Spelling suggestions: "subject:"suicide gene therapy"" "subject:"suicided gene therapy""
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脳腫瘍の遺伝子治療水野, 正明, 吉田, 純, Mizuno, Masaaki, Yoshida, Jun 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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An Examination of Cytosine Deaminase plus 5-Fluorocytosine Suicide Gene Therapy In Combination With Cisplatin Chemotherapy For the Treatment Of Cancer / Suicide Gene Therapy of CancerNethercot, Victoria 08 1900 (has links)
Cancer is a disease characterized by complexity and unpredictability. Consequently, its treatment is difficult and all too often unsuccessful. Almost all cancers are treated with some combination of the traditional anti-cancer armamentarium: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Recently, however, gene therapy has emerged as a promising addition to this existing repertoire. Its application as a single agent, or in combination with other anti-cancer treatments is proving successful in both pre-clinical and clinical settings. In this work I have investigated the combination of a conventional chemotherapy drug, cisplatin, with a type of cancer gene therapy known as cytosine deaminase + 5-fluorocytosine suicide gene therapy. Suicide gene therapy is the intracellular conversion of non-toxic prodrug to its active form by a metabolic enzyme of non-mammalian origin. There are many established enzyme/prodrug combinations, but here the bacterial enzyme cytosine dearninase (CDA) was used to convert inert 5-fluorocytosine (5FC) to highly toxic 5-fluorouracil (5FU). Of the various vector systems for therapeutic gene delivery, adenoviral (Ad) vectors have proven particularly suitable for application to cancer. This work used a first generation adenovirus type 5 vector expressing the enzyme cytosine deaminase (AdCDA) cloned from E. coli. The combination of AdCDA/5FC with cisplatin was chosen because the combination of 5FU and cisplatin, both of which are used extensively in cancer treatment, has proven effective clinically and demonstrates synergy in vitro. This combination was evaluated in murine mammary carcinoma MTIA2 cells, human colorectal carcinoma HT29 cells, HT29pl4 cells, the photofrin resistant sub-line of HT29 cells, and murine melanoma Bl6/FIO cells. The classical clonogenic assay was used to evaluate this combination treatment since it provides an accurate indication of the effectiveness a cancer treatment will have in vivo. AdCDA infected MTIA2, HT29, and HT29pl4 cell lines exhibited a dose response to increasing concentrations of SFC that was significantly different from control vector infected cells. Similarly, uninfected cells demonstrated a dose response to increasing concentrations of cisplatin. The effect of the combination on clonogenic survival, administered in the sequence of a 48 h exposure to SFC followed by 1 h exposure to cisplatin, was greater than additive compared to the effect of the two treatments alone.
F10 cells exhibited a dose response to increasing concentrations of cisplatin. However, it could not be shown reproducibly that AdCDA infected FlO cells exhibited a dose response to SFC that differed significantly from control vector infected cells. Work with the FlO cells was inconclusive regarding the combination treatment, but it rendered information regarding the sensitivity of these cells to what is hypothesized to be an unidentified component present in some preparations of 5FC.
