Spelling suggestions: "subject:"breaching - dethodology"" "subject:"breaching - methododology""
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Rapport(s) aux(x) savoir(s) scientifique(s), situations didactiques et modes d’interactions en salle de classe en Haïti- Étude exploratoire auprès d’élèves de la fin du secondaire de la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince / Reports in scientific knowledge, didactic situations and modes of interaction in the classroom in Haiti.- Exploratory study of students completing high school in the metropolitan area of Port-au-PrinceNelson, Augustin 23 June 2012 (has links)
Nous visons à mieux comprendre, à travers la notion composite de rapport(s) au(x) savoir(s), la façon dont le sujet apprenant haïtien se construit dans l'espace scolaire comme membre de la société et s'y intègre. L’approche se base sur des données construites sur des singularités d’« histoires » scolaires et des statistiques issues d’études sociologiques. Elles sont analysées et interprétées dans un cadre théorique inspiré de travaux développés par l’équipe ESCOL (Charlot, Bautier, Rochex) ou par Beillerot dans une perspective clinique, ou culturelle comme Hayder. Les situations sociopolitiques et économiques rendent complexes les rapports à l’école et à ses objets : ainsi dans la société haïtienne, les enseignants éprouvent des difficultés à susciter l’intérêt pour les savoirs scolaires et les apprenants expriment des sentiments d’abandon à leur sort. La réussite à l’école ne leur suffit pas pour se projeter dans un avenir plus assuré qu’il ne l’est actuellement. Malgré tout, des familles se sacrifient pour que leurs enfants continuent à fréquenter l’école. Ici s’origine une idée de mieux comprendre ce que signifie, pour un jeune haïtien le fait d’aller à l'école, d'y travailler ou non, d'y apprendre et comprendre les savoirs proposés. Notre question centrale : de quel ordre sont les facteurs qui influencent la(es) rapport(s) au(x) savoir(s) des sujets apprenant dans l’espace scolaire haïtien ? Notre hypothèse principale : La mobilisation du sujet apprenant pour investir la(es) savoir(s) dépend de ses rapports à lui-même, à l'institution (à travers les interactions avec les enseignant(e)s et personnels de direction) et de ce que ces savoirs mobilisent en lui.Ces questions sont abordées à partir de l’organisation de l’enseignement dans différentes institutions scolaires prenant en compte entre autres : qualité d’enseignement, rapports à la culture scolaire, question du sens de l’école et des savoirs, etc.. Nous tentons de formuler un problème éducatif en Haïti à partir d’une lecture «en positif » des situations des sujets apprenant. Un des constats : les savoirs étant présentés en vrac, ceux qui n’ont pas une stratégie de « survie » se perdent dans l’indifférence de la société. / We predict to better understanding the Haitian learning experience through the notions of its relationships with knowledge and how these relationships are built within the school system environment as a member of society leading up to the integration. This approach is based on individual students’ stories and statistical facts issued from sociological studies. On one hand, these stories and facts are been analyzed and interpreted within theoretical and academic frameworks developed by ESCOL (Charlot, Bautier, Rochex). On the other hand, they have been analyzed by Beillerot from a clinical perspective, and analyzed by Haydwe from a cultural standpoint. The socio-politic and economic situations have contributed to the complexity of the relationships between the learners and school environments. Consequently, teachers have endured difficulties to motivate students to learn meanwhile students have expressed desire to drop out from school given that academic success has not been sufficient to ensure a sustainable future to them. Nevertheless, Haitian parents, in spite of limited resources continue to invest in the education of their children. Herein, begin the idea of understanding what it means for young Haitians to attend school, to work or not, to learn and understand what they are being taught in school.Our central question: What are the influential factors within the relationships between the learners and Haitian school system? Our hypothesis: The motivation of a student to learn depends on intrinsic motivation; and the interaction between him or her and the school institutions trough interaction with teachers and administrative personnel.These issues are raised from the organization of the educative system through several institutions in assessment of the quality of instruction, relation with the school culture, questions on the importance of education, etc. We try to formulate the problem of the Haitian school system from a “positive model” of the learners’ circumstance. One of the findings, since knowledge is presented in bulk, those who do not have a "survival" strategy, are lost in the society frightening indifference.
