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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Super-geometric Convergence of Trefftz Method for Helmholtz Equation

Yan, Kang-Ming 07 August 2012 (has links)
In literature Trefftz method normally has geometric (exponential) convergence. Recently many scholars have found that spectral method in some cases can converge faster than exponential, which is called super-geometric convergence. Since Trefftz method can be regarded as a kind of spectral method, we expect it might possess super-geometric convergence too. In this thesis, we classify all types of super-geometric convergence and compare their speeds. We develop a method to decide the convergent type of given error data. Finally we can observe in many numerical experiments the super-geometric convergence of Trefftz method to solve Helmholtz boundary value problems.

Deep Placement Gel Bank as an Improved Oil Recovery Process: Modeling, Economic Analysis and Comparison to Polymer Flooding

Seyidov, Murad 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Many attempts have been made to control water conformance. It is very costly to produce, treat and dispose of water, and produced water represents the largest waste stream associated with oil and gas production. The production of large amounts of water results in: (a) the need for more complex water?oil separation; (b) corrosion of wellbore and other equipment; (c) a rapid decline in hydrocarbon production rate and ultimate recovery; and (d) consequently, premature abandonment of a well or field, leaving considerable hydrocarbons unproduced. Sometimes water production results from heterogeneities in the horizontal direction, which leads to uneven movement of the flood front and subsequent early breakthrough of water from high permeability layers. This problem is exacerbated if there is (vertical) hydraulic communication between layers so that crossflow can occur. One of the novel technologies in chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is a gel type called deep diverting gel (DDG), which describes material that functions by plugging thief zones deep from the well where they were being injected. To evaluate the performance of this new treatment method, we will (1) model the treatment methods, (2) conduct economic analysis, and (3) compare different EOR methods. We have conducted relevant literature review about the development, design, modeling and economics of the enhanced oil recovery methods. Schlumberger's Eclipse simulator software has been used for modeling purposes. Modeling runs have demonstrated that placement of a DDG in a high permeability zone provided a blockage that diverted water into lower permeability areas, thus increasing the sweep of target zones. Research results demonstrated that, although higher recovery can be achieved with a polymer flood, the combination of delayed production response and large polymer amounts cause such projects to be less economically favorable than deep gel placement treatments. From results of several sensitivity runs, it can be concluded that plug size and oil viscosity are two determining factors in the efficiency of DDG treatments. For the assumed case, economic analysis demonstrated that DDG has the most positive net present value (NPV), with polymer flooding second and simply continuing the waterflood to its economic limit the least positive NPV.

The study and fabrication of liquid crystal alignment using dimenthylsioxane

Yang, Lu-hsiang 23 July 2007 (has links)
Vertical alignment liquid crystal display has the advantages of wide view angle, high contrast and good response time. Today vertical alignment liquid crystal display get flourishing development, and Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment (MVA) technology is progressive. In this report we would find an alignment materiel which could be fabricated easily, low cost and good E-O characteristic. The use of dimenthysiloxane (PDMS) in fabrication of microfluidic channels technology in biotechnology has the advantages of characteristics foregoing. In this study PDMS was used as LC vertical alignment materiel. We used the MVA structure and ASV structure to align LC direction because PDMS cannot be rubbed. In experiment we found that PDMS exhibited different surface energies when it was baked in different temperature. The results of measuring the pre-tilt angle in the different surface energy conditions are similar. ASV LC samples were fabricated using PDMS alignment layer. MVA LC cells were made using high viscosity PDMS. We found the characteristic of paper white at CIE chromaticity diagram in the ASV LC sample without any color filter and color correction technology.

The Analysis Of Total Factor Efficiency In The Public Lignite Mining Organizations In Turkey

Cimen, Selahattin 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, the risks created by the import of energy on the security of energy supply has encouraged countries to utilize local resources to a greater extend, and for many countries including Turkey coal is at the top of the local resources. However, it is not sufficient for countries to have an energy resource itself. Intens competition in today&#039 / s globalized system requires the resources to be produced and utilized in the most economical manner. The supply of the resources to the market in a competitive way is possible by employing an efficient operation, which is then possible only through the business units producing these resources working efficiently. In this study, the efficiencies of the eight establishments of the Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) between 2006 to 2009 were analyzed by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Super Efficiency (SE) and Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index (MI) methodologies. For the analyses, three output oriented models were constructed and used: Production Efficiency, Revenue Efficiency and Work Safety Efficiency models. In determining the input and output data used in the analyses, it was benefited from similar studies searched in the literature, knowledge of business and economics and a series of brainstorming of the expert panel consisting of ten high level representatives of the public and private lignite mining companies as well as that of the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. As a part of the analyses, first the production and revenue efficiencies of the establishments were analyzed by using Constant Return to Scale (CRS) and Variable Return to Scale (VRS) methods of DEA. Within this context, efficient and inefficient establishments for the years between 2006 to 2009, and benchmarks for inefficient establishments to move to becoming efficient were determined. Furthermore, for the production and revenue efficiency models, the target values and improvement potentials for the inefficient establishments in CRS analyses to becoming more efficient were calculated by using benchmarks tables and 2009 realized values of inputs and outputs. Second, the efficiency rankings of the efficient establishments among themselves between 2006 to 2009 were determined by using SE methodology. Third, to provide the dynamic analysis of the development of the establishments&#039 / s efficiency levels in time, the changes of production, revenue and work safety efficiencies of the establishments between 2006 to 2009 were analyzed using the Malmquist Index (MI) methodology. MI analyses included the analysis of the efficiencies in four efficiency components (Technical, Technological, Pure and Scale efficiencies) as well as the calculation of the Total Factor Productivity Indexes of the establishments.

