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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electromouillage et fiabilité : investigation de matériaux diélectriques et de couches minces hydrophobes / Electrowetting and reliability : investigation of dielectric materials and hydrophobic thin films

Bonfante, Gwenaël 14 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le but d'améliorer la fiabilité des technologies utilisant l'électromouillage, l'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les mécanismes de vieillissement de matériaux diélectriques et hydrophobes utilisés en électromouillage et d'appliquer ensuite le protocole de caractérisation établi, à de nouveaux matériaux. Cette thèse s'articule en trois parties. Dans une première partie, afin de caractériser finement les propriétés d'hydrophobie de surfaces et de déterminer plus particulièrement leur polarité, nous avons mis au point une méthode de mesure de la polarité de surface basée sur le mouillage de deux liquides sur une surface, ce qui apporte une précision accrue avec un minimum de mesures. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons étudié différents revêtements utilisés en électromouillage avant et après vieillissement. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés aux films hydrophobes largement utilisés dans les systèmes optiques et de micro-laboratoires comme le Fluoropel©, le Cytop© et le parylène C. Cette étude montre une altération non négligeable des performances des matériaux de manière reproductible. L'hystérésis de mouillage, l'angle de contact au repos ainsi que les propriétés de cohésion des couches ont été étudiés afin de mettre en évidence les paramètres critiques à la durée de vie.Dans la dernière partie, nous avons cherché à mettre au point une méthode de dépôt d'un nouveau matériau hydrophobe par deux techniques de synthèse ; la voie sol-gel et la pulvérisation cathodique (PVD). Ainsi, un sol de précurseur à base du métal applicable pour la préparation de couches minces de son oxyde a été élaboré. La solution est obtenue à partir d'un précurseur synthétisé au laboratoire et stabilisée par des chélatants (acétylacétone). La stabilité de la solution ainsi que la procédure de dépôt sont présentées et les revêtements recuits déposés par sol-gel et PVD sont caractérisés par DRX et d'un point de vue morphologique (MEB, microscope optique…). Si, il fut possible de préparer par la méthode sol-gel des films de 300nm couvrants, leur forte rugosité n'a pas permis de les tester en électromouillage. Par la méthode PVD, nous avons pu réaliser des couches de 400 nm d'épaisseur, très lisses et utilisables en électromouillage. Ces films donnent de très bons résultats en électromouillage sur substrats plans et en lentilles liquides / In order to increase the technologies reliability using electrowetting, this work aims to study the mechanisms of ageing on dielectric and hydrophobic materials used in electrowetting as well and to apply this study to new materials. This thesis is composed of three parts.First, to be able to characterize precisely the hydrophobic properties of these surfaces and especially their surface polarity, we established a method to measure the surface polarity based on wettability of two liquids on a surface permitting a better precision with less measurements. In a second part, we studied different films used in electrowetting before and after ageing around 90°C for one week in order to simulate a long term ageing at an ambient temperature. Widely used hydrophobic coating used in optical systems and lab-on-chip will be mainly characterized such as Fluoropel©, Cytop© and parylène C. This work shows the visible alteration of material performances in a reproducible way. Wetting hysteresis and natural contact angle with the cohesive properties of the coatings are studied in order to establish critical parameters for the life time.Finally, we tried to establish a method to deposit a hydrophobic metal oxide coating by two ways, sol-gel technic with dip-coating deposition and by PVD. A precursor sol made of the metal usable to deposit its oxide thin films has been elaborated. The solution is prepared from the synthesized precursor and stabilized by chelatant (acetylacetone). The solution stability as well as the deposition method used are presented and the annealed coatings deposited by sol-gel and PVD are characterized by XRD and morphologically (SEM, optic microscope …). By the sol-gel method, covering coatings of about 300nm have been made. However, because of the roughness, no electrowetting experiments could have been achieved. By PVD, we have deposited coatings of 400nm thickness, very smooth and usable in electrowetting. These coatings give very good results in electrowetting on plane substrates and liquid lenses

Die Bedeutung der Segregations- und Oxidationsneigung Seltener Erden für die Einstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer Phasen in SmCo-basierten Nanopartikeln

