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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sutuoktinių santykių ypatumų tampant tėvais analizė / The analysis of the peculiarities of spouses relationships during the transition to parenthood

Rekuc, Wirginia 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiuo tyrimų siekėme: nustatyti, su kokiais veiksniais yra susiję sutuoktinių santykių ypatumai tampant tėvais ir atskleisti kaip keičiasi sutuoktinių santykiai gimus pirmam vaikui. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas dviem etapais: paskutiniame nėštumo trimestre ir praėjus trims - keturiems mėnesiams nuo vaiko gimimo. Pirmame tyrimo etape buvo naudojamas Kalicki, Peitz (1995) klausimynas, kurį sudaro nėštumo įvertinimo skalė, įsitikinimo apie savo kompetenciją ir kontrolę skalė, kasdieninių darbų pasidalinimo skalė. Tiriamiesiems taip pat buvo pateikta poros santykių kokybės skalė (Kalicki, Hahlweg, 1992), matuojanti poros tarpusavio santykių vertinimą. Klausimynas susideda iš trijų subskalių, matuojančių poros komunikabilumą, švelnumą/seksualumą ir konfliktiškumą santykiuose. Tyrime buvo naudojama savęs suvokimo skalė (Kalicki, Peitz 1995). Pakartotiniame tyrime buvo naudojama kasdieninių darbų pasidalinimo skalė (Kalicki, Peitz 1995) ir poros santykių kokybės skalė (Kalicki, Hahlweg, 1992). Tyrime dalyvavo 40 sutuoktinių porų, kurių amžius svyravo nuo 19 iki 43 metų. Iš jų antrame tyrimo etape dalyvavo 15 porų. Buvo tirtos poros, kurios gyvena santuokoje, laukiasi pirmojo vaiko ir moteris yra trečiame nėštumo trimestre. Tyrimo metu gavome, jog sutuoktiniai reagavę su džiaugsmu į žinią apie nėštumą pasižymi aukštesniu santykių vertinimu, respondentai reagavę su didžiavimusi į žinią apie nėštumą pasižymi aukštesniu švelnumo/seksualumo santykiuose vertinimu, tačiau jų bendras santykių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research aims at identifying the factors that determine the peculiarities of the relationship between spouses during the transition to parenthood and revealing the changes in their relationship after the birth of the first child. The research was carried out in two stages: in the last trimester of pregnancy and after three or four months after the birth of a child. The questionnaire compiled by Kalicki, Peitz (1995) was applied in the first stage of the research. The questionnaire contained the following scales: pregnancy evaluation scale, the scale on confidence in their competence and control and the scale on sharing daily duties. The scale on the quality of couple‘s relationship (Kalicki, Hahlweg, 1992) was given to the respondents in order to evaluate the relationship between spouses. The questionnaire contained also three subscales measuring communication, tenderness/sexuality and conflicting situations in the relationship of spouses. It was also used Self-perception scale (Kalicki, Peitz, 1995). The following two scales were used in the secondary research: the scale on the allotment of daily duties (Kalicki, Peitz, 1995) and the scale on the quality of couple‘s relationship. 40 spouses, aged from 19 to 43, took part in this research. 15 couples out of 40 couples researched took part in the second state of the survey. The research was carried out on couples that were married, living together, expecting the first child and the woman was in her third pregnancy... [to full text]

Herakleito kosmologijos įtaka stoikų fizikai / Influence of heraclitus' cosmology on the stoic physics

