Spelling suggestions: "subject:"supermarket"" "subject:"supermarkets""
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The Future of Food in SuburbiaKhalid, Sarah 15 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses resilience for the future of Canadian suburbs, through the lens of buildings and food, particularly against the backdrop of peak oil and climate change. Food access is an integral part of how a city sustains itself. There is growing evidence that the current global food system, the one
that feeds many cities today, is “broken” or at least at risk. It has, in the past, produced an abundance of food. It has also brought along a number of unintended consequences, has neglected to embed equitable distribution patterns, and when faced with peak oil and climate change, risks some form of collapse.
This thesis focuses on the food distribution question. It suggests a new food system model for the City of Mississauga that couples the region's local systems with global networks in a set of local/global relationships. The research portion of this work provides an overview of the dynamic historical and present relationship between food and city infrastructure, touches on the issues facing suburban resiliency today, and investigates the challenges facing the food retail industry. It then draws lessons from large-scale typologies of urban agriculture being proposed in recent years by architects and urban designers. This work, specifically at the design stage, identifies the suburban supermarket as a local catalyst for transformation.
Today, the City of Mississauga is not food secure – that is, it does not rely on a safe, adequate, sustainable, or appropriate food supply. This thesis investigates how local and sustainable food systems can be integrated into the urban fabric and systems sustaining suburbs today. It further seeks to build on existing conditions, and answer how the suburban big-box typology, preferred by retailers, can contribute to food security.
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The role of the perceived servicescape in a supermarket. : The case of ICA MAXI, Jönköping, Sweden.Maciejewska, Maria, Cicenaite, Egle January 2012 (has links)
As many buying decision are made in retail stores, it is interesting to investigate which factors, such as noise, lighting, music, colour, layout or visual communication have a significant influence on customers’ behaviour in a supermarket. Since only a few studies have been conducted among customers in Sweden, this paper examined their behaviour in the supermarket. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of the various environmental factors in the supermarket as well as how the perceived servicescape influences customers’ behaviour in the store. The research approach used was that of a single case study, based on survey instrument (personal interviews and electronic collection) in order to collect data on facets in regards to the perceived servicescape and customers’ behaviour in the supermarket. A supermarket chain – the ICA group, precisely ICA MAXI in Jönköping was used for this purpose. The collected data was analysed with the means of factor analysis and multiple regression methods in order to obtain factors that can influence customers’ behaviour in the supermarket. The conducted study showed that lighting, noise, colours, signs and symbols as well as space/function conditions such as layout and equipment are the factors that create emotionally pleasant environment in the supermarket. Thus, these factors influence customers’ moods, attitudes or certain beliefs about the supermarket. Moreover, customers may feel happier, more satisfied or relaxed in the supermarket, which lead to arousal – stimulation or excitement. Furthermore, the environmental factors explain the approach behaviour such as exploring the supermarket, spending more time on browsing the products which, consequently, refer to an increased number of items bought.
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Image measurement of four supermarket chains in Hong Kong /Li, Chʻi-hung. January 1983 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1983.
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Building a Data Mining Framework for Target MarketingMarch, Nicolas 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Most retailers and scientists agree that supporting the buying decisions of individual customers or groups of customers with specific product recommendations holds great promise. Target-oriented promotional campaigns are more profitable in comparison to uniform methods of sale promotion such as discount pricing campaigns. This seems to be particulary true if the promoted products are well matched to the preferences of the customers or customer groups. But how can retailers identify customer groups and determine which products to offer them? To answer this question, this dissertation describes an algorithmic procedure which identifies customer groups with similar preferences for specific product combinations in recorded transaction data. In addition, for each customer group it recommends products which promise higher sales through cross-selling if appropriate promotion techniques are applied. To illustrate the application of this algorithmic approach, an analysis is performed on the transaction database of a supermarket. The identified customer groups are used for a simulation. The results show that appropriate promotional campaigns which implement this algorithmic approach can achieve an increase in profit from 15% to as much as 191% in contrast to uniform discounts on the purchase price of bestsellers. (author's abstract)
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The Future of Food in SuburbiaKhalid, Sarah 15 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses resilience for the future of Canadian suburbs, through the lens of buildings and food, particularly against the backdrop of peak oil and climate change. Food access is an integral part of how a city sustains itself. There is growing evidence that the current global food system, the one
that feeds many cities today, is “broken” or at least at risk. It has, in the past, produced an abundance of food. It has also brought along a number of unintended consequences, has neglected to embed equitable distribution patterns, and when faced with peak oil and climate change, risks some form of collapse.
