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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auditor's assessment of a company's "tone at the top" / Ouditeurs se assessering van 'n maatskappy se "karakter aan die hoof" / Tekolo ya ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo" ya khamphani

Jaffer, Faeeza Farouk 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Sepedi / The auditing profession is facing criticism for audit firms being associated with clients with a poor ‘tone at the top’ despite auditors being required to assess a company’s ‘tone at the top’, both prior to and during an audit. A problem arises if, should auditors perform an inappropriate ‘tone at the top’ assessment, they may be associated with an unethical company. Moreover, such an inappropriate assessment may result in an incorrect risk of material misstatement assessment and, consequently, an inappropriate audit opinion on the financial statements of the company. A qualitative research approach and a multiple case study design were used to understand how auditors assess a company’s ‘tone at the top’. An audit partner from six JSE-accredited audit firms and senior inspectors from the IRBA were interviewed. It was found that the participating auditors assess a company’s ethical leadership, ethical culture, the governance role of the audit committee and compliance with laws and regulations when assessing a company’s ‘tone at the top’ while adhering to quality control principles. Despite the participants acknowledging both that ‘tone at the top’ assessments are conducted during the pre-engagement and planning of an audit and that the audit engagement partner is responsible for these assessments, there was a lack of evidence in the audit files supporting these assessments. The study findings may enable audit firms to include guidance in their audit methodologies on ‘tone at the top’ assessments and in documenting such assessments and may also assist the IRBA in providing guidance and training to auditors on ‘tone at the top’ assessments. / Die ouditprofessie staar kritiek in die oë as gevolg van die feit dat ouditfirmas geassosieer word met kliënte met 'n swak “karakter aan die hoof”, ten spyte daarvan dat van ouditeurs vereis word om 'n maatskappy se “karakter aan die hoof” voor en tydens 'n oudit te assesseer. Die probleem is dat indien ouditeurs 'n onvanpaste assessering van die “karakter aan die hoof” uitvoer, hulle met 'n onetiese maatskappy geassosieer kan word. Boonop kan so 'n onvanpaste assessering aanleiding gee tot 'n verkeerde assessering van die risiko van wesenlike wanvoorstelling en, gevolglik, 'n onvanpaste ouditmening oor die finansiële state van die maatskappy. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering en 'n veelvoudige gevallestudie-ontwerp is gebruik om te verstaan hoe ouditeurs 'n maatskappy se “karakter aan die hoof” assesseer. Onderhoude is met ouditvennote van ses ouditfirmas wat deur die JSE geakkrediteer word en senior inspekteurs van die IRBA gevoer. Daar is bevind dat die deelnemende ouditeurs 'n maatskappy se etiese leierskap, etiese kultuur, die beheerrol van die ouditkomitee en voldoening aan wette en regulasies assesseer wanneer 'n maatskappy se “karakter aan die hoof” geassesseer word terwyl aan gehaltebeheerbeginsels voldoen word. Ten spyte daarvan dat die deelnemers erken dat assesserings van “karakter aan die hoof” uitgevoer word tydens die vooraanstelling en beplanning van ’n oudit en dat die ouditaanstellingsvennoot verantwoordelik is vir hierdie assesserings, is daar 'n gebrek aan bewyse in die ouditlêers wat hierdie assesserings steun. Die studie se bevindings kan ouditfirmas in staat stel om leiding in hulle ouditmetodologieë in te sluit vir assesserings van “karakter aan die hoof” en om sodanige assesserings te dokumenteer, en dit kan die IRBA ook help om leiding en opleiding aan ouditeurs te gee vir sulke assesserings. / Profešene ya go hlakiša e lebane le tshekatsheko ka lebaka la difeme tša tlhakišo tšeo di amanywago le badirelwa ba ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo’ bja go fokola, le ge bahlakiši ba nyakega go lekola ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo’ bja khamphani, bobedi pele ga le nakong ya tlhakišo. Bothata bo tšwelela ge, go ka direga gore bahlakiši ba dire tekolo ya ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo’ yeo e sego ya maleba, ba ka amanywa le khamphani ya go se be le maitshwaro. Gape, tekolo yeo e sego ya maleba, e ka tšweletša kotsi ya tekolo ya setatamente se se fošagetšego sa materiale gomme, ka gona, kgopolo ya tlhakišo yeo e sego ya maleba mo setatamenteng sa ditšhelete sa khamphani. Mokgwa wa dinyakišišo tša temogo le moakanyetšo wa tshepetšo ya dinyakišišo di šomišitšwe go kwešiša ka moo bahlakiši ba lekolago ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo’ bja khamphani. Badirišani ba tlhakišo go tšwa femeng ya bahlakiši yeo e dumeletšwego ya JSE le bahlahlobibagolo go tšwa IRBA ba boledišitšwe. Go utollotšwe gore bahlakiši bao ba kgathago tema ba lekotše boetapele bja maitshwaro bja khamphani, setšo sa maitshwaro, mošomo wa taolo wa komiti ya tlhakišo le go obamela melao le melawana ge go lekolwa ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo’ wa khamphani mola go latelwa mekgwa ya taolo ya boleng. Le ge bakgathatema ba amogela bobedi gore ditekolo tša ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo’ di dirwa nakong ya peakanyo ya pele le thulaganyo ya difaele tša tlhakišo tšeo di thekgago ditekolo tše, ga se gwa ba le bohlatse ka mo difaeleng tša tlhakišo tšeo di thekgago ditekolo tše. Dikutollo tša dinyakišišo di ka thuša difeme tša tlhakišo go akaretša tlhahlo mo mekgweng ya bona ya tlhakišo mo go ditekolo tša ‘boikgafo le boetapele bja taolo’ le go ngwala ditekolo tšeo, gape di ka thuša gape IRBA ka go fa tlhahli le tlhahlo go bahlakiši mo ditekolong tšeo. / Business Management / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

The role of the school governing body and its impact on the schooling system : an exploratory study of schools in the Schoonoord Circuit, Limpopo / Rol en impak van die skoolbeheerraad op die skolestelsel : ‘n ondersoekende studie van skole in die Schoonoordkring, Limpopo / Karolo le khuetšo ya Lekgotlataolo la Sekolo (SGB) lenaneong la dikolo : phatišišo ya tlhotlamadiba ya dikolo sedikothutong sa Schoonoord, Limpopo

