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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det är ju på det sättet man lär sig” : En studie om sjuksköterskestudenters lärande av handledning under VFU

Leth, Mathilda January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få ökad kunskap kring hur sjuksköterskestudenter upplever att lärandet påverkas av handledning under den verksamhetsförlagda delen av utbildningen. Detta undersöktes genom tre stycken frågeställningar vilka var: Hur upplever sjuksköterskestudenter att lärandet påverkas av handledningens upplägg under VFU? Vad anser sjuksköterskestudenter att en handledare kan bidra med för att främja deras lärande under VFU? Hur hanterar sjuksköterskestudenter situationen om de upplever att handledningen inte bidrar till ökat lärande under VFU? För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna utgick studien från en kvalitativ ansats där sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sjuksköterskestudenter mellan termin 4 och 6 på sjuksköterskeprogrammet. Därefter transkriberades intervjuerna samt analyserades med hjälp av Illeris teori om lärande ”The learning triangle”.  Tidigare forskning på området betonar vikten av individuell handledning då detta förbättrar upplevelsen och lärandet för studenten. Även betydelsen av en god relation, tid, diskussion och reflektion tillsammans med handledaren beskrivs som viktiga och gynnsamma faktorer för studenternas lärande. Resultatet av min studie visar att sjuksköterskestudenterna upplever att lärandet kan påverkas av många faktorer som är kopplade till handledningen. Det som kunde påverka lärandet under den verksamhetsförlagda delen av utbildningen var upplägget vid handledning, vissa betydelsefulla faktorer så som tillit, att bli inkluderad, stöd, samt feedback och även samspelet med handledaren. Resultatet visar även på olika strategier som sjuksköterskestudenter tar till när de upplever att de inte är nöjda med handledningen där försök att lösa problemet eller finna alternativa handledare beskrivs som några. / The aim of this study was to gain increased knowledge about how nursing students experience how learning is affected of supervision during the work-based part of the education. This was examined through three key questions including: How do nursing students experience that learning is affected of the supervision structure during work-based education? What do nursing students think a supervisor can contribute to promoting their learning during work-based education? How do nursing students handle the situation if they feel that the supervision does not contribute to increased learning during work-based education? To be able to answer these questions, the study took a qualitative approach where six semi-structured interviews were conducted with nursing students between semesters 4 and 6. The interviews were then transcribed and analysed using Illeri's theory of learning "The learning triangle".  Previous research on the topic emphasizes the importance of individual supervision as this improves the experience and learning for the student. The importance of a good relationship, time, discussion and reflection together with the supervisor is also described as important and favourable factors for students' learning. The results of my study show that nursing students feel that learning can be influenced by many factors that are linked to the supervision. What could affect learning during the work-based part of the education was the structure of supervision, certain important factors such as trust, being included, support, as well as feedback and also the interaction with the supervisor. The results also show different strategies that nursing students use when they feel that they are not satisfied with the supervision where e.g. trying to solve the problem with the supervisor or finding alternative supervisors was mentioned.

A criminological study of women in the South African Police Service

Morrison, Cherita Jeanne 31 December 2004 (has links)
In order to gain a better understanding of the position of women in the field of policing, it was necessary to study the attitudes of the policewomen, which presently exist with regard to the role of the woman in the South African Police Service. Although some studies have been done on policewomen world-wide, none have been done in the rural areas of the Vaalrand and this is where the research took place. Only women formed part of this survey. Detailed questions were asked concerning their role in policing. This was an empirical qualitative study. The research procedures as stipulated for a descriptive study were followed, as the main objective of the research was to describe the circumstances of women in the predominantly male environment of policing. A survey interview was drawn up, containing semi-structured in-depth questions regarding their recruitment, motivation for joining and job-related satisfaction and other issues including discrimination and domination by men. Qualitative methods were applied not only for data collection but also for data analysis. The coding consisted of conceptualising the raw data. Open coding was used in this qualitative research. The researcher read through all the collected data and then assigned initial codes to condense the mass of data collected. The following main issues were found: that discrimination still exists in the SAPS, as well as resentment, a lack of recognition, misunderstanding and unfulfilled challenges which relate to conflict being experienced. These respondents have aspirations in their work and aspire to better positions in the SAPS, as there have been major contributions by women in the police. They have also had an impact on policing, as they have become major role players in the field where victims are concerned. The presence of policewomen in the SAPS is an important asset to modern law enforcement and their present day role in policing should be explored and expanded. Qualified women could also be utilised in important staff service units such as planning and research, training, intelligence, inspection, public information, community relations, and as legal advisors instead of being utilised only in administrative work. Recommendations are made for further research on aspects highlighted by the findings. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil.(Criminology)

