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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jaunųjų gidų tautinės savimonės ugdymas neformaliojo švietimo dailės užsiėmimuose / National self-consciousness upbringing of junior guides in the classes of informal education

Grivačiauskaitė, Airida 25 May 2005 (has links)
After gaining independence in Lithuania (1990), the problem of retaining national individuality still remains a point at issue. National self-consciousness is a distinctive aspect of social self-consciousness. It is related to national identity - an individual being with the same ethnic community, considering it his/her nation. In the view of structure, national sel-consciousness acts as the unit of three components - cognitive, emotional and controlling. Development of Lithuanian national self-consciousness is related to its upbringing. Especially favourable conditions for upbringing national self – consciousness are at the teen-age, by consolidating and defining national identity of a person. Historically, in order to form, strengthen and consolidate mature national self-consciousness, attention to the national language, culture and education was paid. Possibilities of upbringing national self-consciousness are pointed out in the contemporary educational documents as well. National self-consciousness upbringing of junior guides by means of art works on national topics, is a scientific problem at issue. A guide is a person, that presents country, region, city, all the national history and cultural objects to tourists. Informal activity plays especially great role in upbringing self-consciousness of junior guides. Presumptions for national self-consciousness upbringing are laid in the art classes, by integrating principals of tourism and regional studies, stimulating... [to full text]

Lietuvos studentijos tautinio tapatumo nuostatos ir jų raiška / Attitudes reflecting the national identity of lithuanian students and their expression

Antinienė, Dalia 19 July 2005 (has links)
The Objective of the Research - to determine the content of the national identity of Lithuanian students, the peculiarities of its expression and to reveal various psychosocial factors influencing national identity.

Studentų didaktinės savimonės ugdymas geografijos studijose / The Development students’ didactic self-consciousness in Geography studies

Moizichas, Benas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbas „Studentų didaktinės savimonės ugdymas geografijos studijose“ – tai darbas apie pedagoginės savimonės formavimąsi tiek geografijos teorinėse studijose, tiek pedagoginės praktikos metu. Visų pirma pateikiamas išsamus „pedagoginės savimonės“ apibrėžimas, kuris teigia, jog pedagoginė savimonė - teigiamas profesionalaus ugdytojo santykis su savimi kaip žmogumi ir profesijos atstovu, su atliekama veikla, aplinka, su įsisąmoninimu privalomų vaidmenų, adekvačiu jų reikšmės supratimu, veiklos prasmės bei su tuo susijusių asmeninių savybių tobulinimu ir kompetencijų didinimu, su kokybiška veikla ne tik ugdymo institucijoje, bet ir už jos ribų. Kvalifikuotiems pedagogams parengti reikalinga veiksminga sistema, kurios pagrindinė paskirtis – parengti švietimo sistemai pedagogus, įgijusius dabarties iššūkius atsiliepiantį išsilavinimą ir profesinę kvalifikaciją, sudaryti sąlygas jai tobulinti, prireikus – persikvalifikuoti. Praktiniai gebėjimai pedagoginėse studijose – tai studentų teorinių žinių pritaikymas mokyklinėje praktikoje. Optimaliam rezultatui gauti didelę reikšmę turi pedagoginės praktikos organizavimas. Nuo sistemingo ir tikslaus organizavimo priklauso galutis rezultatas. Todėl Sėkmingo studentų didaktinės savimonės tyrimo atlikimą lėmė sistemingas užduočių parinkimas ir efektyvus jų pateikimas pedagoginę praktiką atlikusiems studentams. Gauti rezultatai atspindi Geografijos specialybę studijuojančio ir pedagogo darbui rengiamo studento paveikslą:  pagrindinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work „The Development students’ didactic self-consciousness in Geography studies” is about forming of educational self consciousness as much in Geographic’s theoretical studies as much during time of educational practice. First of all there is exhaustive explanation of “educational self-consciousness” presented, which says, that educational self-consciousness – is positive relation of professional pedagogue with himself as human and representative of profession, with his current activities, environment, realizing of compulsory roles and correct understanding of theirs meaning, sense of activities and improvement of related personal skills and rising of competence, with quality activity not only in educational institution, but as well of it’s bounds. To prepare qualified pedagogues operational system is required, which aim would be to rise pedagogues for Educational System, that have intelligence, required to handle modern challenges and professional qualification, to make conditions for improvement, and (if needed) to re-qualify. Practical skills in pedagogical studies – that means adaptation of student’s theoretical knowledge in school practice. For achieving optimal results, organization of pedagogical practice is vital. Final result depends on systematic and precise planning. That’s why successful research was decided by systematically choosing of tasks and their effective presentation to students, who fulfilled pedagogical practice. The results shows picture of... [to full text]

