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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measurement of the iron spectrum in cosmic rays with the VERITAS experiment

Fleischhack, Henrike 25 January 2017 (has links)
Das Energiespektrum der kosmischen Strahlung bietet wichtige Hinweise auf ihren Ursprung und ihre Ausbreitung. Verschiedene Messtechniken müssen kombiniert werden, um den ganzen Energiebereich abdecken zu können: Direkte Messungen mit Teilchendetektoren bei niedrigen Energien sowie indirekte Messungen von Luftschauern bei hohen Energien. Dazu kommt die Messung von Photonen, hauptsächlich im GeV- und TeV-Bereich, die bei der Wechselwirkung von kosmischer Strahlung mit Materie oder elektromagnetischen Feldern entstehen. Im Folgenden werde ich zwei Studien dazu vorstellen, die beide auf Daten des abbildenden Tscherenkow-Teleskopes VERITAS beruhen. Erstens stelle ich eine Messung das Energiespektrums von Eisenkernen in der kosmischen Strahlung vor. Für die Bestimmung der Energie und Ankunftsrichtung der Primärteilchen benutze ich eine neuartige Template-Likelihood-Methode, die hier erstmals auf Eisenschauer angewendet wird. Zur Identifizierung der Eisenschauer benutze ich unter anderem das sogenannte direkte Tscherenkow-Licht, welches von geladenen Teilchen vor der ersten Wechselwirkung ausgestrahlt wird. Dazu kommt eine multivariate Klassifizierungsmethode, um den Verbleibenden Untergrund zu charakterisieren. Das so gemessene Energiespektrum von Eisen wird im Bereich von 20 TeV bis 500 TeV gut durch ein Potenzgesetz beschrieben. Zweitens beschreibe ich eine Suche nach Gammastrahlung oberhalb von 100 GeV von den drei Galaxien Arp 220, IRAS 17208-0014 und IC 342. Diese drei Galaxien haben hohe Sternentstehungsraten und daher viele Supernova-Überreste, welche kosmische Strahlung erzeugen. Diese wechselwirkt erwartungshalber mit den dichten Staubwolken in den Sternentstehungsgebieten und erzeugt Gammastrahlung. VERITAS konnte keine solche Gammastrahlung messen. Die daraus abgeleitete Höchstgrenze für die Luminosität schränkt theoretische Modelle der Erzeugung und Propagation von kosmischer Strahlung in der Galaxie Arp 220 ein. / The energy spectrum of cosmic rays can provide important clues as to their origin and propagation. Different experimental techniques have to be combined to cover the full energy range: Direct detection experiments at lower energies and indirect detection via air showers at higher energies. In addition to detecting cosmic rays at Earth, we can also study them via the electromagnetic radiation, in particular gamma rays, that they emit in interactions with gas, dust, and electromagnetic fields near the acceleration regions or in interstellar space. In the following I will present two studies, both using data taken by the imaging air Cherenkov telescope (IACT) VERITAS. First, I present a measurement of the cosmic ray iron energy spectrum. I use a novel template likelihood method to reconstruct the primary energy and arrival direction, which is for the first time adapted for the use with iron-induced showers. I further use the presence of direct Cherenkov light emitted by charged primary particles before the first interaction to identify iron-induced showers, and a multi-variate classifier to measure the remaining background contribution. The energy spectrum of iron nuclei is well described by a power law in the energy range of 20 to 500 TeV. Second, I present a search for gamma-ray emission above 100 GeV from the three star-forming galaxies Arp 220, IRAS 17208-0014, and IC342. Galaxies with high star formation rates contain many young and middle-aged supernova remnants, which accelerate cosmic rays. These cosmic rays are expected to interact with the dense interstellar medium in the star-forming regions to emit gamma-ray photons up to very high energies. No gamma-ray emission is detected from the studied objects and the resulting limits begin to constrain theoretical models of the cosmic ray acceleration and propagation in Arp 220.

