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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Peptide Tertiary Structure and Fusion Peptide

Torres, Oscar Buena 31 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Régulation des hémicanaux de connexine 43 : implication dans la cardioprotection contre les lésions ischémiques

Al Hawat, Ghayda 12 1900 (has links)
La connexine 43 (Cx43) est l’unité protéique de base dans la formation des canaux des jonctions gap (JG) responsables des échanges intercellulaires. Toutefois, elle forme aussi des canaux non-jonctionnels à large conductance, nommés hémicanaux (Hc), qui fournissent un accès entre l’intérieure des cellules et le milieu extracellulaire. Bien qu’ils soient beaucoup moins étudiés que les JG, on estime que les Hc restent normalement à l’état fermé, et ce, grâce à la phosphorylation des connexines qui les forment. Suite à un stress ischémique, les Cx43 se déphosphorylent et entraînent ainsi l’ouverture des Hc de Cx43 (HcCx43), un effet qui compromet la survie des cellules. La protéine kinase C (PKC) est l’enzyme de phosphorylation qui possède le plus grand nombre de sites de phosphorylation sur la Cx43 en comparaison avec les autres kinases. Ses fonctions dépendent de la mise en jeu d’un répertoire d’au moins 12 isoformes distinctes. Dans les cardiomyocytes, les isoformes de PKC participent au développement des réponses adaptées ou mésadaptées au stress ischémique. Malgré que la régulation des canaux de Cx43 par la PKC lors d’une ischémie soit bien documentée, il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de connaissances sur les effets fonctionnels spécifiques qu’exercent des différentes isoformes de PKC sur les HcCx43, ni sur la valeur thérapeutique de la modulation de ses derniers. Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposé que les HcCx43 sont régulés sélectivement et différentiellement par les différentes isoformes de PKC et que l’inhibition spécifique de ces hémicanaux peut protéger le coeur lors d’un événement ischémique. Le présent travail comporte trois études qui ont été entreprises spécialement dans le but de valider ces hypothèses. Dans la première étude, nous avons profité de l’expertise du laboratoire du Dr Baroudi dans la dissection des isoformes de PKC pour étudier le rôle fonctionnel de chacune d’elles dans la régulation des HcCx43 en utilisant une gamme unique de peptides synthétiques inhibiteurs et activateurs spécifiques des isoformes de PKC, en combinaison avec la technique du patch-clamp. Nous avons démontré, entre autre, que les HcCx43 sont particulièrement inhibés par l’isoforme PKC epsilon, connue pour son effet cardioprotecteur contre les dommages ischémiques lors d’un préconditionnement ischémique. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons caractérisé l’effet d’un peptide synthétique mimétique structural de la Cx43 sur la fonction des HcCx43. En plus d’avoir élucidé ces effets sur les propriétés fonctionnelles du canal, nous avons démontré d’une manière directe et indéniable que le peptide Gap26 inhibe et spécifiquement les HcCx43 et que son administration in vitro (cardiomyocytes isolés) et ex vivo (coeur intact) confère à ces modèles expérimentaux une résistance importante contre le stress ischémique. Dans la troisième étude, nous avons investigué pour la première fois in vivo le potentiel de deux peptides uniques mimétiques structuraux de la Cx43, Gap26 et Gap27, dans la cardioprotection contre les lésions ischémiques lorsqu’ils sont administrés à basse dose sous forme d’un bolus intraveineux unique. Nous avons démontré que l’injection de ces peptides avant ou après la survenue de l’ischémie réduit significativement la taille de l’infarctus qui en résulte.En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces résultats révèlent le rôle bénéfique de l’inhibition des HcCx43 lors d’une ischémie et dévoilent un potentiel thérapeutique prometteux des mimétiques structuraux de Cx43 dans la prévention et le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. / Connexin 43 (Cx43) is the basic unit in the composition of Gap junction channels but also of the non-junctional unapposed hemichannels (Hc). Gap junction channels play key roles in cardiac function by allowing conduction of electrical impulses and exchange of biologically important molecules between cells. The unapposed Hc, however, perform functions different from those achieved by Gap junction channels mainly by providing pathways between the cytosol and the extracellular space allowing movement of ions and other small metabolites. Although they are much less studied than Gap junction channels, Hc are believed to remain normally in a closed state and that phosphorylation is an important factor promoting their closure. Under ischemic stress,the amount of non-phosphorylated Cx43 increases resulting in increasing hemichannels opening, an effect that can lead to irreversible tissue injury and cell death. Protein kinase C (PKC) possesses the largest number of phosphorylation sites on Cx43 and exerts significant control on Cx43 channels. Its function depends on the involvement of at least 12 distinct isoformes. Various PKC isoforms exert specific cellular and cardiovascular functions, nonetheless the functional role of PKC isoforms in the modulation of the unapposed Cx43 hemichannels has never been assessed, neither has the therapeutic potential of Cx43Hc modulation in the protection of ischemic heart. In this context, three studies have been performed, they form the body of this thesis. In the first study, a unique set of synthetic PKC isoform-selective activator and inhibitor peptides was utilised. In combination with the patch clamp technique, we have demonstrated that Cx43Hc conductance is strongly inhibited by, among many isoforms, epsilon PKC isoforme, known for its cardioprotective effect against ischemic injury. In the second study, we characterized the effect of a synthetic structural mimetic peptide of Cx43. Using patch clamp technique, we have demonstrated that the peptide Gap26 inhibits directly and specifically Cx43Hc, we also showed that Gap26 can confer resistance to cardiomyocytes (in vitro) and intact heart (ex vivo) against ischemia. In the third study, we investigated for the first time in vivo the capability of a unique pair of structural Cx43 mimetic peptides, Gap26 and Gap27, to protect heart from ischemic injury when administered in single low-dose intravenous boluses. We demonstrated that administration of either one or both peptides, before or after the onset of ischemia renders heart more resistant to ischemia and reduces significantly the size of myocardial infarct. Altogether, our results revealed salvatory effect of Cx43Hc inhibition during ischemia and uncovered therapeutique potentials of the synthetic structural mimetic peptides of Cx43 in ischemic heart disease.