Malatji, Phetole Frank 09 1900 (has links)
The study aimed to determine the impact of the role of the School Governing Bodies in the schooling system with regard to the implementation of education policies, including the South African Schools Act (Act 84 of 1996 as amended). In order to determine the role of the participants mentioned above who represented the SGBs in this project, the researcher interviewed them at their convenient times and environment. This study used a qualitative approach, since it involved a series of in-depth interviews, document analysis and field notes (see 4.5.4 and 4.5.5). The first interviews were individual interviews with school principals (see Annexure A). This was followed by focus group interviews with executive members of SGBs (see Annexures B, C and D). Learners were interviewed in the form of focus groups (see Annexure E). Observations too played an important role during the meetings with SGBs (see Annexure F). The findings indicate that SGB members who were interviewed had minimal knowledge of how their role affected the schools that they governed. It was also clear from interviews that training conducted by individuals from the Department of Education seemed not to be effective as they failed to make members of the SGBs understand the school policies on the South African Schools Act policy document. The study revealed that the school policies embodied in SASA documents and the South African Constitution were not understood and as such their effective use was not realised. In other words, the members of the SGB lacked proper knowledge of how to guide their school in order to run smoothly and efficiently. Again, the study revealed that there is a serious need to train members of SGBs at the school level because those interviewed complained about: the time allocated for their training, and the language used in their training by the facilitators. All the above factors have a strong bearing on the fact that the majority of members of SGBs are illiterate (see Section 5.3.2). Finally, the study revealed that: principals are expected to perform dual roles of representing their schools (as mentors) and simultaneously represent the Department of Education in an ex-officio position (see Section 5.3.1). Therefore, the study proposed that the principal must only represent his school and a neutral person be appointed by the department to represent it in all the SGBs in the circuit. Lastly, the study emphasised the need of the SGB members to work with other qualified individuals in the community who are experts in some areas of learning such as lawyers, accountants, farmers, architects, and business people (see Figure 5.1). All stakeholders are relevant, but they need to be made to function according to their qualifications and expertise and also respect the boundaries of specialisation of the others. In conclusion, the recommended and proposed model was deliberately designed and structured to offer practical solutions to the problems discussed in the research findings. It is also essential that the training be accompanied by some assessment, in order to determine whether the SGB members have understood what they were taught. Furthermore, there should be follow-ups to ascertain to what extent the SGB members have implemented what they were taught in their schools, which is not happening at present. / Die doel van die studie was om die rol en/of impak van deelnemende skole se beheerrade op die implementering van onderwyswetgewing en/of beleid was. Aangesien die studie kwalitatief van aard was, het die navorser hoofsaaklik van waarneming en onderhoude (indiepte indiwiduele sowel as fokusgroeponderhoude) gebruik gemaak om data in te samel. Navorsingsbresultate dui aan dat deelnemende skoolbeheerraadslede se geletterdheidsvaardighede en begrip van onderwyswetgewing en beleid gebrekkig is en dat opleiding wat deur amptenare verbonde aan die Departement van Onderwys verskaf is gebrekkig was. Gevolglik was die imlementering van onderwyswetgewing en beleid deur genoemde skoolbeheerrade as ‘n reël ondoeltreffend. Die resultate dui verder aan dat daar van skoolhoofde verwag word om sowel hul skole as die Department van Onderwys op skoolbeheerraadsvergaderings te verteenwoordig en dat, ten einde hul skole doeltreffend te bestuur, skoolbeheerraadslede ander gekwalifiseerde/professionele indiwidue in die gemeenskap – regsgeleerdes, boekhouers, boere, argitekte and besigheidsmense – in die skoolbeheerraad se aktiwiteite behoort te betrek. Op grond van hierdie bevindinge beveel die navorser dus aan dat (a) skoolhoofde slegs hulle skole op skoolbeheerraadsvergaderings behoort te verteenwoordig; (b) ‘n neutrale persoon deur die Departement van Onderwys aangestel word om dié se verteenwoordiger te wees; (c) die teoretiese opleidingsmodel wat hy in sy studie voorstel, moontlik kan bdra tot die uitskakeling van heelparty van die probleme/uitdagings wat in die studie uitgelig word; (d) opleiding een of ander vorm van assessering moet insluit ten einde te bepaal of bywonende skoolbeheerraadslede die nodige begrip verwerf het, en (e) opleiding deur skoolbesoeke opgevolg word om te bepaal tot welke mate dit skoolbeheerraadslede tydens opleiding geleer het toepas. / Maikemišetšo a phatišišo ye ke go utulla karalo yeo lekgotlataolo la sekolo le nago nayo go lenaneo la sekolo malebana le phethagatšo ya melawana ya thuto, le go akaretšwa le lenaneo la Taolo ya Dikolo (Act 84 of 1996 as amended). Gore go hlaolwe karalo ya batšeakarolo ba ka gare ga SGB tabeng ye, mofatišiši o boledišane le bona tikologong le nako yeo e ba swanetšego.Phatišišo e dirišitše mokgwa wa boleng ka ge go akareditšwe dipoledišano tša go tsenelela le phetleko ya dingwalwa tša maleba (cf 4.5.4 le 4.5.5).Poledišano ya pulamadibogo ke ya dihlogo tša dikolo (cf Annexure A).Seo se latetšwe ke dipoledišanothwi le maloko a makgotlaphethiši a makgotlataolo a dikolo (cf Annexures B, C le D). Go boledišanwe le barutwana ka sebopego sa dihlophana (cf Annexure E). Diphihlelelo le tšona di bile bohlokwa dikopanong tša makgotlataolo a dikolo (cf Annexure F). Dikutullo di laeditše gore maloko a SGB a go boledišanwego le ona, a na le tsebo ye nnyane ya ka moo batšeakarolo bja ona, bo nago le khuetšo dikolong tšeo ba di laolago. Dipoledišano di laeditše gore tlhahlo yeo balaodi ba Kgoro ya Thuto ba e abetšego maloko a SGB e a fokola ka ge e šitwa go kgontšha maloko a SGB go hlaologanya melawana ya thuto yeo e tšwago go molao wa taolo ya dikolo. Phatišišo e utulotše gore melawana ya thuto ye e akareditšwego ka go dingwalwa tša Molaotheo wa Afrika Borwa, ga e kwešišwe le gore ga e phethagatšwe ka tshwanelo. Maloko a SGB a hlaelelwa ke tsebo ya maleba go ka kgona go hlahla dikolo gore di sepetšwe ka katlego. Phatišišo e utulotše gape gore go tsomega tlhahlo ya maloko a SGB dikolong. Dintlha tše di laeditšwego di gatelela taba ya gore boati bja maloko a makgotlataolo a dikolo ga kgone go bala le go ngwala (cf 5.3.2). Mafelelong, go latetšwe gore dihlogo tša dikolo di raloke karalo ya go emela dikolo tša bona le go emela Kgoro ya Thuto ka bo emo bja semmušo (cf 5.3.1). Phatišišo e šišinya gore hlogo ya sekolo a emele sekolo sa gagwe gomme motho wa go ikema a emele Kgoro ya Thuto makgotlataolong a dikolo sedikothutong. Phatišišo e fetša ka go hlohleletša maloko a SGB go dirišana le ditsebi mafaphene a tša semolao, taolo ya ditšhelete le, balemi le ba bangwe (cf 5.1). Batšeakarolo ba bohlokwa ka moka ge go ka hlomphiwa bokgoni bja yo mongwe le yo mongwe. Go phethwa ka gore mokgwa wa tlhahlo o swanetšwe go sepelelana le tokelo go kgonthišiša kwešišo ya maloko a SGB go tšeo ba rutilwego. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

