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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving interactional competence in a Teaching-English-to-Speakers-of-Other-Languages training program

Jackson, Marguerite Faye 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of the Value of Vocational/Industrial Teacher Preparation for the State Certification at North Texas State University

Boyd, Herschel B. 05 1900 (has links)
"The problem with which this study is concerned is that of determining whether the implementation of a teacher-training curriculum providing the courses required for state certification of vocational-technical teachers employed in the North Texas public school systems is feasible and desirable at North Texas State University."--1.

Étude des manifestations d’une pensée critique visée, stimulée et manifestée, chez des étudiants en formation initiale en enseignement de l’éducation physique et à la santé

Forges, Robert 05 1900 (has links)
L’école et les programmes de formation à l’enseignement ont connu beaucoup de transformations au cours des dernières décennies. Ces changements sont notamment associés au mouvement de la professionnalisation de l’enseignement qui met l’accent, entre autres, sur l’importance de développer une réflexivité critique chez les futurs enseignants à travers des cours théoriques et des stages. Dans cette optique, le Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et du sport (MELS) et les institutions universitaires ont la responsabilité d’interpréter les caractéristiques propres à une pensée critique et de les intégrer à la formation initiale des enseignants. Cependant, bien que le concept de pensée critique ait fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches théoriques et empiriques depuis les travaux sur la pensée réfléchie de Dewey, il n’existe toujours pas une définition consensuelle du concept. Néanmoins les philosophes « classiques » (Ennis, McPeck, Paul, Siegel, Lipman) s’entendent pour soutenir qu’une pensée critique présuppose un doute méthodique qui conduit à la mobilisation d’habiletés et d’attitudes intellectuelles complexes, reliées à l’évaluation des faits et des situations. De leur côté, des épistémologues issus du champ de la psychologie développementale (King & Kitchener, Kuhn, Perry, et d’autres) ont élaboré des modèles de développement d’une pensée critique basés sur l’identification de stades. L’un des plus récents modèles est issu des sciences de l’éducation (Daniel et al.) et sera utilisé comme grille pour analyser nos données. Il présuppose quatre modes de pensée (logique, métacognitif, créatif et responsable) et leur complexification à partir de trois perspectives épistémologiques (égocentrisme, relativisme et intersubjectivité). La présente étude, de nature qualitative, cherche à d’identifier la réflexivité (simple ou critique) visée par les textes officiels du MELS, stimulée par l’Université de Montréal (UdeM) dans le cadre de la formation initiale des étudiants inscrits en Éducation physique et à la santé (ÉPS) et manifestée par ces étudiants en fin de formation. Pour ce faire, nous avons eu recours à une analyse de contenu, et à une analyse basée sur le modèle développemental de Daniel et ses collègues. Ces analyses ont été conduites sur le référentiel de compétences du MELS, sur les indicateurs de compétences et les consignes de rédaction des rapports synthèses de l’UdeM, ainsi que sur des verbatim d’entrevues individuelles et de groupe et sur les rapports synthèses des participants (au nombre de neuf). Les résultats d’analyse du référentiel de compétences et des indicateurs de compétences montrent que les réflexivités visée et stimulée sont de l’ordre d’une pensée réfléchie mais pas nécessairement d’une pensée critique. Parallèlement, la réflexivité manifestée par les stagiaires lors des entrevues ainsi que dans leurs rapports synthèse s’est révélée être de l’ordre d’une pensée réfléchie pas nécessairement critique même si des manifestations d’une pensée critique ont occasionnellement pu être observées. / Schools and Teacher Training Programs have undergone several transformations over the past decades. In particular, these transformations have been associated to the teaching professionalization movement that emphasizes, among others, the importance of developing reflexivity, and especially critical reflexivity, in future teachers through theoretical classes and practicum. To this end, the Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et du sport (MELS) and universities are responsible for interpreting the characteristics that are specific to Critical Thinking (CT) and to integrate these characteristics in Initial Teacher Training. However, although the concept of CT has been the subject of considerable theoretical and empirical research since the works of Dewey on Reflective Thinking (RT), a consensual definition of the concept has yet to be reached. Nevertheless, “classical” philosophers (Ennis, McPeck, Paul, Siegel, Lipman) agree in sustaining that CT implies methodological doubt, which leads to the mobilisation of complex intellectual attitudes and skills, related to the evaluation of facts and situations. For their part, epistemologists from the field of developmental psychology (King & Kitchener, Kuhn, Perry, and other) have elaborated CT development models based on the identification of stages. One of the more recent models stems from Education Science (Daniel et al.) and will be used as a grid to analyse our data. It presupposes four thinking modes (logical, metacognitive, creative, and responsible) and their increasing complexity based on three epistemological perspectives (egocentricity, relativism, and inter-subjectivity). The present study, of a qualitative nature, attempts to identify the reflexivity (simple or critical) outlined in the MELS’s official texts, as stimulated by Université de Montréal (UdeM) with its Initial Teacher Training for students registered in the Physical Education and Health program, and as manifested by these students at the end of their training. To do so, we relied on content analyses, and on an analysis based on the developmental model of Daniel and colleagues. These analyses were conducted on the MELS’s competency dictionary, on competency indicators and UdeM writing guidelines for summary reports, as well as on transcripts of individual and group interviews, and on the participants’ summary reports (nine in total). Results from our analysis of the competency dictionary and competency indicators show that the reflexivity intended and stimulated is in the range of RT but not necessarily of CT. In parallel, the reflexivity manifested by trainees during the interviews and in their summary reports proved to be of a RT nature not necessary critic even if some manifestations of CT were observed.

