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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Science and mathematics teacher perceptions of their professional teaching environment related to grade level and urban suburban contexts

Sahin, Mehmet 12 October 2004 (has links)
No description available.

History of High School Girls' Sport in the City and Suburbs of Philadelphia, 1890-1990

D'Ignazio, Catherine M. January 2009 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the development and one hundred year history of high school girls' sport in the city and suburbs of Philadelphia. Its focus is on how and why, over time, the experiences of schoolgirl athletes in the city of Philadelphia were different from the experiences of schoolgirl athletes in the surrounding suburbs. Using place, gender and race critical perspectives, high school yearbooks, augmented by oral histories, were used as primary resources to determine the origins of sport programs in public high schools throughout the region, the uneven impact of national professional standards on city and suburban schoolgirl sport programs, the creation of a unique city sport culture, the changes in school sport as a result of the suburbanization in the region and finally, the impact of suburban school district reorganizations on black schoolgirl athletes. Along with an examination of newspapers and other secondary sources this study suggests that suburban schoolgirl experiences emerged as the normative expression of schoolgirl sport. / Urban Education

Rethinking Dead Mall: Reconsidering an American vacant mall site as a seed for re-growth

Siddique, MD Abu Baker 30 June 2021 (has links)
The rapid urban development has impacted a great loss of natural landscape in the U.S in recent years. In the process of urbanization, the population has moved from the city centers to the edges of the Metropolitan or the newly developed suburbs as much as 62% until 2000. The annual conversion rate of undeveloped land to developed land between 1982 and 1992 was 1.4 million acres per year while it accelerated later in only five years between 1992 and 1997 to 2.2 million acres per year. Among all the development one of the most common was the Enormous shopping mall in suburban districts which are the collections of a vast range of retail corporations in response to the growing consumerism. In support of the gigantic malls, more service infrastructures were built as in the multi-storied parking garages, surface parking, HVAC. Currently, the total number of malls in the U.S is approximately 116,000. The downside of the development has been observed as rapid as it has grown. As in 2014, nearly 3% of all the malls in the United States were considered to be "dying" (40% or higher vacancy rates) and nearly one-fifth of all malls had vacancy rates considered "troubling" (10% or higher). The sudden deterioration was caused because of several factors such as the socio-economic change of the demography in the urban context, the change in the spending habit of the consumers (i.e. spending for experience rather than goods), Rise of the E-commerce, etc. While the dying circumstance continues, these vast and trapped places have nothing but negative impacts in the urban environment as being wasteful land, blocking the visual connectivity through places, clogging the pedestrian flow, contributing to the heat island effect. Thus the problem is evoking to rethink a sustainable design approach. This thesis will first generate an adaptive master plan for the future, in a specific site as the result of investigating the socio-economic issues that forced the mall site to be vacant. After projecting the master plan, the architectural project will be proposed which will prioritize the physical and social development of the context. Educating people regarding the redevelopment of the community and the sustainable way of living are the key features of the project. The new project will be considered an iconic community asset that would serve the neighborhoods. / Master of Architecture / The rapid urban development has impacted a great loss of natural landscape in the U.S in recent years. In the process of urbanization, the population has moved from the city centers to the edges of the Metropolitan or the newly developed suburbs as much as 62% until 2000. To serve the resettled population new services have been developed at the outskirts of the cities. Among all the development one of the most common was the Enormous shopping mall in suburban districts which are the collections of a vast range of retail corporations in response to the growing consumerism. In support of the gigantic malls, more service infrastructures were built as in the multi-storied parking garages, surface parking, HVAC. Currently, the total number of malls in the U.S is approximately 116,000. The downside of the development has been observed as rapid as it has grown. As in 2014, nearly 3% of all the malls in the United States were considered to be "dying" (40% or higher vacancy rates) and nearly one-fifth of all malls had vacancy rates considered "troubling" (10% or higher). The sudden deterioration was caused because of several factors such as the socio-economic change of the demography in the urban context, the change in the spending habit of the consumers (i.e. spending for experience rather than goods), Rise of the E-commerce, etc. This thesis will explore the strategy for reintegrating the troubling mall sites within the urban fabric. The thesis will first generate an adaptive master plan for the future, in a specific site as the result of investigating the socio-economic issues that forced the mall site to be vacant. After projecting the master plan, the architectural project will be proposed which will prioritize the physical and social development of the context. Educating people regarding the redevelopment of the community and the sustainable way of living are the key features of the project. The new project will be considered an iconic community asset that would serve the neighborhoods.

