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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustentabilidade além da fronteira empresarial : proatividade e articulação na cadeia de suprimentos

Alves, Ana Paula Ferreira January 2014 (has links)
A introdução efetiva da sustentabilidade em empresas exige ações que extrapolam os limites organizacionais, abarcando o ambiente interorganizacional. Dessa maneira, as empresas deixam de ser consideradas isoladamente e passam a ser analisadas de acordo com suas cadeias de suprimentos, compostas por organizações que contribuem para o alcance dos mesmos objetivos de desempenho. Nesse sentido, uma cadeia de suprimentos é considerada mais sustentável quando insere as dimensões econômica, ambiental e social em suas operações, nas estratégias e na tomada de decisão, possuindo bons níveis de desempenho em tais dimensões. A adoção de práticas de sustentabilidade em cadeias de suprimentos pode ser analisada em um contínuo, formado por dois extremos: a resposta reativa e proativa. Nesse contexto, a proatividade de práticas sustentáveis pode ser definida como a adoção de ações, realizadas voluntariamente por empresas, com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho ambiental e o desempenho social, além das exigências legais. A empresa proativa afirma sua preocupação e seu compromisso com a sociedade e o ambiente natural, em que está inserida. Diante dessas considerações, tem-se a premissa dessa pesquisa: a postura proativa de empresas em relação a práticas sustentáveis estimula melhor articulação com os elos de sua cadeia de suprimentos, o que colabora para a introdução da sustentabilidade nessa cadeia. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a contribuição da articulação de uma empresa proativa com seus elos para a introdução da sustentabilidade na sua cadeia de suprimentos. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, distribuída em duas etapas (exploratória e descritiva), envolvendo uma empresa focal proativa e parceiros de sua cadeia de suprimentos. Ressalta-se que, em virtude da complexidade e da extensão de cadeias de suprimentos, optou-se por analisar a cadeia à montante, isto é, foram entrevistados colaboradores da empresa focal (Mercur S.A.) e de empresas fornecedoras (LKC Transportes; PAMF Indústria e Comércio de Confecções; Caeté Embalagens; e, Artecola Química). Primeiramente, foi analisada a proatividade de práticas sustentáveis da Mercur. Os resultados indicam que a Mercur pode ser considerada uma empresa proativa, em função da implantação total de 37 ações em prol da sustentabilidade ao core business da organização e da implantação parcial de seis práticas. Em segundo lugar, investigou-se a articulação e o relacionamento da empresa proativa com os elos de sua cadeia de suprimentos. Verificou-se que os entrevistados consideram que os elos estão em processo de integração. Diante disso, pode-se observar que existem diferentes níveis de articulação na cadeia de suprimentos, envolvendo a Mercur e seus fornecedores. Em seguida, averiguou-se a existência de práticas sustentáveis ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos estudada, as quais foram descritas a partir de cinco categorias de análise (orientação estratégica, continuidade da cadeia de suprimentos, colaboração, gestão de risco, proatividade). Incentivos foram identificados para que práticas pró-sustentabilidade passem a ser concebidas e implantadas por todos os membros da cadeia, colaborando para um desenvolvimento mais sustentável. Nessa perspectiva, diante dos resultados encontrados, assume-se que a premissa de pesquisa foi confirmada, uma vez que a postura proativa de práticas sustentáveis da Mercur estimula maior articulação com os parceiros de sua cadeia de suprimentos, contribuindo para a inserção da sustentabilidade nessa cadeia. Entretanto, a articulação da Mercur com os parceiros também pode incentivar que posturas proativas em benefício da sustentabilidade sejam incorporadas pelas empresas da cadeia de suprimentos. / The effective introduction of sustainability in business requires actions that go beyond organizational boundaries, encompassing the inter-organizational environment. Thus, companies are no longer considered individually; they are analyzed according to their supply chains, composed by organizations that contribute to the achievement of the same performance goals. A supply chain is considered more sustainable when it enters the economic, environmental and social dimensions in their operations, strategies and decision making, possessing good levels of performance on these dimensions. The incorporation of sustainability practices in supply chain can be analyzed in a continuous, formed by two extremes: reactive and proactive response. The sustainable proactivity can be defined as the adoption of actions, performed voluntarily by companies, in order to improve the environmental and social performance beyond legal requirements. A proactive company states its concern and commitment to society and the natural environment in which it operates. Given these considerations, this research premise is: the proactive approach of companies towards sustainable practices encourages better integration with the partners in their supply chain, which contributes to the incorporation of sustainability in the supply chain. In this context, this research aims to analyze the contribution of proactive company integration with its partners to the introduction of sustainability in their supply chain. Therefore, a qualitative research was performed, composed by two phases (exploratory and descriptive), involving a proactive focal company and its supply chain partners. It is emphasized that, because of the complexity and the extent of supply chains, we chose to analyze the upstream chain, i.e., focal company (Mercur S.A.) and supplier firms (LKC Transportes; PAMF Indústria e Comércio de Confecções; Caeté Embalagens; and Artecola Química). The employees of these companies were interviewed. First, it was analyzed the proactivity of sustainable practices of Mercur. The results indicate that Mercur can be considered a proactive company, due to the full adoption of 37 actions for sustainability in the core business of the organization and the partial implementation of six practices. Secondly, it was investigated the integration and the relationship of a proactive company with its supply chain partners. It was found that the interviewees consider that the supply chain is in process of a complete integration. Thus, it can be observed that there are different levels of integration in the supply chain, involving the Mercur and their suppliers. Thirdly, it was examined the existence of sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. These practices were described considering five categories of analysis (strategic orientation, supply chain continuity, collaboration, risk management, and proactivity). Incentives were identified for the design and the implementation of sustainable practices by all supply chain members, contributing to a more sustainable development. From this perspective, given the results, it is assumed that the research premise was confirmed, since the proactive sustainable practices Mercur encourages greater integration with partners in the supply chain, contributing to the sustainable supply chain. However, the integration of Mercur with partners can also encourage that proactive practices in favor of sustainability be incorporated in the supply chain.