Os impactos do programa institucional de bolsa de iniciação à docência (PIBID/CAPES) na formação do professor de física do Rio Grande do Sul

Darroz, Luiz Marcelo January 2016 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o debate sobre a formação de professores tem demonstrado que o magistério se tornou complexo e diversificado, e, nesse contexto, a profissão da docência já não se resume mais na mera transmissão de conhecimento. Por esse motivo, a formação docente assume um papel que transcende o ensino que pretende apenas uma atualização conceitual, pedagógica e didática e se transforma na possibilidade de criar espaços de vivência profissional, de reflexão, de cooperação e de associação permanente entre teoria e prática. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa aqui apresentada visa investigar os impactos do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid/Capes) na formação do professor de Física a partir dos subprojetos do programa que estão sendo desenvolvidos nas instituições de ensino superior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, dividiu-se o trabalho em duas etapas: a primeira constituiu-se na busca de elementos que evidenciassem aprendizagens relacionadas aos Focos da Aprendizagem Docente por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas junto aos coordenadores de área, supervisores e bolsistas de iniciação à docência. Em todas as entrevistas, utilizou-se a metodologia da Análise Textual Discursiva como ferramenta para análise de dados. Na segunda parte da investigação, acompanhou-se um grupo de bolsistas durante quatro semestres, buscando verificar se as atividades desenvolvidas no programa proporcionam alteração no modo de compreender o processo de ensino de Física. Para isso, elaborou-se e validou-se um instrumento de pesquisa que teve como base as concepções presentes na legislação atual para a etapa final da educação básica. Esse instrumento foi aplicado ao grupo de bolsistas participantes da pesquisa em dois momentos distintos, e os resultados foram comparados com os índices obtidos junto a acadêmicos dos cursos de licenciatura em Física que não participavam do programa e constituíram o grupo controle da pesquisa. Os resultados da primeira etapa indicam que a participação nas atividades do programa pode promover a aprendizagem docente, uma vez que elementos dos cinco focos foram identificados nas falas dos coordenadores de área, dos supervisores e dos bolsistas de iniciação. Já as comparações efetuadas entre as respostas dos bolsistas de iniciação à docência e as respostas dadas pelos acadêmicos do grupo controle demonstram que, ao participar do programa, a maioria dos bolsistas apresenta alterações no modo de conceber o processo de ensinar e aprender Física. Conforme os resultados das duas etapas, o programa é capaz de complementar os cursos de formação de professores de Física, por proporcionar situações concretas favorecedoras da articulação entre teoria e prática, da partilha de saberes, do desenvolvimento da reflexão sobre a prática e da identificação de casos reais do contexto escolar. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o Pibid oferece a esses cursos experiências que podem promover uma reflexão sobre seus objetivos, currículos e metodologias. / Over the last years, the debate about teacher training has shown that teaching became complex and diverse, and in this context, professional teaching is no longer just about transmitting knowledge. Hence, teacher training takes on a role that transcends the education aiming only at conceptual, pedagogical, and didactic updates and becomes a potential to create spaces for professional experiences, reflection, cooperation, and permanent association between theory and practice. In this context, the research hereby presented aims to investigate the impacts of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teacher Initiation (Pibid/Capes) on Physics teacher training from the subprojects of the program, which are being developed in higher education institutions in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Therefore, the work was divided into two stages: the first stage included the search for elements that evidenced the learning related to Teacher Learning Focus, through semi-structured interviews performed along with area coordinators, supervisors, and teacher initiation fellows. All of the interviews were performed with the Discursive Textual Analysis methodology as data analysis instrument. The second part of the investigation followed a group of fellows for four semesters, seeking to verify whether the activities developed in the program caused changes in the understanding of the process of teaching Physics. Hence, a research instrument was elaborated and validated, and it was based on the concepts present in the current legislation for the final stage of elementary education. This instrument was applied to the group of fellows participating in the research, in two different moments, and the results were compared to the indexes obtained along with students of Physics teaching courses who did not participate in the program and were part of the research control group. The results of the first stage indicated that the participation in activities of the program may promote teacher learning, considering that elements of the five focuses were identified in the speech of area coordinators, supervisors, and initiation fellows. On the other hand, the comparisons made with the answers from teaching initiation fellows and the answers given by students of the control group showed that, when participating in the program, most fellows show changes in understanding the process of teaching and learning Physics. The the results obtained in both stages show that the program is able to complement training courses of Physics teachers because it provides concrete situations that allow articulating between theory and practice, knowledge sharing, developing the reflection about practice, and identifying real cases of the school environment. Thus, it is concluded that the Pibid provides these courses with experiences that may promote a reflection about their objectives, curriculum, and methodologies.

