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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reducing WIP Inventory of Production Line in AQ Segerström & Svensson AB

Yuvaraj, Vasanth Raj, Zhang, Sifei January 2013 (has links)
The major objective of present study is to find out the sources which cause higher Work in Process (WIP) in the production line. In which a detailed analysis is performed in the area of inventory, reorder point, Takt time, and Kanban. All the analyses are based on the data obtained from the company’s ERP system and have been used to run some scenarios during the analysis.Lots of problems are responsible to cause higher WIP. But current report only focuses and concentrates in leveling the work load, implementing pull system, suggesting reorder point and Takt time.The current situation is described through Value-stream Map (VSM) and the impact cost matrix is used to show the impact of each problem in the production line in terms of costs. In the analysis chapter, root cause method has been used in order to show the cause and effect of higher WIP. Detailed analyses together with explanations are listed by orders. Therefore, three major suggestions are proposed and the future VSM is plotted to show the effect and change of the suggestions which helps to improve the current situation by eliminating the waste.

Pull Production System Improvements : Pull Production System Improvements In GKN Driveline AB

Wang, Xiaoyan January 2012 (has links)
As the effort of today’s industries to continuously move towards lean production, pull production system has been developed as one possible solution of lean. It is popularly known in the industry world, and is indeed a proven technique to achieve substantial savings on inventory, production cost incurred by manufactures all over the world. However, a careful understanding of pull production systems is required to access its suitability to a particular production setup. It is necessary to develop a proper way to implement pull production systems.             This study is based on a real life scenario in a leading driveline manufacturing company. The production system is studied in detail as regard to its production characteristic. A theoretical review is first made as research foundation. A careful analysis study within the company is conducted with all the existing constrains to figure out improvement opportunities. Eventually, from the applicability point of view, proposals of future pull production system implementation have been developed. The objective of the proposals is to minimize the identified weaknesses of the current system, including long lead time, low flexibility and unconnected flow.

Walking the talk! Re-invigorating accessible healthy food retail as an anchor of urban livelihood: a shopping list for planners

Lennon, Michael 29 September 2015 (has links)
Between the 1970s and 2014, Winnipeg experienced dramatic change in the distribution of healthy food retailers in inner-city neighbourhoods. Winnipeg’s “active core” neighbourhoods identified through Dr. David Gordon’s research on Canadian suburbs (Gordon & Jean 2011), have undergone a decline in accessible healthy food options and a rise in food deserts. This practicum identifies the causes of food retail decline and possible strategies for improving accessible healthy food retail options within Winnipeg’s active core. The changes in the distribution of food retail over time in Winnipeg are displayed through a series of maps: one for 1971 and every five years thereafter until 2011, and the year 2014, using data collected through telephone directories. Spatial data of Winnipeg’s active core is compared with population density data, informational maps, and other statistical data. Finally, various stakeholders, including planners, current and former business owners and other experts are interviewed to discuss these trends, lessons learned, and possible solutions. / October 2015

Food trade issues and food purchasing decisions by consumers in china

Fan, Saina 21 September 2010 (has links)
This research includes two areas, with the first area focusing on supermarket food purchasing decisions by consumers in China. A probit model, using consumer food survey data indicates that supermarket food purchases are related to shopping habits, supermarket and food attributes, and demographics. This information should be helpful for those businesses attempting to market food within the Chinese supermarket supply chain. The second part of the study attempts to identify and analyze non-tariff barriers for food and agriculture, with a focus on China. These can include for example, import regulations, such as food safety regulations, food standards, labeling requirements, inspections, import licenses, and SPS (sanitary and phytosanitary conditions), and they are sometimes used by food importing countries to restrict imports. These results show that there are a number of significant non-tariff barriers regarding China – Canada food trade.

