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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contrôle d'un système multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) et étude des interactions entre les réseaux AC et le réseau MTDC. / Control of a multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) system and study of the interactions between the MTDC and the AC grids.

Akkari, Samy 29 September 2016 (has links)
La multiplication des projets HVDC de par le monde démontre l'engouement toujours croissant pour cette technologie de transport de l'électricité. La grande majorité de ces transmissions HVDC correspondent à des liaisons point-à-point et se basent sur des convertisseurs AC/DC de type LCC ou VSC à 2 ou 3 niveaux. Les travaux de cette thèse se focalisent sur l'étude, le contrôle et la commande de systèmes HVDC de type multi-terminal (MTDC), avec des convertisseurs de type VSC classique ou modulaire multi-niveaux. La première étape consiste à obtenir les modèles moyens du VSC classique et du MMC. La différence fondamentale entre ces deux convertisseurs, à savoir la possibilité pour le MMC de stocker et de contrôler l'énergie des condensateurs des sous-modules, est détaillée et expliquée. Ces modèles et leurs commandes sont ensuite linéarisés et mis sous forme de représentations d'état, puis validés en comparant leur comportement à ceux de modèles de convertisseurs plus détaillés à l'aide de logiciels de type EMT. Une fois validés, les modèles d'état peuvent être utilisés afin de générer le modèle d'état de tout système de transmissions HVDC, qu'il soit point-à-point ou MTDC. La comparaison d'une liaison HVDC à base de VSCs classiques puis de MMCs est alors réalisée. Leurs valeurs propres sont étudiées et comparées, et les modes ayant un impact sur la tension DC sont identifiés et analysés. Cette étude est ensuite étendue à un système MTDC à 5 terminaux, et son analyse modale permet à la fois d'étudier la stabilité du système, mais aussi de comprendre l'origine de ses valeurs propres ainsi que leur impact sur la dynamique du système. La méthode de décomposition en valeurs singulières permet ensuite d'obtenir un intervalle de valeurs possibles pour le paramètre de"voltage droop", permettant ainsi le contrôle du système MTDC tout en s'assurant qu'il soit conforme à des contraintes bien définies, comme l'écart maximal admissible en tension DC. Enfin, une proposition de "frequency droop" (ou "statisme"), permettant aux convertisseurs de participer au réglage de la fréquence des réseaux AC auxquels ils sont connectés, est étudiée. Le frequency droop est utilisé conjointement avec le voltage droop afn de garantir le bon fonctionnement de la partie AC et de la partie DC. Cependant, l'utilisation des deux droop génère un couplage indésirable entre les deux commandes. Ces interactions sont mathématiquement quantifiées et une correction à apporter au paramètre de frequency droop est proposée. Ces résultats sont ensuite validés par des simulations EMT et par des essais sur la plate-forme MTDC du laboratoire L2EP. / HVDC transmission systems are largely used worldwide, mostly in the form of back-to-back and point-to-point HVDC, using either thyristor-based LCC or IGBT-based VSC. With the recent deployment of the INELFE HVDC link between France and Spain, and the commissioning in China of a three-terminal HVDC transmission system using Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs), a modular design of voltage source converters, the focus of the scientific community has shifted onto the analysis and control of MMC-based HVDC transmission systems. In this thesis, the average value models of both a standard 2-level VSC and an MMC are proposed and the most interesting difference between the two converter technologies -the control of the stored energy in the MMC- is emphasised and explained. These models are then linearised, expressed in state-space form and validated by comparing their behaviour to more detailed models under EMT programs. Afterwards, these state-space representations are used in the modelling of HVDC transmission systems, either point-to-point or Multi-Terminal HVDC (MTDC). A modal analysis is performed on an HVDC link, for both 2-level VSCs and MMCs. The modes of these two systems are specifed and compared and the independent control of the DC voltage and the DC current in the case of an MMC is illustrated. This analysis is extended to the scope of a 5-terminal HVDC system in order to perform a stability analysis, understand the origin of the system dynamics and identify the dominant DC voltage mode that dictates the DC voltage response time. Using the Singular Value Decomposition method on the MTDC system, the proper design of the voltage-droop gains of the controllers is then achieved so that the system operation is ensured within physical constraints, such as the maximum DC voltage deviation and the maximum admissible current in the power electronics. Finally, a supplementary droop "the frequency-droop control" is proposed so that MTDC systems also participate to the onshore grids frequency regulation. However, this controller interacts with the voltage-droop controller. This interaction is mathematically quantified and a corrected frequency-droop gain is proposed. This control is then illustrated with an application to the physical converters of the Twenties project mock-up.

