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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagnóstico da logística reversa na cadeia de suprimentos de alimentos processados no oeste paranaense / Diagnostic of reverse logistics in the processed food supply chain of the State of Paraná?s West region

Chaves, Gisele de Lorena Diniz 02 February 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Gisele Chaves parte1.pdf: 10769 bytes, checksum: d6c0e51d01cfa006ec3636031420e83f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-02 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study analyzes reverse logistics in the processed food supply chain of the State of Paraná?s West region to systemize and identify its practices and strategic functions The relation between the agents: industry and supermarket of this chain is shown The gathered information and critical points minimize the problem of lack of data related to the reverse processes and allow the improvement and development of the activity Therefore the research method was the descriptive and applied survey It was used an interview structured by a questionnaire covering a population of 25 companies of the State of Paraná?s food industry and supermarkets for data collection After statistical analysis of the data it was pointed out as main results: a) the totality of food industries and the majority of the supermarkets analyzed manage returns but the responsibility for the returns is of the manufacturer; b) the nature of reverse logistics tends to be more conservative in the food industries and more liberal among supermarkets; c) the main strategic role reverse logistics plays in enterprises both in the industrial and retail sectors is that of satisfying customers; d) the main processes adopted by food industries are the disposal and recycling of returns while by supermarkets are the returns? disposal and donation; e) in general companies point out the inexistence of barriers for reverse logistics despite the absence of a measurement of the costs involved in the activity It is concluded that the relationship industry-supermarket is that of the type win-win in which both sectors have each well defined responsibilities and roles in the reverse logistics process and divide the inherent costs in this process It was noticed that the absence of specific and standardized procedures and the disinterest in improving the reverse flows management were present in most of the companies characterizing a deficiency in planning and managing the reverse logistics network Besides the lack of indicators that prove the activity?s cost/benefit relation contributes to the activity not to be considered a strategic element by the companies of this sector Reverse logistics should be reviewed and improved so that the service standards offered to customers can rise and be converted in competitive advantage for the companies / Este estudo analisa a logística reversa na cadeia de alimentos processados da região oeste do Paraná para sistematizar e identificar suas práticas e funções estratégicas A relação entre os agentes: indústria e supermercado desta cadeia está evidenciada As informações e pontos críticos levantados minimizam o problema da falta de dados relativos aos processos reversos e permitem o aperfeiçoamento e o desenvolvimento da atividade Para tanto o método de pesquisa foi o levantamento de caráter descritivo e aplicado Utilizou-se entrevista estruturada por questionário abrangendo uma população de 25 empresas da indústria de alimentos e supermercados paranaenses para coleta dos dados Após análise estatística dos dados apontou-se como principais resultados: a) a totalidade das indústrias de alimentos e a maioria dos supermercados analisados gerenciam os retornos mas a responsabilidade por eles é do fabricante; b) o caráter da logística reversa tende a ser mais conservador nas indústrias de alimentos e mais liberal nos supermercados; c) o principal papel estratégico que a logística reversa possui nas empresas tanto do setor industrial quanto do varejista é o de satisfazer os clientes; d) os principais processos reversos empregados pelas empresas da indústria são a disposição e reciclagem dos retornos e pelos supermercados são a disposição e doação dos mesmos; e) no geral as empresas apontam a inexistência de barreiras para a logística reversa apesar da ausência de mensuração dos custos envolvidos na atividade Conclui-se que o relacionamento indústria-supermercado é do tipo ganha-ganha em que os dois segmentos possuem bem definidos as responsabilidades e papéis de cada um no processo logístico reverso e dividem os custos inerentes a ele Constatou-se que a ausência de procedimentos específicos e padronizados e o desinteresse em aperfeiçoar o gerenciamento dos fluxos reversos estiveram presentes na maioria das empresas caracterizando uma deficiência em planejar e gerenciar a rede logística reversa Além disso a carência de indicadores que comprovem a relação custo/benefício da atividade contribui para que esta não seja considerada um elemento estratégico pelas empresas deste setor A logística reversa deve ser revista e melhorada para que os padrões de serviço oferecidos aos clientes se elevem e se convertam em vantagem competitiva para as empresas

O lugar dos supermercados na cidade: um estudo tipológico na avenida Rio Branco – Juiz de Fora / MG