Schmidt, Frank 18 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Aufgrund der sehr hohen magnetokristallinen Anisotropiekonstante eignet sich besonders die Phase SmCo5 für zukünftige Festplattenmedien mit hoher Speicherdichte. Durch die starke Oxidationsneigung und die gegebene chemischen Ähnlichkeit anderer Seltenen Erden ist es eine Herausforderung hartmagnetische SmCo-basierte Nanopartikel mittels Inertgaskondensation herzustellen. Zudem bestimmt die Oberflächenenergie maßgeblich die Eigenschaften von Nanopartikeln, sodass ein Element mit einer geringen solchen energetisch bevorzugt die Oberfläche bildet. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie die sauerstoffbasierte Oxidation und die unterschiedlichen Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elemente die Struktur, die Morphologie und die chemische Verteilung der Elemente innerhalb der Nanopartikel beeinflussen und so die Legierungsbildung einer hartmagnetischen Sm(Pr)Co-Phase steuern. Mithilfe von aberrationskorrigierter, hochauflösender Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie in Verbindung mit Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie werden Morphologie, Elementverteilung und Struktur von unterschiedlich hergestellten Sm(Pr)Co-Nanopartikeln untersucht und analysiert. Die auftretende Segregation der Seltenen Erden an die Oberfläche der Nanopartikel wird zum einen auf eine sauerstoffinduzierte, zum anderen auf eine intrinsische Segregation, also eine durch unterschiedliche Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elementen hervorgerufene Segregation zurückgeführt. Anhand eines entwickelten geometrischen Modells wird zwischen den beiden Ursachen der Segregation unterschieden. Das Verständnis um die kausalen Zusammenhänge der Segregation lässt den Schritt zur Herstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer SmCo-basierter Nanopartikel zu. Hierzu werden speziell Nanopartikelagglomerate geformt und optisch in einem Lichtofen erhitzt, sodass die Primärpartikel in den Agglomeraten versintern und schließlich das resultierende sphärische Partikel kristallisiert. HRTEM-Aufnahmen und Elektronenbeugung bestätigen die erfolgreiche Herstellung von SmCo5- und Sm2Co17-basierten Nanopartikeln. Die Koerzitivfeldstärke dieser Partikelensembles beträgt 1,8T und einem Maximum in der Schaltfeldverteilung bei 3,6T. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften spiegeln die analysierten strukturellen, morphologischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Nanopartikel wider.

Modelling Evapotranspiration from Satellite Data using semi-empirical Models : Applications to the Indian Subcontinent

Eswar, R January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The major aim of this work is to develop a framework for the estimation of Evapotranspiration (ET) over the Indian landmass using remote sensing (RS) datasets in a repeated and consistent manner with improved spatial resolution. Different RS based ET models exist in the literature, out of which, the triangle, the S-SEBI and the Sim-ReSET models were compared for the estimation of daytime integrated latent heat flux (λEday). These three models were chosen as they can be driven only with RS based inputs without the need for any ground measurements. The results showed that the application of simpler contextual models may yield better results than physically based models when ground data is limited or not available. To improve the spatial resolution of one of the key surface variable, Land Surface Temperature (LST), the performance of five different vegetation indices Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Fraction Vegetation Cover (FVC), Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI), Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Modified SAVI (MSAVI) were tested in the existing DisTrad disaggregation model. Results suggested that the most commonly used vegetation indices NDVI and FVC yielded better results only under wet conditions. Under drier surface conditions, using NDWI for disaggregation resulted in relatively higher accurate LST. A model for spatial disaggregation of Evaporative Fraction (EF) called DEFrac (Disaggregation of Evaporative Fraction) was developed based on the relationship between EF and NDVI to obtain finer spatial resolution EF from coarser resolution estimates. The experimental results suggested that the DEFrac model developed in this study, yielded more accurate disaggregated EF. The disaggregated EF was further used to get disaggregated λEday. Finally, The issue of lack of proper ET dataset over India was addressed by developing two data products one over entire India at 0.05° spatial resolution and the second product over the Kabini basin at 1 km spatial resolution. Both the products were developed with a temporal resolution of 8-day and for the period 2001–2014. The developed ET products were validated against ground observed data at seven sites across India and against ET simulated by a hydrological model over a forested watershed. Further the developed ET products were compared with some other global ET products such as MOD16, LandFlux Eval synthesis ET and GLEAM ET. Analyses revealed that only in regions where ET is predominantly driven by rainfall and where irrigation is not applied at very large scales, the global ET products tend to capture the ET patterns satisfactorily. On the other hand, the ET products developed in this work captured the spatial and temporal patterns of ET quite realistically all across India.

