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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reforming of a Tar Model Compound Using Iron Catalysts / Reformering av en modellförening av tjära med användning av järnkatalysatorer

Pérez Guijarro, Celia January 2022 (has links)
Den internationella medvetenheten om hotet med växthusgaser har bidragit till en prioriterad utveckling av alternativa och rena tekniker baserade på förnybara i stället för fossila bränslen. Biomassaförgasning är en teknik för framställning av icke-fossil energigas från biomassa. Den har flera tillämpningsområden, vilket bland annat inkluderar kraftgenerering genom förbränning i motorer. Ett av huvudproblemen med denna teknik är produktionen av tjärföreningar under processen. Detta leder till ett behov av ett gasrenings- och uppgraderingssteg med hjälp av en katalytisk bäddreaktor, vilket ökar kostnaderna och minskar den termiska effektiviteten. Nickel är den vanligast använda katalysatorn för ångreformering, men den är tyvärr giftig. I detta projekt studeras järn, som ett alternativ till nickel. Järn är miljövänlig, giftfri och mer rikligt förekommande jämfört med nickel. Specifikt så användes ett sintrat järnpulver tillverkat av Höganäs AB, Sverige, med toluen som en modellförening för tjära. För att förstå hur oxidationen av järn och järnoxider fungerar mer i detalj under den katalytiska omvandlingen så utfördes testerna med ånga och toluen en temperatur av 750°C och ett tryck av 1 bar. I experimenten observerades att ju större mängd ånga som tillfördes till reaktorn, desto fler problem observerades under katalytiska processen. Den negativa effekten av oxidationen av järnkatalysatorn var mycket större än de fördelar som ånga normalt har på den katalytiska processen. / The international community’s awareness of the danger of greenhouse gases has contributed to prioritising the development of alternative and clean technologies, using renewable sources, over fossil fuels. Biomass gasification is a technology for the production of non-fossil synthesis gas from biomass. It has numerous applications including power generation through combustion in engines. One of the main problems with this technology is the production of tars during the process. This leads to the need to implement a gas cleaning and upgrading step using a catalytic bed reactor, which increases costs and reduces thermal efficiency. nickel is the common catalyst for steam reforming but it is toxic. Therefore, to overcome these drawbacks and to be environmentally friendly, iron, a non-toxic and more abundant catalyst, was used in this project. Specifically, sintered iron powder manufactured at Höganäs AB, Sweden, was used and toluene was taken as the model tar compound.  To understand the iron reactions in more detail, namely the behaviour of iron oxidation during re- forming, the toluene tests were carried out with steam as gasification agent at a temperature of 750°C and pressures below 1 bar. In the experiments, it was observed that the higher the amount of steam in the reactor, the more problems were observed in the catalyst. The negative effect of the oxidation of the catalyst far outweighed the benefits that steam could have on the catalysis.

Life history of the endangered dwarf wedgemussel, Alasmidonta heterodon (Lea 1829) (Pelecypoda: Unionidae), in the Tar River, North Carolina and Aquia Creek, Virginia

