Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teachingattitude anda teaching"" "subject:"teachingattitude ando teaching""
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Training in lesson planning skillsChuma, Vivian Khensane 29 January 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Teaching Studies) / Hierdie navorsing is gebaseer op die onderrigvaardighede wat tydens lesvoorbereiding en lesbeplanning benodig word. Onderwysers benodig sekere toepaslike en relevante onderrigvaardighede binne die onderwys professie. Daar word gepoog om die basiese onderrigvaardighede te identifiseer wat benodig word tydens lesvoorbereiding en -beplanning, hoe 'n onderwysstudent hierdie vaardighede kan bemeester en om te bepaal of die vaardighede deur die onderwysers aangewend word in die werklike onderrigsituasie. Die doeI van hierdie studie word volledig in hoofstuk 1 uiteengesit. Die doelstellings is as volg: * om 'n verskeidenheid van vaardighede wat tydens lesvoorbereiding en beplanning benodig word, te identifiseer; om ondersoek in te stel of hierdie vaardighede aan onderwyskolleges en universiteite wei onderrig word; om te bepaal of onderwyskolleges en universiteite (volgens die respondente) die nodige aandag, prakties sowel as teoreties, aan die onderrig van genoemde vaardighede bestee, en om te bepaal of die vaardighede, indien wei onderrig is, in die klaskamersituasie aangewend word. 'n Vraelys is saamgestel wat op die basiese onderrigvaardighede gebaseer is en wat onder andere die volgende insluit: besluitnemingsvaardighede; onderrigvaardighede betreffende die leerling se beginsituasie; vaardighede om die doel, doelstellings, lesinhoud, leerling-onderwyseraktiwiteite, leerinhoud, organisasie, evaluasie en terugvoer korrek te selekteer. Die vraelys is deur onderwysers van verskillende jaargroepe in verskillende skole voltooi om sodoende data van onderwysvaardighede tydens lesbeplanning en -voorbereiding in te same!. Die bevinding van die vraelys weerspieel die opinie dat aile jaargroepe van onderwysers saamstem dat die teoretiese aspek van hul opleiding genoegsame aandag geniet, maar dat die praktiese opleiding van onderwysers nie dieselfde aandag geniet nie. Die bevindings dui daarop dat 'n ongebalanseerdheid bestaan tussen die teorie en die praktyk. In die lig hiervan het die navorser dit nodig geag om sekere aanbevelings aan kolleges en universiteite te maak, ter bevordering van die status quo. Daar word onder andere voorgestel dat tersiere inrigtings hul huidige onder-wysersopleiding kurrikula en opleidingsprogramme hersien, ten einde meer effektiewe praktiese ondervinding aan onderwysstudente te bied, en hulle sodoende beter toerus met die vereiste onderrigvaardighede wat hulle in staat sal stel om hulle taak met beter bevoegdheid, meer effektiwiteit en sukses te verrig.
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發展教師專業的行動研究: 一個詮釋學經驗交流的角度 = An action research on developing teachers' professionalism from the perspective of hermeneutic of experience of language. / Action research on developing teachers' professionalism from the perspective of hermeneutic of experience of language / Fa zhan jiao shi zhuan ye de xing dong yan jiu: yi ge quan shi xue jing yan jiao liu de jiao du = An action research on developing teachers' professionalism from the perspective of hermeneutic of experience of language.January 2015 (has links)
過往的教師專業發展都是圍繞着如何加強教師的專業知識及教學技巧,藉以改善學生的學習,甚至會嘗試探討如何可透過學校重組、重建,以改變教育的結構與文化。問題是教師面對充滿諸多限制的「處境」時,所謂專業知識、教學技巧又是否還有用武之地?這十五年的教育改革似乎已走向回頭路,作為專業教師還有其他可行的路讓其內藏的專業能力有效地發揮嗎?本研究借用伽達默爾「詮釋學經驗交流」的理論作為行動介入,嘗試尋找教師個人專業發展的空間與可行性。 / 研究設計分為三個階段。第一階段,研究員透過邀請五位教師敍說其教學經驗,反思自我置身於歷史洪流處境中的教師角色,並探討自己的價值觀念;第二階段,為了讓各受訪者有較廣闊的思考角度,研究員會揭示自我的教學故事;第三階段,研究員選用「詮釋學經驗交流」的對等交流模式介入受訪教師的視域,促使雙方在過程中更深入地思索教育的意義。 / 通過這項行動研究,我們共有三項重要發現。第一階段的研究顯示五位受訪教師剛入職時的「理解的前結構」是比較簡單的,因此影響了他們日後面對的教學工作。再加上,他們未有察覺「效果歷史」的存在,結果面對宏觀社會環境以及微觀學校處境突如其來的轉變,未及反應。結果,五位受訪教師既要應付教師行業「多樣性」、「變動性」及「不確定性」的特點,又要應付處境改變帶來的衝擊,而出現了不同程度的失衡狀態。 / 在第二階段的研究中,發現「效果歷史」會對五位受訪教師的「自我理解」起了一定程度的作用。透過研究員以文字將他們敍說的故事重新有機地組織,讓受訪教師以另一整合角度去閱讀自己的故事。閱讀過後,他們不單看到「效果歷史」的張力如何影響自己對教師角色的理解,還呈現對教師專業的種種想法。研究員的故事介入促進受訪教師思索、回顧自己昔日教學。研究員的故事就像一面鏡子,讓受訪教師看到與研究員教學相同與不同之處,形成一種遊走於熟悉與陌生之間的感覺,帶來一種無形之衝擊感,同時為下一階段「詮釋學經驗交流」作好準備。 / 研究的第三部份發現「詮釋學經驗交流」可促使教師個人教學專業的成長與理解,正如伽達默爾所言,交流有變換的力量,只要交談成功最終會在雙方身上留下構成改變的東西。確實,研究員與受訪教師在構建專業對話平台讓雙方在平等、開放的「來回玩」交流經驗中以新的視域看視問題,對不同的教育議題獲取了新的理解與知識。 / 透過本研究看到五位受訪教師在「效果歷史」的拉扯下所呈現的狀況,同時看到「敍說研究」以及「詮釋學經驗交流」的介入如何提昇教師的意識及自省能力,以達致發展教師專業,重新尋找到教育的意義。希冀每一位教師都能努力提昇個人教學專業,打開心窗,傾聽不同的聲音。在「詮釋學經驗交流」中進行專業對話,以擴闊個人有限的視域,讓新的教學思維與內涵可以有機會進入教師心中,為教育界帶來美好的轉變。 / Teachers’ professional development tended to be centered upon how to enrich teachers’ professional knowledge and pedagogical skills for improvement of students’ learning or even how to restructure and reconstruct the school for the transformation of educational structure and culture. Yet, in fact, the crux of the matter is whether teachers’ professional knowledge and their pedagogical skill can still be put to use in face of many situational constraints. Given the fact that these 15 years of educational change seemed to be making about-face turn, can teachers still have alternative ways to unleash their interior professional capacities? This study is an action research drawing upon Gadamer’s theory of ‘hermeneutic of experience of language’ in an attempt to explore the spatiality and feasibility of teachers’ professional development as individuals. / This study design consisted of 3 stages. In the first phase, five teachers were invited to narrate their teaching experiences, reflect on the roles they played as teachers in the turbulent situation, and explore their personal values. As for the second phase, the researcher uncovered her personal teaching experience to broaden the interviewees’ perspectives. When it came to the last phase, the researcher adopted the "hermeneutics experience of language" approach in interacting with the interviewees on an equal basis so as to facilitate both parties’ deeper reflection on the value of education. / Through this action research, three important findings were identified. As shown in the first phase of study, it was found that the five interviewees’ relatively simple ‘fore-structure of understanding’ at their entry into the profession did have an impact on their later teaching performance. Besides, their lack of awareness of ‘the principle of history of effect’ did weaken their responsiveness to the sudden changes in the macro social setting and micro school environment. As a result, when confronted with the ‘diversity’, ‘volatility’ and ‘uncertainty’ of the teaching profession while at the same time, having to cope with the challenges brought about by the situational changes, the five interviewees suffered from a varying degree of imbalance. / From the second phase of study, it was found that ‘the principle of history of effect’ had some effect on the five interviewees’ ‘self-understanding’. The researcher made a written account of the interviewees’ narrations and then reorganized them. Reading their own stories from a different perspective not only helped them realize how ‘the principle of history of effect’ had influenced their understanding about a teacher’s role, but also threw light on different views towards teaching professionalism. The researcher’s own story further facilitated interviewees’ reflection and recollection of their teaching experiences. The researcher’s story was like a mirror, enabling the interviewees to notice the similarities and differences in their teaching as compared to the researcher’s. This interplay between familiar and strange experiences as a result made an imperceptible impact, preparing them for the next phase of ‘hermeneutics of experience of language’. / According to the findings in the third phase of study, ‘hermeneutics of experience of language’ could facilitate a teacher’s professional growth and understanding. As stated by Gadamer, exchanges had the power to transform, and as long as the exchanges were successful, both parties would experience changes. Admittedly, when the researcher and the interviewees were interacting and exchanging their experiences on a professional platform with equality and openness as well as viewing issues from new perspectives, they could get new understanding and knowledge about different educational issues. / This research has demonstrated how the five interviewees were shaped by ‘the principle of history of effect’ and how the agents of ‘narrative studies’ and ‘hermeneutics of experience of language’ enhanced teacher’s awareness and introspective capabilities in achieving teaching professionalism and rediscovering the value of education. Hopefully, every teacher will strive to work for better teaching professionalism, be open-minded and be willing to listen. Conducting professional dialogues through ‘hermeneutics of experience of language’ can help extend horizon and make way for new thinking modes of teaching and better character-building to bring about positive changes in education. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 梁頌賢. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ed.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 302-311). / Abstracts also in English. / Liang Songxian.