Caractérisation de protéines sécrétées du champignon Rhizophagus irregularis : criblage de leur effet sur l’établissement de la symbiose endomycorhizienne / Characterization of Rhizophagus irregularis secreted proteins : screening of their effect on the establishment of endomycorrhizal symbiosis

Kamel, Laurent 09 March 2017 (has links)
La symbiose mycorhizienne à arbuscule (MA) est une association mutualiste s’établissant entre les racines des plantes et des champignons du sol appartenant à l’embranchement des Gloméromycètes. Dans cette association, le champignon agit comme un fertilisant naturel, fournissant à la plante divers minéraux (phosphore, mais aussi azote et soufre …) en échange de sources de carbone indispensables à son développement. Une caractéristique originale de ces champignons est leur très large spectre d’hôte : de l’ordre de 80% des espèces végétales ont l’aptitude à former cette symbiose, et certains espèces de champignons MA ne semblent pas avoir de limitation de spectre d’hôte. Les champignons MA possèderaient-ils des « clés universelles » de compatibilité cellulaire avec leur hôte, ou de contournement de l’immunité végétale ? Pour aborder cette problématique, nous avons entrepris l’étude du sécrétome du champignon MA Rhizophagus irregularis dont plusieurs données génomiques étaient disponibles. Les microorganismes eucaryotes sécrètent en effet dans leur environnement des protéines agissant sur leurs structures exogènes (paroi cellulaire), leur environnement, et pouvant agir sur l’immunité des cellules hôtes. Ces protéines sécrétées (SPs) sont dans ce dernier cas appelées « effecteurs ». Sur la base de deux assemblages différents, un catalogue de 872 SPs de R. irregularis (RiSPs) a été défini pour lesquelles les profils d’expression dans trois plantes hôtes ont été comparés. Nous avons également comparé ces SPs à celles que nous avons définies sur une autre espèce de champignon MA, Gigaspora rosea. Après enrichissement du catalogue de RiSPs avec des séquences de petite taille identifiées sur un assemblage transcriptomique propre, puis sélection des candidats dont les cadres de lecture sont robustes et présentant un niveau d’expression élevé (FC>10) dans les 3 hôtes testés, un jeu de 33 RiSPs d’intérêt a été défini, dont 18 ont été sélectionnées pour effectuer des analyses fonctionnelles. En absence de protocole de transformation de ces champignons, l’analyse fonctionnelle a porté sur la cytolocalisation de protéines de fusion RiSP:citrine dans les cellules végétales par surexpression dans des feuilles de tabac et des racines de luzerne tronquée. Différents compartiments cellulaires sont ciblés par ces RiSPs, très souvent le compartiment vacuolaire. Des approches par surexpression in planta de plusieurs candidats RiSP ont permis d’identifier une activité stimulatrice de 3 RiSPs sur l’établissement de la symbiose. Parallèlement, des essais de stimulation de la symbiose MA par apport exogène de différents SPs sur plantules en cours de mycorhization en chambre ont été initiés. Ils devront être poursuivis sur les 3 candidats issus du crible de surexpression. En perspective, l’évaluation de la spécificité d’action de ces SPs sur la symbiose MA comparativement à d’autres interactions plante-champignon ouvrira la voie à des essais d’application au champ. / Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is a mutualistic association established between plant roots and soil fungi belonging to the phylum Glomeromycota. In this association, the fungus acts as a natural fertilizer, supplying the plant with various minerals (phosphorus, but also nitrogen and sulfur) in exchange to carbon sources essential for its development. An original feature of these fungi is their very broad host spectrum: c.a. 80% of plant species have the ability to form this symbiosis, and some species of AM fungi do not seem to have a restrictive host spectrum. Would MA fungi possess "universal keys" for cell compatibility with their host, or to by-pass plant immunity? To address this problem, we studied the secretome of the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis from which several genomic data were available. Eukaryotic microorganisms indeed secrete in their environment proteins acting on their exogenous structures (cell wall), on their environment (nutrient recruitment), and even on host plant cell immunity. These last secreted proteins (SPs) are defined as effectors. Based on two different assemblies, a repertoire of 872 SPs of R. irregularis was defined for which transcriptional expression profiles obtained in three hosts were compared, as well with SPs from another species of AM fungus, Gigaspora rosea. After adding sequences of small size identified from an in-house transcriptomic assembly, screening unambiguous open reading frame, and selecting strongly expressed candidates (FC> 10) in the 3 plant hosts analyzed, a set of 33 RiSPs of interest was defined, of which 18 were selected for functional analysis. As genetic transformation protocol is unavailable for AM fungi, RiSP:citrine fusion proteins were overexpressed in tobacco leaves and barrel medic roots for plant cell localization. Different cell compartments were targeted by these RiSPs, and often localised in the vacuolar compartment. In planta overexpression of several candidates allowed identifying 3 RiSPs that stimulate the establishment of the symbiosis. In the same time, attempts to enhance MA symbiosis by addition of exogenous RiSPs on seedlings during mycorrhizal establishment were initiated. Such assays should be pursued on the 3 active candidates revealed by overexpression assays. Evaluating the specificity of action of these RiSPs on AM symbiosis compared to other plant-fungus interactions will open the way to field trials.

Designed Synthetic Peptides : Models For Studies Of Conformational Transitions And Aromatic Interactions