A talent management model for medium sized enterprises in Uganda

Ndawula, Gerald January 2018 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in Zulu and SePedi / Business-oriented studies have revealed that medium-sized enterprises greatly contribute to economic growth and socio-economic development of developed and emerging economies like Uganda. At the same time, these enterprises are faced with copious challenges, and chief among them, is a general lack of prudent talent management model(s) and talented people to propel them forward in order to sustain competitiveness. The aim of the present research undertaking was to develop a model for talent management that could be applied by medium-sized enterprises in Uganda to attract and retain talented people with the view to sustain survival, growth, development and competitiveness. The study evolved on the thesis statement that the characteristics of an enterprise (i.e., main business, number of employees, years of existence, technological advancement, ownership arrangement, location and active website) and managerial characteristics (i.e., level of competition, performance rating of the enterprise, leadership style, owners participation, academic attainment of the General Manager/Chief Executive Officer and academic attainment of Assistant General Manager/Assistant Chief Executive Officer) influence the direction and dynamics of talent management (i.e., talent identification, leadership talent development, talent development for hard to fill positions, higher position talent development, cohort of talent, talent utilization and reward management) in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. A mixed research design was adopted. Primary data was obtained through a survey questionnaire and interviews of management experts were conducted, using the theoretical sampling technique. The interviews were meant to obtain the underlying in-depth factors pertaining to emerging issues from the quantitative data analysis. Based on the Business Register for the year 2006, the total population of the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda stood at 58,512 and the targeted sample of 600 medium sized enterprises was statistically arrived at. 570 medium-sized enterprises responded positively to the study. This gave a response rate of 95%, which was classified as excellent. The measuring instrument yielded an overall Cronbach Alpha value of 0.77 which implied that the instrument was reliable to conduct the study. A variable was generated to measure talent management. This was done by the application of STATA Version 13.0. Linear regression analysis was conducted for all the seven research questions for the study. The model fit was good because the probability value (0.000) was less than 0.05 and the conclusions were made at 95 per cent level of confidence. Using the adjusted model, it was established that main business, technological advancement, ownership structure and location of enterprises significantly influence talent management in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. In addition, it was revealed that performance rating, leadership style, owners participation and academic attainment of the assistant general managers significantly influence the dynamics and direction of talent management in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. These findings formed the developed talent management model for medium-sized enterprises. The fundamental theoretical contribution of this investigation was the development of a talent management model for medium-sized enterprises in Uganda, in the context of developing countries. The practical worth of the model is its application to strengthen talent management in the medium-sized enterprises with the view to sustain survival, growth, development and competitiveness. The recommendations of the study are that: the dependency of medium sized enterprises in Uganda on general management aspects without embracing fundamental ingredients of talent management is a risky business venture; and medium-sized enterprises in Uganda must revisit their talent identification, talent development initiatives, talent retention programs, talent utilization and reward management systems. This will permit them to be aligned with the volatile competitive business environment. Medium-sized enterprises must continuously re-examine leadership talent development initiatives in order to enhance business leaders with the view to attain long term sustainability. / Izingcwaningo eziphathelene nebhizinisi sezikuvezile ukuthi amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu anegalelo elikhulukazi ekukhulisweni komnotho kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwenhlalomnotho yamazwe aneminotho esithuthukile kanye nalawo aneminotho esafufusa njenge-Uganda. Kusenjalo, lawa mabhizinisi azithola ebhekene nezinkinga eziningi, futhi enkulu kunazo zonke, wukuntuleka kwemodeli noma amamodeli okuphathwa kwabasebenzi, ngokunjalo nokuntuleka kwabasebenzi abanekhono abazokwazi ukuqhubekisela phambili amabhizinisi lawo ukuze akwazi ukukhula futhi adlondlobale emsebenzini wawo webhizinisi lapho kunesimo sokuncintisana okukhulu phakathi kwamabhizinisi. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo lwamanje kwabe kuwukuthuthukisa imodeli yokuphathwa kwabasebenzi engasetshenziswa emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ase-Uganda, ngenhloso yokuheha nokugcina abantu abanamakhono ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi amabhizinisi ayaqhubeka nokusebenza, ayakhula, ayathuthuka futhi ayakwazi ukuncintisana ngempumelelo emkhakheni wezebhizinisi. Lolu cwaningo kwathuthukiselwa phezu kwesitatimende sethisisi esithi izici-bunjalo zebhizinisi (okusho umsebenzi oyinhloko owenziwa yibhizinisi, inani labasebenzi, iminyaka esiphelile lasungulwa futhi likhona, ukuthuthuka noqhukubekela kwalo phambili kwezobuchwepheshe, isimo sobunikazi, indawo elisebenzela kuyona kanye newebhusayithi esebenzayo) kanye nezici-bunjalo eziphathelene nokuphathwa kwebhizinisi (okusho, izinga lokuncintisana, isilinganiso-kusebenza sebhizinisi, isitayela sobuholi, ukubamba iqhaza komnikazi, izinga lemfundo eliphakeme afinyelele kulona uMphathi-jikelele/uMphathi Omkhulu kanye nezinga lemfundo eliphakeme elifinyelele kulona iPhini loMphathi-jikelele/iPhini loMphathi Omkhulu) kunomthelela emgudwini kanye nezinqubo-kusebenza zokuphathwa kwabasebenzi (okusho, ukuhlonzwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono lobuholi, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono lokugcwalisa izikhala okunzima kakhulu ukuzigcwalisa, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abazongena ezikhundleni eziphakeme, iqembulabasebenzi abanekhono, ukusetshenziswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono kanye nokuphathwa kwemivuzo) emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda.ngobukhulu abamba iqhaza ngenkuthalo kulolu cwaningo. Lokhu kwahlinzeka ngezinga lokusabela elingama-95%, okuyizinga elithathwa njengelihle kakhulu. Ithuluzi lokukala lakhiqiza inani-bungakho eliphelele le-Cronbach Alpha elingu 0.77 okusho ukuthi leli thuluzi labe liyithuluzi elithembakele futhi elifanelekile ukwenza ucwaningo. Kwenziwa isikali esiguquguqukayo sokukala ukuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono. Lokhu kwenziwa nokusebenzisa i-STATA Version 13.0. Kwenziwa uhlaziyo lwe-linear regression maqondana nayo yonke imibuzo yocwaningo eyisikhombisa. Ukufaneleka kwemodeli kwabe kukuhle kakhulu ngoba i-probability value (0.000) yabe ingaphansi kuka-0.05 futhi imibono yokuphothula yenziwa yafinyelele ezingeni lokuthembakala elingama-95%. Ngokusebenzisa imodeli ehlelwe kabusha, kwatholakala ukuthi umsebenzi oyinhloko owenziwa yibhizinisi, ukuthuthuka nokuqhubekela kwalo phambili kwezobuchwepheshe, isimo sobunikazi kanye nendawo asebenzela kuyona amabhizinisi kunomthethela omkhulu ekuphathweni kwabasebenzi emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ezweni lase-Uganda. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo lwakuveza ukuthi isilinganiso-kusebenza, isitayela sobuholi, ukubamba iqhaza komnikazi kanye nezinga lemfundo eliphakeme elifinyelele kulona iphini lomphathi, kunomthelela kwizinqubo-kusebenza kanye nasemgudwini wokuphathwa kwabasebenzi emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda. Le miphumela etholakele ocwaningweni yakha imodeli yokuphathwa kwabasebenzi ethuthukisiwe, eqondiswe emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu. Igalelo eliyisisekelo, eliphathelene nethiyori, elenziwe yilolu cwaningo wukuthuthukiswa kwemodeli yabasebenzi eyenzelwe amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda, ngokwesimo esiqondene namazwe asathuthuka. Ukusebenziseka nokubaluleka okuphathekayo kwale modeli wukusetshenziswa kwayo ekuqiniseni ukuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi amabhizinisi ayaqhubeka nokusebenza, ayakhula, ayathuthuka futhi ayakwazi ukuncintisana ngempumelelo emkhakheni wezebhizinisi. Izincomo zocwaningo wukuthi: ukuthembela kwamabhizinisi aphakathi ngobukhulu ase-Uganda ezinqubweni zokuphatha ezijwayelekile ngaphandle kokuqinisekisa ukubhekelelwa kwezinto ezisemqoka kakhulu futhi eziyisisekelo sokuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono kuyinto eyingozi kakhulu ebhizinisini; futhi amabhizinisi amaphakathi ase-Uganda kumele abuyekeze noma abhekisise izindlela nezinqubo zazo eziphathelene nokuhlonza abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zazo zokuthuthukisa abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zokugcina abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zokusebenzisa abasebenzi abanekhono kanye nezinhlelo zokuphathwa kwemivuzo. Lokhu kuzokwenza ukuthi lawa mabhizinisi akwazi ukuhambisana nesimo sebhizinisi esinokuncintisana okunzima impela. Amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu kumele aqhubeke nokuhlola nokubhekisisa kabusha izinhlelo zokuthuthukiswa kobuholi bebhizinisi ukuze kuthuthukiswe abaholi bebhizinisi ngenhloso yokuqinisekisa ukusimama kwesikhathi eside. / Dithuto tša go šetša kgwebo di utullotše gore dikgwebo ya bogolo bja magareng bo dira seabe se segolo go kgolo ya ikonomi le tlhabollo ya ikonomi le leago ya diikonomi tšeo ditšwelelago go swana le Uganda. Ka nako e tee, dikgwebo di lebane le mathata a magolo, bjo bogolo go fetiša ke hlokego ya kakaretšo motlolo wa taolo ya talente le batho ba go ba le talente ba kgoromeletša go re go kgone go kgotleletšwa phadišano. Nepo ya matsapa a diphatišišo tša bjalo e be e le go tlhabolla motlolo wa taolo ya talente yeo e bego e ka šomišwa ke dikgwebo tša magareng mo Uganda go gokagoketša le go rua batho ba go ba le talente ka maikemišetšo a go tšwetša pele go phomelela, kgolo, tlhabollo le go kgona go phadišana. Thuto ye e gatetše pele ka go setatamente sa thesise ya go re dimelo tša kgwebo (ke go re., kgwebo ya motheo, palo ya bašomi, mengwaga ya go ba gona, kgatelopele ya thekenolotši, peakanyo ya bong, lefelo le weposaete ya go šoma) le dimelo tša bolaodi (ke go re., maemo a phadišano, kelo ya mašomelo a kgwebo, mokgwa wa boetapele, botšeakarolo bja mong, phihlelelo ya dithuto tša Molaodikakaretšo/Molaodiphethiši le phihlelelo ya dithuto ya 14 Motlatšamolaodikakaretšo/Motlatšamolaodiphethiši) do huetša tsela le mathaithai a taolo ya talente (ke go re., tlhaolo ya talente, tlhabollo ya talente ya boetapele, tlhabollo ya talente ya diposo tšeo go lego boima go di tlatša, tlhabollo ya talente ya diposo tša godingwana, yuniti ya talente, tšhomišo ya talente le taolo ya difoka) ka go dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda. Tlhamo ya hlakahlakano ya diphatišišo e kgethilwe. Datha ya motheo e hweditšwe ka letlakalapotšišo la dinyakišišo le ditsebi tša taolo ya dipoledišano tša mošomo di dirilwe, go šomiša mokgwa wa go dira sampole ya teori. Dipoledišano tša mošomo di be di diretšwe go hwetša dintlha tša motheo tša go tsenelela mabapi le ditaba tšeo di tšwelelago go tšwa go tekolo ya datha ya dipalopalo. Ge go lebeletšwe Retšisetara ya Kgwebo ya ngwaga wa 2006, palomoka ya setšhaba sa dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda e be e eme go 58,512 le sampole yeo e nepilwego ya dikgwebo tša magareng tše 600 di fihlile go ya ka dipalopalo go dikgwebo tše 570 tša magareng tšeo di ikarabetšego ka tshwanelo go thuto ye. Se se file kelo ya dikarabo ya diperesente tše 95 tše di hlophilwego bjalo ka tša maemo a godimo. Sedirišwa sa go ela se fihleletše palomoka ya boleng bja Cronbach Alpha ya 0.77 yeo e laeditšwego go re sedirišwa se se tshepegile go diragatša thuto ye. Sefapantšhi se hlamilwe go ela taolo ya talente. Se se dirilwe ka tšhomišo ya STATA Version 13.0. Poelomorago ya kelo ya tatelano e dirilwe go dipotšišo ka moka tše šupa tša diphatišišo tša thuto. Mohuta wo wa motlolo o be o le botse ka gobane boleng bja kgonagalo e be e le (0.000) ka fase ga 0.05 le dithumo di dirilwe ka diperesente tše 95 tša maemo a boitshepo. Go šomišwa motlolo wo o beakantšwego, go hwetšagetše go re kgwebo ye kgolo, kgatelopele ya thekenolotši, sebopego sa bong le lefelo la dikgwebo di huetša kudu taolo ya talente ka go dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda. Go tlaleletša, go tšweleditše go re kelo ya mašomelo, mokgwa wa boetapele, botšeakarolo bja mong le phihlelelo ya dithuto tša batlatšabalaodikakaretšo di huetša kudu mathaithai le khuetšo le tsela ya taolo ya talente ka go kgwebo ya magareng mo Uganda. Dipoelo tše di hlamilwe motlolo wa taolo ya talente wa dikgwebo tša magareng. Seabe sa teori ya motheo sa dinyakišišo tše ke tlhabollo ya motlolo wa taolo ya talente wa dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda ka go lefapha la dinaga tšeo di hlabologago. Boleng bja nnete bja motlolo wo ke tšhomišo ya wona go matlafatša taolo ya talente ka go dikgwebo tša magareng ka tebelelo ya go tšwetšapele go phela, kgolo, tlhabollo le go kgona go phadišana. 15 Ditigelo tša thuto ke go re: go ithekga ga dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda go merero ya kakaretšo ntle le go amogela ditswakwa tša motheo tša taolo ya talente ke kgwebo ye kotsi; le dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda di swanetše go boela go tlhaolo ya bona ya talente, matsapa a tlhabollo ya talente, mananeo a go swarelela talente, tšhomišo ya talente le tshepedišo ya taolo ya difoka. Se se tla ba dumelela go sepelelana le tikologo yeo e tekatekago ya kgwebo. Dikgwebo tša magareng di swanetše go tšwela pele go lekolaleswa matsapa a tlhabollo ya talente ya boetapele go re go kgontšhwe baetapele ba kgwebo ka maikemišetšo a go fihlelela kgatelopele ya go ya go ile. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.