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The Methodology of Reading : An analysis of current literary classroom material / Läsmetodik i praktiken : En analys av aktuellt litterärt klassrumsmaterialForeman, Chelsea January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to conduct an analysis of four different classroom materials for the English 6 course in order to see the extent to which the textbooks follow accepted teaching methodology for reading, and whether or not their methodology changed after the curriculum switch in 2011. The books being analysed are Progress Gold C, Streams in Literature, Blueprint C Version 2.0, and Viewpoints 2. The analysis has been done by first looking at the teaching methodology literature in order to create a framework of questions to follow when analysing the classroom material, and from that framework looking at what reading activities are available and which model they follow, whether the texts activate different areas of knowledge for the students, and the variety of reading purposes that are available in each book. The answers have then been summarised individually for each point that has been picked out in the framework, and I have then briefly discussed whether or not there is a difference between the textbooks published prior to the curriculum change contra those published afterwards. The conclusion of my analysis is that each of the books is strong in its own way, but that they do not all adhere to the chosen teaching methodology models – with Viewpoints 2 being the strongest in relation to the chosen framework, and Streams in Literature being the weakest. The books are all very similar at first glance, but it is clear to see that each of the authors has chosen their own way of handling the subject of reading literature in the classroom, with Streams in Literature choosing to focus almost entirely on the texts, while Progress Gold C and Blueprint C Version 2.0 have a much heavier focus on linguistics, and Viewpoints 2 strikes a balance between the two. My conclusion is that while all four of the books seem to follow the teaching methods analysed in this essay to some degree, all of them would require a good amount of revision in order to be more optimally developed towards the teaching theories presented here. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att genomföra en analys av fyra olika klassrumsmaterial som tillhör Engelska 6 kursen för att kunna se i vilken utsträckning textböckerna följer den accepterade undervisningsmetodiken kring läsning, och om metodiken ändrades efter kursplansbytet 2011 eller inte. Böckerna som analyseras är Progress Gold C, Streams in Literature, Blueprint C Version 2.0, och Viewpoints 2. Analysen har genomförts genom att först titta på litteraturen kring undervisningsmetodik för att skapa en teoretisk ram med frågor att följa när böckerna analyseras, och att sedan utifrån den ramen titta på vilka aktiviteter som finns och vilken modell de följer, om de aktiverar olika kunskapsområden hos eleverna, samt variationen mellan vilka lässyften finns i böckerna. Svaren har sedan sammanfattats individuellt för varje bok och punkt i den teoretiska ramen, och jag har då diskuterat översiktligt om det finns en skillnad mellan textböckerna som är utgivna innan kursplansbytet jämfört med de som är utgivna efter bytet. Sammanfattningen av min analys är att varje textbok är stark på sitt eget sätt, men att inte alla följer den valda undervisningsmetodiksmodellen – förhållandet till den teoretiska ramen är starkast i Viewpoints 2 och svagast i Streams in Literature.Böckerna är vid första anblick väldigt lika, men man kan tydligt se att varje författare har valt sitt eget sätt att hantera hur man läser literatur i klassrummet. Streams in Literature väljer att fokusera nästan enbart på texterna, medans Progress Gold C och Blueprint C Version 2.0 har ett mycket tyngre fokus på lingvistik, och Viewpoints 2 har hittat en balans medan de två olika sätten. Min slutsats är att även om alla fyra textböcker verkar till en viss grad följa undervisningsmetodiken som har analyserats i denna uppsats så skulle alla behöva en stor mängd revideringar för att vara mer optimalt anpassade mot den presenterade undervisningsmetodiken.
