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Levantamento gravimétrico na Jazida Carbonífera Morungava-Chico Lomã, RSCavalheiro, Mara Lia Dias January 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida conforme a norma 103 do Programa de Pós Graduação em Geociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, que prevê a submissão da dissertação de mestrado em forma de artigo, antecedido de estado da arte do tema proposto. Na região sudeste da Bacia do Paraná estão localizados depósitos de carvão economicamente importantes nos estados do Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. Esses depósitos são frequentemente muito alterados por intrusões vulcânicas. O objetivo principal desse estudo é mapear essas intrusões ígneas que afetam o nível de alteração térmica do carvão (rank) da Jazida carbonífera Morungava-Chico Lomã no RS. A Jazida Morungava-Chico Lomã foi descoberta no século passado e nunca foi minerada. É caracterizada por rochas orgânicas do Permiano, carvão e folhelho betuminoso, na porção sul da Bacia do Paraná. A aquisição gravimétrica foi realizada na área do depósito Morungava e na área do depósito Chico-Lomã. Para ambas a escolha dos locais de aquisição foi baseada em furos de sondagem anteriormente realizados. Com os dados dos furos de sondagem foram elaborados seguintes mapas temáticos: profundidade da primeira ocorrência de carvão; espessura cumulativa do carvão; profundidade da primeira ocorrência de diabásio; espessura cumulativa do diabásio; espessura cumulativa do diabásio na Formação Irati e espessura cumulativa do diabásio na Formação Rio Bonito. Na elaboração do artigo submetido foi realizada a sobreposição das isolinhas das espessuras cumulativa do carvão e do diabásio nos mapas de anomalia Bouguer filtrados. Essas sobreposições apresentaram correlações e auxiliaram na interpretação dos dados gravimétricos. A orientação preferencial predominante das anomalias foi NE-SW e uma orientação subsidiária de direção NW-SE, o que sugeriu um controle estrutural sobre a ocorrência de diques e/ou soleiras, sob os altos gravimétricos. Em Chico Lomã a ocorrência de uma extensa anomalia Bouguer positiva formando um trend de orientação NE-SW foi correlacionada a unidades geológicas da Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul: altos gravimétricos caracterizaram a Barreira I e baixos gravimétricos, os Sistemas Lagunares I e II. O método gravimétrico se mostrou eficaz para a caracterização da jazida por meio da correlação de anomalias gravimétricas positivas com as ocorrências de diabásio. / The present dissertation was developed according to standard 103 of the Graduate Program in Geosciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, which provides for the submission of the dissertation in the form of article, predates by state of the art proposed theme. In the southeastern region of the Paraná Basin are located economically important coal deposits in the states of Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. These deposits are often much altered by volcanic intrusions. The objective of this study is to map the igneous intrusions affecting the thermal change of level of coal (rank) of the coal deposit Morungava-Chico Lomã in RS. The coal deposit Morungava-Chico Lomã was discovered in the last century and has never been mining. It is characterized by organic rocks of the Permian, coal and bituminous shale, in the southern portion of the Paraná Basin. The gravimetric acquisition was carried in área of the deposit Morungava and in the area of the deposit Chico-Lomã. For both areas the choice of acquisition locations was based on previously conducted drilling holes. With data from the holes drilling were prepared these thematic maps: depth of the first occurrence of coal; cumulative thickness of coal; depth of the first occurrence of diabase; cumulative thickness of diabase; cumulative thickness of diabase in Irati Formation and cumulative thickness of the diabase in Rio Bonito Formation. In the elaboration of article submitted the overriding of the isolines of cumulative thickness of coal and diabase in the filtered Bouguer anomaly maps was performed. These overrides presented correlations and assisted in the interpretation of gravity data. The predominant preferential orientation of the anomalies was NE-SW and a subsidiary orientation NW-SE direction, suggesting a structural control on the occurrence of dikes and/or sills, on gravimetric high. In Chico Lomã the occurrence of an extensive positive Bouguer anomaly forming a trend of NE-SW orientation was correlated with geological units of Rio Grande do Sul Coastal Plain: gravimetric characterized the high Barrier I and low gravimetric, Systems Lagunar I and II. The gravimetric method proved efficient for the characterization of the deposit through the correlation of positive gravity anomalies with occurrences of diabase.