Rajagopal, A 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis set out to explore the conformational properties of short designed peptide sequences, in which transitions between structural states may be anticipated. The use of conformationally constrained residues like α-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) and D-proline (DPro) permits the design of model sequences for structural studies. The principle of imposing conformational constraints by multiple substitutions at backbone atoms in aminoacid residues may also be extended to the higher homologs of α-amino acids, namely β and residues. The experimental results presented in this thesis also examine the potential of using cross-strand interactions between aromatic residues as a probe of structure in designed peptide β-hairpins. Chapter 1 provides a very brief introduction to the necessary background on which the experimental studies in this thesis are based. Chapter 2 describes studies aimed at establishing chain length effects on helix-hairpin conformational distributions in short synthetic sequences, containing centrally positioned Aib-DAla and Aib-Aib segments.The Aib-DAla dipeptide segment has a tendency to form both type-I'/III' and type-I/III β-turns. The occurrence of prime turns facilitates the formation of β-hairpin conformations, while type-I/III turns can nucleate helix formation. The octapeptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-DAla-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (1) has been previously shown to form a β-hairpin in the crystalline state and in solution. The effects of sequence truncation have been examined using the model peptides Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-Phe-NHMe (2, 6), Boc-Val-Aib-Xxx-Leu-NHMe (3, 7) and Boc-Aib-Xxx-NHMe (4, 8), where Xxx = DAla, Aib. For peptides with central Aib-Aib segments, Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-Phe-NHMe (6), Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7) and Boc-Aib-Aib-NHMe (8) local helical conformations have been established by NMR studies in both hydrogen bonding (CD3OH) and non-hydrogen bonding (CDCl3) solvents. In contrast, the corresponding hexapeptide Boc-Phe-Val-Aib-DAla-Leu-Phe-Val-NHMe (2) favors helical conformations in CDCl3 and β-hairpin conformations in CD3OH. β-Turn conformations (type-I /III) stabilized by intramolecular 4 1 hydrogen bonds are observed for the peptide Boc-Aib-DAla-NHMe (4) and Boc-Aib-Aib-NHMe (8) in crystals. The tetrapeptide Boc-Val-Aib-Aib-Leu-NHMe (7) adopts an incipient 310-helical conformation stabilized by three 4 1 hydrogen bonds. The peptide Boc-Val-Aib-DAla- Leu-NHMe (3) adopts a novel -turn conformation, stabilized by three intramolecular hydrogen bonds (two 4 1 and one 5 1). The Aib-DAla segment adopts a type-I' β-turn conformation. The observation of the NOE Val(1) NH HNCH3 (5), in CD3OH, suggests that the solid state conformation of peptide 3 is maintained in methanol solutions. Peptide hairpins provide an ideal scaffold for exploring cross-strand interactions between residues on facing antiparallel strands. Chapter 3 reports studies directed towards probing, aromatic interactions between facing Phe residues, positioned at the non-hydrogen bonding positions in designed octapeptide β-hairpins. The studies described in this Chapter employ ring current shifted aromatic proton resonances as a means of probing aromatic ring orientations. Crystal structures of eight peptide -hairpins with the sequence Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Xxx-Yyy-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe revealed that the Phe(2) and Phe(7) aromatic rings are in close spatial proximity, with a centroid-centroid distance (Rcen) of 4.4Å to 5.4Å between the two phenyl rings. Proton NMR spectra in chloroform and methanol solutions reveal a significant upfield shift of the Phe(7) C , ′ H2 protons (6.65 ppm to 7.04 ppm). Specific assignments of the aromatic protons have been carried out in the peptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-DPro-LPro-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (6). The anticipated ring current shifts have been estimated from the aromatic ring geometries observed in crystals for all eight peptides. Only one of the C , ′ H proton lies in the shielding zone, with rapid ring flipping, resulting in averaging between the two extreme chemical shifts. An approximate estimate of the population of conformations which resemble crystal state orientations may be obtained. Key nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) between facing Phe sidechains provide support for close similarity between the solid state and solution conformations. Temperature dependence of aromatic ring proton chemical shifts and line widths for peptide 6 (Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-DPro-LPro-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe) and the control peptide Boc-Leu-Val-Val-DPro-Gly-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe establish an enhanced barrier to ring flipping, when the two Phe rings are in proximity. Modeling studies suggest that small, conformational adjustments about the C -C ( 1), and C -C ( 2) bonds of the Phe residues may be required in order to permit unhindered, uncorrelated flipping of both the Phe rings. The maintenance of specific aromatic ring orientations in organic solvents provides evidence for significant stabilizing interactions. Earlier studies from this laboratory established that a centrally positioned DPro-LPro-DAla segment could induce hairpin formation in nonapeptide sequences, facilitated by a three residue loop segment. The DAla residue at position 6 in the nonapeptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-DPro-LPro-DAla-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe has been shown to adopt a left handed helical (αL) conformation. The studies described in Chapter 4, examine the effects of aminoacid replacements at positions 5 and 6. NMR studies on eight nonapeptides, with the general sequence Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-DPro-Xxx-Yyy-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe are described. In the case of peptides with a central DPro-LPro-Yyy sequence, two kinds of hairpin conformations are formed in solution. These are; i) β-hairpin structures with a central three residue loop, resulting in registered antiparallel tripeptide strands, and ii) a slipped hairpin structure, nucleated by a central DPro-LPro type-II β-turn, with residue 6 being incorporated into the C-terminal strand. The three residue loop β-hairpins are favored for DAla(6) and Aib(6), while the LAla(6) peptide favors a “slipped” hairpin structure. Replacement of the Pro(5) residue by LAla results in a reduced population of three residue hairpins in the nonapeptide with the DPro-LAla-DAla segment. Replacement of Pro(5) by Aib, abolished hairpin formation. Aromatic proton chemical shifts provide a convenient diagnostic for the presence of three residue loop hairpin conformations in these nonapeptides. A great deal of current interest has focused on the conformations of peptides incorporating β and γ aminoacid residues. Earlier studies from this laboratory have focused on the conformational properties of the β,β -disubstituted γ residue gabapentin (1-aminomethylcyclohexane acetic acid). Subsequent work with the related β aminoacid β3,3Ac6c (1-aminocyclohexaneacetic acid) revealed that intramolecularly hydrogen bonded conformations are infrequently observed in short peptides. The studies described in Chapter 5, examine the conformational properties for model peptides containing the isomeric β-aminoacid, β2,2Ac6c (1-aminomethylcyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid). The effect of gem dialkyl substituents on the backbone conformations of amino acid residues in peptides, has been investigated using four model peptides, Boc-Xxx-2,2Ac6c-NHMe [Xxx = Leu (1), Phe(2)] and Boc-Xxx- 3,3Ac6c-NHMe [Xxx = Leu (3), Phe(4)]. Tetrasubstituted carbon atoms restrict the ranges of stereochemically allowed a C11 helical turn, which is a backbone expanded analog of the type III -turn in sequences. The crystal structure of the peptide Boc-Phe- 3,3Ac6c-NHMe (4) establishes a the asymmetric unit adopt backbone torsion angles of opposite signs. In one of the molecules, the Phe residue adopts an unfavourable backbone conformation, with the energetic penalty being offset by favourable aromatic interactions between proximal molecules in the crystal. NMR studies provide evidence for the maintenance of folded structures in solution, in these hybrid sequences. The result presented in this thesis suggests that it should be possible to construct designed synthetic peptides, which can undergo transitions between two distinct and energetically favourable conformational states. The ability to design peptide sequences that can undergo switching between helical and β-hairpin states, or between hairpin structures with variations in connecting loop length may prove valuable in providing further insights into the factors influencing conformational dynamics.

Régulation des hémicanaux de connexine 43 : implication dans la cardioprotection contre les lésions ischémiques