Search for dark matter in the Milky Way halo with the High Energy Stereoscopic System

Spengler, Gerrit Christian 06 February 2014 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird mit Hilfe von Daten, die mit dem High Energy Stereocopic System (H.E.S.S.) in Namibia aufgenommen wurden, indirekt nach dunkler Materie im Halo der Milchstraße gesucht / An indirect search for the presence of dark matter particles in the halo of the Milky Way with data that were recorded with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is discussed in this work

High-sensitivity analysis of the Cygnus region observed with VERITAS

Krause, Maria 12 April 2017 (has links)
Teilchenschauer können sowohl durch Photonen als auch durch geladene Teilchen erzeugt werden. Letztere kommen etwa 1000-mal häufiger vor als die durch Photonen erzeugten Teilchenschauer. Dies beeinflusst die Sensitivität des VERITAS-Experiments erheblich. Um diese gegenüber Gammastrahlung zu steigern, ist es notwendig, die Gamma-Hadron Separation zu verbessern. In dieser Dissertation wurde eine Analysemethode, basierend auf Boosted Decision Trees (BDTs), entwickelt und für die Analyse der Daten des VERITAS-Observatoriums optimiert. Das große Potential zur Unterscheidung von Teilchenschauern der Photonen und der Hadronen wird anhand ausführlicher Tests und systematischer Studien mit Simulationen von Gammastrahlung und Beobachtungsdaten der kosmischen Strahlung verdeutlicht. Im Vergleich zur Standardanalyse kann die Sensitivität mit Hilfe der BDT Methode deutlich erhöht werden. Die entwickelte und optimierte BDT Methode wird auf Beobachtungsdaten der Cygnus-Region angewandt. Diese ist eine der aktivsten sternbildenden Regionen unserer Galaxie und beherbergt eine Vielzahl von potentiellen kosmischen Teilchenbeschleunigern. Aufgrund der enormen Dichte an potentiellen Quellen sowie der hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit, neue Quellen zu detektieren und zu identifizieren, wurde die Cygnus-Region von April 2007 bis Juni 2012 mit VERITAS beobachtet. Die Beobachtungsdaten wurden mit einer für diese Himmelsregion optimierten Analysetechnik aufbereitet und ausgewertet. Vier Quellen hochenergetischer Gammastrahlung wurden detektiert: VER J2031+415, VER J2019+407, VER J2019+368 und VER J2016+371. Detaillierte spektrale Untersuchungen werden vorgestellt, gefolgt von einer Diskussion möglicher assoziierter Objekte in anderen Wellenlängenbereichen. Schließlich konnten mit Hilfe der verbesserten Sensitivität von VERITAS durch die BDT Methode niedrigere Obergrenzen für den Fluss der hochenergetischen Gammastrahlung von 50 potentiellen Gammastrahlungsquellen abgeleitet werden. / Particle showers can be generated by photons or charged cosmic rays. Before applying any selection requirements, showers initiated by cosmic rays are about 1000 times more common than those initiated by photons. This constitutes a vast amount of background events measured by VERITAS, limiting the sensitivity to gamma rays. To improve the separation power between gamma-ray and cosmic-ray showers, an analysis technique based on Boosted Decision Trees (BDTs) is developed. Extensive tests are performed to study the discrimination capabilities of the BDT method using cosmic-ray data and Monte-Carlo simulations of gamma rays. Compared to the VERITAS standard analysis, the BDT method improves the sensitivity of detecting gamma rays. The BDT method is applied to data obtained from observations of the Cygnus region, one of the most active star-forming regions of our Galaxy. It hosts numerous astrophysical objects capable of accelerating particles to extremely high energies, such as supernova remnants, pulsar wind nebula, binary systems, and associations of massive OB stars. The high density of potential sources and the information from multiwavelength observations led VERITAS to perform observations of the Cygnus region between April 2007 and June 2012. Four sources were detected in very-high-energy gamma rays: VER J2031+415, VER J2019+407, VER J2019+368, and VER J2016+371. They were analysed in detail and compared to possible counterparts measured at other wavelengths. The spectra of the three of the sources were fit to a power law. Two out of three spectra are consistent with those obtained in previous measurements, where the third one shows a softer spectral index than the published result. Finally, the greater sensitivity reached with the BDT method allowed the derivation of the most stringent upper limits to date on 50 potential gamma-ray sources.