Oliveira, Natália Maria Garcia de 15 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2016-08-15T12:15:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 nataliamariagarciadeoliveira.pdf: 10092980 bytes, checksum: 34a566f1e0e6252894af7d1b9bb7f50a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-08-15T13:38:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 nataliamariagarciadeoliveira.pdf: 10092980 bytes, checksum: 34a566f1e0e6252894af7d1b9bb7f50a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T13:38:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 nataliamariagarciadeoliveira.pdf: 10092980 bytes, checksum: 34a566f1e0e6252894af7d1b9bb7f50a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-15 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação é fruto de uma pesquisa sobre o tema comércio e cidade, com o foco nos supermercados, adotados como objeto de estudo empírico. A pesquisa foi motivada pelo seguinte problema: como os supermercados se inserem na cidade, do ponto de vista arquitetônico e urbanístico? Mais especificamente, buscou-se compreender as relações arquitetônicas e urbanísticas entre os supermercados e a cidade, a partir do estudo das inserções dos supermercados na avenida Rio Branco, na cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG. Embora os supermercados tenham diversas configurações, eles foram investigados de um ponto de vista tipológico, considerando-se as seguintes categorias de análise: história do lote, edifício no lote, volumetria, aspectos do entorno, acessos, fachada e comunicação visual. Tratou-se de uma investigação eminentemente de caráter exploratório e qualitativo, alicerçada pelas pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e empírica, que contemplou o estudo de quatro casos. Ao final, conclui-se que os supermercados seguem lógicas de inserção arquitetônica e urbana de acordo com seu formato, sendo influenciado pela dinâmica da cidade e também influenciando-a. Atualmente, são lugares de compras diárias, mas também de passeio e lazer, podendo ser entendidos como reflexos das demandas sociais e como um programa de relevância na cidade contemporânea. / This dissertation is product of a research about theme retail and city, with focus on supermarkets, adopts like empirical study object. The research was motivated by the following problem: How are supermarkets inserted in the city, under architectural and urban point of view? More specifically, it sought understand the architectural and urban relationships between supermarkets and city, as from study of supermarkets insertions at Rio Branco Avenue, in Juiz de Fora (Brazil). Nevertheless supermarkets have differents configurations, they was investigated under typological point of view, considering the following analyses categories: history lot, building on the lot, volumetry, aspects of environmental, access, façade and visual communication. This is investigation eminently with exploratory and qualitative character, based on bibliographical, documental and empirical research, with contemplated the study of four cases. At end, concludes which the supermarkets follow logics of architectural an urban insertion according their format, being influenced by city dynamic and also influencing it. Nowadays, thei are places for daily shopping, but also tour and leisure, it can be understood as reflections of social demands and as a relevant program in the contemporary city.

Novostavba polyfunkční budovy Brno, Sadová / Newly-built mixed-use building Brno, Sadová

Babáček, Jindřich January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is newly built multifunctional building that will be built in Brno. The part of Brno is called Sadová. The building will have five floors above ground and one underground floor. The underground floors will be used for car parking. The first floor will be located several shops. It will be hairdresser, florist's, supermarket and a cafeteria. Between the second and the fifth floor will be dwelling units. There will be 14 dwelling units with an area > 100 m2 and 8 dwelling units with an area

Optimisation of a pillow production line applying Lean principles

Fookes, William January 2010 (has links)
Manufacturing companies throughout the world are interested in reducing the time between a customer placing an order and them receiving the payment for that order. This premise is something that is a central characteristic for the Lean philosophy, and is one of the reasons to apply it. Today manufacturers around the world are embracing Lean techniques in order to reduce waste and increase productivity, and also increase the inventory turns, which reflects in an improvement of cash flow for the company. Nowadays, with all the financial turmoil, every company is looking forward to reduce the inventories, to work with Just in Time supply chains, to develop production systems that reduce the scrap and produce only what is needed, saving space, and freeing up time to work on new design and be at the edge of innovation in order to gain market share and keep improving. This master thesis is focused on implementing the Lean principles in a pillow production line, in order to achieve it, a series of techniques to assess the facility where implemented, which allowed to understand how the facility was working, where is the bottleneck, and to understand the function of it as a system, avoiding to focus on a single point but viewing it as a whole, where each part contributes in a specific and unique way, but where all of them are necessary. Applying Lean principles is a daunting task that takes a long time, a never ending trial and error process, because of this the goal of this study is to develop the bases for a Lean transformation, a schedule for the implementation will be developed and proposed to the company, after analyzing the facility. The study reveals that it is possible to reduce the lead-time of the facility in 60%, and avoid the backorders situation that is present in the company, improving also the service level.

