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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användandet av WHO:s modifierade checklista för säker kirurgi : En studie om operationssjuksköterskans medverkan / The participation of the theatre nurse in performing the WHO surgical safety checklist

Hagberg, Karin, Johanson, Marja January 2013 (has links)
Background World Alliance for Patient Safety, launched by the WHO, has created a Surgical Safety Checklist. It was first published in 2008 and has been translated and modified in Sweden by Landstingens Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag, LÖF. The use of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist has been shown to reduce the number of complications and deaths related to surgery. Aim The aim of this study is to describe the Theatre Nurse’s participation in in the use of a modified version of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist intraoperatively in two Theatres in a hospital in the centre of Sweden. Method This study has a quantitative descriptive approach. A direct observational study was carried out in two Theatres and the participants were asked a few complementary questions after the observations. A total of 16 Theatre Nurses participated in this study. Results None of the Theatre Nurses confirmed all the steps in all phases of the checklists during an operation. However one Theatre Nurse confirmed all the steps in the Sign Out phase at one occasion. There was no team member in either Theatre allocated to read out all the steps in the checklist and to make sure that all the steps were completed. Conclusion Insufficient compliance to the checklist prevails in both Theatres and they need to improve quality measures in order to increase adherence to the checklists to promote patient safety. Clinical significance This study describes the Theatre Nurses’ participation in performing the checklists in the two Theatres were the observations were carried out. The study may inspire improvement measures and provide inspiration for further research. / Bakgrund Världsalliansen för patientsäkerhet, som är en del av WHO, har skapat en checklista för säker kirurgi. Den publicerades för första gången år 2008 och i Sverige har Landstingens Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag, LÖF, översatt och bearbetat checklistan för svenskt bruk. Användandet av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi har visats minska antalet komplikationer och dödsfall i samband med operationer. Syfte Syftet med studien var att beskriva operationssjuksköterskans medverkan i användandet av WHO:s modifierade checklista för säker kirurgi intraoperativt på två operationsavdelningar på ett sjukhus i Mellansverige. Metod Denna studie har en kvantitativ deskriptiv ansats. En direkt observationsstudie genomfördes och därefter ställdes frågor utifrån en frågeguide. Totalt 16 operationssjuksköterskor deltog i studien. Resultat Ingen operationssjuksköterska medverkade i eller tog upp samtliga punkter i checklistans alla tre faser under en operation. En operationssjuksköterska tog däremot upp alla punkter i avslutningsfasen vid ett tillfälle. Det fanns ingen checklisteansvarig personal som läste upp checklistans alla punkter för operationslaget och som såg till att alla punkterna genomfördes på de båda avdelningarna. Slutsats Bristande följsamhet till checklistorna råder på båda avdelningarna. Avdelningarna är i behov av kvalitetsförbättrande åtgärder för att öka följsamheten till checklistorna för att främja patientsäkerheten. Klinisk betydelse Studien är en beskrivning av hur operationssjuksköterskor arbetar med checklistorna på de två avdelningarna där observationerna utfördes. Den utgör en grund för fortsatt förbättringsarbete på avdelningarna samt ger inspiration till fortsatt forskning.

Operationssjuksköterskan upplevelse av WHO´s checklista för säker kirurgi / The theater nurse experience of WHO´s surgical safety checklist

