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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Devenir professeur de mathématiques : entre problèmes de la profession et formation en IUFM. Les mathématiques comme problème professionnel.

Cirade, Gisèle 29 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche a pour objet de préciser de divers points de vue le passage problématique de l'état d'étudiant en mathématiques à celui de professeur de mathématiques. Nous examinons ce passage en nous appuyant sur une étude clinique de la formation dispensée au fil de plusieurs années à l'IUFM d'Aix-Marseille, depuis l'entrée en première année afin de préparer le CAPES, jusqu'à la prise en main d'une classe de collège ou de lycée en deuxième année. L'univers mathématique auquel les élèves professeurs sont confrontés, tant en première qu'en deuxième année, se révèle pour eux plein d'embûches à propos de questions souvent inattendues pour l'observateur extérieur, mais que révèlent les dispositifs de la formation observée. Celle-ci constitue un facteur crucial, qui va forcer les élèves professeurs à reconnaître, à assumer et à affronter la problématicité des situations rencontrées dans leur vie professionnelle. Presque toujours, les difficultés que signalent les élèves professeurs, d'une très grande variété, sont des révélateurs des difficultés rencontrées par la profession : elles mettent au jour un univers professionnel chaotique et lacunaire dans lequel le déni de la problématicité est monnaie courante, et où la construction de réponses « idionomes », non questionnées, foisonne. La formation des jeunes professeurs apparaît ainsi indissociable d'une évolution du métier à laquelle elle peut contribuer par la diffusion, dans la profession où ils entrent, des praxéologies professorales co-construites dans la formation.

Etayage de l'activité de conception expérimentale par un EIAH pour apprendre la notion de métabolisme cellulaire en terminale scientifique / scaffold the experimental design activity with a TEL system to learn the cellular metabolism in high school

Bonnat, Catherine 10 July 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est d’étayer l’activité de conception expérimentale avec l’utilisation d’un environnement informatique pour l’apprentissage humain (EIAH). La conception expérimentale correspond à une partie de la démarche d’investigation qui fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches, à la fois parce que cette activité favorise l’apprentissage mais aussi parce que c’est une tâche complexe à l’origine de difficultés identifiées.La situation que nous avons choisie est la mise en évidence de la fermentation alcoolique, thème abordé en classe de terminale scientifique de spécialité en sciences de la vie et de la terre. Les élèves doivent concevoir une expérience pour mettre en évidence ce métabolisme.La première étape de la thèse a consisté à effectuer une modélisation didactique des connaissances en jeu. Pour cela nous nous plaçons dans le cadre de la théorie anthropologique du didactique et plus précisément l’approche praxéologique (Bosch & Chevallard, 1999). Nous avons ainsi obtenu un premier résultat qui est la modélisation d’une praxéologie de référence à partir d’une analyse épistémologique des savoirs en jeu et des attentes institutionnelles.Afin d’aider les élèves dans cette activité à l’origine de difficultés, nous utilisons des supports d’étayage, portés par la plateforme informatique, LabBook. Cet EIAH structure des rapports expérimentaux, à l’aide de plusieurs outils (texte, tableur, dessin, protocole) mis à disposition des élèves. L’outil protocole « Copex », permet de pré structurer un protocole expérimental.La deuxième étape de la thèse a été de proposer un protocole pré structuré en étapes, actions et paramètres d’actions qui prend en charge les difficultés attendues, et de l’implémenter dans LabBook, en tenant compte des contraintes de l’EIAH.L’étape suivante a été de tester l’efficacité de la prise en charge de ces difficultés dans la situation proposée en classe. Pour cela nous avons ainsi réalisé deux expérimentations en classes de terminale scientifique dans trois lycées différents. Nous avons recueilli les productions des élèves ainsi que leur réponse à des questionnaires (pré-test et post-test).L’analyse des résultats a montré que l’activité proposée favorise les apprentissages des concepts en jeu, et fait évoluer les conceptions des élèves.Concernant la conception du protocole, la pré structuration proposée aide les élèves à produire des protocoles communicables et pertinents.A partir des praxéologies personnelles modélisées a priori nous avons mis en évidence la présence de praxéologies personnelles d’élèves.Les analyses effectuées ont permis de faire évoluer la situation proposée et de valider la proposition de pré structuration du protocole en étapes et en actions paramétrées.Enfin nous proposons des préconisations pour un diagnostic automatique des erreurs des élèves, dans le but de produire des rétroactions élaborées à partir du modèle praxéologique développé dans la thèse. / The thesis work involves a scaffold of the experimental design activity carried out by high school students in scientific activities using a TEL system (Technology Enhanced Learning).This type of activity promotes learning, but it is also a complex task that leads to difficulties identified in the literature. The situation highlights a specific cellular metabolism, the alcoholic fermentation, this topic being studied in high school biology classes. Students have to design an experimental procedure to highlight this metabolism.The first step of the thesis consisted in knowledge modelling for designing an experimental situation in biology. The framework used to model knowledge, is the Anthropological Theory of Didactics (ATD) and more precisely the praxeology model (Bosch & Chevallard, 1999). An epistemological analysis has been done in order to identify difficulties in this situation: difficulties related to knowledge and also to experimental procedure.A structured procedure was modelled into steps, actions and parameters, which takes into account difficulties identified a priori and implemented in a web environment named LabBook,.This TEL system offers fixed scaffolds in order to help students in an experimental design activity.The situation implemented in LabBook has been tested in three biology classes in high school, during two sets of experimentation. The analysis is based on the students’ productions and their answers to questionnaires (pre-test and post-test).The results analysis showed that the experimental design activity promotes learning and changes students’ conceptions. Regarding design experiment, the pre structuration helps students to produce relevant and communicable procedures.This reveals that students are able to use the pre-structured experimental procedure tool in LabBook.This is a requirement for students’ errors diagnosis in order to propose automatic personalised feedbacks. We make recommendations for such feedbacks based on the praxeology model developed in this thesis.

