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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From SMEs, For SMEs: Qualitative Insights Within the Instructional Designer-Subject Matter Expert Collaborative Relationship in the Field of Technology and Innovation Management

Nielson, Spencer Jay 14 April 2023 (has links)
Recent literature on the relationship between instructional designers (IDs) and subject matter experts (SMEs) reveals how much more is known about the challenges faced by IDs and more solutions are offered in their respective role compared to their SME partners. This study uses interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to investigate the ID-SME collaborative relationship from the perspective of and the utility for the SME role within the field of Technology and Innovation Management (TIM). Six SMEs within the field of TIM were interviewed to discover more on the nature of their working relationship, specifically in regard to (a) their conceptual understanding of roles and expectations, (b) the nature of the working conditions, and (c) the characteristics that present advantages and/or challenges. Results provide qualitative insights situated within the TIM field, partnership, and projects. SMEs convey expectations of openness for themselves and expectations of clarity in communications and processes for IDs; SMEs acknowledge advantages of expertise from both roles; SMEs admit their own limitations of being myopic, seclusive, overly complex, and uneducated in matters of instruction; SMEs express challenges of additional workload and deadlines; and SMEs share resources relied on or would have relied on to improve their collaborative relationship with IDs. The findings of this study suggest the value of considering the SME perspective in their unique role within the ID-SME relationship. Key implications for this study suggest overcoming barriers and providing support to the SME role in practical application.


SWAMI, RAJEEV KUMAR 16 September 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison and Application of Probabilistic Clustering Methods for System Improvement Prioritization

Lee, Soo Ho 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

人體基因序列的專利適格性─從美國Myriad案再省思 / The Patent Eligibility of Human Genes in the Wake of AMP v. USPTO & Myriad Genetics Case

吳振群 Unknown Date (has links)
美國最高法院於2013年6月13日,發佈自2010年起纏訟多年的 AMP v. USPTO & Myriad Genetics案判決,最高法院全體一致認為,與天然相同的DNA序列,即使經過單離(isolated)仍然不具有可專利性,但補償性的DNA(complementary DNA,簡稱cDNA),則為人為發明產物具有可專利性。 判決出來後,引發各界譁然,相關基因測試業者擔心,最高法院的見解,會使基因研發的投資意願大幅減少,反而會阻礙往後創新研發。但支持者認為基因本屬人類共有產物,且否准基因專利後,能夠讓其他更低價、更有效率的檢測方法進入市場,對社會有助益。在專利權人的私有利益與公共衛生利益激烈衝突下,各方都有鏗鏘有力的理由。 美國專利商標局(USPTO)從1980年代起,開始核發與基因有關之專利,並在2001年公布「實用性檢查指引」(Utility Examination Guidelines),認為單離的人類DNA或純化DNA分子,亦可賦予專利,透過賦予專利排他權,達鼓勵研發創新之目的。從過去三十年來,基因相關專利數量劇增,也因為專利排他的特性,對現有的科學研究產生阻礙,不僅如此,對於患者而言,因為專利權人積極行使權利,成為市場唯一壟斷者,使患者無法獲得其他醫療意見(second opinion)的權利,這也是Myriad案備受矚目的原因之一。 因此,本論文將藉由AMP v. USPTO & Myriad Genetics案,重新省思對於人體基因是否具有可專利性,並整理美國司法實務過往對於可專利標的、基因專利等重要判決進行分析,最後提出本文的見解,試圖提出一些可能的解決方案。

Buried in the backyard: a study of locally generated content in small U.S. newspapers

Funk, Marcus James 26 October 2010 (has links)
Locally generated content comprises nearly 80% of front page content for most American newspapers, with Associated Press and other wire service content comprising between 15% and 20% across various circulation categories. However, newspapers with daily circulation between 30,000 and 50,000 provide a sharp distinction – a “curve” or “groove” – publishing an average of barely 60% locally generated content on their front page, pulling nearly 40% from wire services. The anomaly declines somewhat for publications with daily circulation between 50,000 and 100,000. This statistical content analysis of 42 American newspapers of diverse circulation sizes also reveals a universal focus on domestic politics, which comprises nearly a third of all locally generated and wire content, and reveals key commonalities across circulation categories and regional boundaries. / text

Teachers' analyses of learner errors in Grade 6 English first additional language.