Evaluation of this treatment in vivo, using both murine and human tumor cell lines, will further define the potential of AdCDA/5FC + cisplatin as a clinically relevant cancer treatment. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Cell Death of Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Line Induced by Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase Gene and GanciclovirNishikawa, Masaya, Hayashi, Yasushi, Yamamoto, Noriyuki, Fukui, Takafumi, Fukuhara, Hirokazu, Mitsudo, Kenji, Tohnai, Iwai, Ueda, Minoru, Mizuno, Masaaki, Yoshida, Jun 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Verstärkung des bystander Effektes von Suizidgentherapeutika / molekularbiologische Charakterisierung von zellpermeablen HBV-TLM-Cytosin Desaminase FusionsproteinenHillemann, Annett 27 March 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einem neuartigen proteinbasierten, suizidgentherapeutischen Ansatz zur sicheren und effektiven Behandlung von soliden Tumoren. Verwendet wurden zellpermeable Fusionsproteine auf der Grundlage des bakteriellen Enzyms Cytosin Desaminase, welches spezifisch die Umsetzung der inaktive, nichttoxische Substanz (Prodroge) 5-Fluorcytosin in den hochwirksamen, stark toxischen Wirkstoff 5-Fluoruracil katalysiert. Dieser bewirkt die selektive Zerstörung von Tumorzellen. Durch die Fusion der bakteriellen Cytosin Desaminase (bCD) mit der Sequenz des Zellpermeabilität vermittelnden Peptides HBV-Translokationsmotiv (TLM) des Hepatits B-Virus (HBV) wurden zunächst zellpermeable E.coli Cytosin Desaminase Suizidfusionskonstrukte generiert. Für die bakteriell synthetisierten HBV-TLM-Fusionsproteine konnten eine Hexamerisierung sowie eine spezifische enzymatische Aktivität bei der Umsetzung von Cytosin zu Uracil als strukturelle und funktionelle Voraussetzungen für einen Einsatz in der Suizidgentherapie nachgewiesen werden, die vergleichbar mit dem wt-Protein waren. Bei Versuchen zur Internalisierung der zellpermeablen Fusionsproteine wurde für die Fusionsproteine mit C-terminal fusioniertem HBV-TLM (bCD-HBV-TLM) eine Aufnahme in das Zytoplasma von Hepatomzellen mittels konfokaler Laserscanmikroskopie und differentieller Zellfraktionierung nachgewiesen, nicht jedoch für Fusionsproteine mit N-terminalem HBV-TLM (HBV-TLM-bCD). Die gezeigte Internalisierung des Proteins HBV-TLM-bCD erfolgte effizient und schnell und war unabhängig vom endosomalen Aufnahmeweg. Bei der nachgewiesenen Translokalisation blieb die enzymatische, suizidgentherapeutische Aktivität des zellpermeablen Suizidproteins (HBV-TLM-bCD), d.h. die katalytische Wirkung bei der Umsetzung der Prodroge 5-Fluorcytosin vollständig erhalten, so dass sich dieses Fusionsprotein für einen therapeutischen Einsatz in der Suizidgentherapie eignet. Zusätzlich zur antitumoralen Wirkung können durch einen gezielten, lokal begrenzten therapeutischen Einsatz der vorgestellten zellpermeablen bCD-HBV-TLM-Fusionsproteine starke Nebenwirkungen, wie sie bei einer konventionellen Chemotherapie zu beobachten sind, weitgehend vermieden werden. / This work investigates the application of protein based therapeutic suicide enzyme/prodrug approaches providing novel means for both safe and effective local therapeutic regimes in solid tumors. The concept of the used suicide gene therapy system is based mainly on the transfer of the cell permeable bacterial suicide enzyme cytosine deaminase which specifically convert the inactive, non-toxic prodrug 5-fluorocytosine into the toxic metabolite 5-fluorouracil finally executing the efficient destruction of tumor cells. Employing a novel cell permeable peptide, known as the translocation motif (TLM) of hepatitis B virus (HBV), E.coli cytosine deaminase (bCD) suicide fusion proteins were generated. HBV-TLM fusion proteins formed hexamers (as do parental wt bCD) and retained the specific enzymatic activity of cytosine conversion to uracil also being comparable to parental wtbCD protein. However, only bCD-HBV-TLM fusion proteins, but not HBV-TLM-bCD fusion proteins were found to be taken up to the cytoplasm of target hepatoma cells as demonstrated both by confocal laser scanning microscopy and cell fractionation. Uptake of bCD-HBV-TLM worked both efficiently and rapidly and was found to be independent from the endosomal pathway. Since bCD-HBV-TLM fusion proteins completely retained their suicide enzymatic activity in the course of translocation across the plasma membrane their usage as profound inducers of chemo-sensitivity to 5-fluorocytosine strongly is suggested. Future therapeutic local application of cell permeable bCD-HBV-TLM fusion proteins together with a systemic 5-fluorocytosine prodrug application could result in profound antitumor activities without apparent side effects.