Soutien à l'autodétermination, personnalité et conséquences émotionnelles chez les patients hospitalisés en service de soins de suite et réadaptation : apport de la théorie de l'autodétermination / Autonomy support, personnality, and emotionals outcomes in older people hospitalized in after-care and rehabilitation services : contribution of the Self-Determination theory

Souesme, Guillaume 07 December 2018 (has links)
L’hospitalisation représente une étape de vie à laquelle doit faire face une grande majorité des personnes âgées. Cette expérience trop souvent accompagnée d’un déclin physique et psychologique marque pour beaucoup le début de la fin. Basé sur les fondements théoriques de la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD), ce travail doctoral a deux objectifs. (1) Définir qualitativement le soutien à l’autodétermination dans les services de soins de suite et réadaptation (SSR). (2) Connaître l’impact des orientations de causalité́ des patients sur la perception de soutien ou de contrôle à l’autodétermination et les conséquences motivationnelles et émotionnelles associées. L’étude 1 a montré que les professionnels de santé mettaient en avant une image idéalisée de leur environnement de soins. Les patients (étude 2) ont indiqué de nombreuses contraintes qui atténuent l’effet de cette vision positive. L’étude 3 a démontré que les orientations de causalité du patient étaient une variable qui en interaction avec la perception de l’environnement, n’aboutissait pas aux mêmes conséquences motivationnelles et émotionnelles. De par le rôle déterminant octroyé par la TAD à la motivation, les professionnels de santé se doivent d’être capables de nourrir, entretenir et soutenir la motivation des patients. Une réflexion sur les recommandations pratiques et des axes de recherches futurs seront proposés. / Hospitalization is a life stage that faces a large majority of older people. This experience is often accompanied by both physical and psychological declines and means, for most of older people the beginning of the end. Based on the self-determination theory (SDT), this doctoral dissertation has two objectives. (1) To qualitatively define an autonomy supportive environment in after-care and rehabilitation services (ACRS). (2) To know the impact of causality orientations on patients' perceptions of an autonomy supportive or controlled environment and the associated motivational and emotional consequences. Study 1 showed that healthcare professionals conveyed an idealized image of their work environment and the care they provide. Patients (study 2) indicated many constraints that mitigated the effect of this positive view of an autonomy supportive environment and reduced their ability to experience it. Study 3 demonstrated that patient's causality orientations were a variable which interacted with the perception of ACRS environment, did not induce the same motivational and emotional consequences. Thus, these studies contribute to the self-determination theory in the health setting by showing the determining role of patients’ motivation. It is therefore necessary for healthcare professionals to be able to feed, maintain and support patients’ motivation. In the light of the contribution of the self-determination theory, a reflection about practical recommendations and future lines of research will be proposed.

