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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Symbolic software for symmetry reduction and computation of invariant solutions of differential equations

Olinov, Andrey I. 24 June 2011
Problems involving partial or ordinary differential equations arise in various fields of science. Therefore, the task of obtaining exact solutions of differential equations is of primary importance, and attracts high attention. The main purpose of the current thesis is the development of a Maple-based, symbolic software package for symmetry reduction of differential equations and computation of symmetry-invariant solutions. The package developed in the current thesis is compatible with and can be viewed as an extension of the package GeM for symbolic symmetry analysis, developed by Prof. Alexei Cheviakov. The reduction procedure is based on the Lie's classical symmetry reduction method involving canonical coordinates. The developed package is applicable for obtaining solutions arising from extension of Lie's method, in particular, nonlocal and approximate symmetries. The developed software is applied to a number of PDE problems to obtain exact invariant solutions. The considered equations include the one-dimensional nonlinear heat equation, the potential Burgers' equation, as well as equations arising in nonlinear elastostatics and elastodynamics.

Symbolic software for symmetry reduction and computation of invariant solutions of differential equations

Olinov, Andrey I. 24 June 2011 (has links)
Problems involving partial or ordinary differential equations arise in various fields of science. Therefore, the task of obtaining exact solutions of differential equations is of primary importance, and attracts high attention. The main purpose of the current thesis is the development of a Maple-based, symbolic software package for symmetry reduction of differential equations and computation of symmetry-invariant solutions. The package developed in the current thesis is compatible with and can be viewed as an extension of the package GeM for symbolic symmetry analysis, developed by Prof. Alexei Cheviakov. The reduction procedure is based on the Lie's classical symmetry reduction method involving canonical coordinates. The developed package is applicable for obtaining solutions arising from extension of Lie's method, in particular, nonlocal and approximate symmetries. The developed software is applied to a number of PDE problems to obtain exact invariant solutions. The considered equations include the one-dimensional nonlinear heat equation, the potential Burgers' equation, as well as equations arising in nonlinear elastostatics and elastodynamics.

Recurrent spatio-temporal structures in presence of continuous symmetries

Siminos, Evangelos 06 April 2009 (has links)
When statistical assumptions do not hold and coherent structures are present in spatially extended systems such as fluid flows, flame fronts and field theories, a dynamical description of turbulent phenomena becomes necessary. In the dynamical systems approach, theory of turbulence for a given system, with given boundary conditions, is given by (a) the geometry of its infinite-dimensional state space and (b) the associated measure, that is, the likelihood that asymptotic dynamics visits a given state space region. In this thesis this vision is pursued in the context of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky system, one of the simplest physically interesting spatially extended nonlinear systems. With periodic boundary conditions, continuous translational symmetry endows state space with additional structure that often dictates the type of observed solutions. At the same time, the notion of recurrence becomes relative: asymptotic dynamics visits the neighborhood of any equivalent, translated point, infinitely often. Identification of points related by the symmetry group action, termed symmetry reduction, although conceptually simple as the group action is linear, is hard to implement in practice, yet it leads to dramatic simplification of dynamics. Here we propose a scheme, based on the method of moving frames of Cartan, to efficiently project solutions of high-dimensional truncations of partial differential equations computed in the original space to a reduced state space. The procedure simplifies the visualization of high-dimensional flows and provides new insight into the role the unstable manifolds of equilibria and traveling waves play in organizing Kuramoto-Sivashinsky flow. This in turn elucidates the mechanism that creates unstable modulated traveling waves (periodic orbits in reduced space) that provide a skeleton of the dynamics. The compact description of dynamics thus achieved sets the stage for reduction of the dynamics to mappings between a set of Poincare sections.