Ntuli, Khethinkosi Armstrong 12 May 2015 (has links)
The study investigated 6 Soweto primary school teachers’ ability to analyse and give feedback on the errors of English First Additional Language learners. Drawing on literature on assessment for learning and feedback, as well as on error analysis of English second language learning, I developed a conceptual framework that enabled me to classify learner errors and teachers feedback strategies. I used a qualitative approach to investigate assessment abilities. Firstly, the teachers marked a written assessment task, identified errors, evaluated learner performance and gave feedback based on identified errors. Secondly, the teachers were interviewed on why learners made those errors and what feedback strategies they suggested for remediating the errors. The findings indicated that the teachers: i) were generally capable of identifying the errors, ii) struggled to correct the identified errors, iii) were still working in a summative mind-set, and iv) were insecure about their abilities to deal with English First Additional Language errors. Therefore, assessment for learning has a long way to go for the township primary school teachers.

'Learning to teach' : developmental teaching patterns of student teachers.

Rusznyak, Leanne 06 January 2009 (has links)
The process of ‘learning to teach’ is still not well understood. In particular, existing research does not fully reflect the complexities of the process; how student teachers’ level of subject matter knowledge influences their teaching, or how their placement affects the process. This study provides an alternative nonlinear, relational model for understanding the process of ‘learning to teach’. I study the ways in which 66 BEd students teach during eight school-based Teaching Experience sessions, conducted over the four year duration of their preservice teaching degree. I primarily draw on evidence obtained from lesson observation reports written by university tutors as they respond to lessons taught by this cohort of student teachers. I cluster their comments into five facets necessary for enabling learning, namely, student teachers’ knowledge and understanding of content; their preparation; their teaching strategies; their classroom management; and the ways in which they monitor learning. These five facets have links to the process of teaching described by Shulman’s (1987b) Model of Pedagogical Reasoning and Action. Within each of these five facets, varying levels of competence were demonstrated by the student teachers in this study. I develop an analytical tool that describes four developmental levels of student teaching over each of the five facets of the teaching process. An in-depth study of the developmental teaching portraits of five student teachers illustrates that they are often more advanced in some facets of their teaching, and less so in others. The portraits highlight the ways in which certain facets affect teaching in other facets. The interactions between these differing levels and facets give rise to particular challenges that student teachers experience as they ‘learn to teach’. Some of these challenges are more significant than others, as certain inter-facet relationships are essential to the development of pedagogically reasoned action, and other relationships are less crucial. My findings suggest that although ‘learning to teach’ is a non-linear process, there nevertheless exists a logical hierarchy within the facets, whereby some facets create conditions of possibility for others. In particular, I find that the way in which student teachers use their knowledge and understanding of the content to inform other facets, establishes the 2 logical conditions necessary for the development of teaching as pedagogically reasoned action.

Alteração dos fatos no curso do processo e os limites de modificação da causa petendi / Amendment of facts during the course of action and the limits to change the cause of action