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Estudios de factores que condicionan la sensibilidad del tratamiento con TK/GCV. Diseño de estrategias combinadas para potenciar la citotoxicidad de TK/GCV: Silenciamiento de genes antiapópticos y virus oncolíticos armados con TKAbate-Daga, Daniel 17 April 2009 (has links)
El sistema TK/GCV es, problamente, la estrategia suicida mejor caracterizada hasta el momento. No obstante, se desconocen muchos aspectos relacionados con su mecanismo de acción. Con el objetivo de indentificar condicionantes de la respuesta TK/GCV, realizamos un estudio comparativo de la expresión de genes y de las vías de señalización que se activan en células sensibles y en células resistentes al tratamiento. Así, pudimos asociar la actividad de la quinasa Chk1, y la expresión de genes involucrados en el control del ciclo celular, con una mayor respuesta al sistema suicida. Así mismo, determinamos que la combinación de TK/GCV con el inhibidor de Chk1 UCN-01 produce un efecto antagónico en las células sensibles a TK/GCV. Por otro lado, la terapia combinada capaz de lisar las células e inducir muerte celular por fosforilación de GCV, en un único agente (ICOVIR11), resultó en una potenciación de sus efectos citotóxicos, permitiendo la compensación de la pérdida de potencia secundaria al uso de un promotor selectivo de tumor. Más aún, la expresión de TK como gen tardío de ICOVIR11,permitió la monitorización in vivo y de manera no invasiva, de la actividad TK y la replicación viral. / Although extensively characterized, the paradigmatic suicide system TK/GCV conceals the details of its ultimate mechanism of action. In order to shed some light on this issue, we conducted a series of experiments with resistant and sensitive cell lines, allowing us to identify cell cyclerelated genes that are deregulated in cells with induced resistance to TK/GCV. In addition, the association of Chk1 activation with a greater sensitivity to TK/GCV, pointed out the relevance of the cell cycle status at the moment of receiving the treatment, and its control in response to genotoxic insults. Treatment with a Chk1 inhibitor induced, in sensitive cells, an antagonistic effect on TK/GCV cytotoxicity. On the other hand, single-agent combination therapy of TK/GCV with adenoviral lysis resulted in enhanced cytotoxicity. In this setting the expression of TK as a late gene in an oncolytic adenovirus minimized the loss of potency associated to the conditioning of viral replication. On top of that, TK expression allowed for in vivo, real time, non-invasive monitoring of viral replication in mice, and was used to analyze the effects of treatment schedule on treatment outcome.