A criminological study of women in the South African Police Service

Morrison, Cherita Jeanne 31 December 2004 (has links)
In order to gain a better understanding of the position of women in the field of policing, it was necessary to study the attitudes of the policewomen, which presently exist with regard to the role of the woman in the South African Police Service. Although some studies have been done on policewomen world-wide, none have been done in the rural areas of the Vaalrand and this is where the research took place. Only women formed part of this survey. Detailed questions were asked concerning their role in policing. This was an empirical qualitative study. The research procedures as stipulated for a descriptive study were followed, as the main objective of the research was to describe the circumstances of women in the predominantly male environment of policing. A survey interview was drawn up, containing semi-structured in-depth questions regarding their recruitment, motivation for joining and job-related satisfaction and other issues including discrimination and domination by men. Qualitative methods were applied not only for data collection but also for data analysis. The coding consisted of conceptualising the raw data. Open coding was used in this qualitative research. The researcher read through all the collected data and then assigned initial codes to condense the mass of data collected. The following main issues were found: that discrimination still exists in the SAPS, as well as resentment, a lack of recognition, misunderstanding and unfulfilled challenges which relate to conflict being experienced. These respondents have aspirations in their work and aspire to better positions in the SAPS, as there have been major contributions by women in the police. They have also had an impact on policing, as they have become major role players in the field where victims are concerned. The presence of policewomen in the SAPS is an important asset to modern law enforcement and their present day role in policing should be explored and expanded. Qualified women could also be utilised in important staff service units such as planning and research, training, intelligence, inspection, public information, community relations, and as legal advisors instead of being utilised only in administrative work. Recommendations are made for further research on aspects highlighted by the findings. / Criminology and Security Science / D.Litt. et Phil.(Criminology)

Bemagtiging van kliënte in die maatskaplike werk binne die konteks van armoede

Oberholzer, Petra Malan 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die probleem van armoede is aangespreek deur middel van die groepwerkproses, waardeur mense sodanig bemagtig is dat die kringloop van armoede verbreek kon word. 'n Kwasi-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp is gebruik met die groepwerkprogram as onafhanklike veranderlike en die algemene tevredenheid en graad van bemagtiging van die groeplede as die afhanklike veranderlikes. Slegs die voorondersoekgroep en twee eksperimentele groepe is aan die program onderwerp, maar nie die kontrolegroepe nie. n Voor- en natoets is deur aldie groeplede voltooi, om kwantitatiewe data te versamel. K walitatiewe data is versamel deur deelnemende waarneming en doelgeribte gesprekvoering. Die belangrikste verskil tussen die resultate van die eksperimentele groepe en die kontrolegroepe, was dat eersgenoemde tot aksie oorgegaan het terwyllaasgenoemde passief gebly het. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die groepwerkprogram wei tot die bemagtiging van die groeplede gelei het wat aan die program onderwerp was. Sleutelterme: Armoede, werkloosheid, haweloosheid, kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsing, eksperimentele ontwerp, beskikbaarheidsteekproef, groepwerk, bemagtiging. / The problem of poverty was addressed through the group work process, in order to empower people so that the cycle of poverty could be broken. A quasi-experimental design was used with the group work programme as the independent variable and the general contentment and degree of empowerment of the group members as the dependent variables. Only the pilot study group and the two experimental groups were exposed to the programme, while the two control groups were not. Pre- and posttests were taken of all the group members to gather quantitative data. Qualitative data was gathered by means of participant observation and purposeful conversation. The most important difference between the different groups was that action was taken by the groups subjected to the programme, whereas the control groups remained passive. It can thus be concluded that the group work programme was instrumental in empowering those group members exposed to the programme. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