O futuro é agora: possíveis caminhos para a formação de professores de espanhol como língua estrangeira para crianças / The future is now: possible paths for teacher training in Spanish as a foreign language for children.

Rinaldi, Simone 25 April 2011 (has links)
Neste estudo doutoral procuramos dar continuidade à nossa pesquisa anterior, em nível de Mestrado, na qual apresentamos um retrato da formação de professores de espanhol como língua estrangeira para crianças. Agora, propusemo-nos oferecer diretrizes para uma formação inicial ou continuada de docentes de espanhol que trabalhem ou queiram atuar com alunos dos primeiros anos do ensino fundamental. Nossa trajetória iniciou-se pela revisão bibliográfica, muitas vezes campeada entre as referências de disciplinas cursadas, outras tantas escolhidas em estantes de bibliotecas, livrarias reais e virtuais. Nossas leituras, análises e reflexões começaram pela área da legislação referente ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras (Lei paulista 1.750 de 08 de dezembro de 1920; Decreto Federal 1.164, de 1939; LDBEN, 1996; Resolução CNE/CEB 7/2010; PCN, 1998; RCNEI, 1998), passaram pelos conceitos e fundamentos dos mais renomados pensadores da educação, em especial teóricos vinculados ao desenvolvimento infantil (BROFENBRENNER, 1996; BRUNER, 1978, 2006; FREUD, 2010; GESELL, 2002; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; SKINNER, 1970, 1974; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005), à aquisição da linguagem (CHOMSKY, 1959 apud BARALO, 2004; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; TOMASELLO, 2003; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005, por exemplo), à alfabetização e ao letramento (ABUD, 1987; FERREIRO E TEBEROSKY, 1999; KATO, 1998; KLEIMAN, 2004) e, por fim, à aquisição da língua estrangeira (KRASHEN, 1995; PAIVA in BRUNO, 2005). Demos continuidade à nossa pesquisa por meio da observação e da análise de aulas ministradas por nós em um curso de extensão, bem como de professoras que já ensinavam espanhol para crianças e de uma estagiária que era responsável pelo minicurso de espanhol para crianças durante seu curso de licenciatura. Seguimos com entrevistas às docentes, à coordenadora de uma das instituições escolares visitadas, a pais e responsáveis por alunos que estudavam espanhol em uma dessas escolas regulares e a alguns alunos. Finalizamos nossa pesquisa com a máxima certeza de que o caminho que apontávamos é o mais adequado: existe, sim, a necessidade e a viabilidade de se criar uma disciplina para o curso de licenciatura em espanhol, com respaldo na Resolução CNE/CEB nº 7/2010 e/ou um curso de formação continuada que aborde os conhecimentos, as competências e as habilidades necessários aos professores de espanhol que queiram ensinar o idioma a crianças. Esperamos que as diretrizes gerais que consideramos imprescindíveis na organização e proposição de um curso ou disciplina com as características mencionadas, incluídas neste trabalho, sejam uma das contribuições de nossa pesquisa para a área de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras a crianças. / In this doctoral study we attempted to continue with our previous research, in Masters\' level, in which we presented a portrait of teacher training in Spanish as a foreign language for children. Now, we decided to provide guidelines for initial or continuing training of teachers of Spanish who work or want to work with students from the first years of elementary school. Our history began through literature review, often searching among references of courses taken, and many other times chosen in libraries shelves, real and virtual bookstores. Our readings, analysis and reflections began in the area of law concerning the teaching of foreign language (São Paulo State Law 1.750 of 8 December 1920; Federal Decree 1.164, 1939; LDBEN, 1996; Resolution CNE/CEB 7/2010; PCN, 1998; RCNEI, 1998), they passed by the concepts and fundamentals of the most renowned thinkers in education, especially theorists related to children development (BROFENBRENNER, 1996; BRUNER, 1978, 2006; FREUD, 2010; GESELL, 2002; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; SKINNER, 1970, 1974; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005), to language acquisition (CHOMSKY, 1959 apud BARALO, 2004; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; TOMASELLO, 2003; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005, for example), to alphabetization and literacy (ABUD, 1987; FERREIRO E TEBEROSKY, 1999; KATO, 1998; KLEIMAN, 2004) and, finally, to the acquisition of foreign language (KRASHEN, 1995; PAIVA in BRUNO, 2005). We continued our research through the observation and analysis of classes given by us in an extension course, as well as teachers who already have taught Spanish to children and an intern who was responsible for the short course in Spanish for children during her graduation course. We followed by interviewing teachers, the coordinator of one of the schools visited, the parents and guardians of students who studied Spanish in one of these regular schools and some students. We concluded our research with the outmost certainty that the path that we pointed out is the most appropriate: there really is the necessity and feasibility of establishing a discipline to the graduation course of Spanish, supported by the Resolution CNE/CEB nº 7/2010 and / or a continuing education course that addresses the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by teachers of Spanish who want to teach the language to children. We hope that the general guidelines which we consider indispensable in organizing and proposing a course or discipline with the mentioned features, included in this study, are one of the contributions of our research into the area of teaching and learning of foreign languages for children.

En lärarutbildning för en mångsidig värld : En historisk genomgång av den interkulturella lärarutbildningen på Södertörns Högskola

Martin, Christofer January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay is to describe the historical development of the intercultural teacher training program at Södertörn University in Stockholm. I have also examined how the intercultural teacher training program was started, how and why it became intercultural and how the people in charge of the development of the teacher training program discussed intercultural science. The teacher training program has been an active part of Södertörn University since 1998, but it became intercultural in 2002. I have studied these questions through documents from the Södertörn University archives and literature by the funders of the education. The study shows that the university profile, ambitions and motives have been a key factor in the decision to make the teacher training program at Södertörn a multi-cultural one.</p>

Zur Verstärkung des Praxisbezugs in der dritten Phase der Lehrerbildung für Berufspädagogen an berufsbildenden Schulen in Sachsen

