάρτησης του μέτρου διάτμησης από το υπάρχον επίπεδο εντατικό πεδίο και αφετέρου στην εξέλιξη του προτύπου ώστε παρά τον περιορισμό των καταστατικών εξισώσεων που το διέπουν να μπορεί να προσομοιώσει τη διαστρωματική αποκόλληση. Έχοντας αναπτύξει τα εργαλεία περιγραφής της βλάβης, η διατριβή ολοκληρώνεται με τη μελέτη δομικής ακεραιότητας, χρησιμοποιώντας τη μη – καταστροφική τεχνική των ακουστό - υπέρηχων. Παρουσιάζεται το πειραματικό και θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο της διάδοσης τασικών κυμάτων σε κελύφη. Πρότυπα πολύστρωτων που υπέστησαν αριθμητική βλάβη υποβλήθηκαν σε αριθμητικές μη – καταστροφικές δοκιμές, καταλήγοντας σε συμπεράσματα όπως π.χ. τη μείωση της φασικής ταχύτητας με τη συσσώρευση βλάβης. / The motivation for the present research was the integrity estimation of shell – like structures made of damage tolerant composite materials, using acoustic non destructive testing techniques. An experimental and theoretical study was held aiming to investigate the influence of the damage, accumulated in a loaded laminate, in measurable wave propagation characteristics. The thesis is separated in two major parts. One described with detail the damage simulation model and the other the damage effects on the wave propagation and the wave mechanics. The study was focused on damage modes developed in composite laminates under in – plane complex stress fields due to several loading conditions and various mechanical models were developed for simulation purposes. Emphasis was given in the description of the material performance under monotonic static loading. Thus, a phenomenological progressive damage model for gl/ep multiaxial laminates was developed. This was structured based on four pillars. Primarily, as the laminate basic building block, the unidirectional layer was mechanically characterized. Such an extended experimental procedure can hardly be found. Secondly, the test results defined the ply constitutive equation laws. The highly anisotropic material non – linearity was approximated with piece – wise linear incremental layer by layer stress analysis using tangential elasticity. The third pillar regarded the damage initiation conditions. Thus, well defined criteria widely accepted in composite design were implemented i.e. Puck, Shokrieh and Lessard, etc. Finally post failure strategies were deployed, simulating material mechanical properties degradation emerging during damage accumulation. The progressive damage model was incorporated in a shell element of a commercial finite element code. An extended validation procedure took place comparing numerical results with several uniaxial and innovative biaxial test data. During this procedure the G12 shear modulus dependence on the developed plane stress field was thoroughly studied, resulting in recommendations for the designer and the selection of the appropriate modulus value. Additionally, the material model was further enhanced, taking into account incompatible failures with its constitutive equations e.g. delamination. Having developed several tools that described damage existence or accumulation, this dissertation was finished with the structural integrity study, using the acousto – ultrasonics non destructive testing technique. The experimental and theoretical background for stress wave propagation in waveguides was presented. Numerically damaged material models were additionally inspected with numerical non – destructive tests, resulting in specific conclusions for damage effect on measurable wave propagation characteristics, e.g. phase velocity reduction with damage growth.