NMR solution structure of DNA double helices with built-in polarity probes

Dehmel, Lars 30 June 2015 (has links)
Die Strukturen in Lösung dreier unterschiedlich modifizierter DNA Doppelstränge wurden mittels NMR Spektroskopie gelöst. Sie alle besitzen polare Sonden im Zentrum der Helix, welche sensitiv für die nähere Umgebung sind. Ihr Schmelzverhalten wurde mit Hilfe einer neuen Methode charakterisiert, welche komplette Absorptionsspektren in Kombination mit Singularwertzerlegung (SVD) nutzt. Letztere erlaubt die Analyse der Spektren als Ganzes, die notwendig ist um der Blauverschiebung des Sondensignals zu folgen, welche durch die zuvor genannte Sensitivität zur Umgebung verursacht wird. Auf diese Weise kann der Schmelzprozess des Duplex lokal und global beschrieben werden. Die erste Modifikation, 2-Hydroxy-7-Carboxyfluoren (HCF), wurde gegenüber einer abasischen Seite platziert, um sterische Spannungen zu vermeiden. Die NMR Spektroskopie deckte zwei gleichverteilte Konformationen auf, da die Rotation des HCF Chromophors nur durch die Stapelwechselwirkung innerhalb der Helix unterbunden wird. Der zweite Doppelstrang enthält ein über R-Glycerol gebundenes 6-Hydroxychinolinium (6HQ) gegenüber Cytosin. Der Einbau von 6HQ als Mononukleotid einer Glykolnukleinsäure (GNA) ist ein strukturelles Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Bisher sind nur Kristallstrukturen von vollständiger GNA bekannt, daher ist die Struktur in Lösung dieses Doppelstranges von generellem Interesse. Die geringe Größe von R-Glycerol stört das Rückgrat des 6HQ-Stranges, welche eine von der helikalen Achse abweichende Stapelachse für die drei zentralen Basen verursacht. Die letzte Modifikation ist ein künstliches Basenpaar bestehend aus 4-Aminophthalimid (4AP) und 2,4-Diaminopyrimidin (DAP). Anstatt der gewünschten drei Wasserstoffbrücken wurden zwei Strukturen, die entweder eine oder zwei Wasserstoffbrücken beinhalten, beobachtet, welche durch die Verbindung von 4AP zur 2’-Deoxyribofuranose erklärt werden können. / The solution structures of three differently modified DNA double strands were solved by NMR spectroscopy. They all incorporate polarity probes in the center of the helix that are sensitive to the immediate environment. Their melting behavior was characterized by a new method that utilizes complete absorption spectra in combination with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The latter allows to analyze the spectra in their entirety, which is required to follow the blue shift of the probe signal that is caused by the aforementioned sensitivity to the environment. In this way the duplex melting process is characterized in local and global terms.The first modification, 2-hydroxy-7-carboxyfluorene (HCF), is placed opposite an abasic site to avoid steric strain. NMR spectroscopy revealed two equally distributed conformations, since rotation of the HCF chromophore is only hindered by stacking interactions inside the helix. The second double strand comprises R-glycerol linked 6-hydroxyquinolinium (6HQ) opposite cytosine. The incorporation of 6HQ as glycol nucleic acid (GNA) mononucleotide is a unique structural feature. Until now, only crystal structures of full GNA backbone duplexes are known, so the solution structure of this double strand is of general interest. The small size of R-glycerol disturbs the backbone of the 6HQ strand, which causes a stacking axis that differs from the helical long axis for the three central bases. The last modification is an artificial base pair made of 4-aminophthalimide (4AP) and 2,4-diaminopyrimidine (DAP). Instead of the desired three hydrogen bonds, two structures containing either a single or two hydrogen bonds are observed that can be explained by the linkage of 4AP to 2’-deoxyribofuranose.