The value of supply chain integration in the Latin American agri-food industry: trust, commitment and performance outcomes

Ramirez, Manuel Jesus, Roman, Ivonne Eliany, Ramos, Edgar, Patrucco, Andrea Stefano 01 January 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Purpose: This paper aims to explore the antecedents and performance outcomes of supply chain integration in the agri-food industry in Latin America, a context that the literature on supply chain management has not extensively addressed. The quinoa supply chain, an industry that has encountered a boost in market demand in the past year, is selected as the unit of analysis. Supply chain integration dynamics are analyzed to provide recommendations about integration strategies and benefits in the agricultural sector. Design/methodology/approach: A conceptual model was designed in this study, which includes the drivers (i.e. trust and commitment) and outcomes (i.e. operational and economic performance) of supply chain integration. The relationships were verified through a unique survey, the data of which were collected from 79 respondents operating at different levels of the Peruvian quinoa supply chain (i.e. suppliers, producers and customers). The proposed hypotheses were tested through the partial least squares (PLS) regression. Findings: The results underscore the relevance of trust and commitment as enablers of supply chain integration initiatives in the agri-food industry. These factors are particularly essential for involving the farmers who are the most upstream actors in the supply chain and characterized by unstructured organizations. A high level of integration in these types of supply chain enhances the capacity to improve operational performance, which in turns positively affects the main economic indicators. Originality/value: This study contributes to the discussion of supply chain integration in the agri-food industry, which remains unexplored thus far. It relies on a multitier collection of responses, which is extended to all the levels of the quinoa supply chain, thereby providing the study with a unique depth of analysis. Furthermore, this work contributes to the ongoing discourse on the performance impact of supply chain integration, which several SCM scholars have recently questioned. / Revisión por pares


