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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av BioFire Joint Infection Panel för mikrobiologisk diagnostik av ledvätska / Evaluation of BioFire Joint Infection Panel for microbiological diagnostics of synovial fluid

Bengtsson, Tilda January 2023 (has links)
En bakteriell ledinfektion kallas för septisk artrit och utan snabb behandling kan tillståndet leda till irreversibla ledskador och flera allvarliga komplikationer. Snabb diagnostik är viktigt för en god prognos och med nuvarande metod för odling av ledvätska tar det upp till fem dygn för detektion av mikroorganismer. Metoden inkluderar odling på fasta substrat och i blododlingsflaskor. Med en ny metod som använder multiplex PCR (polymerase chain reaction) skulle analystiden kunna minskas till en timme. BioFire Joint Infection (JI) Panel är ett test som kan detektera flera mikroorganismer samtidigt genom amplifiering av DNA. Mikroorganismer detekteras och identifieras genom cellysering, DNA-rening, PCR-reaktioner i två steg och smältanalys. Syftet med arbetet var att utvärdera BioFire JI Panel för detektion av mikroorganismer i ledvätska och jämföra metodens känslighet med standardiserad odling respektive odling i buljong, och svara på frågeställningen hur känslig JI-panelen är jämfört med standardiserad odlingsmetod. Prov konstruerades genom att suspendera målbakterierna Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pyogenes, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus influenzae, Kingella kingae och Finegoldia magna i natriumklorid. Suspensionerna seriespäddes och odlades ut på fasta substrat, inokulerades i blododlingsflaskor och buljonger samt analyserades med JI-panelen för att identifiera metodernas detektionsgränser. Fasta substrat, blododlingsflaskor och buljonger visade likvärdig känslighet för majoriteten av bakterieisolaten medan JI-panelen generellt visade en sämre eller likvärdig känslighet i jämförelse med standardmetod. Panelen visade potential för detektion av svårodlade bakterier och skulle vara ett bra komplement till nuvarande odlingsmetod. Ytterligare studier hade behövts men den snabba analystiden som möjliggör snabbare behandling framhävde metodens kliniska potential. / Bacterial joint infections are called septic arthritis and without rapid diagnosis and treatment the condition could lead to irreversible joint damage and other serious complications. With the current method for synovial fluid cultivation, which includes both solid substrates and culture vials, detection of microorganisms takes up to five days. With a new method utilizing multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the time to detection could decrease to an hour. BioFire Joint Infection (JI) Panel can detect multiple microorganisms simultaneously through amplification of DNA. Microorganisms are detected and identified by cell lysis, DNA purification and two consecutive PCR reactions with subsequent melting curve analysis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the BioFire JI Panel for detection of microorganisms in synovial fluid and compare the method’s sensitivity to standard and broth cultivation. Samples were constructed by suspending target bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pyogenes, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus influenzae, Kingella kingae and Finegoldia magna, in sodium chloride. The suspensions were serially diluted and cultivated on solid substrates, in culture vials, broth and analyzed with the JI panel to find the detection limits for each method. Solid substrates, culture vials and broth exhibited similar sensitivity while the JI panel generally had a lower or similar sensitivity compared to standard methods. The panel showed potential detecting difficult to grow bacteria and would be a good complement to current methods. Further studies are required but the quick analysis enabling faster treatment highlighted the clinical potential.

NMR-based Metabolomics: New Analysis Tools and Application to Metabolism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms in Various Growth Conditions

Leggett, Abigail 27 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse von Synovialpunktaten und mikroskopische Beurteilung der phänotypischen Ausprägung von Makrophagen bei juvenilen und adulten Pferden mit septischer Arthritis