This thesis focuses on the food distribution question. It suggests a new food system model for the City of Mississauga that couples the region's local systems with global networks in a set of local/global relationships. The research portion of this work provides an overview of the dynamic historical and present relationship between food and city infrastructure, touches on the issues facing suburban resiliency today, and investigates the challenges facing the food retail industry. It then draws lessons from large-scale typologies of urban agriculture being proposed in recent years by architects and urban designers. This work, specifically at the design stage, identifies the suburban supermarket as a local catalyst for transformation.
Today, the City of Mississauga is not food secure – that is, it does not rely on a safe, adequate, sustainable, or appropriate food supply. This thesis investigates how local and sustainable food systems can be integrated into the urban fabric and systems sustaining suburbs today. It further seeks to build on existing conditions, and answer how the suburban big-box typology, preferred by retailers, can contribute to food security.
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[pt] Desenvolveu-se um modelo termodinâmico para cálculo do consumo
energético e do impacto ambiental (LCCP e TEWI) em sistemas de refrigeração
de supermercados para três diferentes configurações (expansão direta, fluido
secundário e em cascata). O modelo termodinâmico trabalha solidário com o
pacote de cálculo de propriedades REFPROP e determina diversos parâmetros de
funcionamento do ciclo de refrigeração, tais como o COP e a capacidade de
refrigeração. O modelo simula sistemas operando com substâncias puras ou
misturas delas, podendo estas ser azeotrópicas ou não-azeotrópicas. Procede-se a
uma análise do tipo BIN (Intervalo) a partir de informações climatológicas anuais
de cada cidade e ao cálculo do consumo anual de energia para cada intervalo
considerando-se o consumo do compressor, das bombas, se for o caso específico
da utilização de fluido secundário, e também o consumo energético dos
expositores frigoríficos. Realizou-se, também, uma análise da carga total
(inventário) do refrigerante no supermercado. Finalmente, conhecidos o consumo
energético anual, a massa total de refrigerante contido no sistema e estimativa de
seu vazamento anual, e outros fatores ambientais, procedeu-se ao cálculo do
LCCP (Life cycle climate performance) e do TEWI (Total equivalent warming
impact), em quilogramas equivalentes de CO2. Um programa computacional, com
interface baseada na plataforma Visual-Basic 6.0, com aplicações para Excel, foi
desenvolvido para a solução dos sistemas de equações resultantes do modelo
matémático desenvolvido. Os resultados obtidos com o código computacional
foram comparados com dados de campo e de outros modelos. / [en] A thermodynamic model was developed for the evaluation of energy
consumption and environmental impact (LCCP and TEWI) of supermarket
refrigeration systems operating in three different configurations (direct expansion,
secondary fluid and cascade). The model simulates refrigeration systems
operating with pure substances or a mixture (azeotropic or non-azeotropic) of
them. A BIN analysis is carried out taking into account year-round climate data
for each city and the annual energy consumption, in each time interval, of each
component: compressor, pumps, freezers and coolers. Refrigerant inventory was
also calculated. Finally, with the annual energy consumption, total refrigerant
charge, annual leakage estimate, environmental impact indicators LCCP (Life
cycle climate performance) and TEWI (Total equivalent warming impact), in
kilograms equivalent of CO(2), were calculated. A computational code, with
interface based on Visual Basic 6.0 platform, was developed for the solution of
the resulting systems of equations that form the mathematical model. Predicted
results were compared with field data and with data predicted from other models.
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Řízení zásob v prodejně / Stock Management in the StoreŠNOKHAUSOVÁ, Romana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is called "Stock Management in the Store". The main aim of the thesis is to determine the optimal size and composition of inventory assortment in the store. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretic and practic one. The first part was focused on stock management in the business unit. The selected store was characterized in the practical part. Subsequently, was selected five specific samples of goods selected assortment categories - meat products, dairy products, pasta and drinks. On these groups of products was accomplished optimization. This optimization was accomplished by analysis of selected products, Economic Order Quantity and Direct Product Profilitability.