Análise da resistência à fadiga de tubos de aço API 5CT N80 Tipo Q soldados via processo de indução magnética de alta frequência (HFIW) / Fatigue analysis of API 5CT N80 Q Steel Pipes manufactured by High Frequency Induction Welding (HFIW)

Sorrija, Bruno Antonio [UNESP] 13 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by BRUNO ANTONIO SORRIJA null (sorrija.bruno@gmail.com) on 2016-05-19T13:40:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão Final - Dissertação.pdf: 9391340 bytes, checksum: b297f42192c63f4f572fd0e0e177f47e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-05-23T16:33:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 sorrija_ba_me_guara.pdf: 9391340 bytes, checksum: b297f42192c63f4f572fd0e0e177f47e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-23T16:33:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 sorrija_ba_me_guara.pdf: 9391340 bytes, checksum: b297f42192c63f4f572fd0e0e177f47e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Tubos de aço utilizados na exploração e prospecção de petróleo e gás natural estão sujeitos a carregamentos dinâmicos durante o transporte (transit fatigue) e também quando em serviço. Por este motivo é imperativo que os tubos utilizados apresentem excelente integridade estrutural a fim de evitar a ocorrência de falhas prematuras devido à fadiga. Contudo, como o processo de fabricação HFIW, largamente utilizado pela indústria, envolve conformação mecânica seguida de soldagem, defeitos estarão inerentemente presentes nos tubos, notadamente uma interface entre as bordas das chapas soldadas. No presente trabalho foi investigado como a junta soldada de tubos de aço API 5CT N80 tipo Q pode contribuir para redução da vida em fadiga e como o processo como um todo pode levar a anisotropia mecânica dos tubos. Para preservar ao máximo as características originais dos tubos foram realizados ensaios de fadiga axiais utilizando corpos de prova não previstos pelas normas técnicas vigentes, com espessuras iguais as das paredes dos tubos dos quais foram retirados. Foi também desenvolvido e testado um dispositivo para realização de ensaios de fadiga utilizando trechos de tubo, o qual mostrou potencial para a realização de ensaios futuros. Os resultados dos ensaios axiais (realizados de modo a comparar a região da junta soldada como uma posição a 90° dela) indicaram que a junta soldada pode agir como um tipo de concentrador de tensões, contribuindo para a diminuição da resistência à fadiga dos tubos de maneira inversamente proporcional à carga aplicada. Também foi observado que defeitos resultantes do processo de fabricação (muitos deles macroscópicos) podem atuar como pontos para a nucleação de trincas de fadiga e que, portanto, não deveriam estar presentes no produto final. Ensaios de tração, análises metalográfias, fractográficas e de microdureza também foram realizados de modo a complementar os resultados dos ensaios de fadiga. / Steel pipes, used in the oil and gas industry in prospection and exploration activities, are often subjected to cyclic loading during their transportation (transit fatigue) and during their service life. Considering this, these steel pipes must have excellent structural integrity in order to avoid premature failure by fatigue mechanisms. However, the HFIW manufacturing process, widely used by the industry, involves mechanical forming and welding and, therefore, defects are inherently present in the finished products, remarkably an interface between the edges of the steel sheets that are welded into tubes. In this work it has been investigated how the HFIW manufacturing process can reduce the fatigue resistance of API 5CT N80 type Q steel tubes and lead to a mechanical anisotropy of the finished product. To keep the specimens characteristics closer to the real steel pipes, axial fatigue tests have been performed with round specimens which had their thickness equal to the thickness of the walls of the pipes from which they had been taken from. It has been developed also a device and a method to test small length sections of steel tubes, which have shown potential to be used in the future as a new methodology for the study of fatigue in steel pipes. The results of the axial fatigue tests (carried out to compare the welded joint to a position situated 90° from it) indicate that the welded joint can act as a stress raiser and contributes to reduce the fatigue resistance of the steel pipes, in a inversely proportional relationship with the increasing of the applied dynamic loading. It has been observed also that some defects, which result from the manufacturing process, can act as points for the nucleation of fatigue cracks and, for this, they should not be present in the manufactured product. Tensile tests, metallographic analysis, fractography study and microhardness tests had been carried out to complement the fatigue tests results.