Michaelson, David L. 01 October 2008 (has links)
The reproductive cycle, population dynamics, and habitat use of the dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) were studied in populations from the Tar River, North Carolina and Aquia Creek, Virginia during 1991 and 1992. This mussel is a long-term brooder, spawning in late summer and becoming gravid in September with glochidia maturing in November. Drift net sampling at sites with this species in both rivers during spring and fall of 1991 and spring of 1992 yielded no A. heterodon glochidia, indicating poor or no reproduction at both sites in 1991. Laboratory infestation experiments testing 15 fish species found three hosts for A. heterodon. The tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), the Johnny darter (EE. nigrum), and the mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) all supported glochidial development to the juvenile phase. Six species of sunfishes, four minnows, one sucker, and one catfish species tested in the laboratory did not serve as hosts. Because of seemingly poor reproductive success in 1991, natural infestations of fishes with glochidia were not documented. Age and growth characteristics were calculated using a thin-sectioning technique on valves collected from the Tar River, Aquia Creek, and the Neversink River, New York. As computed by the von Bertalanffy equation, the dwarf wedgemussel reaches a maximum length of 38.70 mm, 45.26 mm, and 45.84 mm in the Tar River, Aquia Creek, and Neversink River, respectively. There were significant differences among the growth curves of A. heterodon from the Tar River and Aquia Creek, and between those of the Neversink River and Aquia Creek. There was no significant difference between the growth curves of dwarf wedge mussels from the Tar and Neversink rivers. Microhabitat parameters including depth, roughness, velocity, turbulence, distance from shore, distance from obstructions, canopy cover, presence or absence of macrophytes, and substratum size were collected for dwarf wedge mussels at the Tar River and Aquia Creek. Microhabitat use differed between the sites, most significantly described by the following variables: distance from shore; turbulence; and velocity. Laboratory preference studies designed to determine preferred substratum size and water velocity were conducted. Dwarf wedge mussels always preferred the finer substratum offered; little preference was exhibited by the mussels for lotic versus lentic flow regimes in the laboratory. / Master of Science

Influence of Potassium on Gasification Performance

Rasol, Hepa January 2016 (has links)
To release energy from chemically stored energy in the biomass was the new investigation in recent years. Utilizing of biomass for this purpose occur in two different ways, directly by burning (combustion) the biomass and indirectly by pyrolysis process which will convert the biomass to three main products, bio- tar, bio- char and synthetic gas. Biomass contains different amount of inorganic compound, especially alkali metals which causes some diverse impacts on combustion, pyrolysis and gasification process such as corrosion, agglomeration and fouling problems. This project aims to investigate the effect of K2CO3 on the pyrolysis and gasification processes of three different types of fuel; wood pellets, forest residue pellets and synthetic waste pellets at three different temperatures, 750 °C, 850 °C and 900 °C respectively. The purpose of this work to study and clarify the influence of K2CO3 on char yield, tar yield and tar compositions and the gasification rate and the reactivity of different fuels char. The pyrolysis process was carried out in a fluidized bed reactor during 2 minutes and the products were tar, char and synthetic gas. In this project interested in char and tar only. Char yield calculated and the results shows the char yield increase with increasing of [K2CO3]. While the tar analysis carried on GC- MS instrument at HB to study the tar yield and compositions. The results showed that potassium carbonate has not so much effect on tar yield and its composition. The last part was gasified the char in TGA with steam and CO2 as oxidizing media to study the influence of [K2CO3] on gasification rate and the reactivity of char samples at different temperatures. The result showed the [K2CO3] has inhibitory effect on gasification rate and the reactivity.

Biomass Pyrolysis and Optimisation for Bio-bitumen

Kolokolova, Olga January 2013 (has links)
Biomass waste has been recognised as a promising, renewable source for future transport fuels. With 1.7 million hectares of pine plantation forests and 12 million cubic meters of annual residue produced by sawmills and the pulp and paper industries, New Zealand presents a prime location where utilisation of these resources can take the next step towards creating a more environmentally friendly future. In this research, the process of fast pyrolysis was investigated using a laboratoryscale, nitrogen-blown fluidised bed pyrolyser at CRL Energy. This equipment can process 1–1.5 kg/h of woody biomass in a temperature range of 450–550°C. The purpose of this rig was to determine the impact of various processing parameters on bio-oil yields. Next, the pyrolysis liquids (bio-oil and tar) were processed downstream into bio-bitumen. Pyrolysis experiments were carried out on Pinus Radiata and Eucalyptus Nitens residue sawdust from sawmills and bark feedstock. The properties of the collected products, including pyrolysis liquids (bio-oil and tar), gas and solid bio-chars, were measured under different operational conditions. Further analysis was also performed to determine pH, volatile content, chemical composition and calorific values of the products. The ultimate goal for this project was to develop a feasible, advanced fast-pyrolysis system for a bio-bitumen production plant using various biomass feedstocks. Additionally, a design for a bio-bitumen production plant was developed, and techno-economic analysis was conducted on a number of plant production yield cases and bio-bitumen manufacture ratios.

