Spelling suggestions: "subject:"subjectmatter"" "subject:"subjectmatters""
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Une lecture de l'espace romanesque célinien / A reading of the celinian novelistic spaceMunsch, Suzanne 18 October 2011 (has links)
Toute œuvre littéraire s’inscrit dans un mouvement de pensée singulier apte à lui donner une forme propre : un espace. La forme unitaire ou morcelée que constitue un ensemble romanesque est significative des intentions et des intuitions de l’auteur. En cherchant à déterminer les limites de l’espace romanesque célinien, nous tentons de comprendre les motivations du geste littéraire et, à travers les romans de Louis-Ferdinand Céline, de conceptualiser ce qui pourrait devenir un outil d’analyse critique : « l’espace romanesque ». / All literary works are given a particular form – space – by the movement of their author’s mind. The unified or divided form built by the novelistic body of work bears witness to the intentions and intuitions of the author. By seeking to identify the limits of the celinian novelistic space, we aim at understanding what motivates the act of writing and, through a reading of the novels of Louis-Ferdinand Céline, try to conceptualize what could come to be used as a tool of critical analysis: the “novelistic space”.
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L'objectif économique du contrat : contribution à l'étude de l'intérêt commun / The economic goal of the contractBourdeau-Guilbert, Marie 23 November 2010 (has links)
Suggérée à l'analyse de la jurisprudence rendue sur le thème de la flexibilité du contrat, la théorie générale de l'objectif économique du contrat a pour point de départ l'identification d'un premier objectif : l'exploitation commune de clientèle. Parce que le caractère commun de l'exploitation traduit l'existence d'objectifs identiques aux parties, cet objectif de nature économique s'inscrit, en effet, comme celui du contrat, support juridique de sa réalisation. Présent au sein de conventions diverses, il n'est, du reste, pas isolé. La mise en évidence d'autres types d'objectifs économiques construits sur ce même modèle permet ainsi une conceptualisation de la notion. La réalité de l'objectif économique du contrat laisse alors présager de sa possible réception par le Droit. Sa reconnaissance demeure toutefois subordonnée à sa disponibilité, d'une part et à son utilité, d'autre part. Distinct sans pour autant être autonome des conditions de validité que sont la cause et l'objet, l'objectif économique ne saurait davantage s'identifier à l'économie de la convention. Apte à siéger aux côtés de ces notions, l'objectif offre, en outre, de nouvelles perspectives. Indissociable de la notion d'intérêt commun économique, il en constitue le révélateur, justifiant ainsi que tous les contrats marqués par sa présence soient reconnus comme étant d'intérêt commun. Fondement d'une ouverture du domaine de l'intérêt commun, l'objectif permet encore d'étendre le bénéfice du droit à une indemnité compensatrice et de reconnaître l'existence implicite des obligations d'adaptation et de renégociation hors la sphère du mandat d'intérêt commun. La notion aurait donc sa place en Droit positif. / The analysis of the case law relating to the flexibility in contract suggests the general theory of the economic goal of the contract. This theory comes from the identification of a first objective: the common exploitation of a clientele. Since the common nature of exploitation conveys the existence of identical objectives for the parties, this economic goal becomes the objective of the contract, legal mean of its fulfillment. This goal can be found in many agreements and is not isolated. The presentation of other types of economic goals built on the same pattern allows a conceptualization of the notion. The existence of the economic goal of the contract suggests its possible receipt by the Law. However its recognition is conditioned both by its transferability and utility. The economic goal must be distinguished from the validity conditions such as consideration and subject matter, although it is not independent from these conditions. This goal is also different from the economy of the convention. Besides these notions, the economic goal offers new perspectives. Profoundly linked to the notion of common economic interest, it appears as its revealing and justifies that each contract should be qualified as a common interest contract. The economic goal is the ground for the opening of the scope of common interest and enables to extend the benefit of a right to a pecuniary relief and to acknowledge the implicit existence of obligations to adapt and renegotiate, apart from the common interest mandate. This notion should thus find its place in positive law.
