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Multi-Method Chronometric Constraints on the Thermal, Structural and Morphotectonic Evolution of the Eastern and Western Sierras Pampeanas with Special Emphasis on K-Ar Dating of Fault GougesBense, Frithjof A. 26 January 2013 (has links)
Die hier präsentierte Studie umfasst detaillierte Untersuchungen zur thermochronologischen, strukturellen sowie morphologischen Entwicklung der Östlichen und Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas in Argentinien, zwischen 26°S to 34°S südlicher Breite.
Kapitel 3 diskutiert thermochronologische Daten (Apatit Spaltspuren, Zirkon und Apatit (U-Th)/He) sowie K-Ar Illit-Datierung an Störungsletten aus der Sierra de Comechingones sowie Ar-Ar Alter an Vulkaniten des vulkanischen Gürtels von San Luis (Östliche Sierras Pampeanas). K-Ar Illitalter belegen den Beginn spröder Deformation vor etwa 340 Ma. Thermochronologische Daten dokumentieren geringe Exhumationsraten seit dem späten Paläozoikum sowie eine maximale Exhumierung von etwa 2,3 km seit der späten Kreidezeit. Ar-Ar Datierungen an vulkanischen Gesteinen des San Luis Vulkanischen Gürtels ergeben Alter zwischen 7,54 Ma und 1,91 Ma. Dies belegt ein ostwärts gerichtetes Fortschreiten der magmatischen Front, welches mit einer Verflachung des Subduktionswinkels der Nazca Platte unter die Südamerikanische Platte vor etwa 11.2 Ma assoziiert wird. Darüber hinaus deuten die hier präsentierten thermochronologischen Daten an, dass der Anteil Andiner Exhumation und Hebung an der Gesamthebung und Exhumation der Sierras Pampeanas von geringer ist als gemeinhin angenommen.
Kapitel 4 präsentiert Ergebnisse von Niedrig-Temperatur thermochronologischen Untersuchungen sowie K-Ar Alter retrograd gewachsener Illite aus spröden Störungszonen der Sierra de San Luis (Östliche Sierras Pampeanas). K-Ar Illitalter belegen eine lang andauernde Aktivität spröder Deformation welche unmittelbar nach dem Ende der Chanic Phase der Famatinischen Orogenese vor etwa 320 Ma einsetzte und zeitlich mit dem Übergang von duktilen zu spröden Deformationsmechanismen übereinstimmt. Jüngste Illitlater liegen zwischen 222-172 Ma. Diese können als Abkühlalter des Grundgebirges unter die zur Illitbildung benötigten Temperaturen interpretiert werden, jedoch nicht als Ende der spröden Deformation. Diese Interpretation wird von den Ergebnissen thermochronologischer Untersuchungen bestätigt. (U-Th)/He Datierungen an Apatiten und Zirkonen, sowie Apatit Spaltspuranalysen dokumentieren die Exhumation seit dem Perm, welche möglicherweise in Verbindung zur San Rafael Orogenese steht. Die ermittelten Abkühlalter belegen geringe Exhumationsraten sowie die damit einhergehende lange Verweildauer der Proben in den Temperaturbereichen der partial annealing bzw. parial retention zone von Apatit und Zirkon (PRZA, PRZZ und PAZA). Die finale Abkühlung auf Oberflächentemperaturen fand im Verlauf des Jura und der späten Kreide statt. Die Abkühlgeschichten der Sierra de San Luis und Sierra de Comechingones werden in einem Entwicklungsmodel zusammengefasst, welches signifikante Unterschiede in der thermischen Entwicklung beider Gebirgszüge offenbart.