Čištění energoplynu z biomasy v katalytickém vysokoteplotním filtru / Syngas Cleaning in Hot Catalytic Filter

Lisý, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Disertation thesis deals with development of hot dolomite filter for the purposes of cleaning of gas polluted by biomass and waste gasification with ash and tar as well as sulphur and chlorine compounds as main pollutants. Gas is then cleaned so that it can be utilized in cogeneration units with combustion engines. This supports advancement of gasification techniques using decentralized power and heat generation especially for design of small scale units. Concrete aims of this thesis are stated in chapter 2. Experimental fluid gasification stend Biofluid 100 has been in operations at Brno University of Technology (BUT) since 2000 and it helps research of biomass and waste gasification. Development of the filter initially utilized needs and experience with the utility during cooperation of BUT and ATEKO Hradec Králové. Water scrubber was used for gas cleaning, however, this method proved to be ineffective. Alternative solutions were considered. Based on literature search, natural catalysts with limestone basis were opted. First part of the thesis presents literature search of this issue. Historic development and description of gasification process are briefly discussed as well as elementary classification of gasification generators. This part is followed by chapters dealing with gas pollutants. Tar – the most significant pollutant – is discussed in a separate chapter which presents tar formation, its classification, characteristics and methods for its removal. Brief summary of requirements on gas properties with respect to its utilization in various applications (especially in cogeneration units) follows. Other part of the literature search part focuses on methods of removal of tar from gas, especially on catalyst methods. Dolomite characteristics, description of dolomite calcination as well as simplified kinetic model of tar cracking using dolomite are presented. Based on literature search, laboratory and verification equipment was designed for the purposes of dolomite properties testing. Equipment description as well as description of experimental stend Biofluid 100 where the experimental tests were carried out can be found in introduction of the experimental part. This is followed by a complete description of pilot equipment design of hot dolomite filter with general description of experimental work process, brief characteristics of the fuel and catalytic material used. Final part of the work comprises of experiment results that were carried out on the pilot equipment. Focus is on efficiency of tar removal in connection with operation temperature, amount of catalytist and material used. Influence of these parameters on gas composition and energy intensity of the whole process under these conditions is mentioned as well. Possibility of autonomous unit operations without electricity heating is briefly outlined. Summary of the most significant results including the potential of future hot dolomite filter development is stated the final part of the thesis.

Tjärsandsindustrins miljöpåverkan : Alberta, Kanada

Kjelleros, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
In Alberta, Canada, amongst its mixture of sand, clay, water and other minerals, the tar sand’s heavy and viscous component bitumen, a thick, sticky form of crude oil is extracted through two methods; open-pit mining for shallower deposits (<75 m), and in situ for deeper deposits (>75 m). This degree project consists of a comparison between these two extraction methods impact on air, nature and water, which all have been evaluated by reviewing and analyzing literature. Studies showed that in situ methods cause a higher impact on air than open-pit mining, through higher emissions of greenhouse gases and sulfur dioxide (SO2), and will surpass the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions caused by the open-pit mines when the shallower, more accessible tar sands dwindle. Open-pit mining causes a higher impact on water due to its large tailing ponds that causes leakage of processing water and fine tailings, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH: s) and these 13 following elements considered priority pollutants (PPE) by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), beryllium (Be), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), silver (Ag), thallium (Tl) and zinc (Zn). However studies remain unclear whether or not in situ methods are worse due to underground tailing ponds. Finally, when it comes to nature, open-pit mining causes a more direct environmental impact through deforestation, drainage of peat and wetland, and blasting of rock. In situ methods however, seem to cause more of a long term environmental impact through fragmentation. Dividing the landscape into smaller units through roads, wells, pipelines and seismic lines, leads to domestic biodiversity and homogenization of flora and fauna as unfavorable conditions is created for the nature’s wildlife. In conclusion, in situ methods causes a bigger impact on air than open-pit mining, while open-pit mining causes a bigger impact on water. Due to lack of time and resources, more research about the direct impact on nature is needed to fully evaluate which of the two extraction methods causes the least environmental impact.