Measuring the shower maximum of extensive air showers using imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes / Medição do máximo desenvolvimento de chuveiros atmosféricos extensos usando telescópios de imagem atmosférica Cherenkov

Giler, Andres Gabriel Delgado 15 July 2019 (has links)
Cosmic rays are at the foundation of astroparticle physics and the extensive air showers (EAS) is one indirect way to detect them. Air showers, however, have been used to infer information not just of cosmic rays particles, but also to localize gamma rays sources. The shower maximum of an EAS, defined as the position at the atmosphere where the maximum quantity of charged particles is reached, is an observable of air showers that can permit to infer the mass composition of cosmic rays. For this reason, it is important to propose methods to measure it. Several methods to determine the shower maximum have been implemented in the last decades with the development of different kinds of telescopes. This work discusses the possibility of determining the maximum of air showers using imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACT). The Cherenkov telescopes can detect the Cherenkov radiation produced by the interaction of charged particles with the atmosphere. Those Cherenkov photons are projected back into the plane containing the longitudinal development of the air shower. Each plane is saved as a 2D histogram with the longitudinal and lateral development in the vertical and horizontal axis, respectively. A detailed analysis of each 2D histogram is presented and used to obtain the depth of the maximum of the Cherenkov profile. The main effect seen is a decrease in the shower maximum of Cherenkov photons as a function of the telescope position from the shower axis to 150 m. After 150m from the shower axis, there is a constant behavior that is correlated to the real depth of the maximum of an EAS. Based on this constant behavior after 150 m, the shower maximum is reconstructed and it is shown the resolution of the method as a function of the energy, which is around 55 g/cm2 considering just one telescope, and 15 g/cm2 for the best case considering zenith angle of 20 degrees. Moreover, the method is tested with some simulations took from Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) experiment to compare with the results of our simulations. The resolution of the reconstruction of the shower maximum for proton and iron showers was also done which ranges around 80 g/cm2 for proton and around 30 g/cm2 for iron in the case of 20° of zenith angle. / Os raios cósmicos estão na base da física das astropartículas e os chuveiros atmosféricos extensos (EAS pela sigla em inglês) são uma maneira indireta de detectá-los. Os chuveiros atmosféricos, no entanto, têm sido usados para inferir informações não apenas sobre partículas de raios cósmicos, mas também para localizar fontes de raios gama. A profundidade de máximo num EAS, definido como a profundidade atmosférica onde a quantidade máxima de partículas carregadas é atingida, é um observável de EAS que permite inferir a composição de massa dos raios cósmicos. Por esse motivo, é importante propor métodos para medí-lo. Vários métodos para determinar a profundidade de máximo foram implementados nas últimas décadas com o desenvolvimento de diferentes tipos de telescópios. Este trabalho discute a possibilidade de determinar a profundidade de máximo de chuveiros atmosféricos utilizando os telescópios atmosféricos Cherenkov (IACT). Os telescópios Cherenkov podem detectar a radiação Cherenkov produzida pela interação de partículas carregadas com a atmosfera. Esses fótons Cherenkov são projetados de volta ao plano que contém o desenvolvimento longitudinal do chuveiro. Cada plano é salvo num histograma 2D com o desenvolvimento longitudinal e lateral no eixo vertical e horizontal, respectivamente. Uma análise detalhada de cada histograma 2D é apresentada e usada para obter a profundidade máxima do perfil de emissão de luz Cherenkov. O principal efeito visto é uma diminuição na profundidade de máximo dos fótons Cherenkov do chuveiro como função da posição do telescópio a partir do eixo do chuveiro até 150 m. A partir de 150 m do eixo do chuveiro, há um comportamento constante que está correlacionado com a profundidade real de máximo do EAS. Com base nesse comportamento constante após 150 m, o máximo do chuveiro é reconstruído e é mostrada a resolução do método em função da energia, que é cerca de 55 g/cm2 considerando apenas um telescópio, e 15 g/cm2 para o melhor caso, considerando o ângulo zenital de 20 graus. Além disso, o método é testado com algumas simulações cedidas pelo experimento VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, pela sigla em inglês) para comparar com os resultados de nossas simulações. Também foi feita a resolução da reconstrução da profundidade de máximo para chuveiros atmosféricos de prótons e ferro, que varia em torno de 80 g/cm2 para prótons e em torno de 30 g/cm2 para ferro no caso chuveiros inclinados a um ângulo de 20°.