Etude physico-chimique des possibilités de valorisation des sables argileux non conformes dans des mélanges bitumineux routiers / A mineralogical approach to use the non-qualified fine aggregates in asphalt concrete pavement

Chen, Chi-Wei 29 March 2016 (has links)
Ma thèse de doctorat doit contribuer à la diminution du gaspillage des ressources naturelles (en particuliers les sables naturels) en étendant leur acceptabilité dans les enrobés bitumineux. La compréhension de l’effet des particules nocives, notamment la fraction argileuse contenue dans les sables, sur le comportement des mélanges bitumineux est visé. Pour évaluer le niveau de nocivité des particules fines, le test d'adsorption du bleu de méthylène noté MB (EN13043, NF EN 933-9) est appliqué, mais un tel test a été modifié à quatre reprises au cours des 22 dernières années tandis que la valeur de bleu limite, utilisée pour déterminer la conformité ou non du sable, n’a pas été modifiée. Le projet de thèse vise à modifier cette valeur limite pour étendre la gamme de sable utilisable. Cet objectif sera atteint grâce à l’identification de la composition minéralogique des sables, une recherche sur la meilleure manière de quantifier les phases qui composent les sables et une meilleure compréhension du rôle de la fraction fine sur la durabilité et les pathologies des mélanges bitumineux. Le travail de thèse est organisé en différentes tâches : 1. Tester le protocole de mesure de la valeur de bleu. Nous voulons comprendre l'effet de différents facteurs (tels que l'échantillonnage, la cinétique des additions de bleu, la température de séchage du sable avant l’essai ...) sur la mesure de la valeur de bleu. Le développement d'un appareil automatique ou d'une nouvelle méthode (qui sera validée par comparaison avec les résultats obtenus à partir de la méthode standardisée) est prévu.2. Établir une corrélation entre la valeur de bleu (ou d'autres paramètres à trouver) et la quantité de phases minérales présentes dans les sables. Un jeu de données a d’ores et déjà été établi au cours de mon stage de master. Pour atteindre cet objectif, les différentes méthodes de quantification (utilisant en particuliers la diffraction de rayons X) doivent être testées et comparées.3. Corréler la valeur de bleu couplée à la nature minéralogique des particules fines avec le comportement mécanique des mélanges sable/bitume. Nous allons étudier la dégradation en présence d’eau des propriétés du matériau bitumineux (par exemple l'adhésion du liant bitumineux sur granulat) et le rôle de la couche de particules fines qui entourent les grains de sable sur les propriétés mécaniques de ce matériau. Nous espérons comprendre en particulier l'effet de la présence d’argile gonflante dans les matériaux constitutifs de la chaussée bitumineuse.4. Améliorer le comportement des granulats non conformes par l’application d’un traitement. Après l'identification de l'origine des pathologies (nous faisons l'hypothèse que les argiles gonflantes jouent un rôle majeur), nous proposons d'appliquer un traitement en ajoutant de la chaux (ou de traiter en ajoutant des déchets qui contiendraient des substances actives comme la chaux), et de tester également l’utilisation de polymères ou du greffage avec des composés organiques des argiles comme traitement / Siliceous fines (clays) in fine aggregates used for AC pavement stimulate the moisture entering the bitumen-aggregates interface in AC mixture and create channels for water penetration. MB adsorption for qualifying fine aggregates is in accordance with the layer charge and the accessibility of consisted mineralogy in fine aggregates. However, the correlation between MB qualification for fine aggregates and fine aggregates triggering moisture susceptibility of AC mixture has not ever been addressed; moreover, the questions from MB adsorption still remain to be solved. In order to evaluate the stripping and to clarify MB adsorption on fine aggregates from a mineralogical perspective, the most common clays in natural aggregates, kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite, were extracted from their clay rocks, and used to prepare thin clay film, artificial fine aggregates and asphalt concrete mixtures consist of artificial fine aggregates. Moreover, the 5 blinded fine aggregates received from quarries without any given information were applied as the blinded experiments to confirm the practicability with mineralogical diversity. The mineralogical analysis was identifying and quantifying the mineral phases in extracted clay and fine aggregates by using X-Ray diffraction, and the quantitative results were judged by complementary test. MB adsorption was studied using drop method, UV-Photometer method and cation exchange capacity from clays and aggregates. Water-bitumen-clay interaction was studied using the sessile drop and the Oliensis spot tests on those thin clay films. The water intrusion routes in AC mixture was investigated immersing AC mixture in solution with chemical probe, whereas Duriez tests allowed measuring the moisture susceptibility of AC mixtures containing varied clay mineralogy in fine aggregates. The results show that clay mineralogy is in relation to water-bitumen-clay interaction, and it is agreed by moisture susceptibility of AC mixture indicated by Duriez test. With the dispersive nature bitumen used in this study, cohesive failure is in the light of kaolinite-AC mixture in the presence of water, whereas swelling property is responsible for the stripping in illite- and montmorillonite- AC mixture. In order to exclude the physical interferences on MB adsorption, the vale of 100% of MB adsorption on fine aggregates referred to CEC value is necessary to apply, and MB value measured from drop method efficiently excludes the significant impacts from layer charge, pH value and exchangeable cations. Although MB adsorption is in relation to clay mineralogy, this test does not sufficiently indicate the stripping of AC mixture occurred by clay in fine aggregates. There are still rooms to use the non-qualified fine aggregates for the use of AC pavement. As Rietveld method from X-Ray diffraction derives the most reasonable quantitative results, the X-Ray powder diffraction and the X-Ray orientated EG treated K-saturated clay diffraction are proposed for analyzing clay mineralogy and its swelling property for judging the use of non-qualified fine aggregates for AC mixture.MB2 and Duriez0.8 surfaces can be established on clay mineralogical map since we discovered MB adsorption and moisture susceptibility are related to clay mineralogy in fine aggregates. The fine aggregates which is not qualified by MB adsorption is going to confirm the possibility for the use of AC pavement by the mineralogical analysis through X-Ray diffraction. By adopting the quantitative results of clay on mineralogical map with Duriez0.8 surface and the swelling property of clays in fine aggregates, the use of fine aggregates for AC pavement can be properly judged according to water-bitumen-aggregates interaction and stripping which has been proved in this study