Disjointed connections : the presidential permitting of tar sands oil pipelines at the U.S.-Canadian border

Tomasovic, Brian Scott 14 February 2011 (has links)
The fuel for dynamic change in the United State’s energy relationship with Canada lies in immense deposits of tar sands beneath the boreal forests of Alberta province. Unconventional production of oil from this resource has accelerated in recent years and remains poised for continued expansion, facilitated, in part, by plans to import tar sands crude through new pipelines to refineries in the United States. However, the development of this resource carries uniquely heavy environmental burdens, and U.S. environmental groups have challenged the process by which the United States authorizes cross-border oil pipelines. This thesis analyzes the presidential permitting process and concludes that executive or legislative action is necessary to eliminate legal uncertainties and improve the transparency and public acceptability of determinations that new cross-border pipelines are warranted. / text

Tarring the Oil Sands: The Evolution and Emergence of ENGO Opposition in Alberta’s Oil Sands and Social Movement Theory

Dow, Matthew W. Unknown Date
No description available.

Performance Improvements to a Fast Internally Circulating Fluidised Bed (FICFB) Biomass Gasifier for Combined Heat and Power Plants

Bull, Douglas Rutherford January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes the development and experimental testing of a 100 kW dual fluidized bed biomass gasifier (also called a Fast Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed (FICFB) biomass gasifier). This steam-blown gasifier is being studied for its suitability within combined heat and power plant systems for the New Zealand forest products industry. This advanced design of gasifier has the ability to generate producer gas with a lower heating value (LHV) of 11.5-13.4 MJ/Nm3, which is two to three times higher than yielded by conventional gasification systems. This is accomplished because the gasification and combustion processes occur in two physically separated reactors. Several modifications to the gasifier were required after it was first constructed in order to achieve stable and reliable operation. Producer gas yields were measured through the use of helium as a tracer gas. A new simultaneous producer gas and tar sampling system was developed, allowing accurate samples to be obtained in a matter of minutes. Experimental testing included a cold testing exercise which provided valuable information on the circulation behaviour of the bed material and char within the gasifier. This helped in achieving stable and reliable operation of the plant. Producer gas yields of 14.6 Nm3/h were recorded with a fuel (radiate pine wood pellets) feed rate of 18.9 kgdry/h. The cold gas efficiency ranged from 16-40 % with limited heat recovery in place, but depended noticeably on the plant operating conditions especially gasification temperature. The amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) tars measured in the producer gas ranged between 0.9-4.7 g/Nm3 with naphthalene and acenapthylene being the most abundant compounds. The moisture content of the producer gas was determined to be 0.9-1.2 g/gdry gas. It was found that a steam to biomass ratio of 0.45-0.7 kg/kgdry was most favourable for generating a 12-13.4 MJ/Nm3 producer gas while limiting the amount of steam generation. Gasification temperatures above 750 °C encouraged higher producer gas yields and higher cold gas efficiencies. The catalytic bed material olivine (forsterite olivine) was found to increase the producer gas yield by approximately 20 % compared to the non-catalytic bed material greywacke. The use of olivine meant higher cold gas efficiencies were achieved for a given wood feed rate.