Al Hawat, Ghayda 12 1900 (has links)
La connexine 43 (Cx43) est l’unité protéique de base dans la formation des canaux des jonctions gap (JG) responsables des échanges intercellulaires. Toutefois, elle forme aussi des canaux non-jonctionnels à large conductance, nommés hémicanaux (Hc), qui fournissent un accès entre l’intérieure des cellules et le milieu extracellulaire. Bien qu’ils soient beaucoup moins étudiés que les JG, on estime que les Hc restent normalement à l’état fermé, et ce, grâce à la phosphorylation des connexines qui les forment. Suite à un stress ischémique, les Cx43 se déphosphorylent et entraînent ainsi l’ouverture des Hc de Cx43 (HcCx43), un effet qui compromet la survie des cellules. La protéine kinase C (PKC) est l’enzyme de phosphorylation qui possède le plus grand nombre de sites de phosphorylation sur la Cx43 en comparaison avec les autres kinases. Ses fonctions dépendent de la mise en jeu d’un répertoire d’au moins 12 isoformes distinctes. Dans les cardiomyocytes, les isoformes de PKC participent au développement des réponses adaptées ou mésadaptées au stress ischémique. Malgré que la régulation des canaux de Cx43 par la PKC lors d’une ischémie soit bien documentée, il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de connaissances sur les effets fonctionnels spécifiques qu’exercent des différentes isoformes de PKC sur les HcCx43, ni sur la valeur thérapeutique de la modulation de ses derniers. Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposé que les HcCx43 sont régulés sélectivement et différentiellement par les différentes isoformes de PKC et que l’inhibition spécifique de ces hémicanaux peut protéger le coeur lors d’un événement ischémique. Le présent travail comporte trois études qui ont été entreprises spécialement dans le but de valider ces hypothèses. Dans la première étude, nous avons profité de l’expertise du laboratoire du Dr Baroudi dans la dissection des isoformes de PKC pour étudier le rôle fonctionnel de chacune d’elles dans la régulation des HcCx43 en utilisant une gamme unique de peptides synthétiques inhibiteurs et activateurs spécifiques des isoformes de PKC, en combinaison avec la technique du patch-clamp. Nous avons démontré, entre autre, que les HcCx43 sont particulièrement inhibés par l’isoforme PKC epsilon, connue pour son effet cardioprotecteur contre les dommages ischémiques lors d’un préconditionnement ischémique. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons caractérisé l’effet d’un peptide synthétique mimétique structural de la Cx43 sur la fonction des HcCx43. En plus d’avoir élucidé ces effets sur les propriétés fonctionnelles du canal, nous avons démontré d’une manière directe et indéniable que le peptide Gap26 inhibe et spécifiquement les HcCx43 et que son administration in vitro (cardiomyocytes isolés) et ex vivo (coeur intact) confère à ces modèles expérimentaux une résistance importante contre le stress ischémique. Dans la troisième étude, nous avons investigué pour la première fois in vivo le potentiel de deux peptides uniques mimétiques structuraux de la Cx43, Gap26 et Gap27, dans la cardioprotection contre les lésions ischémiques lorsqu’ils sont administrés à basse dose sous forme d’un bolus intraveineux unique. Nous avons démontré que l’injection de ces peptides avant ou après la survenue de l’ischémie réduit significativement la taille de l’infarctus qui en résulte.En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces résultats révèlent le rôle bénéfique de l’inhibition des HcCx43 lors d’une ischémie et dévoilent un potentiel thérapeutique prometteux des mimétiques structuraux de Cx43 dans la prévention et le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. / Connexin 43 (Cx43) is the basic unit in the composition of Gap junction channels but also of the non-junctional unapposed hemichannels (Hc). Gap junction channels play key roles in cardiac function by allowing conduction of electrical impulses and exchange of biologically important molecules between cells. The unapposed Hc, however, perform functions different from those achieved by Gap junction channels mainly by providing pathways between the cytosol and the extracellular space allowing movement of ions and other small metabolites. Although they are much less studied than Gap junction channels, Hc are believed to remain normally in a closed state and that phosphorylation is an important factor promoting their closure. Under ischemic stress,the amount of non-phosphorylated Cx43 increases resulting in increasing hemichannels opening, an effect that can lead to irreversible tissue injury and cell death. Protein kinase C (PKC) possesses the largest number of phosphorylation sites on Cx43 and exerts significant control on Cx43 channels. Its function depends on the involvement of at least 12 distinct isoformes. Various PKC isoforms exert specific cellular and cardiovascular functions, nonetheless the functional role of PKC isoforms in the modulation of the unapposed Cx43 hemichannels has never been assessed, neither has the therapeutic potential of Cx43Hc modulation in the protection of ischemic heart. In this context, three studies have been performed, they form the body of this thesis. In the first study, a unique set of synthetic PKC isoform-selective activator and inhibitor peptides was utilised. In combination with the patch clamp technique, we have demonstrated that Cx43Hc conductance is strongly inhibited by, among many isoforms, epsilon PKC isoforme, known for its cardioprotective effect against ischemic injury. In the second study, we characterized the effect of a synthetic structural mimetic peptide of Cx43. Using patch clamp technique, we have demonstrated that the peptide Gap26 inhibits directly and specifically Cx43Hc, we also showed that Gap26 can confer resistance to cardiomyocytes (in vitro) and intact heart (ex vivo) against ischemia. In the third study, we investigated for the first time in vivo the capability of a unique pair of structural Cx43 mimetic peptides, Gap26 and Gap27, to protect heart from ischemic injury when administered in single low-dose intravenous boluses. We demonstrated that administration of either one or both peptides, before or after the onset of ischemia renders heart more resistant to ischemia and reduces significantly the size of myocardial infarct. Altogether, our results revealed salvatory effect of Cx43Hc inhibition during ischemia and uncovered therapeutique potentials of the synthetic structural mimetic peptides of Cx43 in ischemic heart disease.

Structural Characterization Of Protein Folding Intermediates

Bhattacharjya, Surajit 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Estudo das sínteses de peptídeos em fase sólida passo a passo e convergente a 60 °C usando aquecimento convencional e micro-ondas / Study of stepwise and convergent solid-phase peptide syntheses at 60ºC using conventional and microwave heatings