Contextualização no ensino de física à luz da teoria antropológica do didático: o caso da robótica educacional / Contextualization in the teaching of physics in the light of the anthropological theory of didactics: the case of educational robotics

Schivani, Milton 10 October 2014 (has links)
Um ensino de física contextualizado é fortemente identificado no discurso de professores, educadores e pesquisadores da área, reforçado também pelos próprios documentos oficiais do Ministério da Educação do Brasil. Entretanto, a própria noção de contextualização apresenta diferentes vertentes, algumas das quais têm uma visão simplista e acrítica sobre a contextualização no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Defendemos, contudo, uma contextualização que passe pela problematização e modelização dos saberes disciplinares, partindo de objetos (abstratos ou concretos) de uma dada realidade ou de uma prática social de referência, permitindo ao indivíduo revisitar e perceber o mundo ao seu redor de modo diferenciado, com novas perspectivas e possibilidades de ação. Tal abordagem tende a exigir múltiplas estratégias metodológicas e recursos didático-pedagógicos, dentre os quais destacamos a Robótica Educacional (RE), a qual encontra no ensino de ciências um campo novo de aplicações ainda por ser explorado, seja no cenário nacional seja no internacional. Nossa hipótese é a de que materiais dessa natureza potencializam o desenvolvimento de atividades com problematizações que permeiam uma vasta gama de práticas sociais, possibilitando que a realidade seja percebida e se transforme em objeto de reflexão. Ressaltamos que a RE não se justifica por si só, contar com novos e emergentes recursos oferecidos pelas novas tecnologias não necessariamente implica enriquecimento das aulas, é preciso pensá-las vinculadas às necessidades de formação. Especialmente no ensino de física, é necessário atentar-se ao saber-fazer, práxis, sem se esquecer do discurso lógico que o permeia e auxilia na compreensão desse saber-fazer, o logos. Com foco na Robótica Educacional para fomentar a contextualização, analisamos quatro atividades que fazem uso de kits da Lego no ensino de física. Dessas quatro atividades, duas foram aplicadas para estudantes do primeiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Fundamentamos nossa investigação com base na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), a qual permite modelar o conhecimento por meio de uma Organização Praxeológica (OP) e analisar processos de estudo através dos Momentos Didáticos. Constatamos, dentre outras coisas, que a análise praxeológica gera indicadores que auxiliam numa possível reestruturação e desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas para fomentar o processo de contextualização no ensino de física, tais como os níveis de ressonância, podendo ser interno, um diálogo entre o bloco prático-técnico com o tecnológico-teórico da OP didática, e externo, denominado de Verossimilhança Praxeológica (VP), um diálogo entre a OP didática e a OP de referência. Isso foi feito em termos de tarefas, técnicas, tecnologias e teorias, bem como através da investigação da relação do indivíduo (X) com os objetos (O) contidos em diferentes práticas mas centradas em um mesmo bloco tecnológico-teórico. Assim, esperamos contribuir com soluções e reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento e estruturação de atividades didáticas para melhor contextualizar uma dada realidade na perspectiva que adotamos, além de compreender os limites e possibilidades da robótica nesse cenário educacional. / A physics teaching contextualized is strongly identified in the discourse of teachers, educators and researchers in the area, reinforced also by own official documents of the Ministry of Education of Brazil. However, the very notion of contextualization presents different aspects, some of which have a simplistic and uncritical about the background on the teaching and learning process. We advocate, however, a contextualization that pass by questioning and modeling of disciplinary knowledges, starting from objects (abstract or concrete) of a given reality or a social practice of reference, allowing the individual \"revisit\" and perceive the world around them in different ways, with new perspectives and opportunities for action. Such an approach tends to require multiple methodological strategies and didactic resources educational, among which we highlight the Education Robotics (ER), which is in the teaching of science a new field of applications still to be explored, is the scenario national or international. Our hypothesis is that materials of this nature potentiate the development of activities with problematization that permeate a wide range of social practices, enabling the reality is perceived and become object of reflection. We emphasize that the ER does not in itself justify, rely on new and emerging resources offered by new technologies does not necessarily imply in enrichment classes, it is necessary to conceive them linked to the training needs. Especially in the teaching of physics, you need to pay attention to know-how, praxis, not forgetting the logical discourse that permeates and assists in the understanding of this know-how, the logos. With a focus on Education Robotics to promote the contextualization, we analyzed four activities that make use of kits from Lego in physics teaching. Two activities were applied to students of the first year of high school in a public school in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We have considered the research on the basis of Anthropological Theory of Didactic (ATD), which allows you to model the knowledge through a Praxeological Organization (PO) and analyze processes of study through the Didactics Moments. We found, among other things, that the praxeological analysis generates indicators that assist in a possible restructuring and development of didactic sequences to promote the process of contextualization in physics teaching, such as the levels of resonance, which can be internal, a dialog between the block practical-technical with the technologytheoretical of the didactics PO, and external, called Verisimilar Praxeology (VP), a dialog between the didactics and reference PO. This was done in terms of tasks, techniques, technologies and theory, investigating also the relation of the individual (X) with objects (O) contained in different practices, but focusing on a same block technological-theoretical. Thus, we hope to be able to contribute with solutions and reflections on the development and structuring of didactic activities to better contextualize a given reality in the perspective that we have adopted, as well as understand the limits and possibilities of robotics in this educational scenario.