The growth and characteristics of peri-urban communities: a case study in Jakarta, Indonesia

Basaib, Ridhwan 22 August 2009 (has links)
This study attempts to examine the major socioeconomic characteristics and the composition of peri-urban communities, and explains the determinants of intrametropolitan mobility associated with peri-urban growth in Jakarta, Indonesia. In the first part of the analysis, the findings suggest that most of peri-urban residents are migrants involved in intra-metropolitan mobility. Peri-urban migrants are usually selected from the better socioeconomic status than peri-urban nonmigrants and urban in-migrants in general. Among the six socioeconomic variables examined in this study, education, occupational status, and income seem to have had significant influence on the different orientation between peri-urban migrants and urban in-migrants in general. In the second part of the analysis, the findings suggest that the classical pull-push hypotheses and the concepts of income differentials between places provide inadequate explanation to the process of intra-metropolitan mobility. This study has shown that in the process of intra-metropolitan mobility associated with peri-urban growth, economic explanations in terms of labor movement are less explanatory than social and behavioral explanations. From the distinction between strategies adopted by households in their moving decisions, a conclusion was drawn that intra-metropolitan mobility is largely a process of social status enhancements or upward mobility. The analysis also conclude that the process of intra-metropolitan mobility associated with peri-urban growth in Jakarta may be partially explained by the macro structural changes in the metropolitan economy as the result of larger changes in the global economy over the last ten years. Dramatic changes in land utilization and values in Jakarta may reflect advanced capitalist system that characterizes the recent urban development process in Jakarta. Finally, this paper suggest that further research on peri-urban growth in Jakarta is needed. The research should be designed and directed toward a larger coverage and a more comprehensive analysis of micro as well as macro data on social, political, economic, and behavioral aspects of the population. This research is essential in order to formulate appropriate policies aimed at obtaining balanced distribution between resources and investments, on the one hand, and the population on the other. / Master of Urban and Regional Planning

Regionala skillnader i arbetslöshetsnivå : En ekonometrisk paneldatastudie om storstadsregioners kommunala arbetslöshet och dess förklaringsvariabler / Regional Differences in Unemployment rate : An Econometric panel data study of metropolitan regions’ municipal unemployment and its explanatory variables