Product evaluation and reaction modelling for the devolatilization of large coal particles / Barend Burgert Hattingh

Hattingh, Barend Burgert January 2012 (has links)
A fundamental understanding of the process of devolatilization requires extensive knowledge of not only the intrinsic properties of the parent coal and its subsequent formed products (tars, gases and chars), but also its characteristic reaction rate behaviour. Devolatilization behaviour has been extensively addressed in literature with the use of powdered coal samples, which normally do not adhere to particle size constraints of coal conversion processes utilizing lump coal. The aim of this investigation was therefore to assess the devolatilization behaviour (with respect to product yield and -quality; and reaction rate modelling) of four typical South African coals (UMZ, INY, G#5 and TSH) confined to the large particle regime. All four coals were found to be bituminous in rank, with vitrinite contents ranging between 24.4 vol.% and 69.2 vol.% (mineral matter free basis). Two were inertinite-rich coals (UMZ and INY) and the other two were vitrinite-rich coals (G#5 and TSH). From thermoplasticity measurements it was evident that only coal TSH displayed extensive thermoplastic behaviour, while a comparison between molecular properties confirmed the higher abundance of poly-condensed aromatic structures (aromaticity of 81%) present in this coal. Product evolution was evaluated under atmospheric conditions in a self-constructed, large particle, fixed-bed reactor, on two particle sizes (5 mm and 20 mm) at two isothermal reactor temperatures (450°C and 750°C) using a combination of both GC and MS techniques for gas species measurement, while standard gravimetric methods were used to quantify tar- and char yield respectively. Elucidation of tar- and char structural features involved the use of both conventional- and advanced analytical techniques. From the results it could be concluded that temperature was the dominating factor controlling product yield- and quality, with significant increases in both volatile- and gas yield observed for an increase in temperature. Tar yields ranged between 3.6 wt.% and 10.1 wt.% and increased in the order UMZ < INY < TSH < G#5, with higher tar yields obtained for coal G#5, being ascribed to larger abundances of vitrinite and liptinite present in this coal. For coal TSH, lower tar yields could mainly be attributed to the higher aromaticity and extensive swelling nature of this coal. Evolved gases were found to be mainly composed of H2, CH4, CO and CO2, low molecular weight olefins and paraffins; and some C4 homologues. Advanced analytical techniques (NMR, SEC, GC-MS, XRD, etc.) revealed the progressive increase of the aromatic nature of both tars and chars with increasing temperature; as well as subsequent differences in tar composition between the different parent coals. In all cases, an increase in devolatilization temperature led to the evolution of larger amounts of aromatic compounds such as alkyl-naphthalenes and PAHs, while significant decreases in the amount of aliphatics and mixed compounds could be observed. From 13C NMR, HRTEM and XRD carbon crystallite results it was clear that an increase in temperature led to the formation of progressively larger, more aromatic and structurally orientated polycondensed carbon structures. Reaction rate studies involved the use of non-isothermal (5-40 K/min) and isothermal (350- 900°C) thermogravimetry of both powdered (-200 μm) and large particle samples (20 mm) in order to assess intrinsic kinetics and large particle rate behaviour, respectively. Evaluation of the intrinsic kinetic parameters of each coal involved the numerical regression of non-isothermal rate data in MATLAB® 7.1.1 according to a pseudo-component modelling philosophy. Modelling results indicated that the intrinsic devolatilization behaviour of each coal could be adequately described by using a total number of eight pseudo-components, while reported activation energies were found to range between 22.3 kJ/mol and 244.3 kJ/mol. Description of the rate of large particle devolatilization involved the evaluation of a novel, comprehensive rate model accounting for derived kinetics, heat and mass transport effects, as well as physical changes due to particle swelling/shrinkage. Evaluation of the proposed model with the aid of the COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3 simulation software provided a suitable fit to the experimental data of all four coals, while simulation studies highlighted the relevant importance of not only the effect of particle size, but also the importance of including terms affecting for heat losses due to particle swelling/shrinkage, transport of volatile products through the porous char structure, heat of reaction and heat of vaporization of water. / Thesis (PhD (Chemical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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