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中学职前教师的专业身份建构: 实习教师的专业学习历程的个案研究. / 实习教师的专业学习历程的个案研究 / Construction of the professional identity of pre-service secondary school teachers: case studies of student teachers' learning to teach / Case studies of student teachers' learning to teach / Zhong xue zhi qian jiao shi de zhuan ye shen fen jian gou: shi xi jiao shi de zhuan ye xue xi li cheng de ge an yan jiu. / Shi xi jiao shi de zhuan ye xue xi li cheng de ge an yan jiuJanuary 2012 (has links)
身份转变是成为教师的一个重要部分,不少研究者因此强调教师教育在职前教师专业身份形成中的作用,亦有研究者发现实习是职前教师身份转变的关键阶段。然而到底职前教师是如何通过专业学习来建构和发展期专业身份的,却一直缺乏相关实证研究。有鉴于此,本研究尝试从职前教师专业学习历程中去理解专业身份的建构和发展,从职前教师的视角去考察当前教育实习为他们提供了怎样的身份建构情境。 / 研究以情境视角下的学习观和身份建构观为理论背景(Lave&Wenger,1991; Wenger,1998),采个案研究方法,通过深度访谈和田野观察来跟踪两所实习学校内的四名高中实习教师的专业学习历程,以理解实习教师的身份建构和改变的过程,并以此为线索梳理了实习情境中影响其身份建构的主要因素及其互动关系。 / 研究发现,实践参与式的学习确实改变着实习教师的专业身份。四个个案实习教师的专业身份经过实习后都在不同方面不同程度地发生了改变。驱使这种改变的最为核心的力量是他们在实习前业已形成的职业承诺和教师角色认知。而它们也是实习教师在实践场域中定位自我的最为关键的两个身份定位点。职业承诺决定了职前教师参与实践和建构身份的意愿。根据自己的学生身份所形成的教师角色认知则是实习教师识读实习情境扮演角色的主要根据。既有的角色认知与实习场域中的角色脚本的冲突则是启动身份重构的关键。 / 另一方面,实习学校的实践文化、实习指导教师所构成的实习情境共同框定了实习教师的实践参与的方式和内容。而实习教师总是基于自己原有的职业承诺和角色认知投入实习情境,与角色对手展开互动。身份的协商正是在这种互动的参与中展开。传记性因素、情境性因素和经历性因素在这个过程中以不同方式影响着身份的协商和建构,而它们三者之间的互动最后形塑了职前教师在整个实习期间的参与轨迹,导向了不同的专业身份。 / 基于此,研究尝试为学界理解职前教师如何通过专业学习以建构其专业身份提供概念框架和实践启示,并提议建立专业身份建构型的教师学习观。 / As the identity transformation is essential for becoming a teacher, researchers have emphasized the role that the teacher education play in the shaping and forming of pre-service teachers’ professional identities, with teaching practice as the critical stage in transforming the identities of pre-service teachers. However, few empirical studies have been conducted to investigate how the pre-service teachers construct and develop their professional identities through professional learning. To this end, this research explores the professional learning trajectories of pre-service teachers to understand the construction and development of their professional identities. Furthermore, this study looks into the teaching practice from the angle of pre-service teachers in order to depict a picture of the context for the professional identity construction. / Using the framework of learning concept and identity construction (see Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998), the research employed the case study method, carrying out both in-depth interviews and field observations to gather qualitative data. Four student teachers from two placement schools participated in the research as four cases. The four teachers’ learning experiences as well as their identity construction and change were investigated to explore factors constructing and changing the professional identities of the four student teachers. / The research, on the one hand, has confirmed the importance of learning as participation in changing the student teachers’ professional identities. In the four cases, the professional identities of the student teachers were all found to be changed after the teaching practice in different ways and at different levels. The major motivation for the change was attributed to the professional commitment and the concept of teacher role, which had been formed prior to the teaching practice of the four student teachers. Moreover, the professional commitment and the concept of teacher role were the two anchoring points of student teachers to locate themselves in the field of teaching practice. Regarding the two anchoring points, the professional commitment determined the willing of student teachers to participate in the teaching practice and construct their professional identities; the concept of teacher role, taking shape out of their self-as-student, was the frame of reference for the four student teachers’ understanding of the teaching practice context as well as the role playing. The clash between the four