Factors that Impact Inventory Levels in a Supermarket System Supplying a Manufacturing Line

Dahlin, Hampus, Pihl, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to identify factors that have an impact on supermarket inventory levels that supply a manufacturing line and investigate how the impact of these factors can be controlled. In order to fulfill the purpose it was broken down into two research questions.   What factors have an impact on supermarket inventory levels supplying a manufacturing line? 2.      How can the impact of these factors be controlled? Method - To answer the research questions a literature study and a case study were conducted. The empirical findings from the case study and the literature study were used to find the answer to the first research question. The identified factors in the first research question were then analysed with the theoretical framework in order to answer the second research question. Different techniques have been used in order to collect necessary data including documentation studies, interviews, observations and basic training in the case company’s procurement system (GILM).   Findings - Total safety lead time, firm time and shortage impact were discovered during the case study. These factors were not to found during the literature study because they were specific parameters that are predetermined in the case company’s procurement system. Internal material handling and supermarket order quantity were factors also found during the case study. The identified factors are divided after which tool or method that can be used to gain control over the factor. Four different tools have been identified as solutions to gain control over the internal material handling. The factors that only have one identified tool as a solution are either case specific or not attentive in the theoretical framework as the other tools.   Implications - The identified factors from the literature study are considered as common factors that can be applied for companies that have a supermarket inventory. If manufacturing companies are facing problems with their supermarket inventory levels they can increase control by investigating the tools and methods presented in this thesis. Contributions - The factors that were identified during the case study have contributed with new discoveries in the field of study, since there is limited research done in this subject regarding supermarket systems.   Research limitations - More case studies could have been performed at similar companies, in order to investigate how generalizable the answers to both research questions are.

Food trade issues and food purchasing decisions by consumers in china

Fan, Saina 21 September 2010 (has links)
This research includes two areas, with the first area focusing on supermarket food purchasing decisions by consumers in China. A probit model, using consumer food survey data indicates that supermarket food purchases are related to shopping habits, supermarket and food attributes, and demographics. This information should be helpful for those businesses attempting to market food within the Chinese supermarket supply chain. The second part of the study attempts to identify and analyze non-tariff barriers for food and agriculture, with a focus on China. These can include for example, import regulations, such as food safety regulations, food standards, labeling requirements, inspections, import licenses, and SPS (sanitary and phytosanitary conditions), and they are sometimes used by food importing countries to restrict imports. These results show that there are a number of significant non-tariff barriers regarding China – Canada food trade.

Bringing the market 'back into' supermarket : creating a social hub for local communities : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Design at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Walters, Amie January 2010 (has links)
This design project addresses the contemporary supermarket chain, seeking to bring back to this typology the traditional sociality and dynamic qualities of the urban marketplace. In this sense to ‘bring back’ does not mean to restore time, but rather to provide the means for public engagement by establishing the supermarket as an active civic space. By negotiating between the micro-levels of everyday life and the macro-levels of culture and civic society, I propose to transform the supermarket into a communal ‘event-space’ by formulating a ‘kit of parts’ that is applied to the national supermarket chain New World – “the only local supermarket nationwide” – thereby establishing it as a viable, productive social hub. Encouraging health and wellbeing benefits through the rituals of cooking, dining, learning, communing and consuming, this sociocultural connection to the commercial environment also reinforces health research studies, which advocate a community-based approach toward producing the best outcome for upward mobility and community revitalization. The concept is developed through research into historical and contemporary models to a final proposal of a range of Communal Elements. These elements are adapted and applied to three site-specific locations around New Zealand within an urban, suburban and rural context. This new approach to land use, innovative partnerships, health planning and sensory-based design strategies instigates a radical revision of the role of the supermarket. The thesis proposes that this is not only fiscally viable but that it provides positive assets to communities and neighbourhoods as a global entity within a local reality. The project investigates ways in which spatial design can reconstruct quotidian consumption and public space, revising amenity infrastructure through site-specific interventions that draw on commensality, ix ABSTRACT “the exchange of sensory memories and emotions, and of substances and objects incarnating remembrance and feeling” (Seremetakis, 1994, p.225).