Romualdo Novais, Luciano 03 June 2019 (has links)
[ES] La Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro se define como un conjunto de acciones que permiten a las empresas gestionar, planificar y controlar sus operaciones como una forma de facilitar la colaboración entre los miembros de la Cadena de Suministro. Para ser más eficaces y eficientes, las empresas están cada vez más dispuestas a rediseñar sus estrategias de Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro y a adoptar prácticas de gestión. Esta tesis doctoral analiza cómo se interrelacionan algunas variables relacionadas con la eficacia y la eficiencia en la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro, y el posible impacto de estas interrelaciones en los resultados empresariales. Específicamente, profundizamos en las relaciones entre Cloud Computing, Integración de la Cadena de Suministro, Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro, Personalización en Masa y Lean Production (que son variables asociadas con la eficacia y eficiencia de la Cadena de Suministro) y su papel en los resultados empresariales. En esta tesis, inicialmente consideramos dos factores importantes para conseguir eficacia y eficiencia en la Cadena de Suministro. Así, un primero factor estaría formado por la interrelación entre el uso de Cloud Computing, un nuevo paradigma en la interpretación de las Tecnologías de la información, y la Integración de la Cadena de Suministro. Bajos niveles en este factor permitirán a las empresas conseguir sus objetivos (ser eficaces) pero empleando muchos más recursos (menos eficientes) que altos valores en este factor. Un segundo factor recoge la interrelación de la Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro y la Personalización en Masa. De forma similar al factor anterior, bajos niveles en este factor estarían asociados a una menor eficiencia (aun siendo eficaces), mientras que altos niveles, estaría asociados a una alta eficiencia. Ambos factores son consideradas en esta tesis, en primer lugar, de forma aislada, mediante revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura que permiten identificar qué se sabe en la literatura sobre la relación existente entre las variables que conforman cada factor. En segundo lugar, en esta tesis, se realiza un análisis explicativo en que se considera el efecto de Lean Production, y su relación con cada uno de los factores, lo que estaría asociado a unos altos niveles de eficiencia en la Cadena de Suministro, y se analiza cómo el efecto conjunto de Lean Production y cada uno de los factores (variables) consideradas afecta a los resultados de la empresa. Finalmente, en esta tesis se consideran todas las variables de forma conjunta (ambos factores y el efecto de Lean Production, actuando sobre los resultados empresariales), en un modelo holístico que utiliza la simulación para analizar el comportamiento del modelo. El valor de esta tesis es que académicos y gerentes de negocios pueden tener evidencia de apoyo sobre el papel que juegan Cloud Computing, Integración de la Cadena de Suministro, Flexibilidad de la Cadena de Suministro, Personalización en Masa y Lean Production, vinculadas operativa y estratégicamente, y cómo esta combinación podría transformarse en un mejor desempeño empresarial. El mejor conocimiento de estas relaciones puede afectar la manera en que investigadores y directivos abordan estos recursos de gestión, siendo más conscientes del importante papel de la Cadena de Suministro en la competitividad. Este trabajo se diferencia de los aportes anteriores por proporcionar enfoques teóricos y empíricos de las posibles interrelaciones entre las variables antes mencionadas. Los resultados de este estudio, por lo tanto, podrían ser muy útiles en el diseño de futuros esfuerzos de investigación en esta área. / [CA] La Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament es defineix com un conjunt d'accions que permeten a les empreses gestionar, planificar i controlar les seues operacions com una manera de facilitar la col·laboració entre els membres de la Cadena de Subministrament. Per a ser més eficaços i eficients, les empreses estan cada vegada més disposades a redissenyar les seues estratègies de Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament i a adoptar pràctiques de gestió. Aquesta tesi doctoral analitza com s'interrelacionen algunes variables relacionades amb l'eficàcia i l'eficiència en la Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament, i el possible impacte d'aquestes interrelacions en els resultats empresarials. Específicament, aprofundim en les relacions entre Cloud Computing, Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament, Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament, Personalització en massa i Lean Production (que són variables associades amb l'eficàcia i eficiència de la Cadena de Subministrament) i el seu paper en els resultats empresarials. En aquesta tesi, inicialment considerem dos factors importants per a aconseguir eficàcia i eficiència en la Cadena de Subministrament. Així, un primer factor estaria format per la interrelació entre l'ús de Cloud Computing, un nou paradigma en la interpretació de les Tecnologies de la informació, i la Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament. Baixos nivells en aquest factor permetran a les empreses aconseguir els seus objectius (ser eficaços) però emprant molts més recursos (menys eficients) que alts valors en aquest factor. Un segon factor recull la interrelació de la Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament i la Personalització en massa. De forma similar al factor anterior, baixos nivells en aquest factor estarien associats a una menor