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Análise morfométrica digital na parede aórtica de suínos após implante de stents não revestidos versus stents revestidos com dacron / Digital morphometric analysis on the aortic wall of pigs after implants of non coated stents versus coated stents with dacronDutra, Clandio de Freitas January 2001 (has links)
Os stents são dispositivos intravasculares implantados com o objetivo de dilatar ou fixar a placa de colesterol contra a parede arterial. O objetivo avaliar dois tipos de stents de aço inoxidável, um recoberto com poliéster (dacron) e outro não recoberto, implantados na aorta infra-renal de suínos jovens, foram avaliados por morfometria digital para medir o espessamento intimal. Foi realizado um estudo experimental randomizado, separados em dois grupos(stents não revestidos e revestidos com dacron) e duas fases (I e II). Oito stents recobertos com dacron e oito stents de aço inoxidável (30mm de extensão e 8 mm de diâmetro), não revestidos, foram implantados através de abordagem retroperitoneal na aorta infrarenal normal de 16 suínos normolipêmicos. Para a passagem do sistema de implante, foi necessário uma pequena arteriotomia na aorta distal (fase I). Após quatro semanas, a aorta com os stents foram removidas em monoblocos (fase II). Os valores de hematimetria e do lipidograma foram coletados nas duas fases e não apresentaram alterações que pudessem influenciar o estudo. Amostras de tecido dos sítios de fixação (proximal e distal) dos stents foram retiradas, confeccionadas lâminas, que foram coradas pelas técnicas de hematoxilina e eosina de Verhoeff e enviadas para análise morfométrica digital. A camada intima distal não apresentou diferença estatística significativa. A camada média proximal das porções proximal e da porção distal não apresentaram diferença entre os grupos. Os dois tipos de stents apresentaram 100% de perviedade, boa biocompatibilidade e boa incorporação a parede aórtica de suínos normolipêmicos. A camada íntima proximal do grupo de stents revestidos com dacron apresentou espessura maior do que os stents não revestidos, mas com significância estatísitica limítrofe. / Stents are intravascular devices implanted with the objective of dilating or fixing the cholesterol plate against the arterial wall. To evaluate, by digital morphometry, the intimal thickening after the placement of two different kinds of stents: polyester covered stainless steel stents (Dacron) and non-covered stents implanted in young pigs’ infrarenal aortas. The stents were made at the Biotransformation Laboratory of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The experiment was performed at the Biotério of University of Caxias do Sul, carried out on two separate groups of pigs. Eight polyester-covered stainless steel stents (Dacron) and eight stainless steel stents (30-mm long, 8-mm diameter) were deployed through extraperitoneal approach in the normal infrarenal aorta of 16 normolipemic pigs. To allow the passage of the delivery system, a small arteriotomy was performed (phase I). After four weeks, the aorta with the stent was removed en bloc. (phase II). The values of the hematimetric and lipid analysis did not show any changes that could influence the study. Tissue samples of the fixing sites (proximal and distal) of the stents were taken. Microscope slices were prepared and submitted to Verhoeff’s hematoxilin and eosin techniques and sent to morphometric analysis.The intima immediately proximal to the device was thicker in the group of covered stents with marginal significance. The distal intimal layer, proximal medial layer of the proximal portion and distal portion did not present statistical difference between the two groups. Patency was 100% in both groups of these normolipemic pigs. After four weeks the intimal layer immediately proximal to the covered stents was ticker when compared to uncovered stents, but this had a borderline significance. The intimal layer distal to covered stents and the media proximal or distal to the devices had similar morphometric features when covered and uncovered stents where compared.