Kapitel 5 diskutiert die thermochronologische Entwicklung der Sierra de Pie de Palo, einem ausgeprägten Höhenzug in den Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas. Thermochronologische Untersuchungen zeigen das die strukturelle Entwicklung der Sierra Pie de Palo bereits im späten Paläozoikum einsetzte und von jeher durch tektonisch kontrollierte Erosion geprägt wurde, welche sich im Verlauf des Mesozoikums aufgrund extensionaler Tektonik zwar verlangsamte, jedoch andauerte. Die heutige Topographie des Gebirgszuges bildete sich im Zuge Andiner Kompression im Verlauf des Späten Mesozoikums und Paläogens durch die Hebung und damit einhergehender Denudation einzelner Grundgebirgsblöcke. Die mit der Hebung assoziierte Deformation schritt dabei von Ost nach West voran. Der Gesamtbetrag vertikaler Hebung seit dem frühen Paläozoikum kann auf ca. 3,7-4,3 km eingegrenzt werden, wobei die Gesamtexhumation etwa 1,7-2,2 km bei einer Exhumationsrate von 0,03-0,04 mm/a beträgt.
Kapitel 6 stellt eine Methode zur Interpretation von K-Ar Illit Feinfraktionsaltern aus Störungsletten aus nichtsedimentären Gesteinen vor. Gemäß der vorgestellten Methode werden die ermittelten K Ar Illitalter in Kombination mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen unabhängiger Parameter, z.B. Illitkristallinität, Illit-Polytypie und Polytyp-Quantifizierung, Korngröße, Tonmineralogie, K-Ar Abkühlaltern des Nebengesteins sowie mit Ergebnissen thermochronologischer Untersuchungen (AHe, ZHe, AFT) evaluiert. Dieser Interpretationsansatz wird im Rahmen einer regionalen Studie innerhalb der Östlichen Sierras Pampeanas exemplarisch angewandt. Im Zuge dessen wurde eine große Zahl von Störungsletten systematisch beprobt und analysiert. Ermittelte K-Ar Illitalter decken die Zeitspanne vom Devon bis in die Kreidezeit und dokumentieren eine lang anhaltende Phase bruchhafter Deformation in der Region. Alter >320 Ma sind synchron mit einer Periode kompressiver intra-Platten Tektonik, während Permische und Triassische Alter mit einer Periode flacher Subduktion der Farallon Platte unter die Südamerikansche Platte assoziiert werden können. Darüber hinaus belegen die K-Ar Illitalter ein von Nord nach Süd Fortschreiten der spröden Deformation in den Sierras de San Luis und Comechingones. Die Integrität und Konsistenz der analysierten Daten belegt die Leistungsfähigkeit und tektonische Signifikanz der hier vorgestellten Methode, welche somit einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Entschlüsselung komplexer Abkühlungs- und Deformationsereignisse bieten kann. Jedoch kann gezeigt werden, dass die Aussagekraft der hier vorgestellten Methode stark von der Abkühlgeschichte des Untersuchungsgebietes abhängt.
Kapitel 7 präsentiert thermochronologische Daten aus den gesamten Sierras Pampeanas. Darüber hinaus werden alle verfügbaren thermochronologischen und geochronologischen Daten zur Abkühlgeschichte der Sierras Pampeanas diskutiert und in ein Abkühlmodell zusammengefasst. Die Daten belegen eine Abkühlung unter 200°C im Verlauf des Karbons. Im Verlauf des Perms und der Trias schritt die Abkühlung von West nach Ost fort, räumlich und zeitlich einhergehend mit dem fortschreiten eines flachen Subduktionsereignisses der Farallon-Platte unter die heutige Südamerikanische Platte. Mesozoische Riftereignisse und damit einhergehende Sedimentation und Versenkung zeigen nur lokal Einfluss auf die ermittelten Abkühlalter. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die zum Verlust der Altersinformation der thermochronologischen Systeme notwenige Versenkungstiefen nur entlang der schmalen, räumlich eingeschränkten Kretazischen Riftbecken erreicht werden. Die finale Abkühlung auf Oberflächentemperaturen verlief diachron in den nördlichen und südlichen Sierras Pampeanas. So können im Norden Neogene Alter beobachtet werden, während die südlichen und westlichen Sierras Pampeanas spätestens seit der Kreide bzw. frühen Paleogens auf Oberflächentemperaturen abgekühlt waren. Letzteres deutet auf die Existenz einer positiven Topographie in den südlichen Sierras Pampeanas, bereits vor dem Einsetzen Cenozoischen Andinen Kompression und der im Neogenen einsetzenden flachen Subduktion der Nazca-Platte hin. Dies wiederum wiederspricht der allgemein akzeptierten Hypothese, dass die Exhumation und Hebung der Sierras Pampeanas allein mit der Neogenen flachen Subduktion der Nazca-Platte in Verbindung stehen. Im Gegensatz dazu wird vorgeschlagen, dass diese Neogenen Prozesse lediglich zu einer Überprägung und Akzentuierung des bereits existierenden Reliefs führten. Diese Vermutung kann durch die Berechnung auffallend niedriger Denudationsraten in den Östlichen und Westlichen Sierras Pampeanas von 0,010 0,024 km/a gestützt werden, welche auf stabile Bedingungen, zumindest seit der späten Kreidezeit, hindeuten.