Réduction des symétries de jauges : une nouvelle approche géométrique / Reduction of gauge symmetries : a new geometrical approach

Francois, Jordan 30 September 2014 (has links)
Le principe de symétrie locale, ou symétrie de jauge, est à la base de notre compréhension des interactions fondamentales. Le language naturelle des théories de jauge est la théorie des connections sur les espaces fibrés, une branche de la géométrie différentielle. En dépit de son importance, la symétrie de jauge pose deux difficultés qui méritent d'être mises en exergue: 1) L'invariance de jauge interdit les termes de masses pour les champs d'interactions, ce qui est en conflit avec la phénoménologie de l'interaction faible. 2) La quantification des théories de jauge est délicate puisque l'intégrale fonctionnelle est a priori mal définie. La symétrie de jauge doit donc être réduite. Essentiellement trois stratégies se présentent, répondant à l'un ou l'autre des deux problèmes. Le fixage de jauge répond à 2 (méthode de Faddeev-Popov). La brisure spontanée de symétrie répond à 1 (méchanisme de Higgs). Enfin, le théorème de réduction des fibrés répond à 1.On propose ici une nouvelle stratégie de réduction des symétries de jauge: la méthode du `dressing field'. C'est un résultat de géométrie différentielle qui se trouve être à la base de la notion de `variables de Dirac'. On montre que cette méthode éclaire certains travaux récents en physique hadronique. Le secteur électrofaible du Modèle Standard est traité ce qui induit une nouvelle interprétation. L'extension de la méthode aux G-structure d'ordre supérieur, ainsi qu'une application à la géométrie conforme, est donnée. Enfin on montre comment la méthode modifie l'algèbre BRS d'une théorie de jauge, et une analyse préliminaire de son impact sur la question des anomalies en Théorie Quantique des Champs est proposée. / The principle of local symmetry, or gauge symmetry, is at the basis of our understanding of fundamental interactions. The natural framework of gauge theories is the theory of connections on fiber bundles, a branch of differential geometry. Despite its importance, gauge symmetry has some drawbacks, two especially prominent: 1) Gauge invariance forbids mass terms for interaction fields, which is at odds with the phenomenology of the Weak interaction. 2) The quantization of gauge theories is delicate since the path integral is a priori ill defined. Gauge symmetry must then be reduced. Essentially three strategies are available, each addressing one problem or the other. Gauge fixing addresses 2 (Faddeev-Popov trick). Spontaneous symmetry breaking addresses 1 (Higgs mechanism). Finally, the bundle reduction theorem addresses 1.We propose here a new strategy of gauge symmetries reduction: the dressing field method. It is a differential geometric result which happens to be the basis of the notion of `Dirac variable'. We show that this method sheds some light on recent works in hadronic Physics. The electrweak sector of the Standard Model is treated, which suggests a new interpretation. Extention of the method to higher-order G-structure, as well as an application to conformal geometry, is given. Finally we show how the method alters the BRS algebra of a gauge theory, and a preliminary analysis of its impact on the question of anomalies in Quantume Field Theory is proposed.

Chiefly Symmetric: Results on the Scalability of Probabilistic Model Checking for Operating-System Code

Baier, Christel, Daum, Marcus, Engel, Benjamin, Härtig, Hermann, Klein, Joachim, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Tews, Hendrik, Völp, Marcus 10 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Reliability in terms of functional properties from the safety-liveness spectrum is an indispensable requirement of low-level operating-system (OS) code. However, with evermore complex and thus less predictable hardware, quantitative and probabilistic guarantees become more and more important. Probabilistic model checking is one technique to automatically obtain these guarantees. First experiences with the automated quantitative analysis of low-level operating-system code confirm the expectation that the naive probabilistic model checking approach rapidly reaches its limits when increasing the numbers of processes. This paper reports on our work-in-progress to tackle the state explosion problem for low-level OS-code caused by the exponential blow-up of the model size when the number of processes grows. We studied the symmetry reduction approach and carried out our experiments with a simple test-and-test-and-set lock case study as a representative example for a wide range of protocols with natural inter-process dependencies and long-run properties. We quickly see a state-space explosion for scenarios where inter-process dependencies are insignificant. However, once inter-process dependencies dominate the picture models with hundred and more processes can be constructed and analysed.