Diastereomere Makrocyclen auf Basis von Bistriazol-Dienophilen und Sorbyl- und Sorboyl-Derivaten

Schumann, Patrick Reiner 30 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung makrocyclischer Strukturen, welche über eine Sequenz von zwei Diels-Alder-Reaktionen synthetisiert wurden. Dabei wurden leichtzugängliche Sorbinsäure- und Sorbyl-Abkömmlinge mit aliphatisch-verknüpften Bis-(1,2,4-triazolin-3,5-dionen) kombiniert. Infolge der Prochiralität der eingesetzten Bisdiene können stereochemisch-differenzierte Reaktionsprodukte auftreten. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der stereochemischen Zuordnung, welche in vielen Fällen mittels NMR-Spektroskopie oder Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse gelang.

A integração de construtos didáticos à prática docente: a malamática para operar com a aritmética básica

SILVA, Rita Cinéia Meneses 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rita Cinéia Silva (ritacineia@hotmail.com) on 2017-06-19T17:08:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao-Rita Cineia-Versão Final.pdf: 4949050 bytes, checksum: a09810a332049e6ed17e88e938d8d36f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Reis (vanessa.jamile@ufba.br) on 2017-06-29T11:31:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao-Rita Cineia-Versão Final.pdf: 4949050 bytes, checksum: a09810a332049e6ed17e88e938d8d36f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T11:31:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao-Rita Cineia-Versão Final.pdf: 4949050 bytes, checksum: a09810a332049e6ed17e88e938d8d36f (MD5) / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os resultados da integração de Construtos Didáticos à prática dos professores no trabalho com as Operações Aritméticas Básicas. O aporte teórico aqui utilizado se alicerçará em alguns elementos da Teorias das Situações Didáticas, desenvolvida por Guy Brousseau, da Teoria da Instrumentação de Pierre Rabardel e da Teoria do Antropológico do Didático, elaborada por Yves Chevallard. Neste contexto, criamos o termo Malamática para fazer alusão a uma mala que transportará elementos capazes de auxiliar a construção dos Percursos de Estudo e Pesquisa (PEP), no intuito de contribuir com a prática de professores de Matemática. Como questão de investigação, apresentamos: “Como institucionalizar as contribuições de Construtos Didáticos – uma vez que, a incompletude opera na instituição escolar – a partir do trabalho dos professores, no 6° ano, quando ensinam as Operações Aritméticas Fundamentais?”. A pesquisa é de caráter qualitativo, em concordância com John Creswell, e apresenta como campo de investigação três escolas da rede estadual de Feira de Santana-BA. Como aporte metodológico, utilizaremos alguns elementos da Engenharia Didática do PEP, de Yves Chevallard e construiremos um PEP para as quatro Operações Aritméticas Fundamentais. Para produzir os dados, realizaremos visitas às três escolas, entrevistas semiestruturadas com três professores, filmagens e/ou gravação de áudio de algumas aulas, observações naturalistas, como também o uso de questionários abertos para professores e estudantes. Além disso, observaremos anotações nos cadernos dos estudantes, faremos seis encontros para estudos e, em seguida, convidaremos os professores para criarem conosco situações didáticas que integrem as contribuições da Didática da Matemática às Operações Aritméticas Básicas, a partir do que denominamos de Construtos Didáticos. Logo após, solicitaremos que os professores façam a aplicação dos Construtos elaborados envolvendo as quatro operações. Diante do exposto, esperamos que este trabalho possa contribuir com as propostas de ensino da matemática, e, desejamos também, suscitar outras pesquisas com o propósito referido. Ressaltamos ainda que dentre as análises construídas nesta investigação, percebemos que os livros apreciados e a prática pedagógica do professor apresentaram uma preponderância do Modelo Clássico, desenvolvido por Joseph Gascón – modelo que apresenta tendência a um perfil oriundo da interseção dos modelos tecnicista e teoricista. / The aim of this research is to analyze the results of the Didactics devices integration in the practice of teachers in the study of Basic Arithmetic Operations. Our theoretical contribution is based on some elements of the Theories of Didactic Situations developed by Guy Brousseau, the Theory of Instrumentations of Pierre Rabardel and the Antropological Theory of Didactic created by Yves Chevallard. In this context, we created the term (Malamática), mala the word in Portuguese for “suitcase”, to refer to a suitcase that will carry elements capable of assisting the construction of Study and Research Paths (PEP in Portuguese), aiming to contribute to the practice of mathematics teachers. As a research question, we present: "How to institutionalize the contributions of Didactic Constructs - since incompleteness operates in the school institution - from the work of the teachers, in the 6th year, when they teach the Fundamental Arithmetic Operations?". The research is of a qualitative nature, in agreement with John Creswell and it presents as a research field three schools of the network of Feira de Santana-BA. As a methodological contribution, we will use some elements of the PEP Didactic Engineering, by Yves Chevallard and construct a PEP for the four Fundamental Arithmetic Operations. To produce the data, we will visit three schools, semi-structured interviews with three teachers, filming and / or audio recording of some classes, naturalistic observations, as well as the use of open questionnaires for teachers and students. In addition, we will observe notes in the students' notebooks, we will make six study meetings and then invite teachers to create with us didactic situations that integrate the contributions of Didactics of Mathematics to Basic Arithmetic Operations, from what we call Didactic Constructs. Right after, we will ask that the teachers make the application of the elaborated constructs involving the four operations. Based on the considerations above, we hope that this work can contribute to the mathematics teaching proposals, and we also wish to raise other research for the purpose We also emphasize that among the analyzes constructed in this research, we noticed that the books appreciated and the pedagogical practice of the teacher presented a preponderance of the Classical Model, developed by Joseph Gascón - a model that shows a tendency from the intersection of technical and theoretical models.