Loffredo, Carina 21 December 2009 (has links)
É sabido que: (i) as sínteses individual e múltipla (manual e automática), bem como a construção de bibliotecas e micro-arranjos de peptídeos sintéticos empregam a metodologia da fase sólida (SPFS); (ii) apesar do desenvolvimento atual desta metodologia sintética, os químicos de peptídeos continuam se deparando com problemas e limitações inerentes a ela; (iii) muitos trabalhos relatam a sua agilização pelo uso de altas temperaturas, mas poucos revelam preocupação com a integridade quiral dos peptídeos-alvo. Portanto, o presente trabalho objetivou dar continuidade à nossa investigação pioneira das: 1) incidência da enantiomerização dos aminoácidos e/ou de outras reações secundárias nas SPFS passo a passo de peptídeos a 60 °C; 2) viabilidade de realização de todas as etapas da síntese convergente em fase sólida (SCPFS) a 60 °C. Em relação ao tópico 1, os peptídeos-alvo escolhidos tinham tamanho e sequência variáveis que incluiam os aminoácidos trifuncionais problemáticos Cys, Ser, His, Met e Trp. Todos eles foram obtidos por SPFS passo a passo convencional e a 60 °C usando aquecimento convencional e micro-ondas. A identificação e a quantificação dos isômeros contaminantes foram feitas com a ajuda de padrões resultantes da SPFS passo a passo convencional e de métodos analíticos (RP-HPLC, LC-ESI/MS, CE e análise quiral de aminoácidos) em condições estabelecidas por nós. Foi constatado que: (i) as nossas condições de acoplamento são mais econômicas que as usuais, pois empregam menor concentração e excesso molar de N-acil-aminoácidos; (ii) nelas, a SPFS a 60 °C usando o aquecimento convencional é simples, prática, de custo relativamente baixo, demanda ½ do tempo da SPFS convenciona e não compromete significativamente a integridade quiral dos aminoácidos; (iii) nas condições similares, a SPFS passo a passo a 60 °C assistida por micro-ondas é mais rápida (realizada em ¼ do tempo gasto na SPFS convencional), porém mais cara e acompanhada de aumento significativo da enantiomerização da Cys; (iv) a mistura 25% DMSO/tolueno, nunca antes utilizada na SPFS assistida por micro-ondas, favoreceu a formação de contaminantes contendo Met oxidadas a sulfóxidos durante as sínteses do fragmento CCK24-33NS, mas o mesmo ocorreu quando DMF foi usado nas sínteses da CCK-33 NS; (v) outras reações secundárias típicas da SPFS passo a passo não foram intensificadas significativamente nas nossas condições sintéticas a 60 °C. Quanto ao tópico 2, foi escolhida a CCK-33 NS como modelo peptídico. Foi constatado que: (i) a etapa de obtenção dos fragmentos peptídicos protegidos que atuariam como doadores de acila (D.A.) e aceptor de acila (A.A.) de partida pode ser ágil e bem sucedida pela SPFS passo a passo a 60 °C nas nossas condições experimentais usando o aquecimento convencional; (ii) DMF, NMP e 25% DMSO/Tolueno foram adequados à solubilização dos fragmentos D.A. e dos reagentes necessários à sua ativação a 60 °C; (iii) a 60 °C, tais solventes também intumesceram satisfatoriamente a CCK24-33NS-resina Rink amida, A.A. de partica; (iv) o aquecimento convencional permitiu que algumas reações de acoplamento entre os D.A. e A.A. escolhidos fossem realizadas com sucesso; na maioria dos casos em que isso não ocorreu, o uso combinado das micro-ondas e agitação sob atmosfera inerte mediaram a formação do produto desejado; (v) a natureza dos fragmentos D.A. e A.A. é fator limitante na SCPFS, mesmo a 60 °C e usando o aquecimento convencional ou as micro-ondas, e, portanto, ele precisa ser melhor estudado. / It is well known that: (i) individual and multiple peptide syntheses (manual and automatic) as well as construction of synthetic peptide libraries and micro-arrays are all based on solid phase chemistry (SPPS); (ii) despite the current development of such synthetic methodology, peptide chemists are still facing its problems and inherent limitations; (iii) many previous works employed high temperatures to accelerate stepwise SPPS, but only a few showed concern about the preservation of the chiral integrity of the target peptide. Therefore, the main goal of the present work was to continue our pioneering investigation of: 1) the incidence of amino acids enantiomerization and/or other side-reactions in the stepwise SPPS at 60°C, 2) the viability of performing all steps of the convergent synthesis on a solid support (CSPPS) at 60°C. With regard to the topic 1, the peptides chosen as targets had variable size and sequence, which included the tricky trifunctional amino acids Cys, Ser, His, Met and Trp. The peptides were synthesized by conventional stepwise SPFS and at 60 °C using conventional or microwave heating. Identification and quantification of the contaminant isomers was done with the aid of standards resultant from conventional stepwise SPPS and of analytical methods (RP-HPLC, LC-ESI/MS, CE and chiral amino acids analysis) in conditions established in our laboratory. It was shown that: (i) our coupling conditions are cheaper than the usual ones as they employ lower concentration and excess of N-acyl-amino acids; (ii) under them, stepwise SPPS at 60 °C using the conventional heating is simple, practical, relatively low-cost, demands half of the time required by conventional stepwise SPPS and does not cause the enhancement of amino acids enantiomerization; (iii) under similar conditions, microwave-assisted stepwise SPPS at 60 °C is faster (it demands only one-fourth of the time spent in the conventional stepwise SPPS), but it is more expensive and causes significant damage specially to the chiral integrity of Cys; (iv) the binary mixture 25% DMSO/toluene, never used earlier in microwave-assisted stepwise SPPS, led to the formation of contaminants with Met oxidized to its sulfoxides during the synthesis of CCK24-33NS; however, it also occurred when DMF was used in the synthesis of CCK-33 NS; (v) other side reactions typical of stepwise SPPS were not significantly intensified under our conditions at 60 °C. Concerning to the topic 2, CCK-33 NS was chosen as the model peptide. It was shown that: (i) the synthesis of the protected peptides that would act as acyl donor (A.D.) or as the starting acyl aceptor (A.A.) can be fast and successfully achieved at 60 °C under our experimental conditions using conventional heating; (ii) DMF, NMP and 25% DMSO/toluene dissolved all A.D. and the reagents required for their activation at 60 °C; (iii) at this temperature, such solvents were also able to properly swell CCK24-33NS-Rink amide resin, the starting A.A.; (iv) the conventional heating allowed for some coupling reactions between A.D. and A.A., but in most cases in which it did not occur, the combined use of microwaves and stirring under inert atmosphere mediated the formation of the desired products; (v) the nature of fragments A.D. and A.A. is a limiting factor in the CSPPS even at 60 °C and using the conventional or microwave heating; therefore, it should be further studied.

Antigenic Determinants Of Chicken Riboflavin Carrier Protein: Structural And Functional Aspects