Bemagtiging van kliënte in die maatskaplike werk binne die konteks van armoede

Oberholzer, Petra Malan 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die probleem van armoede is aangespreek deur middel van die groepwerkproses, waardeur mense sodanig bemagtig is dat die kringloop van armoede verbreek kon word. 'n Kwasi-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp is gebruik met die groepwerkprogram as onafhanklike veranderlike en die algemene tevredenheid en graad van bemagtiging van die groeplede as die afhanklike veranderlikes. Slegs die voorondersoekgroep en twee eksperimentele groepe is aan die program onderwerp, maar nie die kontrolegroepe nie. n Voor- en natoets is deur aldie groeplede voltooi, om kwantitatiewe data te versamel. K walitatiewe data is versamel deur deelnemende waarneming en doelgeribte gesprekvoering. Die belangrikste verskil tussen die resultate van die eksperimentele groepe en die kontrolegroepe, was dat eersgenoemde tot aksie oorgegaan het terwyllaasgenoemde passief gebly het. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die groepwerkprogram wei tot die bemagtiging van die groeplede gelei het wat aan die program onderwerp was. Sleutelterme: Armoede, werkloosheid, haweloosheid, kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsing, eksperimentele ontwerp, beskikbaarheidsteekproef, groepwerk, bemagtiging. / The problem of poverty was addressed through the group work process, in order to empower people so that the cycle of poverty could be broken. A quasi-experimental design was used with the group work programme as the independent variable and the general contentment and degree of empowerment of the group members as the dependent variables. Only the pilot study group and the two experimental groups were exposed to the programme, while the two control groups were not. Pre- and posttests were taken of all the group members to gather quantitative data. Qualitative data was gathered by means of participant observation and purposeful conversation. The most important difference between the different groups was that action was taken by the groups subjected to the programme, whereas the control groups remained passive. It can thus be concluded that the group work programme was instrumental in empowering those group members exposed to the programme. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

The association of night-shift work with the development of breast cancer in women

Moukangoe, Phaswane Isaac Justice 10 1900 (has links)
Breast cancer poses a serious public health concern. This case-control study describes the relationship of night-shift working on the development of breast cancer in 57 women diagnosed with breast cancer compared to 49 women with other types of cancer in the Vaal Triangle area (selected through non-probability purposive sampling from CANSA). The study revealed that women who work night-shift developed breast cancer 1.24 times more often than women who do not work nightshift (OR=1.24 [95% CI 0.52 to 2.89]). The odds ratio was further increased in women who worked rotating-shift (OR=1.44 [95% CI 0.58 to 3.59]). Night-shift work exposure was not statistically related to the development of breast cancer. It is recommended that the relationship between night-shift exposure and breast cancer risk be further explored through cross-sectional and cohort studies, and other breast cancer pathways. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

The association of night-shift work with the development of breast cancer in women

Moukangoe, Phaswane Isaac Justice 10 1900 (has links)
Breast cancer poses a serious public health concern. This case-control study describes the relationship of night-shift working on the development of breast cancer in 57 women diagnosed with breast cancer compared to 49 women with other types of cancer in the Vaal Triangle area (selected through non-probability purposive sampling from CANSA). The study revealed that women who work night-shift developed breast cancer 1.24 times more often than women who do not work nightshift (OR=1.24 [95% CI 0.52 to 2.89]). The odds ratio was further increased in women who worked rotating-shift (OR=1.44 [95% CI 0.58 to 3.59]). Night-shift work exposure was not statistically related to the development of breast cancer. It is recommended that the relationship between night-shift exposure and breast cancer risk be further explored through cross-sectional and cohort studies, and other breast cancer pathways. / Health Studies / M. A. (Public Health)

Leierskapsontwikkeling van verpleegdiensbestuurders in plaaslike regerings

Kelly, Susara Jacoba 18 March 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Professional Nursing) / The nursing service manager in local goverment is confronted by extensive changes in the health care delivery system. The communities need to work towards better health but in turn it ask for competent leadership from the nursing service manager. The nursing service manager is accountable for the nursing component of services in the personal health services and should focus in on quality control, in the preventative and primary health care services. It appears that leadership development of the nursing service manager in the local goverment does not receive the attention that it should. The question that offers leadership manager and if so needs to be asked, is whether local government development programs for the nursing service what is the nature and extent of the program? What is the predominant leadership style that the nursing service manager is using from within the situational leadership theory? What guidelines for a leadership development program for nursing service managers should be formulated? The objectives of this study is to investigate what the nature and extent of leadership development for the nursing service manager in the local government in the Pretoria, Witwatersrand and Vaal triangle is. The second objective is to determine the leadership style of the nursing service manager in the local government in the Pretoria, Witwatersrand and· Vaal triangle. The third objective is to develop guidelines for a leadership development program for nursing service managers in local government from within the framework of the situational leadership theory, based on the results of the study. An explorative, descriptive research design within the context was used to answer to the objectives set for this study. The research methods consist of a interview with a interview guide that was used to determine the nature and extent of leadership development that the nursing service manager receives. Secondly an evaluation was done with the aid of the LEAD-Self and LEADOthers instruments. The situational theory was the Whole Person Theory study. The researcher found that most of the nursing managers are working in the two biggest local governments and the predominant designation is that of chief community health nurse. The nursing service managers have the applicable clinical ability in community health nursing science. The findings are as follows The majority of nursing service managers in this study are working in the two largest local governments. The designation of community health nurse is the most common designation for the nursing service managers. The nursing service manager possesses the appropriate clinical experience in community health nursing. The researcher found that seven (38.9%) of the leaders are busy with formal leadership development by means of further studies, which points to positive motivation. The results show that . leadership development of the service manager does not receive the necessary attention should receive. nursing that it The primary managers are style three. leadership style that most of the nursing service using according to their own perception is that of This style is also known as the style of participation which is high in support and low in direction giving. According to the followers perception, the nursing service manager uses style two as the primary style. This style is both high in support and direction giving and it is also known as the selling style. Guidelines for the development program are set out accordingly curriculum development.