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As marcas próprias como estratégia competitiva do varejo supermercadista : um estudo sobre a experiência brasileira recenteQuevedo, Ananda Barboza January 2011 (has links)
Acompanhando a evolução dos meios de comunicação, as marcas da indústria ganharam força e popularidade, conquistando a confiança dos consumidores. Assim, as marcas de fabricantes consolidaram-se durante o século XX, simbolizando qualidade e status. Enquanto a indústria fortalecia a imagem das suas marcas junto aos consumidores, o poder de negociação do varejo decaía. No entanto, durante a década de 1970 o varejo iniciou um processo de transformação. Sua consolidação e internacionalização contribuíram para o aumento do seu poder de barganha frente às grandes indústrias. Em razão dos grandes volumes negociados o grande varejo passou a ser o principal veículo de distribuição dos produtos fabricados pela indústria. Inicia então uma relação de rivalidade entre a indústria e varejo. Diversas estratégias foram colocadas em prática pelo varejo de alimentos com o objetivo de ganhar competitividade frente aos concorrentes. O desenvolvimento de marcas próprias merece destaque em função da sua abrangência e disseminação no mundo. Diante desse cenário, o trabalho propõe um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de marcas próprias, sob a perspectiva dos diversos agentes envolvidos: varejo supermercadista, indústria e consumidores. Logo, seu principal objetivo é apresentar informações atualizadas sobre o setor de marcas próprias no Brasil e no mundo, identificar os fatores que podem motivar ou restringir o seu desenvolvimento, analisar os possíveis efeitos e impactos da estratégia de marcas próprias sobre os seus agentes e identificar as forças competitivas envolvidas na indústria de marcas próprias. A Europa é a região onde as marcas próprias têm maior desenvolvimento e mantêm a sua participação consolidada no varejo. Um dos fatores que contribuem para a grande participação das marcas próprias no faturamento das redes supermercadistas instaladas na Europa é a alta concentração de mercado. Conforme as escalas sugeridas Bain (1968) e pelo governo dos Estados Unidos, no Horizontal Mergers Guidelines, de 1992, a concentração do setor supermercadista brasileiro calculada para o ano de 2010 é moderada. De acordo com último estudo de marcas próprias publicado pela Nielsen, a participação das marcas próprias representou 4.8% do faturamento das redes em 2010. Utilizando informações publicadas em trabalhos anteriores foram identificados os efeitos e impactos do desenvolvimento de marcas próprias, distinguidos como verticais e horizontais. Os impactos verticais envolvem os fornecedores, indústria e consumidores. Os impactos horizontais envolvem o varejista que desenvolve marcas próprias e as redes concorrentes. De acordo com literatura consultada foi possível identificar que os fatores motivadores para o desenvolvimento de rótulos privados são tão representativos para o varejo quanto para as empresas fabricantes. No entanto, em função do poder que as grandes redes exercem sobre a indústria, os reflexos negativos da estratégia de marcas próprias podem representar um risco muito maior para os fabricantes de marcas próprias do que para os varejistas. / Following the media evolution, industry brands gained strength and popularity, winning the confidence of its consumers. Manufacturer brands were consolidated during the twentieth century, symbolizing quality, reliability and status to its consumers. While the industry strengthened the image of their brands with consumers, the retail negotiation power crumbled. However, during the 1970s retailers began a transformation process. Their consolidation and internationalization have contributed to the increase in their bargaining power with large industries. Because of the large volumes traded the large retailers became the main distribution vehicle for products manufactured by the industry, starting a rivalry relationship between industry and retail. Several strategies were put in place by food retailing in order to gain a competitive edge against its competitors. The development of their own brands is noteworthy in light of its scope and spread throughout the world. In this scenario, the paper proposes a study on the development of private label brands, also called own brands, from the perspective of the various actors involved: retail, industry and consumers. Therefore, its main objective is to present updated information on the private label brands sector in Brazil and worldwide; to identify factors that may motivate or constrain their development, analyze potential effects and impacts of the own brands strategy on the actors and identify the competitive forces involved in the own brands industry. Europe is the region where private label brands have greater development and maintain their participation consolidated in the retail. One of the factors that contribute to the large share of private label brands in the revenues of supermarket chains based in Europe is the high market concentration. As the scales suggested by Bain, 1968 and the U.S. government, in the Horizontal Mergers Guidelines, 1992, the Brazilian supermarket sector concentration calculated for the year 2010 is moderate. According to the latest study on own brands published by Nielsen, the share of private label brands accounted for 4.8% of the chains revenues in 2010. Using data published in previous works we have identified the effects and impacts of the development of own brands, distinguished as vertical and horizontal. The vertical impacts involve suppliers, industry and consumers. The horizontal impacts involve the retailer that develops its own brands and competing chains. According to the literature, we found that the motivating factors for the development of private label brands are so representative for retail companies as they are for the manufacturers. However, due to the power that the major chains have on the industry, the negative effects of the strategy of own brands can represent a much higher risk for private label brands manufacturers than for retailers.