Investigation of the application of UPFC controllers for weak bus systems subjected to fault conditions : an investigation of the behaviour of a UPFC controller : the voltage stability and power transfer capability of the network and the effect of the position of unsymmetrical fault conditions

Jalboub, Mohamed January 2012 (has links)
In order to identify the weakest bus in a power system so that the Unified Power Flow Controller could be connected, an investigation of static and dynamic voltage stability is presented. Two stability indices, static and dynamic, have been proposed in the thesis. Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) analysis has been used for the dynamic stability analysis. Results based on the Western System Coordinate Council (WSCC) 3-machine, 9-bus test system and IEEE 14 bus Reliability Test System (RTS) shows that these indices detect with the degree of accuracy the weakest bus, the weakest line and the voltage stability margin in the test system before suffering from voltage collapse. Recently, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission systems (FACTs) have become significant due to the need to strengthen existing power systems. The UPFC has been identified in literature as the most comprehensive and complex FACTs equipment that has emerged for the control and optimization of power flow in AC transmission systems. Significant research has been done on the UPFC. However, the extent of UPFC capability, connected to the weakest bus in maintaining the power flows under fault conditions, not only in the line where it is installed, but also in adjacent parallel lines, remains to be studied. In the literature, it has normally been assumed the UPFC is disconnected during a fault period. In this investigation it has been shown that fault conditions can affect the UPFC significantly, even if it occurred on far buses of the power system. This forms the main contribution presented in this thesis. The impact of UPFC in minimizing the disturbances in voltages, currents and power flows under fault conditions are investigated. The WSCC 3-machine, 9-bus test system is used to investigate the effect of an unsymmetrical fault type and position on the operation of UPFC controller in accordance to the G59 protection, stability and regulation. Results show that it is necessary to disconnect the UPFC controller from the power system during unsymmetrical fault conditions.

Utilising Local Model Neural Network Jacobian Information in Neurocontrol

Carrelli, David John 16 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 8315331 - MSc dissertation - School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / In this dissertation an efficient algorithm to calculate the differential of the network output with respect to its inputs is derived for axis orthogonal Local Model (LMN) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks. A new recursive Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) adaptation algorithm, which attempts to circumvent many of the problems found in existing recursive adaptation algorithms, is also derived. Code listings and simulations are presented to demonstrate how the algorithms may be used in on-line adaptive neurocontrol systems. Specifically, the control techniques known as series inverse neural control and instantaneous linearization are highlighted. The presented material illustrates how the approach enhances the flexibility of LMN networks making them suitable for use in both direct and indirect adaptive control methods. By incorporating this ability into LMN networks an important characteristic of Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) networks is obtained whilst retaining the desirable properties of the RBF and LMN approach.

Nouvelle approche pour l'extraction de paramètres géophysiques des mesures en altimétrie radar