7-8 metų vaikų savimonės, savęs vertinimo ir vidinės darnos ypatumai šeimos sudėties aspektu / Features of self-awareness, self-esteem and sense of coherence at 7-8 years old children which are brought up in full and not full families

Dovidaitienė, Inga 26 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this is work to analyse self-awareness, self-esteem, sense of coherence, understanding of sequence of a vital way, and also a choice of attractive and unattractive images of this sequence at 7-8 years children’s from not full families in comparison with children from full families. Self-esteem was measured by the semantic differential type scale developed by Beresneviciene D. (1995) and Pileckaite-Markoviene (2001). Sense of coherence scale for children was measured by Margalit (1995) and Pileckaite-Markoviene (2001). Identify own age, understanding of sequence of a vital way, and also a choice of attractive and unattractive images, was investigated using a technique of children's self-awareness by Belopolskaja N.L. (1998). 241 primary school children (163 from full families and 78 not full families) were evaluated using these tools. The results showed that children from not full families estimate themselves below on parameter "happy" (t(239) =3,281, p=0,001) than children from full families. Results have shown that children from full families have a higher level of sense of coherence, than children from not full families. Statistically important difference is visible on components “trust to an environment " (t(239)=2,627, p=0,009) and "acceptance of requirements of an environment” (t(239)=2,464, p=0,014). Results of empirical investigations showed that primary school children with high level of sense of coherence had higher level of self-esteem (r=0,378... [to full text]

Valstybės ir tautos atskirtis (susvetimėjimas): politinė ir kultūrinė globalizacija kaip tautos ir valstybės atskirties veiksniai / The alienation of state and society: globalization of political culture as a contributor for the state's disjuncture with society

Grigaliūnas, Domas 30 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema: valstybės ir tautos santykis (susvetimėjimo aspektas), darbą atliko Vilniaus Pedagoginio Universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakulteto Sociologijos ir politologijos katedros Politinės sociologijos magistrantūros studentas Domas Grigaliūnas. Kadangi globalizacija supa mus ir daro poveikį mūsų kasdienybei, paliesdama mums artimą pasaulį, iškeldama diskusiją su mums įprastomis mūsų politinėms bei kultūrinėmis vertybėmis, buvo iškeltas tyrimo tikslas - išsiaiškinti tautos ir valstybės atskirties (susvetimėjimo) politinės ir kultūrinės globalizacijos kontekste priežastis. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti globalizacijos sampratos teorinius aspektus, Europos Sąjungos vaidmenį; 2. Apibendrinti valstybės ir tautos santykį politinės ir kultūrinės globalizacijos kontekste vertybiniu ir atskirties aspektai; 3. Atlikti tyrimą, leidžiantį išsiaiškinti tautos ir valstybės atskirties (susvetimėjimo) politinės ir kultūrinės globalizacijos kontekste priežastis. Tyrimo objektas: politinės ir kultūrinės globalizacijos vertinimas. Tyrimo metu patvirtintos šios hipotezės: 1. Respondentai laiko globalizaciją visuotinai paplitusiu reiškiniu, tačiau šią sąvoką iš dalies tapatina su globalizmo sąvoka. Politinė ir kultūrinė globalizacija yra laikoma aktualiausia, daugelis respondentų globalizaciją mano esant iššūkiu tautos vertybėms. 2. Daugelio respondentų pagrindinis Europos Sąjungos tikslas – sukurti kuo glaudesnę Europos tautų sąjungą, vertinamas tik iš dalies teigiamai. Pilietiškumas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the work is “The relation between the polity and nation (the aspect of alienation). The work was made by Domas Grigaliūnas, Political sociology master’s degree student of VPU Social sciences faculty Sociology and political sciences department. The globalization is around us and influences our commonness, touching the world that is close to us, raising the discussion with our ordinary political and cultural values. Because of that there was raised the purpose of the investigation – to ascertain the causes of the disjuncture (alienation) between the nation and polity in political and cultural globalization context. The tasks of the work: 1. To analyze the theoretical aspects of the conception of the globalization, the role of European Union; 2. To summarize the relation between the polity and the nation in the political and cultural globalization context in the value and disjuncture aspects; 3. To fulfill the investigation that would let us to ascertain the causes of the of the disjuncture (alienation) between the nation and polity in political and cultural globalization context The object of the investigation is the evaluation of the political and cultural globalization. These hypotheses were proved during the investigation: 1. Respondents consider the globalization as the universally prevailing phenomenon, but they partly identify this concept with the globalization concept. Political and cultural globalization is considered as the most topical, many... [to full text]