Nielsen, Linnea, Sjöbring, Lovisa January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats har undersökt kommunal arbetslöshet i 22 kommuner, vilka är geografiskt anslutande till Sveriges tre storstadsområden – Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö. Uppsatsen har ämnat undersöka huruvida det föreligger signifikanta orsakssamband som påverkar kommunal arbetslöshet. Uppsatsen har även avsett undersöka om det finns tydliga skillnader i faktorer som påverkar arbetslöshetsnivån i de undersökta regionerna, samt förorts- och storstadskommuner emellan. För att besvara syftet har det i studien genomförts en regressionsanalys med paneldata för de undersökta kommunerna mellan åren 1996-2014. Förklaringsvariablerna, vilka ämnar förklara kommunal arbetslöshetsnivå, har varit kommunal inkomstskattenivå, medelårsinkomst, andel med minst tre års eftergymnasial utbildning, befolkningstäthet och andel utrikesfödda. Resultaten påvisar positiva samband för variablerna kommunal inkomstskattenivå, medelårsinkomst, befolkningstäthet och utrikesfödda, vilket innebär att när dessa faktorer förändras påverkas även kommunal arbetslöshetsnivå i motsvarande riktning. Den enskilda förklaringsvariabel som har ett negativt samband med arbetslöshet är andel med eftergymnasial utbildning, vilket innebär att när denna faktor förändras påverkas kommunal arbetslöshet i motsatt riktning. Resultaten visar skillnader i kommunal inkomstskattenivås påverkan på arbetslöshet storstads- och förortskommuner emellan, då storstadskommuner visar ett starkare sådant samband. Inga övriga skillnader i variablernas påverkan på arbetslöshet kan tydligt urskiljas ur resultaten. Den tydligaste skillnaden regionerna emellan är sambandet mellan utrikesfödda och arbetslöshet, vilket är positivt för Stockholmsregionen, men negativt för Malmö- och Göteborgsregionerna. Resultaten påvisar också skillnader i hur starkt variablerna kommunal inkomstskattenivå och andel med eftergymnasial utbildning påverkar arbetslösheten. Sambandet mellan kommunal inkomstskattenivå och arbetslöshet är starkast i Göteborgsområdet, i förhållande till övriga undersökta områden, och variabeln eftergymnasial utbildning har starkast påverkan på arbetslöshetsnivån i Malmöområdet, i relation till övriga två områden. / This thesis has examined the unemployment rate in 22 municipalities that are geographically connected to the metropolitan areas of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The aim has been to examine whether there are distinct differences in factors that effect the municipal unemployment rate. The thesis has also aimed to investigate distinct differences in municipal unemployment rate in suburban and metropolitan municipalities. A regression analysis of panel data between the years 1996-2014 has been estimated and the explanatory variables are level of municipal income tax, average annual income, proportion of individuals with a higher educational level of three years or more, population density and proportion of foreign born.   The results indicate positive relationships between the variables municipal income tax, average annual income, population density and foreign born, which means that whenever these factors alter – the municipal unemployment rate does so as well. The sole explanatory variable with a negative relationship to municipal unemployment rate is education, which means that if the level of education changes, the unemployment rate alters in the opposit direction. The results also indicate differences in how strongly the municipal income tax effect the unemployment rate in suburban and metropolitan municipalities, since metropolitan municipalities indicate a stronger relationship between this variable and the unemployment rate. Moreover, there are no clear differences in the variables’ effect on the municipal unemployment rate. The most distinct disparity between the three regions is the relationship between the proportion of foreign born and municipal unemployment rate, which solely is positive for the region of Stockholm and negative for the regions of Malmö and Gothenburg. The results also indicate differences in how strongly the variables of municipal income tax and level of education affect the unemployment rate. The relationship between municipal income tax and unemployment rate is most powerful in the region of Gothenburg, in comparison to the other two regions, and the variable of level of education effect the region of Malmö the most.