Vortices, Painlevé integrability and projective geometry

Contatto, Felipe January 2018 (has links)
GaugThe first half of the thesis concerns Abelian vortices and Yang-Mills theory. It is proved that the 5 types of vortices recently proposed by Manton are actually symmetry reductions of (anti-)self-dual Yang-Mills equations with suitable gauge groups and symmetry groups acting as isometries in a 4-manifold. As a consequence, the twistor integrability results of such vortices can be derived. It is presented a natural definition of their kinetic energy and thus the metric of the moduli space was calculated by the Samols' localisation method. Then, a modified version of the Abelian–Higgs model is proposed in such a way that spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Bogomolny argument still hold. The Painlevé test, when applied to its soliton equations, reveals a complete list of its integrable cases. The corresponding solutions are given in terms of third Painlevé transcendents and can be interpreted as original vortices on surfaces with conical singularity. The last two chapters present the following results in projective differential geometry and Hamiltonians of hydrodynamic-type systems. It is shown that the projective structures defined by the Painlevé equations are not metrisable unless either the corresponding equations admit first integrals quadratic in first derivatives or they define projectively flat structures. The corresponding first integrals can be derived from Killing vectors associated to the metrics that solve the metrisability problem. Secondly, it is given a complete set of necessary and sufficient conditions for an arbitrary affine connection in 2D to admit, locally, 0, 1, 2 or 3 Killing forms. These conditions are tensorial and simpler than the ones in previous literature. By defining suitable affine connections, it is shown that the problem of existence of Killing forms is equivalent to the conditions of the existence of Hamiltonian structures for hydrodynamic-type systems of two components.

Model Checking Techniques for Design and Analysis of Future Hardware and Software Systems