Strootmann, Teresa Sophie 29 September 2023 (has links)
Einleitung: Septische Arthritis (SA) ist ein häufiges und für Pferde potenziell lebensbedrohliches Erkrankungsbild, dass einer unverzüglichen, korrekten Diagnosestellung sowie unverzüglichen Einleitung therapeutischer Maßnahmen bedarf. Als wichtigstes objektives diagnostisches Mittel gilt weiterhin die zytologische Synoviaanalyse. Obwohl die routinemäßig implizierte Differenzierung der Leukozyten im Gelenkpunktat das Verhältnis von synovialen Makrophagen (SFM) zu polymorphkernigen neutrophilen Granulozyten (PMN) und Lymphozyten (LY) erfasst und SFM inklusive ihrer Polarisierungsstadien seit geraumer Zeit im Fokus der Wissenschaft stehen, ist ihr Einfluss auf entzündliche Gelenkerkrankungen und Wiederherstellung der Homöostase nicht abschließend geklärt. Die Charakterisierung von Makrophagen als katabole Entzündungsmediatoren konnte längst um eine antiinflammatorische, protektive Komponente erweitert werden und eröffnet damit den Horizont für eine zukünftige Nutzung als immuntherapeutisches Agens. Vor dem Hintergrund der bis dato überwiegend symptomatischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten osteoarthrotischer Erkrankungen bei Mensch und Pferd ist die Aussicht auf gezielte Polarisierung von Makrophagen in pro-regenerative Subtypen besonders vielversprechend. Nicht zuletzt, weil sich equine Arthropathien zur Extrapolation auf entsprechende humanmedizinische Erkrankungszustände bewährt haben. Ziele der Untersuchungen: Um mehr Erkenntnisse über Funktion und Pathophysiologie von SFM bei Etablierung und Fortschreiten einer Gelenkinfektion und Wiederherstellung der Homöostase zu gewinnen, lag der Fokus dieser Studie auf Evaluierung von Quantität bzw. Proportion und Morphologie dieser Zellfraktion bei juvenilen und adulten Pferden mit SA unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses einer arthroskopischen Lavage. Lichtmikroskopische Untersuchungen des Phänotyps von SFM im Ausstrichpräparat könnten zukünftig mit spezifischen Marker-Affinitäten und Aktivitätsstadien verknüpft werden. Material und Methoden: Nach Auswertung aller zwischen 2014 - 2018 entnommenen Synovialpunktate inklusive zugehöriger Patientenakten erfolgte eine Einteilung in drei unterschiedliche Gruppen: (1) nicht septisch, (2) hämatogene SA beim Fohlen und (3) traumatische/iatrogene SA. Das Verhältnis von SFM zu PMN, LY, Gesamtleukozytenzahl (WBCC) und Totalprotein (TP) wurde anhand der zytologischen Synoviaanalyse sowohl gruppenspezifisch als auch hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen einer arthroskopischen Lavage evaluiert. Als prospektiver Teil dieser Studie wurde die morphologische Ausprägung der SFM lichtmikroskopisch in Giemsa-gefärbten Ausstrichen septischer Synovialpunktate untersucht. Dabei wurden verschiedene Phänotypen identifiziert, ihr Auftreten vor bzw. nach der Gelenkspülung quantitativ ermittelt und die Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse beider Untersucher*innen statistisch verifiziert. Ergebnisse: Es wurden insgesamt 167 Synovialpunktate von 74 Pferden evaluiert; 46 Proben von 32 Pferden lagen unterhalb des festgelegten Grenzwertes und bildeten die nicht-septische Gruppe 1. Vierunddreißig Punktate von 12 septikämischen Fohlen bildeten Gruppe 2. Gruppe 3 bestand aus 87 Proben von 28 Adulten und 2 Fohlen, darunter 24 mit SA auf Grund einer Verletzung mit Gelenkbeteiligung und 6 mit SA iatrogener Genese. Unabhängig von der Ätiologie der Erkrankung und dem Alter des Pferdes sinkt der Anteil synovialer Makrophagen bei SA auf 5-6 %, während in der nicht-septischen Gruppe 1 Medianwerte von 23,5 % ermittelt wurden. Nach arthroskopischer Lavage septischer Kavitäten kommt es zu einer signifikanten Verringerung von WBCC, PMN und SFM. Lichtmikroskopisch konnten erstmals vier unterschiedliche Makrophagen-Phänotypen identifiziert werden. Typ 1 weist morphologische Ähnlichkeiten zu Blut-Monozyten auf und überwiegt in nicht erkrankten Gelenken sowie nach arthroskopischer Spülung, während die vakuolen- bzw. phagosomhaltigen Phänotypen 3 und 4 vermehrt in septischen Synovialausstrichen vor Lavage auftraten. Schlussfolgerungen: Lichtmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur phänotypischen Ausprägung von Makrophagen tragen als niedrigschwellige und breit anwendbare Modalität zum besseren Verständnis der gelenkassoziierten Makrophagenpopulation bei. Es kann angenommen werden, dass SFM bei SA den Polarisationsgrad pro-inflammatorischer M1 mit großer Phagozytosekapazität annehmen. Die korrespondierende Morphologie könnte vom vakuolen- bzw phagosomhaltigen Phänotyp 3 und 4 repräsentiert werden. Typ 1 kann aus einem vermehrten Influx monozytärer Makrophagen-Progenitorzellen resultieren und ist möglicherweise an der Wiederherstellung der Gelenkhomöostase beteiligt. In zukünftigen Forschungsprojekten sollte der Fokus auf der Verknüpfung dieser 4 Phänotypen mit spezifischen Färbemethoden zum Rückschluss auf Aktivitätszustände liegen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I Abbildungsverzeichnis III Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV 1. Einleitung ...1 2. Literaturübersicht ...2 2.1. Anatomie und Physiologie von Gelenk und Synovia im Überblick ...2 2.2. Zelluläre Bestandteile des Immunsystems ...4 2.3. Makrophagen: Funktion und Pathophysiologie ...5 2.4. Charakterisierung verschiedener Subtypen - das Yin und Yang der Makrophagen ...8 2.5. Klinische und ökonomische Bedeutung der Osteoarthrose - das Pferd als Modell ...12 2.6. Makrophagen als immunmodulatorisches Therapeutikum ...13 2.7. Septische Arthritis ...17 2.7.1. Ätiologie ...17 2.7.2. Prognose...18 2.7.3. Prävalenz ...19 2.7.4. Pathophysiologie ...19 2.7.5. Diagnose ...20 2.7.6. Therapie ...23 3. Hypothesen und Zielstellung der vorliegenden Dissertation ... 