Ollivier, Annabelle 31 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Les radars altimètres embarqués à bord de satellites à plus de 800 km d'altitude permettent d'étudier des variations du niveau de la mer de l'ordre du centimètre ! Ils permettent aussi d'estimer la hauteur des vagues et la vitesse du vent le long des traces des satellites.<br />Ces paramètres sont estimés à partir des échos radar qui possèdent une forme caractéristique de la surface sur laquelle ils se réfléchissent.<br />La précision, la résolution et la qualité d'estimation de ces paramètres (hauteur de mer, hauteur des vagues, vitesse du vent...) sont des préoccupations permanentes pour l'exploitation et l'interprétation des mesures altimétriques.<br /><br /> Nous proposons dans cette thèse de réduire le niveau de bruit des mesures avant l'étape d'estimation c'est-à-dire sur les échos altimétriques.<br />Pour cela, nous exploitons leur corrélation spatiale en travaillant sur des matrices formées d'échos consécutifs.<br />Cette approche matricielle constitue une nouveauté dans le traitement du signal altimétrique. Son principal atout est de définir des sous-espaces vectoriels permettant de séparer l'information utile du bruit qui altère le signal.<br />Elle permet de définir des échos très peu bruités sans perdre l'information géophysique et avec une résolution maximale.<br />Nous établissons un traitement optimal au sens des moindres carrés s'appuyant sur des simulations et appliqué sur les données réelles de plusieurs altimètres.<br /><br /> Grâce aux échos débruités obtenus, les paramètres géophysiques sont extraits avec une précision accrue.<br />En réduisant le bruit haute fréquence, nous mettons en évidence une variabilité spatiale à plus fine échelle, jusqu'à présent noyée dans le bruit de mesure.<br />Cette méthode simple et efficace permet d'affiner la précision et la résolution des hauteurs de mer et des vagues estimées le long des traces des satellites.<br /><br /> En affinant la précision et la résolution des mesures le long des traces, on participe à la nouvelle orientation opérationnelle de l'altimétrie, tournée vers des utilisateurs et vers des études de plus en plus locales.

Understanding Spatio-Temporal Variability and Associated Physical Controls of Near-Surface Soil Moisture in Different Hydro-Climates

Joshi, Champa 03 October 2013 (has links)
Near-surface soil moisture is a key state variable of the hydrologic cycle and plays a significant role in the global water and energy balance by affecting several hydrological, ecological, meteorological, geomorphologic, and other natural processes in the land-atmosphere continuum. Presence of soil moisture in the root zone is vital for the crop and plant life cycle. Soil moisture distribution is highly non-linear across time and space. Various geophysical factors (e.g., soil properties, topography, vegetation, and weather/climate) and their interactions control the spatio-temporal evolution of soil moisture at various scales. Understanding these interactions is crucial for the characterization of soil moisture dynamics occurring in the vadose zone. This dissertation focuses on understanding the spatio-temporal variability of near-surface soil moisture and the associated physical control(s) across varying measurement support (point-scale and passive microwave airborne/satellite remote sensing footprint-scale), spatial extents (field-, watershed-, and regional-scale), and changing hydro-climates. Various analysis techniques (e.g., time stability, geostatistics, Empirical Orthogonal Function, and Singular Value Decomposition) have been employed to characterize near-surface soil moisture variability and the role of contributing physical control(s) across space and time. Findings of this study can be helpful in several hydrological research/applications, such as, validation/calibration and downscaling of remote sensing data products, planning and designing effective soil moisture monitoring networks and field campaigns, improving performance of soil moisture retrieval algorithm, flood/drought prediction, climate forecast modeling, and agricultural management practices.

Εύρεση γεωμετρικών χαρακτηριστικών ερυθρών αιμοσφαιρίων από εικόνες σκεδασμένου φωτός