Ekström, Charlotte, Stjernström, Lotta January 2014 (has links)
Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) checklista för säker kirurgi utvecklades för att minska risken för kirurgiska komplikationer och dödsfall i samband med kirurgi. Kommunikationen i operationssalen behöver förbättras mellan alla personalkategorier så att säkerhetsåtgärder blir konsekventa och rätt utförda. Målet med sjukvården är att främja en hög patientsäkerhet för att minimera andelen vårdrelaterade skador. Trots att WHO´s checklista visat positiva resultat finns indikationer på att följsamheten minskar samt att den möts av motstånd från personalen. Syftet med studien var att belysa operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse vid användningen av WHO´s checklista. Fyra operationssjuksköterskor intervjuades och resultaten analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysprocessen resulterade i tre kategorier: säkerhet i vårdprocessen, vidareutveckling och följsamhet. I resultatet framkom hur användningen av WHO´s checklista främjar patientens säkerhet både i det patientnära arbetet samt i operationssjuksköterskans självständiga arbete. Behovet av vidareutveckling för att möta verksamhetens individuella krav var en annan synpunkt som lyftes fram. Vikten av följsamhet betonades av operationssjuksköterskorna för att uppnå avsikten med WHO´s checklista för säker kirurgi. Konklusionen är att konsekvent tillämpning av WHO´s checklista för säker kirurgi resulterar i ökad patientsäkerhet. / The surgical safety checklist was developed by the World health organization (WHO) to reduce the risk of surgical complications and death. The communication in the operating room needs to be improved between all categories of the staff so that the safety measures will be consistently and correctly performed. The target with hospital care is to promote a high patient safety to minimize the share of care related injuries. In the spite of WHO´s checklist has shown positive result there are indications that compliance decreases and it is also met with resistance from the hospital staff. The purpose of this study would like to illustrate the theater nurses experience about the application of WHO´s checklist. Four theater nurses where interviewed and the result was analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The process of the analysis resulted in three categories: safety of the care process, development and compliance. The result showed how the application of WHO´s checklist promotes safety for the patient in the close contact and in the theatre nurse independent occupation. The need of development to meet the changing surgical field was another aspect. The importance of compliance where described by the theatre nurse to achieve the best outcome of WHO´s checklist for safe surgery. A consistent implementation of WHO´s surgical safety checklist lead to increased patient safety.

Alla redo för time-out och sign-out? : Operationsteamets följsamhet till time-out och sign-out i WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi / Everyone ready for a time-out and sign-out? : Surgical team´s compliance to time-out and sign-out in the WHO Surgical safety checklist

Albinsson, Elisa, Nilssen, Gunnhild January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: 2008 infördes WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi för att minska antal dödsfall, förbättra patientsäkerheten och reducera risken för vårdskador i samband med kirurgi genom att ha ett kommunikationsverktyg som säkrar att kontroller och insatser blir utförda. Tidigare studier visar varierande följsamhet till checklistan och att olika delmoment inte utförs i sin helhet. Syfte: Att undersöka operationsteamets följsamhet till time-out och sign-out i WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie utförd som en icke-deltagande observationsstudie. Data samlades in via 24 observationer vid två sjukhus med hjälp av ett strukturerat observationsprotokoll. Data analyserades med hjälp av SPSS och redovisas genom deskriptiv statistik i form av cirkel- och stapeldiagram, tabeller samt löpande text. Resultat: Time-out initierades i 95,8 % av observationerna och utfördes komplett i 4,2 %. Sign-out initierades i 100 % av observationerna och 29,2 % utfördes komplett. Ingen i operationsteamet intog rollen som checklisteansvarig. Vid 19 av 22 observationer signerades samtliga tre delmoment i Orbit innan sign-out var genomförd. Slutsats: Både time-out och sign-out genomförs i hög grad, dock varierar följsamheten till checklistans samtliga kontrollpunkter vid de två delmomenten. Studien påvisar att diskrepans finns mellan den faktiska användningen av checklistan och den administrativa inrapporterade användningen av checklistan. / Background: In 2008, the WHO Surgical safety checklist was introduced to reduce mortality, improve patient safety and reduce risk of medical injuries in connection to surgery by means of a communication tool ensuring that checks and interventions are performed. Previous studies show a variation in compliance to the checklist, and that different items not are entirely performed. Aim: To describe the surgical team’s compliance to time-out and sign-out in the WHO Surgical safety checklist. Method: A quantitative cross-sectional study conducted as a non-participatory observational study. Data was collected during 24 observations at two hospitals using a structured observational protocol. Data was analysed using SPSS and reported through descriptive statistics, using pie and bar charts as well as tables and discussion. Result: Time-out was initiated in 95,8 % of the observations and completed in 4,2%. Sign-out was initiated in 100 % of the observations and 29,2 % were completed. No member of the surgical team was responsible for performing the safety checks. In 19 of 22 observations, all three parts of the checklist were signed in Orbit before the sign-out was completed. Conclusion: Both time-out and sign-out are carried out to a great extent, however, compliance with all items of the checklist varies. The study shows a discrepancy between the actual use of the checklist and the administratively reported use of the checklist.