29 4. Publikation ...31 5. Diskussion ...41 5.1. Limitationen hinsichtlich Gruppenformation und Bewertung eines Synovialpunktats als septisch anhand von Grenzwerten ...41 5.2. Die Kultivierung von Mikroorganismen als ‚diagnostischer Goldstandard'...42 5.3. Histomorphologie als möglicher Rückschluss auf Polarisationsstadien von Makrophagen ...43 6. Zusammenfassung ...47 7. Summary ...49 8. Literaturverzeichnis ...51 / Introduction: Septic arthritis (SA) is a common and for horses potentially life-threatening condition in need of immediate, solid diagnosis and treatment. The cytological synovial fluid (SF) examination remains the most important objective variable to diagnose SA. It comprises a leucocyte differentiation routinely providing proportions of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN), lymphocytes (LY) and synovial fluid macrophages (SFM), but there is still little information about the way SFM act upon synovial sepsis and joint homeostasis. A key feature of this heterogenous cell population in promoting osteoarthritis is the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and catabolic enzymes when activated by microorganisms. However, the prevailing paradigm of macrophages solely as contributors to the onset and progression of inflammatory joint diseases is considered obsolete. According to microenvironmental cues, joint-associated macrophages can also provide anti-inflammatory and protective responses regulating synovitis and contribute to maintaining local homeostasis and synovial integrity. Thus, finding a way of enhancing these pro-regenerative, tissue-remodeling functions bears great potential as novel therapeutic avenue but requires further research. Objectives: In an approach to gain more insights into the way SFM act upon joint inflammation onset, clearance and restoration of homeostasis, this study focused on tracing SFM in septic synovial cavities of foals and adult horses by means of cytological SF analysis and light microscopy. It was aimed to describe SFM relative concentrations in SF from unaffected joints and septic joints of different aetiologies (hematogenous vs. traumatic/iatrogenic) and to analyse the effect of therapeutic arthroscopic lavage on cell proportions, especially SFM relative concentrations, in septic joints. Light microscopy was performed on SF smears to assess SFM morphology, which might one day be linked to specific marker affinities and hence functions. Material and Methods: All SF samples collected between 2014 – 2018 including associated patient records were evaluated and subdivided into different groups: (1) non-septic, (2) haematogenous SA in foals and (3) traumatic/iatrogenic SA. SF cytology regarding proportions of SFM, PMN, LY, white blood cell counts (WBCC) and TP were investigated in a group-specific manner and with respect to the effects of joint lavage. As a prospective part of this study, light microscopy was performed on SF smears to assess SFM morphology and to identify different phenotypes and their occurrence prior to and post joint lavage. Results: A total of 167 synovial samples from 74 horses were evaluated; 46 samples from 32 horses fell below the established threshold and formed non-septic group 1. Thirty-four punctates from 12 septicemic foals formed group 2. Group 3 consisted of 87 samples from 28 adults and 2 foals, thereof 24 with SA due to joint-involving injuries and 6 with SA of iatrogenic origin. Regardless of aetiology of the disease and age of the horse, macrophage concentrations in synovial sepsis were decreased to a median of 5–6 % and strongly negatively correlated to high PMN numbers, whereas non-septic joints showed SFM amounts up to 74 % (median 23.5 %). Joint lavage further diminished WBCC, relative PMN and absolute SFM numbers. The microscopic assessment of 24 Giemsa-stained smears led to the identification of four different phenotypes. Morphological characteristics of type 1 showed similarities to blood-derived monocytes and predominated in unaffected and in septic joints after lavage, whereas vacuole- and phagosome-containing phenotypes 3 and 4, respectively, were more prevalent in septic synovial smears before lavage. Conclusion: Light microscopic studies of macrophage phenotypes are easily applicable and contribute to a better understanding of the joint-associated macrophage population. SFM in SA probably polarize towards pro-inflammatory M1-subtypes with phagocytic capacity. The corresponding morphology could be represented by vacuole- and phagosome-containing phenotypes 3 and 4. Type 1 may result from an increased influx of monocytic macrophage progenitor cells and may be involved in restoring joint homeostasis. Future research projects should focus on linking these phenotypes to functional profiling with specific marker affinities.:Inhaltsverzeichnis I Abbildungsverzeichnis III Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV 1. Einleitung ...1 2. Literaturübersicht ...2 2.1. Anatomie und Physiologie von Gelenk und Synovia im Überblick ...2 2.2. Zelluläre Bestandteile des Immunsystems ...4 2.3. Makrophagen: Funktion und Pathophysiologie ...5 2.4. Charakterisierung verschiedener Subtypen - das Yin und Yang der Makrophagen ...8 2.5. Klinische und ökonomische Bedeutung der Osteoarthrose - das Pferd als Modell ...12 2.6. Makrophagen als immunmodulatorisches Therapeutikum ...13 2.7. Septische Arthritis ...17 2.7.1. Ätiologie ...17 2.7.2. Prognose...18 2.7.3. Prävalenz ...19 2.7.4. Pathophysiologie ...19 2.7.5. Diagnose ...20 2.7.6. Therapie ...23 3. Hypothesen und Zielstellung der vorliegenden Dissertation ... 29 4. Publikation ...31 5. Diskussion ...41 5.1. Limitationen hinsichtlich Gruppenformation und Bewertung eines Synovialpunktats als septisch anhand von Grenzwerten ...41 5.2. Die Kultivierung von Mikroorganismen als ‚diagnostischer Goldstandard'...42 5.3. Histomorphologie als möglicher Rückschluss auf Polarisationsstadien von Makrophagen ...43 6. Zusammenfassung ...47 7. Summary ...49 8. Literaturverzeichnis ...51