Märcker, Steffen 12 April 2021 (has links)
Computer hardware and software laid the foundation for fundamental innovations in science, technology, economics and society. Novel application areas generate an ever-increasing demand for computation power and storage capacities. Classic CMOS-based hardware and the von Neumann architecture are approaching their limits in miniaturization, power density and communication speed. To meet future demands, researchers work on new device technologies and architecture approaches which in turn require new algorithms and a hardware/software co-design to exploit their capabilities. Since the overall system heterogeneity and complexity increases, the challenge is to build systems with these technologies that are both correct and performant by design. Formal methods in general and model checking in particular are established verification methods in hardware design, and have been successfully applied to many hardware, software and integrated hardware/software systems. In many systems, probabilistic effects arise naturally, e.g., from input patterns, production variations or the occurrence of faults. Probabilistic model checking facilitates the quantitative analysis of performance and reliability measures in stochastic models that formalize this probabilism. The interdisciplinary research project Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, cfaed for short, aims to explore hardware and software technologies for future information processing systems. It joins the research efforts of different groups working on technologies for all system layers ranging from transistor device research over system architecture up to the application layer. The collaborations among the groups showed a demand for new formal methods and enhanced tools to assist the design and analysis of technologies at all system layers and their cross-layer integration. Addressing these needs is the goal of this thesis. This work contributes to probabilistic model checking for Markovian models with new methods to compute two essential measures in the analysis of hardware/software systems and a method to tackle the state-space explosion problem: 1) Conditional probabilities are well known in stochastic theory and statistics, but efficient methods did not exist to compute conditional expectations in Markov chains and extremal conditional probabilities in Markov decision processes. This thesis develops new polynomial-time algorithms, and it provides a mature implementation for the probabilistic model checker PRISM. 2) Relativized long-run and relativized conditional long-run averages are proposed in this work to reason about probabilities and expectations in Markov chains on the long run when zooming into sets of states or paths. Both types of long-run averages are implemented for PRISM. 3) Symmetry reduction is an effective abstraction technique to tame the state-space explosion problem. However, state-of-the-art probabilistic model checkers apply it only after building the full model and offer no support for specifying non-trivial symmetric components. This thesis fills this gap with a modeling language based on symmetric program graphs that facilitates symmetry reduction on the source level. The new language can be integrated seamlessly into the PRISM modeling language. This work contributes to the research on future hardware/software systems in cfaed with three practical studies that are enabled by the developed methods and their implementations. 1) To confirm relevance of the new methods in practice and to validate the results, the first study analyzes a well-understood synchronization protocol, a test-and-test-and-set spinlock. Beyond this confirmation, the analysis demonstrates the capability to compute properties that are hardly accessible to measurements. 2) Probabilistic write-copy/select is an alternative protocol to overcome the scalability issues of classic resource-locking mechanisms. A quantitative analysis verifies the protocol's principle of operation and evaluates the performance trade-offs to guide future implementations of the protocol. 3) The impact of a new device technology is hard to estimate since circuit-level simulations are not available in the early stages of research. This thesis proposes a formal framework to model and analyze circuit designs for novel transistor technologies. It encompasses an operational model of electrical circuits, a functional model of polarity-controllable transistor devices and algorithms for design space exploration in order to find optimal circuit designs using probabilistic model checking. A practical study assesses the model accuracy for a lab-device based on germanium nanowires and performs an automated exploration and performance analysis of the design space of a given switching function. The experiments demonstrate how the framework enables an early systematic design space exploration and performance evaluation of circuits for experimental transistor devices.:1. Introduction 1.1 Related Work 2. Preliminaries 3. Conditional Probabilities in Markovian Models 3.1 Methods for Discrete- and Continuous-Time Markov Chains 3.2 Reset Method for Markov Decision Processes 3.3 Implementation 3.4 Evaluation and Comparative Studies 3.5 Conclusion 4. Long-Run Averages in Markov Chains 4.1 Relativized Long-Run Average 4.2 Conditional State Evolution 4.3 Implementation 4.4 Conclusion 5. Language-Support for Immediate Symmetry Reduction 5.1 Probabilistic Program Graphs 5.2 Symmetric Probabilistic Program Graphs 5.3 Implementation 5.4 Conclusion 6. Practical Applications of the Developed Techniques 6.1 Test-and-Test-and-Set Spinlock: Quantitative Analysis of an Established Protocol 6.2 Probabilistic Write/Copy-Select: Quantitative Analysis as Design Guide for a Novel Protocol 6.3 Circuit Design for Future Transistor Technologies: Evaluating Polarity-Controllable Multiple-Gate FETs 7. Conclusion Bibliography Appendices A. Conditional Probabilities and Expectations A.1 Selection of Benchmark Models A.2 Additional Benchmark Results A.3 Comparison PRISM vs. Storm B. Language-Support for Immediate Symmetry Reduction B.1 Syntax of the PRISM Modeling Language B.2 Multi-Core Example C. Practical Applications of the Developed Techniques C.1 Test-and-Test-and-Set Spinlock C.2 Probabilistic Write/Copy-Select C.3 Circuit Design for Future Transistor Technologies

Chiefly Symmetric: Results on the Scalability of Probabilistic Model Checking for Operating-System Code

Baier, Christel, Daum, Marcus, Engel, Benjamin, Härtig, Hermann, Klein, Joachim, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Tews, Hendrik, Völp, Marcus January 2012 (has links)
Reliability in terms of functional properties from the safety-liveness spectrum is an indispensable requirement of low-level operating-system (OS) code. However, with evermore complex and thus less predictable hardware, quantitative and probabilistic guarantees become more and more important. Probabilistic model checking is one technique to automatically obtain these guarantees. First experiences with the automated quantitative analysis of low-level operating-system code confirm the expectation that the naive probabilistic model checking approach rapidly reaches its limits when increasing the numbers of processes. This paper reports on our work-in-progress to tackle the state explosion problem for low-level OS-code caused by the exponential blow-up of the model size when the number of processes grows. We studied the symmetry reduction approach and carried out our experiments with a simple test-and-test-and-set lock case study as a representative example for a wide range of protocols with natural inter-process dependencies and long-run properties. We quickly see a state-space explosion for scenarios where inter-process dependencies are insignificant. However, once inter-process dependencies dominate the picture models with hundred and more processes can be constructed and analysed.