Avaliação de impactos de vizinhança gerados por supermercados em Ilha Solteira /

Fioroni, Márcio de Mattos. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: José Augusto de Lollo / Banca: Dib Gebara / Banca: Waldir José Gaspar / Resumo: O Estudo de Impactos de Vizinhança pretende relatar, como o próprio nome diz, os impactos causados na vizinhança gerados por determinada mudança ocorrida nesta, geralmente a instalação de uma determinada empresa ou empreendimento. Com a criação da Lei 10.257/2001 (Brasil, 2001), estabeleceram-se diretrizes oficiais para tratarem deste problema, indicando quais empreendimentos e quais impactos deveriam ser analisados. Até este período não existia nenhum padrão definido para este estudo, ficando a cargo dos poderes municipais estabelecerem tais critérios. Esta dissertação propõe uma sistemática de trabalho para ser usada em estudos de impactos de vizinhança gerados por supermercados, usando Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) como ferramenta de trabalho para apresentação de resultados, facilitando sua observação, análise e tomada de decisões. Outro objetivo é saber qual o tipo de influencia que o porte do empreendimento e da cidade exercem sobre estes impactos. Os resultados mostraram que o Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) é uma ótima ferramenta para o armazenamento, o tratamento e a recuperação de dados de forma ágil e segura, assegurando uma ótima visualização espacial das informações colhidas no campo / Abstract: The study of impacts of Neighborhood want to report, as the name implies, the impacts caused in the neighbourhood are generated by this particular change occurred, usually the installation of a particular enterprise or venture. With the creation of law 10,257/2001 (Brazil, 2001), official guidelines were established to deal with this problem, indicating which endeavors and what impact should be analyzed. Until this period there was no default set for this study, getting the position of municipal powers to establish such criteria. This thesis proposes a systematic work to be used in studies of neighbourhood impacts generated by supermarkets, using geographic information system (GIS) as a working tool for presentation of results, facilitating your observation, analysis and decision-making. Another goal is to know what kind of influences that the size of the enterprise and the city are about these impacts. The results showed that the geographic information system (GIS) is a great tool for the storage, treatment and recovery of data in an agile and secure, ensuring a great spatial visualization of information collected in the field / Mestre

Desenvolvimento de um sistema para compara??o de pre?os em supermercados na cidade de Te?filo Otoni

Teixeira, Os?as 04 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-13T17:30:54Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) oseas_teixeira.pdf: 4149839 bytes, checksum: 2b4605730c49d8c27867a0eac90f8d79 (MD5) / Rejected by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br), reason: inserir keywords no campo devido UFVJM n?o ? ag?ncia financiadora on 2018-04-20T14:58:34Z (GMT) / Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T18:14:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) oseas_teixeira.pdf: 4149839 bytes, checksum: 2b4605730c49d8c27867a0eac90f8d79 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-15T19:35:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) oseas_teixeira.pdf: 4149839 bytes, checksum: 2b4605730c49d8c27867a0eac90f8d79 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T19:35:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) oseas_teixeira.pdf: 4149839 bytes, checksum: 2b4605730c49d8c27867a0eac90f8d79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Diante do per?odo de crise econ?mica em que o pa?s se encontra o que se busca s?o pre?os baixos e ofertas promocionais. Ao se analisar os supermercados existentes na cidade de Te?filo Otoni - MG, p?de-se perceber que, apesar de divulgarem seus pre?os atrav?s de redes sociais como o Facebook, os principais meios pelos quais se faz essa divulga??o de pre?os de produtos e ofertas promocionais s?o an?ncios em r?dio e televis?o al?m de se utilizar banners e panfletos, os quais trazem consigo impedimentos no quesito facilidade de acesso ? informa??o. O objetivo desse estudo ? desenvolver um sistema para compara??o de pre?os em supermercados na cidade de Te?filo Otoni que, com base em uma lista de compras incrementada pelo pr?prio usu?rio, indique onde comprar cada item com o menor pre?o, bem como realizar uma compra ?nica com o melhor custo benef?cio, al?m de indicar promo??es em tempo real, tudo em prol da economia e facilidade ao realizar as compras. Levando em considera??o a dissemina??o da internet e a populariza??o dos smartphones, optou-se pelo desenvolvimento de um sistema web para compara??o de pre?os em supermercados. O banco de dados desse sistema possui informa??es de c?digos de barras de produtos comercializados no Brasil, com funcionalidades criadas para trazer economia e mitigar o tempo gasto em pesquisa de pre?os. Durante a fase inicial do projeto atentou-se para a parte visual do produto, investindo-se em interfaces intuitivas que por serem amig?veis e f?ceis de utilizar diminuem significativamente a curva de aprendizado, capazes de se adaptar a qualquer tipo de tela de dispositivos m?veis ou n?o. Foram aplicados algoritmos inteligentes capazes de otimizar o processo de busca e compara??o de pre?os, tornando a experi?ncia de uso bastante agrad?vel. ? v?lido lembrar que esse projeto contou com a experi?ncia de empres?rios donos de supermercados, os quais contribu?ram com informa??es relevantes agregando muito mais valor ? pesquisa. Ap?s a implementa??o do sistema e de v?rios testes realizados, observou-se que tal ferramenta ser? sim importante se inserida no contexto do objeto de estudo diante do per?odo de crise e recess?o que o pa?s enfrenta, trazendo vantagens financeiras tanto para o empres?rio que poder? dar mais visibilidade ao seu neg?cio quanto ao consumidor em agilidade, praticidade e economia no processo de compra. Durante os testes observou-se que o sistema de compara??o de pre?os em supermercados mostrou ser tamb?m uma ferramenta capaz de coletar informa??es de h?bitos alimentares dos usu?rios e varia??es de pre?os de alimentos, podendo essas informa??es serem ?teis para profissionais da ?rea da sa?de nutricional e ?rg?os estat?sticos como IBGE e DIEESE. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / Faced with the period of economic crisis in which the country is located, centralization and variety of products is not enough, now we are looking for low prices and promotional offers. When analyzing the existing supermarkets in the city of Te?filo Otoni - MG, despite spreading their prices through social networks such as Facebook, it can be seen that the main means by which product prices and promotional offers are advertised are radio and television advertisements, besides the use of banners and pamphlets, which carry with them impediments in the modus operandi, especially in the question of ease of access to information. The goal of this study is to develop a price comparison system in supermarkets in the city of Te?filo Otoni, which, based on a user-supplied shopping list, indicates where to buy each item with the lowest price, where to make a single purchase with the better costeffectiveness besides indicating promotions in real time, all for the sake of economy and ease when making purchases. Taking into account the spread of the internet and the popularization of smartphones, we opted for the development of a web system to compare prices in supermarkets. The database of this system has information of barcodes of products commercialized in Brazil, with features designed to bring savings and mitigate time spent on price research. During the initial phase of the project we looked at the visual part of the product, investing in intuitive interfaces, able to adapt to any type of screen of mobile devices or not. Intelligent algorithms capable of optimizing the search process and price comparison were applied, making the use experience quite pleasant. It is worth remembering that this project relied on the experience of entrepreneurs who owned supermarkets, who contributed with relevant information adding much more value to the research. After the implementation of the system and several tests carried out, it was concluded that such a tool will be important if inserted in the context of the object of study in the period of crisis and recession that the country faces, bringing financial advantages to both the entrepreneur who can to give more visibility to your business regarding the consumer in agility, practicality and economy in the process of purchase. During the tests, it was observed that the system of comparison of prices in supermarkets was also a tool capable of collecting information on users eating habits and variations in food prices, and this information could be useful for professionals in the area of nutritional health and organs such as IBGE and DIEESE.