Följsamhet till kontroll inför op-start enligt checklista för säker kirurgi : Observationsstudie

Ajdert, Caroline, Hakim, Farzad January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: World Health Organization gör tydligt att patientsäkerhet är av högsta prioritet för att kunna bedriva säker kirurgi. Kirurgi bedrivs i komplexa miljöer och det föreligger alltid risk för vårdskada. Operationssjuksköterskan kan med sin unika kompetens bidra till att säkerställa patientsäkerheten genom att använda ett säkerhetsmedvetet arbetssätt. Checklista för säker kirurgi är ett säkerhetsverktyg som främjar och optimerar samverkan och kommunikation vid kirurgi. Internationell forskning pekar på att det finns brister i användningen av den. Syftet: Att undersöka följsamheten till checklista för säker kirurgi med avseende på delen kontroll inför op-start med specifikt fokus på operationssjuksköterskans punkter. Metod: Datainsamling genomfördes på två universitetssjukhus i mellansverige på två operationsverksamheter genom 24 strukturerade icke-deltagande observationer under kontroll inför op-start. Som teoretisk referensram användes Schweizerostmodellen. Resultat: Visade att kontroll inför op-start genomfördes på alla observationer, att följsamheten för den personal som skulle initiera checklistan var låg och att följsamheten till punkterna varierade mellan operationsverksamheterna. Vidare påvisades att operationssjuksköterskans följsamhet till kontroll inför op-start har brister. Slutsats: Kontroll inför op-start genomfördes i samtliga fall. Dock påvisades sämre följsamhet till punkterna och utförandet samt att följsamheten till punkterna skiljde sig åt mellan operationsverksamheterna. Dessutom påvisades att operationssjuksköterskan följsamhet till kontroll inför op-start har brister, vilket kan äventyra patientsäkerheten. Att dessa brister synliggörs kan bidra till ytterligare forskning och därmed förhoppningsvis leda till förbättrad patientsäkerhet.

Operationsteamets erfarenhet av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi - en integrativ litteraturstudie / The surgical teams' experience of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist - a litterature review

Kapocs, Alexandra, Söder, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Kirurgiska ingrepp genomförs i en högteknologisk miljö, det ställs höga krav på operationsteamets medvetenhet gällande patientsäkerhet. Kontinuerligt sker förbättringsarbeten inom operationssjukvård avseende patientsäkerheten, trots det finns det risk för att patienten drabbas av vårdskada oavsiktligt i samband med kirurgiska ingrepp. World Health Organization (WHO) utformade en checklista för säker kirurgi år 2008 vars syfte var att förbättra patientsäkerheten genom att förhindra att vårdrelaterade skador och dödsfall uppstår.  Syfte: Att beskriva operationsteamets erfarenhet av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi. Metod: En integrativ litteraturstudie genomfördes, vilken baserades på Whittemore och Knafls metod. Systematisk litteratursökning utfördes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed och resulterade i elva artiklar varav fem kvalitativa, fyra kvantitativa och två mixad-metod. Resultat: Utifrån studiens resultat identifierades fyra teman; Tillämpning, Ansvar och Ledarskap, Attityd och Utbildning. Konklusion: För att säkerställa en god och säker vård inom operationssjukvård är det betydande att WHO:s checklista genomförs i sin helhet enligt praxis. Det har påvisats brister i följsamheten till användandet av checklistan, vilket kan resultera i att patientsäkerheten riskeras. / Introduction: Surgical procedures are performed in advanced technological environments and there are high demands on the surgical team regarding patient safety. Improvements are continuously being implemented in surgical care regarding patient safety. Despite this, there is still a risk of unintentional patient injury during surgical procedures. The World Health Organization (WHO) designed a surgical safety checklist in 2008 with the purpose of preventing patient injury and death during surgical procedures.  Aim: To describe the surgical teams’ experience of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. Method: An integrative literature review was performed based on the method designed by Whittemore and Knafls. Systematic searches were conducted in databases Cinahl and PubMed and resulted in eleven articles, five qualitative, four quantitative and two mixed method studies. Results: Based on relevant articles four themes where identified; Implementation, Responsibility and Leadership, Attitude and Education.  Conclusion: To ensure high qualitative and safe surgical care it is essential that the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist is applied according to praxis. Flaws in compliance of the application of the checklist have been proven which could jeopardize the safety of the patient.

Lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica: evidências para a implementação em serviços de saúde / Surgical safety checklist: evidence for implementation in health services

Tostes, Maria Fernanda do Prado 27 April 2017 (has links)
A segurança do paciente cirúrgico é problemática complexa e desafiadora em âmbito global. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos (a) analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o processo de implementação da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica da Organização Mundial da Saúde na prática dos serviços de saúde, e (b) analisar o processo de implementação e o uso diário da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica, segundo o relato de enfermeiros que atuavam em unidades de centro cirúrgico de hospitais de duas cidades localizadas no estado do Paraná. A pesquisa foi conduzida em duas fases: revisão integrativa e estudo descritivo. A busca dos estudos primários foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, CINAHL e LILACS. A amostra da revisão integrativa foi composta de 27 pesquisas agrupadas em três categorias, a saber: processo de implementação: estratégias para introdução da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica nos serviços de saúde (n=15); processo de implementação: estratégias para otimização do uso da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica nos serviços de saúde (n=9) e facilitadores e barreiras para implementação da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica nos serviços de saúde (n=3). A condução da revisão integrativa possibilitou compreender o processo de implementação da lista, as diferentes estratégias utilizadas para sua implantação, aspectos da implementação considerados bem-sucedidos ou pouco exitosos no alcance dos resultados esperados, facilitadores e barreiras deste processo. O estudo descritivo foi realizado em 25 hospitais de duas cidades que compõem a mesorregião do Norte Central Paranaense (Londrina e Maringá). Os participantes foram 91 enfermeiros que atuavam em centro cirúrgico dos hospitais selecionados. Para a coleta de dados elaborou-se dois instrumentos, os quais foram submetidos à validação aparente e de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram que, na maioria dos hospitais investigados, a lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica foi implementada, sendo que, para a maioria dos participantes, as estratégias adotadas na introdução da lista foram o planejamento prévio conduzido pelos enfermeiros, a adaptação com predominância do uso no formato impresso e programa educacional. Com relação ao uso diário da lista, a maioria dos enfermeiros apontou a utilização inadequada desta prática nos seguintes aspectos: adesão parcial ao uso pela equipe cirúrgica, diferença de adesão entre as etapas de checagem e entre as categorias profissionais e condutas inadequadas da equipe cirúrgica na checagem da lista em sala cirúrgica (equipe incompleta, desatenta e sem participação ativa de seus membros). Para a maioria dos participantes, o uso da lista trouxe benefícios ou tem potencial para produzir efeitos benéficos para o paciente, equipe cirúrgica e serviço de saúde. As evidências geradas trazem subsídios para os enfermeiros e demais profissionais de saúde na elaboração de protocolos relativos ao processo de implementação ou uso diário da lista mais adequados e compatíveis com as especificidades estruturais e organizacionais dos serviços de saúde nacionais, com o propósito de viabilizar a integração desta ferramenta no processo de trabalho, melhorar a adesão da equipe e alcançar os melhores resultados em prol da segurança do paciente / Surgical patient safety is a complex and challenging problem at the global level. This study aimed to analyze (a) the available evidence in the literature on the process of implementation of the surgical safety checklist of the World Health Organization in the practice of health services, and (b) the implementation process and the daily use of the surgical safety checklist, according to the report of nurses working in surgical center units of hospitals of two cities located in the state of Paraná. The research was conducted in two phases: integrative review and descriptive study. The search for primary studies was carried out in PubMed, CINAHL and LILACS databases. The sample of the integrative review consisted of 27 studies grouped into three categories, namely: implementation process: strategies for the introduction of the surgical safety checklist in the health services (n = 15); implementation process: strategies to optimize the use of the surgical safety checklist in health services (n = 9) and facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the surgical safety checklist (n = 3). Conducting the integrative review made it possible to understand the process of implementing the list, the different strategies used for its implementation, aspects of implementation considered successful or not very successful in achieving the expected results, facilitators and barriers of this process. The descriptive study was carried out in 25 hospitals of two cities that make up the mesoregion of Northern Central of Paraná state (Londrina and Maringá). Participants were 91 nurses who worked in the surgical center of the selected hospitals. For the data collection, two instruments were elaborated, which were submitted to the apparent validation and content. The results showed that, in most of the hospitals investigated, the surgical safety checklist was implemented, and, for most of the participants, the strategies adopted in the introduction of the list were the previous planning conducted by the nurses, the adaptation with predominance of the use in the printed format and educational program. Regarding the daily use of the list, most of the nurses pointed out the inadequate use of this practice in the following aspects: surgical team\'s partial adherence to the use of it, difference in adherence between the check-up stages, and between the professional categories and inadequate behavior of the surgical team in checking the list in the surgical room (incomplete, inattentive team, and members not taking part actively). For most participants, using the list has brought benefits or can potentially produce beneficial effects for the patient, surgical team, and health service. The evidence generated provides subsidies for nurses and other health professionals in elaborating protocols related to the implementation process or daily use of the list more adequate and compatible with the structural and organizational specificities of the national health services, in order to make feasible the integration of this tool into the work process, to improve team adherence and to achieve the best results for patient safety

Lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica: evidências para a implementação em serviços de saúde / Surgical safety checklist: evidence for implementation in health services

Maria Fernanda do Prado Tostes 27 April 2017 (has links)
A segurança do paciente cirúrgico é problemática complexa e desafiadora em âmbito global. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos (a) analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o processo de implementação da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica da Organização Mundial da Saúde na prática dos serviços de saúde, e (b) analisar o processo de implementação e o uso diário da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica, segundo o relato de enfermeiros que atuavam em unidades de centro cirúrgico de hospitais de duas cidades localizadas no estado do Paraná. A pesquisa foi conduzida em duas fases: revisão integrativa e estudo descritivo. A busca dos estudos primários foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, CINAHL e LILACS. A amostra da revisão integrativa foi composta de 27 pesquisas agrupadas em três categorias, a saber: processo de implementação: estratégias para introdução da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica nos serviços de saúde (n=15); processo de implementação: estratégias para otimização do uso da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica nos serviços de saúde (n=9) e facilitadores e barreiras para implementação da lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica nos serviços de saúde (n=3). A condução da revisão integrativa possibilitou compreender o processo de implementação da lista, as diferentes estratégias utilizadas para sua implantação, aspectos da implementação considerados bem-sucedidos ou pouco exitosos no alcance dos resultados esperados, facilitadores e barreiras deste processo. O estudo descritivo foi realizado em 25 hospitais de duas cidades que compõem a mesorregião do Norte Central Paranaense (Londrina e Maringá). Os participantes foram 91 enfermeiros que atuavam em centro cirúrgico dos hospitais selecionados. Para a coleta de dados elaborou-se dois instrumentos, os quais foram submetidos à validação aparente e de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram que, na maioria dos hospitais investigados, a lista de verificação de segurança cirúrgica foi implementada, sendo que, para a maioria dos participantes, as estratégias adotadas na introdução da lista foram o planejamento prévio conduzido pelos enfermeiros, a adaptação com predominância do uso no formato impresso e programa educacional. Com relação ao uso diário da lista, a maioria dos enfermeiros apontou a utilização inadequada desta prática nos seguintes aspectos: adesão parcial ao uso pela equipe cirúrgica, diferença de adesão entre as etapas de checagem e entre as categorias profissionais e condutas inadequadas da equipe cirúrgica na checagem da lista em sala cirúrgica (equipe incompleta, desatenta e sem participação ativa de seus membros). Para a maioria dos participantes, o uso da lista trouxe benefícios ou tem potencial para produzir efeitos benéficos para o paciente, equipe cirúrgica e serviço de saúde. As evidências geradas trazem subsídios para os enfermeiros e demais profissionais de saúde na elaboração de protocolos relativos ao processo de implementação ou uso diário da lista mais adequados e compatíveis com as especificidades estruturais e organizacionais dos serviços de saúde nacionais, com o propósito de viabilizar a integração desta ferramenta no processo de trabalho, melhorar a adesão da equipe e alcançar os melhores resultados em prol da segurança do paciente / Surgical patient safety is a complex and challenging problem at the global level. This study aimed to analyze (a) the available evidence in the literature on the process of implementation of the surgical safety checklist of the World Health Organization in the practice of health services, and (b) the implementation process and the daily use of the surgical safety checklist, according to the report of nurses working in surgical center units of hospitals of two cities located in the state of Paraná. The research