Degenszajn, Daniel Raichelis 13 May 2010 (has links)
Evitar que o tempo atue como agente de corrosão de diretos durante o longo período de pendência do processo deve ser uma verdadeira obsessão do processualista moderno, consciencioso da finalidade e da existência da ciência processual que constitui o seu objeto de estudo. A visão teleológica do processo como instrumento de realização do direito material deve estar presente na interpretação de todas as regras processuais, sempre tendo em mente o sábio conselho de Chesterton, para quem o homem pode enxergar mais longe se subir aos ombros dos que vieram antes. Romper com velhos dogmas para proporcionar resposta aos novos problemas é fazer com que o direito processual seja dinâmico, conferindo-lhe a capacidade de superar crises de efetividade. A alteração dos fatos durante a longa travessia que é o processo constitui o objeto deste estudo, sobretudo no que se refere aos impactos sobre importantes figuras e institutos processuais como a causa de pedir, a estabilização da demanda, a rigidez do sistema preclusivo, a inércia da jurisdição e a interpretação destes, plasmada nos princípios constitucionais do contraditório e da duração razoável do processo, que integram o conceito amplo do devido processo legal. Para alcançar tais propósitos, esta dissertação está estruturada em cinco partes. O acesso à ordem jurídica justa é o tema inicial e o primeiro capítulo é destinado ao seu estudo. Acesso à justiça não se confunde com estar em juízo. O seu real significado está relacionado com a realização da promessa constitucional de entrega da tutela jurisdicional a quem efetivamente tem direito a ela, sempre lembrando que ela deve ser justa, igualitária e tempestiva. O capitulo dois, núcleo da abordagem teórica do objeto deste estudo, centra-se na identificação da demanda e de seus elementos objetivos, em que se busca demonstrar a existência de uma pluralidade de possibilidades para a investigação do mesmo problema. A concepção alemã do objeto do processo (ou objeto litigioso) enfoca o problema de modo absolutamente distinto daquele concebido pelo direito italiano (teoria dos três eadem). O tempero dado pelas teorias da substanciação e individualização para identificação do núcleo resistente da causa de pedir demonstram a necessidade da análise dos elementos que compõem a demanda, em atenção ao direito material que se busca fazer valer em juízo. Os direitos autodeterminados e heterodeterminados reclamam a utilização de métodos distintos para identificação da causa petendi, demonstrando que esta figura jurídica goza de certa elasticidade. O capítulo três desenvolve a conceituação do fato superveniente e do fato de conhecimento superveniente, bem como o impacto distinto destes na esfera jurídica do autor e do réu, analisando o último momento do procedimento em que é praticamente possível introduzir o fato novo e, sobretudo, o real alcance do art. 462 do Código de Processo Civil. A interpretação deste dispositivo processual revela um poderoso alcance de notável utilidade para aperfeiçoamento do processo como método estatal de solução de controvérsias. O quarto capítulo problematiza os limites da modificação da causa de pedir no curso do processo, com a superação do dogma da estabilização da demanda. A não-incidência ou não-aplicação de regras processuais meramente formais para dar efetividade aos princípios constitucionais informadores do devido processo legal é a pedra de toque para a conclusão a que se chega ao fim do trabalho. O capítulo cinco, conclusivo do percurso analítico empreendido, apresenta o estágio de compreensão do objeto alcançado neste estudo. Garantido o contraditório e a ampla defesa, deve ser prestigiado o princípio constitucional da duração razoável do processo, cuja correta interpretação é dele extrair uma garantia de resolução integral da crise de direito material com o menor grau de perturbação social possível, ou seja, com o menor dispêndio de energia e tempo, o que implica reconhecer a possibilidade de modificação da causa petendi. / Avoiding time to act as a corrosion agent of rights during the long period of a pending case must be a true obsession for the modern expert in civil procedure, conscious of the purpose and existence of procedural science that constitutes its object of study. The teleological vision of the judicial process as an instrument of realization of substantive law shall be present in the interpretation of all procedural rules, always keeping Chestertons wise advice in mind, to whom a man can see further if he climbs on the shoulders of those who came before. Breaking with old dogmas to provide solutions to new problems is to make procedural law dynamic, giving it the capability to overcome crises of effectiveness. The change of events during the long journey of the case is the object of this study, particularly with regard to the impacts on important procedural figures and institutions such as cause of action, stabilization of claim, rigidity of the preclusive system, inertia of jurisdiction and its interpretation, present in the constitutional principles of adversary system and reasonable time of proceedings, which form the broad concept of due process of law. To achieve such aims, this dissertation is structured in five parts. The access to the fair legal system is the opening theme and the first chapter focuses on its study. Access to justice should not be confused with being at court. Its real meaning is related to the implementation of the constitutional promise of delivery of legal protection to those who are actually entitled to it, always remembering that it must be fair, equitable and timely. The second chapter, the core of the theoretical object of this study, focuses on the identification of the litigation and its objective elements and seeks to demonstrate the existence of a plurality of possibilities for the investigation of the same problem. The German conception of the subject matter (or litigious matter) analyzes the 194 problem in a completely different manner from that designed by the Italian Law (theory of the three eadem). The effect given by the theories of substantiation and individualization for the identification of the resistant core of the cause of action demonstrate the necessity of analyzing the elements of claim, in response to the substantive law that seeks to be enforced in court. The self-determined and heterodetermined rights claim the use of different methods to identify the causa petendi demostrating that this legal concept hás certain elasticity. The third chapter develops the concept of supervening fact and supervening knowledge of the fact as well as their different impact on the legal sphere of the plaintiff and the defendant; the last moment of the proceedings that permits the introduction of the new fact is analyzed and, especially, the actual scope of article 462 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The interpretation of this procedural provision reveals a remarkable range of powerful utility for improving the legal process as a state method of settlement. The fourth chapter discusses the limits to change the cause of action during the course of action overcoming the dogma of the stabilization of claim. The nonlevy or non-application of purely formal procedural rules to give effect to the constitutional principles which inform the due process of law is the cornerstone of the conclusion reached at the end of the work. The fifth chapter concludes the undertaken analytical path and presents the understanding stage of the object of this study. Being the adversary system and full defense guaranteed, the constitutional principle of reasonable time of proceedings must be considered. Its correct interpretation is to acquire a guarantee of full resolution of the crisis of substantive law with the lowest degree of social disruption as possible, i.e., the lowest expenditure of energy and time, which means recognizing the possibility of changing the causa petendi.