eficiència (fins i tot sent eficaces), mentre que alts nivells, estaria associats a una alta eficiència. Tots dos factors són considerades en aquesta tesi, en primer lloc, de forma aïllada, mitjançant revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura que permeten identificar què se sap en la literatura sobre la relació existent entre les variables que conformen cada factor. En segon lloc, en aquesta tesi, es realitza una anàlisi explicativa en què es considera l'efecte de Lean Production, i la seua relació amb cadascun dels factors, la qual cosa estaria associat a uns alts nivells d'eficiència en la Cadena de Subministrament, i s'analitza com l'efecte conjunt de Lean Production i cadascun dels factors (variables) considerades afecta als resultats de l'empresa. Finalment, en aquesta tesi es consideren totes les variables de forma conjunta (tots dos factors i l'efecte de Lean Production, actuant sobre els resultats empresarials), en un model holístic que utilitza la simulació per a analitzar el comportament del model. El valor d'aquesta tesi és que acadèmics i gerents de negocis poden tindre evidència de suport sobre el paper que juguen Cloud Computing, Integració de la Cadena de Subministrament, Flexibilitat de la Cadena de Subministrament, Personalització en massa i Lean Production, vinculades operativa i estratègicament, i com aquesta combinació podria transformar-se en un millor acompliment empresarial. El millor coneixement d'aquestes relacions pot afectar la manera en què investigadors i directius aborden aquests recursos de gestió, sent més conscients de l'important paper de la Cadena de Subministrament en la competitivitat. Aquest treball es diferencia de les aportacions anteriors per proporcionar enfocaments teòrics i empírics de les possibles interrelacions entre les variables abans esmentades. Els resultats d'aquest estudi, per tant, podrien ser molt útils en el disseny de futurs esforços d'investigació en aquesta àrea. / [EN] Supply Chain Management is defined as a set of actions that allow companies to manage, plan and control their operations as a way to facilitate collaboration between Supply Chain members. To be more effective and efficient, companies are increasingly willing to redesign their Supply Chain Management strategies and adopt management practices. This doctoral thesis analyses how some variables related to effectiveness and efficiency in Supply Chain Management are interrelated, and the possible impact of these interrelations on business performance. Specifically, we delve into the relationships between Cloud Computing, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Flexibility, Mass Personalization and Lean Production (which are variables associated with the effectiveness and efficiency in the Supply Chain) and their role in business performance. In this doctoral thesis, we initially considered two important factors to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in the Supply Chain. A first factor would be the interrelation between the use of Cloud Computing, a new paradigm in the interpretation of Information Technologies, and Supply Chain Integration. Low levels in this factor will allow companies to achieve their goals (be effective) but using many more resources (less efficient) than high values in this factor. A second factor is the interrelationship of Supply Chain Flexibility and Mass Personalization. Similar to the previous factor, low levels of this factor would be associated with lower efficiency (even if effective), while high levels would be associated with high efficiency. Both factors are considered in this thesis, in the first place, in an isolated way, by means of systematic literature reviews that allow identifying what is known in the literature about the existing relation between the variables that conform each factor. Secondly, an explanatory analysis is made in which the effect of Lean Production is considered, and its relation with each one of the factors, which would be associated with high levels of efficiency in the Supply Chain, and it is analysed how the joint effect of Lean Production and each one of the factors (variables) considered affects business performance. Finally, this thesis considers all variables together (both factors and the effect of Lean Production, acting on business performance), in a holistic model that uses simulation to analyse the model's behaviour. The value of this doctoral thesis is that academics and business managers can have supporting evidence on the role played by Cloud Computing, Supply Chain Integration, Supply Chain Flexibility, Mass Personalization and Lean Production, operationally and strategically linked, and how this combination could be transformed into better business performance. The better knowledge of these relationships can affect the way researchers and managers approach these management resources, being more aware of the important role of the Supply Chain in competitiveness. This work differs from previous contributions in that it provides theoretical and empirical approaches to the possible interrelations between the variables mentioned above. The results of this study, therefore, could be very useful in the design of future research efforts in this area. / This doctoral thesis has been developed thanks to the support of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) of Brazil and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Research Project ECO2015-65874-P. / Romualdo Novais, L. (2019). CLOUD COMPUTING, SUPPLY CHAIN INTEGRATION, SUPPLY CHAIN FLEXIBILITY AND MASS PERSONALIZATION: INTERRELATIONSHIPS WITH LEAN PRODUCTION AND PERFORMANCE [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/121460 / TESIS