Estudo temporal dos colágenos (I, III, IV e V) e produtos de glicação avançada na sinóvia em modelo experimental de diabetes em ratos / Study of temporal collagens (I, III, IV and V) and advanced glycation end products synovium in experimental model of diabetes in rats

Andrade, Priscila Cristina 20 June 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Diabetes Mellitus é caracterizada por hiperglicemia crônica, e este aumento excessivo de glicose circulante pode gerar danos vasculares e microvasculares pela deposição de produtos de gliclação avançada (AGE), principalmente em estruturas com alta vascularização, como é o caso da sinóvia. Por todas estas razões, o presente estudo estabeleceu, de maneira temporal, o processo de acomentimento sinovial, através do grau de remodelamento e as proteínas envolvidas neste processo, tido como o gatilho na lesão da articulação do joelho. Foram utilizados ratos wistar (n=60), divididos em três grupos, conforme tempo de indução ( 7, 30 e 60 dias), cada grupo era composto de 10 animais diabéticos, induzido por estreptozotocina (35mg/kg de peso) e 10 animais controle, recebendo infusão do mesmo volume de solução salina, após o tempo estipulado os animais foram sacrificados e a sinóvia coletada para as análises propostas. Análise morfológica através de colorações de hematoxilina-eosina para análise do perfil celular do tecido sinovial e Picrosírius para avaliação da histoarquitetura das fibras colágenas. A quantificação das fibras colágenas foi realizada pela coloração do Picrosírius em microscópio de luz polarizada e a caracterização e distribuição de seus tipos por imunofluorescência, para quantificação total da proteina de colágeno foi realizado a medição da 4-hidroxiprolina (HPO). Os produtos de glicação avançada foram analisados e quantificados por imufluorescência. A detecção e quantificação da imunoexpressão de marcadores bioquímicos como ET-1, TGF-B e IL17 foi realizado por método estereológico de contagem de pontos em reticulo, e como método de confirmação dos achados imunohistoquimicos foi realizado análise de expressão gênica dos Colágenos I,III, e V alfa- 1, alfa-2), por Reação de Transcrição Reversa com amplificação por PCR em Tempo Real (qRT-PCR). Resultados: Foi observado modificação da estrutura sinovial de forma temporal, acometendo inicialmente os vasos subsinoviais e tecidos adjacentes a ele, isso foi observado em tanto em análise morfológica como confirmado em quantificação por Picro em luz polarizada, as modificações se mostraram significantes nos grupos de 30 e 60 dias, quando comparado ao respectivo grupo controle, houve aumento do colágeno total, através do Picrosirius, como por dosagem de HOP. Os resultados foram confirmados por imunofluorescência com o aumento progressivo do COLI e diminuição de COLIII e COLV, o RAGE e AGE também tiveram sua expressão aumentada conforme a evolução no tempo de indução dos animais. Em análise da expressão de outras proteínas foi possível observar a detecção da ET-1 e da IL-17 nos animais diabéticos em comparação ao controle, houve também expressão significativa do TGF-B quando comparado ao respectivo controle. Na análise da expressão gênica foi possível observar aumento do COLV inicialmente, principalmente da cadeia alfa 2, do COLIII e COLI, confirmando achados histomorfométricos. Conclusão: O tecido sinovial demonstra remodelamento precoce ao redor dos vasos, essa mediação envolve o COL1 e os produtos de glicação avançada. Esta alteração no tecido sinovial pode ser responsável por desencadear o acometimento articular no diabetes mellitus / Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, and this excessive increase of circulating glucose can cause vascular and microvascular damage by the deposition of advanced glycation products (AGE), especially in structures with high vascularization, as is the case of synovium. For all these reasons, the present study established, in a temporal way, the process of synovial concomitance, through the degree of remodeling and the proteins involved in this process, considered as the trigger in the lesion of the knee joint. Wistar rats (n = 60), divided into three groups, according to induction time (7, 30 and 60 days), each group consisted of 10 diabetic animals, induced by streptozotocin (35 mg / kg body weight) and 10 animals control, receiving infusion of the same volume of saline solution, after the stipulated time the animals were sacrificed and the synovium collected for the proposed analyzes. Morphological analysis using hematoxylineosin staining for analysis of the cellular profile of the synovial tissue and Picrosírius for evaluation of the histoarchitecture of the collagen fibers. The quantification of the collagen fibers was performed by the Picrosírius staining in a polarized light microscope and the characterization and distribution of its types by immunofluorescence, the measurement of 4-hydroxyproline (HPO) was performed for the total quantification of the collagen protein. Advanced glycation products were analyzed and quantified by impuluorescence. The detection and quantification of the immunoexpression of biochemical markers such as ET- 1, TGF-B and IL17 was performed by stereological method of reticule dot counting, and as a method of confirming the immunohistochemical findings, the analysis of the collagen I, III , and V alpha-1, alpha-2), by Reverse Transcription Reaction with Real-Time PCR Amplification (qRT-PCR). Results: Modification of the synovial structure was observed temporally, initially affecting subsynovial vessels and tissues adjacent to it, this was observed in both morphological analysis and confirmed in quantification by Picro in polarized light, the modifications were significant in the groups of 30 and 60 days, when compared to the respective control group, there was increase of the total collagen, through Picrosirius, as per HOP dosage. The results were confirmed by immunofluorescence with progressive increase of COLI and decrease of COLIII and COLV, RAGE and AGE also had their expression increased as the evolution in the induction time of the animals. In the analysis of the expression of other proteins it was possible to observe the detection of ET-1 and IL-17 in diabetic animals in comparison to the control, there was also significant expression of TGF-B when compared to the respective control. In the analysis of the gene expression it was possible to observe an increase of the COLV initially, mainly of the alpha 2 chain, of the COLIII and COLI, confirming histomorphometric findings. Conclusion: Synovial tissue demonstrates early remodeling around vessels, this mediation involves COL1 and advanced glycation products. This change in synovial tissue may be responsible for triggering joint involvement in diabetes mellitus