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Capturar, acumular, recombinar : sobre a espessura da imagem instaurada a partir de camadasPolidoro, Marina Bortoluz January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação realiza uma pesquisa em artes visuais, na área de poéticas visuais e, como tal, a produção artística da autora é o ponto de partida. Os procedimentos empregados na construção dos trabalhos são revisitados, procurando compreender o processo de trabalho, as referências mais recorrentes (como documentos de trabalho) e suas implicações conceituais. O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa refere-se a espessura, física e conceitual, de imagens instauradas a partir da acumulação e sobreposição de fragmentos capturados. A pesquisa desencadeou reflexões acerca da apropriação e a conseqüente formação de uma coleção; a reordenação de fragmentos, a sobreposição e o apagamento como conceitos operatórios; e a imagem construída em camadas. / This dissertation performs a research in visual arts, in the area of visual poetics, as such, the artistic production of the author is the starting point. The procedures used in the construction of the works are revisited, seeking to understand the work process, the most recurring references (such as working documents) and its conceptual implications. The object of this research refers to the thickness, physical and conceptual, of images produced from the accumulation and overlapping of captured fragments. The research triggered discussions about appropriation and the consequent formation of a collection; the reordering of fragments, overlapping and erasure as operational concept; and the image built in layers.
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Espessura crustal da parte norte dos Andes usando precursores de pP e sS para telessismos / Crustal thickness in Northern Andes using pP and sS precursors recorded at teleseismic distances.Nataly Marcela Aranda Camacho 03 June 2014 (has links)
Para a realização dessa pesquisa foi desenvolvido um estudo da espessura crustal nos Andes setentrionais e na parte norte dos Andes centrais (entre 10ºN e 9ºS). Foram usadas reflexões da Moho de seis sismos de profundidade média para achar a espessura crustal na área de estudo. As ondas pmP e smS (reflexões na Moho) são encontradas como precursoras das fases profundas pP e sS de sismos registrados em estações localizadas a distâncias telessísmicas. A metodologia utilizada exigia sismos com profundidade maiores que 100 km e magnitude maiores que 6. Entretanto, devido à baixa amplitude apresentada pelas ondas pmP e smS, foi necessário realizar um empilhamento de vários sismogramas para realçar as chegadas das ondas analisadas. A área estudada foi dividida em três partes: área norte entre 6ºN e 0º(na Colômbia), área central entre 2ºS e 5ºS (no Equador) e área sul entre 6ºS e 9ºS (na borda entre Peru e Brasil). Na área norte foram encontradas espessuras crustais entre 26 e 56 km em quatro pontos de reflexão de dois sismos; na área central foram encontradas espessuras da crosta entre 40 e 63 km para três pontos de reflexão de um sismo; finalmente, na região sul, foram encontradas espessuras crustais entre 35 e 40 km para 7 pontos de reflexão de 3 sismos. Foi obtido a relação Vp/Vs = 1.79 ± 0.16 para a região norte dos Andes, usando as diferenças de tempo sS-smS e pP-pmP. Os resultados obtidos vão aumentar o banco de dados de espessura crustal nos Andes setentrionais e na parte norte dos Andes centrais, como também possibilitaram uma melhora do modelo de espessura crustal desenvolvido por Assumpção et al. (2013) para América do Sul, permitindo assim a analise e comparação entre os dados obtidos nesse estudo e o modelo crustal de Assumpção et al. (2013). / In this work we studied the crustal thickness in northern Andes and northern central Andes (between 10ºN and 9ºS). We analyzed the reflections from the underside of the Moho for six intermediate earthquakes occurred in the study area to estimate the crustal thickness at the bounce point. The pmP and smS phases (reflections at the Moho) are identied as precursors to the depth phase pP and sS, respectively, when recorded at teleseismic distances. This method require events of magnitude > 6 and depth > 100 km. In order to better identify those two reflections, it was necessary to stacking traces from different stations. The study area was divided in three sections: northern area between 6ºN - 0º (Colombia), in this area we analyzed two earthquakes and the crustal thicknesses in four bounce points were found; central area between 2ºS- 5ºS (Ecuador), in this area we studied one earthquake and the crustal thicknesses in three bounce points were found; southern area between 6ºS - 9ºS (Peru-Brazil border), where we analyzed three earthquakes and the crustal thicknesses in seven bounce points were found. Crustal thickness found in the southern area varied from 35 to 40 km, from 40 to 63 km in the central area and from 26 to 56 km in the northern area. We estimated a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.79±0.16 for the northern Andes using the time differences sS-smS and pP-pmP relation. Our analysis complements the data base of Moho depths in the Northern Andes and also, it allows a comparison with the model of crustal thickness estimated by Assumpção et al. (2013) confirming the Moho depth on both studies.
