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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Taboo is something that the media should not engage in” : Swedish journalists’ perceived freedom when reporting on controversial topics

Lindholm Fjeld, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, there has been talk of a declining confidence and growing mistrust of the news media. Swedish media have been accused of obscuring certain topics, of letting the newspapers’ political orientation guide the selection of news and of having a news evaluation process that is influenced by the journalists’ personal opinions. With this as a starting point, and the assumption that a high ranking in the press freedom index does not automatically translate to a media landscape unaffected by restraining factors, this thesis investigates the reality of the press freedom in Sweden. Through the method of triangulation, combining a quantitative survey with qualitative semi-structured interviews, the thesis explores how Swedish journalists perceive their journalistic freedom, as well as if all topics are represented in Swedish journalism. The conclusion shows that although Swedish journalists perceive their journalistic freedom to be high, there are signs of self-censorship resulting in a lacking reporting of certain news topics.

Den mångkulturella skolan och arbetet med värdegrunden : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om lågstadielärares attityd till värdegrunden i samband med mångkulturell undervisning / The Multicultural School and Work With Value-Systems : A Quantitative Study about Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Value-Systems in the Context of Multicultural Teaching

Ward, Ulrika January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates teachers’ attitudes toward value systems in the context of multicultural education. It highlights the importance of a functioning multi-cultural school as well as that of ongoing work with value systems. The aim of the study is to build on the existing body of research that addresses multicul-tural education in relation to schools’ value systems.Two theories have been used for this study; primarily critical multiculturalism and also the frame factor theory (ramfaktorteorin). A survey of 14 questions was conducted and the data collected was analysed quantitatively. The survey was separated into three sections: substantive questions, questions related to didactics in religious education, and questions about teachers’ attitudes toward value systems. Multicultural education was a theme throughout the survey.The study found that most in-service teachers believe that it is important to actively implement multicultural education and that the basis of a successful multicultural school is the incorporation of a working value system.The study concludes that it is crucial that teachers and students are provided with an understanding of what a functioning multicultural school and a multi-cultural society look like. Without this understanding there will continue to be a gap in society that has the potential to manifest itself as an “us and them” mentality. More work around value systems as well as more professional de-velopment for in-service teachers around multicultural education is essential, as the study revealed a lack of understanding and/or disinterest from some in-service teachers. / Denna studie undersöker lärares attityd till värdegrunden i samband med en mångkulturell undervisning. Den belyser även vikten av en fungerande mång-kulturell skola och vikten av ett aktivt värdegrundsarbete. Syftet med studien är att bygga vidare på tidigare forskning som berör mångkulturell utbildning i förhållande till skolans värdegrund.Jag har använt mig av två olika teorier genom undersökning. Den första och huvudsakliga teorin var kritisk mångkultur och den andra var ramfaktorteorin.Som metod har jag använt mig av kvalitativ enkätundersökning i form av 14 frågor. Enkäten var indelad i tre delar, sakfrågor, frågor gällande religionsdi-daktik samt en sista del som innefattade frågor om lärares attityd till värde-grunden. Mångkulturell utbildning var ett genomgående tema genom alla frå-geställningar.Resultatet visar att verksamma lärare till största del tycker det är viktigt att aktivt jobba för en mångkulturell undervisning och att grunden till en lyckad skolform av detta slag tar sitt avstamp i ett väl fungerande värdegrundsarbete.Slutsatsen av undersökningen visar på vikten av att lärare och elever blir till-godosedda kunskap kring hur en fungerande mångkulturell skola och samhälle ser ut. Utan den kunskapen kommer det skapas klyftor mellan samhällets in-vånare i form av vi och dem istället för att bara benämna alla samhällsmedbor-gare som ett inkluderande vi.Vidare implikationer till skolan som verksamhet. Lärare såväl som elever be-höver kunskap kring vad mångkultur innebär och hur ett fungerande mångkul-turellt samhälle ser ut. Detta börjar med ett gediget arbete kring värdegrunden och fortbildning för verksamma lärare inom mångkulturell undervisning. Detta är av stor vikt då det framkom på en del ställen i undersökningen att det före-kommer en del kunskapsbrist och ointresse från verksamma lärare idag.

A Canonical Correlation Analysis of Self-Compassion, Life Balance, and Burnout in Counselors

Silva, Sarah Vanessa 01 January 2019 (has links)
The counseling profession seeks to support and enrich the quality of life of the general public by providing effective clinical services. Many counselors struggle with practicing self-care regularly, increasing the risk of burnout. When counselors provide services while experiencing burnout, they risk harming clients being served. The conservation of resources theory suggests that there is an increased risk of maladaptive coping and burnout when there is a decrease in resources used to protect someone from experiencing stress. A quantitative survey research study using a nonprobability convenience sampling was used to explore the relationship between counselor burnout, life balance, and self-compassion among fully licensed and provisionally licensed counselors throughout the United States with at least 2 years of experience (N = 331). Two canonical correlation analyses were conducted to determine (a) if there was any significant relationship between the subscales of the Juhnke-Balkin Life Balance Inventory, measuring life balance, and the Counselor Burnout Inventory (CBI), measuring burnout, and (b) if there was a significant relationship between the subscales of the CBI, measuring burnout, and the Self-Compassion Scale, measuring self-compassion. Both canonical correlation analyses indicated a statistically significant relationship. Particularly, professional counselors are experiencing poor work-life balance, decreased attention in their personal life, decreased quality of their relationships, negative work environment, and lower levels of self-compassion. The potential social change impact from this research study is that a better understanding of how to mitigate and/or prevent experiences of burnout in counselors may improve counselor’s quality of life, mitigate turnover, counselor burnout, reduce client harm, and increase the quality of clinical services.