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Alteração dos fatos no curso do processo e os limites de modificação da causa petendi / Amendment of facts during the course of action and the limits to change the cause of actionDaniel Raichelis Degenszajn 13 May 2010 (has links)
Evitar que o tempo atue como agente de corrosão de diretos durante o longo período de pendência do processo deve ser uma verdadeira obsessão do processualista moderno, consciencioso da finalidade e da existência da ciência processual que constitui o seu objeto de estudo. A visão teleológica do processo como instrumento de realização do direito material deve estar presente na interpretação de todas as regras processuais, sempre tendo em mente o sábio conselho de Chesterton, para quem o homem pode enxergar mais longe se subir aos ombros dos que vieram antes. Romper com velhos dogmas para proporcionar resposta aos novos problemas é fazer com que o direito processual seja dinâmico, conferindo-lhe a capacidade de superar crises de efetividade. A alteração dos fatos durante a longa travessia que é o processo constitui o objeto deste estudo, sobretudo no que se refere aos impactos sobre importantes figuras e institutos processuais como a causa de pedir, a estabilização da demanda, a rigidez do sistema preclusivo, a inércia da jurisdição e a interpretação destes, plasmada nos princípios constitucionais do contraditório e da duração razoável do processo, que integram o conceito amplo do devido processo legal. Para alcançar tais propósitos, esta dissertação está estruturada em cinco partes. O acesso à ordem jurídica justa é o tema inicial e o primeiro capítulo é destinado ao seu estudo. Acesso à justiça não se confunde com estar em juízo. O seu real significado está relacionado com a realização da promessa constitucional de entrega da tutela jurisdicional a quem efetivamente tem direito a ela, sempre lembrando que ela deve ser justa, igualitária e tempestiva. O capitulo dois, núcleo da abordagem teórica do objeto deste estudo, centra-se na identificação da demanda e de seus elementos objetivos, em que se busca demonstrar a existência de uma pluralidade de possibilidades para a investigação do mesmo problema. A concepção alemã do objeto do processo (ou objeto litigioso) enfoca o problema de modo absolutamente distinto daquele concebido pelo direito italiano (teoria dos três eadem). O tempero dado pelas teorias da substanciação e individualização para identificação do núcleo resistente da causa de pedir demonstram a necessidade da análise dos elementos que compõem a demanda, em atenção ao direito material que se busca fazer valer em juízo. Os direitos autodeterminados e heterodeterminados reclamam a utilização de métodos distintos para identificação da causa petendi, demonstrando que esta figura jurídica goza de certa elasticidade. O capítulo três desenvolve a conceituação do fato superveniente e do fato de conhecimento superveniente, bem como o impacto distinto destes na esfera jurídica do autor e do réu, analisando o último momento do procedimento em que é praticamente possível introduzir o fato novo e, sobretudo, o real alcance do art. 462 do Código de Processo Civil. A interpretação deste dispositivo processual revela um poderoso alcance de notável utilidade para aperfeiçoamento do processo como método estatal de solução de controvérsias. O quarto capítulo problematiza os limites da modificação da causa de pedir no curso do processo, com a superação do dogma da estabilização da demanda. A não-incidência ou não-aplicação de regras processuais meramente formais para dar efetividade aos princípios constitucionais informadores do devido processo legal é a pedra de toque para a conclusão a que se chega ao fim do trabalho. O capítulo cinco, conclusivo do percurso analítico empreendido, apresenta o estágio de compreensão do objeto alcançado neste estudo. Garantido o contraditório e a ampla defesa, deve ser prestigiado o princípio constitucional da duração razoável do processo, cuja correta interpretação é dele extrair uma garantia de resolução integral da crise de direito material com o menor grau de perturbação social possível, ou seja, com o menor dispêndio de energia e tempo, o que implica reconhecer a possibilidade de modificação da causa petendi. / Avoiding time to act as a corrosion agent of rights during the long period of a pending case must be a true obsession for the modern expert in civil procedure, conscious of the purpose and existence of procedural science that constitutes its object of study. The teleological vision of the judicial process as an instrument of realization of substantive law shall be present in the interpretation of all procedural rules, always keeping Chestertons wise advice in mind, to whom a man can see further if he climbs on the shoulders of those who came before. Breaking with old dogmas to provide solutions to new problems is to make procedural law dynamic, giving it the capability to overcome crises of effectiveness. The change of events during the long journey of the case is the object of this study, particularly with regard to the impacts on important procedural figures and institutions such as cause of action, stabilization of claim, rigidity of the preclusive system, inertia of jurisdiction and its interpretation, present in the constitutional principles of adversary system and reasonable time of proceedings, which form the broad concept of due process of law. To achieve such aims, this dissertation is structured in five parts. The access to the fair legal system is the opening theme and the first chapter focuses on its study. Access to justice should not be confused with being at court. Its real meaning is related to the implementation of the constitutional promise of delivery of legal protection to those