Wide Field Aperture Synthesis Radio Astronomy

Bock, Douglas Carl-Johan January 1998 (has links)
This thesis is focussed on the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST), reporting on two primary areas of investigation. Firstly, it describes the recent upgrade of the MOST to perform an imaging survey of the southern sky. Secondly, it presents a MOST survey of the Vela supernova remnant and follow-up multiwavelength studies. The MOST Wide Field upgrade is the most significant instrumental upgrade of the telescope since observations began in 1981. It has made possible the nightly observation of fields with area ~5 square degrees, while retaining the operating frequency of 843 MHz and the pre-existing sensitivity to point sources and extended structure. The MOST will now be used to make a sensitive (rms approximately 1 mJy/beam) imaging survey of the sky south of declination -30&deg. This survey consists of two components: an extragalactic survey, which will begin in the south polar region, and a Galactic survey of latitudes |b| &lt 10&deg. These are expected to take about ten years. The upgrade has necessitated the installation of 352 new preamplifiers and phasing circuits which are controlled by 88 distributed microcontrollers, networked using optic fibre. The thesis documents the upgrade and describes the new systems, including associated testing, installation and commissioning. The thesis continues by presenting a new high-resolution radio continuum survey of the Vela supernova remnant (SNR), made with the MOST before the completion of the Wide Field upgrade. This remnant is the closest and one of the brightest SNRs. The contrast between the structures in the central pulsar-powered nebula and the synchrotron radiation shell allows the remnant to be identified morphologically as a member of the composite class. The data are the first of a composite remnant at spatial scales comparable with those available for the Cygnus Loop and the Crab Nebula, and make possible a comparison of radio, optical and soft X-ray emission from the resolved shell filaments. The survey covers an area of 50 square degrees at a resolution of 43&quot x 60&quot, while imaging structures on scales up to 30'. It has been used for comparison with Wide Field observations to evaluate the performance of the upgraded MOST. The central plerion of the Vela SNR (Vela X) contains a network of complex filamentary structures. The validity of the imaging of these filaments has been confirmed with Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 1.4 GHz. Unlike the situation in the Crab Nebula, the filaments are not well correlated with H-alpha emission. Within a few parsec of the Vela pulsar the emission is much more complex than previously seen: both very sharp edges and more diffuse emission are present. It has been postulated that one of the brightest filaments in Vela X is associated with the X-ray feature (called a `jet') which appears to be emanating from the region of the pulsar. However, an analysis of the MOST and VLA data shows that this radio filament has a flat spectral index similar to another more distant filament within the plerion, indicating that it is probably unrelated to the X-ray feature.

Etoiles laser pour les grands telescopes: effet de cone et implications astrophysiques

Le Louarn, Miska 12 May 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Les performances d'une optique adaptative (OA) avec étoile laser, sur des télescopes de 3.6~m et 8~m de diamètre sont évaluées. L'utilisation d'une étoile laser permet d'améliorer significativement la couverture du ciel (pourcentage du ciel observable): 99~\% du ciel est accessible avec une étoile laser (contre 10~\% avec une étoile naturelle (à 2.2~$\mu$m, latitude et longitude galactique moyenne et un rapport de Strehl de 0.2)). Le nombre de quasars observables avec un rapport de Strehl de plus de 0.2 passe de 357 à 6803. Les performances de l'OA avec étoile laser chutent vers les courtes longueurs d'onde ($<1 \mu$m), à cause de l'effet de cône. Cependant l'étude tridimensionnelle de la turbulence atmosphérique permet de résoudre ce problème. Quatre étoiles laser permettent d'obtenir une bonne correction dans le visible sur un télescope de 8~m (Strehl de 80~\%). Le champ de vue corrigé peut être significativement élargi (100'') avec un Strehl de 30~\%. Des modes élevés de la surface d'onde (tilt, forme particulière de défocalisation et d'astigmatisme) doivent être mesurés à partir d'une étoile naturelle. L'anisoplanétisme appara\^(\i)t dans le champ corrigé, à cause du nombre fini de miroirs déformables utilisés. Les performances d'une OA fonctionnant dans le visible, avec plusieurs étoiles laser (et naturelles) sont estimées sur un télescope de 100~m de diamètre. Il n'y a pas de limitation physique qui empêche d'atteindre, avec une bonne couverture du ciel, une résolution d'une milli-seconde d'arc dans le visible. Le dernier chapitre est consacré à l'étude d'étoiles Mira, avec une OA et un spectrographe intégral de champ, pour localiser par imagerie des ondes de choc dans leur atmosphère.