Image Enhancement over a Sequence of Images

Karelid, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
<p>This Master Thesis has been conducted at the National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) in Linköping. When images that are to be analyzed at SKL, presenting an interesting object, are of bad quality there may be a need to enhance them. If several images with the object are available, the total amount of information can be used in order to estimate one single enhanced image. A program to do this has been developed by studying methods for image registration and high resolution image estimation. Tests of important parts of the procedure have been conducted. The final results are satisfying and the key to a good high resolution image seems to be the precision of the image registration. Improvements of this part may lead to even better results. More suggestions for further improvementshave been proposed.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Statens Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium (SKL) i Linköping. Då bilder av ett intressant objekt som ska analyseras på SKL ibland är av dålig kvalitet finns det behov av att förbättra dessa. Om ett flertal bilder på objektet finns tillgängliga kan den totala informationen fråndessa användas för att skatta en enda förbättrad bild. Ett program för att göra detta har utvecklats genom studier av metoder för bildregistrering och skapande av högupplöst bild. Tester av viktiga delar i proceduren har genomförts. De slutgiltiga resultaten är goda och nyckeln till en bra högupplöst bild verkar ligga i precisionen för bildregistreringen. Genom att förbättra denna del kan troligtvis ännu bättre resultat fås. Även andra förslag till förbättringar har lagts fram.</p>

Caractères de planètes extrasolaires : des observations de planètes géantes en transit aux modèles de planètes de taille terrestre

Ehrenreich, David 25 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
En un peu plus d'une dizaine d'années, plusieurs centaines de planètes ont été découvertes en orbite autour d'étoiles autres que le Soleil. Cependant, en-dehors de leurs masses, peu de choses sont connues sur la nature de ces exoplanètes. Aujourd'hui, nous pouvons commencer à les caractériser plus précisément : à mesurer leurs tailles et, par conséquent, à estimer leurs densités moyennes et esquisser les grandes lignes de leurs structures internes ; à déterminer la présence d'une atmosphère et la composition de celle-ci. Dans cette thèse, nous associons des observations obtenues par différentes techniques à des modèles théoriques pour brosser le portrait d'exoplanètes très différentes. En comparant des observations du télescope spatial Spitzer, dont nous détaillons l'analyse, à un modèle atmosphérique prédictif, nous recherchons de la vapeur d'eau dans l'atmosphère du Jupiter chaud en transit HD189733b. Nous obtenons également des mesures précises des rayons planétaires et stellaires ainsi que du paramètre d'impact à 3,6 et 5,8 microns. Puis, nous utilisons des modèles de structures internes et de disques protoplanétaires pour contraindre la nature d'OGLE2005-BLG-390Lb, une petite planète froide détectée par microlentille gravitationnelle. Nous montrons qu'un océan subglaciaire a pu exister sur cette planète désormais gelée, et étudions la composition possible de la glace. Nous avançons que ces propriétés pourraient être partagées par de nombreuses autres planètes dans la Galaxie. Enfin, nous utilisons un modèle de transmission au limbe pour réaliser des spectres théoriques de planètes de taille terrestre en transit, et concluons que des planètes-océans autour de petites étoiles seraient les cibles les plus adéquates pour une future mission spatiale de caractérisation d'exoplanètes.

Etude théorique et expérimentale des matériaux à bandes interdites photoniques bidimensionnels en micro-onde : application à l'ultraréfraction

Massaoudi, Soumia 25 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Nous présentons une étude numérique et expérimentale des propriétés de réfraction des matériaux à bandes photoniques interdites bidimensionnels diélectrique et métallique en micro-ondes. Nous examinons en particulier les effets d'ultraréfraction et de super prisme dans une gamme de fréquences 6 GHz et 16 GHz. L'étude numérique est concentrée sur des structures bidimensionnelles finies et infinies. Dans le cas des structures finies nous avons utilisé un logiciel de simulation basé sur la méthode des éléments finis. Quant aux structures infinies nous avons utilisé la méthode des ondes planes et la méthode de la super cellule. Les aspects expérimentaux sont concentrés sur la vérification des prédictions numériques. Nous montrons qu'un matériau à bandes interdites photoniques diélectrique se comporte comme un milieu homogène linéaire et isotrope dans sa première gamme de fréquences permises. Dans la première bande de fréquences interdites, nous vérifions que les photons ont une probabilité de transition non nulle dans une région de l'espace qui, classiquement leur serait interdite. Au bord de la bande interdite, nous obtenons un effet ultraréfractif. Puis nous étudions effet d'une répartition de défauts dans la structure diélectrique, et nous montrerons que les défauts de surface changent la trajectoire de l'onde dans le cristal photonique et permettent l'excitation de nouveaux modes électromagnétiques. Ces propriétés peuvent aboutir à une amélioration du rendement des antennes et des multiplexeurs en longueur d'onde. Dans le cas d'un matériau à bande interdite photonique métallique, nous montrons numériquement et expérimentalement qu'il se comporte comme un milieu homogène ultraréfractif dont l'indice effectif est compris entre 0 et 1. Nous vérifions aussi que dans la première bande de fréquences interdites, les défauts de surface dans les cristaux métalliques changent la trajectoire de l'onde électromagnétique et permettent l'excitation de nouveaux modes électromagnétiques