Matbutikers hantering av mjölk och mjölksubstitut; spill och försäljningsstrategi / Milk and milk substitutes in supermarkets; food waste handling and sales strategies

Bratt Forss, Camilla, Strömberg, Karolina January 2018 (has links)
I dagsläget överproduceras och överkonsumeras mat, samtidigt slängs 30% av all mat som produceras i världen. Matproduktionen står för en stor del av världens miljöbelastning; främst genom animaliska produkter såsom kött och mejeriprodukter, och därför har ämnet blivit mycket omtalat. I samband med denna debatt har mjölksubstitut introducerats på marknaden. Målet med arbetet var att undersöka hur matbutiker i Stockholm arbetar med svinn och försäljning av mjölk och mjölksubstitut. En jämförelse gjordes mellan Arla Mellanmjölk, Alpro Soya och Alpro Mandeldryck. Datainsamlingsmetoden gjordes dels i kvantitativt format där siffror över försäljning och svinn samlades in, men även i kvalitativt format, i form av intervjuer med sex utvalda matbutiker. Det visade sig att svinnet för Arla Mellanmjölk, Alpro Soya och Alpro Mandeldryck var minimalt med anledning att det alltid finns efterfrågan på dessa produkter och att matbutikerna aktivt arbetar för att hålla svinnet lågt. Detta görs genom att ha ett välkalibrerat automatiskt beställningssystem som tar hand om majoriteten av butikens beställningar in, ha bra kylar i butiken, samt att regelbundet inventera butiken. De produkter som undersöktes ansågs inte behöva exponeras på något speciellt vis då de är basvaror som i princip säljer sig själva. Det är snarare ett problem att mjölksubstituten tar slut från centrallagret emellanåt när efterfrågan blir för stor. Matbutikernas primära mål är att driva ett lönsamt företag och ansträngningarna som görs sker på grund av ekonomiska fördelar. Likväl, även om minskat svinn görs med anledning att inte gå i förlust ekonomiskt blir utfallet detsamma och till fördel för miljön. Konsumenterna verkar tillsynes vara de som har mest makt i att förändra hur matbutikernas verksamhet bedrivs. Genom att välja mjölksubstitut framför mjölk kommer följaktligen miljöbelastningen från mjölkproduktionen att minska. / The food production and consumption today are excessive, while 30% of all produced food in the world goes to waste. Food production has a significant effect on the environment; primarily through animalistic products such as meat and dairy food, it is, therefore, a much-disputed subject. Milk alternatives have, as a reaction to this, been introduced on the market. This project aimed to examine how grocery stores in Stockholm handle food waste and sales of milk and milk alternatives. A comparison was made between Arla semi-skimmed milk, Alpro Soya and Alpro Almond. The data collection methods were both quantitively, as numbers of sales and waste were collected, but also qualitative, with interviews with six selected grocery stores. The food waste for Arla semi-skimmed milk, Alpro Soya and Alpro Almond was minimal as a result of constant demand for these products, and also the grocery stores active work to prevent food waste. This is accomplished through a well calibrated automatic ordering system that controls the majority of the store's orders. Additionally, new refrigerators and continuous inventory are also methods used to minimize the food waste. The grocery stores felt no reason to expose the selected products in any particular way since they are already well-known and gets sold without any effort. It is rather an issue that the demand for the milk substitutes is too high and the central warehouse has no supply. The grocery stores' primary goal is to conduct a profitable business, and when the stores put in an effort, the objective is the economic benefits. Nonetheless, even though the reduced food waste is a product of the grocery stores effort to minimize unnecessary economic losses, the outcome will be the same; a benefit for the environment. The consumers seem to have the most influence on how grocery stores conduct their businesses. By choosing a milk substitute over regular milk, the environmental impact from the production of milk will be reduced.


