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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De l'ethnicité en Amérique : la mise en catégories du campus universitaire : de Buffalo à New York City, l'exemple d'un échantillon de campus de l'Etat de New York / Ethnicity in America : categorization of the college campus : from Buffalo to New York City, a sample selection of campuses in New York State

Berthélémy, Clémentine 29 June 2016 (has links)
Aux États-Unis, le « pentagone ethnoracial » s’impose comme un outil majeur de la conception identitaire. Son caractère hautement normatif participe à une mise en catégories du monde social en cinq nuances immuables : blanc, afro-américain, hispanique, asiatique et amérindien. Aussi approximatif soit-il, rien ne semble remettre en question sa validité, ni les exceptions identitaires, ni les tensions qu’il induit. Parce que le campus américain s’apparente à bien des égards à une microsociété, nous avons cherché à savoir comment ces normes identitaires se manifestaient à l'Université et à travers la vie associative ethnique. Notre attention s’est portée sur le développement, l’expression, la gestion de l’identité ethnoraciale ainsi que sur la question des liens de sociabilité qui en découle. Au terme d’une enquête de terrain menée sur cinq campus de l’État de New York, d’une série d’entretiens et de sondages, nos résultats montrent que l’association constitue souvent un terrain sur lequel se développent les mécanismes définissant les « frontières ethniques » dont les contours ont souvent été esquissés avant l’Université. L’inscription dans le contexte new-yorkais se justifie par l’impact de ses fortes inégalités raciales sur les schémas interactionnels et les mécanismes identitaires. New York, ou l’État de tous les paradoxes, permet de rendre compte des problématiques liées à l’appartenance raciale et ethnique à l’échelle de la société. Lieux privilégiés de (ré)confort, le rôle des associations ethniques s’interprète comme la preuve que la dichotomie Noirs/Blancs n’a pas totalement disparu et que l’historique color-line existe encore dans les faits et dans les esprits. / In the United States, the “ethno-racial pentagon” has established itself as a major tool to define identity. Its normative aspect contributes to the process of categorizing the American social sphere into a fixed number of categories: White, African-American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American. As imprecise as the ethno-racial pentagon is, identity particularisms as well as the tensions it triggers do not seem to be enough to question its validity. As American college campuses may be described in terms of a micro-society, we looked into how identity norms manifest themselves in college and more specifically in ethnic student organizations. We primarily focused on the development, the expression, and the management of ethno-racial identity as well as the question of socialization that this topic encompasses. After conducting a field research of five campuses from New York State and a series of interviews and surveys with ethnic minority students, our findings indicate that ethnic associations tend to provide a ground for defining “ethnic boundaries” whose contours have often been outlined before college. The designation of New York State as a case study is justified by the possible impact of its racial inequalities on social interaction patterns and identity development. As a state of countless paradoxes, New York allows us to consider the issues related to racial and ethnic identity at a national level. As unique comfort zones on campus, the role that they play has proven that the Black/White dichotomy which has been structuring the American society since slavery, has not completely disappeared and that the historical color-line still exists in both mind and reality.

Com a palavra, os alunos : associativismo discente no grêmio literário Clodomir Silva

Rodrigues, Simone Paixão 06 March 2015 (has links)
This thesis has as object of study the Literary Guild Clodomir Silva, student association with literary and cultural purposes, created in 1934 by a group of 15 secondary school students of Atheneu Sergipense. Research has as main objective to analyze the creation of this Association, in a model of voluntary associations, which, in conjunction with its purposes has configured as an educational and cultural practice that has contributed to the training of students of that educational institution. The clipping of timeline started in 1934, the year of foundation of the guild and the final mark is the year of 1956, which corresponds to the moment when the department of arts and literature of the guild, named Clodomir Silva Academy, due to internal disagreements related to their purpose, became independent, thus creating a new student association named Arcadia High School Student Estadual of Sergipe. For the production of this study, I adopted a methodological approach consistent with historical research and theoretical assumptions of the history of education, and based on Cultural history, I defined as categories of analysis the concepts of school culture (JULIA, 2001), associativism (TOCQUEVILLE, 2005) and art of associate (TOCQUEVILLE, 2000). I defend the thesis that the Literary Guild Clodomir Silva created and organized by students was part of the art of associate in Atheneu Sergipense and was consisted as a model of voluntary associations in which students gathered and joined voluntarily motivated by identification with the objectives and the purposes of group. Through their practices and activities that student association has contributed to the development of autonomy, the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, as well as for the formation of youth. The study highlights the figure of students within a model of education and literary and cultural practices, which justifies its relevance for meet the need to understand how the student associations were formed as an important area of education that has contributed to the strengthening of the cultural, moral and political values of youth. Through the analysis of a diversity of sources, among which I highlight the minutes and papers of the guild, I discovered that students in his school everyday life, interacted with the school and the society. Students, real actors of urban and cultural life, through the activities of the student association, established spaces marked relations, established their environments of sociability and transformed the Literary Guild Clodomir Silva in a significant element of the school culture of Atheneu Sergipense. / A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo o Grêmio Literário Clodomir Silva, associação estudantil com fins literários e culturais, criada em 1934 por um grupo de 15 alunos do ensino secundário do Atheneu Sergipense. A investigação tem como objetivo principal analisar a criação dessa associação, dentro de um modelo de associativismo voluntário, o qual, conjugado com suas finalidades, configurou-se como uma prática educativa e cultural que contribuiu para a formação dos alunos daquela instituição de ensino. O recorte temporal inicia em 1934, ano de fundação do grêmio, e o marco final é o ano de 1956, que corresponde ao momento em que o departamento de artes e literatura do grêmio, denominado Academia Clodomir Silva, devido a divergências internas relacionadas às suas finalidades, tornou-se independente, criando-se, assim, uma nova associação estudantil denominada Arcádia Estudantil do Colégio Estadual de Sergipe. Para a produção deste estudo, adotei um caminho metodológico coerente com a pesquisa histórica e com os pressupostos teóricos da História da Educação, e, sob a luz da História Cultural, defini como categorias de análises os conceitos de cultura escolar (JULIA, 2001), associativismo (TOCQUEVILLE, 2005) e arte de se associar (TOCQUEVILLE, 2000). Defendo a tese de que o Grêmio Literário Clodomir Silva, criado e organizado por alunos, fez parte da arte de se associar presente no Atheneu Sergipense e constituiu-se como um modelo de associativismo voluntário em que os alunos se reuniram e se associaram de forma voluntária, motivados pela identificação com os objetivos e as finalidades presentes. Através de suas práticas e atividades, essa associação estudantil contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da autonomia, do espírito de colaboração e de responsabilidade, bem como para a formação da juventude. O estudo põe em destaque a figura do discente dentro de um modelo de educação e práticas literárias e culturais, o que justifica sua relevância por atender à necessidade de compreender como as associações estudantis constituíram-se como importante espaço de educação que contribuiu para o fortalecimento dos valores culturais, morais e políticos da juventude. Por meio da análise de uma diversidade de fontes, dentre as quais destaco as atas e os jornais do grêmio, descobri um cotidiano discente que contracenava com a escola e a sociedade. Os alunos, atores reais desse cotidiano urbano e cultural, por meio das atividades agremiativas, demarcaram espaços, estabeleceram relações, instituíram seus ambientes de sociabilidade e transformaram o Grêmio Literário Clodomir Silva em um elemento significativo da cultura escolar do Atheneu Sergipense.