Gender and dramatic discourse with reference to Zakes Mda's selected plays.

Ntuli, Zanele Nonhlanhla 09 1900 (has links)
Text in English, Tswana and siSwati / This dissertation examines the multiplicity of social positions within which African women in the postcolonial era find themselves. It focuses on how the dramatic dialogue depicts the positions of women in Zakes Mda’sThe Nun’s Romantic Story, And the Girls in their Sunday Dresses and You Fool, How can the Sky Fall. The study is intended to explore the dramatic dialogue in these plays and to show whether there is any evidence of change in women’s positions. It seeks to demonstrate the extent to which the positions of women have changed and also how the dramatic dialogue in the selected plays of Zakes Mda indicates the change in women’s positions. / Thutopatlisiso eno e tlhatlhoba maemo a loago a mantsintsi a basadi ba maAforika ba ba tshelang mo motlheng wa morago ga puso ya bokoloniale ba iphitlhelang ba le mo go ona. E tota ka moo puisano ya terama e bontshang maemo a basadi ka gona mo The Nun’s Romantic Story, And the Girls in their Sunday Dresses le You Fool, How can the Sky Fall tsa ga Zakes Mda. Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso ke go sekaseka puisano ya terama mo metshamekong eno go bontsha gore a go na le bosupi bope jwa diphetogo mo maemong a basadi. E batla go bontsha ka moo maemo a basadi a fetogileng ka gona le ka moo puisano ya terama mo metshamekong e e tlhophilweng ya ga Zakes Mda e bontshang diphetogo mo maemong a basadi ka gona. / Ledisetheshini ihlolisisa tikhundlanyenti tetenhlalo bomake base-Afrika labatitfola bakuto ngemuva kwesikhatsi sembuso webukolonali (umbusobucalu). Igcile ekutsini inkhulumomphendvulwane emidlalweni yaZakes Mda itikhombisa kanjani letikhundla tabomake; i-The Nun’s Romantic Story [Indzaba yelutsandvo yemasisitela], ne-Girls in their Sunday Dresses [Emantfombatana etingutjeni tawo teLisontfo] ne-You Fool [Wena Silima], How can the Sky Fall [Singawa kanjani Sibhakabhaka]. Lolucwaningo lwentelwe kuhlolisisa inkhulumomphendvulwane kulemidlalo kanye nekukhombisa kutsi ingabe bukhona yini bufakazi bengucuko etikhundleni tabomake. Ifuna kukhombisa kutsi tikhundla tabomake tigucuke kangakanani kanye nekutsi inkhulumomphendvulwane emidlalweni lekhetsiwe yaZakes Mda ikukhombisa kanjani kugucuka kwetikhundla tabomake. / English Studies / M.A.(Theory of Literature)

The relationship between dividend policy and agency problems of financial services companies listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange

Bhomoyi, Mzwamadoda Nelson 01 1900 (has links)
The relevance or irrelevance of dividend payments has been the topic of much discussion for the past eight decades. The primary objective of this study was to determine the relationship between dividend policy and agency problems of financial services companies listed on the (JSE). Dividend Policy and the Agency Theory underpinned the study. Secondary data of sampled listed financial companies for the period 2005-2016 was sourced from IRESS database. Data was analysed using EViews version 9. The results revealed that the presence of institutional ownership resolves the asymmetry information problems, and, reduces the need to pay dividends. The results also revealed that 54.69% of JSE listed companies under the financials’ services sector practise dividend decisions. The results further revealed that the dividend payout ratio is positively correlated with ROE and LEV, and negatively correlated INST, DIRS and FOREIGN variables. The results confirmed the existence of agency problems on listed financial services companies. / Ukubaluleka okanye ukungabaluleki kokuhlawula izahlulo bekusoloko kusisihloko sengxoxo kumashumi asibhozo eminyaka edluleyo. Injongo ephambili yesi sifundo yayikukufumanisa ulwalamano phakathi komgaqo nkqubo wezahlulelo neengxaki zobumeli (ubuarhente) beenkampani ezinikezela ngeenkonzo zemicimbi yoqoqosho nezidweliswe kwiJohannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). Izisekelo zesi sifundo nguMgaqo Nkqubo Wezahlulo (Dividend Policy) neNgcingane Yobumeli (Agency Theory). Iqela lesibini ledatha yeenkampani ezidwelisiweyo kwiminyaka ye-2005– 2016 yafunyanwa kwiqula leedatha elaziwa ngokuba yi-IRESS database. Idatha yahlalutywa ngokusebenzisa isixhobo sohlalutyo iEViews version 9. Iziphumo zadiza ukuba ubukho babanini kwiziko loshishino buyazisombulula iingxaki zonxibelelwano olungalingani kakuhle kwaye kuyasicutha isidingo sokuhlawula izahlulo. Kwakhona, iziphumo zadiza ukuba ama-54.69% eenkampani ezidweliswe kwiJSE, phantsi kodidi lweenkampani ezinikezela ngeenkonzo zemicimbi yoqoqosho, enza izigqibo zezahlulo. Iziphumo zaphinda zadiza ukuba intlawulo yezahlulo ihambelana kakuhle neenqobo zeROE neLEV, kanti azihambelani neenqobo zeINST, ezeDIRS kunye nekuthiwa ziFOREIGN. Ezi ziphumo zangqina ukuba kukho iingxaki zobumeli/ubuarhente kwiinkampani ezinikezela ngeenkonzo zemicimbi yoqoqosho / Bonnete le go se be bonnete ga ditefelo tša letseno e bile hlogo ya ditherišano tše dintši mo mo dingwagasome tše seswai tša go feta. Nepo ya motheo ya thuto ye ke go ela kamano gare ga pholisi le mathata a dikhamphani tša ditirelo tša Matlotlo tšeo di lego lenaneong la Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). Pholisi ya Ditseno le Teori ya Etšensi ke motheo wa thuto ye. Datha ya magareng ya dikhamphani tša mašeleng tšeo di lego lenaneong la paka ya 2005–2016 e be e hwetšagala go tšwa go lenaneo la datha la IRESS. Datha e sekasekilwe go šomišwa EViews version 9. Dipoelo di utullotše gore go ba gona ga bong ka gare ga sehlongwa go rarolla mathata a tshedimošo ya go se lekalekane, le go fokotša nyakego ya go lefa mašokotšo. Dipoelo le tšona di tšweleditše go re diperesente tše 54.69 tša dikhamphani tšeo di lego lenaneong la JSE ka fase ga ditirelo tša sekgao sa go phethagatša diphetho tša mašokotšo. Dipoelo di tšwetša pele go utulla go re ditekanyetšo tša ditefelo tša mašokotšo du sepelelana gabotse le ROE le LEV, le go sepelelana gannyane le INST, DIRS le FOREIGN. Dipoelo di netefatša go ba gona ga mathata a Etšensi ao a ngwadilwego lenaneong la dikhamphani tša ditirelo tša mašeleng / Abstracts in English, Zulu, Sepedi / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Secondary teachers' views regarding learners' awareness on household waste management in Newcastle South Africa