Religinės savimonės pokyčiai XX a. I pusės lietuvių literatūroje / Alteration of religious self awareness in the Lithuanian literature of the first half of the 20th century

Endriukaitytė, Vida 02 September 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe aptariama religinės savimonės pokyčiai XX a. pradžios lietuvių literatūroje. Nagrinėti pasirinkti romanai Vinco Mykolaičio – Putino „Altorių šešėlis“, Igno Šeiniaus „Kuprelis“ (trečiasis (1913 m.) ir ketvirtasis (1932 m.) variantai ir Julijono Lindės – Dobilo „Blūdas“. Nes laikoma, kad jie ryškiausiai atvaizduoja ir parodo XX amžiaus pradžios lietuvių savimonę. Tokį kūrinių pasirinkimą lėmė, antropologinis žiūrėjimas į tekstus, aptinkamus būtent juose pasikartojančius ir bendrus religinės savimonės elementus. Darbe keliama hipotezė, jog XX a. pradžioje lietuviškoje religinėje kultūroje ir sąmonėje įvyko pokyčiai, kurie reiškėsi ir per literatūrinius tekstus, kurie, kaip to laiko dokumentai, byloja apie kultūrinėje terpėje vyravusį pasikeitimą. Šie romanai byloja apie naują, individualios, savimonės susiformavimą ir kitimą bei skirtybę nuo vyraujančio kultūrinio masyvo. Prieštaraujančią jam, bet neišvengiamai darančią įtaką, labiau nei etaloninis bei idealus religijos praktikos aprašymas J. Gintauto apysakoje „Tiesiame kelyje“, kuris sukurtas kaip tendencinga dvasininkijos apologija. Senasis būdas tikėti, net jei kultūriškai buvo priimtinesnis ir netgi visuomenės labiau palaikomas, neprigijo, nes tolesnis mechaniškas ritų ir tikėjimų visuma paremtas religijos supratimas, bei religinė savimonė jau buvo pakitusi. Darbe susikoncentruota į religinės savimonės, jos raiškos ir pokyčių konkrečiuose literatūriniuose kūriniuose tyrimą, paremtą antropologiniu kultūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective for these Master theses is to discuss alteration of religious self awareness in the Lithuanian literature of the beginning of the 20th century. For analysis there were selected several novels: V. M. Putinas “Altoriu sesely”, I.Seinius “Kuprelis” (the third edition released in 1913 and the fourth edition released in 1932) and J. Linde – Dobilas “Bludas”. These novels were chosen for several reasons: they distinctly reflect and demonstrate self awareness of Lithuanians in the beginning of 20th century; also anthropological viewpoint of chosen novels exhibits repeated and common elements of religious self awareness. These Master theses are raising hypothesis, that in the beginning of 20th century in religious and cultural consciousness changes happened, they were expressed through literature, and as literature is a as document of a particular time period, it shows an alteration in cultural environment. Analyzed novels show the formation and change of new, individual self awareness also distinction from dominant cultural array. It is reverse to the tradition, but culturally more significant than ideal description of religion practices in J. Gintautas novel “Tiesiu keliu”, which was written as tendentious apologia of clergy. Old - fashioned way of faith, though culturally more acceptable and yet more supported by society, didn’t entrench mostly because further mechanical understanding of religion (based on rituals as well as entirety of beliefs) and religious self... [to full text]