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Avaliação do tratamento da periodontite na expressão de marcadores sistêmicos da aterosclerose: ensaio clínico / Evaluation of the treatment of periodontitis in the expression of markers of systemic atherosclerosis: clinical trialToregeani, Jeferson Freitas 05 January 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-01-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Atherosclerotic disease, one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, expresses inflammatory markers that can be evaluated in the laboratory or by Doppler ultrasound, that can detect common carotid artery intima-media thickening (IMT), which is a precursor morphological change of atherosclerotic disease. The atherosclerotic disease risk factors most relevant are diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and smoking. Periodontal disease, which has a high prevalence worldwide, has been increasingly correlated to atherosclerotic disease, where the bacterial activity and the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues seem to aggravate atherosclerosis. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the treatment of periodontal disease and the influence of this treatment on the variation of thickness of the common carotid artery miointimal complex and the variations of laboratory parameters. Forty-four volunteers patients were divided into 2 groups, healthy patients 23 (GI) and 21 patients with moderate to severe periodontitis (GII). All patients underwent clinical and nutritional assessment. Also periodontal clinical parameters were evaluated: plaque index (PI), gingival index (IS), probing depth (PS), clinical attachment level (NI) and bleeding on probing (SS). The patients were submitted to assess carotid intima-media thickness and to laboratory evaluation by collecting of counting blood cells, creatinine, total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, homocysteine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin. All patients received the basic periodontal treatment and only group II were submitted to mechanical control with scaling and root planning and coronary sinus polishing. Data were obtained in the pre-treatment, with 6 months and after 12 months from the beginning of the study. The results showed a significant improvement in periodontal clinical parameters in both groups (p < 0,05), more evident between the first and second evaluations and greater in GII (p < 0,05). There were a decrease of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein in GI and increase in their levels in GII (p < 0,05), increased Fibrinogen along the GI study (p < 0,05) and decrease in glycated hemoglobin concentration in both groups. The average counts of erythrocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelets were lower in the last reviews. The variation of the amount of platelets was significantly higher in the first phase of the GI (p < 0,05). There was a decrease IMT in 2 groups in the first phase, and fall of systolic and diastolic velocity, pulsatility and resistivity index in the second phase of both groups (p < 0,05). Thus, based on the results, treatments imposed were effective in improving the periodontal clinical parameters of patients with periodontitis and toothbrushing associated with dental floss and the motivation of oral hygiene was also effective in the improvement of clinical periodontal parameters even in relatively healthy patients. The improvement of periodontal parameters promoted significant effect on reduction of IMT in both groups, in the initial period of 6 months. At the end of the study (360 days), there was no significant effect of changes in periodontal clinical parameters in IMT variations in both groups I and II / A doença aterosclerótica, que é uma das principais causas de morbimortalidade no mundo, expressa marcadores inflamatórios que podem ser avaliados laboratorialmente ou por exames como a ultrassonografia Doppler, o qual pode detectar o espessamento miointimal da artéria carótida comum (IMT), que é uma alteração morfológica precursora da doença aterosclerótica. Os fatores de risco da doença aterosclerótica mais relevantes são o diabetes, a hipertensão arterial, a hipercolesterolemia e o tabagismo. A doença periodontal, que tem elevada prevalência no mundo, vem sendo cada vez mais correlacionada à doença aterosclerótica, onde a atividade bacteriana e o processo inflamatório no periodonto parecem agravar o risco da aterosclerose. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram avaliar o efeito do tratamento da doença periodontal na variação da espessura do complexo miointimal da artéria carótida comum e dos parâmetros laboratoriais de marcadores inflamatórios. Quarenta e quatro pacientes voluntários foram distribuídos em 2 grupos, sendo 23 pacientes periodontalmente sadios (GI) e 21 pacientes com periodontite moderada a grave (GII). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e nutricional. Também foram avaliados os parâmetros clínicos periodontais de índice de placa, índice de sangramento, profundidade de sondagem, nível de inserção clínica e sangramento à sondagem. Foram submetidos à avaliação da espessura do complexo miointimal e à avaliação laboratorial através da coleta de hemograma, creatinina, colesterol total e frações (HDL, LDL, VLDL), triglicerídeos (TGs), fibrinogênio (FB), proteína C reativa, velocidade de hemossedimentação, homocisteína, hemoglobina glicada (HBGLI) e glicemia de jejum. Todos os pacientes receberam o tratamento periodontal básico e somente os pacientes do grupo GII foram submetidos ao controle mecânico com a raspagem e alisamento radicular e o polimento coronário. Os dados foram obtidos no pré-tratamento, com 6 meses e após 12 meses do início do estudo. Os resultados demonstraram uma significativa melhora nos parâmetros clínicos periodontais em ambos os grupos (p<0,05), mais evidentes entre a primeira e a segunda avaliações e maiores no GII (p<0,05). Não ocorreu alteração significativa dos marcadores inflamatórios. Houve queda das concentrações de TGs e LDLs no GI e aumento no GII (p<0,05), aumento do FB ao longo do estudo no GI (p<0,05) e diminuição da concentração de HBGLI em ambos os grupos. As médias das quantidades dos eritrócitos, hematócrito, hemoglobina e das plaquetas foram menores nas últimas avaliações. A variação da quantidade de plaquetas foi significativamente maior na primeira fase do GI (p<0,05). Nas avaliações ultrassonográficas, houve diminuição do IMT nos 2 grupos na primeira fase, e queda das velocidades sistólica e diastólica e índices de pulsatilidade e resistividade na segunda fase de ambos os grupos (p<0,05). Com base nos resultados, os tratamentos instituídos foram efetivos na melhoria dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais dos pacientes portadores de periodontite e a escovação associada ao fio dental e a motivação da higiene oral também foi efetiva na melhora dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais mesmo em pacientes sadios. A melhora dos parâmetros periodontais promoveu efeito significativo na diminuição do IMT em ambos os grupos, no período inicial de 6 meses. Ao final do estudo, não houve efeito significativo das variações dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais nas variações do IMT em ambos os grupo I e II
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Brain cortical variability, software, and clinical implicationsMikhael, Shadia S. January 2018 (has links)
It is essential to characterize and quantify naturally occurring morphometric changes in the human brain when investigating the onset or progression of neurodegenerative disorders. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the properties and measure the performance of several popular automated magnetic resonance image analysis tools dedicated to brain morphometry. The thesis begins with an overview of morphometric analysis methods, followed by a literature review focusing on cortical parcellation protocols. Our work identified unanimous protocol weaknesses across all packages in particular issues when addressing cortical variability. The next chapters present a ground truth dataset and a dedicated software to analyse manually parcellated data. The dataset (https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/2936) includes 10 healthy middle-aged subjects, whose metrics we used as reference against automated tools. To develop the ground truth dataset, we also present a manual parcellation protocol (https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/3148) providing step-by-step instructions for outlining three cortical gyri known to vary with ageing and dementia: the superior frontal gyrus, the cingulate gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus. The software, Masks2Metrics (https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/3018), was built in Matlab to calculate cortical thickness, white matter surface area, and grey matter volume from 3D binary masks. Characterizing these metrics allowed further understanding of the assumptions made by software when creating and measuring anatomical parcels. Next, we present results from processing the raw T1-weighted volumes in the latest versions of several automated image analysis tools-FreeSurfer (versions 5.1 and 6.0), BrainGyrusMapping, and BrainSuite (version 13a)- against our ground truth. Tool repeatability for the same system was confirmed as multiple runs yielded identical results. Compared to our ground truth, the closest results were generated by BrainGyrusMapping for volume metrics and by FreeSurfer 6.0 for thickness and surface area metrics. In conclusion, our work sheds light on the significance of clearly detailed parcellation protocols and accurate morphometric tools due to the implications that they both will have. We therefore recommend extra caution when selecting image analysis tools for a study, and the use of independent publicly available ground truth datasets and metrics tools to assist with the selection process.