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Oncoleaking gene therapy: a new suicide approach for treatment of pancreatic cancerPahle, Jessica 17 July 2018 (has links)
Bakterielle Toxine stellen eine wirkungsvolle und effektive Alternative zur Therapie von Tumorerkrankungen dar. Das vom Clostridium perfringens Typ A produzierte Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) gehört zu der Gruppe der porenbildenden Toxine und weist eine rezeptorspezifische zytotoxische Wirkung auf, welche über die Membranrezeptoren Cldn3 und Cldn4 entfaltet wird. Diese liegen vor allem in Epithelialkarzinomen wie dem Brust-, Prostata-, oder Kolon-, sowie dem Pankreaskarzinom (PK) stark hochreguliert vor.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Anwendung des neuen selektiven und effizienten „Onkoleaking“ Suizid-Gentherapie Konzepts für die Behandlung von Cldn3 / 4 überexprimierender PK unter Verwendung eines nicht-viralen translations-optimierten CPE exprimierenden Vektors (optCPE). Weiterhin sollte in dieser Arbeit der genaue molekulare Mechanismus der CPE-vermittelten Zytotoxizität in vitro und auch in vivo analysiert werden. Für die in vitro Analysen wurden verschiedene humane PK Zelllinien, Patienten abgeleitete Xenotransplantate (PDX) und deren abgeleiteten Zellen bezüglich ihrer Cldn3 / 4 Expression und Sensitivität sowohl gegenüber rekombinantem CPE (rekCPE) als auch nach optCPE Gentransfer untersucht. Es konnte eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Effizienz CPE vermittelter Zytotoxizität und der Höhe der Cldn3 / 4 Überexpression gezeigt werden. Des Weiteren wurde die Verfügbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit der CPE Rezeptoren für die Toxinbindung als kritischer Faktor für die durch Porenbildung induzierte Zytotoxizität beschrieben. Auch eine detaillierte Analyse verschiedener apoptotischer und nekrotischer Signalwege und deren Schlüsselmoleküle waren vom besonderen Interesse. Von noch größerer Wichtigkeit war jedoch die Anwendbarkeit und der Nachweis der antitumoralen Wirksamkeit der optCPE-basierten Suizid-Gentherapie mit Hilfe des intratumoralen Jet-Injektion Gentransfers in verschiedenen Luziferase-exprimierenden CDX und PDX Modellen des PK. Alle in vivo Studien zeigten eine selektive optCPE vermittelte Verminderung der Tumorvitalität in Verbindung mit Nekrose, die in fast allen Fällen mit einer Reduktion des Tumorvolumens einher ging. Die tierexperimentellen Studien belegen damit die Effektivität der CPE-basierten Gentherapie im Pankreaskarzinom. Mit diesen neu gewonnenen Erkenntnissen zum „Onkoleaking“ Konzept der CPE Suizid-Gentherapie und deren Wirkungsmechanismen sind Kombinationen mit konventionellen Therapien möglich. / Bacterial toxins have evolved to an effective therapeutic option for cancer therapy and numerous studies demonstrated their antitumoral potential. The Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE), produced by the anaerobic Clostridium perfringes bacteria, is a pore-forming (oncoleaking) toxin, which binds to its receptors claudin-3 and -4 (Cldn3 / 4) and exerts a selective, receptor-dependent cytotoxicity. The transmembrane tight junction proteins Cldn3 and Cldn4 are known CPE receptors and are highly upregulated in several human epithelial cancers such as breast, colon, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. This study aimed at the evaluation of the potential of oncoleaking gene therapy using a non-viral translation optimized CPE vector (optCPE) as a new suicide approach for the treatment of Cldn3 / 4 overexpressing pancreatic cancer (PC)
in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrated the successful in vitro use of optCPE gene transfer in a panel of human PC cells and more importantly patient derived PC xenograft (PDX) derived cells. We showed significant reduction of cell viability in all Cldn3 / 4 overexpressing PC cells after optCPE transfection. Furthermore a positive correlation between CPE cytotoxicity and level of claudin expression was shown. We revealed accessibility of CPE receptors for toxin binding as determining for optCPE mediated cytotoxicity. Since investigation of optCPE induced cell death mechanism was of particular interest, detailed analyses of apoptotic and necrotic key players were performed. By this, caspase dependent- and independent apoptosis and necrosis activation after gene transfer was demonstrated, which was dependent on amount of expressed optCPE and accessibility of Cldn. More importantly, this study demonstrated the applicability and antitumoral efficacy of optCPE gene therapy by the non-viral intratumoral jet-injection gene transfer in vivo in different luciferase-expressing CDX and PDX pancreatic cancer models. The animal experiments demonstrated the selective CPE mediated tumor growth inhibition, associated with reduced tumor viability and effective induction of tumor necrosis. This further corroborated the advantages of this novel oncoleaking strategy. With this gain of knowledge about our new oncoleaking concept of suicidal gene therapy and its mechanism of action, novel combinations with conventional therapies are possible to further improve therapeutic efficacy and to overcome resistance in pancreas carcinoma.
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