Moyo, Khumbulani 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Sotho and Zulu / Waste generation is a global problem encountered by many nations. In recent years, population growth, booming urbanisation, an increase in economic activities and rise of communities’ living standards have significantly escalated household waste generation which has been a cause for concern. Waste production in households and schools imposes serious concern on the environment. To curb further depletion of environmental resources, sustainable consumption and household waste management practices and systems cannot be over emphasised. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the views of secondary school teachers’ views with regard to learners’ awareness of household waste management in Newcastle, South Africa. This study, following a qualitative approach, adopted a case study design to explore secondary teachers’ views on learners’ awareness on household waste management in the Newcastle municipality, in the Amajuba District, South Africa. By using semi- structured interviews, non-participatory observation and documents analysis, data were collected from three secondary schools and nine teachers, teaching Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Life Orientation in Grade 8. The findings revealed that teachers understand the importance and benefits of household waste management although misconceptions of household waste management still prevailed. A challenge that emerged showed that teachers lack training to successfully integrate household waste management in their subjects. Their failure to identify household waste management themes in their CAPS subjects was sufficient evidence for the urgency of in-service training of teachers to assist them in integrating environmental education (EE) themes such as household waste management in their subjects. Although teachers experienced several challenges regarding implementing the theme of household waste management in their subjects, they considered the benefits outweighed the challenges. / Tlhahiso ya ditshila ke bothata bo aparetseng dinaha tse ngata. Dilemong tsa morao tjena, kgolo ya baahi, ho eketseha ha ditoropo, ho eketseha ha mesebetsi ya moruo, le ho phahama ha maemo a bophelo a baahi ho ekeditse tlhahiso ya ditshila tsa malapa ka mokgwa o bonahalang, e leng seo e leng sesosa sa ho tshwenyeha. Tlhahiso ya ditshila malapeng le dikolong e baka mathata a tebileng tikolohong. Ho thibela ho qepha ho eketsehileng ha mehlodi ya tikoloho, tshebediso e tsitsitseng le ditlwaelo tsa taolo ya ditshila tsa malapeng le ditsamaiso ho hloka ho elwa hloko ka tsela e kgethehileng. Kahoo, sepheo sa phuputso e ne e le ho hlahloba maikutlo a matitjhere a dikolo tse mahareng mabapi le tlhokomediso ya baithuti ka taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa Newcastle, Afrika Borwa. Phuputso, ka ho sebedisa mokgwa wa boleng, e amohetse moralo wa phuputso e ikgethileng ho hlahloba maikutlo a matitjhere a dikolo tse bohareng hodima tlhokomediso ya baithuti mabapi le taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa mmasepaleng wa Newcastle, Seterekeng sa Amajuba, Afrika Borwa. Ka ho sebedisa dipuisano tse hlophisitsweng hantle, tlhahlobo e sa kenyelletseng bonkakarolo le manollo ya ditokomane, datha e ile ya bokellwa ho tswa dikolong tse tharo tse bohareng le ho matitjhere a robong, a rutang Saense ya Tlhaho, Saense ya Phedisano le Thuto ya Bophelo bakeng sa baithuti ba Sehlopha sa 8. Diphetho di senotse hore matitjhere a utlwisisa bohlokwa le melemo ya taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa le hoja maikutlo a fosahetseng mabapi le taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa a ntse a atile. Phephetso e ileng ya hlaha e bontsha hore matitjhere a haellwa ke kwetliso ya ho kenyelletsa ka katleho taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona. Ho hloleha ho kgetholla dihlooho tsa taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona tsa CAPS e ne e le bopaki bo lekaneng ba ho potlaka ha kwetliso ya matitjhere a tshebetsong ho ba thusa ho kenyelletsa dihlooho tsa thuto ya tikoloho (EE) jwalo ka taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona. Leha ele hore matitjhere a ile a ba le diphephetso mabapi le ho kenyelletsa dihlooho tsa taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona, ba ile ba utlwa hore melemo e feta diphephetso. / Ukukhiqizeka kukadoti kuyinkinga ehlangabezana nezizwe eziningi emhlabeni. Eminyakeni esanda kudlula, ukukhula kwenani labantu, ukukhula kwamadolobha, ukukhula kwemisebenzi yamabhizinisi kanye nokukhuphuka kwezinga lempilo yabantu yikho okuye kwadala ukuthi imizi ikhiqize izinga eliphezulu likadoti/lenkukuma, okuyinkinga ebekade ivele isikhona. Ukukhiqizeka kukadoti emakhaya kanye nasezikoleni kudala izinkinga ezibi kakhulu endaweni. Ukuqeda ukumoshakala/ukuguga kwemithombo yezendawo okuqhubekela phambili, kusobala ukuthi kudingeka izindlela ezisimelele zokugaywa kukadothi kanye nezindlela zokulawula kukadothi kanti konke lokhu kuyiqiniso elingenakuphikiswa. Ngakho-ke, inhloso yocwaningo kwakuwukuphenya imibono yabafundisi bezikole zamabanga aphakeme mayelana nokuxwayisa uhlelo lokulawulwa kukadoti endaweni yase Newcastle, eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo ngokulandela indlela yocwaningo eyencike kwingxoxo, luye lwalandela idizayini yocwaningo lotho ukuphenya imibono yabafundisi bamabanga aphakeme mayelana nokuxwayiswa kwabafundi ngokulawulwa kukadoti emakhaya ngaphansi kukamasipaladi waseNewcastle, ongaphansi kwesiFunda saseMajuba, eNingizimu Afrika. Idatha iye yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo embaxambili, kwahlaziywa indlela yokuziphatha futhi kwahlaziywa imibhalo, kanti le datha iqoqwe ezikoleni zamabanga aphakeme ezintathu kanye nakubafundisi abayisishiyagalolunye, okungabafundisi abafundisa izifundo phecelezi Natural Sciences, Social Sciences kanye neLife Orientation yabafundi bakaGreyidi 8. Ulwazi olutholakele luveze ukuthi abafundisi bazwisisa ukubaluleka kanye nezinzuzo zohlelo lokulawulwa kukadoti, yize kusekhona ukudideka/ukungazwisisani mayelana nohlelo lokulawula ukuphatha kukadoti. Inselelo ebonakele, ikhombise ukuthi abafundisi baswela ukuqeqeshwa ukuze bakwazi ukuzwisisa kahle uhlelo lokulawulwa kukadoti kwizifundo zabo. Ukwehluleka kwabo ukwehlukanisa izindikimba zokulawulwa kukadoti emakhaya ezifundweni zabo zeCAPS kuye kwaba wubufakazi obanele besidingo esisheshayo sokuqeqeshwa kwabafundisi abasemsebenzini ukubanceda ukuba bakwazi ukuhlanganisa izindikimba zezifundo zezendawo environmental education (EE) ezinjengokulawulwa kukadoti ezifundweni zabo.Yize abafundisi behlangabezana nezinselele ezimbalwa mayelana nokusebenzisa indikimba yokulawulwa kukadoti ezifundweni zabo, baye babona ukuthi izinzuzo zalokhu zedlula izinselele. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Environmental Education Curriculum)

A transdisciplinary approach to dealing with child offenders with psychiatric disorders