Lázaro García, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Master thesis carried out in collaboration with PS Retail, a retail design company from Jönköping, during the spring semester of 2022 as a part of the Industrial Design Master at Jönköping University. This project describes the process of design, development and construction of a module focused on the bread and bakery department in grocery stores for EveryDay Sweden, a partner of PS Retail. It consists of the development of a new versatile and contemporary assortment of displays that fit the interior of grocery stores, more specifically, for the bread and bakery department. Some of their approaches are to anticipate how supermarkets will evolve over time and design accordingly. In addition, they want the space to be comfortable for everyone, so some ergonomic factors are taken into account. Finally, their goal is to expand to other European markets, so both aesthetics and function must be considered. The final result is a module for bread storage and some proposals on how to fit in different environments. It works similar to a drawer, except that when the customer pulls it, the glass is lifted and the bread is exposed. In addition, the proposals represent how this module would look in different shapes and environments, depending on the capacity of the store.

CO2 Refrigeration withIntegrated Ejectors : Modelling and Field Data Analysis ofTwo Ice Rinks and Two Supermarket Systems

FEHLING, SIMON January 2021 (has links)
With the increasing importance of CO2 as natural refrigerant with low Global Warming Potential(GWP) ejectors have been used in a number of recent installations to recover expansion work atthe high operating pressures of these systems. In colder climates, this is particularly seen in combinationwith heat recovery due to the high compressor discharge pressures.This work analyses the field measurement data of two ice rink refrigeration systems with integratedvapor ejectors and two supermarket refrigeration systems with integrated liquid ejectors, alllocated in northern Europe. The aim is to evaluate the interaction of the ejector with the refrigerationsystem in practical applications. A theoretical model of the ejector systems is developed andevaluated in parallel as a reference for the analysed system installations.The model of the analysed vapor ejector system shows an increasing eciency improvement potentialby the ejector for higher gas cooler outlet temperatures, while the liquid ejector systemmodel indicates higher eciency improvement potential at relatively lower gas cooler outlet temperaturesand pressures.From the vapor ejector field data evaluation, this is confirmed with additional findings of lowejector work recovery eciencies at low gas cooler outlet temperatures. Furthermore, problemsin the ejector operation are found for too low evaporation temperatures in one of the systems. Inaddition, an unstable ejector control at certain operating conditions is linked to a decreasing ejectorperformance. While the ejector is found not to provide any significant savings in one of the systemsmainly due to low evaporation temperatures, the other ice rink system is found to achievetotal energy savings of 7% from the ejector.For the liquid ejector field data evaluation, the ejectors are found to work as expected for the purposeof removing liquid from the low-pressure receiver. However, overfed evaporation conditionsare only found temporarily for most cabinets in the analysed systems, with remaining high averagesuperheat values. Low required air supply temperatures in the cabinets and the dimensioning of theexpansion valves at the evaporator inlet are identified as possible limitations for a further decreaseof the superheat and increase of the evaporation temperature. / Med den ökande betydelsen av CO2 som naturligt köldmedium med låg global uppvärmningspotential(GWP) har ejektorer använts i ett antal nya installationer för att återvinna expansionsarbetevid de höga drifttrycken i dessa system. I kallare klimat är detta särskilt vanligt i kombination medvärmeåtervinning på grund av de höga utloppstrycken i kompressorerna.I detta arbete analyseras fältmätdata från två kylsystem för isbanor med integrerade ångejektoreroch två kylsystem för livsmedelsbutiker med integrerade vätskeejektorer. Samtliga system finns inorra Europa. Syftet med studien är att utvärdera ejektorns samverkan med kylsystemet i praktiskatillämpningar. En teoretisk modell av ejektorsystemen utvecklas och utvärderas parallellt som referensför de analyserade systeminstallationerna.Modellen för det analyserade ångejektorsystemet visar att potentialen för e ektivitetsförbättringgenom ejektorn ökar vid högre utloppstemperaturer för gaskylare, medan modellen försystemet med vätskeutkastare visar att potentialen för e ektivitetsförbättring ökar vid relativt lägreutloppstemperaturer och tryck för gaskylare.Detta bekräftas i utvärderingen av fältdata från ångejektorsystemen som vid låga utloppstemperatureri gaskylaren samtidigt ger låg e ektivitet för ejektorn. Dessutom noteras problemmed ejektorns funktion vid för låga förångningstemperaturer i ett av systemen. En instabilstyrning av ejektorn vid vissa driftsförhållanden leder vidare till en minskad ejektore ektivitet.Medan ejektorn inte ger några betydande besparingar i det ena systemet, främst på grund av lågaavdunstningstemperaturer, har en total energibesparing på 7% från ejektorn hittats i den andra isbanan.När det gäller utvärderingen av fältdata för vätskeejektorer konstateras att ejektorerna fungerar somförväntat för att avlägsna vätska från vätskeavskiljaren. För de flesta kyldiskar i de analyseradesystemen syns dock bara kortvarigt flödad tillstånd i förångrarna, och i övrigt en kvarvarande höggenomsnittlig överhettning. Låg erforderlig tilluftstemperatur i kyldiskarna och dimensioneringenav expansionsventilerna vid förångarens inlopp identifieras som möjliga begränsningar för enytterligare minskning av överhettningen och en ökning av förångningstemperaturen.