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Perspective vol. 43 no. 2 (Aug 2009) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)Blomberg, Doug, Sweetman, Robert, Van Manen, Rick, Vandenberg, Sophie 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigación sobre la relación entre las directrices curriculares relativas a la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa y su aplicación en el aula (1º Bachillerato)Cerezo García, Mª Lourdes 19 January 2007 (has links)
Es una tesis analítico-descriptiva, con finalidad diagnóstica, en la que se describe el enfoque didáctico que debe aplicarse en la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa, según las directrices curriculares: el enfoque comunicativo. Se describe la metodología empleada para la investigación: observación en el aula. Por otro lado, se describe y analiza un corpus de actividades recopilado a partir de la observación de clases de inglés, presentando los datos en tablas en aras de mayor objetividad y para facilitar su sistematización, y también en formato descriptivo. Finalmente, tras la descripción y el análisis de los datos, se presentan las conclusiones, en las cuales se comprueba que la metodología empleada no es la comunicativa. Además, se ponen de manifiesto aspectos de la realidad del aula que contribuyen a explicar por qué no se aplica esa metodología y por qué el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera no es tan fructífero como cabría esperar. / This is an analytico-descriptive thesis, written for diagnosis purposes, which investigates the relationship between the curricular guidelines for the teaching of English at the secondary level in the Spanish education system (communicative approach) and the actual application of those guidelines in real language classrooms. The methodology used for the the investigation is the so-called classroom observation. Also, a corpus of 1º Bachillerato English language lessons is described and analyzed, in two main formats: in tables (for the sake of objectivity and to facilitate data systematization) and in written analysis (descriptions). Next, conclusions are drawn where it clearly shows that the methodology employed in those lessons is not communicative. Finally, aspects of the day-to-day in language classrooms come out that contribute to explain why the communicative methodology is not used in the lessons observed and why foreign language learning in our country is not as fruitful as it would be desirable.
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Particularity, practicality and possibility: an investigation into the awareness and use of communicative language teaching methodology in a college of higher education in OmanMcLean, Alistair Charles 16 September 2011 (has links)
This study investigates awareness and use of communicative language teaching methodology (CLT) in a foundation programme at an institution of higher learning in the Sultanate of Oman, where rapid expansion and a reliance on expatriate skills has resulted in the employment of predominantly native English teachers, many with inadequate formal teacher training. The qualitative research methodology employed involved a core of five teachers using three data-gathering instruments and ten additional English language teachers who responded to a questionnaire. The study finds that the majority of teachers have inadequate knowledge of the CLT approach and do not use it in the classroom. The findings suggest that an adapted version of CLT which embraces local contextual and sociocultural conditions may be pedagogically viable. The study draws comparisons between the idea of a hypothetical, “adapted” version of CLT and the notions of “particularity, practicality and possibility” as suggested by Kumaravadivelu (2006). / English Studies / M.A. (Specialisation in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, TESOL)
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A practical-theological evaluation of the contextualization of theological education by extention in Southern Africa : a Wesleyan perspectiveLo, James 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research project was to explore whether or not the TEE programme of The Wesleyan Church in Southern Africa is effectively contextualized to help churches to experience numerical increases in church attendance and in new congregations being started. Three aspects of contextualization were examined in relationship to The Wesley'.3-n Church's TEE programme: ( 1) Content, focusing upon the theme of "liberation"; ( 2) Methodology, focusing upon the theme of "conscientization"; and (3) Structures, focusing upon the theme of "involvement in context". At the outset of this research project, I hypothesized that The Wesleyan Church's TEE programme in Mozambique was being effectively contextualized, while the TEE programme in South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe was not. Data was collected by means of four different