Information Technology and the Supply Chain Integration: A Business Executives' Context

Martinho, José Luís, Gomes, Carlos F., Yasin, Mahmoud M. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Despite the abundance of research dealing with the impact of supply chain management on today's organisations, such research tended to emphasise discreet relationships. A cross-sectional sample of Portuguese organisations is used to test several hypotheses pertaining to organisational resources, competencies, different levels of supply chain integration and organisational performance. Based on the findings, the impact of information technology infrastructure flexibility exhibited mixed results on the constructs studied. Executive information technology competencies tended to positively influence the different types of supply chain integration. Internal integration was found to have a direct influence on organisational performance. Such internal integration is being encouraged by external entities including customers and suppliers. In this context, more integration might lead to more effective organisational performance. Therefore, it is concluded that organisations should integrate their resources, processes and in the process encourage effective utilisation of information.

Supply chain integration i förlagsbranschen

Johansson, Erik, Lindh, Andreas, Rogarn, Klara January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på digitaliserade kommunikationslösningar inom en leveranskedja för magasin samt de möjligheter som uppstår vid integrering inom leveranskedjan. Vårt tillvägagångssätt var att undersöka leveranskedjan för ett förlag lokaliserat i Sverige. Datainsamlingsprocessen baseras på en metod av att intervjua sex olika parter från leveranskedjan för magasin. De som intervjuats har olika positioner bland olika företag inom leveranskedjan och presenteras anonymt i vår studie. Studien visar att leveranskedjan för magasin har kommit långt med att integrera men att det fortfarande finns utrymme för förbättringar. När det gäller digitalisering fann vi att parterna inom leveranskedjan mest använder standardkommunikationsverktyg som mail och telefoner men att automatiseringsprocesserna har börjat och är på väg att implementeras. Inom leveranskedjan har organisationerna utvecklat en pålitlig och öppen kommunikation vilket skapar möjlighet för integration i leveranskedjan. / This study focuses on digitalized communication solutions within a supply chain and the opportunities that arises when creating a more integrated supply chain for magazines. Our approach was to examine the supply chain for a magazine publisher based in Sweden. The data gathering process was based on a method of interviewing six different party representatives from the supply chain for magazines. The interviewees all hold different positions within different companies and are made anonymous in our study. The study shows that the supply chain for magazines has already come a long way in integrating but still there is room for improvement. When it comes to digitalization, we found that they mostly use standard communication tools between the parties such as email and phones but the automation processes has started and is on its way of being implemented. Within the supply chain the organizations have developed a trusting and transparent communication and have the possibility of integrating the supply chain.