Energie de surface de nanoparticules de TiO2-anatase. Mesure des effets de taille, morphologie et cristallinité par molécules sondes / Surface energy of TiO2-anatase nanoparticles. Measure the effects of size, morphology and crystallinity by probe molecules

Ali Ahmad, Mouhamad 13 December 2011 (has links)
Afin d'étudier la granulo- et la morpho-dépendance des propriétés d'énergies de surface de solides divisés, plusieurs lots de TiO2 anatase ont été synthétisés. Une série de matériaux parfaitement définis avec des morphologies allant de sphéroïdale à facettée, dans des gammes de tailles allant de 4 à 20 nm a été obtenue grâce aux modifications de conditions de pH et la présence d'acides organiques. La combinaison de différentes molécules sonde a permis de déterminer l'hétérogénéité énergétique superficielle de ces matériaux, aux interfaces solide/gaz et solide/liquide. La volumétrie de quasi-équilibre à basse pression (N2/Ar) couplée à la méthode de modélisation DIS et la microcalorimétrie à écoulement de gaz (NH3) ont mis en évidence les contributions des différentes faces cristallographiques et les effets de la cristallinité. Ces mêmes propriétés ont été analysées grâce à la titration potentiométrique en milieu aqueux (H+/OH-), couplée à la procédure TDIS (détermination du PCN et des distributions d'affinité de protons). Cette stratégie a permis une étude complète des propriétés superficielles énergétiques et géométriques des nanomatériaux. / In order to study the relationships between the particle size, the morphology and the surface energy properties of divided solids, several batches of TiO2 anatase were synthesized. A series of materials with morphologies ranging from spheroidal to well faceted, with particle sizes ranging from 4 to 20 nm were obtained by adjusting the pH conditions and the presence of organic acids. The surface heterogeneity of these materials, at solid/gas and solid/liquid interfaces, was studied by combining various molecular probes. The low pressure quasi-equilibrium adsorption volumetry (N2/Ar) coupled with the DIS modeling approach and the flow adsorption microcalorimetry (NH3) have evidenced the various contributions of crystallographic faces and the effect of the crystallinity. These properties have also been analyzed using potentiometric titration in aqueous medium (H+/OH-), coupled with the TDIS procedure, to determine PZC and proton affinity distributions. Such a strategy has led to a complete study of the energetic and geometric surface properties of these nanomaterials.

Příprava a charakterizace vrstev deponovaných metodou plazmové polymerace na bázi 2-ethyl-2-oxazolinu / Preparation and characterization of layers deposited by plasma polymerization based on 2-Ethyl-2-oxazoline

Kucserová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the deposition of layers of 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline monomer in a dielectric barrier discharge in a nitrogen atmosphere. The theoretical part describes polyoxazolines, dielectric barrier discharge, plasma polymerization and diagnostic methods that describe the characteristics of the prepared layers. The experimental part deals with the deposition of layers and the determination of physicochemical properties. Finally, the results are compared with layers that were made of 2-methyl-2-oxazoline.