who are actually entitled to it, always remembering that it must be fair, equitable and timely. The second chapter, the core of the theoretical object of this study, focuses on the identification of the litigation and its objective elements and seeks to demonstrate the existence of a plurality of possibilities for the investigation of the same problem. The German conception of the subject matter (or litigious matter) analyzes the 194 problem in a completely different manner from that designed by the Italian Law (theory of the three eadem). The effect given by the theories of substantiation and individualization for the identification of the resistant core of the cause of action demonstrate the necessity of analyzing the elements of claim, in response to the substantive law that seeks to be enforced in court. The self-determined and heterodetermined rights claim the use of different methods to identify the causa petendi demostrating that this legal concept hás certain elasticity. The third chapter develops the concept of supervening fact and supervening knowledge of the fact as well as their different impact on the legal sphere of the plaintiff and the defendant; the last moment of the proceedings that permits the introduction of the new fact is analyzed and, especially, the actual scope of article 462 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The interpretation of this procedural provision reveals a remarkable range of powerful utility for improving the legal process as a state method of settlement. The fourth chapter discusses the limits to change the cause of action during the course of action overcoming the dogma of the stabilization of claim. The nonlevy or non-application of purely formal procedural rules to give effect to the constitutional principles which inform the due process of law is the cornerstone of the conclusion reached at the end of the work. The fifth chapter concludes the undertaken analytical path and presents the understanding stage of the object of this study. Being the adversary system and full defense guaranteed, the constitutional principle of reasonable time of proceedings must be considered. Its correct interpretation is to acquire a guarantee of full resolution of the crisis of substantive law with the lowest degree of social disruption as possible, i.e., the lowest expenditure of energy and time, which means recognizing the possibility of changing the causa petendi.
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Savoirs scientifiques, malentendus et inégalités sociales à l'école : les formes disciplinaires des SVT en 6ème / Scientific knowledge, misunderstandings and social inequalities at school : disciplinary forms of biology in sixth gradeBrederode, Marion van 29 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux processus de construction des inégalités scolaires dans la discipline d’enseignement des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (SVT), généralement moins soupçonnée que d’autres d’y participer. Elle s’appuie sur les travaux de didactique qui postulent que les savoirs scientifiques proposés en classe doivent être fondés en raison pour mettre au jour la façon dont les formes disciplinaires des SVT, rencontrées par les élèves en 6ème, peuvent participer à produire passivement et activement des apprentissages inégaux et ainsi, conduire les élèves à produire des consciences disciplinaires de pertinence inégale. Une analyse qualitative de textes officiels et de manuels de SVT depuis 1958 permet de mettre au jour les évolutions de la forme disciplinaire à enseigner. Cette dernière s’adresse aujourd’hui à un élève autonome qui doit construire, par lui-même, des savoirs permettant de comprendre des phénomènes biologiques. Ces évolutions rendent l’accès aux savoirs scientifiques difficile pour les élèves qui n’ont que l’école pour y parvenir. Cette approche socio-historique est complétée par une étude synchronique visant à comparer les formes disciplinaires enseignées dans des établissements socialement contrastés. Elles sont analysées quantitativement à partir de la trace qu’elles laissent dans les cahiers des élèves. Selon les contextes, les formes ne sollicitent pas les mêmes types de savoirs, d’opérations de pensée et d’écrits. Ces sollicitations différentielles semblent ainsi participer activement à l’inégale appréhension par les élèves des spécificités de la discipline SVT. / This thesis deals with the processes leading to the development of inequalities at school in the teaching of life sciences, subject often thought not to be relevant on this point. It accounts for studies taking place within the theoretical framework of the problematization, stating that scientific knowledge in the classroom should be based on reason in order to expose how the forms of life sciences as a subject might generate, actively and passively, teaching inequalities. These, in turn, would lead the pupils to develop unequally suited disciplinary awareness. The qualitative analysis of life sciences textbooks and curricula since 1958 shows the evolutions of the subject, and how, today, pupils have to acquire by themselves knowledge essential to the understanding of biological phenomena. These evolutions impede the pupils relying only on school for the construction of their scientific knowledge. This socio-historical approach is completed with a synchronic study aiming at comparing forms of the subjects taught in socially diverse schools. Their quantitative analysis is based on content from the pupils’ notebooks. Depending on the context, forms of the subject don’t solicit and trigger the same knowledge, thinking and writing skills. These differences thus seem to actively contribute to the discrepancies on how pupils apprehend the specificities of life sciences.