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19-20世紀日本における記念碑文化の比較史的研究羽賀, 祥二 05 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:14510353 研究代表者:羽賀 祥二 研究期間:2002-2004年度
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An Appraisal Of Structural Glass Wall Systems With Emphasis On Spider Fitting DetailsBuyukkilic, Salih Gokhan 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The technological and innovational developments in steel and glass industries has enabled designers to create completely transparent faç / ades. Building faç / ade articulations designed to attain maximum transparency, have thus been executed with the contribution of elegant steel supporting systems, having heavy load bearing capacities, by minimizing the dimensions of structural systems. The aim of this study was to define, analyze and evaluate the accumulated knowledge on structural glass wall systems in general, with particular emphasis on those that may be denoted as & / #8218 / spider& / #8482 / glass fitting elements for potential applications, to formulate a design guide for professional designers. Hence, the primary elements of the system / the support structure, glass, glass connection joints and the other secondary elements have been evaluated within the architectural context.
In the second part of the study, glass connection fitting elements were examined. Additionally the products developed by the manufacturing firms and commonly used in various projects were evaluated. Thereafter, whole document, data, photos of the spider fittings were combined in a spider fitting selection table, prepared and created by the author, which describes the types of spider fittings in detail.
Finally, technical adequacy, experience, level of organization and workmanship within the context of Turkey, to evaluate the level of knowledge, were studied. In this regard, the glass wall facade the Akman Condomunium Business Center-Medicorium building, constructed with local materials and local manufacturing companies, was examined and compared with the Boeing Headquarters building in USA, which was constructed with a similair glass wall facade system.
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Some Observations On Seismic Behaviour Of Traditional Timber Structures In TurkeyEr Akan, Asli 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is about behaviour of traditional timber structures under lateral loads in Turkey. The timber-framed houses are the products of cultural heritage of people who live in Anatolia. These structures have performed well in earthquakes throughout the history. As a result, this study intends to present the observations on the seismic behaviours of traditional timber buildings with the help of computer-generated models. In this thesis, the general characteristics of timber are examined, the earthquake problem is briefly introduced, its effects on buildings are discussed, current knowledge on the earthquake performance of traditional Turkish timber buildings is presented, and their seismic behaviours are shown by using SAP2000 to help to better understand their behaviours in an earthquake.
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An Innovative Methodology And Structural Analysis For Relocation Of Historical Masonry Monuments: A Case Study In HasankeyfSener, Ipek Nese 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Historical monuments are the most invaluable reflections of our architectural heritage and cultural identity, both of which have significant roles to create a strong link between the past and the present. They should be conserved in their own settings with their original characteristics or with as minimum changes as possible. However, natural or man-made hazards cause a serious risk for the survival of historical monuments. While some of them require to be strengthened only, some should be relocated to a new site since there are no means to save them without transporting.
In this study, an innovative methodology is developed in a general sense for transporting historical masonry monuments without destructing their unity. In the proposed methodology, which is applicable especially to the slender historical structures, it is aimed to transport the structure by tilting it up to a horizontal ground level without dismantling into pieces. Due to the fact that masonry is a very brittle material, externally located prestressed cables are used to strengthen the structure against tension forces, which occur at the time of tilting.