O Porvir, jornal literário e recreativo : propriedade de uma associação de estudantes do Atheneu Sergipense (1874)

Rodrigues, Cibele de Souza 24 February 2016 (has links)
This thesis has as its main object of study the student newspaper O Porvir, dated from 1874, belonging to the first student organization of Atheneu Sergipense, a secondary institution of education in Sergipe. The research focuses on analyzing the educational topics discussed in the newspaper by a group of students from Atheneu Sergipense, on the twelve editions that were located, from that time. The timeframe is between August and November of 1874, because of the dating of the selection of O Porvir identified at the Public Library Epifânio Dórea in this period. The study brings in its discussion the comprehension of the constitution as a student space which was compressed in a newspaper organized by the students from Atheneu Sergipense in the 19th century. It was adopted as methodological foundations the dialog between the bibliography and documentary references, such as Laws, Regulations, Reports, Records and the number of editions of the newspaper. Thus, this thesis presents itself in the field of History of Education on the New Cultural History approach, by using main concepts, such as school culture by Vinão Frago (1994) and Dominique Julia (2001), material school culture by Felgueiras (2010), and association by Alex de Tocquebile (2004). Therefore, the study allowed me to comprehend more about the student universe, the preference of that group of the school in 1874 through the writings, which were full of moral, religious, and educational teachings, considered by them as a way to achieve “light” and success. It was also possible to notice a respect defended among the ads and poetry about historical festivities, encouraged by the school, that is, a significant contribution of values for the understanding of the school culture of that time. / A presente dissertação tem como fonte principal e objeto de estudo o jornal estudantil O Porvir, datado no ano de 1874, pertencente ao primeiro órgão dos estudantes do Atheneu Sergipense, instituição de Ensino Secundário em Sergipe. A pesquisa tem como objetivo fundamental analisar os temas educacionais abordados no impresso, por um grupo de alunos do Atheneu Sergipense, nos doze números de edições localizados, desse momento de circulação. O marco temporal está compreendido entre os meses de agosto e novembro de 1874, essa demarcação justifica-se pela datação da coletânea de O Porvir identificada na Biblioteca Pública Epifânio Dórea referente a esse período. O estudo traz em seu debate a compreensão da constituição de um espaço estudantil que se configurou em um impresso organizado por alunos do Atheneu Sergipense, no século XIX. Adotei como fundamentos metodológicos, o diálogo com as fontes bibliográficas e documentais, tais como: Leis, Regulamentos, Relatórios, Atas e os números de edições do próprio jornal O Porvir. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho se insere no campo da História da Educação, na perspectiva da Nova História Cultural, utilizando-se de conceitos principais, como cultura escolar de Vinão Frago (1994) e Dominique Julia (2001), cultura material escolar de Felgueiras (2010) e associativismo de Alexis de Tocquevile (2004). Assim sendo, o estudo permitiu compreender um pouco mais sobre o universo discente, a predileção daquele grupo de estudantes do Atheneu Sergipense em 1874 por escritos banhados de ensinamentos morais, religiosos e educacionais, considerados por eles como o caminho para se chegar à “luz” e ao sucesso no por vir. Foi possível notar ainda um sentimento de patriotismo defendido em meio aos anúncios e poesias sobre as festividades históricas, incentivadas também pela escola, ou seja, um contributo de significativo valor para o entendimento da cultura escolar daquele momento.

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