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The influence of an in-service training Programme on Libyan biology teachers' Pedagogical content knowledge (pck)Tarek Abdalla January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Libya, as one of the third world countries, is struggling to address the issue of transformation and
various institutional reforms (including the education system). For example, it has been observed
that many biology teachers are faced with challenges relating to both subject matter knowledge
(SMK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) yet the expectation of the new curriculum is that
biology teachers demonstrate professional efficacy in their work regardless of the challenges they
face. In light of this, a group of Libyan secondary school biology teachers was investigated in
Tripoli through a participatory action research process. The study was underpinned by the Shulman
theory of PCK using a mixed-methods design to generate an understanding of the theory of basic
knowledge of teaching.
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Řízení o žalobě proti rozhodnutí správního orgánu / Proceeding of Action against Decision of Administrative AuthorityKozelka, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Proceeding of Action against Decision of Administrative Authority Abstract The subject-matter of this dissertation thesis is the analysis of the legislation providing protection to public subjective rights in proceeding of action against the decision of an administrative body defined in Code of Administrative Justice, and assessment as to whether the protection provided to public subjective rights by the legislation is sufficient, including certain recommendations of possible changes. The basic method applied consists of the logical methods in combination with the normative approach, involving a detailed analysis and synthesis of the existing legislation and empirical examination of the offered protection in the problem areas on the basis of past judicial proceedings and also comparison of the discussed concepts with foreign legal regulations. The first model was the "traditional" German administrative justice legislation, which is the legislator's usual source of inspiration. In relation to this issue, one must not also disregard the newly adopted legislation on administrative justice in Slovakia. Even though stemming from the historical roots of the judiciary of the First Czechoslovak Republic, the Slovak approach to a number of concepts is different. The administrative justice system by far exceeds the...
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The perceptions of human resource development professionals in Taiwan regarding their working relationships with subject matter experts (SMEs)during the training design processLin, Yi-chun 14 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Dismantling the Panopticon of Education: Toward Preparing Social Justice Teachers of Subject MatterArcher, Amerah F. 15 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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ŽIDOVSKÁ TÉMATIKA VE VYBRANÝCH DÍLECH ČESKÉ LITERATURY 50. A 60. LET / The Jewish theme in representative works of Czech literature of 1950s and 1960sNAVRÁTILOVÁ, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dealing with problems of Judaism during the Second World War in Czech literature, prosaic writings at the turn of the fifties and so called golden sixties of the twentieth century in particular. The thesis provides an analysis of literary output of five Czech writers: the collection of short stories Psí život by Ludvík Aškenazy, novella Bez krásy, bez límce by Hana Bělohradská, novel Krutá léta by František Kafka, the collection of short stories Mí černovlasí bratři by Ladislav Fuks and the collection of short stories Démanty noci by Arnošt Lustig. Theoretical part of this thesis specifies Judaism phenomenon during the Second World War, in the second half of fifties and in the sixties. Practical part pays attention to the subject matter of the Second World War in literature and school education and at the same time brings the analysis of chosen writings. The thesis also provides an analysis of The Framework Education Programme and worksheets as a teaching aid to help teachers and students as well to understand the problems and to achieve their goals given in FEP or didactic principles of interpretation.
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Effective Vulnerability Management for Small Scale Organisations in GhanaLartey, Jerry January 2019 (has links)
Most Small and Medium scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana are notparticularly anxious about the consequences of inadequacy or lack of anyform of vulnerability management operation in their normal businesspractices. This case study research explores how a local Internet ServiceProvider (ISP) in Ghana and its local client-base can manage vulnerabilitieswith a targeted patch management practise integrated into their operations.To answer the research question “How can a SME local Internet ServiceProvider (ISP) in Accra, Ghana, assist their local customer base to integrateeffective cybersecurity vulnerability management into their operations?“,This case study comprised the Subject Matter Expert of one local ISP as well as4 other technical Subject Matter Experts of the ISP’s clients about their patchmanagement operations. This case study research revealed that most SMEs donot consider vulnerability management as a key concern in the operation oftheir organisation and therefore, proposes a way to highlight the importanceof vulnerability management whiles doing so at a cost-effective manner. Theimplications of targeted cybersecurity patch management for the local ISP andtheir client-base is also addressed by this thesis research.
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