Būdvytis, Martynas 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe tiriamas Herakleito kosmologijos ir stoikų fizikos santykis. Analizuojamos paralelės, skoliniai, bei novatoriški bruožai. Tiek Herakleito, tiek Ankstyvosios ir Viduriniosios Stojos atstovų raštai žuvę, yra surinkti ir išleisti tik fragmentai (M. Adomėnas 1995; I. Arnim1903-1924). Remiantis Herakleito ir stoikų filosofijos tyrinėtojų darbais (F. Ch. Kessidi 1982; Ch. H. Kahn 1966; M. Boeri 2001; A. A. Stoliarov 1999), darbe teigiama, kad Herakleitas turėjo žymios įtakos stoikų kosmologijai. Stoikai kaip ir Herakleitas mąstė pasaulį akcentuodami judėjimą, pasikeitimą ir kokybinę įvairovę, tačiau Stojos teorija pasaulio „darbinei schemai“ suteikia daugiau sistematiškumo ir struktūros. Stoikai savo fizikoje iš Herakleito perėmė vienintelio, tačiau vis atsinaujinančio ir cikliškai besivystančio kosmo sampratą, ugnies, kaip aktyvaus formuojančio principo koncepciją, bei logo - visuotinio kaitos kosme dėsnio sampratą, tačiau visos šios sąvokos, stoikų buvo praplėstos ir/arba modifikuotos. Taip pat magistro darbe analizuojamos naujos, stoikų sukurtos sąvokos: tvirtinimas, kad „viskas yra kūnas“, išreiškė originalų požiūrį į kosmą, „pneuma“[τό πνεύμα] – kosminė jėga, kurianti pasaulį, esantį nuolatinėje dinamikoje, Logas kaip ir Dievas, - materialūs. Sukuriama teorija apie „simpatiją“[συμπάθεια], - užtikrinančia visų kosmo dalių tarpusavio sąveiką. Darbe analizuojamos Stojos atstovų pateiktos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This Master thesis studies the relationship between Heraclitus‘ Cosmology and Stoic Physics. The parallels between both writings, as well as appropriations and innovative ideas are discussed. Both Heraclitus‘ and Early and Middle Stoa‘s writings are lost and only fragments have survived and been published (M. Adomėnas 1995; I. Arnim1903-1924). Following the work of the researchers of Heraclitus and Stoic Philosophy (F. Ch. Kessidi 1982; Ch. H. Kahn 1966; M. Boeri 2001; A. A. Stoliarov 1999) the thesis argues that Heraclitus had a significant influence on Stoic Physics. The Stoics as well as Heraclitus contemplated the world by emphasising movement, change and qualitative diversity, while Stoics theory provided world’s “working scheme” with a better system and structure. In their Physics, the Stoics took from Heraclitus the idea of a single, continually resuming and cyclically developing cosmos, the conception of fire as an active and formative principle, and logos – the concept of a universal law of change in the cosmos. However all these concepts were extended and/or modified by the Stoics. Moreover, the thesis analyses new concepts originated by Stoics; the statement that “everything is corporeal” expressing an original view of cosmos, the notion of „pneuma“[τό πνεύμα] – the cosmic power that generates the world in constant movement, and the argument that Logos as well as God are material. The theory of “sympathy” [συ&#956... [to full text]

Kolegijų pedagogų individualaus profesinio tapsmo edukaciniai pagrindai / Educational Basics of Individual Proffesional Becoming of College Teachers

Šedžiuvienė, Natalija 01 September 2005 (has links)
INTRODUCTION Relevance of the scientific problem: Individual experience of teachers, perceiving one’s self as an instance of the subject’s activities in the teacher career is becoming one of the pre-conditions for professional development. However, modern educology still targets at general requirements for a teacher’s work rather than his/her professional individuality. It is impossible to realise the new paradigm of humanistic education without the quintessence of perception of an educator’s personality, aim, content and characteristics of professional development. All this cannot proceed without an expression of professional individuality, which realises the humanistic potential of educating. Nevertheless, solving of such problems in educology still encounters a number of obstacles: the boundaries, fields and goals of teacher activities, the realisation of which depend on a teacher’s individuality are not sufficiently defined, because everything what is individual is referred to as a common element. A statement of Ušinskas (1983) that in teaching everything is based on a personality and “only a personality is capable/may educate a personality” also remains declarative (1983, p. 14). Processes of individual professional becoming of college teachers have not been researched, but they continuously foster interest of scholars as there is a growing tendency to assess a teacher in terms of his/her individuality, uniqueness and individual style (Pukelis, 2004; Laužackas, 2003... [to full text]

Kolegijų pedagogų individualaus profesinio tapsmo edukaciniai pagrindai / Educational Basics of Individual Professional Becoming of College Teachers

Šedžiuvienė, Natalija 04 July 2005 (has links)
Relevance of the scientific problem: Individual experience of teachers, perceiving one’s self as an instance of the subject’s activities in the teacher career is becoming one of the pre-conditions for professional development. However, modern educology still targets at general requirements for a teacher’s work rather than his/her professional individuality. It is impossible to realise the new paradigm of humanistic education without the quintessence of perception of an educator’s personality, aim, content and characteristics of professional development. All this cannot proceed without an expression of professional individuality, which realises the humanistic potential of educating. Nevertheless, solving of such problems in educology still encounters a number of obstacles: the boundaries, fields and goals of teacher activities, the realisation of which depend on a teacher’s individuality are not sufficiently defined, because everything what is individual is referred to as a common element. A statement of Ušinskas (1983) that in teaching everything is based on a personality and “only a personality is capable/may educate a personality” also remains declarative (1983, p. 14). Processes of individual professional becoming of college teachers have not been researched, but they continuously foster interest of scholars as there is a growing tendency to assess a teacher in terms of his/her individuality, uniqueness and individual style (Pukelis, 2004; Laužackas, 2003; Leontjev, 1999... [to full text]

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