Perschk, Anett 10 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in der beruflichen Bildung müssen die Erfordernisse der modernen und sich ständig verändernden Produktions- und Dienstleistungsstrukturen und deren Auswirkungen auf die berufliche Bildung kennen. Die Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses in Deutschland gab den Anstoß, den Prozess der Modularisierung und den Übergang zu Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen in der Lehramtsausbildung für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen im Hinblick auf den sogenannten „doppelten Praxisbezug“ (berufspraktische und schulpraktische Studien) in der ersten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Studium an Universitäten bzw. Hochschulen) und in der zweiten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Vorbereitungsdienst bzw. Referendariat) zu analysieren und mögliche Folgerungen bzw. Konsequenzen für die dritte Phase (Fort- und Weiterbildung) aufzuzeigen. Dazu wurden auf der Grundlage des „Didaktischen Grundverhältnisses“ (Hortsch, 1994) Praxisbereiche definiert, die dann den drei Komponenten beruflicher Handlungskompetenz eines Berufspädagogen (Hortsch, 1997) zugeordnet worden sind. Mittels Inhalts- und Dokumentenanalyse wurden einerseits die schulpraktischen und berufspraktischen Anteile in den auf Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen umgestellten Lehramtsstudiengängen für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen und der jeweilige Vorbereitungsdienst und andererseits Angebote im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- bzw. Weiterbildung, die der Ausprägung der produktionsorientierten Komponente der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz dienen, ermittelt. Eine schriftliche Befragung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern an Beruflichen Schulzentren im Freistaat Sachsen wurde mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, den Grad der Ausprägung der drei Komponenten der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz sowie das Fort- und Weiterbildungsverhalten zu untersuchen. Eine zweite schriftliche Befragung bei Partnern der beruflichen Bildung ermittelte deren Bereitschaft zur Kooperation im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- und Weiterbildung.

En lärarutbildning för en mångsidig värld : En historisk genomgång av den interkulturella lärarutbildningen på Södertörns Högskola

Martin, Christofer January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to describe the historical development of the intercultural teacher training program at Södertörn University in Stockholm. I have also examined how the intercultural teacher training program was started, how and why it became intercultural and how the people in charge of the development of the teacher training program discussed intercultural science. The teacher training program has been an active part of Södertörn University since 1998, but it became intercultural in 2002. I have studied these questions through documents from the Södertörn University archives and literature by the funders of the education. The study shows that the university profile, ambitions and motives have been a key factor in the decision to make the teacher training program at Södertörn a multi-cultural one.

Étude des manifestations d’une pensée critique visée, stimulée et manifestée, chez des étudiants en formation initiale en enseignement de l’éducation physique et à la santé

Forges, Robert 05 1900 (has links)
L’école et les programmes de formation à l’enseignement ont connu beaucoup de transformations au cours des dernières décennies. Ces changements sont notamment associés au mouvement de la professionnalisation de l’enseignement qui met l’accent, entre autres, sur l’importance de développer une réflexivité critique chez les futurs enseignants à travers des cours théoriques et des stages. Dans cette optique, le Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et du sport (MELS) et les institutions universitaires ont la responsabilité d’interpréter les caractéristiques propres à une pensée critique et de les intégrer à la formation initiale des enseignants. Cependant, bien que le concept de pensée critique ait fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches théoriques et empiriques depuis les travaux sur la pensée réfléchie de Dewey, il n’existe toujours pas une définition consensuelle du concept. Néanmoins les philosophes « classiques » (Ennis, McPeck, Paul, Siegel, Lipman) s’entendent pour soutenir qu’une pensée critique présuppose un doute méthodique qui conduit à la mobilisation d’habiletés et d’attitudes intellectuelles complexes, reliées à