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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Překonávání potíží u žáků základních uměleckých škol studujících hru na klavír za použití moderních výukových metod / Tackling Primary Music School Students'Practicing Issues Using Contemporary Piano Teaching Methods

Hu, Beibei January 2017 (has links)
Presented master thesis tackles common piano practicing issues among students at the first stage of piano learning. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the difficulties that block students' progress, and analyze proper approaches that improve students' musical capabilities. The practicing issues are scientifically categorized into three categories: technical, interpretative and general practicing and performing issues, and are further analyzed from physical, psychological, and most importantly, educational perspective. In addition, contemporary piano teaching methods from various countries are explored and various methodologies and teaching philosophies are investigated and presented. Effective approaches, suitable strategies and practicing suggestions are provided in the study for both teachers and learners. Chinese piano educators can use this study to enrich their teaching methodologies and to develop new piano teaching methods.

Metodika klavírního vyučování začátečníků s návrhem optimálního řešení výběru a uspořádání notových materiálů / Methodology of Elementary Piano Teaching with Suggestion of Optimal Solution for Selection and Arrangement of Sheet Music

Lorenc, Eva January 2019 (has links)
The beginnings of piano playing of children play an important role in laying quality pianistic groundings, which are crucial for their further pianistic development as well as for building their relationship with the instrument and music itself. This thesis is devoted to the study of elementary piano teaching of children aged 5-7 years. The aim of the thesis is to map the current state of piano pedagogy in Czech Republic and to propose optimal methodological procedures and solutions in the initial piano lessons based on modern pedagogical approaches and the needs of contemporary piano pedagogy. In five chapters of the work, this goal will be achieved by examining the historical background of piano schools in Bohemia over the centuries to this day, by setting up theoretical and practical bases for the researched issue and finally by research itself. Within the framework of practical bases, which served as a basis for subsequent research, an optimal methodological approach to teaching in the early stage of piano playing was proposed for children aged 5-7 years, which corresponds to the most modern requirements of the field. The optimal selection and arrangement of sheet music for the given area of pedagogy was also designed with a focus on Czech and foreign piano schools and instructive piano...

Plavecký způsob kraul a jeho výuka v kurzech plavání u dětí mladšího školního věku / Swimming crawl and his swimming lessons for younger school children

Stasová, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this work is to find the most common mistakes in children of younger school age in swimming technique crawl. Another aim of the work is to eliminate mistakes in the technique of the given swimming method based on the elaborated training plan, in the range of sixteen hours. An integral part of the work will be to map the distance traveled at the beginning of monitoring and then at the end of the application of training. The theoretical part deals with the issue and description of the swimming crawl. The practical part of the thesis consists of recording and subsequent evaluation of individual errors according to the description of children's swimming technique. I will use the methods of observation, scaling, testing to evaluate the results and I will use the statistical method of data processing. The results of the work mostly correspond with the description of the child's technique of the crawl.

Perdidos en las emociones y la traducción: regulación de emociones en estudiantes de traducción / Lost in emotions and translation: emotional regulation in translation students

Farías Córdova, Rocío Adriana, Wiesse Ramos, Diana Lucía 17 May 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación analiza las estrategias que los estudiantes de traducción de una universidad peruana emplean para regular sus emociones. Los resultados muestran los generadores de emociones más comunes: la recepción de calificaciones menores a aquellas esperadas, la falta de confianza en sus bagajes conceptuales y temáticos, aspectos de la metodología de la clase y la relación con docentes y compañeros. Los estudiantes inician con el uso de estrategias disfuncionales, como la rumiación y la autoculpa; sin embargo, llegan a usar estrategias funcionales para cumplir con los objetivos del curso, como la refocalización de los planes. / This research analyzes the strategies that translation students of a Peruvian university use to regulate their emotions. The results show the most common scenarios: getting lower grades than expected, the lack of confidence in their conceptual and thematic background, aspects of the course methodology, and their relationships with their professors and classmates. The students’ process starts with the use of maladaptive strategies, such as rumination and self-blame. However, students continue their process and then use adaptive strategies to fulfill their goals, such as refocusing on planning. / Tesis