Pohyb kapky po nakloněné rovině / The droplet motion on the inclined plane

Habr, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals on the theory of partial wetting of a wall, whereby a relation between the velocity of a droplet moving along an inclined plane and time is derived. There are explained basic definitions coherent to the theory of partial wetting. According to divergence of a normal vector of the droplet surface, there is developed a technique for mathematical evaluation of the component of dynamic adhesive force. Within the scope of diploma paper, there was an experimental measurement performed, whereat a velocities of droplets of various volumes and at different inclination angles on four analyzed surfaces were determined. By using non-linear regression, unknown parameters such as the adhesion coefficient, the component of a dynamic adhesive force, initial and terminal velocity of a droplet were evaluated from the experiment results. Within the thesis there was performed a simulation of droplet motion on an inclined plane in ANSYS Fluent. Conclusion includes an assessment and a comparison of results obtained, and new procedures that may be helpful at further research of descending droplet.

Die Bedeutung der Segregations- und Oxidationsneigung Seltener Erden für die Einstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer Phasen in SmCo-basierten Nanopartikeln

Schmidt, Frank 22 January 2018 (has links)
Aufgrund der sehr hohen magnetokristallinen Anisotropiekonstante eignet sich besonders die Phase SmCo5 für zukünftige Festplattenmedien mit hoher Speicherdichte. Durch die starke Oxidationsneigung und die gegebene chemischen Ähnlichkeit anderer Seltenen Erden ist es eine Herausforderung hartmagnetische SmCo-basierte Nanopartikel mittels Inertgaskondensation herzustellen. Zudem bestimmt die Oberflächenenergie maßgeblich die Eigenschaften von Nanopartikeln, sodass ein Element mit einer geringen solchen energetisch bevorzugt die Oberfläche bildet. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie die sauerstoffbasierte Oxidation und die unterschiedlichen Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elemente die Struktur, die Morphologie und die chemische Verteilung der Elemente innerhalb der Nanopartikel beeinflussen und so die Legierungsbildung einer hartmagnetischen Sm(Pr)Co-Phase steuern. Mithilfe von aberrationskorrigierter, hochauflösender Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie in Verbindung mit Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie werden Morphologie, Elementverteilung und Struktur von unterschiedlich hergestellten Sm(Pr)Co-Nanopartikeln untersucht und analysiert. Die auftretende Segregation der Seltenen Erden an die Oberfläche der Nanopartikel wird zum einen auf eine sauerstoffinduzierte, zum anderen auf eine intrinsische Segregation, also eine durch unterschiedliche Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elementen hervorgerufene Segregation zurückgeführt. Anhand eines entwickelten geometrischen Modells wird zwischen den beiden Ursachen der Segregation unterschieden. Das Verständnis um die kausalen Zusammenhänge der Segregation lässt den Schritt zur Herstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer SmCo-basierter Nanopartikel zu. Hierzu werden speziell Nanopartikelagglomerate geformt und optisch in einem Lichtofen erhitzt, sodass die Primärpartikel in den Agglomeraten versintern und schließlich das resultierende sphärische Partikel kristallisiert. HRTEM-Aufnahmen und Elektronenbeugung bestätigen die erfolgreiche Herstellung von SmCo5- und Sm2Co17-basierten Nanopartikeln. Die Koerzitivfeldstärke dieser Partikelensembles beträgt 1,8T und einem Maximum in der Schaltfeldverteilung bei 3,6T. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften spiegeln die analysierten strukturellen, morphologischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Nanopartikel wider.:1 Einleitung 2 Theoretische Grundlagen 2.1 Physikalische Nanopartikelsynthese aus der Gasphase 2.1.1 Nukleationsprozess und Thermodynamik 2.1.2 Partikelwachstum 2.1.3 Sintern 2.2 Segregation 2.3 Das Stoffsystem Samarium-Kobalt 2.4 Magnetische Eigenschaften 2.4.1 Magnetische Kristallanisotropie 2.4.2 Eindomänenteilchen nach dem Stoner-Wohlfarth-Modell 3 Experiment und Methode 3.1 Nanopartikelpräparation 3.1.1 Nukleationskammer 3.1.2 Justage des Lichtofens 3.2 Herstellung glatter Schichten 3.3 Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie 3.3.1 Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie (EELS) 3.3.2 Partikelstatistik 3.4 Magnetische Messung 3.4.1 Korrektur der Hystereseschleife 3.4.2 Reversible und irreversible Prozesse 4 Untersuchung der SmCo-Targets mittels XPS und AES 5 Untersuchung der hergestellten Schichten 5.1 AES- und XPS-Analysen 5.1.1 Schicht#1 und Schicht#5 5.1.2 Schicht#6 5.2 TEM-Untersuchung am Querschnitt der Schichten 6 SmCo-Nanopartikel hergestellt aus MaTecK-T1 6.1 Ungeheizte SmCo-Nanopartikel 6.2 Im Flug geheizte SmCo-Nanopartikel 6.2.1 Geometrisches Modell der (un)vollständigen Segregation 7 SmCo-Nanopartikel hergestellt aus Lesker-Target 7.1 Ungeheizte (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 7.2 Im Flug geheizte (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 7.2.1 Einstellung intermetallischer Phasen 8 Magnetische Eigenschaften der (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A Anhang A.1 FEM-Simulation A.1.1 Modell und Grundlage der FEM-Simulation der Partikeltrajektorien A.1.2 Ergebnisse der FEM-Simulation