Hasankeyf, which is the cradle of various civilizations, is an impressive medieval city located in Mesopotamia region in Turkey. Unfortunately, this unique heritage will be flooded by the reservoir of Ilisu Dam unless the project is cancelled. Therefore, a masonry minaret located in Hasankeyf is selected as a case for this study. Because of the non-homogeneous characteristics of the structural material, Finite Element Method, as a powerful analytical modeling tool, is used in order to evaluate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Finally, it is certified that this methodology is successfully applicable for the relocation of historical masonry monuments.
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An Investigation On Seismic Behaviour Of Nahrain Dam, Tabas, IranD.k.sorkhabi, Mohammad 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study is an evaluation on the seismic behavior of the Nahrain Dam, which is located in Khorasan province in the central part of Iran. The finite element method is used for the dynamic analysis of the dam. Using a slope stability computer program, the critical slip surface near the crest of the dam and the yield acceleration corresponding to this slip surface are determined. Static analysis was completed by using the finite element computer program SAP90 and SAP2000 in order to determine the stress conditions within the body of the dam prior to earthquake. The stresses obtained from this analysis were used in the assessment of the dynamic material properties of the dam. Two near by actual earthquakes were modified and used as input motions of different magnitudes. At the next step, the harvested data was used as input data for the program TELDYN to perform dynamic analysis. Permanent displacements under the scenario base motions were calculated by using the Newmark&rsquo / s method.
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Precast Concrete Panel Reinforced Infill Walls For Seismic Strengthening Of Reinforced Concrete Framed StructuresBaran, Mehmet 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The importance of seismic rehabilitation became evident with 1992 Erzincan Earthquake, after which a large number of reinforced concrete buildings damaged in recent earthquakes required strengthening as well as repair. In the studies related
to rehabilitation, it has been realized that inadequate lateral stiffness is one of the major causes of damage in reinforced concrete buildings. Recently, economical, structurally effective and practically applicable seismic retrofitting techniques are being developed in METU Structural Mechanics Laboratory to overcome these kinds of problems.
The strengthening technique proposed in this thesis is on the basis of the principle of strengthening the existing hollow brick infill walls by using high strength precast concrete panels such that they act as cast-in-place concrete infills
improving the lateral stiffness. Also, the technique would not require evacuation of the building and would be applicable without causing too much disturbance to the occupant. For this purpose, after two preliminary tests to verify the proper
functioning of the newly developed test set-up, a total of fourteen one-bay two story reinforced concrete frames with hollow brick infill wall, two being unstrengthened reference frames, were tested under reversed cyclic lateral loading
simulating earthquake loading. The specimens were strengthened by using six different types of precast concrete panels. Strength, stiffness, energy dissipation and story drift characteristics of the specimens were examined by evaluating the test results. Test results indicated that the proposed seismic strengthening technique can be very effective in improving the seismic performance of the reinforced
concrete framed building structures commonly used in Turkey.
In the analytical part of the study, hollow brick infill walls strengthened by using high strength precast concrete panels were modelled once by means of equivalent
diagonal struts and once as monolithic walls having an equivalent thickness. The experimental results were compared with the analytical results of the two approaches mentioned. On the basis of the analytical work, practical recommendations were made for the design of such strengthening intervention to be executed in actual practice.