La démolition d'un grand ensemble en copropriété : une réponse urbaine à un problème de gestion ? : les Bosquets à Montfermeil (93) / Demolition of a condominium from the sixties : an urban answer to a management issue ? : les Bosquets in parisian suburb (France)

Le Garrec, Sylvaine 09 December 2010 (has links)
Alors que la démolition tend à s'imposer au sein de l'intervention publique sur le parc HLM des années 1950-1970, ce mode d'action commence aussi à être utilisé en réponse aux problèmes rencontrés par des tours et des barres en copropriété. On peut cependant se demander si les difficultés d'un grand ensemble en copropriété sont assimilables à celles d'un grand ensemble HLM et si la démolition ne prend pas un sens différent dans ce contexte particulier. Pour répondre à ces questions, cette thèse étudie l'une des premières copropriétés des trente glorieuses qui a fait l'objet d'une action publique et de démolitions : Les Bosquets à Clichy-sous-Bois/Montfermeil (93). En explorant l'histoire de cet ensemble immobilier, cette recherche montre que les problèmes qu'il a connus sont propres au statut juridique de la copropriété. Ils sont principalement dus à des difficultés de gestion, liées aux financements publics qui sont à l'origine de sa construction, à la conjoncture immobilière dans laquelle il a été livré et à des malfaçons juridiques. Or, cette dimension propre à la gestion n'a pas été prise en compte au sein de l'intervention publique déployée sur ce site depuis 1981. Celle-ci a transposé à la copropriété les schémas cognitifs et normatifs appliqués aux ensembles HLM de même typologie architecturale et urbaine. Privilégiant la démolition, les restructurations du bâti et la diversification du peuplement, l'action publique a aggravé les déséquilibres de gestion de la copropriété. Le relogement a constitué un nouveau facteur de fragilisation des trajectoires des ménages – en particulier des propriétaires occupants – déjà fortement pénalisés par les difficultés de la copropriété / While demolition of public rental housing projects from the 1960s and 1970s is an obvious public intervention nowadays, we are starting to witness a similar handling of condominium tower blocks. However, one may ask whether similar interventions for these two different housing types lead to different outcomes. To answer these questions, this thesis analyses one of the first condominium project from the Trente Glorieuses period (1945-1975) that was the target of such intervention : Les Bosquets located in Clichy sous Bois/Montfermeil (a Parisian suburb). Looking at the history of that housing complex, this research shows that the problems relate to the legal status of the joint ownership. These problems arose from management difficulties linked to the public financing that has permitted its construction, to the real estate circumstances of its delivery, and to juridical defects. It appears that this management dimension wasn't considered by the public intervention implemented at that site since 1981. Cognitive and normative patterns originally applied to moderate rental estates with similar architectural and urban typology were simply transferred to the condominium. Favouring demolition, redevelopments of the building, and diversification of residents, public interventions have aggravated imbalances in the management of the condominium. Rehousing has also participated in the weakening of the residential itineraries of the households (especially owner occupiers) already strongly penalised by the condominium's difficulties