Geoffrey, Leandre Christina 12 1900 (has links)
This study aimed to develop a framework for improved legislation, methods of practice and services used to meet the best interest of child offenders with psychiatric disorders within the South African child justice system. This aim was achieved via a qualitative study, which evaluated child justice and mental health legislation, methods of practice, role-players, and services in South Africa, and compared same to those in Namibia, Botswana, and Nigeria; to establish if the best interest of child offenders with psychiatric disorders are currently met from a South African perspective. Data collection occurred in two phases: a document analysis of legislation, policies, and procedures in the selected comparative jurisdictions; followed by semi-structured interviews with child justice and mental health experts. During phase one the researcher analysed child justice and mental health legislation, human rights protections, and policy related to child justice in Nigeria, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. In addition, she interrogated literature relating to child justice and mental health, in comparative jurisdictions. This phase formed the foundation for the semi-structured interview schedule. Purposive and theoretical sampling was used to conduct 24 semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed and interpreted using pure qualitative document and thematic analysis. The overarching findings indicate that the best interest of child offenders with psychiatric disorders, in the South African child justice system, are unprotected. This vulnerable group is not dealt with from an individualised, case-specific, multi-disciplinary perspective; informed by legislation, practice-policy, and a service-orientated approach. Further, certain domestic legislation and methods of practice are inadequate in holistically assessing a child who comes into conflict with the law in the jurisdictions of comparison. Further findings identified that biological, psychological, environmental, cultural, and social factors influence the development of psychiatric disorders in children, which may bring them into conflict with the law. This study further confirmed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Intellectual Development Disorder, Learning Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder are prevalent in children who iv come into conflict with the law. Further, substance abuse disorder, depression and attachment disorder were identified as predominant factors affecting children who come into conflict with the law. The influence of these factors, in conjunction with biological, psychological, environmental, cultural, and social factors, were found to predispose children to psychiatric disorders linked to criminal behaviour. Thus, to meet the best interest standard; children in conflict with the law must be dealt with using a multi-factorial approach which considers biological, environmental, social, cultural, and psychological factors. In this way, the behaviour of child offenders with psychiatric disorders will be addressed holistically in a manner that considers all factors influencing behaviour. The empirical data supported the recommendations used to develop a trans-disciplinary framework for child offenders with psychiatric disorders. / Olu phononongo lwesi sifundo lujolise ekuphuhliseni isakhelo somthetho ophuculiweyo, iindlela zokusebenza kunye neenkonzo ukwenzela ukunikezela ezona zilungileyo iimfuno zabantwana abangabaphuli-mthetho benengulo yesifo sengqondo kwinkqubo yobulungisa yabantwana eMzantsi Afrika. Le njongo yaphunyezwa ngokwenziwa kwezifundo ezisemgangathweni ezahlola umthetho wobulungisa kubantwana kunye nomthetho olawula ezempilo ngokwengqondo, iindlela zokusebenza, abathathi-nxaxheba kunye neenkonzo eMzantsi Afrika. Ezi zathi ngoko zathelekiswa nomthetho, umsebenzi abathathi-nxaxheba kunye neenkonzo eNamibia, eBotswana, kunye naseNigeria ukufumanisa ukuba iimfanelo ezizizo zabantwana abangabaphuli-mthetho abaneengxaki zengqondo bayanakekelwa ngoku eMzantsi Afrika. Ukuqokelelwa kweenkcukacha kwenzeka kumanqanaba amabini: uhlalutyo lwemiqulu yomthetho, umgaqo-nkqubo kunye nenkqubo; Ukucazululwa kwamaxwebhu/kwemiqulu omthetho, umgaqo-nkqubo kunye neenkqubo ezikhethiweyo zothelekiso kulawulo lwezobulungisa, lilandelwe ludliwano-ndlebe olungahlelwanga ngokupheleleyo neengcaphephe/neengcali zezobulungisa lwabantwana kunye nemilo yezengqondo. Kwinqanaba lokuqala umphandi ucazulule umthetho wobulungisa kubantwana kunye nempilo yezengqondo, ukhuseleko lwamalungelo oluntu.kunye nemigaqo-nkqubo ehambelana/ enxulumene nobulungisa kubantwana eNigeria, eBotswana, eNamibia naseMzantsi Afrika. Ukongezelela walugocagoca uncwadi olubhekisele kubulungisa babantwana nezempilo yezengqondo kulawulo lwezobulungisa Eli nqanaba libe sisiseko soludwe lwenkqubo yodliwano-ndlebe olungamiselwanga ngokupheleleyo. Isampulu enenjongo neyingcingane yasetyenziswa ukuze kuqhutywe udliwano-ndlebe olungama-24 olungahlelwanga ngokupheleleyo. Ulwazi (idata) lwacalulwa lwacaciswa kusetyenziswa uxwebhu olusemgangathweni kunye nocalulo (analysis) olusemxholweni. Iziphumo ezicacileyo/eziqaqambileyo eziluphahla zibonisa ukuba okukokona kulungele abantwana abangabaphuli-mthetho abaneengxaki zezengqondo, abakhuselekanga kwinkqubo yezobulungisa babantwana eMzantsi Afrika. Eli qela lingakhuselekanga alivelelwa ngokomntu neengxaki zakhe yedwa, ngokwengxaki yakhe ngokuthe ngqo kusetyenziswe indlela ezahlukileyo ezilawulwa ngumthetho, ngumgaqo-nkqubo osebenzayo nokuvelela ngendlela yokuziqhelanisa nemeko. Ukuya phambili, eminye yemithetho yasekhaya neendlela zokusebenza azonelanga ekuhloleni ngokupheleleyo kumntwana ohlangabezana nokuphikisana nomthetho kummandla wothelekiso. Kuphinde kwafunyaniswa ukuba iimeko zozalo, zengqondo, zendawo, zenkcubeko nezentlalo ziyaziphembelela iingxaki zezengqondo ezivelayo ebantwaneni, ezinokwenza baphikisane nomthetho. Olu phononongo luqhubeka lungqina ukuba ukunganiki ngqalelo kwingxaki yokuphaphazela, ingxaki yokukhula kwengqiqo, ingxaki yokufunda, ingxaki yenkcaso yokulungileyo/ ukudelela kunye nengxaki yokuziphatha zixhaphakile kubantwana (abonayo) abaphikisana nomthetho. Ingxaki yokusebenzisa iziyobisi, ingcinezelo kunye nokuxhomekeka ziye zaphawulwa njengeemeko ezixhaphakileyo ezikhathaza abantwana abalwa nomthetho (abonayo). Iimpembelelo zezi meko, zidibene neemeko zozalo, zezengqondo, zendawo, zenkcubeko nezentlalo, zifunyenwe zilungiselela kwangaphambili abantwana kwezi ngxaki zezengqondo zithungelene ekuziphatheni ngokolwaphulo-mthetho. Ngoko ke ukuhlangabezana nomgangatho ofanelekileyo nobalulekileyo, ebhekelela abantwana abaphikisana nomthetho (abonayo) makusetyenzwe ngabo kusetyenziswe indlela ejongene neemeko ezininzi ezibandakanya iimeko zozalo, zendawo, zentlalo, zenkcubeko kunye nezengqondo. Ngale ndlela abantwana abaphula umthetho abanengxaki yezengqondo baya kuncedwa ngokupheleleyo ngendlela ebandakanya zonke iimeko eziphembelela ukuziphatha. Idatha ekholose ngamava avela kumava nokuboniweyo ixhasa izindululo ezenziweyo zokumisa isakhelo esisebenza kulo lonke uqeqesho lomntwana ophikisana nomthetho (owonayo) onengxaki yezengqondo. / Patlisiso ena e reretswe ho hlahisa moralo wa molao o ntlafetseng, mekgwa ya tshebetso le ditshebeletso bakeng sa molemo wa batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le mathata a kelello tshebeletsong ya toka ya bana Afrika Borwa. Morero ona o fihletswe ka boithuto ba boleng, bo lekantseng melao ya toka ya bana le ya bophelo bo botle ba kelello, mekgwa ya tshebetso, baamehi le ditshebeletso Afrika Borwa. Tsona di ile tsa bapiswa le melao, tshebetso, baamehi le ditshebeletso dinaheng tsa Namibia, Botswana le Nigeria ho fumana hore na melemo e loketseng ya batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le mathata a kelello e ya fumaneha hajwale Afrika Borwa. Pokeletso ya dintlha e etsahetse ka mekgahlelo e mmedi: manollo ya ditokomane tsa molao, melawana le mekgwatshebetso dibakeng tse kgethilweng tsa papiso tsa semolao; ho latetswe ke di-inthavu tse sa hlophiswang le ditsebi tsa toka ya bana le tsa molao wa bophelo bo botle ba kelello. Mokgahlelong wa pele mofuputsi o ile a manolla molao wa toka ya bana le wa bophelo bo botle ba kelello, ditshireletso tsa ditokelo tsa botho le melawana e amanang le toka ya bana dinaheng tsa Nigeria, Botswana, Namibia le South Africa. Ho feta moo, o ile a batlisisa dingolwa tse mabapi le toka ya bana le bophelo bo botle ba kelello dibakeng tse ka bapiswang tsa semolao. Mokgahlelo ona o bile motheo wa lenane la di-inthavu tse sa hlophiswang. Ho sebedisitswe mokgwa wa disampole wa kgetho le wa theho ya thiori ho etsa di-inthavu tse 24 tse sa hlophiswang. Dintlha di manollotswe le ho tolokwa ka manollo e sa tswakwang ya boleng ba ditokomane le ditema. Diphetho tse akaretsang di supa hore melemo e nepahetseng ya batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le mathata a kelello ha e ya sireletswa moralong wa toka ya bana wa Afrika Borwa. Sehlopha sena se kotsing ha se sebetswe ka tjhebo ya bo-motho ka mong, ya kgetsi e kgethehileng, ya mafapha a mangata e tshehedistsweng ke molao, molawana wa tshebetso le tjhebo ya tshebetso. Ho feta moo, melao e meng ya lehae le mekgwa ya tshebetso e ne e fokola bakeng sa ho lekola ngwana ka tsela e felletseng, ya iphumanang a le kgahlano le molao dibakeng tsa semolao tse neng di bapiswa. ix Ho boetse ha fumanwa hore dintlha tsa tlhaho, kelello, tikoloho, setso le botjhaba di susumetso tlhaho ya bokudi ba kelello baneng, e leng ho etsang hore ba iphumane ba le kgahlano le molao. Boithuto bona hape bo tiisitse hore bokudi ba tlholeho ya tsepamiso le ketso e fetang tekano, bokudi ba kgolo ya bohlale, bokudi ba ho ithuta, bokudi ba ho ba kgahlano le ba bang le bokudi ba boitshwaro bo bongata bakeng ba iphumanang ba le kgahlano le molao. Bokudi ba tshebediso e mpe ya tahi kapa dithethefatsi, tshithabelo ya maikutlo le bokudi ba kgokahano di fumanwe e le mabaka a mantlha a amang bana ba qwaketsanang le molao. Tshusumetso ya dintlha tsena, hammoho le dintlha tsa tlhaho, kelello, tikoloho, setso le botjhaba, di fumanwe e le hore di pepesa bana ho bokudi ba mafu a kelello a amanngwang le botlokotsebe. Kahoo, e le ho ka fihlella maemo a melemo e nepahetseng, bana ba kgahlano le molao ba lokela ho sebetswa ka mokgwa wa ditsela tse fapaneng tse ngata, o kenyeletsang dintlha tsa tlhaho, tikoloho, setso, botjhaba le kelello. Ka mokgwa ona, batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le bokudi ba kelello ba tla shejwa le ho sebetswa ka mokgwa o phethahetseng o kenyelletsang dintlha tsohle tse susumetsang boitshwaro. Dintlha tse bokelleditsweng di tsheheditse ditlhahiso tse sebedisitsweng ho hlahisa moralo wa makala a fapaneng bakeng sa batlodi ba molao bao e leng bana ba nang le bokudi ba kelello. / Criminology and Security Science / D. Phil. (Criminal Justice)