A Study of the Functions Performed by Store Managers in Chain Supermarkets

DeHay, Jerry M. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this dissertation is concerned is that of determining the true role performed by the chain supermarket store managers. A comparative study is made of chain supermarket store managers, supermarket chain-level managers, and non-food chain retail store managers and their ranking and rating of the importance of fifteen work functions ordinarily performed by retail store managers. The hypotheses of the study state that there will be a statistically significant difference in the rankings and ratings of the importance of the work functions in each of the six paired comparisons between respondent groups. In comparing chain supermarket store managers to non-food chain retail store managers, there is a statistically significant difference in their ranking of the following work functions: (1) overseeing all forms of security and enforcing store rules, company policies, laws, and other regulations; (2) handling employee disputes and discipline and assuring proper appearance and dress; (3) directing merchandising-- space allocation and display--out-of-stock, pricing, stock rotation, etc.; (4) developing good community relations by participating in civic affairs, cooperating with charities, taking part in local business activities, etc.; and (5) scheduling number of hours and employees needed. When supermarket chain-level managers are compared with nonfood chain retail store managers, there is a statistically significant difference in the ranking of the following seven work functions: (1) interviewing, hiring, and discharging of employees; (2) handling employee disputes and discipline and insuring proper appearance and dress of employees; (3) directing merchandising--space allocation and display-- out-of-stock, pricing, stock rotation, etc.; (4) developing 3 good community relations by participating in civic affairs, cooperating with charities, taking part in local business activities, etc.; (5) scheduling number of hours and employees needed; (6) delegating responsibility and authority to subordinates by allowing them to make decisions within their assigned area of responsibility; and (7) maintaining company identification in the store by following through on company-wide programs and demonstrating and directing loyalty to the company.

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