Recherche des assemblages moléculaires actifs en biolubrification en vue du diagnostic et de la thérapeutique précoce de pathologies articulaires / Research of active molecular assemblies in biolubrication in view of diagnosis and early treatment of joint diseases

Matei, Constantin Ionut 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les maladies ostéoarticulaires représentent environ 10% de l’ensemble des pathologiessurvenant en France chaque année. Les difficultés pour identifier les causes de ces maladiesproviennent pour une part d’un manque de compréhension du mécanisme de lubrificationd’une articulation synoviale saine. Dans ce contexte, un premier objectif de ce travail a été d’analyser la structurediscontinue du liquide synovial à partir de prélèvements animaux sains et de la reproduire àpartir de composants biomoléculaires commerciaux afin de comprendre le mécanisme delubrification dans le cas sain. Le deuxième objectif de cette thèse a été d’analyser l’évolution de la structure et despropriétés lubrifiantes du liquide synovial dans le stade précoce de pathologies noninflammatoiresou inflammatoires à partir de prélèvements pathologiques humains. Afind’étudier plus finement l’évolution de la lubrification pathologique cette thèse a visé àdévelopper aussi des modèles de lubrifiants obtenus à partir de cultures cellulaires desynoviocytes humains en combinant l’action de facteurs inflammatoire (cytokines).L’ensemble des résultats montre l’importance de la structure supramoléculaire duliquide synovial dans l’obtention de bonnes propriétés lubrifiantes ; cette relation devraitconstituer d’une part un paramètre clé dans le diagnostic précoce des pathologies articulaireset d’autre part une voie de développement de liquides thérapeutiques à base de lubrifiantsnanostructurés / Osteoarticular diseases account for approximately 10% of all diseases occurring inFrance each year. The difficulties in identifying their causes are also due to a deficiency inunderstanding the lubrication mechanism of healthy synovial joint.In this context, the first objective of the present study was to analyze the discontinuousstructure of synovial fluid samples from healthy animals and to reproduce it using commercialbiomolecular components in order to understand the lubrication mechanism in the healthycase. The second objective of this thesis was to analyze the evolution of the structure andthe lubricating properties of synovial fluid in the early stage of non-inflammatory andinflammatory diseases using pathological human fluid samples. In order to study moreprecisely the evolution of pathological lubrication this work aimed to develop lubricantmodels obtained from cell cultures of human synoviocytes adding the action of pathologicalinflammatory factors (cytokines). All together the results show the importance of the supramolecular structure of thesynovial fluid in obtaining good lubricating properties what may be a key parameter in theearly diagnosis of joint diseases and even more a chance to develop therapeutic fluids basedon nanostructured lubricants

Estudo da osteoartrose em joelhos de cães secundária à ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial / Study of the osteoarthitis in knees of dogs secondary to cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs

Silva, Anderson Coutinho da 18 March 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO e OBJETIVO: A osteoartrite (OA) embora frequente tem patogênese incerta em humanos. Descrevemos modelo experimental original de OA em cães, analisando em dois tempos diferentes as consequências da Ruptura Espontânea do Ligamento Cruzado Cranial (RLCCr). MÉTODOS: Vinte animais machos com menos de 5 anos ( 20 a 45 Kg) com RLCCr submetidos à artrotomia para estabilização articular tiveram fragmentos articulares removidos para análise. O grupo RLCCr < 20 (10 animais) foi operado antes dos vinte dias e o grupo > 20 (10 animais) após 20 dias do início da lesão. Sete animais com OA pré-existente (OA) que morreram por quaisquer motivos e 7 animais normais (NC) provenientes do C.C.Z., serviram de grupos controles. Os animais foram avaliados clinica e radiologicamente. Foi colhido líquido sinovial dos animais operados e de outros 20 cães controles submetidos às cirurgias por diferentes causas. Para estudo morfológico, os fragmentos de cartilagens foram corados com H&E e Picrossirius. A gravidade do escore histológico da OA foi quantificada através da coloração com Safranina O. Analisou-se citocinas próinflamatórias (IL-6, TNF-alfa) e a quimiocina CCL2/MCP-1 nos líquidos sinoviais. RESULTADOS: Todos os cães tinham o teste de movimento da gaveta e exame de compressão da mesa tibial positivos. Achados radiográficos correlacionaram-se com maior tempo de RLCCr. Cartilagem articular de animais normais (NC) exibiram superfície preservada, disposição ordenada dos condrócitos e integridade da rede de colágeno. Exames histológicos em animais do grupo RLCCr < 20 mostraram irregularidades na superfície articular, diminuição no número de condrócitos e remodelamento de fibras de colágeno. No grupo > 20, observou-se osteófitos e irregularidades evidentes nas superfícies articulares. A gravidade do escore de acometimento histológico traduziu-se por intensa diminuição celular na superfície articular, com presença de clusters de condrócitos na região intermediária da cartilagem e total desorganização da rede de fibras de colágeno. A quimiocina CCL2/MCP-1 esteve aumentada no grupo com menos de 20 dias de lesão, enquanto a IL-6 foi mais expressiva nos animais operados tardiamente. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo experimental espontâneo de OA canino, estudado em dois tempos, é um instrumento original e útil para estudo da patogênese da osteoartrite, além de ter o mérito de preservar a integridade física dos animais de laboratório / INTRODUCTION and OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a frequent and severe rheumatic disease of unknown pathogenesis. We described an original experimental model of OA, analyzing the consequences of spontaneous cranial cruciate ligament rupture (RLCCr), occurred at two different times. METHOD: Twenty male animals, younger than 5 years old (20 to 45kg) with RLCCr were submitted to arthrotomy for articular stability and had cartilage fragments removed for analysis. The Group RLCCR < 20 (10 animals) was operated before 20 days and Group RLCCR > 20 (10 animals) after 20 days of beginning of lesion. Seven animals with pre-existent OA which died without any reason, and 7 normal animals (NC) from Service of Zoonosis Control were the control groups. The animals were submitted to clinical and radiological evaluations. Synovial fluid were collected from operated dogs and from another 20 control animals, submitted for surgical procedures for any reason. For the morphological study, the cartilage fragments were stained with H&E and Picrossirus. The score for OA severity was quantified using Safranin-O staining. Inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF alfa) and chemiokine CCL2/MCP-1 were measured in sinovial fluid. RESULTS: At physical examination, all the dogs had positive drawer and the tibial plateau compression tests. Knee Radiographic data showed that narrowing of joint space, osteophytes and erosions were more prominent in Group RLCCr> 20 animals. Articular cartilage of normal animals (NC) revealed preserved cartilage surface, organized disposition of chondrocytes and integrity of collagen net. Histological exams done in animals from Group RLLCr > 20 showed irregularities on articular surface, reduction of the number of chondrocytes and collagen fibers remodeling. Animals from Group RLCCR > 20 exhibited deep fibrillations, presence of chondrocytes clusters at intermediate area of cartilage, osteophytes and and total disorganization of the collagen fibers net. Chemiokine CCL2/MCP-1 was found overexpressed in dogs operated less than 20 days, while IL-6 was increased in late surgical group. CONCLUSION: The spontaneous model of canine RLCCr, studied at two distinct times, is an original and useful tool to understand pathogenesis of OA. Furthermore, the procedure preserves the animal integrity, becoming an Ethical laboratorial procedure

Comparação entre as concentrações de tetraciclina no plasma, líquido sinovial e leite de vacas com doença do casco, submetidas às administrações intravenosa e intravenosa regional e sua implicação na presença de resíduos no leite / Comparision among tetracycline concentrations in plasma, synovial fluid and milk in cows with lameness in foot, subjected to intravenous and regional intravenous administration and their implications in the presence of residues in milk

Esteban, Cláudia 26 August 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa desenvolver métodos que permitam determinar as concentrações de tetraciclina, por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência, no plasma e líquido sinovial, além de analisar as concentrações correspondentes em leite de gado leiteiro em lactação submetidos aos tratamentos intravenoso e intravenoso regional. Desta forma, objetivando determinar a depuração da tetracic1ina no organismo dos animais tratados, a concentração do fármaco no sítio de ação e a quantidade residual em leite, as amostras biológicas foram colhidas e quantificadas em diferentes tempos pré e pós-administração do fármaco. Os métodos analíticos validados apresentaram linearidade, limite de detecção, quantificação, exatidão, precisão e recuperação adequados à quantificação do antibiótico nas matrizes biológicas estudadas. As amostras de leite de animais tratados com o medicamento por via intravenosa regional, não apresentaram resíduos após 120h da administração do fármaco. O mesmo ocorreu plasma e líquido sinovial após 48 h. Através da administração via intravenosa do medicamento foram observados resíduos no leite em todos os tempos avaliados, ao passo que no plasma e líquido sinovial, a presença do princípio ativo não foi detectada após 72 horas pós-tratamento. / The purpose of the present work is to develop methods which allow the determination of tetracycline by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography in serum, synovial fluid, as well as analyze the corresponding milk concentrations in milk cows subjected to intravenous and regional intravenous treatment. Therefore, aiming to determine the clearance of tetracycline in the body of the treated animals, the concentration of the active principle in the action site and the residual quantity in milk, biological matrices were collected at different times. The validated analytical methods depicted suitable linearity, detection and quantification limits, accuracy, precision and recovery, allowing the quantification of the antibiotic in the studied biological matrices. In relation to the milk samples from animals treated with the drug by regional intravenous via, they did not present residues of tetracycline after 120 h post-administration. The values were also null for both serum and synovial fluid after 48 h. Through regional intravenous drug administration, milk residues were observed in all the evaluated times whereas for serum and synovial fluid, the presence of the active principle was not detected after 72h post-treatment.