Saikiran Gopalakrishnan (12442764) 22 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>There has been a growing interest within the aerospace industry for shifting towards a digital twin approach, for reliable assessment of individual components during the product lifecycle - across design, manufacturing, and in-service maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) stages. The transition towards digital twins relies on continuous updating of the product lifecycle datasets and interoperable exchange of data applicable to components, thereby permitting engineers to utilize current state information to make more-informed downstream decisions. In this thesis, we primarily develop a framework to store, track, update, and retrieve product lifecycle data applicable to a serialized component, its features, and individual locations. </p> <p>From a structural integrity standpoint, the fatigue performance of a component is inherently tied to the component geometry, its material state, and applied loading conditions. The manufacturing process controls the underlying material microstructure, which in turn governs the mechanical properties and ultimately the performance. The processing also controls the residual stress distributions within the component volume, which influences the durability and damage tolerance of the component. Hence, we have demonstrated multiple use cases for fatigue life assessment of critical aerospace components, by using the developed framework for efficiently tracking and retrieving (i) the current geometric state, (ii) the material microstructure state, and (iii) residual stress distributions.</p> <p>Model-based definitions (MBDs) present opportunities to capture both geometric and non-geometric data using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models, with the overarching aim to disseminate product information across different stages of the lifecycle. MBDs can potentially eliminate error-prone information exchange associated with traditional paper-based drawings and improve the fidelity of component details, captured using 3D CAD models. However, current CAD capabilities limit associating the material information with the component’s shape definition. Furthermore, the material attributes of interest, viz., material microstructures and residual stress distributions, can vary across the component volume. To this end, in the first part of the thesis, we implement a CAD-based tool to store and retrieve metadata using point objects within a CAD model, thereby creating associations to spatial locations within the component. The tool is illustrated for storage and retrieval of bulk residual stresses developed during the manufacturing of a turbine disk component, acquired from process modeling and characterization. Further, variations in residual stress distribution owing to process model uncertainties have been captured as separate instances of the disk’s CAD models to represent part-to-part variability as an analogy to track individual serialized components for digital twins. The propagation of varying residual stresses from these CAD models within the damage tolerance analysis performed at critical locations in the disk has been demonstrated. The combination of geometric and non-geometric data inside the MBD, via storage of spatial and feature varying information, presents opportunities to create digital replica or digital twin(s) of actual component(s) with location-specific material state information.</p> <p>To fully realize a digital twin description of components, it is crucial to dynamically update information tied to a component as it evolves across the lifecycle, and subsequently track and retrieve current state information. Hence, in the second part of the thesis, we propose a dynamic data linking approach to include material information within the MBDs. As opposed to storing material datasets directly within the CAD model in the previous approach, we externally store and update the material datasets and create data linkages between material datasets and features within the CAD models. To this end, we develop a model-based feature information network (MFIN), a software agnostic framework for linking, updating, searching, and retrieving of relevant information across a product’s lifecycle. The use case of a damage tolerance analysis for a compressor bladed-disk (blisk) is demonstrated, wherein Ti-6Al-4V blade(s) are linear friction welded to the Ti-6Al-4V disk, comprising well-defined regions exhibiting grain refinement and high residuals stresses. By capturing the location-specific microstructural information and residual stress fields at the weld regions, this information was accessed within the MFIN and used for downstream damage tolerant analysis. The introduction of the MFIN framework facilitates access to dynamically evolving as well as location-specific data for use within physics-based models.</p> <p>In the third part of thesis, we extend the MFIN framework to enable a physics-based, microstructure sensitive and location-specific fatigue life analysis of a component. Traditionally, aerospace components are treated as monolithic structures during lifing, wherein microstructural information at individual locations are not necessarily considered. The resulting fatigue life estimates are conservative and associated with large uncertainty bounds, especially in components with gradient microstructures or distinct location-specific microstructures, thereby leading to under usage of the component’s capabilities. To improve precision in the fatigue estimates, a location-specific lifing framework is enabled via MFIN, for tracking and retrieval of microstructural information at distinct locations for subsequent use within a crystal plasticity-based fatigue life prediction model. A use case for lifing dual-microstructure heat treated LSHR turbine disk component is demonstrated at two locations, near the bore (fine grains) and near the rim (coarse grains) regions. We employ the framework to access (a) the grain size statistics and (b) the macroscopic strain fields to inform precise boundary conditions for the crystal plasticity finite-element analysis. The illustrated approach to conduct a location-specific predictive analysis of components presents opportunities for tailoring the manufacturing process and resulting microstructures to meet the component’s targeted requirements.