Contextualização no ensino de física à luz da teoria antropológica do didático: o caso da robótica educacional / Contextualization in the teaching of physics in the light of the anthropological theory of didactics: the case of educational robotics

Milton Schivani 10 October 2014 (has links)
Um ensino de física contextualizado é fortemente identificado no discurso de professores, educadores e pesquisadores da área, reforçado também pelos próprios documentos oficiais do Ministério da Educação do Brasil. Entretanto, a própria noção de contextualização apresenta diferentes vertentes, algumas das quais têm uma visão simplista e acrítica sobre a contextualização no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Defendemos, contudo, uma contextualização que passe pela problematização e modelização dos saberes disciplinares, partindo de objetos (abstratos ou concretos) de uma dada realidade ou de uma prática social de referência, permitindo ao indivíduo revisitar e perceber o mundo ao seu redor de modo diferenciado, com novas perspectivas e possibilidades de ação. Tal abordagem tende a exigir múltiplas estratégias metodológicas e recursos didático-pedagógicos, dentre os quais destacamos a Robótica Educacional (RE), a qual encontra no ensino de ciências um campo novo de aplicações ainda por ser explorado, seja no cenário nacional seja no internacional. Nossa hipótese é a de que materiais dessa natureza potencializam o desenvolvimento de atividades com problematizações que permeiam uma vasta gama de práticas sociais, possibilitando que a realidade seja percebida e se transforme em objeto de reflexão. Ressaltamos que a RE não se justifica por si só, contar com novos e emergentes recursos oferecidos pelas novas tecnologias não necessariamente implica enriquecimento das aulas, é preciso pensá-las vinculadas às necessidades de formação. Especialmente no ensino de física, é necessário atentar-se ao saber-fazer, práxis, sem se esquecer do discurso lógico que o permeia e auxilia na compreensão desse saber-fazer, o logos. Com foco na Robótica Educacional para fomentar a contextualização, analisamos quatro atividades que fazem uso de kits da Lego no ensino de física. Dessas quatro atividades, duas foram aplicadas para estudantes do primeiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Fundamentamos nossa investigação com base na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), a qual permite modelar o conhecimento por meio de uma Organização Praxeológica (OP) e analisar processos de estudo através dos Momentos Didáticos. Constatamos, dentre outras coisas, que a análise praxeológica gera indicadores que auxiliam numa possível reestruturação e desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas para fomentar o processo de contextualização no ensino de física, tais como os níveis de ressonância, podendo ser interno, um diálogo entre o bloco prático-técnico com o tecnológico-teórico da OP didática, e externo, denominado de Verossimilhança Praxeológica (VP), um diálogo entre a OP didática e a OP de referência. Isso foi feito em termos de tarefas, técnicas, tecnologias e teorias, bem como através da investigação da relação do indivíduo (X) com os objetos (O) contidos em diferentes práticas mas centradas em um mesmo bloco tecnológico-teórico. Assim, esperamos contribuir com soluções e reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento e estruturação de atividades didáticas para melhor contextualizar uma dada realidade na perspectiva que adotamos, além de compreender os limites e possibilidades da robótica nesse cenário educacional. / A physics teaching contextualized is strongly identified in the discourse of teachers, educators and researchers in the area, reinforced also by own official documents of the Ministry of Education of Brazil. However, the very notion of contextualization presents different aspects, some of which have a simplistic and uncritical about the background on the teaching and learning process. We advocate, however, a contextualization that pass by questioning and modeling of disciplinary knowledges, starting from objects (abstract or concrete) of a given reality or a social practice of reference, allowing the individual \"revisit\" and perceive the world around them in different ways, with new perspectives and opportunities for action. Such an approach tends to require multiple methodological strategies and didactic resources educational, among which we highlight the Education Robotics (ER), which is in the teaching of science a new field of applications still to be explored, is the scenario national or international. Our hypothesis is that materials of this nature potentiate the development of activities with problematization that permeate a wide range of social practices, enabling the reality is perceived and become object of reflection. We emphasize that the ER does not in itself justify, rely on new and emerging resources offered by new technologies does not necessarily imply in enrichment classes, it is necessary to conceive them linked to the training needs. Especially in the teaching of physics, you need to pay attention to know-how, praxis, not forgetting the logical discourse that permeates and assists in the understanding of this know-how, the logos. With a focus on Education Robotics to promote the contextualization, we analyzed four activities that make use of kits from Lego in physics teaching. Two activities were applied to students of the first year of high school in a public school in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We have considered the research on the basis of Anthropological Theory of Didactic (ATD), which allows you to model the knowledge through a Praxeological Organization (PO) and analyze processes of study through the Didactics Moments. We found, among other things, that the praxeological analysis generates indicators that assist in a possible restructuring and development of didactic sequences to promote the process of contextualization in physics teaching, such as the levels of resonance, which can be internal, a dialog between the block practical-technical with the technologytheoretical of the didactics PO, and external, called Verisimilar Praxeology (VP), a dialog between the didactics and reference PO. This was done in terms of tasks, techniques, technologies and theory, investigating also the relation of the individual (X) with objects (O) contained in different practices, but focusing on a same block technological-theoretical. Thus, we hope to be able to contribute with solutions and reflections on the development and structuring of didactic activities to better contextualize a given reality in the perspective that we have adopted, as well as understand the limits and possibilities of robotics in this educational scenario.