Adquisición de pragmática en segunda lengua : un modelo didáctico para la enseñanza de la pragmática

Romero Betancourt, María Victoria 20 September 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / La competencia pragmática es un componente de la competencia comunicativa. Para que un hablante sea competente en una lengua, no sólo debe tener el conocimiento lingüístico, sino que, además, debe entender las normas, valores y estructuras sociales de la comunidad de habla. Al aplicar estos conceptos al campo de adquisición de segunda lengua (L2) o de lengua extranjera (LE), nos damos cuenta de que la enseñanza de pragmática de L2 es fundamental para ayudar a que el aprendiz establezca las similitudes y diferencias entre las normas, valores y estructuras sociales de su L1 y las de la lengua en estudio. Como no hay un modelo único a seguir en la enseñanza de pragmática para alcanzar los mejores resultados en cuanto a la adquisición de esta competencia, este estudio describe algunos modelos eficaces de enseñanza de la pragmática en el aula de español como lengua extranjera (ELE), y analiza la manera como los libros de texto examinados incluyen y tratan los temas de la pragmática. Este estudio sobre la adquisición de pragmática en segunda lengua aportará al campo de la enseñanza de pragmática, mediante una unidad didáctica que implementa los hallazgos de varios investigadores en el área de adquisición de segunda lengua, con énfasis en la adquisición de interlengua pragmática, es decir, de pragmática en segunda lengua (L2) o lengua extranjera (LE).

Комиксы в обучении русскому как иностранному во французских лицеях : магистерская диссертация / Comics in teaching Russian as a foreign language in French high schools

Сидамон-Эристави, А. Д., Sidamon-Eristavi, A. D. January 2022 (has links)
Данная научная работа направлена на выявление эффективности и способов использования комиксов в качестве учебного материала при обучении русскому языку учеников французских лицеев. Описываются преимущества такого подхода. Предлагаются примеры возможных упражнений на разных этапах работы с комиксами. Материалом для упражнений выступает серия русских комиксов о Майоре Громе. В первой части работы рассматриваются общие теоретические вопросы, касающиеся особенностей поликодовых текстов в целом и комиксов в частности. Во второй части работы описывается методологическая основа процесса совершенствования ИКК учащихся с помощью комиксов, а также критерии отбора материала для занятий. Наконец, в третьей части работы предлагается комплекс упражнений на тренировку учащимися конкретной грамматической темы – «спряжения глаголов русского языка». Комплекс упражнений разрабатывается на материале комиксов в контексте обучения такому рецептивному виду речевой деятельности как чтение. Оценивается качество выполнения упражнений учащимися. Теоретическая значимость работы заключается в выявлении видов упражнений, материалом для которых являются комиксы. Практическая значимость результатов исследования состоит в том, что их можно использовать на занятиях по русскому языку как иностранному при обучении французских учеников в условиях неязыковой среды. Результаты исследования могут оказать помощь при разработке учебных материалов с использованием комиксов. / This scientific work is aimed at identifying the effectiveness and ways of using comics as an educational material in teaching the Russian language to students of French high schools. The advantages of this approach are described. Examples of possible exercises at different stages of working with comics are offered. The material for the exercises is a series of Russian comics about Major Grom. The first part of the work deals with general theoretical issues concerning the features of polycode texts in general and comics in particular. The second part of the work describes the methodological basis for the process of improving the foreign language communicative competence of students with the help of comics, as well as the criteria for selecting material for classes. Finally, in the third part of the work, a set of exercises is proposed for students to train a specific grammatical topic - “conjugation of verbs in the Russian language”. A set of exercises is developed on the material of comics in the context of teaching such a receptive type of speech activity as reading. The quality of the exercises performed by the students is evaluated.

Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции с использованием коммуникативного тренинга и технологий мультимедиа : магистерская диссертация / Development of foreign language communicative competence using communicative training and multimedia technology

Афонина, К. Е., Afonina, K. E. January 2023 (has links)
Данная работа посвящена развитию иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции с помощью коммуникативного тренинга и мультимедийных технологий. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью выявления новых путей развития компонентов иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. В теоретической главе были определены основные составляющие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции, рассмотрены мультимедийные технологии, использующиеся при обучении иностранным языкам, а также изложены принципы и условия применения коммуникативного тренинга в процессе обучения иностранному языку. В практической главе были разработаны планы единичного коммуникативного тренинга и серии коммуникативных тренингов, описано их практическое применение. / This work is devoted to the development of foreign language communicative competence with the help of communicative training and multimedia technologies. The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity to identify new ways to develop the components of foreign language communicative competence. In the theoretical chapter the main components of foreign language communicative competence were identified, multimedia technologies used in foreign language teaching were considered and the principles and conditions of communicative training application in the process of foreign language teaching were outlined. In the practical chapter the plans of a single communicative training and a series of communicative trainings were developed, and their practical application was described.

Particularity, practicality and possibility: an investigation into the awareness and use of communicative language teaching methodology in a college of higher education in Oman

McLean, Alistair Charles 16 September 2011 (has links)
This study investigates awareness and use of communicative language teaching methodology (CLT) in a foundation programme at an institution of higher learning in the Sultanate of Oman, where rapid expansion and a reliance on expatriate skills has resulted in the employment of predominantly native English teachers, many with inadequate formal teacher training. The qualitative research methodology employed involved a core of five teachers using three data-gathering instruments and ten additional English language teachers who responded to a questionnaire. The study finds that the majority of teachers have inadequate knowledge of the CLT approach and do not use it in the classroom. The findings suggest that an adapted version of CLT which embraces local contextual and sociocultural conditions may be pedagogically viable. The study draws comparisons between the idea of a hypothetical, “adapted” version of CLT and the notions of “particularity, practicality and possibility” as suggested by Kumaravadivelu (2006). / English Studies / M.A. (Specialisation in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, TESOL)

A practical-theological evaluation of the contextualization of theological education by extention in Southern Africa : a Wesleyan perspective

Lo, James 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research project was to explore whether or not the TEE programme of The Wesleyan Church in Southern Africa is effectively contextualized to help churches to experience numerical increases in church attendance and in new congregations being started. Three aspects of contextualization were examined in relationship to The Wesley'.3-n Church's TEE programme: ( 1) Content, focusing upon the theme of "liberation"; ( 2) Methodology, focusing upon the theme of "conscientization"; and (3) Structures, focusing upon the theme of "involvement in context". At the outset of this research project, I hypothesized that The Wesleyan Church's TEE programme in Mozambique was being effectively contextualized, while the TEE programme in South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe was not. Data was collected by means of four different questionnaires, interviews, and observations made as a participant observer in different TEE classes. A letter was initially sent to 175 individuals who had been, or still were, still involved in the TEE programme of The Wesleyan Church in Southern Africa. A.total of 132 individuals responded and stated that they would be willing to participate in my research project. The data analysis indicates that when TEE helps its students to adhere to the following three principles of contextualization, the church is able to experience numerical growth; (1) Both the clergy and the laity have a vital ministry; (2) It is important to minister to the spiritual needs of people, as well as to the social and political needs of the people; and (3) Christians must be helped to think and act critically and creatively about the contexts in which they live and work. The conclusion seems to be that the Mozambican TEE programme, because it is being contextualized, is helping its churches to grow. On the other hand, the TEE programme in South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe, because it has not been effectively contextualized, seems to be powerless in helping its churches to do the same. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Practical Theology)

Perspective vol. 43 no. 2 (Aug 2009)

Blomberg, Doug, Sweetman, Robert, Van Manen, Rick, Vandenberg, Sophie 31 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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