Τρικοίλης, Ιωάννης 20 September 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία θα γίνει μελέτη και εφαρμογή μεθόδων επίλυσης του προβλήματος αναγνώρισης γεωμετρικών χαρακτηριστικών ανθρώπινων ερυθρών αιμοσφαιρίων από προσομοιωμένες εικόνες σκέδασης ΗΜ ακτινοβολίας ενός He-Ne laser 632.8 μm. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στις ιδιότητες και τα χαρακτηριστικά του ερυθροκυττάρου καθώς, επίσης, παρουσιάζονται διάφορες ανωμαλίες των ερυθροκυττάρων και οι μέχρι στιγμής χρησιμοποιούμενοι τρόποι ανίχνευσής των. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο της εργασίας γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στις ιδιότητες της ΗΜ ακτινοβολίας, περιγράφεται το φαινόμενο της σκέδασης και παρουσιάζεται το ευθύ πρόβλημα σκέδασης ΗΜ ακτινοβολίας ανθρώπινων ερυθροκυττάρων. Το τρίτο κεφάλαιο αποτελείται από δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος γίνεται εκτενής ανάλυση της θεωρίας των τεχνητών νευρωνικών δικτύων και περιγράφονται τα νευρωνικά δίκτυα ακτινικών συναρτήσεων RBF. Στη συνέχεια, αναφέρονται οι μέθοδοι εξαγωγής παραμέτρων και, πιο συγκεκριμένα, δίνεται το θεωρητικό και μαθηματικό υπόβαθρο των μεθόδων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι οποίες είναι ο αλογόριθμος Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), o Angular Radial μετασχηματισμός (ART) και φίλτρα Gabor. Στο δεύτερο μέρος περιγράφεται η επίλυση του αντίστροφου προβλήματος σκέδασης. Παρουσιάζεται η μεθοδολογία της διαδικασίας επίλυσης όπου εφαρμόστηκαν ο αλογόριθμος συμπίεσης εικόνας SVD, o περιγραφέας σχήματος ART και ο περιγραφέας υφής με φίλτρα Gabor για την εύρεση των γεωμετρικών χαρακτηριστικών και νευρωνικό δίκτυο ακτινικών συναρτήσεων RBF για την ταξινόμηση των ερυθροκυττάρων. Στο τέταρτο και τελευταίο κεφάλαιο γίνεται δοκιμή και αξιολόγηση της μεθόδου και συνοψίζονται τα αποτελέσματα και τα συμπεράσματα που εξήχθησαν κατά τη διάρκεια της εκπόνησης αυτής της διπλωματικής. / In this thesis we study and implement methods of estimating the geometrical features of the human red blood cell from a set of simulated light scattering images produced by a He-Ne laser beam at 632.8 μm. Ιn first chapter an introduction to the properties and the characteristics of red blood cells are presented. Furthermore, we describe various abnormalities of erythrocytes and the until now used ways of detection. In second chapter the properties of electromagnetic radiation and the light scattering problem of EM radiation from human erythrocytes are presented. The third chapter consists of two parts. In first part we analyse the theory of neural networks and we describe the radial basis function neural network. Then, we describe the theoritical and mathematical background of the methods that we use for feature extraction which are Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Angular Radial Transform and Gabor filters. In second part the solution of the inverse problem of light scattering is described. We present the methodology of the solution process in which we implement a Singular Value Decomposition approach, a shape descriptor with Angular Radial Transform and a homogenous texture descriptor which uses Gabor filters for the estimation of the geometrical characteristics and a RBF neural network for the classification of the erythrocytes. In the forth and last chapter the described methods are evaluated and we summarise the experimental results and conclusions that were extracted from this thesis.