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Impacto do exercício aeróbico intenso (corrida) na musculatura do sistema estomatognático - análise eletromiográfica, espessura muscular, força de mordida e eficiência mastigatória / Impact of intense exercise aerobic (running) in muscle stomatognathic system - electromyographic evaluation, muscle thickness, bite force and masticatory efficiencyAmoras, Dinah Ribeiro 09 May 2014 (has links)
A corrida de rua é descrita como uma atividade aeróbica intensa que atualmente envolve milhões de adeptos. A prática regular desta modalidade esportiva promove alterações nos músculos estriados esqueléticos fato que despertou o interesse em analisar, por meio da eletromiográfica (EMG - Myosystem), seu efeito sobre a atividade dos músculos do sistema estomatognático masseter e temporal em diferentes posições posturais da mandíbula, além de sua espessura por meio da ultrassonografia (Ultrassom portátil SonoSite Titan Nacionalizado), como também, a força de mordida máxima utilizando o dinamômetro digital modelo IDDK- Kratos posicionado na região dos primeiros molares. Foram avaliados 40 indivíduos adultos com idades entre 18 a 65 anos, de ambos os gêneros sem alterações clínicas do sistema estomatognático divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I Corredores e Grupo II Controle, pareados sujeito a sujeito. As médias eletromiográficas foram tabuladas e submetidas à análise estatística utilizando Teste t (SPSS 19.0). Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças significantes (p<0,05) para atividades eletromiográficas no grupo formado por indivíduos praticantes da corrida de rua ocorrendo um maior equilíbrio muscular funcional nas posturas clínicas analisadas. Nas condições em que este estudo foi desenvolvido os resultados indicam que a corrida de rua promoveu alterações significativas no sistema mastigatório. / Running is described as an intense aerobic activity which currently involves millions of fans. Regular practice of this sport promotes changes in skeletal muscles striated fact which aroused interest in analyzing through the electromyographic ( EMG - Myosystem ) , its effect on the activity of the muscles of the stomatognathic system masseter and temporalis muscles in different positions mandible posture , plus its thickness by ultrasonography (SonoSite Titan portable Ultrasound Nationalized ) , as well as the maximum bite force using a digital dynamometer model IDDK Kratos - positioned in the region of the first molars . We evaluated 40 adults aged 18-65 years, of both genders without clinical alterations of the stomatognathic system divided into two groups: Group I Runners and Group II Control matched each subject. The average EMG were tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis using t Test (SPSS 19.0). The results showed significant differences (p < 0.05) in EMG activity for group of individuals practicing the street race occurring more functional muscle balance postures analyzed clinical. In the conditions in which this study was conducted the results indicate that the road race promoted significant changes in the masticatory system.
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Chip Production Rate and Tool Wear Estimation in Micro-EndMillingJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: In this research, a new cutting edge wear estimator for micro-endmilling is developed and the reliabillity of the estimator is evaluated. The main concept of this estimator is the minimum chip thickness effect. This estimator predicts the cutting edge radius by detecting the drop in the chip production rate as the cutting edge of a micro- endmill slips over the workpiece when the minimum chip thickness becomes larger than the uncut chip thickness, thus transitioning from the shearing to the ploughing dominant regime. The chip production rate is investigated through simulation and experiment. The simulation and the experiment show that the chip production rate decreases when the minimum chip thickness becomes larger than the uncut chip thickness. Also, the reliability of this estimator is evaluated. The probability of correct estimation of the cutting edge radius is more than 80%. This cutting edge wear estimator could be applied to an online tool wear estimation system. Then, a large number of cutting edge wear data could be obtained. From the data, a cutting edge wear model could be developed in terms of the machine control parameters so that the optimum control parameters could be applied to increase the tool life and the machining quality as well by minimizing the cutting edge wear rate.