Avaliação dos teores de oxitetraciclina por cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência em gado leiteiro com doença do casco / Oxitetraciclina, Administração intramuscular, Administração tópica, Resíduos em leite, Plasma e líquido sinovial, Medicamentos veterinários, Doença do casco, Cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência

Esteban, Cláudia 14 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa desenvolver métodos analíticos que permitam determinar as concentrações de oxitetraciclina por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência, no leite, plasma e líquido sinovial, além de analisar as concentrações correspondentes em gado leiteiro em lactação portadoras de doença do casco submetidos aos tratamentos intramuscular e tópico. Adicionalmente, são tecidos comentários sobre a eficácia clínica destes tratamentos. Desta forma, objetivando determinar a depuração de oxitetraciclina no organismo dos animais tratados, a concentração no sítio de ação e a quantidade residual em leite, as amostras biológicas foram colhidas e quantificadas em diferentes tempos pré e pós-administração do fármaco. Os métodos analíticos validados apresentaram linearidade, limite de detecção, quantificação, exatidão, precisão e recuperação adequadas à quantificação do antibiótico nas matrizes estudadas. Através da administração do medicamento por via intramuscular, observou-se resíduos acima dos limites máximos (100ppb) estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira para oxitetraciclina no leite até 120 horas após a última administração do medicamento pelo esquema seriado de doses. Já pela via tópica, não foram observados valores residuais na matriz biológica. Do ponto de vista clínico, o tratamento tópico foi eficiente nos animais tratados, levando a cura das lesões. Com relação ao tratamento intramuscular, não foram observados resultados satisfatórios, pois a maioria das lesões não regrediu após as administrações. / The purpose of the present work is to develop methods which allow the determination of oxytetracycline by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography in milk, serum and synovial fluid, as well as analyze the corresponding concentration in milk cattle with foot lameness subjected to intramuscular and topical administration of the antibiotic. It is also commented the clinical efficacy of these two treatments. Thus, to determine the clearance of oxytetracycline in the body of the treated animals, the concentration on the site of action, and the antibiotic residue in milk, biological samples have been collected and analyzed for the oxytetracycline content at different times before and after the drug administrations. The validated analytical methods showed suitable linearity, detection and quantification limits, accuracy, precision and recovery, allowing proper quantification of the antibiotic in the studied biological matrices. When administered intramuscular1y, oxytetracycline residues were observed in milk above the maximum limits (100ppb) established by the brazilian legislation up to 120 hour after the last administration of the medicine using multiple doses treatment, whereas on topical use, residues were not observed in this matrix. When analyzing the clinical aspects, topical treatment was very efficient, leading to the healing of the treated animals. In relation to intramuscular treatment, non satisfactory results were observed, as most of lesion did not disappear after the antibiotic administration.

Estudo da osteoartrose em joelhos de cães secundária à ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial / Study of the osteoarthitis in knees of dogs secondary to cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs

Anderson Coutinho da Silva 18 March 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO e OBJETIVO: A osteoartrite (OA) embora frequente tem patogênese incerta em humanos. Descrevemos modelo experimental original de OA em cães, analisando em dois tempos diferentes as consequências da Ruptura Espontânea do Ligamento Cruzado Cranial (RLCCr). MÉTODOS: Vinte animais machos com menos de 5 anos ( 20 a 45 Kg) com RLCCr submetidos à artrotomia para estabilização articular tiveram fragmentos articulares removidos para análise. O grupo RLCCr < 20 (10 animais) foi operado antes dos vinte dias e o grupo > 20 (10 animais) após 20 dias do início da lesão. Sete animais com OA pré-existente (OA) que morreram por quaisquer motivos e 7 animais normais (NC) provenientes do C.C.Z., serviram de grupos controles. Os animais foram avaliados clinica e radiologicamente. Foi colhido líquido sinovial dos animais operados e de outros 20 cães controles submetidos às cirurgias por diferentes causas. Para estudo morfológico, os fragmentos de cartilagens foram corados com H&E e Picrossirius. A gravidade do escore histológico da OA foi quantificada através da coloração com Safranina O. Analisou-se citocinas próinflamatórias (IL-6, TNF-alfa) e a quimiocina CCL2/MCP-1 nos líquidos sinoviais. RESULTADOS: Todos os cães tinham o teste de movimento da gaveta e exame de compressão da mesa tibial positivos. Achados radiográficos correlacionaram-se com maior tempo de RLCCr. Cartilagem articular de animais normais (NC) exibiram superfície preservada, disposição ordenada dos condrócitos e integridade da rede de colágeno. Exames histológicos em animais do grupo RLCCr < 20 mostraram irregularidades na superfície articular, diminuição no número de condrócitos e remodelamento de fibras de colágeno. No grupo > 20, observou-se osteófitos e irregularidades evidentes nas superfícies articulares. A gravidade do escore de acometimento histológico traduziu-se por intensa diminuição celular na superfície articular, com presença de clusters de condrócitos na região intermediária da cartilagem e total desorganização da rede de fibras de colágeno. A quimiocina CCL2/MCP-1 esteve aumentada no grupo com menos de 20 dias de lesão, enquanto a IL-6 foi mais expressiva nos animais operados tardiamente. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo experimental espontâneo de OA canino, estudado em dois tempos, é um instrumento original e útil para estudo da patogênese da osteoartrite, além de ter o mérito de preservar a integridade física dos animais de laboratório / INTRODUCTION and OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a frequent and severe rheumatic disease of unknown pathogenesis. We described an original experimental model of OA, analyzing the consequences of spontaneous cranial cruciate ligament rupture (RLCCr), occurred at two different times. METHOD: Twenty male animals, younger than 5 years old (20 to 45kg) with RLCCr were submitted to arthrotomy for articular stability and had cartilage fragments removed for analysis. The Group RLCCR < 20 (10 animals) was operated before 20 days and Group RLCCR > 20 (10 animals) after 20 days of beginning of lesion. Seven animals with pre-existent OA which died without any reason, and 7 normal animals (NC) from Service of Zoonosis Control were the control groups. The animals were submitted to clinical and radiological evaluations. Synovial fluid were collected from operated dogs and from another 20 control animals, submitted for surgical procedures for any reason. For the morphological study, the cartilage fragments were stained with H&E and Picrossirus. The score for OA severity was quantified using Safranin-O staining. Inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF alfa) and chemiokine CCL2/MCP-1 were measured in sinovial fluid. RESULTS: At physical examination, all the dogs had positive drawer and the tibial plateau compression tests. Knee Radiographic data showed that narrowing of joint space, osteophytes and erosions were more prominent in Group RLCCr> 20 animals. Articular cartilage of normal animals (NC) revealed preserved cartilage surface, organized disposition of chondrocytes and integrity of collagen net. Histological exams done in animals from Group RLLCr > 20 showed irregularities on articular surface, reduction of the number of chondrocytes and collagen fibers remodeling. Animals from Group RLCCR > 20 exhibited deep fibrillations, presence of chondrocytes clusters at intermediate area of cartilage, osteophytes and and total disorganization of the collagen fibers net. Chemiokine CCL2/MCP-1 was found overexpressed in dogs operated less than 20 days, while IL-6 was increased in late surgical group. CONCLUSION: The spontaneous model of canine RLCCr, studied at two distinct times, is an original and useful tool to understand pathogenesis of OA. Furthermore, the procedure preserves the animal integrity, becoming an Ethical laboratorial procedure