Nonlinear low-frequency excitations of condensed matter studied by two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy

Runge, Matthias 28 March 2024 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird Terahertzspektroskopie (THz) eingesetzt, um nichtlineare niederfrequente Anregungen von kondensierter Materie zu untersuchen. Insbesondere die Anwendung zweidimensionaler (2D) THz-Spektroskopie ermöglicht es, verschiedene Beiträge zu nichtlinearen Signalen zu entflechten. Zunächst wird die nichtlineare polaronische Antwort solvatisierter Elektronen und umliegenden Lösungsmittelmolekülen in der polaren Flüssigkeit Isopropanol erforscht. Solvatisierte Elektronen werden durch Multiphotonen-Ionisation erzeugt. Longitudinale Polaronoszillationen mit THz-Frequenzen werden während der ultraschnellen Lokalisierung der Elektronen impulsiv angeregt. Die Störung solcher Polaronschwingungen mit einem externen THz-Impuls führt zu nichtlinearen Änderungen der transversalen Polaron-Polarisierbarkeit, die sich in deutlichen Änderungen der Oszillationsphase zeigen. Darüber hinaus wird die Erzeugung monozyklischer THz-Impulse in asymmetrischen Halbleiter-Quantentrögen bei resonanter Intersubband-Anregung im Mittelinfraroten (MIR) demonstriert. Die zeitliche Form des emittierten elektrischen THz-Feldes wird durch die Steuerung der Impulsdauer und des elektrischen Feldes der MIR Impulse verändert. Phasenaufgelöste 2D-MIR-Experimente bestätigen, dass die THz-Emission vorrangig auf einen nichtlinearen Verschiebungsstrom bei Femtosekunden-Intersubband-Anregung zurückzuführen ist. Der Einfluss von Intra- und Interbandströmen auf Symmetrieeigenschaften wird in 2D-THz-Experimenten an Wismut demonstriert. Nichtperturbative langwellige Anregung von Ladungsträgern nahe der L-Punkte führt zu einer anisotropen Ladungsträgerverteilung, die sich in einer hexagonalen Winkelabhängigkeit der pump-induzierten THz Transmission manifestiert. Eine damit einhergehende Symmetrieverringerung für bestimmte elektrische Feldpolarisationen erlaubt die Anregung von Zonenrand-Phononen, welche sich in in oszillierenden Signalen in der nichtlinearen 2D-THz-Antwort manifestieren. / This thesis exploits techniques of terahertz (THz) spectroscopy to investigate nonlinear low-frequency excitations of condensed matter. In particular, application of two-dimensional (2D) THz spectroscopy allows to disentangle different nonlinear signal contributions. The nonlinear polaronic response of solvated electrons and their surrounding solvent molecules in the polar liquid isopronal is studied. Solvated electrons are generated via multiphoton ionization. Longitudinal polaron oscillations with THz frequencies are impulsively excited during the ultrafast localization of the electrons. Perturbation of such polaron oscillations with an external THz pulse induces nonlinear changes of the transverse polaron polarizability, reflected in distinct modifications to the oscillation phase as mapped in 2D-THz experiments. Further, the generation of mono-cycle THz pulses from asymmetric semiconductor quantum wells upon resonant intersubband excitation in the mid-infrared (MIR) range is demonstrated. The temporal shape of the emitted THz electric field is modified by controlling pulse duration and peak electric field of the MIR driving pulses. Phase-resolved 2D-MIR experiments confirm that the THz emission is predominantly due to a nonlinear shift current generated upon femtosecond intersubband excitation. The influence of combined intra- and interband currents on symmetry properties, which opens novel quantum pathways for phonon excitation in narrow-band-gap materials, is demonstrated by 2D-THz experiments on bismuth. Nonperturbative long-wavelength excitation of charge carriers close to the L points leads to an anisotropic carrier distribution, reflected in a six-fold azimuthal angular dependence of the pump-induced change of THz transmission. A concomitant symmetry reduction for certain electric-field polarizations allows for the excitation of phonons at the zone boundary which are reflected in oscillatory signals in the nonlinear 2D-THz response.