questionnaires, interviews, and observations made as a participant observer in different TEE classes. A letter was initially sent to 175 individuals who had been, or still were, still involved in the TEE programme of The Wesleyan Church in Southern Africa. A.total of 132 individuals responded and stated that they would be willing to participate in my research project. The data analysis indicates that when TEE helps its students to adhere to the following three principles of contextualization, the church is able to experience numerical growth; (1) Both the clergy and the laity have a vital ministry; (2) It is important to minister to the spiritual needs of people, as well as to the social and political needs of the people; and (3) Christians must be helped to think and act critically and creatively about the contexts in which they live and work. The conclusion seems to be that the Mozambican TEE programme, because it is being contextualized, is helping its churches to grow. On the other hand, the TEE programme in South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe, because it has not been effectively contextualized, seems to be powerless in helping its churches to do the same. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Practical Theology)
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Os estudos observacionais de Maria Sibylla Merian: contribuições para o ensino dos insetos mediado por tecnologias da informação e comunicação / The learning observed by Maria Sibylla Merian: contribuitions to the learning the insects mediated by technology of information and comunicationMachado, Elaine Ferreira 15 March 2016 (has links)
Acompanha: Guia de construção do insetário virtual / Esta dissertação apresenta uma pesquisa qualitativa investigando como os métodos observacionais de Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) podem contribuir para o ensino de Biologia, mais especificamente, de um grupo de organismos fundamentais para a manutenção do equilíbrio biológico: os insetos, através da mediação dos smartphones e Instagram. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa-ação, desenvolvida em espiral reflexiva, com os estudantes de uma escola pública, situada na região metropolitana de Curitiba, PR. O principal objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar as contribuições dos métodos de estudo de Maria Sibylla Merian, artista e cientista renascentista, para o ensino-aprendizagem dos insetos, com a construção coletiva de um insetário virtual, mediado pelas TIC. No percurso da pesquisa, investigou-se a história e a filosofia dos trabalhos de Merian no estudo dos insetos e com os smartphones e Instagram, desenvolveu-se, com os estudantes da Escola Básica, uma experiência tecnológica capaz de potencializar a mediação das TIC. Foi realizado, nessa pesquisa, as seguintes etapas: desenvolvimento do “Guia de Construção do Insetário Virtual” com os estudantes do segundo ano do Ensino Médio, a gravação das aulas em áudio, anotações das aulas em diário de campo e questionário final. Após os resultados e tratando-se de uma pesquisa-ação com característicase metodologias próprias, discutimos o processo realizado conforme sugere a espiral auto reflexiva. A história e a filosofia dos trabalhos de Maria Sibylla Merian embasaram o planejamento das sequências didáticas com o intuito de construir coletivamente o insetário virtual. Essas sequências foram elaboradas seguindo os momento pedagógicos propostos por Demétrio Delizoicov, José André Angotti e Marta Maria Pernambuco: problematização, organização do conhecimento e aplicação do conhecimento, em uma metodologia problematizadora e dialógica proposta por Paulo Freire e, fundamentada na complexidade e racionalidade dos saberes de Edgar Morin, Jean Ladriere, Jacques Ardoino, além de Neil Postman e C. P. Snow como referencial de TIC. Os dados foram categorizados segundo a matriz investigativa. Os resultados mostraram que a obra de Maria Sibylla Merian, transposta para a relação de ensino-aprendizagem dos insetos contribui significativamente para a apropriação dos conhecimentos desses seres vivos pelos estudantes, permite a eles um olhar da ciência e da arte e, ainda, problematiza o papel das TIC na escola básica.Concluímos que o “Guia de Construção do Insetário Virtual”, produto dessa dissertação de mestrado proporciona um trabalho diferenciado nas aulas de Biologia e que outros trabalhos unindo a arte, a ciência e as TIC são possíveis em sala de aula, em uma relação dialógica, problematizadora e de iniciação à complexidade dos saberes. / This thesis presents a qualitative research exploring as the way observed by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647 – 1717) that can contribute to the learning of