Preservice And Inservice Basic Education Computer Teachers&amp / #8217 / Professional Growth In Terms Of Their Perceptions Of Teaching, Pedagogical Competencies And Subject Matter Knowledge

Cakir, Recep 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional growth of the preservice and inservice Basic Education computer teachers. To understand their professional growth in terms of perception of teaching and competencies about pedagogic and subject matter knowledge, questionnaires were administered to 1,568 preservice teachers and 104 inservice teachers in Turkey. In order to seek answers to this broad purpose, mixed research method including both quantitative and qualitative traditions was used in this study. The researcher employed the questionnaires as the primary data collection tool but since questionnaires were limited in the representation of the whole picture, this study was complemented by interviews, observations and document analysis, which were the qualitative data collection tools. To that end, 33 preservice computer teachers and 12 inservice teachers were interviewed. Besides these, 8 preservice and 4 inservice classroom observations were conducted. Additionally, their lesson plans were analyzed throughout the data collection process. Regarding data collecting procedure, the data collection and analysis procedure includes two phases / the first one is the quantitative phase, in which the research questions focus on basic education computer teachers&amp / #8217 / perceptions about teaching, their pedagogical and subject matter competencies and their views about technology integration into schools. In order to answer the research questions, the researchers developed new questionnaires and adapted from existing instruments by utilizing the literature review and taking expert opinions. After this phase, pilot studies were conducted in order to ensure reliability and validity of the questionnaires. In the second part, which is the qualitative phase, the research questions were addressed for in-depth understanding of preservice and inservice computer teachers&amp / #8217 / perceptions toward teaching, their competencies and their opinions about technology integrations. For this purpose, interviews and observation schedules were prepared under the guidance of experts and with the support of the related literature. Results revealed that preservice and inservice teachers&amp / #8217 / perceptions of teaching were generally positive about computer education. Moreover, their competencies increased throughout years. However, results indicated some negative points in their perceptions and competencies. Pertaining to the measured variables, there significant differences were found among preservice teachers based on their year in the program. Interviews and observations that were conducted to gain in-depth understanding of teachers&amp / #8217 / progress in their professional growth supported the survey results. This study elicited important results for preservice and inservice computer teachers and teacher educators to understand the whole picture of the Basic Education computer teaching. Results of this study, particularly those related to the problems they encounter in the profession, could provide new directions for the Ministry of National Education, the Higher Education Council, and universities.

Scaffolded Growth of Knowledge Using Distributed Collaborative Learning Tools in Preservice Teacher Education

McDougall, Mathew Jon January 2005 (has links)
The Education Faculties within the universities are looking to meet the needs of their learners more completely. Teaching and learning strategies are being adopted to make educational provision more flexible by using computer supported collaborative learning environments. However, research has shown that in preservice teacher programs, many teachers do not have a complete knowledge of subject-matter or pedagogical content knowledge. This study investigated how a lesson-planning task within the context of a computer supported collaborative learning environment can facilitate the growth of teacher knowledge, specifically subject-matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge about the teaching of ratio and fraction. The findings from this research showed that using a lesson-planning task facilitated the development of teacher knowledge, specifically subject-matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Within the computer supported collaborative learning community, the preservice teachers were able to articulate their current understandings and re-define their knowledge of fraction and ratio. The thesis concludes with a conceptual framework and some specific guidelines for the design of a scaffolded computer-mediated community and discusses implications for the design of future collaborative learning environments.

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