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Comportamento de compra do consumidor no varejo supermercadista: o caso de Mato GrossoVargas, Allyson Rodrigues 24 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-24 / Nowadays, studies of consumer behavior are of great relevance. Understanding the factors that lead consumers to choose a particular product or brand over others makes marketers continually seek answers to the needs of these consumers. This work aims to study the buying behavior of consumers in the food retail market of Mato Grosso, as a way of subsidizing business strategies for the sector. It was attempted through the Sheth; Newman; Gross model to identify the variables that influence the purchase decision of consumers. The methodology was grounded on two pillars, bibliographic studies and survey. The sampling was based on the probabilistic technique stratified by population and profile of the buyer of food. There were applied 385 valid questionnaires and the data handling was performed using the statistical package SPAD. The multivariate analysis using clustering identified six distinct groups of consumers: clear, economical, convenient, hedonic, new buyers and demanding. The identification of these groups allows supermarkets to develop and implement different strategies according to the characteristics of their chosen target audience. / Os estudos sobre o comportamento do consumidor são de grande relevância nos dias atuais. Entender os fatores que levam o consumidor a escolher determinado produto ou marca em detrimento de outros faz com que os profissionais de marketing busquem incessantemente respostas para atender as necessidades destes consumidores. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o comportamento de compra do consumidor de alimentos no varejo supermercadista de Mato Grosso, como forma de subsidiar estratégias empresariais para o setor. Buscou-se através do modelo de Sheth; Newman; Gross identificar as variáveis que interferem na decisão de compra destes consumidores. A metodologia alicerçou-se em dois pilares, estudos bibliográficos e survey. A amostragem se baseou na técnica probabilística estratificada pela população e pelo perfil do comprador de alimentos. Foram aplicados 385 questionários válidos e o tratamento dos dados foi realizado através do pacote estatístico SPAD. A análise multivariada, através de agrupamento identificou seis grupos distintos de consumidores: esclarecidos, econômicos, convenientes, hedônicos, novos compradores e exigentes. A identificação destes grupos permite que os supermercados elaborem e apliquem estratégias diferenciadas segundo as características do seu público-alvo escolhido.
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Estrat?gia de opera??es no varejo: um estudo sobre perfilar mercado, produto e opera??es no setor de supermercados / Operations strategy on retail: a study on profling market, product and operations on the supermarket sectorLima, Juaceli Ara?jo de 19 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / The objective of this Thesis is to investigate the strategic alignment between market end operations in the retail supermarket sector applying the concept product profiling by Hill (1993). To the developing was utilized a methodology of the cases study had were a evolvement if the action research into on of the RedeMais supermarkets. Through the interview, discussion and direct action became possible collect information necessary to direction this work, absorbing and understanding the methodology and thought form, action and management. This work contribute to development the create of the model adapted of the manufactory to service, the product matrix of the Hill, in which serve a tool to uncover the origins of misalignment that occur over time and to illustrate the phenomenon to executives gone support to decision / Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o alinhamento estrat?gico entre mercado e opera??es no setor varejista de supermercados, aplicando o conceito de perfilar produto de Hill (1993). Para o desenvolvimento, foi utilizado a metodologia de estudo de caso o qual houve um engajamento com a pesquisa de campo dentro de um dos supermercados da RedeMais. Atrav?s de entrevistas, discuss?es e atua??o direta tornou-se poss?vel ? coleta de informa??es necess?rias para direcionar o trabalho, absorvendo e entendendo a metodologia e forma de pensar, agir e administrar. Como contribui??o o presente trabalho desenvolveu a cria??o de um modelo adaptado da manufatura para servi?os, a matriz de perfilar produtos de Hill, o qual servir? como ferramenta para descobrir as origens dos desalinhamentos que vem ocorrendo ao longo do tempo nas empresas e para ilustrar o fen?meno aos executivos dando suporte na tomada de decis?o
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