Optimizing Energy System in a Supermarket : A case study analysis

Josefsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
With more restrictions regarding the use of refrigerants with high GWP-values, refrigeration systems that uses R744 (Carbon dioxide) as a refrigerant increases. Supermarkets are energy intense facilities where the refrigeration system utilize a significant part of the total utilized energy. Heat recovery have been proven beneficial and reduces the total energy utilization for the building.  This master thesis evaluates an existing R744 refrigeration system with heat recovery, for the purpose to find an optimal system configuration and control strategy that minimizes the operational costs. Today the refrigeration system uses a water-cooled condenser/gas cooler that during the period from February to November 2021 consumed 8 194 m3 of cooling water, that resulted in high water costs for the supermarket. With the development of a model that takes historical data as input can different system configurations and control strategies be tested and compered to the historical analysis of the existing refrigeration system. Four system configurations with different heat recovery solutions were evaluated.  The result of this study shows that the operational cost can be reduced by 31% (55 400 SEK) with a control strategy that adapts the discharge pressure to the facility’s heating demand. With maximized heat recovery the condenser/gas cooler load decreases and therefore the cooling water flow decreases too. With an additional heat exchanger in the supermarkets ventilation exhaust duct can the water consumption further be reduced, compared with similar system without an additional heat exchanger. The additional heat exchanger reduced the cooling water consumption by 1 400 m3 for the investigated period and reduced the total operational cost by 9 800 SEK. However, it is recommended to first apply the control strategy that adapts the discharge pressure to the heating demand, and from there evaluate the benefits of a heat exchanger in the exhaust duct. / Med ett allt strängare regelverk angående användandet av köldmedier med höga GWP-värden, ökar antalet kylanläggningar som använder R744 (Koldioxid) som köldmedium. Livsmedelsbutiker är energikrävande där kylsystemen är en stor del av den totala energimängd som nyttjas. Studier visar att värmeåtervinning för dessa system kan med fördel användas för att minska energianvändningen i fastigheten.  Detta masterexamensarbete utvärderar en befintlig R744-kylanläggning med värmeåtervinning, i syfte att finna en optimal systemkonfiguration och styr-strategi som minimerar driftkostnaderna. Idag används en vattenkyld kondensor/gaskylare som under perioden februari till november 2021 förbrukade 8 194 m3 kylvatten, vilket resulterade i höga vattenkostnader för butiken. Genom att utveckla en modell som använder historisk mätdata som indata kan olika systemlösningar och styr-strategier testas och jämföras med analysen av det befintliga kylsystemet. Fyra systemkonfigurationer med olika grad av värmeåtervinning utvärderades. Studiens resultat visar att driftkostnaderna kan reduceras genom att anpassa kylsystemens högtryck till fastighetens värmebehov. Genom att maximera värmeåtervinningen minskar nyttjandet av kondensorn/gaskylaren och därmed flödet av kylvatten. Med en extra värmeväxlare i butikens frånluftskanal kan vattenförbrukningen reduceras ytterligare jämfört med liknande system utan denna värmeväxlare. Dock rekommenderas att initialt nyttja en styrstrategi som anpassar högtrycket efter värmebehov, för att sedan utvärdera fördelarna med en värmeväxlare i ventilationens frånluftskanal.