Les discours ruraux, urbains et périurbains du cinéma québécois

Naud, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
Ce projet s’intéresse aux représentations que fait le cinéma des territoires et à la manière dont ces représentations reflètent des grands enjeux socio-spatiaux. L’espace cinématographique devient une clé d’entrée pour l’analyse géographique. Cette analyse porte plus particulièrement sur les représentations que fait le cinéma québécois contemporain des espaces urbains, ruraux et périurbains. Les récits et les représentations spatiales qui les composent se positionnent souvent sur les enjeux socio-spatiaux, produits par l’histoire nationale et les processus socioéconomiques. La proposition d’analyser les représentations cinématographiques en lien avec le contexte socioéconomique vise deux principaux objectifs conceptuels. D’une part, elle s’intéresse à une meilleure compréhension du façonnement des discours sur l’espace, en ce qui a trait à leur émergence et leur négociation. D’autre part, l’analyse vise une définition élargie des espaces ruraux, urbains et périurbains contemporains, en révélant la complexité et simultanément, la simplification dont ils font l’objet, ainsi que les enjeux qui leurs sont associés. Il s’agit d’exploiter la cinématographie québécoise comme un outil d’analyse qui permet de dévoiler la diversité des discours socio-spatiaux. Des approches quantitatives et qualitatives d’interprétation des discours sont jumelées pour réaliser une analyse complète. La méthode retenue est l’analyse critique du discours (ACD), qui tient compte des rapports idéologiques et vise à la dénaturalisation du discours. En quelques mots, l’analyse consiste en l’identification de relations entre les représentations spatiales et le contexte socioéconomique duquel elles ont émergé. Le cadre opérationnel est constitué d’un corpus de 50 films québécois réalisés entre 1980-2008, « lus » à l’aide d’une grille de lecture originale et analysés avec des méthodes d’analyse spatiale et statistique, combinées à une interprétation qualitative. L’analyse quantitative révèle que le monde urbain et le monde rural sont souvent mis en opposition. Les films font de Montréal le principal pôle urbain, tandis que le reste du Québec est associé au milieu rural. Influencées par les flux culturels et économiques globaux, les représentations montréalaises suggèrent une ville fragmentée et continuellement en mouvement. En opposition à ces représentations urbaines, les cinéastes envisagent l’espace rural comme étant exempt de travail, axé sur le chez-soi et doté d’un esprit communautaire. Il est suggéré que la ville, toujours en croissance, restreint les possibilités d’un développement communautaire fort. Face à une ville transformée par la globalisation et en perte d’authenticité, une forme de régionalisme est observée. Ce dernier associe un ensemble de valeurs à une communauté ou à un territoire, afin de se distinguer devant des forces globalisantes qui semblent homogénéiser les valeurs. Pourtant, l’analyse quantitative laisse voir des contradictions au sein de chaque entité géographique ou milieu. L’analyse qualitative permet d’approfondir l’interprétation et révèle sept grands discours sur les espaces urbains et ruraux. Sont notamment identifiés des discours sur la contestation de la modernité urbaine, sur la réappropriation du milieu de vie par les citoyens et sur un espace rural parfois brutal. Cette analyse amène à conclure que la diversité des discours s’explique par l’hétérogénéité des pratiques socio-spatiales, qui remettent en question l’idée d’un discours national homogène. Cela témoigne de l’évolution et la négociation des regards que nous posons sur nos espaces. Au final, cette thèse contribue à une meilleure utilisation du matériel cinématographique comme support d’étude géographique en proposant une approche méthodologique claire et originale. Sur un plan conceptuel, elle rappelle la complexité et le dynamisme des représentations territoriales québécoises, ainsi que les stratégies de négociation des cinéastes face aux enjeux socio-spatiaux vécus dans la province. / Fictional narratives help identify novel perspectives regarding both socio-spatial practices and perceptions of space. By extracting geographic data out of cinematic narratives, it is possible to investigate their relationship with major socio-spatial issues. This dissertation studies the territory of Quebec through its film production. More precisely, this research examines the way in which urban, rural and suburban areas are represented through Quebecois cinema. Narratives and spatial representations express values associated with the spaces and cultural practices produced by national development. The spatial representations under study offer, therefore, important insight into socio-spatial issues that are of concern to Québec society. The proposal to analyze cinematic representations in relation to the spatial practices has two main conceptual objectives. On the one hand, it is interested in developing a better understanding of the role of socio-spatial practices in shaping cinematographic representations. On the other hand, the analysis aims at elaborating a comprehensive definition of contemporary urban, rural and suburban areas, revealing their complexity and ongoing transformation. Thus, the goal is to deploy Quebec cinema as an analytical tool in order to identify the diversity of socio-spatial discourses. Quantitative and qualitative approaches to interpret discourses are combined for a comprehensive analysis. The chosen method is a critical discourse analysis (CDA), which takes account of ideologies and seeks the denaturalization of discourses. In a nutshell, the analysis involves the identification of relationships between observed spatial representations and the socio-economic context in which they are embedded. The empirical basis for this analysis is a corpus of 50 Quebec films produced between 1980 and 2008, analyzed by using a comprehensive reading grid. Spatial and statistical analysis as well as qualitative interpretation were used, in turn, to examine the resulting data. The quantitative analysis shows that urban and rural worlds are often set in opposition. In general, filmmakers associate urban space with Montreal, while the rest of Quebec is represented in relationship to rural spaces. Dominant representations of Montreal suggest a fragmented city, constantly in motion, and deeply influenced by global cultural and economic flows. In contrast to these globalizing urban representations, filmmakers propose rural areas free from work, focused on private space and community spirit. Accordingly, cinematographic discourses imply that ever increasing urbanization undermines community development. In light of this presumed loss of community, certain films mobilize the development of local identity. The latter links a set of values to a community or a territory in order to distinguish itself from the presumably homogenizing impact of globalization. Despite the presence of these overarching narratives, the quantitative analysis also reveals deep contradictions within each kind of territory. The qualitative analysis allows for further interpretation, revealing seven distinct territorial discourses in the films under study. These discourses challenge a fragmented view of the city, encouraging at times the reappropriation of the urban environment by citizens. Rural territories, on the other hand, are represented as violence and crisis-prone, while one can also obverse the emergence of discourses surrounding suburban areas. One is led to conclude that the diversity of discourses reflects a heterogeneity of socio-spatial practices, which in turn challenges the idea of one dominant discourse. This fine-grained analysis highlights a series of social negotiations that underpin the contemporary transformation of Quebec. Ultimately, this thesis contributes to a better use of film as a support material for geographic analysis, by offering a clear and original methodological approach. At a conceptual level, it demonstrates the complexity and dynamism of Québec territorial representations, as well as the legitimization strategies used by filmmakers to address the socio-spatial issues experienced in the province.