Risk Perceptions of Adults in the Town of Unicoi, Tennessee, Regarding the Possible Building of a Uranium Enrichment Plant.

Sellards, Shannon Kathleen 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
A prolonged siting controversy for a uranium enrichment facility has occurred in the Town of Unicoi, Tennessee. One hundred-seventy residents of Unicoi were interviewed using a questionnaire regarding the building of a proposed uranium enrichment facility for Unicoi. The questionnaire sought to determine relationships between residents’ risk perceptions and 18 variables. When the Fisher’s exact procedure was applied at α< 0.05, the results indicated several associations. Odds ratio measured the strength of association. Results are reported as crude measures of association. Risk perceptions were influenced by the choice of possible locations for the facility [p=0.0003; OR=32.6]. Residents' risk perceptions were associated with a history of working with nuclear materials [p=0.0476; OR=3.2]. Finally, risk perceptions were associated with residents' beliefs that the nuclear facility would affect their health [p=0.0001; OR=18.8]. These results are discussed in light of risk perception and communication theories.

Fighting the Biggest Lie on the Internet : Improving Readership of Terms of Service and Privacy Policies

Ziegenbein, Marius-Lukas January 2022 (has links)
When joining a new service, in order to access its features, users are often required to accept the terms of service and privacy policy. However, the readership of these documents is mostly non-existent, leaving an information asymmetry, the imbalance of knowledge between two parties. Due to this, users are sacrificing their online data privacy without being aware of the consequences. The purpose of this work is to investigate the readership of terms of service and privacy policies among users of social media services. We implemented a prototype called ‘ShareIt’, which resembles a photo-sharing platform to gain insight about readership, behavior and effectiveness of our adjusted presentations of terms of service and privacy policies in regard to readership and comprehension. We conducted a survey experiment using the prototype with 31 participants and concluded, that 80,6% of our participants did not spend more than ten seconds in our terms of serviceand privacy policy. The observed behavior suggests, that social media users are used to sharing information on the internet which in addition to their trust towards online services leads to the aforementioned low readership. We presented adjustments to the presentation of terms of service and privacy policies which showed a slight tendency of higher engagement in comparison to the current way of accessing these documents. This result however, due to the lack of readership examined for our participants, has to remain debatable and needs further investigation.

The Effectiveness of Warnings at Reducing the Prevalence of Insufficient Effort Responding

Blackmore, Caitlin E. 19 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Solutions for Recruitment and Retention of Rural Psychologists by Rural Psychologists

Briggs, Beth 24 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Factors influencing first-year teachers' sense of efficacy

Çapa, Yesim 09 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.

The Formation of Responsibility Attributions and their Role in Shaping Political Behavior

Nawara, Steven P. 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

國中學生在絕對值相關問題之概念錯誤研究 / An investigation into junior high school students’ conceptual errors on absolute value

郭盈瑜, Kuo, Ying Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的主要為探討學生在解決絕對值相關題目時所遇到的困難,進而瞭解學生在解此類問題時出現錯誤之原因,希望研究的結果能夠提供教師作為補救教學或改進教學策略的依據,增進教學成效,並作為未來教學及研究的參考。   本研究採調查法,並輔之以訪談蒐集資料。第一階段為問卷調查,經由對絕對值相關概念作文獻探討,以及與多位數學教師討論之後,研究者以自編之絕對值相關概念試題本進行施測,藉此瞭解學生在各向度的答題情況,並且作為選擇訪談對象的依據。第二階段為無結構開放式訪談,主要訪談學生作答時之想法與解題策略,所有訪談皆全程錄音,並轉錄成文字檔後進行內容分析,進一步瞭解學生在概念上錯誤的內涵,以及探討解題困難產生的原因。   研究結果發現,學生在絕對值相關概念之錯誤可歸納出五大原因:過度簡化絕對值定義之口訣、無法進行絕對值概念中「幾何概念」與「算術概念」之間的轉化、不瞭解絕對值概念中各同義詞之間的關係、以偏概全絕對值之定義以及文字符號概念之理解困難。文後尚有提供絕對值相關教學改善的建議。 / This study aims to explore the kinds of difficulties encountered by junior high school students in solving problems related to absolute value as well as analyzing and identifying the probable causes of such difficulties. It is hoped that the results from this attempt can provide teachers with useful information regarding how to improve their instructional practices and plan remedial instruction, thereby enhancing their teaching effectiveness. The main methodology for this study is survey design supplemented with clinical interviews that allowed for in-depth information collection regarding problem solving strategies and difficulties from selected respondents. During the first stage, a literature review was conducted on research studies that focused on absolute values. This was followed by discussions with several junior high school mathematics teachers relating to learning difficulties they observed. Subsequently, a paper and pencil test instrument on absolute values with three main dimensions was compiled by the author to test the learning status of the participating students. Their performances would form the basis for selecting them to participate in the second stage of the study, namely, the interview phase. All clinical interviews were unstructured and they were recorded and transcribed into verbal records. Analyses were then performed to identify the presence of conceptual misunderstandings and explored the causes of such difficulties. It was found that students’ conceptual errors on absolute values can be classified into five different types, namely, oversimplifying the definition of absolute value into mnemonic phrases, inability to perform inscriptional transformation between geometric properties and arithmetical concepts of absolute values, incomprehension of the relationships among the synonyms related to the concept of absolute value, over-generalizing the definition of absolute values and difficulties in understanding the connotation behind letter symbols. Several suggestions regarding instructional practices as well as future direction of research based on the present findings were provided at the end of this study.

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