Biology, more especifically of a fundamental grupo of mobster for a maintance ofan equilibrium: the insects by the mediation of smartphones and Instagram. It was about an action research developed information in reflexive spiral with students of a public school, located in Curitiba - PR metropolitan zone. The main objective of the research was investigate the study methods contributions of Maria Sibylla Merian, renaissence artist and scientist, to the teaching and learning the insects with a collective built of a virtual insectarium mediated by TIC. In the way of the research,it was investigate the history and the philosophy about Merian’s works in study of insects and with smartphones and Instagram, it developed with students of basic school a technology experience able of empower the mediation of the TIC. It was made in the research the following stages: development of a built of a “ guide insectarium “ with the second grade of high school students, the recording classes in audio, classes annotation in a field diary and a final questionnaire. After the results, as if it is an action research with own methodology characteristics, we discussed the process realized according to suggest the reflective self-spiral. The history and the philosophy about Maria Sibylla Merianfound the planning of the didactic sequences with intention of the collectively built a virtual insectarium. These sequences were elaborated following the pedagogics moments offered by Demétrio Delizoicov, José André Angotti and Marta Maria Pernambuco: questioning, learning organization and learning aplication in a questioning methodology and a proposal dialogic by Paulo Freire and found in a complexity and rationality of the Knowledge of the Edgar Morin, Jean Ladriere, Jacques Ardoino beyond of Neil Postman and C. P. Snow as referencial of the TIC. The dates were categorized according with the investigate head office. The results present that the works Maria Sibylla Merian takes to a relation of the teaching and learning insects, contribute significantly to the appropriation of the learning these living being by students, allowing them a look at the science and art and even discuss the role of TIC in basic school. We concluded that the “construction of a virtual guide of an insectarium”, it provides differential work in Biology classes and that offered enjoyable art and science works and the TIC are possible in classes, in a dialogics relationchip, problematization and the complexity of Knowledges.
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Educação a distância: propostas pedagógicas e tendências dos cursos de graduação / Distance education: pedagogical purposes, strategies and trens of graduation coursesPino, Adriana Soeiro 20 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-08-24T14:02:54Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-06-20 / The Distance Education Courses have grown in Brazil for several reasons, among them: lower costs, flexibility of schedules, quality of technological resources. Nowadays, with the high unemployment rates in Brazil in 2016-2017, and the need for continued formation and aca-demic education to maintain or to get a job, they make the University degree courses, espe-cially those that offered in the distance modalities, a great option for busy citizens and for people who needs flexible schedules to study. It is clear that the costs of this type of educa-tion are lower, because students don’t have transportation costs, nor a classroom at Universi-ties, so educational Institutions investing less in building infrastructure and virtual student can study at home. In this context, the growth of the distance modality is impressive, but we still have many challenges ahead, since many students of this modality are not “digital natives” and they tend to give up the courses because of technological problems and adjustment on the pedagogical model. According to data from the latest EAD Census BR 2015, there are 5,048,912 students enrolled in the modality, that is 1,180,296 more students registered than in 2014. The dropout rates are also high, they are ranging from 26% to 50%, however, Distance Education is already part of the educational context of the 21st century and this modality has recently been contributing to some of its strategies and digital tools iin face-to-face teaching, since the profile of students has also changed rapidly and, in the near future, they will be more familiar with technological devices, and with interactive activities,that will provide the inte-gration of modalities: blended learning. In time of changes, the institutional challenges are many: pedagogical, technological and even in the adjustment of business model. This study investigated the pedagogical approach and the structure of digital courses, tutor´s models and the impact of regulatory changes for the sector.