Dominance effects from local competitors: setting institutional parameters for employment relations in multinational subsidiaries; a case from the Spanish supermarket sector

Royle, Tony, Ortiz, L. January 2009 (has links)
No / Dominance effects are normally associated with multinational corporations (MNCs). However, we argue that a strong local competitor can create ‘dominance effects’ setting the institutional parameters for employment relations in multinational subsidiaries. Moreover such an effect can be persistent. In this case the Spanish-owned El Corte Inglés (ECI) used its power and influence to establish an employer's federation and two ‘yellow unions’. These yellow unions infiltrated the French-owned MNC Carrefour and most of the Spanish supermarket sector by the early 1980s and continue to dominate collective bargaining rounds and works council elections, marginalizing the main independent trade unions. This has resulted in poor pay and working conditions and a lack of effective employee representation across most of the Spanish supermarket sector. The fact that Carrefour established an international framework agreement to observe union rights in 2001 has as yet not changed this situation.

The Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Food Applications : The Perspective of Swedish Supermarkets / Användning av Livscykelanalys i Livsmedelsapplikationer : Perspektivet från Svenska Stormarknader

Azimova, Irina January 2024 (has links)
Global food production places significant demands on the environment, contributing to climate change and environmental degradation. The transition to sustainable production and consumption systems is therefore critical in meeting the food demands of growing populations while preserving the ecosystem. Supermarkets, as intermediaries between suppliers and consumers, play an important role in promoting sustainable consumption. However, their profit-driven nature has frequently stifled genuine change. The use of tools, such as life cycle assessment (LCA) has recently boomed in the food industry to help combat negative effects of food production. However, the complexity and variability of food production, as well as the tools’ technopolitical considerations, complicate their application to the food value chain, requiring a critical approach. The thesis explored the intersection of these two topics, specifically the sustainability initiatives of Swedish supermarkets and the role of the life cycle perspective in them. The study found that the life cycle perspective does not currently play a significant role in Swedish supermarkets’ sustainability initiatives, with applications primarily limited to generic carbon footprint data. Furthermore, supermarkets were found to promote a weak model of sustainable consumption, with their transformative potential limited by consumer demand and the desire for profit. Nonetheless, the findings revealed a shift in retailer attitudes relative to previous research, with greater recognition of their responsibility and sustainability initiatives in procurement. While more comprehensive and drastic approaches are required for the long-term transformation of the food value chain, shared initiatives and increased standardisation show promise in bringing actors together to achieve this goal. / Den globala livsmedelsproduktionen ställer stora krav på miljön och bidrar till klimatförändringar och miljöförstöring. Övergången till hållbara produktions- och konsumtionssystem är därför avgörande för att möta den växande befolkningens efterfrågan på livsmedel samtidigt som ekosystemet bevaras. Stormarknader, som mellanhänder mellan leverantörer och konsumenter, spelar en viktig roll för att främja hållbar konsumtion. Deras vinstdrivande natur har dock ofta hämmat verklig förändring. Användningen av verktyg som livscykelanalys (LCA) har på senare tid ökat kraftigt inom livsmedelsindustrin för att bekämpa negativa effekter av livsmedelsproduktionen. Men livsmedelsproduktionens komplexitet och variabilitet, liksom verktygens teknopolitiska överväganden, komplicerar deras tillämpning på livsmedelsvärdekedjan och kräver ett kritiskt förhållningssätt. Avhandlingen undersökte skärningspunkten mellan dessa två ämnen, särskilt svenska stormarknaders hållbarhetsinitiativ och livscykelperspektivets roll i dem. Studien visade att livscykelperspektivet för närvarande inte spelar någon betydande roll i svenska stormarknaders hållbarhetsinitiativ, med tillämpningar som främst är begränsade till generiska koldioxidavtrycksdata. Dessutom visade det sig att stormarknaderna främjar en svag modell för hållbar konsumtion, där deras omvandlingspotential begränsas av konsumenternas efterfrågan och önskan om vinst. Resultaten visade dock på en förändring i återförsäljarnas attityder i förhållande till tidigare forskning, med ett större erkännande av deras ansvar och hållbarhetsinitiativ inom upphandling. Även om det krävs mer omfattande och drastiska tillvägagångssätt för en långsiktig omvandling av livsmedelsvärdekedjan, är gemensamma initiativ och ökad standardisering lovande när det gäller att föra samman aktörer för att uppnå detta mål.

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