</p> <p>For reliably conducting structural integrity analysis of a component, it is crucial to utilize their precise geometric description. The component geometries encounter variations from nominal design geometries, post manufacturing or after service. However, traditionally, stress analyses are based on nominal part geometries during assessment of these components. In the last part of the thesis, we expand the MFIN framework to dynamically capture deviations in the part geometry via physical measurements, to create a new instance of the CAD model and the associated structural analysis. This automated workflow enables engineers for improved decision-making by assessing (i) as-manufactured part geometries that fall outside of specification requirements during the materials review board or (ii) in-service damages in parts during the MRO stages of the lifecycle. We demonstrate a use case to assess the structural integrity of a turbofan blade that had experienced foreign object damage (FOD) during service. The as-designed geometry was updated based on coordinate measurements of the damaged blade surfaces, by applying a NURBS surface fit, and subsequently utilized for downstream finite-element stress analysis. The ramifications of the FOD on the local stresses within the part are illustrated, providing critical information to the engineers for their MRO decisions. The automated flow of information from geometric inspection within structural analysis, enabled by MFIN, presents opportunities for effectively assessing products by utilizing their current geometries and improving decision-making during the product lifecycle.</p>

Experimental and numerical studies of masonry wall panels and timber frames of low-rise structures under seismic loadings in Indonesia

Susila, Gede Adi January 2014 (has links)
Indonesia is a developing country that suffers from earthquakes and windstorms and where at least 60% of houses are non-engineered structures, built by unskilled workers using masonry and timber. The non-engineered housing units developed in urban region are also vulnerable to seismic hazard due to the use of low quality of material and constructions method. Those structures are not resistant to extreme lateral loads or ground movement and their failure during an earthquake or storm can lead to significant loss of life. This thesis is concerned with the structural performance of Indonesian low-rise buildings made of masonry and timber under lateral seismic load. The research presented includes a survey of forms of building structure and experimental, analytical and numerical work to predict the behaviour of masonry wall and traditional timber frame buildings. Experimental testing of both masonry and timber have been carried out in Indonesia to establish the quality of materials and to provide material properties for numerical simulations. The experimental study found that the strength of Indonesia-Bali clay brick masonry are below the minimum standard required for masonry structures built in seismic regions, being at least 50% lower than the requirement specified in British Standard and Eurocode-6 (BS EN 1996-1-1:2005). In contrast, Indonesian timber materials meet the strength classes specified in British Standard/Eurocode- 5 (BS EN 338:2009) in the range of strength grade D35-40 and C35).Structural tests under monotonic and cyclic loading have been conducted on building components in Indonesia, to determine the load-displacement capacity of local hand-made masonry wall panels and timber frames in order to: (1) evaluate the performance of masonry and timber frame structure, (2) investigate the dynamic behaviour of both structures, (3) observe the effect of in-plane stiffness and ductility level, and (4) examine the anchoring joint at the base of timber frame that resists the overturning moment. From these tests, the structural ductility was found to be less than two which is below the requirement of the relevant guidelines from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, USA (FEMA-306). It was also observed that the lateral stiffness of masonry wall is much higher than the equivalent timber frame of the same height and length. The experimental value of stiffness of the masonry wall panel was found to be one-twelfth of the recommended values given in FEMA-356 and the Canadian Building code. The masonry wall provides relatively low displacement compared to the large displacement of the timber frame at the full capacity level of lateral load, with structural framing members of the latter remaining intact. The weak point of the timber frame is the mechanical joint and the capacity of slip joint governs the lateral load capacity of the whole frame. Detailed numerical models of the experimental specimens were setup in Abaqus using three-dimensional solid elements. Cohesive elements were used to simulate the mortar behaviour, exhibiting cracking and the associated physical separation of the elements. Appropriate contact definitions were used where relevant, especially for the timber frame joints. A range of available material plasticity models were reviewed: Drucker-Prager, Crystalline Plasticity, and Cohesive Damage model. It was found that the combination of Crystalline Plasticity model for the brick unit and timber, and the Cohesive Damage model for the mortar is capable of simulating the experimental load-displacement behaviour fairly accurately. The validated numerical models have been used to (1) predict the lateral load capacity, (2) determine the cracking load and patterns, (3) carry out a detailed parametric study by changing the geometric and material properties different to the experimental specimens. The numerical models were used to assess different strengthening measures such as using bamboo as reinforcement in the masonry walls for a complete single storey, and a two-storey houses including openings for doors and windows. The traditional footing of the timber structures was analysed using Abaqus and was found to be an excellent base isolation system which partly explains the survival of those structures in the past earthquakes. The experimental and numerical results have finally been used to develop a design guideline for new construction as well as recommendations for retrofitting of existing structures for improved performance under seismic lateral load.

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