In addition, in order to find the stable condition of the machining, the stabillity lobe of the system is created by measuring the dynamic parameters. This process is needed prior to the cutting edge wear estimation since the chatter would affect the cutting edge wear and the chip production rate. In this research, a new experimental set-up for measuring the dynamic parameters is developed by using a high speed camera with microscope lens and a loadcell. The loadcell is used to measure the stiffness of the tool-holder assembly of the machine and the high speed camera is used to measure the natural frequency and the damping ratio. From the measured data, a stability lobe is created. Even though this new method needs further research, it could be more cost-effective than the conventional methods in the future. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 2019
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Marital Quality and Cardiovascular Risk in Women During the Menopausal TransitionBrown, Tracy E. 01 July 2017 (has links)
Marital quality is linked to health benefits for men and women. Although women have less risk factors than men for cardiovascular disease prior to menopause, their risk increases substantially after menopause. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of marital quality and vasomotor symptoms on cardiovascular risk factors including C-reactive protein (CRP) and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in women before, during, and after the menopausal transition. The final sample consisted of 92 married women between the ages of 40 and 60 years. Hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression and general linear modeling. Results suggest that greater marital quality reduces the negative effect of a lower level of vasomotor symptoms on cIMT but not CRP. Contrary to hypotheses, marital quality did not predict CRP or cIMT and vasomotor symptoms were not correlated with CRP or cIMT. While analyses did not support an interaction between menopausal status and lower marital quality on vasomotor symptoms or CRP, there was limited support for an interaction between menopausal status and lower marital quality on cIMT (p = .057) suggesting that for postmenopausal women higher marital quality is related to lower levels of cIMT. Overall, findings suggest that it is important to consider the impact of psychosocial aspects of a middle aged woman's life (i.e., marital quality) in conjunction with biological stressors when assessing cardiovascular risks in women during the menopausal transition.
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Alterations in Strength Characteristics for Isometric and Dynamic Mid-Thigh Pulls in Collegiate Throwers Across 11 Weeks of TrainingHornsby, W. Guy, Haff, G. Gregory, Sands, William A., Ramsey, Michael W., Beckham, George K., Stone, Michael H. 01 December 2013 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this study was: 1) to investigate the alterations and relationships among training variables, performance variables, and physiological variables and 2) investigate the effects of strength training on potentiation complexes.
Methods: The study enrolled nine D-1 collegiate throwers and four control subjects. The throwers participated in an 11-week resistance training and throws program. Resistance training volume load and throwing volume were recorded for 11 weeks. Measurements of maximal strength (isometric mid-thigh pulls) and dynamic mid-thigh pulls (DMTP) across a spectrum of loads: Males- 60kg, 140kg, 180kg, 220kg, 140kg, 30% isometric peak force (IPF), Females- 60kg, 80kg, 100kg, 120kg, 80kg, 30% IPF), were measured at weeks 1, 7, and 11. The control group was tested for isometric maximum strength at T1 (week 1) and T3 (week 11)
Results: The throwers increased at each time point in isometric peak force (IPF), allometrically scaled IPF (IPFa), and isometric impulse. The throwers strength (IPF and IPFa) was significantly greater than the controls and the throwers experienced statistically significant changes in maximum strength from T1 to T3 when compared to the controls. The throwers demonstrated statistically significant changes in total load variables (variable for load 1+ load 2 + load 3 etc.) for DMTPs.
Conclusion: As a whole these data suggest a potential for increased performance capabilities specific to throwing. Some data trends indicate that potentiation can occur as a result of performing a heavy pull before a lighter one. However, increasing maximum strength as a result of focusing on strength training did not enhance this potentiation effect.
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