Framework For Cost Modeling A Supply Chain

Yousef, Nabeel 01 January 2006 (has links)
Researchers are interested in value chain analysis to identify the different opportunities for cost savings. The literature have been narrow in scope and addressed specific problems; however none has addressed the need for a general framework that can be used as a standard template in the supply chain cost management and optimization, though Dekker and Goor (2000) said that the goal was to develop a model that would allow direct comparison of specific activities between firms, such as warehousing activities costs. There was no indication in the literature of a cost model that can identify all costs and cost drivers through the supply chain. Some firms built models to analyze the effect of changes in activities but only with limited activities such as logistics. The purpose of this research is to create a general framework that can express the cost data for the partners of the supply chain in similar terms. The framework will layout the common activities identified within the firm and the relationship of these activities between the partners of the supply chain, and the framework will identify the effect of changes in activities on other partners within the supply chain. Cost information will help in making decisions about pricing, outsourcing, capital expenditures, and operational efficiency. The framework will be able to track cost through the chain, which will improve the flexibility of the supply chain to respond to rapidly changing technology. The framework will help in developing product strategy paradigms that encompass the dynamics of the market, in particular with respect to the technology adoption lifecycle.

Sustainable Supply Chains: Multicriteria Decision-Making and Policy Analysis for the Environment

Woolley, Trisha D. 01 February 2010 (has links)
It is believed that the critical next step from examinations of operations and the environment is the study of sustainability and supply chains (Linton, Klassen, and Jayaraman (2007)). Environmental quality and preservation as well as meeting the stress of emission reductions is rapidly becoming an important issue for public policy (Wilkinson, Hill, and Gollan (2001)). However, Lambertini and Mantovani (2007) note the disregard, unrelated to regulatory requirements, of research practitioners to the potential benefits of appropriate competition policy measures and consumer pressures (Srivastara (2007)). In addition, a firm’s success, notably, in terms of financial and/or environmental practices, has been tied, in part, to the strength of its ability to coordinate and integrate activities along the entire supply chain (Spekman, Kamauff Jr., and Myhr (1998)), and to effectively implement multicriteria decisionmaking tools to aid in their strategic decisions. I present five essays in this dissertation. For each model I utilize the theory of variational inequalities, derive the formulation, present qualitative properties, and provide numerical examples. The first essay develops the multitiered sustainable supply chain network model with multicriteria decision-making. In the second essay I construct a modeling and computational framework that allows for the determination of optimal carbon taxes applied to electric power plants in the context of electric power supply chain (generation/distribution/consumption) networks. The third essay considers electric power supply chain networks and develops a model of tradable pollution permits in the case of multiple pollutants and spatially distinct receptor points. In the fourth essay, I quantify and assess, from a system-optimized sustainable supply chain network perspective, the environmental effects resulting when a horizontal supply chain integration occurs. In the fifth and final essay, I extend the work of Nagurney (2009) to the multiproduct supply chain network domain to quantify the impacts. This dissertation is heavily based on the following papers: Nagurney, Liu, and Woolley (2006), Nagurney, Liu, and Woolley (2007), Woolley, Nagurney, and Stranlund (2009), Nagurney and Woolley (2009) and Nagurney, Woolley, and Qiang (2009).

Analysing supply chain integration through a systematic literature review: a normative perspective