The purpose of this study is to analyze two undergraduate courses: one from a private univer-sity and another from a public college institution, in order to of current legislation, identifying their respective methodologies and strategies, which guided the structuring of their courses, in order to Analyze the theoretical bases that support the diverse and varied practices in the area. Also check what tools are available in their Learning Management System – LMS and how they help the learning process in this new millennium. / Los cursos superiores de la modalidad por distancia han crecido en Brasil por diversas razones, entre ellas: costos más bajos, flexibilidad de los horarios y calidad de los recursos tecnológi-cos. Actualmente, con el alto índice de desempleo en Brasil y la necesidad de capacitación continuada y formación académica, para el mantenimiento del empleo y la vuelta al mercado de trabajo, hacen de los cursos de graduación ofrecidos en las modalidades por distancia una óptima opción, para aquellos demasiado Ocupados y también para los dispuestos a gastar me-nos.En este contexto, es visible el crecimiento de esa modalidad por distancia y los números impresionan, todavía tenemos muchos desafíos por delante, ya que los estudiantes no son na-tivos digitales y tienden a evadirse ante los diversos problemas de orden tecnológico y ajuste al modelo pedagógico . En acuerdo con los datos del último censo EAD, en el año 2015, hay 5.048.912 de los alumnos matriculados en esa modalidad, es decir, 1.180.296 estudiantes re-gistrados, más que en 2014.Los índices de evasión también son altos: varían de 26% hasta 50%, sin embargo, la Educación por Distancia ya hace parte del contexto educativo del siglo XXI y recientemente, ven contribuyendo con algunas de sus estrategias y herramientas digita-les en la enseñanza presencial, ya que el perfil de los estudiantes también se ha modificado rápidamente y en el futuro próximo, esos presentarán una mayor familiaridad con los disposi-tivos tecnológicos, así como la preferencia por las actividades interactivas, favoreciendo la integración de las modalidades. Ante este escenario de cambios, los retos Institucionales son muchos: pedagógicos, tecnológicos y hasta en el ajuste de modelo de negocios. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo investigar las propuestas pedagógicas y tendencias para la estructuración de los cursos de contenido digital, modelos de tutoría e impactos de los cambios en la reglamentaci-ón para el sector. El objeto de este estudio está orientado al análisis de los cursos de gradua-ción: uno de Institución particular de enseñanza y otro de pública, bajo la luz de la legislación vigente, identificando sus respectivas metodologías y estrategias, que orientaron la estructura-ción de sus cursos, a fin de analizar las bases teóricas que sostienen a las diversas y variadas prácticas en el área. Comprobar, también, qué herramientas están disponibles en sus respecti-vos Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje – AVA- y como ellas auxilian el aprendizaje de este nuevo milenio. / Os cursos superiores da modalidade a distância têm crescido no Brasil por diversas razões, dentre elas: custos mais baixos, flexibilidade de horários, qualidade dos recursos tecnológicos. Atualmente, com o alto índice de desemprego no Brasil, ocasionadas em parte pelos escânda-los políticos de 2016 e 2017, e a necessidade de capacitação continuada e formação acadêmi-ca, para manutenção do emprego ou retorno ao mercado de trabalho, fazem dos cursos de gra-duação ofertados nas modalidades a distância uma ótima opção, para aqueles demasiadamente ocupados e também para os dispostos a gastar menos. Neste contexto, é notório o crescimento da modalidade a distância e os números impressionam, mas temos ainda muitos desafios pela frente, já que muitos estudantes desta modalidade não são nativos digitais e tendem a evadir diante dos diversos problemas de ordem tecnológica e ajuste ao modelo pedagógico. De acor-do com os dados do último Censo EAD. BR 2015, existem 5.048.912 alunos matriculados na modalidade, ou seja, 1.180.296 estudantes registrados a mais do que em 2014. Os índices de evasão também são altos: variam de 26% a 50%, no entanto, a Educação a Distância já faz parte do contexto educacional do século XXI e esta modalidade, recentemente, vem contribu-indo com algumas de suas estratégias e ferramentas digitais no ensino presencial, uma vez que o perfil dos estudantes também têm se modificado rapidamente e, num futuro próximo, estes apresentarão maior familiaridade com os dispositivos tecnológicos, bem como preferência pe-las atividades interativas, favorecendo a integração das modalidades. Diante deste cenário de mudanças, os desafios Institucionais são muitos: pedagógicos, tecnológicos e até no ajuste de modelo de negócio. Esta tese tem como objetivo levantar as propostas pedagógicas e tendên-cias para a estruturação cursos, de conteúdo digital, modelos de tutoria e impactos das mu-danças na regulamentação para o setor. O objeto deste estudo está voltado à análise de dois cursos de graduação: um de Instituição particular de ensino e outro de pública, sob a luz da legislação vigente, identificando suas respectivas metodologias e estratégias, que orientaram a estruturação de seus cursos, a fim de analisar as bases teóricas que sustentam as diversas e variadas práticas na área. Verificar, também, que ferramentas estão disponíveis nos seus res-pectivos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem – AVAs e como elas auxiliam a aprendizagem deste novo milênio.