was conducted in two phases: integrative review and descriptive study. The search for primary studies was carried out in PubMed, CINAHL and LILACS databases. The sample of the integrative review consisted of 27 studies grouped into three categories, namely: implementation process: strategies for the introduction of the surgical safety checklist in the health services (n = 15); implementation process: strategies to optimize the use of the surgical safety checklist in health services (n = 9) and facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the surgical safety checklist (n = 3). Conducting the integrative review made it possible to understand the process of implementing the list, the different strategies used for its implementation, aspects of implementation considered successful or not very successful in achieving the expected results, facilitators and barriers of this process. The descriptive study was carried out in 25 hospitals of two cities that make up the mesoregion of Northern Central of Paraná state (Londrina and Maringá). Participants were 91 nurses who worked in the surgical center of the selected hospitals. For the data collection, two instruments were elaborated, which were submitted to the apparent validation and content. The results showed that, in most of the hospitals investigated, the surgical safety checklist was implemented, and, for most of the participants, the strategies adopted in the introduction of the list were the previous planning conducted by the nurses, the adaptation with predominance of the use in the printed format and educational program. Regarding the daily use of the list, most of the nurses pointed out the inadequate use of this practice in the following aspects: surgical team\'s partial adherence to the use of it, difference in adherence between the check-up stages, and between the professional categories and inadequate behavior of the surgical team in checking the list in the surgical room (incomplete, inattentive team, and members not taking part actively). For most participants, using the list has brought benefits or can potentially produce beneficial effects for the patient, surgical team, and health service. The evidence generated provides subsidies for nurses and other health professionals in elaborating protocols related to the implementation process or daily use of the list more adequate and compatible with the structural and organizational specificities of the national health services, in order to make feasible the integration of this tool into the work process, to improve team adherence and to achieve the best results for patient safety

Bezpečnostní proces v anesteziologické a perioperační péči / Safety process in anesteziology care and perioperative care

Benáková, Miluše January 2017 (has links)
Patient safety is one of the top priorities of anesthesia and perioperative care in the operating room. The patient safety is greatly compromised due to administered medication and the actual operating performance in the perioperative care. The risks of anesthesia and the operational performance are many, starting with the fall of the patient, the possible wrong- site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient errors, adverse reactions to administered medication, difficult airway management or an unexpected perioperative bleeding. Patient harm in hospital care leads not only to increased costs for additional treatment, prolongation of the hospitalization time, but also significantly affects the subsequent quality of life. Most adverse events are preventable, since most of them are caused by susceptible factors, such as incomplete or incorrect information or the lack of communication between the members of the operating team. Due to the increasing number of such adverse events around the world, including those of the most serious, The World Health Organization has created a program called The Save Surgery Saves Lives, whose aim was the identification of key risk areas in ensuring the safety of patients. On the basis of the identified risk areas the Surgical Safety Checklist was introduced in 2008. It is aimed...

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