Modelos de mecânica estatística exatamente solúveis em duas dimensões / Exactly solvable models of statistical mechanics in two dimensions

Onody, Roberto Nicolau 11 December 1984 (has links)
Neste trabalho nós estudamos alguns sistemas de spins e vértices exatamente solúveis em duas dimensões. A solubilidade exata está ligada ao fato de existirem soluções não triviais das equações de fatorização, o que nos permite obter a energia livre no limite termodinâmico. Introduzimos e resolvemos pelo método de espalhamento inverso, um modelo de dez vértices assimétrico com dois e três estados nas ligações. Obtemos o diagrama de fases e mostramos que o sistema exibe uma transição de fase de primeira ordem. Analisamos um modelo de oito vértices de férmions livres e propomos uma nova relação funcional que nos permite calcular a energia livre por vértice. Mostramos que este sistema de vértices corresponde ao modelo de Ising na rede Union Jack. Apresentamos um método de solução de modelos de spin em redes triangulares a partir da solução do mesmo modelo na rede quadrada. O método se aplica sempre que o modelo de spins envolver interação de primeiros vizinhos e satisfizer a relação triângulo-estrela. Estendemos para a rede triangular, as soluções autoduais de Fateev e Zamolodchikov para a rede quadrada, de modelos de spin com simetria Z(N). Analisamos as conjecturas existentes sobre a criticalidade do modelo de Potts definido na rede de Kagomé. Baseados na simetria e nas degenerescências dessa rede conjecturamos uma expressão para a sua linha crítica. / We study some spin and vertex systems which are exactly solvable in two dimensions. The exact solubility is connected to the existence of non trivial solutions of the factorization equations which allow us to determine the free energy in the thermodynamic limit. We introduce and solve by the inverse scattering method, a ten vertex model with two and three states on the links. We get the phase diagram of the system and show that it exhibits a first order phase transition. Analysing a free fermion eight vertex model, we propose a new functional relation which permit us to get the free energy per vertex. We also show that this system is equivalent to the Ising model in a Union Jack lattice. We present a method to solve spin models on triangular lattices from the known solution of the same model on square lattices. The method applies whenever the model involves first neighbours interactions and satisfies the star triangle relation. We extend to the triangular lattice the self dual solutions of Fateev and Zamolodchikov for Z(N) invariant spin systems. We also analyse the conjectures made before for the critical Potts model on a Kagomé lattice. Based on symmetry and on the collapses of this lattice we conjecture an expression for their critical line.

不對稱政治與兩岸關係 / Politics of Asymmetry and the Cross-Strait Relations

于芝雅, Arday, Julia Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的在於以Brantly Womack的不對稱關係理論,來研究兩岸關係,並測試其理論的有效性。有關不對稱關係理論,原本以經濟及軍事面向為分析焦點。本論文則將民主及主權等相關理論列入分析範疇,並使得不對稱理論的研究範圍擴大。此外,有關第三方的角色,尤其是美國的角色,也納入了論文的討論與分析。因此,不對稱關係的研究,也將從雙邊關係,拓展到三邊關係。本論文將對不對稱的三角關係,作出了理論及政策上的貢獻。 / The basic aim of this current thesis is to place the connection between China and Taiwan into Brantly Womack’s concept of asymmetric connections. The main question of the study is if the relations across the Taiwan Strait are an asymmetric one and if so, does this connection fit into the framework of the mentioned theory. The presence of non-symmetry or the lack of it is to be proven uniquely through the sectors of economy and military, by comparing the two actors in these spheres. With the step of taking these two sectors as the basis of the examination and including a democratically governed territory in the study, not just the limitations of the original concept will be broadened, but a gap will be filled that has existed in the field. Additionally, a third party, the United States is introduced into the connection between Beijing and Taipei. The nature of the study of the relations will change from bilateral to triangular. As a result, the concept of asymmetric triangle will take the place of the asymmetric connections theory for the duration of one chapter.

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