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Infância, sujeito brincante e práticas lúdicas no Brasil oitocentistaTeixeira, Maria das Graças de Souza January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-11-08T15:13:15Z
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Tese - Maria das Graças Souza Teixeira.pdf: 35216212 bytes, checksum: 01a3ccf0aa8dcabde81ca22a52655c2a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Portela (anapoli@ufba.br) on 2013-11-12T18:27:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese - Maria das Graças Souza Teixeira.pdf: 35216212 bytes, checksum: 01a3ccf0aa8dcabde81ca22a52655c2a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-11-12T18:27:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese - Maria das Graças Souza Teixeira.pdf: 35216212 bytes, checksum: 01a3ccf0aa8dcabde81ca22a52655c2a (MD5) / CAPES / A tese de doutorado intitulada Infância, sujeito brincante e práticas lúdicas no Brasil oitocentista aborda
questões relativas à criança no seu universo lúdico, buscando discutir esse universo como o
espaço privilegiado de relações sociais e o lugar em que a criança, como sujeito brincante, produz
cultura e nesse processo participa da cultura geral. Por este caminho, busco discutir e
desmistificar a idéia da criança como um indivíduo a ser modelado, reflexo do mundo do adulto,
pois é no dia-a-dia que a criança se insere no mundo e constrói o seu próprio. Para tanto,
trabalhamos com uma bibliografia especializada sobre infância, ludicidade e memória, além do
arcabouço teórico-metodológico da história. As fontes foram identificadas, coletadas e
trabalhadas em arquivos, museus e bibliotecas no Brasil e na Europa, além do uso da iconografia
e da literatura dos viajantes que estiveram no Brasil no período estudado. Foi possível mapear o
circuito de produção, distribuição e venda do brinquedo em diversos espaços na sociedade, além
de evidenciar que a criança brinca e no seu brincar ela subverte a ordem estabelecida, cria novos
objetos e dá vida a outros. Por fim, a criança é parte da história e se constitui em ator e sujeito de
sua própria existência no Brasil oitocentista.
The doctorate thesis entitled “Childhood, a player subject and ludic practices in Brazil during the 19th
century” approaches questions related to the child in his/her ludic universe. This document is in
search of discussing this universe as a privileged space of social relationships and the place where
the child, as a player subject, produces culture and as a consequence of this process he/she
actively participates in the general culture. In doing so, I am looking forward to discussing and to
demystifying the idea of a child as an individual to be modeled, as a reflex of the adult's world,
because it is in the day by day that the child interferes in the world and builds his/her own one.
To achieve this, we have worked with a specialized bibliography about childhood, ludicity and
memory, besides the theoretical-methodological outline of the history. The sources were
identified, collected and worked at files, museums and libraries in Brazil and in Europe, besides
the use of the iconography and of the travelers' literature that were in Brazil during the studied
period. It was possible to map the production circuit, distribution and sale of the toys in several
spaces in the society, besides evidencing that the child plays and in doing so he/she subverts the
established order, creates new objects and gives life to other ones. Finally, the child is part of the
history and is the actor and the object of his/her own existence in the Brazil of the 19th century.
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Móda viktoriánské éry jako zdroj inspirace / Fashion Victorian era as a source of inspirationRATSCHMANOVÁ, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
Master's thesis: Victorian era fashion theoretical and practical source of inspiration. Theoretical part of thesis explores fashion in 19 th century in UK in the context of contemporary facts. Thesis describes a development in particular parts of women's clothing which reflects former spirit and culture. In the next chapter is discussed how Victorian England has inspired nowadays fashion and its impact on modern subcultures. There are additionally added images for deeper understanding of this complex phenomena. Practical part of the thesis consists of development of ball jointed doll which was inspired by Victorian fashion. In addition, it includes sketches and workflow with visualization.