Beena, T K 10 1900 (has links)
Investigations detailed in this thesis constitute a part of the continuing programme of research undertaken in our laboratory on the riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) with partic­ular reference to identification and synthesis of neutralizing antigenic determinants, design of relevant epitope mimetics with improved immunogenic characteristics and relationship between their secondary structures and immunological properties. The riboflavin carrier protein is elaborated as a reproductive stratagem to ensure ade­quate vitamin deposition in the developing oocyte in the chickens. The protein is scrupu­lously conserved through evolution in terms of physico chemical and immunological char­acteristics from fish through birds to mammals, including primates. In rodents and sub­human primates immunization with the heteroantigen viz., chicken egg white RCP leads to functional neutralization of the endogenous maternal protein resulting in curtailment of early pregnancy. Thus, the crucial role of RCP in maintenance of pregnancy is established and the protein identified as a potential candidate vaccine for immimocontraception. Fur­ther studies with the reduced and carboxymethylated (RCM) RCP as the immunogen re­veal that antibodies induced by RCM-RCP are equally effective in bioneutralization of the endogenous protein. So it can be surmised that the native folded structure of RCP is not obligatory for eliciting bioneutralizing antibodies. In an attempt to identify functionally relevant regions of the protein, a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been raised and characterized. One of the MAbs viz., 6J32Ci2 could bring about early fetal resorp-tion when injected to mice with confirmed pregnancies. These results prompted a detail molecular immunological approach to understand underlying mechanisms. The principal aims of the present investigations include: (1) identification of neutralizing epitopes; (2) synthesis of peptidyl sequences incorporating these determinants; (3) an understanding of the structure, antigenic and immunogenic characteristics of these peptides; (4) correlation of conformational and antigenic characteristics; (5) rational design and synthesis of peptide analogs with greater propensity to assume predicted secondary structures; (6) analysis of conformation dependency of peptide antigens and the importance of such conformation in generating an optimal B-cell response; (7) the efficacy of the antibodies elicited by these Peptide antigens in neutralizing endogenous protein with the ultimate aim of designing synthetic vaccines. Chapter 1 of this thesis deals with a general introduction summarizing the current status of knowledge regarding the chemistry and biology of RCP as well as synthetic pep­tides as potential immunogens. Chapter 2 outlines details of the experimental procedures adopted. Chapter 3 describes the results of investigations on the C-terminal fragment (residues 200-219) of cRCR The main consideration in selecting this sequence for the design of a potential peptide-based vaccine relied on the epitopic specificity of the neu­tralizing MAb 6S2C12. Epitope mapping using the Pepscan method revealed that the monoclonal antibody recognizes a core sequence corresponding to residues 203-210 of the cRCP. A 21-residue synthetic peptide (C-21) comprising this epitope was synthesized and antibodies elicited to the peptide conjugated to two different carriers, namely diphtheria toxoid and purified protein derivative (PPD) for T-cell help. In both active and passive immunoneutralization experiments, the peptide specific neutralizing antibodies interfered with the biological function of the protein and hence either protected from pregnancy or caused early fetal resorption in rodents as well as in sub-human primates. The conforma-tional properties of the peptide in aqueous buffers were analyzed from circular dichroism which revealed the absence of any ordered structure in the native C-21 peptide. Theoreti­cal predictions of secondary structure suggested a propensity for an t*-helical structure for this fragment in the native protein. Therefore, influence of the helix-promoting solvent, vizM 2,2,2,trifluroethanol (TFE) on the C-21 peptide was investigated. Addition of TFE resulted in spectral changes with negative bands at 208 and 222 nm and a positive band at 190 rim which are typical of an a-helix. To gain more information on the conformational characteristics of this peptide, it was considered worthwhile to stabilize the native peptide in an a-helical conformation based on simple rational design principles. Towards this end, four analogs of the parent peptide were synthesized and helix stabilization was sought to be achieved by introducing either salt bridges or back-bone conformational constraints such as by incorporating a-amino isobutyric acid at appropriate positions. In all the analogs, the core sequence, recognised by the neutralizing MAb 6B2C12 was maintained intact to ensure induction of antibodies capable of recognizing the native protein. CD spectral analysis of the analog peptides indicated that all the engineered peptides had varying degrees of enhanced helicities as compared to the parent peptide. The immunogenicity of each analog was studied by to the relevant peptide-diphtheria toxoid conjugates and analyzing their reactivities with the native protein by direct and competitive ELISA. The results revealed that these engi­neered conformational analogs axe highly immunogenic eliciting high titers of anti-protein antibodies. The relative affinities of these antibodies to bind cRCP were investigated. The antibodies to peptide analogs had higher affinities for the native protein and a positive correlation was found between the helical content of the peptide antigen in question and the relative affinity of corresponding antibody. The antibodies directed to all the peptide analogs could block the function of RCP resulting in early embryonic resorption when ad­ministered to pregnant mice. An interesting pattern of immunological cross-reactivity has been observed with the native and designed peptides. Antibodies raised to constrained helical analogs could bind the C-21 peptide which is structurally flexible. In contrast, the antibodies raised to the flexible native peptide antigen were inefficient in recognizing the structured peptides. The ability of all the peptide antibody to bind the native protein has been interpreted in terms of a conformationally flexible C-terminus region in cRCP. Chapter 4 details investigations on a 21-residue peptide (N- 21) from the N-terminiis (4-24) of the protein. Selection of this peptidyl sequence relied on theoretical prediction of potential sequential determinants on RCP other than at C-terminus as well as on the outcome of immunoneutralisation experiments using antibodies to egg yolk RCP which lacks the relevant C-terminal determinants. The structure of this peptide in solution was analyzed by two dimensional NMR and CD. NMR experiments revealed the presence of two structured regions in the peptide. Diagnostic nuclear Overhauser effects characteristics of reverse turns or short frayed helical segments over residues 3-9 and 18-21 of the peptide were obtained. CD spectra showed the presence of a strong, negative band at 204 nm over a wide range of solvent conditions, a feature which has been interpreted in terms of a "polyproline Il-like" segment encompassing residues 11-16 which corresponds to an interesting (X-Pro)^ repeat in the N-21 sequence. Specific antibodies were generated to this peptide as a conjugate with diphtheria tox­oid. Administration of the antipeptide antibodies could neutralize the protein in vivo as demonstrated by early embryonic loss in pregnant mice. In limited experiments the anti­peptide antibodies showed propensity to protect bonnet monkeys from pregnancy over a few consecutive ovulatory cycles when titres are maintained elevated by periodic boosting. To address the relationship between peptide structures and antigenicity, epitope mapping of this antipeptide antibodies as well- as the polyclonal antibodies to native RCP was undertaken using the Pepscan method. The results reveal that antigenic regions correspond well to conformationally well-defined elements of structure with the polyproline II-like seg­ment being a common antigenic determinant on both the peptide and the native protein. These observations are suggestive of the involvement of both the N and C-terminal regions of RCP in terms of its binding to putative plasma membrane receptors.

Novas abordagens antigênicas em testes sorológicos padronizados para a diferenciação entre os estágios parasitários associados à infecção por Toxoplasma gondii