Kamal, M.M., Irani, Zahir January 2014 (has links)
Yes / This paper aims to focus on systematically analysing and synthesising the extant research published on supply chain integration (SCI) area, given the significance of SCI research area. More specifically, the authors aim to answer three questions: “Q1 – What are the factors (e.g. both driving and inhibiting) that influence SCI?”, “Q2 – What are the key developments (e.g. both in research and industry) in SCI area?” and “Q3 – What are the approaches employed/discussed to integrate supply chains?”. Over the past decade, SCI has gained increasing attention in the supply chain management (SCM) context, both from the practitioners’ perspective and as a research area. In realising the global transformations and competitive business environment, a number of organisations are collaborating with their supply chain (SC) partners, to conduct seamless SC operations. A systematic and structured literature review is carried out to observe and understand the past trends and extant patterns/themes in the SCI research area, evaluate contributions and summarise knowledge, thereby identifying limitations, implications and potential directions of further research. Thus, to trace the implementation of SCI practices, a profiling approach is used to analyse 293 articles (published in English-speaking peer-reviewed journals between 2000 and 2013) extracted from the Scopus database. The Systematic Review Approach proposed by Tranfield et al. (2003) was followed to analyse and synthesise the extant literature on SCI area. The analysis presented in this paper has identified relevant SCI research studies that have contributed to the development and accumulation of intellectual wealth to the SCI and SCM area. Each of the 293 papers was examined for achieving the aim and objectives of the research, the method of data collection, the data analysis method and quality measures. While some of the papers provided information on all of these categories, most of them failed to provide all the information, especially for Q2 and Q3 that resulted in 23 and 21 papers, respectively. This study would have benefited from the analysis of further journals; however, the analysis of 293 articles from leading journals in the field of operations and SCM was deemed sufficient in scope. Moreover, this research has implications for researchers, journal editors, practitioners, universities and research institutions. It is likely to form the basis and motivation for profiling other database resources and specific operations and SCM-type journals in this area. This systematic literature review highlights a taxonomy of contextual factors driving and inhibiting SCI for researchers and SC practitioners to refer to while researching or implementing SCI. It also exemplifies some areas for future research, along with the need for researchers to focus on developing more practical techniques for implementing SCI and improving organisational performance. The prime value and uniqueness of this paper lies in analysing and compiling the existing published material in relation to Q1, Q2 and Q3, including examining other variables (such as yearly publications, geographic location of each publication, type of publication, type of research methods used), which lacks in the recent published five SCI literature review-based articles (by Kim, 2013; Leuschner et al., 2013; Alfalla-Luque et al., 2013; Parente et al., 2008; Fabbe-Costes and Jahre, 2007). This has been achieved by extracting and synthesising existing publications using “Supply Chain Integration” keyword. This paper provides a critique of the conceptual and empirical works in SCI discipline and offers research agendas that can stimulate future researchers to carefully explore the topic.

On understanding of external and internal integration in supply chains : challenges and evaluation

Hulthén, Hana January 2016 (has links)
Benefits of implementing Supply Chain Integration (SCI) are acknowledged in existing integration literature. Integration extending beyond functional silos and firm boundaries is expected to provide value for customers in terms of higher quality, improved service level, and reduced costs.In addition, internal integration allows business functions to align around a single company goal. This type of integration promotes value creation while decreasing redundancies and costs. Yet, regardless of the significant advances in research and practice, many organizations still experience difficulties not only to integrate activities with supply chain partners, but they also struggle to integrate activities within an organization, for example, through implementation of a sales and operations planning (S&OP) process. To tackle these challenges, organizations may need to reconsider why and how they integrate both internally and externally. However, the previous integration research provides only limited guidelines for how to carry out such evaluations. Many organizations experience difficulties in addressing the complexity related to integration and evaluation of activities internally and with SC partners. The lack of concrete guidelines for evaluation of SCI in theory is seen as one of the reasons for the still sporadic examples of successful SCI in practice. Thus, the overall purpose of this research is to increase understanding of external and internal integration in supply chains. To address the purpose, three studies (1-3) have been conducted. The study 1 highlighted the current status and several SCI challenges in academic literature and in practice. One of the major challenges relates to the absence of a systematic comprehensive approach for evaluation of internal and external integration. To contribute to closing of this gap, study 2 was conducted to develop a context based framework for evaluation of external integration. Finally, the subsequent study 3 aimed to develop a framework for evaluation of the S&OP process. Concerning the SCI challenges, this research contributes to previous integration literature by confirming some existing challenges but also by identifying additional challenges. Related to challenges of external integration, a set of contextual factors are identified which were observed to challenge the establishment of an appropriate level of external integration with SC partners. As a result a misfit occurs between the contextual factors and applied level of external integration. Additionally, reasons for the misfits were identified and discussed. Associated with the challenges of S&OP process, this thesis adds to existing fragmented literature on the S&OP process evaluation challenges by synthesizing and extending the existing knowledge. A framework has been developed which is founded on two key areas of process performance – S&OP process effectiveness and efficiency, and on various maturity levels of the process. Although several challenges were found for each maturity level, some challenges were observed occurring across more levels. Moreover, in this research, a context based framework for evaluation of external integration is proposed. The framework extends the previous SCI frameworks. It is founded on contextual factors which were considered by the studied cases when integrating with their SC partners. Furthermore, the factors were observed to promote establishment of an appropriate level of external integration. Each level consists of identified external integration activities. The thesis further contributes to the S&OP performance research by addressing the lack of process oriented frameworks for evaluation of the process performance. The proposed framework of measuring the S&OP process performance considers the five major steps of the process and their outputs as well as the output of the entire process. To reflect the process performance measures, the framework structures and defines effectiveness and efficiency measures and their relation to the process performance. The framework also conforms to the majority of the criteria for designing of appropriate performance measures. Finally, the major results of the thesis are synthesized and a framework is suggested of external integration and its effect on S&OP process performance. The framework considers the identified contextual factors, appropriate levels of external integration, and the S&OP performance measures the integration can have effect on. The thesis also discusses, alongside with the theoretical contributions, how the developed frameworks can support managers in evaluating their supply chain integration practices. Additionally, several opportunities for future research are outlined.