Managing for improved school effectiveness at selected primary schools in the Gauteng province

Kobola, Matshidiso Walter 01 1900 (has links)
The research study investigated management strategies through which school effectiveness could be enhanced in primary schools situated in Gauteng Province. The enhancement of school effectiveness necessitated the discussion on school improvement to find ways to turn around the situation in dysfunctional schools in the province. The province is characterised by urban and suburban areas, townships, and informal settlements. Teachers in schools in these areas are well qualified. However, different challenges in these areas impact upon the enhancement of school effectiveness. A literature review was conducted to provide a conceptual framework and explain concepts such as effective management, administration, leadership, principal effectiveness, and teacher effectiveness. The literature review also investigated the factors that impact upon school effectiveness and school improvement and explored the historical development of School Effectiveness Research (SER) in the United States of America, Europe, Australia, and Africa to expound the problem investigated. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach was conducted. Six primary schools were selected using purposive sampling to ensure that different demographic areas were covered in the research. Purposive sampling allowed the researcher to target schools from high and low socio-economic areas because they often experience different challenges concerning to school effectiveness. Data were collected through individual interviews with principals and officials from the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) at the district and teachers in focus groups. Key findings were identified. Participants from the three categories respectively identified several characteristics of effective schools which concurred with the literature on school effectiveness. They also identified two features of effective schools which were unique to the study: in effective schools, there is little or no learner and teacher absenteeism; and school values which shape the behaviour of learners are clearly articulated. School values include trustworthiness, respectfulness, honesty, responsibility, striving for excellence and good leadership. School effectiveness is hindered by the current process of appointing principals which does not always succeed in selecting principals with the required leadership qualities and management skills. Further, the incorrect implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) in schools hinders teacher development and leads to poor teacher performance. / Die navorsingstudie ondersoek bestuurstrategieë waardeur die effektiwiteit van primêre skole, geleë in die Provinisie van Gauteng verhoog kan word. Die verhoging van effektiwiteit in skole het die bespreking oor skoolverbetering genoodsaak om maniere te vind om die situasie in disfunksionele skole in die provinisie om te draai. Die provinsie word gekenmerk deur landelike en stedelike gebiede, lokasies, en informele nedersetttings. Onderwysers van skole in hierdie gebiede is goed gekwalifiseerd. Verskeie uitdagings in hierdie gebiede het egter n uitwerking op die verhoging van effektiwiteit in skole. ʼn Literêre oorsig is uitgevoer om n konseptuele raamwerk te voorsien en om konsepte soos effektiewe bestuur, administrasie, leierskap, effektiwiteit van die skoolhoof, en onderwysers te verduidelik. ʼn Kwalitatiewe benadering is gebruik om die empiriese ondersoek uit te voer. Ses primêre skole is gekies en doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om te verseker dat verskillende demografiese gebiede deel was van die navorsing. Doelgerigte steekproefneming het die navorser toegelaat om skole van hoë en lae sosio-ekonomiese gebiede te teiken omdat hulle dikwels verskillende uitdagings aangaande die effektiwiteit van skole ervaar. Data is versamel deur indivduele onderhoude met skoolhoofde en amptenare van Gauteng Onderwys Departement (GDE) by die distrik en deur fokusgroep onderhoude met onderwysers. Sleutelbevindinge was soos volg. Deelnemers uit die drie kategoriëë het onderskeidelik geidentifiseer met verskeie eienskappe van effektiewe skole wat ooreenstem met die literatuur op effektiwiteit in skole. Hulle het ook twee kenmerke van effektiewe skole wat uniek was tot die studie geïdentifiseer: in effektiewe skole is daar min of geen afwesigheid van leerders en onderwysers; en skoolwaardes wat die gedrag van leerders vorm word duidelik verwoord. Skoolwaardes sluit betroubaarheid, respek, eerlikheid, verantwoordelikheid, strewe na uitenmendheid en goeie leierskap in. Effektiwiteit in skole word verhinder deur die huidge proses van aanstelling van skoolhoofde wat nie altyd daarin slaag om skoolhoofde te kies wat die nodige leierskap en bestuurseienskappe het nie. Verder, die verkeerde implementering van die Geïntegreerde Bestuurstelsel (IQMS) in skole belemmer die ontwikkeling en lei tot swak prestasie van onderwysers. / Dinyakisiso tse tsa go ithuta di be di tsomana le mekgwanakgwana ya bolaodi bja thuto go tiisetsa gore dikolo tsa motheo Profentsheng ya Gauteng di soma mesomo yeo e nepagetsego. Tiisetso ya go soma mesomonepagetsego ya sekolo e dirile gore go ahlaahliwe hlabollo ya dikolo go humana ditselana tseo ka tsona re ka hlabolang dikolo tseo di sa someng botse mo profentsheng. Profentshe ya Gauteng e na le dikolo tsa motsesetoropong le tsa mo go bego go dula batho basweu fela. Barutisi mo mafelong a ba na le di thuto tse maleba. Fela, dihlotlo tseo dileng gona mo mafelong a di huetsa tiistso ya go soma mesomonepagatso sekolong. Go dirilwe tekololeswa ya dingwalwa go hlalosa dikgopolo tse bjalo ka taolonepagatso, boetapele, mesomonepagatso ya hlogo ya sekolo le mesomonepagatso ya morutisi. Tekololeswa ya dingwalwa e nyakisisitse dintlha tseo di huetsang mesomonepagetso sekolong le hlabollo ya sekolo go lebeletswe tswetsopele ya dinyakisiso tsamesomonepagatso ya dikiolo dinageng tsa United States of America, Europa, Australia le Afrika go hlalosa bothata bjo bo nyakisiswago. Go dirilwe dinyakisiso ka poledisano go somiswa mokgwa wa kwalitetifi. Go kgethilwe dikolo tse tshela tsa fase ka go somisa kgetho ka maikemisetso go direla gore go akaretswe dikolo go tswa mafelong a go fapana. Kgetho ka maikemisetso e dumelela monyakisisi go tswa mafelong a batho ba go ba le sa bona le mafelong a batho ba go hloka sa bona ka ge ba itemogela dihlotlo tse fapaneng mesomonepagatso. Tshedimoso ye e kgobokeditswe ka dipoledisano le dihlogo tsa dikolo motho a le nosi le bahlankedi bammuso wa Kgoro ya Thuto ya Kgauteng motho a le nosi le dipoledisano ka sehlopha. Dintlha tsa dipoelo di be di le mo go latelago: Batseakarolo go tswa mafapeng a go fapana ba hlaotse diponagalo tsa dikolo tseo disomago ka nepagalo tseo di dumelelanago le tekololeswa ya dingwalwa. Gape ba hlaotse dipanagalo tse dingwe tsa moswana nosi: Dikolo tsa go soma ka nepagalo ga di na barutwana goba barutisi ba go se tle sekolong. Meano ya sekolo e akaretsa botshephegi, tlhompho, boikarabelo le go somela bobotse ka go fetisa le boetapele bjo bo botse. Mosomonepagatso ya sekolo e sitiswa ke tshepediso ya go thwala dihlogo tsa dikolo yeo ka nako tse dinwe e sitago ke go hlaola hlogo ya sekolo yeo e nago le boetapele le bolaodi bjo bo botse. Gape, go tsentshatirisong wo o fasagetseng wa tshepetso ya bolaodi bja hlabollo ya barutisi go sitisa tswelopele. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)

Managing multi-grade teaching for optimal learning in Gauteng West primary schools