Influência da lesão condral na concentração de glicosaminoglicanas sulfatadas no líquido sinovial.

Cintra Neto, Paulo Felix de Araujo 28 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:19:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPFACN.pdf: 513373 bytes, checksum: e626d1bf009f8adbc96ccd8431d6b582 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-28 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Objective. To evaluate the influence of sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) concentration in synovial fluid from individuals with chondral injuries, either isolated or associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury or meniscal injury, and check for an association between time since injury and the degree of chondral injury. Material and Method. Twenty-nine adult subjects (25 men and 4 women, mean age 38.3 ± 10.9 years) were selected. Samples obtained from all subjects were quantified to determine the GAG concentration using dimethylmethylene blue dye. The degree of chondral damage was macroscopically evaluated by arthroscopy and rated according to the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) classification. Results. Significant differences were found concerning the GAG concentration in the control group compared with the other groups (p<0.05). No significant differences were found between the studied groups concerning time since injury and degree of chondral damage according to the ICRS. A strong correlation was found between GAG concentration and time since injury in the chondral injury group (r= -1). Conclusion. Damage to articular structures seems to be the determining factor in the change of synovial fluid GAG concentration, being higher in isolated chondral injury. When associated with anterior cruciate ligament rupture and/or meniscal injury, it will promote a tendency to fall, and is not related to sex, age, time since injury and degree of chondral injury in all groups studied. / Objetivo: Avaliar a influência da lesão condral na concentração de glicosaminoglicanas sulfatadas no líquido sinovial de indivíduos portadores de lesões condrais isoladas ou associadas com lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior e dos meniscos, bem como uma associação com o tempo da lesão e o grau de osteoartrite. Desenho do estudo: Foram avaliados 29 indivíduos adultos de ambos os sexos. Os sujeitos foram divididos em cinco grupos: grupo controle; grupo com lesão condral; grupo com lesão condral associada à lesão meniscal; grupo com lesão condral associada à lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior e grupo com lesão condral associado às lesões meniscal e do ligamento cruzado anterior. Métodos: As amostras foram quantificadas em relação à concentração de glicosaminoglicanas pelo método espectrofotométrico, utilizando o corante azul de dimetilmetileno. O grau de osteoartrite foi avaliado macroscopicamente, por artroscopia e graduado segundo classificação da Internacional Cartilage Repair Society, 2000, variando entre grau 0 e 4. Resultados: Encontramos diferenças significativas quando comparamos a concentração de glicosaminoglicanas do grupo controle em relação aos outros grupos (P<0,05), houve também correlação entre concentração de glicosaminoglicanas sulfatadas e o tempo pós lesão no grupo com lesão condral, (r= -1). Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos estudados quanto ao grau de osteoartrite e tempo após a lesão. Conclusão: A lesão condral isolada apresenta maior concentração de glicosaminoglicanas, entretanto a presença de lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior e meniscos influenciam uma tendência à queda desta concentração no líquido sinovial e sem apresentar relação com o tempo de lesão e o grau de osteoartrite entre os grupos estudados.

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