Novel architectures for broadband free-space optical communications: deep-space and terrestrial optical links

Hashmi, Ali Javed 22 April 2010 (has links)
The main objective of this research is to design, simulate, and evaluate telescope array-based receiver architectures for the inter-planetary optical communication links, which is able to provide broadband data support for future deep-space and universe exploration missions. The major aspects of this research are as follows: (1) evaluation and performance comparison of telescope arrays-based receiver with a large, monolithic telescope-based receiver, (2) mathematical modeling and analysis of the impact of various limiting factors (i.e., background noise, atmospheric turbulence, synchronization and tracking errors) on the performance of optical array receiver, (3) design and evaluation of subsystems and adaptive signal processing algorithms for the mitigation of the above-mentioned deleterious effects, and (4) development of an end-to-end simulation and analysis platform for an optical communication link between a transmitter in Mars orbit and an Earth-based array receiver after integration of the proposed sub-systems. In the second part of this research, I aim to extend the analysis to the free-space, short-range, terrestrial optical communication links. In this part, the objective is the development of the efficient simulation tools for the analysis of receiver performance and optical beam propagation through turbulent atmospheric channel. In the experimental part of the research, the investigation of the use of adaptive optics (AO) subsystems for turbulence and background noise compensation in the deep-space optical communication links will be carried out.

Astronomical submillimetre Fourier transform spectroscopy from the Herschel Space Observatory and the JCMT

Jones, Scott Curtis, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2010 (has links)
Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTS) is one of the premier ways to collect source information through emitted radiation. It is so named because the principal measurement technique involves the analysis of spectra determined from the Fourier transform of a time-domain interference pattern. Given options in the field, many space- and ground-based instruments have selected Fourier transform spectrometers for their measurements. The Herschel Space Observatory, launched on May 14, 2009, has three on-board instruments. One, SPIRE, comprises a FTS paired with bolometer detector arrays. SCUBA-2 (Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array) and FTS-2 have recently been commissioned and will be mounted within the collecting dish of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope by Fall, 2010. The use of FTS in these two observatories will be examined. While work towards each project is independently useful, the thesis is bound by the commonality between the two, as each seeks similar answers from vastly different viewpoints. / xvii, 123 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm

Wide Field Aperture Synthesis Radio Astronomy

Bock, Douglas Carl-Johan January 1998 (has links)
This thesis is focussed on the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST), reporting on two primary areas of investigation. Firstly, it describes the recent upgrade of the MOST to perform an imaging survey of the southern sky. Secondly, it presents a MOST survey of the Vela supernova remnant and follow-up multiwavelength studies. The MOST Wide Field upgrade is the most significant instrumental upgrade of the telescope since observations began in 1981. It has made possible the nightly observation of fields with area ~5 square degrees, while retaining the operating frequency of 843 MHz and the pre-existing sensitivity to point sources and extended structure. The MOST will now be used to make a sensitive (rms approximately 1 mJy/beam) imaging survey of the sky south of declination -30&deg. This survey consists of two components: an extragalactic survey, which will begin in the south polar region, and a Galactic survey of latitudes |b| &lt 10&deg. These are expected to take about ten years. The upgrade has necessitated the installation of 352 new preamplifiers and phasing circuits which are controlled by 88 distributed microcontrollers, networked using optic fibre. The thesis documents the upgrade and describes the new systems, including associated testing, installation and commissioning. The thesis continues by presenting a new high-resolution radio continuum survey of the Vela supernova remnant (SNR), made with the MOST before the completion of the Wide Field upgrade. This remnant is the closest and one of the brightest SNRs. The contrast between the structures in the central pulsar-powered nebula and the synchrotron radiation shell allows the remnant to be identified morphologically as a member of the composite class. The data are the first of a composite remnant at spatial scales comparable with those available for the Cygnus Loop and the Crab Nebula, and make possible a comparison of radio, optical and soft X-ray emission from the resolved shell filaments. The survey covers an area of 50 square degrees at a resolution of 43&quot x 60&quot, while imaging structures on scales up to 30'. It has been used for comparison with Wide Field observations to evaluate the performance of the upgraded MOST. The central plerion of the Vela SNR (Vela X) contains a network of complex filamentary structures. The validity of the imaging of these filaments has been confirmed with Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 1.4 GHz. Unlike the situation in the Crab Nebula, the filaments are not well correlated with H-alpha emission. Within a few parsec of the Vela pulsar the emission is much more complex than previously seen: both very sharp edges and more diffuse emission are present. It has been postulated that one of the brightest filaments in Vela X is associated with the X-ray feature (called a `jet') which appears to be emanating from the region of the pulsar. However, an analysis of the MOST and VLA data shows that this radio filament has a flat spectral index similar to another more distant filament within the plerion, indicating that it is probably unrelated to the X-ray feature.