Skirtingo pažangumo 7-8 metų vaikų savivertės, vidinės darnos ir savimonės ypatumai / The peculiarities of self-assessment, sense of coherence and self-awareness of the 1 st – 2 nd formers of different advance

Juknienė, Jūra 23 May 2005 (has links)
Juknienė J. The peculiarities of self-assessment, sense of coherence and self-awareness of the 1 st – 2 nd formers of different advance. The final work of the Master of Psychology / the scientific supervisor – Doc. Dr. M. Pileckaitė – Markovienė; Vilnius Pedagogical University; the department of Psychology Didactics. – Vilnius, 2005. - 92 p. In this master work there is analyzed the self-assessment, sense of coherence and self-awareness of the students of different advance. In junior school age the making human’s disharmony shows through, which later causes emotional, behavior and learning problems, and social disadaptation. The aim of research – to analyze the peculiarities of personality of the 1 st – 2 nd formers of different advance in aspects of self-evaluation, sense of coherence and self-identification. The goals of research are: 1) to compare the self-assessment and sense of coherence of the students of high, average and low advance; 2) to evaluate students’ possibility to identify their own present, past and future status of age and sex, considering students’ advance; 3) to compare students’ understanding about the choice of attractive and unattractive image. There were used the following methods of research: analysis of nonfiction, conversation, questionnaires for children. Two hundred 1 st – 2 nd formers at the age of 7 – 8 participated in this research. The information about those children’ learning results was received from their teachers. According to this... [to full text]

Kolegijų pedagogų individualaus profesinio tapsmo edukaciniai pagrindai / Educational Basics of Individual Proffesional Becoming of College Teachers

Šedžiuvienė, Natalija 01 September 2005 (has links)
INTRODUCTION Relevance of the scientific problem: Individual experience of teachers, perceiving one’s self as an instance of the subject’s activities in the teacher career is becoming one of the pre-conditions for professional development. However, modern educology still targets at general requirements for a teacher’s work rather than his/her professional individuality. It is impossible to realise the new paradigm of humanistic education without the quintessence of perception of an educator’s personality, aim, content and characteristics of professional development. All this cannot proceed without an expression of professional individuality, which realises the humanistic potential of educating. Nevertheless, solving of such problems in educology still encounters a number of obstacles: the boundaries, fields and goals of teacher activities, the realisation of which depend on a teacher’s individuality are not sufficiently defined, because everything what is individual is referred to as a common element. A statement of Ušinskas (1983) that in teaching everything is based on a personality and “only a personality is capable/may educate a personality” also remains declarative (1983, p. 14). Processes of individual professional becoming of college teachers have not been researched, but they continuously foster interest of scholars as there is a growing tendency to assess a teacher in terms of his/her individuality, uniqueness and individual style (Pukelis, 2004; Laužackas, 2003... [to full text]

Edukacinių programų įtaka kultūrinio identiteto ugdymui muziejaus veiklos kontekste / Influence of educational programmes on upbringing cultural identity in the context of museum practice