Le rôle de l'intégration de la supply chain et de la modularité de prestation de services dans le développement de la capacité de personnalisation de masse en santé : le cas de la MAIA / The role of supply chain integration and modular service provision in the development of mass customization capability in a healthcare context : the case of MAIA

Guan, Wei 12 December 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le contexte de la santé en France, dans lequel la prise en charge de la population croissante des usagers atteints de maladies chroniques, nécessite une articulation cohérente des interventions pluridisciplinaires, provenant de multiples d’acteurs hétérogènes. Cette prise en charge personnalisée est très consommatrice de ressources. Dans un contexte de raréfaction des ressources, le dilemme coût-qualité se pose dans leur prise en charge. La recherche d’une réponse à ce dilemme nous a conduit à nous intéresser au concept de la Personnalisation de Masse (PM), largement étudié en Supply Chain Management (SCM) et Management des Opérations (OM), ainsi qu’à sa réalisation dans le contexte de la santé. Selon ces deux domaines de littérature, la réalisation de la PM repose sur le développement de la Capacité de PM (CPM). En outre, l’intégration de la Supply Chain (SCI) et la modularité ont été identifiées comme les deux plus importants facteurs facilitant ce développement. Ainsi, cette recherche vise à étudier le rôle de la SCI et de la modularité, ainsi que leur relation dans le développement de la CPM en santé. En se basant sur les relations étudiées et celles insuffisamment étudiées, entre ces trois concepts en SCM et OM (contexte général), un modèle conceptuel de recherche a été établi, et nous cherchons à éprouver ce modèle dans le contexte de la santé. Pour ce faire, un cas exemplaire a été identifié : la MAIA Marseille. À travers cette étude de cas, notre recherche a permis d’une part d’éprouver et de raffiner le modèle de recherche préétabli, et d’autre part de mettre en avant les leçons à en tirer dans le développement de la CPM en santé. / This research is conducted in the French healthcare context, in which the care of the growing population of health service users with chronic diseases, requires a coherent coordination of multidisciplinary interventions from multiple providers. This personalized care is resource consuming. In a context of resource scarcity, the cost-quality dilemma arises in the care of this growing population. The search for an answer to this dilemma has led us to focus on the concept of Mass Customization (MC), widely studied in Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Operations Management (OM), as well as its implementation in the healthcare context. According to these two fields of literature, MC can be achieved by developing Mass Customization Capability (MCC). Moreover, Supply Chain Integration (SCI) and Modularity-based practices have been identified as the two most important factors facilitating its development. Therefore, this research aims to study the role of SCI and modularity, as well as their relationship in the development of MCC in the healthcare context. Based on the relationships studied and those insufficiently investigated between these three concepts in SCM and OM literature (general context), a conceptual model has been established, and we seek to test this model in the healthcare context. For this purpose, an exemplary/critical case has been identified: MAIA Marseille. Through this case study, our research enabled us to test and refine the pre-established conceptual model, and to highlight the lessons to be learned in the development of MCC in the healthcare context.

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