La publicisation des espaces agricoles périurbains : du processus global à la fabrique du lieu / Publicness process on suburban farmland : from the global scale to place construction

Clément, Camille 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de théoriser et d’opérationnaliser la notion de publicisation des espaces agricoles périurbains. Cette notion, encore peu courante en géographie, désigne tout processus qui transforme la nature d’espaces agricoles sous influence urbaine, les rendant plus publics. Ce processus, complexe, est composé de débats sur l’avenir des espaces agricoles périurbains et de pratiques spatiales qui illustrent leur multifonctionnalité (production, paysage, loisirs…). La première partie vise à théoriser la notion en construisant sa définition et une grille de lecture composée de cinq dimensions : juridique, sociale, politique, historique et économique. La deuxième partie décrit le processus par l’étude des débats qui ont lieu lors d’un projet d’Agenda 21 Local. L’objectif est de savoir si des débats qui débouchent sur des actions peuvent, en territoire périurbain, publiciser des espaces agricoles. Cette partie montre que la publicisation fluctue dans le temps et se matérialise dans des lieux agricoles. Dans une troisième partie, la publicisation est étudiée à l’échelle d’un territoire : la communauté de communes du Pays de Lunel. De l’analyse de ses projets politiques et associatifs, dont certains prévoient l’ouverture d’espaces agricoles au public, à l’analyse précise de six lieux du territoire, la publicisation est un phénomène pluriel. Une typologie de lieux agricoles périurbains publicisés rend compte de la diversité du processus: débats globaux et pratiques locales s’imbriquent dans la fabrique de lieux publicisés. Cette thèse débouche sur plusieurs perspectives de recherches pour éclairer les transformations à l’oeuvre dans les espaces agricoles périurbains. / This thesis aims to theorize and operationalize the publicness process of suburban farmland. This notion, still uncommon in geography, means any process that transforms the nature of farmland under urban influence, making it public. This complex process is composed of debates on the future of agriculture and of suburban spatial practices that illustrate theirmultifunctionality (agricultural production, landscape, leisure…). The first part aims to theorize the concept and its definition by constructing a theoretical framework in five dimensions: legal, social, political, historical and economic. The second part describes the process by studying the debates surrounding a project of Local Agenda 21. The objective is to know if discussions that lead to actions can, in suburban areas, result in publicness of suburban farmland. This section showsthat the publicness process fluctuates over time and is materialized in agricultural places. In the third part, the publicness process is studied at territorial scale: the Pays de Lunel municipalities group. We analyze its political and associative projects which include the opening of agricultural areas to the public. Then we study the composition publicness process in six places of the municipalities group. We conclude that the publicness process is a multi-faceted phenomenon. So we create a typology of suburban farmland places according to the publicness process. Finally, in the publicness process, global and local scales overlap in the construction of places. This thesis provides several research perspectives to illuminate the transformations taking place in suburban farmland.

Každodenní život matek s dětmi v suburbánní zóně a ve vnitřním městě / Everyday Life of Mothers with Children in Suburbs and in the Inner City

Tinková, Marie January 2012 (has links)
EVERYDAY LIFE OF MOTHERS WITH CHILDREN IN SUBURBS AND IN THE INNER CITY Abstract The aim of this thesis is to investigate the everyday life of mothers with children in the suburban zone and in the inner city, capture differences in the time-space mobility of mothers, depending on their place of residence and find out how these activities and habits differ in different types of residential enviroments. This monitoring and evaluation was based on the method of semi-structured interviews. For the research there were chosen localities Jesenice as a representative of new housing in the suburban area and Nova Harfa as a representative of new residential areas in the inner city.

Možnosti monitoringu a hodnocení procesu komerční suburbanizace na příkladu suburbánní zóny Prahy / Possibilities of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Commercial Suburbanization Process on the Example of Prague Suburban Zone

Koloušek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Possibilities of monitoring and evaluation of the commercial suburbanization process on the example of Prague suburban zone Abstract With a transition to the market economy, we can observe an entirely new phenomenon in the hinterland of Czech cities, which has significantly contributed to the transformation of the selected settlements. It is the commercial suburbanization process, which is characterized by a decentralization of the economic activities from the metropolitan cores. Selectivity of the commercial suburbanization process has resulted in its differential manifestation and consequences, which are not often beneficial for a suburban area. Despite the great influence of the process on landscape and population, there is a limited amount of literature dedicated to it, which is partly due to lack of appropriate data sources for its monitoring. The work aims to evaluate possibilities of the study of the process and to create a consistent and repeatable study method using available data sources. With this method a pilot study will be performed on the case of selected locality. Through this study, the suitability of the established method will be verified, but the results will be self-supporting and tell us about evolution, scope, form and the consequences of the process in the selected localities....

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