l’évaluation des faits et des situations. De leur côté, des épistémologues issus du champ de la psychologie développementale (King & Kitchener, Kuhn, Perry, et d’autres) ont élaboré des modèles de développement d’une pensée critique basés sur l’identification de stades. L’un des plus récents modèles est issu des sciences de l’éducation (Daniel et al.) et sera utilisé comme grille pour analyser nos données. Il présuppose quatre modes de pensée (logique, métacognitif, créatif et responsable) et leur complexification à partir de trois perspectives épistémologiques (égocentrisme, relativisme et intersubjectivité). La présente étude, de nature qualitative, cherche à d’identifier la réflexivité (simple ou critique) visée par les textes officiels du MELS, stimulée par l’Université de Montréal (UdeM) dans le cadre de la formation initiale des étudiants inscrits en Éducation physique et à la santé (ÉPS) et manifestée par ces étudiants en fin de formation. Pour ce faire, nous avons eu recours à une analyse de contenu, et à une analyse basée sur le modèle développemental de Daniel et ses collègues. Ces analyses ont été conduites sur le référentiel de compétences du MELS, sur les indicateurs de compétences et les consignes de rédaction des rapports synthèses de l’UdeM, ainsi que sur des verbatim d’entrevues individuelles et de groupe et sur les rapports synthèses des participants (au nombre de neuf). Les résultats d’analyse du référentiel de compétences et des indicateurs de compétences montrent que les réflexivités visée et stimulée sont de l’ordre d’une pensée réfléchie mais pas nécessairement d’une pensée critique. Parallèlement, la réflexivité manifestée par les stagiaires lors des entrevues ainsi que dans leurs rapports synthèse s’est révélée être de l’ordre d’une pensée réfléchie pas nécessairement critique même si des manifestations d’une pensée critique ont occasionnellement pu être observées. / Schools and Teacher Training Programs have undergone several transformations over the past decades. In particular, these transformations have been associated to the teaching professionalization movement that emphasizes, among others, the importance of developing reflexivity, and especially critical reflexivity, in future teachers through theoretical classes and practicum. To this end, the Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et du sport (MELS) and universities are responsible for interpreting the characteristics that are specific to Critical Thinking (CT) and to integrate these characteristics in Initial Teacher Training. However, although the concept of CT has been the subject of considerable theoretical and empirical research since the works of Dewey on Reflective Thinking (RT), a consensual definition of the concept has yet to be reached. Nevertheless, “classical” philosophers (Ennis, McPeck, Paul, Siegel, Lipman) agree in sustaining that CT implies methodological doubt, which leads to the mobilisation of complex intellectual attitudes and skills, related to the evaluation of facts and situations. For their part, epistemologists from the field of developmental psychology (King & Kitchener, Kuhn, Perry, and other) have elaborated CT development models based on the identification of stages. One of the more recent models stems from Education Science (Daniel et al.) and will be used as a grid to analyse our data. It presupposes four thinking modes (logical, metacognitive, creative, and responsible) and their increasing complexity based on three epistemological perspectives (egocentricity, relativism, and inter-subjectivity). The present study, of a qualitative nature, attempts to identify the reflexivity (simple or critical) outlined in the MELS’s official texts, as stimulated by Université de Montréal (UdeM) with its Initial Teacher Training for students registered in the Physical Education and Health program, and as manifested by these students at the end of their training. To do so, we relied on content analyses, and on an analysis based on the developmental model of Daniel and colleagues. These analyses were conducted on the MELS’s competency dictionary, on competency indicators and UdeM writing guidelines for summary reports, as well as on transcripts of individual and group interviews, and on the participants’ summary reports (nine in total). Results from our analysis of the competency dictionary and competency indicators show that the reflexivity intended and stimulated is in the range of RT but not necessarily of CT. In parallel, the reflexivity manifested by trainees during the interviews and in their summary reports proved to be of a RT nature not necessary critic even if some manifestations of CT were observed.