Diastereomere Makrocyclen auf Basis von Bistriazol-Dienophilen und Sorbyl- und Sorboyl-Derivaten

Schumann, Patrick Reiner 24 April 2008 (has links)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung makrocyclischer Strukturen, welche über eine Sequenz von zwei Diels-Alder-Reaktionen synthetisiert wurden. Dabei wurden leichtzugängliche Sorbinsäure- und Sorbyl-Abkömmlinge mit aliphatisch-verknüpften Bis-(1,2,4-triazolin-3,5-dionen) kombiniert. Infolge der Prochiralität der eingesetzten Bisdiene können stereochemisch-differenzierte Reaktionsprodukte auftreten. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der stereochemischen Zuordnung, welche in vielen Fällen mittels NMR-Spektroskopie oder Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse gelang.


Feng, Chi 29 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Infrared assisted through-air drying of lowgrammage sheets / Genomblåsningstorkning av lågytviktsark med infravärme-support

Wallinder, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Through air drying (TAD) enables production of premium tissue products with increased softness, absorbency and bulk. On the other hand, the energy consumption of the TAD process is considerably higher than for conventional tissue drying alternatives. Previous studies on the TAD process have indicated that the drying rate for low grammage sheets is independent of the flow of air through the sheets.   The objective of this work has been to investigate and quantify how drying times and drying rates for low grammage sheets are affected by the addition of external web heating in a TAD process. Moist Eucalyptus and softwood sheets with grammages ranging from 15 to 60 g/m2 were dried in a laboratory process by an air flow through them and an IR-dryer with a variable power output. During drying, pressure drop and air flow were measured and an IR-camera recorded surface temperatures which enabled calculation of drying times and drying rates.   Using the IR-dryer to dry sheets shortened the drying time with at least 20 % and up to 60 % compared to sheets dried without IR-heating. Both pulp types and all grammages showed a linear relationship between drying times and the amount of evaporated water. Mass specific drying rates however, were very high for low grammage sheets and decreased rapidly with increasing grammage. Especially for low grammage sheets the drying rate had a very strong dependency on the IR-power and increased significantly with every increasing IR-power level. This finding implies that heat transfer could be a limiting factor when drying low grammage sheets in the TAD process. Another interesting phenomenon was observed for all grammages of the Eucalyptus sheets. Through these sheets the air flow rate increased with increasing IR-power, something that was not seen at all for the softwood sheets.   To summarize, adding external web heating to a TAD process resulted in a positive effect on drying times and drying rates, especially for low grammage sheets typical for the TAD process.

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