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A Constru??o social do conhecimento :a reorienta??o curricular via tema gerador na Escola Cabana em Bel?m/PASilva, Rita de C?ssia Mel?m da 12 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-12 / Cette ?tude analyse l'exp?rience de r?orientation curriculaire atravers le sujet g?n?rateur, v?cue dans les ?coles qui composent le syst?me municipal d'?ducation de Bel?m
du Par? - ?cole Cabana, en ayant comme locus de recherche l'?cole Municipale Jo?o Carlos Batista. Ce mouvement de r?orientation curriculaire, qui rompt avec le mod?le traditionnel
d'un curriculum lin?aire, hi?rarchique et fragment? a comme pr?ssupos?es th?oriquesm?thodologiques les principes et les cat?gories freireanas la p?dagogie critique qui estime un
curriculum interdisciplinaire, dialogique, d?mocratique et contextuel, ? partir de la syst?matisation d'une proposition theorico-m?thodologique de r?orientation curriculaire par le
th?me g?n?rateur, c'est-?-dire, en partant de situations-probl?me de la communaut? scolaire, en faisant des relations n?goci?es par les connaissances scolaires pour la compr?hension et possible intervention dans la r?alit?. Cette proposition est mise en oeuvre non seulement ? Bel?m, mais aussi par d autres municipalit?s du Br?sil. ?tant donn? que l'?cole Cabana est une exp?rience inovatrice dans la tentative de viabiliser une ?ducation vraiment d?mocratique, elle dialogue encore avec autres exp?riences d'?coles de m?me nature au Br?sil, (comme l'?cole Plural-MG, l'?cole Citoyen - RS et l'?cole Candanga DF). ? partir des id?es de Paulo Freire, J. Sacrist?n, M. Apple, C. Linhares, A. Coulon et autres j apporte des r?flexions epistemologiques concernant le probl?me de la recherche qui consiste sur le registre et l'analyse de la tentative de construction sociale de la connaissance par le th?me g?n?rateur qui a eu lieu ? l'?cole Cabana dans la p?riode de 2001 ? 2004. Comme proc?dure
m?thodologique, j'ai d?velopp? une Recherche qualitative, de caract?re collaboratif, en utilisant comme techniques de rassemble de donn?es l observation participative dans le
quotidien ?colier, des interviews semi-structur?es, et l'analyse des documents et des productions de l'?cole. Les r?sultats indiquent l'importance du registre de ce type d exp?rience, en soulignant leurs avances et reculs qui pourront servir de r?f?rentiel pour de futures politiques de r?orientation curriculaire dans la direction de la construction sociale de la
connaissance et, par cons?quent, d'une ?ducation plus d?mocratique et tourn?e vers une citoyennet? active / Este estudo analisa a experi?ncia de reorienta??o curricular via tema gerador, vivenciada nas escolas que comp?em o sistema municipal de educa??o de Bel?m do Par? dentro do
projeto da Escola Cabana, tendo como locus de pesquisa a Escola Municipal Jo?o Carlos Batista. Esse movimento de reorienta??o curricular, que rompe com o modelo tradicional
de um curr?culo linear, hier?rquico e fragmentado, tomou como pressupostos te?ricometodol?gicos os princ?pios e categorias freireanos da pedagogia cr?tica, que pressup?e um curr?culo interdisciplinar, dial?gico, democr?tico, cr?tico e contextual, a partir da sistematiza??o de uma proposta te?rico-metodol?gica de reorienta??o curricular via tema gerador, ou seja, partindo das situa??es-problema da comunidade escolar, fazendo rela??es mediadas pelos conhecimentos escolares para a compreens?o e poss?vel interven??o na realidade. Essa proposta vem sendo implementada n?o somente em Bel?m,
mas tamb?m em v?rias partes do Brasil. Sendo a Escola Cabana uma experi?ncia instituinte na tentativa de viabilizar uma Educa??o verdadeiramente democr?tica, dialoga
ainda com outras experi?ncias de escolas de mesma natureza no Brasil, como a Escola Plural-MG, a Escola Cidad? Rs e a Escola Candanga DF. Com base nas id?ias de Paulo Freire, J. Sacrist?n, M. Apple, C. Linhares, A. Coulon e outros, apresento algumas reflex?es epistemol?gicas acerca do problema da pesquisa que consiste no registro e na an?lise do esfor?o de constru??o social do conhecimento via tema gerador na Escola Cabana em Bel?m-PA, com seus avan?os e contradi??es durante o per?odo de 2001 a 2004. Como procedimento metodol?gico, desenvolvi uma pesquisa qualitativa, de inspira??o etnometodol?gica e de car?ter colaborativa, utilizando como t?cnicas de coleta de dados a observa??o participante no cotidiano escolar, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, e a an?lise dos documentos e das produ??es da Escola. Os resultados apontam para a
import?ncia do registro de tal experi?ncia, enfatizando seus avan?os e entraves que poder?o servir como referencial para inspirar futuras pol?ticas de reorienta??o curricular
que se pautem pela constru??o social do conhecimento e, por conseguinte, de uma Educa??o mais1 democr?tica e voltada para uma cidadania ativa
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