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Ruské a české národní tradice vánočního období ve výuce ruštiny / Russian and Czech Christmas Folk Traditions at the Lessons of Russian LanguageKlimets, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis and detailed description of the basic holidays of the civil year. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the study of the most popular folk traditions, religious rituals and beliefs of the Slavs, the way how Christian church (Catholic and Orthodox) influenced on the origin of fundamental traditions and rituals. There is also a description of the way the major Slavonic holidays are held. Czech and Russian traditions are compared in order to find some basic similarities and differences between them and to analyze the development of the traditions in historical context. Such issues as language pedagogy, intercultural language competence and how to use traditions at Russian lessons at primary and secondary schools are also emphasized in the work. The practical part of the thesis deals with the analysis of some books used for teaching Russian language at Czech schools in order to find out how customs, folk traditions and holidays are described and presented. It also contains the research of the contemporary situation at Czech schools in the form of the testing of the teachers of Russian language and the students of elementary and secondary schools. The aim of the research is to find out which methods the teachers are dealing with for the successful...
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"Jag tyckte i alla fall att eleverna var duktiga" : Teoribildning i lärarstudenters didaktiska reflektioner i ämnet svenska / “At least I thought the pupils were good”: : Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching SwedishJohansson, Annelie January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Det här är en kvalitativ studie i syfte att undersöka hur vetenskapliga teorier synliggörs i lärarstudenters reflektioner över sin undervisning i ämnet svenska på lågstadiet. Materialet är insamlat i samband med lärarstudenters verksamhetsförlagda utbildning och består av intervjuer, observationer av undervisning och texter i form av pedagogiska planeringar. Resultatet visar att lärarkandidaters reflektioner håller en låg nivå när det gäller skoldidaktisk reflektion och att grunda sina resonemang i teorier om lärande och i professionella ämneskunskaper i svenska, även om deras undervisning håller god kvalitet. Sammantaget är min slutsats att olika metoder eller förklaringsmodeller som används inom forskning skulle kunna synliggöras i större utsträckning inom ramen för svenskkurser i lärarutbildningen. De kan dessutom användas som redskap för dokumentation av elevers kunskaper samt studenters egna skoldidaktiska reflektioner men även för det systematiska arbetet med att dokumentera elevers lärande som en förutsättning och utgångspunkt för planering av kommande undervisning, det vill säga formativ undervisning. Det skulle kunna vara ett sätt att överbrygga teori-praktikproblemet i lärarutbildningen såväl som att höja nivån av hur studenter relaterar till vetenskapliga modeller som stöd för skoldidaktisk reflektion. / Title: “At least I thought the pupils were good”: Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching Swedish This qualitative study aimed to investigate the role of theory in education students’ reflections on their teaching of Swedish in lower primary school. The material was collected in connection with the students’ practical placements and comprises of interviews and observations. Although these prospective teachers performed well in the classroom, the study shows that the students’ didactic reflections were generally below par and inadequately founded in theories of learning or Swedish subject knowledge. The overall conclusion is that different methods or models used in research can be highlighted to a greater extent in the Swedish subject courses on the primary education program. Students may not only use such theoretical tools to document pupils’ knowledge and formulate their own didactic reflections, but these tools could also prove useful in formative teaching, that is, in systematically documenting pupils’ learning in order to plan future teaching. This could therefore be a way to bridge the theory-practice gap in teacher training as well as improve education students’ use of theoretical models in their didactic reflections.
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