Effectiveness Of Anatolian Teacher Training High Schools In Terms Of Serving Their Intended Purpose

Basaran, Semra Tican 01 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Anatolian Teacher High Schools (ATHSs) in terms of serving their intended purpose. The research design of the study comprised a nation-wide survey and document analysis. The sample for the survey consisted of 1026 students, 612 teachers, 877 parents and 259 graduates selected through stratified random sampling over 33 ATHSs across 32 provinces in Turkey, and 302 prospective teachers, selected through cluster sampling, in Gazi University Faculty of Education. Two distinct instruments were used for data collection / survey questionnaires containing multiple choice and open-ended questions / and attitude scales containing five-point Likert type questions. To analyze quantitative data, descriptive statistics, t-test and two-way ANOVA were conducted. The open-ended questions were analyzed via content analysis. Results indicated that students, graduates, teachers, parents and administrators described ATHSs as the ideal schools for students who want to enter university and/or become teachers. Students and their parents prefer ATHSs in order to guarantee a university program for a career with the guarantee of finding a job. During the four years in ATHSs students are offered quality education and their attitudes toward the teaching profession have developed positively. More than half of the graduates entered a university program, a great majority of which entered teacher-training programs. ATHS graduates studying in teacher training programs are different from their classmates graduated from other high schools with respect to preferring teaching as a profession, the priority they gave to the teacher training programs in the university entrance exam, university entrance exam scores, academic achievement in teacher training programs and commitment to teaching as a lifelong career however they are not different with respect to attitudes toward the teaching profession. The majority of the graduates who were not able to enter a university program are unemployed. Since ATHS graduates are not considered as semi-professionals, there is no specific employment area available for them. Results also indicated that ATHSs serve their intended purpose, however not to extend they are expected to. Therefore, some reform movements are needed to increase the effectiveness of these schools.

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