Santana, Silas Silva 08 March 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that infects virtually all warm-blooded animals, including humans. In human beings, the infection is usually asymptomatic in immunocompetent individuals, but can cause severe clinical manifestations in immunocompromised individuals and in cases of congenital toxoplasmosis. The diagnosis of this infection is usually performed by serological methods that detect IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies in biological samples. The conventional serological assays currently available detect only the exposure to parasite, and there is no serological techniques to accurately estimate the source of infection (oocyst or cyst), which hinders the implementation of prevention and control procedures of this infection. In addition, the serological differentiation between recent and chronic phases of the infection is difficult to achieve in the laboratory routine, making difficult the correct diagnosis of toxoplasmosis, mainly in immunocompromised individuals and pregnant women. In the present study, two recombinant proteins (CCp5A and OWP1) from oocyst/sporozoite of T. gondii were evaluated in serological tests to differentiate infections occurring by ingestion of oocysts or tissue cysts. The reactivity of these two recombinant proteins was assessed, in parallel with soluble Toxoplasma antigen (STAg), against panels of serum samples from animals (chickens, pigs and mice) naturally or experimentally infected by different infective stages of the parasite. Also, we tested sera from humans who have been infected by oocyst during a well-characterized toxoplasmosis outbreak, as well as sera from pregnant women tested IgM+/IgG+ for T. gondii, which source of infection was unknown. Only the sporozoite-specific CCp5A protein was able to differentiate the parasite stage that infected chickens, pigs and mice, with specific reactivity for sera from oocyst-infected animals. Furthermore, this protein showed a preferential reactivity for recent infection by oocyst/sporozoite in pigs and mice. In humans, CCp5A showed higher reactivity with serum samples from the outbreak, compared with serum from pregnant women. Altogether, these findings demonstrate the usefulness of the CCp5A protein as a new tool to identify the parasite stage of T. gondii responsible for the infection (oocyst or tissue cyst). Also, in order to evaluate an alternative antigenic preparation to differentiate the phases of T. gondii infection, whether acute or chronic, a synthetic peptide from the microneme 8 protein (pMIC8) was tested, in parallel with STAg in immunoassays, using serum samples from individuals in different infection phases. Initially, this peptide was used to evaluate the kinetics of IgG antibodies in mice experimentally infected with T. gondii. After, immunoassays using pMIC8 and STAg were conducted to detect IgM, IgA and IgG antibodies in 124 human serum samples divided into five groups, according to the phase of T. gondii infection: Group I (up to 4 months of infection); Group II (5 to 8 months of infection); Group III (9 to 12 months of infection); Group IV (over 12 months of infection); and Group V (seronegative individuals). In the murine model, pMIC8 showed to be a potential marker of recent infection with strong detection of IgG antibodies in the early phase of infection. In humans, IgM and IgA to pMIC8 showed better characterization of the time of T. gondii infection in serum samples from recent phase (up to 12 months of infection), when compared to those tested against STAg. The percentage of IgG detection to pMIC8 was higher in sera from Group I (early acute phase) and lower in sera from Group IV (chronic phase). This pattern was the opposite of those observed to STAg, that showed lower detection percentage in Group I). To underline the differences in IgG detection using pMIC8 and STAg, it was determined a ratio between the ELISA index obtained from both antigenic preparations (STAg/pMIC8), which showed an accurate parameter to differencialte the phases of infection. Overall, these findings suggest that pMIC8 could be a valuable tool to differentiate recent from chronic T. gondii infection. / Toxoplasma gondii é um parasito intracelular que infecta virtualmente todos os animais de sangue quente, incluindo a espécie humana. Nestes hospedeiros, a infecção geralmente é assintomática em indivíduos imunocompetentes, mas em indivíduos imunocomprometidos e em casos de toxoplasmose congênita, as manifestações podem ser graves. O diagnóstico da toxoplasmose é usualmente realizado por métodos sorológicos, com detecção das imunoglobulinas IgG, IgM e IgA em amostras biológicas. As técnicas sorológicas atuais detectam a exposição ao parasito, mas não apresentam capacidade de diferenciar as vias de infecção, as quais podem ocorrer por ingestão de oocistos ou de cistos teciduais, dificultando a implementação de medidas preventivas para controlar e reduzir a infecção por T. gondii. Além disso, tais técnicas sorológicas não apresentam a possibilidade de diferenciar infecção aguda de infecção crônica, o que limita a determinação da fase da infecção, principalmente em indivíduos imunocomprometidos e em gestantes, além dos casos de toxoplasmose congênita. No presente trabalho, as proteínas recombinantes CCp5A e OWP1 de oocistos/esporozoítos de T. gondii foram utilizadas em testes sorológicos com o objetivo de diferenciar infecções via ingestão de oocistos ou cistos teciduais do parasito em amostras de soros de animais e humanos. A reatividade destas proteínas foi analisada, em paralelo com o antígeno solúvel de Toxoplasma (STAg), utilizando-se de um painel de amostras de soros de animais (galinhas, porcos e camundongos) infectados naturalmente ou por meio de protocolos de infecção experimental, a partir de diferentes estágios infecciosos do parasito. Em adição, estas proteínas foram testadas em amostras de soros de pessoas infectadas por via hídrica (via oocisto) em um surto de toxoplasmose e de gestantes soropositivas (IgM+/IgG+) para T. gondii, cuja via de infecção era desconhecida. Em animais, somente a proteína CCp5A foi capaz de diferenciar o estágio infeccioso de T. gondii responsável pela infecção, com reatividade específica para soros de indivíduos infectados por oocistos. Além disso, esta proteína também apresentou maior reatividade em amostras de soros na fase recente de infecção em porcos e camundongos. Em humanos, CCp5A apresentou reatividade preferencial com soros do surto de toxoplasmose, em comparação com soros das gestantes. Esses resultados indicam que a proteína CCp5A pode ser uma nova ferramenta para identificar o estágio infeccioso de T. gondii responsável pela infecção (oocisto ou cisto tecidual). Em uma segunda parte deste trabalho, com o intuito de avaliar outras preparações antigênicas visando a determinação das fases da infecção por T. gondii, se infecção aguda ou crônica, o peptídeo sintético pMIC8 foi testado, em paralelo com STAg, em imunoensaios utilizando-se amostras de soros de indivíduos em diferentes fases da infecção. Inicialmente, tal peptídeo foi utilizado para avaliar a cinética de anticorpos IgG em camundongos experimentalmente infectados com T. gondii. Posteriormente, imunoensaios utilizando pMIC8 e STAg foram realizados para a detecção de anticorpos IgM, IgA e IgG em 124 amostras de soros humanos divididos em 5 grupos, de acordo com a fase da infecção por T. gondii: Grupo I (infecção até 4 meses); Grupo II (infecção entre 5 e 8 meses); Grupo III (infecção entre 9 e 12 meses); Grupo IV (infecção acima de 12 meses); e Grupo V (indivíduos soronegativos). No modelo murino, pMIC8 mostrou-se como um marcador em potencial para a caracterização da infecção recente, demonstrando forte reação com anticorpos IgG na fase precoce da infecção. Em humanos, anticorpos IgM e IgA contra pMIC8 apresentaram melhor caracterização do tempo de infecção em amostras de soros de fase aguda (até 12 meses de infecção), quando comparados aos anticorpos dirigidos contra STAg. Por outro lado, a porcentagem de detecção de IgG contra pMIC8 foi maior nas amostras de soros do Grupo I (fase aguda precoce) e menor nas do grupo IV (fase crônica). Este padrão foi inverso ao observado com STAg, que apresentou menor porcentagem de detecção de IgG no grupo I. Visando caracterizar as diferenças quanto a detecção de IgG quando são utilizadas as preparações antigênicas STAg e pMIC8, foi calculada a razão entre os valores dos Índices ELISA de IgG obtidos nas reações com estes dois antígenos (Razão STAg/pMIC8), que demonstrou ser um parâmetro importante na diferenciação sorológica da fase da infecção. Em síntese, os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que pMIC8 pode ser uma ferramenta relevante na diferenciação entre infecção recente e infecção distante na infecção por T. gondii. / Doutor em Imunologia e Parasitologia Aplicadas

Novas abordagens antigênicas no sorodiagnóstico da toxoplasmose humana, com ênfase nas infecções primária e congênita