Etude et mesure de paramètres pertinents dans un écoulement réactif

Gascoin, Nicolas 30 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Pour assurer, dans les décennies à venir, le vol hypersonique par super-statoréacteur, il est nécessaire d'en gérer le refroidissement actif par injection de carburant endothermique. Les phénomènes de pyrolyse ont été pris en compte grâce à un mécanisme cinétique détaillé (153 espèces, 1185 réactions). Des méthodes de calcul spécifiques aux mélanges multi-espèces potentiellement diphasiques ou à l'état supercritique ont été employées pour la détermination des propriétés physico-chimiques. Grâce aux outils numériques d'hydro-thermo-cinétique développés spécialement pour cette étude, une analyse en régime stationnaire, puis transitoire, a été menée afin de comprendre les phénomènes interagissant sur le système complet identifié. Une expérimentation a également été conçue afin de confirmer les connaissances numériques acquises et tester des méthodes de mesure utiles à la caractérisation de l'écoulement réactif, dans des conditions proches de celles attendues en vol (35 bars, 1500 K). La dynamique des transferts thermiques et de matière a été étudiée.

Ground state depletion microscopy for imaging the interactions between gold nanoparticles and fluorescent molecules

Blythe, Karole Lynn 27 February 2013 (has links)
Ground state depletion with individual molecule return (GSDIM) super-resolution microscopy is used to interrogate the location of individual fluorescence bursts from two different nanoparticle-fluorophore systems. The first system consists of fluorophore-labeled DNA molecules on gold nanowire surfaces. In this system carboxytetramethyl rhodamine-labeled double-stranded DNA molecules were bound to the surface of gold nanowires via gold-thiol linkages. The second system focuses on mesoporous silica coated nanorods with dye embedded into the silica coating. The dye molecule, Rhodamine 6G, was incorporated into the silica shell during the nanorod coating procedure. Individual fluorescence bursts were spatially localized using point spread function fitting and used to reconstruct the image of the underlying nanowire or nanorod. / text

Development of window layer for high efficiency high bandgap cadmium selenide solar cell for 4-terminal tandem solar cell applications

Vakkalanka, Sridevi A 01 June 2006 (has links)
Tandem solar cells fabricated from thin films provide promise of improved efficiency while keeping the processing costs low. CdSe as top cells are investigated in this work. CIGS has been a standardized process with lab efficiencies reaching 18% [53]. This dissertation focuses on the development of conductive window layer for the development of a high performance, high bandgap solar cell. ZnSe, Cu2-xSe, and ZnSexTe1-x are investigated as viable window layers of the top cell. ZnSe in undoped form forms a good junction with CdSe films, but the Voc from these devices could never exceed the 360mV mark, while the current densities approached 17.5mA/cm2 [61].To improve Voc's, the high contact energy at the ZnSe/Cu interface has to be overcome by replacing Cu with a metal having higher work function or doping the window layer to form a tunneling contact with Copper.Deposition of ZnSe from binary sources in presence of nitrogen plasma resulted in films with proper stoichiometry. However, doping could not be accomplished. ZnTe is easily dopable, and was the next alternative. ZnTe doping in presence of Nitrogen plasma resulted in Zn rich films. Hence doping of the ternary compound ZnSexTe1-x was considered. This work focuses on studying the effects of compositional variation on the conductivity of the ZnSexTe1-x films. ZnSexTe1-x films were doped using Nitrogen. Films were deposited by co-evaporation from ZnTe, ZnSe and Se sources. Te/Se ratio was varied by varying the ZnTe thickness and Se Thickness. Films with Zn/Group VI ratio close to 1 were measured for conductivity using IV measurements. Highest conductivity of 2* 10-8 ohm-cm was obtained at ZnSe, ZnTe, and Se thicknesses of 2000Ã?, 1500Ã?, and 500Ã? respectively. The actual carrier concentration could be concealed by the current limiting Cu contacts. All films with Zn/Group VI ratio close to 1 showed slight conductivity in the 10-10 ohm-cm range. Layered ZnSexTe1-x Films doped with Nitrogen had targeted Zn/Group VI ratio of 1, but with a higher Te content. The films were also slightly conductive, in the 10-10 ohm-cm range. The mechanism limiting the doping in all the films seems to be the same.

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