Image Structures For Steganalysis And Encryption

Suresh, V 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this work we study two aspects of image security: improper usage and illegal access of images. In the first part we present our results on steganalysis – protection against improper usage of images. In the second part we present our results on image encryption – protection against illegal access of images. Steganography is the collective name for methodologies that allow the creation of invisible –hence secret– channels for information transfer. Steganalysis, the counter to steganography, is a collection of approaches that attempt to detect and quantify the presence of hidden messages in cover media. First we present our studies on stego-images using features developed for data stream classification towards making some qualitative assessments about the effect of steganography on the lower order bit planes(LSB) of images. These features are effective in classifying different data streams. Using these features, we study the randomness properties of image and stego-image LSB streams and observe that data stream analysis techniques are inadequate for steganalysis purposes. This provides motivation to arrive at steganalytic techniques that go beyond the LSB properties. We then present our steganalytic approach which takes into account such properties. In one such approach, we perform steganalysis from the point of view of quantifying the effect of perturbations caused by mild image processing operations–zoom-in/out, rotation, distortions–on stego-images. We show that this approach works both in detecting and estimating the presence of stego-contents for a particularly difficult steganographic technique known as LSB matching steganography. Next, we present our results on our image encryption techniques. Encryption approaches which are used in the context of text data are usually unsuited for the purposes of encrypting images(and multimedia objects) in general. The reasons are: unlike text, the volume to be encrypted could be huge for images and leads to increased computational requirements; encryption used for text renders images incompressible thereby resulting in poor use of bandwidth. These issues are overcome by designing image encryption approaches that obfuscate the image by intelligently re-ordering the pixels or encrypt only parts of a given image in attempts to render them imperceptible. The obfuscated image or the partially encrypted image is still amenable to compression. Efficient image encryption schemes ensure that the obfuscation is not compromised by the inherent correlations present in the image. Also they ensure that the unencrypted portions of the image do not provide information about the encrypted parts. In this work we present two approaches for efficient image encryption. First, we utilize the correlation preserving properties of the Hilbert space-filling-curves to reorder images in such a way that the image is obfuscated perceptually. This process does not compromise on the compressibility of the output image. We show experimentally that our approach leads to both perceptual security and perceptual encryption. We then show that the space-filling curve based approach also leads to more efficient partial encryption of images wherein only the salient parts of the image are encrypted thereby reducing the encryption load. In our second approach, we show that Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) of images is useful from the point of image encryption by way of mismatching the unitary matrices resulting from the decomposition of images. It is seen that the images that result due to the mismatching operations are perceptually secure.

Investigating the Correlation Between Marketing Emails and Receivers Using Unsupervised Machine Learning on Limited Data : A comprehensive study using state of the art methods for text clustering and natural language processing / Undersökning av samband mellan marknadsföringsemail och dess mottagare med hjälp av oövervakad maskininlärning på begränsad data

Pettersson, Christoffer January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this project is to investigate any correlation between marketing emails and their receivers using machine learning and only a limited amount of initial data. The data consists of roughly 1200 emails and 98.000 receivers of these. Initially, the emails are grouped together based on their content using text clustering. They contain no information regarding prior labeling or categorization which creates a need for an unsupervised learning approach using solely the raw text based content as data. The project investigates state-of-the-art concepts like bag-of-words for calculating term importance and the gap statistic for determining an optimal number of clusters. The data is vectorized using term frequency - inverse document frequency to determine the importance of terms relative to the document and to all documents combined. An inherit problem of this approach is high dimensionality which is reduced using latent semantic analysis in conjunction with singular value decomposition. Once the resulting clusters have been obtained, the most frequently occurring terms for each cluster are analyzed and compared. Due to the absence of initial labeling an alternative approach is required to evaluate the clusters validity. To do this, the receivers of all emails in each cluster who actively opened an email is collected and investigated. Each receiver have different attributes regarding their purpose of using the service and some personal information. Once gathered and analyzed, conclusions could be drawn that it is possible to find distinguishable connections between the resulting email clusters and their receivers but to a limited extent. The receivers from the same cluster did show similar attributes as each other which were distinguishable from the receivers of other clusters. Hence, the resulting email clusters and their receivers are specific enough to distinguish themselves from each other but too general to handle more detailed information. With more data, this could become a useful tool for determining which users of a service should receive a particular email to increase the conversion rate and thereby reach out to more relevant people based on previous trends. / Målet med detta projekt att undersöka eventuella samband mellan marknadsföringsemail och dess mottagare med hjälp av oövervakad maskininlärning på en brgränsad mängd data. Datan består av ca 1200 email meddelanden med 98.000 mottagare. Initialt så gruperas alla meddelanden baserat på innehåll via text klustering. Meddelandena innehåller ingen information angående tidigare gruppering eller kategorisering vilket skapar ett behov för ett oövervakat tillvägagångssätt för inlärning där enbart det råa textbaserade meddelandet används som indata. Projektet undersöker moderna tekniker så som bag-of-words för att avgöra termers relevans och the gap statistic för att finna ett optimalt antal kluster. Datan vektoriseras med hjälp av term frequency - inverse document frequency för att avgöra relevansen av termer relativt dokumentet samt alla dokument kombinerat. Ett fundamentalt problem som uppstår via detta tillvägagångssätt är hög dimensionalitet, vilket reduceras med latent semantic analysis tillsammans med singular value decomposition. Då alla kluster har erhållits så analyseras de mest förekommande termerna i vardera kluster och jämförs. Eftersom en initial kategorisering av meddelandena saknas så krävs ett alternativt tillvägagångssätt för evaluering av klustrens validitet. För att göra detta så hämtas och analyseras alla mottagare för vardera kluster som öppnat något av dess meddelanden. Mottagarna har olika attribut angående deras syfte med att använda produkten samt personlig information. När de har hämtats och undersökts kan slutsatser dras kring hurvida samband kan hittas. Det finns ett klart samband mellan vardera kluster och dess mottagare, men till viss utsträckning. Mottagarna från samma kluster visade likartade attribut som var urskiljbara gentemot mottagare från andra kluster. Därav kan det sägas att de resulterande klustren samt dess mottagare är specifika nog att urskilja sig från varandra men för generella för att kunna handera mer detaljerad information. Med mer data kan detta bli ett användbart verktyg för att bestämma mottagare av specifika emailutskick för att på sikt kunna öka öppningsfrekvensen och därmed nå ut till mer relevanta mottagare baserat på tidigare resultat.