Tredoux, Marlise 01 1900 (has links)
The researcher investigated the management of multi-grade teaching for optimal learning in Gauteng West primary schools. Ten participants, including school principals, heads of departments and educators participated in individual and focus group interviews and in observation of multi-grade classroom contexts. Findings revealed that educators involved in multi-grade teaching feel overwhelmed by challenging work conditions pertaining to large learner numbers and a lack of adequate didactical resources. This is exacerbated by a lack of professional development by means of tailor-made training for multi-grade teaching and the presumption that educators teaching such classes must merely change the monograde teaching format of the curriculum themselves for applicable implementation in a multi-grade teaching context. This leaves educators socially, emotionally and professionally isolated. Recommendations include the involvement of seasoned educators with expert knowledge and experience of multi-grade teaching to present training sessions constituting advice and support to inexperienced educators involved in said teaching. / Die navorser het die bestuur van meergraadonderrig by laerskole in Wes-Gauteng vir optimale leer ondersoek. Afgesien van individuele en fokusgroeponderhoude met skoolhoofde, departementshoofde en opvoeders, is waarneming in meergraadklaskamers gedoen. Volgens die bevindings bemoeilik groot klasse en ʼn gebrek aan didaktiese hulpmiddels meergraadopvoeders se taak. Meergraadopvoeders voel hulle geensins opgewasse teen hierdie werksomstandighede nie. ʼn Gebrek aan opleiding in meergraadonderrig en die veronderstelling dat opvoeders die eengraadformaat van die kurrikulum in ʼn meergraadformaat kan omskakel, vererger sake. Opvoeders is van mening dat hulle maatskaplik, emosioneel en professioneel in die steek gelaat word. Daar word aanbeveel dat gesoute opvoeders met kennis van en ervaring in meergraadonderrig onervare opvoeders oplei en adviseer. / Monyakisisi o dirile dinyakisiso ka ga go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego go fihlelela bokgoni le tsebo tikologong ya go thekga dinyakwa tsa baithuti dikolong tsa phoraemari go la Gauteng Bodikela. Batseakarolo ba lesome, go akaretswa dihlogo tsa dikolo, dihlogo tsa dikgoro le barutisi ba tseere karolo ditherisanong ka botee le dihlopha tseo di nepisitswego gape le temogo dikemong tsa diphaposi tsa dikereiti tse di fapanego. Dikhwetso di utollotse gore barutisi bao ba rutago dikereiti tse fapanego ba imelwa ke maemo a modiro wo o nyakago gore ba ntshe bokgoni bja bona ka moka ka lebaka la dipalo tse ntsi tsa baithuti le tlhokego ya dithusi tsa thuto tse di lekanego. Se se thatafiswa ke tlhokego ya tlhabollo ya profesene ye ka go fa tlhahlo yeo e lebanego ya go ruta dikreiti tse fapanego le kgopolo ya go re barutisi bao ba rutago ba swanela go no fetola popego ya lenaneothuto la kereiti e tee ka bobona go re ba le dirise kemong ya go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego. Se se dira gore barutisi ba ikhwetse ba se na kgokagano le setshaba leagong, ba hloka bao ba ka llelago go bona le go se be le bao ba nago le kgahlego go profesene ya bona. Ditshisinyo di akaretsa go ba gona ga barutisi bao e lego kgale ba ruta ba nago le maitemogelo le botsebi go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego go hlagisa dipaka tsa tlhahlo tseo di fago maele le thuso go barutisi bao ba se nago maitemogelo. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

A grounded theory of hazing in Gauteng secondary schools / Umqondo wenzululwazi ozinzile wokufikiswa ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu eGauteng / Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko ya thupiso dikolong tse di phagamego tsa Gauteng

Huysamer, Carolyn Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Hazing is an ancient, universal practice. In past and modern societies, the need to join a group is an aspect of our humanity. The process of joining a group frequently includes the need to be hazed in order to legitimate full membership. This study uses the theoretical frameworks of Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu’s perspectives of social order, Henri Tajfel and John Turner’s theory of social identity, and Albert Bandura’s theory of moral disengagement to look at individuals joining groups. In particular, the study has sought to ascertain why those who haze are motivated to act. A grounded theory has been developed through interviewing young adults, who while in positions of leadership as Grade 12 learners in Gauteng schools, planned hazing activities. The grounded theory shows that hazing while enacted by an individual is not solely driven by that person, but rather hazing is a means of cultural reproduction. The mechanism through which hazing occurs focuses on achieving a sense of belonging, conforming to a given culture and consenting to hazing. The hazer is motivated to pass on aspects of the school’s culture, namely school traditions, hierarchical structures, means and standards of discipline, and showing appropriate respect to others. The hazer believes that this can be achieved as those being hazed will comply if they can avoid being humiliated. The developed theory is grounded and was verified through interviewing stakeholders in the school community who had extensive knowledge of the school culture and of Grade 12 learners. / Ukufikisa kungumkhuba wasemandulo, owenziwa emhlabeni wonke. Emiphakathini yasendulo neyenamuhla, isidingo sokuhlanganyela neqembu elithile yinto eyingxenye yobuntu bethu. Inqubo yokuhlanganyela neqembu elithile kuvame ukufaka kukona isidingo sokufikiswa ukuze umuntu abe yilungu ngokuphelele. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa izinhlaka zemiqondo yezinzululwazi ezingoMichel Foucault noPeter Bourdieu wokuhleleka kwezenhlalakahle, umbono kaHenri Tajfel noJohn Turner wokuzibandakanya kwabantu kwezenhlalo kanye nombono ka-Albert Bandura wokuziphatha ngendlela engahambisani nemigomo yokulunga ukuze kubukwe abantu abajoyina amaqembu. Ngokusempeleni, ucwaningo lufuna ukubheka ukuthi labo abafikisayo bakhuthazwa yini. Umqondo wenzululwazi wakhiwa ngokuba kubuzwe intsha esencane imibuzo, intsha eyayihlela izinhlelo zokufikisa eyayisezikhundleni zokuhola abafundi ngenkathi yenza iBanga 12 ezikoleni zaseGauteng. Umbono wenzululwazi ozinzile uveza ukuthi ukufikiswa, yize kwenziwa umuntu oyedwa kusuke kungaholwa yilowo muntu kuphela, kodwa ukufikiswa kuyindlela yokukhiqiza kabusha ngokwesiko. Indlela okwenziwa ngayo lokhu kufikisa igxile ekufezeni umuzwa wokuba yingxenye yabathize, ukuguqukela osikweni nasekuvumeleni ukufikiswa. Lowo okunguye ofikisayo usuke efuna ukudlulisela phambili izingxenye zamasiko esikole, njengemikhuba, ukwakheka ngokushiyana kwamazinga, izindlela nemigomo yokuziphatha kahle, kanye nokubonisa inhlonipho kwabanye. Lowo okunguye ofikisayo ukholelwa ekutheni lokhu kungafezwa njengoba labo abafikiswayo bezokwenza lokho okuthiwa abakwenze inqobo nje uma bezogwema ukuhlukunyezwa. Umqondo wenzululwazi osunguliwe uzinzile futhi waqinisekiswa ngokufaka ababambiqhaza imibuzo emiphakathini yezikole eyayinolwazi olunzulu maqondana nesiko lesikole kanye nabafundi beBanga 12. / Thupiso ke mokgwa wa kgale, wa lefase ka bophara. Ditshabeng tsa kgale le tsa mehleng ye, tlhoko ya go tsenela sehlopha ke karolo ya botho bja rena. Tshepetso ya go tsenela sehlopha gantsi e akaretsa tlhoko ya thupiso go kgonthisisa boleloko bjo bo feletsego. Nyakisiso ye e somisa mahlamo a teori a Foucault, dipono tsa Pierre Bourdieu tsa thulaganyo ya setshaba, teori ya Henri Tajfel le John Turner ya boitshupo bja setshaba, le teori ya Albert Bandura ya tlogelo ya melawana ya boitshwaro go lekola batho ba ba tsenelago dihlopha. Ka kakaretso, nyakisiso ye e lekile go kgonthisisa gore gobaneng bao ba rupiswago ba hlohleletswa go tsea magato. Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko e tsweleditswe ka go botsisa baswa dipotsiso bao, ge ba sa le maemong a boetapele bjalo ka barutwana ba Mphato wa 12 dikolong tsa Gauteng, ba rulagantsego ditiro tsa go sira. Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko e laetsa gore thupiso bjale ka ge e diragatswa ke motho ga e susumetswe ke motho yoo a le nosi, eupsa thupiso ke mokgwa wa pusoloso ya setso. Mokgwa wo thupiso e diregago ka wona o tsepeletse go fihlelela boikwelo bja go amogelega, go latela setso se se filwego le go dumelelana le thupiso. Morupisi o hlohleletswa go fetisetsa dikarolo tsa setso tsa sekolo, e lego ditso tsa sekolo, dibopego tsa haerakhi, mekgwa le maemo a tayo, le go laetsa tlhompho ya maleba go ba bangwe. Morupisi o dumela gore se se ka fihlelelwa bjalo ka ge bao ba rupiswago ba obamela ge ba ka thibela go goboswa. Teori ye e hlabolotswego e kgobokeditswe le go sekasekwa gomme e ile ya tiiswa ka go ka botsisa bakgathatema dipotsiso sekolong sa setshaba bao ba nago le tsebo ye e tseneletsego ya setso sa sekolo le ya barutwana ba Mphato wa 12. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)

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