Development of a real-time transient analyser for the SKA

Botha, Antheun 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The extension of the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT), MeerKAT, will be the most sensitive radio telescope in the southern hemisphere until it is superseded by the completion of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). These instruments are to be constructed in the Karoo which is an area in South-Africa that is protected against Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) by the Astronomy Geographical Advantage (AGA) act. However, the telescope is also vulnerable to self-generated interference and specialised measurement systems are required to monitor RFI levels. The development of a ReAl Time Transient AnalYser (RATTY) is described and two Experimental Development Models (XDM) are compared. The first uses a mixing philosophy, and the second direct-sampling. The selection of these models was based on the evaluation of several analogue Front-End (FE) designs. A stripline-filter design process is presented along with the results obtained for custom filters developed for the FEs. Several analyses were compared to measurements performed with one of the devices and good agreement was shown between the system characteristics. Issues regarding the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) of the FE designs were identified in the process and measurement-corrected simulations used to predict the achievable ranges. The outcome of the XDM comparison promotes the continued development of a direct-sampling strategy to fulfil the short-term goals of the project. A static calibration procedure is demonstrated for the mixing system and implemented to account for different FE configurations. An overview of the digital and software components of the RATTY system is given and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) principles are applied during the construction of both systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finale fase van die Karoo Reeks Teleskoop (KAT), MeerKAT, sal die sensitiefste radio teleskoop in die suidelike halfrond wees. Dit sal egter oortref word deur die vierkante kilometer reeks, wat die sensitiefste radio teleskoop ter wêreld sal word. Beide instrumente sal vatbaar wees vir radiofrekwensie steurings en sal opgerig word in ‘n wet-beskermde omgewing. Die teleskope is ook vatbaar vir radiofrekwensie steurings wat deur interne stelsels opgewek kan word. Dus word gespesialiseerde meetapparate benodig om die betrokke area en substelsels van die teleskope te monitor. Die ontwikkeling van ‘n meetinstrument vir die ontleding van kort-durasie tydseine (RATTY) word beskryf en twee eksperimentele ontwikkelings modelle word vergelyk. Hierdie modelle is gebaseer op die verfyning van voorafgaande ontwerpe vir die analoog substelsel van die instrument en hierdie proses word verduidelik. Die eerste model volg ‘n menger strategie waar die tweede model direkte-monstering implementeer. ‘n Dubbel-laag, mikrostrookfilter ontwerpsproses word beskryf en die gemete resultate vir die ontwikkelde filters word bespreek. Verskeie ontledings is aangewend en vergelyk met die gemete resultate van die stelsels. Hieruit word bevredigende ooreenkomste getref. Die beperkings van die modelle, weens interne distorsie, word geïdentifiseer in dié proses en verdere skattings word gemaak d.m.v. simulasies. Die eksperimentele modelle word vergelyk en die voorkeur van ‘n direkte-monsterings stelsel word gemotiveer. Die digitale en sagteware komponente word oorsigtelik behandel. Tydens die konstruksie van die modelle word die toepassing van elektromagnetiese verenigbaarheids beginsels verduidelik. Laastens word ‘n eenvoudige kalibrasie toegepas op die menger stelsel en ‘n toepassing daarvan word behandel.

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