Some Aspects of Foamed Bitumen Technology

Namutebi, May January 2011 (has links)
Although foamed bitumen has been widely applied in pavement construction some of its aspects are still not yet understood. In this study, some of these aspects including: effects of the foaming process on binder chemistry, characterization of foamed bitumen and development of a rational method to optimize foam characteristics, evaluation of aggregate particle coating within foamed bitumen treated materials, and development of a gyratory compaction procedure for laterite gravels treated with foamed bitumen were addressed. The effects of the foaming process on bitumen chemistry were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy techniques. Also, foam characteristics of three binders were established and a rational method to optimize foam characteristics proposed. Aggregate particle coating with foamed bitumen was studied using the concepts of surface energy and Rice density. In addition a gyratory laboratory compaction procedure for laterite gravels treated with foamed bitumen was established using the modified locking concept. Infrared techniques have shown that foaming does not cause any changes in the binder chemistry, suggesting that foaming may be a physical process. Further, foam characteristics are greatly influenced by binder viscosity. Also, the equiviscous temperature seems to produce foam with optimum foam characteristics. Rice density results showed that aggregate size fraction, binder expansion ratio and viscosity influenced aggregate particle coating. Surface energy results revealed that foamed bitumen exhibited better coating attributes than neat bitumen. A new compaction procedure for laterite gravels treated with foamed bitumen based on the modified locking point was developed. / QC 20110427

Land surface heat exchange over snow and frozen soil

Gustafsson, David January 2001 (has links)
The energy exchange in the soil-snow-vegetation-atmospheresystem was studied to improve the quantitative knowledge of thegoverning processes. The lack of such knowledge contributes tothe uncertainty in the applicability of many existing modelsindependent of the temporal or spatial scale. The theoreticalbackground and available methods for measurements and numericalsimulations were reviewed. Numerical simulation models andavailable data sets representing open land and boreal forestwere evaluated in both diurnal and seasonal time-scales.Surface heat fluxes, snow depth, soil temperatures andmeteorological conditions were measured at an agriculturalfield in central Sweden over two winters, 1997-1999. Twoone-dimensional simulation models of different complexity wereused to simulate the heat and water transfer in thesoil-snow-atmosphere system and compared with the measurements.Comparison of simulated and observed heat fluxes showed thatparameter values governing the upper boundary condition weremore important than the formulation of the internal mass andheat balance of the snow cover. The models were useful toevaluate the lack of energy balance closure in the observedsurface heat fluxes, which underlined the importance ofimproved accuracy in eddy correlation measurements of latentflow during winter conditions. The representation of boreal forest in the land surfacescheme used within a weather forecast model was tested with athree-year data set from the NOPEX forest site in centralSweden. The formulation with separate energy balances forvegetation and the soil/snow beneath tree cover improvedsimulation of the seasonal and diurnal variations of latent andsensible heat flux compared with an older model version.Further improvements of simulated surface heat fluxes could beexpected if the variation of vegetation properties within andbetween years and a new formulation of the boundary conditionsfor heat flux into the soil is included. Keywords: Surface energy balance, Snow, Boreal forest,SVAT models, Eddy-correlation Measurements, Latent heat flux,Sensible heat flux, Net radiation, Soil temperature,Aerodynamic roughness, Surface resistance / QC 20100614

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