Carvalho, Fernando dos Reis de 31 October 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Chapter I - Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which infects a range of hosts, including about one-third of the world\'s human population. One of the most severe manifestations of this infection in humans corresponds to congenital toxoplasmosis, which occurs when there is placental transmission of the parasite to the fetus in cases of primary maternal infection during pregnancy. Congenital infection may cause abortions or fetal losses, as well as severe ocular and/or cerebral sequelae in newborns. The serological screening of pregnant women and newborns is mainly based on the detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to T. gondii and constitutes an important measure to be adopted in programs to control this infection, despite the limitations in the antibody detection and interpretation of results. Chapter II - A total of 173 pairs of serum samples from mothers with suspected primary toxoplasmosis during pregnancy and their newborns, obtained from the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia (HC-UFU) from 2006 to June 2014, was analyzed by ELISA for the detection of IgG, IgM and IgA anti-T. gondii, and the results were correlated with clinical data obtained from research in the clinical records of each patient. It was concluded that (i) prenatal serological screening is very important for the identification of pregnant women exposed to toxoplasmosis during pregnancy; (ii) maternal treatment reduces congenital transmission of T. gondii; (iii) neonatal serologic screening, associated with analysis of clinical parameters, allows the identification of vertically infected newborns, mainly through simultaneous detection of IgM and IgA antibodies; and (iv) serological follow-up of newborns is important in clarifying doubtful situations, especially in cases of asymptomatic newborns that present suggestive serology of congenital infection. Chapter III - Different antigenic fractions derived from soluble antigen of tachyzoites of T. gondii (STAg) were obtained from sequential precipitation with increasing concentrations of ammonium sulfate and used in immunoblotting technique to detect IgG antibodies and its subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4) present in paired serum samples from mothers with presumptive serology of recent toxoplasmosis during pregnancy and their newborns. It was concluded that the use of antigenic fractions obtained from STAg precipitation in the diagnosis of human toxoplasmosis proved to be interesting to detect IgG and its subclasses, allowing differentiation between positive and negative samples, but it was not a good alternative for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, presenting results considered inferior to the STAg, due to the lower frequency of recognized antigenic bands and the absence of differential recognition of antigens by sera of newborns. Chapter IV - The amino acid sequences of sixteen immunodominant antigens of T. gondii were used to perform B cell linear epitope prediction using a software-based approach. A total of 22 epitopes of antigens from surface (SRS), rhoptries (ROP), micronemes (MIC) and dense granules (GRA) of T. gondii were identified, and 15 residues from their amino acid sequences were used to synthesize peptides chemically linked to bovine serum albumin backbone, and the diagnostic performance of these synthetic peptides was evaluated in ELISA to detect specific IgG antibodies in sera of patients with suspected acute toxoplasmosis (G1) or chronic (G2). It was concluded that synthetic peptides designed from B cell linear epitope prediction constitute promising antigens in serological assays to diagnose toxoplasmosis and differentiate acute from chronic phases of toxoplasmosis, representing an alternative to the use of native or recombinant antigens. / Capítulo I - Toxoplasmose é uma zoonose causada pelo parasita intracelular Toxoplasma gondii, que infecta diferentes hospedeiros, incluindo cerca de um terço da população humana mundial. Uma das manifestações mais graves da infecção por este parasita em humanos corresponde à toxoplasmose congênita, quando há transmissão placentária do parasita para o feto durante infecção materna primária na gestação. A infecção congênita pode causar abortos ou perdas fetais, além de sequelas graves em recém-nascidos (RNs), principalmente oculares e/ou cerebrais. A triagem sorológica de gestantes e RNs, baseada principalmente na detecção de anticorpos IgG e IgM anti-T. gondii constitui-se em importante medida a ser adotada em programas de controle desta infecção, apesar das limitações na detecção dos anticorpos e na interpretação dos resultados. Capítulo II - Um total de 173 pares de amostras de soros de mães com suspeita de toxoplasmose primária na gestação e seus respectivos RNs, provenientes do Setor de Pediatria e Neonatologia do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (HC-UFU) no período de 2006 a junho de 2014, foi analisado por ELISA para a detecção de anticorpos IgG, IgM e IgA anti-T. gondii, e os resultados obtidos foram correlacionados com dados clínicos obtidos a partir de pesquisa nos prontuários clínicos de cada paciente. Concluiu-se que (i) a triagem sorológica pré-natal é de grande relevância na identificação de gestantes expostas à toxoplasmose durante a gestação; (ii) o tratamento materno reduz a transmissão congênita de T. gondii; (iii) a triagem sorológica neonatal, aliada à análise de parâmetros clínicos permite identificar RNs verticalmente infectados, principalmente por meio da detecção conjunta de anticorpos IgM e IgA; e (iv) o acompanhamento sorológico de RNs é importante no esclarecimento de situações duvidosas, principalmente em casos de RNs assintomáticos, mas com sorologia sugestiva de infecção congênita. Capítulo III - Diferentes frações antigênicas derivadas do antígeno solúvel de taquizoítas de T. gondii (STAg) foram obtidas a partir de precipitação sequencial em concentrações crescentes de sulfato de amônio e utilizadas na técnica de immunoblotting para a detecção de anticorpos IgG total e suas subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 e IgG4) presentes em amostras pareadas de soros de mães com sorologia presuntiva de toxoplasmose recente na gestação e seus respectivos RNs. Concluiu-se que a utilização destas frações antigênicas de STAg no diagnóstico da toxoplasmose humana se mostrou interessante na detecção de anticorpos IgG e suas subclasses, permitindo diferenciação entre amostras positivas e negativas, mas não se mostrou uma boa alternativa no diagnóstico da toxoplasmose congênita, com resultados inferiores aos do STAg, em função da menor frequência de bandas antigênicas reconhecidas e da ausência de reconhecimento diferencial de antígenos pelos soros dos RNs, em relação aos soros maternos. Capítulo IV - As sequências de aminoácidos de 16 antígenos imunodominantes de T. gondii foram usadas para a predição de epítopos lineares de células B usando ferramentas de bioinformática. Um total de 22 epítopos de antígenos de superfície (SRS), roptrias (ROP), micronemas (MIC) e grânulos densos (GRA) de T. gondii foram identificados e utilizados para a síntese de peptídeos com 15 resíduos de aminoácidos, os quais foram quimicamente conjugados ao esqueleto proteico da albumina sérica bovina (BSA), e o desempenho diagnóstico destes peptídeos sintéticos foi avaliado por ELISA para a detecção de anticorpos IgG em soros de pacientes com suspeita de toxoplasmose aguda (G1) ou crônica (G2). Concluiu-se que peptídeos sintéticos obtidos a partir da predição de epítopos lineares de células B constituem antígenos promissores em ensaios sorológicos para o diagnóstico da toxoplasmose e para a diferenciação das fases aguda e crônica da infecção, representando uma alternativa ao uso de antígenos nativos ou recombinantes. / Doutor em Imunologia e Parasitologia Aplicadas

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