Simulation of Complex Sound Radiation Patterns from Truck Components using Monopole Clusters / Simulering av komplexa ljudstrålningsmönster från lastbilskomponenter med hjälp av monopolkluster

Calen, Titus, Wang, Xiaomo January 2023 (has links)
Pass-by noise testing is an important step in vehicle design and regulation compliance. Finite element analysis simulations have been used to cut costs on prototyping and testing, but the high computational cost of simulating surface vibrations from complex geometries and the resulting airborne noise propagation is making the switch to digital twin methods not viable. This paper aims at investigating the use of equivalent source methods as an alternative to the before mentioned simulations. Through the use of a simple 2D model, the difficulties such as ill-conditioning of the transfer matrix and the required regularisation techniques such as TSVD and the Tikhonov L-curve method are tested and then applied to a mesh of a 3D engine model. Source and pressure field errors are measured and their origins are explained. A heavy emphasis is put on the model geometry as a source of error. Finally, rules of thumb based on the regularisation balance and the wavelength dependent pressure sampling positions are formulated in order to achieve usable results. / Bullerprovning vid passage är ett viktigt steg i fordonsdesign och regelefterlevnad. Simuleringar med finita elementanalyser har använts för att minska kostnaderna för prototypframtagning och provning, men de höga beräkningskostnaderna för att simulera ytvibrationer från komplexa geometrier och den resulterande luftburna bullerspridningen gör att övergången till digitala tvillingmetoder inte är genomförbar. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka användningen av ekvivalenta källmetoder som ett alternativ till de tidigare nämnda simuleringarna. Genom att använda en enkel 2D-modell testas svårigheterna som dålig konditionering av överföringsmatrisen och de nödvändiga regulariseringsteknikerna som TSVD och Tikhonov L-kurvmetoden och tillämpas sedan på ett nät av en 3D-motormodell. Käll- och tryckfältsfel mäts och deras ursprung förklaras. Stor vikt läggs vid modellgeometrin som en felkälla. Slutligen formuleras tumregler baserade på regulariseringsbalansen och de våglängdsberoende tryckprovtagningspositionerna för att uppnå användbara resultat.

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