Analyse de groupe d’un modèle de la plasticité idéale planaire et sur les solutions en termes d’invariants de Riemann pour les systèmes quasilinéaires du premier ordre

Lamothe, Vincent 11 1900 (has links)
Les objets d’étude de cette thèse sont les systèmes d’équations quasilinéaires du premier ordre. Dans une première partie, on fait une analyse du point de vue du groupe de Lie classique des symétries ponctuelles d’un modèle de la plasticité idéale. Les écoulements planaires dans les cas stationnaire et non-stationnaire sont étudiés. Deux nouveaux champs de vecteurs ont été obtenus, complétant ainsi l’algèbre de Lie du cas stationnaire dont les sous-algèbres sont classifiées en classes de conjugaison sous l’action du groupe. Dans le cas non-stationnaire, une classification des algèbres de Lie admissibles selon la force choisie est effectuée. Pour chaque type de force, les champs de vecteurs sont présentés. L’algèbre ayant la dimension la plus élevée possible a été obtenues en considérant les forces monogéniques et elle a été classifiée en classes de conjugaison. La méthode de réduction par symétrie est appliquée pour obtenir des solutions explicites et implicites de plusieurs types parmi lesquelles certaines s’expriment en termes d’une ou deux fonctions arbitraires d’une variable et d’autres en termes de fonctions elliptiques de Jacobi. Plusieurs solutions sont interprétées physiquement pour en déduire la forme de filières d’extrusion réalisables. Dans la seconde partie, on s’intéresse aux solutions s’exprimant en fonction d’invariants de Riemann pour les systèmes quasilinéaires du premier ordre. La méthode des caractéristiques généralisées ainsi qu’une méthode basée sur les symétries conditionnelles pour les invariants de Riemann sont étendues pour être applicables à des systèmes dans leurs régions elliptiques. Leur applicabilité est démontrée par des exemples de la plasticité idéale non-stationnaire pour un flot irrotationnel ainsi que les équations de la mécanique des fluides. Une nouvelle approche basée sur l’introduction de matrices de rotation satisfaisant certaines conditions algébriques est développée. Elle est applicable directement à des systèmes non-homogènes et non-autonomes sans avoir besoin de transformations préalables. Son efficacité est illustrée par des exemples comprenant un système qui régit l’interaction non-linéaire d’ondes et de particules. La solution générale est construite de façon explicite. / The objects under consideration in this thesis are systems of first-order quasilinear equations. In the first part of the thesis, a study is made of an ideal plasticity model from the point of view of the classical Lie point symmetry group. Planar flows are investigated in both the stationary and non-stationary cases. Two new vector fields are obtained. They complete the Lie algebra of the stationary case, and the subalgebras are classified into conjugacy classes under the action of the group. In the non-stationary case, a classification of the Lie algebras admissible under the chosen force is performed. For each type of force, the vector fields are presented. For monogenic forces, the algebra is of the highest possible dimension. Its classification into conjugacy classes is made. The symmetry reduction method is used to obtain explicit and implicit solutions of several types. Some of them can be expressed in terms of one or two arbitrary functions of one variable. Others can be expressed in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions. Many solutions are interpreted physically in order to determine the shape of realistic extrusion dies. In the second part of the thesis, we examine solutions expressed in terms of Riemann invariants for first-order quasilinear systems. The generalized method of characteristics, along with a method based on conditional symmetries for Riemann invariants are extended so as to be applicable to systems in their elliptic regions. The applicability of the methods is illustrated by examples such as non-stationary ideal plasticity for an irrotational flow as well as fluid mechanics equations. A new approach is developed, based on the introduction of rotation matrices which satisfy certain algebraic conditions. It is directly applicable to non-homogeneous and non-autonomous systems. Its efficiency is illustrated by examples which include a system governing the non-linear superposition of waves and particles. The general solution is constructed in explicit form.

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