Petronytė, Ramutė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbo tema „Edukacinių programų įtaka kultūrinio identiteto ugdymui muziejaus veiklos kontekste“. Šio tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti muziejaus pedagoginės veiklos procesą ir jos dalyvių kultūrinio identiteto ugdymą edukacinių programų realizavimo kontekste. Tyrimo uždaviniai – išanalizuoti edukacinę veiklą Biržų krašto muziejuje „Sėla“. Atskleisti muziejaus lankytojų požiūrį į edukacinę veiklą ir ryšių su visuomene ypatumus bei ištirti muziejų edukacinių programų veiksmingumą ugdant kultūrinį identitetą. Nustatyti veiksnius, lemiančius edukacinių programų realizavimą. Remiantis tyrimo duomenimis, parengti rekomendacijas muziejų edukacinių programų rengėjams. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptarta muziejaus samprata ir bendras kultūros švietimo kontekstas. Išsiaiškinta edukacinių programų funkcija, jų reikšmė bei įtaka įvairioms amžiaus grupėms, apibrėžtas kultūrinis identitetas. Buvo atliktas Biržų krašto muziejaus „Sėla“ lankytojų empirinis tyrimas. Gautos tokios pagrindinės darbo išvados, kad edukacinės muziejų programos, atlikdamos savo funkciją – padėdamos pajusti senuosius papročius, tradicijas, prisiliesti prie senųjų amatų, išsaugodamos kultūrines vertybes, senuosius papročius, įtakoja kultūrinio identiteto ugdymą ir formavimą. Gautos išvados patvirtina hipotezę. Edukacinės programos yra reikšmingos visiems bendruomenės nariams, nes padeda patenkinti žinių poreikį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of the Master degree essay is “Influence of educational programmes on upbringing cultural identity in the context of museum practice”. Aim of this research is to reveal the pedagogical aspect of museum practice and educational of cultural identity in the context of realization of educational programmes. Goals of the research are: To analyze educational practice of “The Sela”, A regional museum of Birzai region. To reveal attitudes museum visitors have towards the educational programmes and the peculiarities of public relations; to find out the efficiency of educational programmes in upbringing cultural identity: to measure elements for realization of educational programmes; to prepare recommendations for the organizers of future educational programmes using results of the research. Theoretical part of the essay speaks about notions of a museum and cultural context in general and function of the educational programmes is ascertained. There is also definition of cultural identity. Empirical research of museum visitors was held in “ The Sela” , Birzai regional museum. Some conclusions were made. They say that educational programmes in museums have done their function, helping to feel old customs and traditions, to touch old crafts, saving cultural values and old customs make influence on upbringing cultural identity and formation of it. All conclusions affirm the... [to full text]

Kolegijų pedagogų individualaus profesinio tapsmo edukaciniai pagrindai / Educational Basics of Individual Professional Becoming of College Teachers

Šedžiuvienė, Natalija 04 July 2005 (has links)
Relevance of the scientific problem: Individual experience of teachers, perceiving one’s self as an instance of the subject’s activities in the teacher career is becoming one of the pre-conditions for professional development. However, modern educology still targets at general requirements for a teacher’s work rather than his/her professional individuality. It is impossible to realise the new paradigm of humanistic education without the quintessence of perception of an educator’s personality, aim, content and characteristics of professional development. All this cannot proceed without an expression of professional individuality, which realises the humanistic potential of educating. Nevertheless, solving of such problems in educology still encounters a number of obstacles: the boundaries, fields and goals of teacher activities, the realisation of which depend on a teacher’s individuality are not sufficiently defined, because everything what is individual is referred to as a common element. A statement of Ušinskas (1983) that in teaching everything is based on a personality and “only a personality is capable/may educate a personality” also remains declarative (1983, p. 14). Processes of individual professional becoming of college teachers have not been researched, but they continuously foster interest of scholars as there is a growing tendency to assess a teacher in terms of his/her individuality, uniqueness and individual style (Pukelis, 2004; Laužackas, 2003; Leontjev, 1999... [to full text]

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