student teachers’ concept of teacher role and the role script embedded in the culture of the two schools was the trigger of the four student teachers’ identities reconstruction. / The research, on the other hand, has indicated that, the four student teachers participated in the teaching practice and interacted with the role partners according to their own original professional commitment and concept of teacher role, although the teaching practice context, comprising the placement school culture and the mentors, shaped the way and the content of the four student teachers’ participation. Therefore, the negotiation of identity took place between the four student teachers and the teaching practice context, which was influenced in different ways by the three factors, namely, the biography, the context and the experience. The interaction among the three factors subsequently built up the participation trajectories of the four student teachers through the whole teaching practice, guiding the four student teachers to achieve different professional identities. / On the whole, the research has contributed to conceptual understanding as well as practical implications in the construction of pre-service teachers’ professional identities through professional learning. In future research and practice, it is proposed that learning to teach be explored from the perspective of professional identity construction. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 张倩. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 304-315). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhang Qian. / 中文摘要 --- p.I / 英文摘要 --- p.II / 致谢 --- p.IV / 目录 --- p.V / 图表目录 --- p.VII / 导言 --- p.VIII / Chapter 第一章 --- 问题陈述 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究的缘起--寻惑与解惑的起点 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究的背景 --- p.3 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师身份的提出 --- p.3 / Chapter 二、 --- “学教的再概念化 --- p.4 / Chapter 三、 --- 情境学习的视角 --- p.5 / Chapter 四、 --- 教育实习的样貌 --- p.6 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究的目的与问题 --- p.8 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究的意义 --- p.9 / 本章小结 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文献述评 --- p.13 / Chapter 第一节 --- 西方研究中的“学教 --- p.13 / Chapter 一、 --- “学教研究的脉络梳理 --- p.14 / Chapter 二、 --- 再概念化的“学教 --- p.17 / Chapter 三、 --- 本研究的“学教概念框架 --- p.22 / Chapter 四、 --- 小结 --- p.32 / Chapter 第二节 --- 教师专业身份的研究脉络 --- p.34 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师专业身份的意涵 --- p.35 / Chapter 二、 --- 教师专业身份研究的主要理论脉络 --- p.41 / Chapter 三、 --- 实习教师专业身份研究的现状 --- p.46 / 本章小结 --- p.58 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究的设计与方法 --- p.59 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究框架与研究问题 --- p.59 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究的概念框架 --- p.59 / Chapter 二、 --- 相关概念的操作性定义 --- p.61 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究问题的阐述 --- p.63 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究的设计与方法 --- p.64 / Chapter 一、 --- 质化研究取向 --- p.64 / Chapter 二、 --- 个案研究的策略 --- p.64 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究的整体设计 --- p.65 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究的效度与伦理 --- p.75 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究的效度 --- p.75 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究伦理 --- p.76 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究局限 --- p.78 / 本章小结 --- p.79 / Chapter 第四章 --- 实习教师的专业身份发展 --- p.80 / Chapter 第一节 --- 个案实习教师的专业身份发展 --- p.80 / Chapter 一、 --- 薇的专业身份发展 --- p.81 / Chapter 二、 --- 凯的专业身份发展 --- p.96 / Chapter 三、 --- 玲的专业身份发展 --- p.108 / Chapter 四、 --- 慧的专业身份发展 --- p.122 / Chapter 第二节 --- 实习教师专业身份发展的特点 --- p.139 / Chapter 一、 --- 实习前职前教师的专业身份特点 --- p.139 / Chapter 二、 --- 实习前职前教师专业身份的主要区别 --- p.145 / Chapter 三、 --- 实习后职前教师的专业身份特点 --- p.147 / Chapter 第三节 --- 小结 --- p.152 / Chapter 第五章 --- 实习情境中的学教与身份发展 --- p.156 / Chapter 第一节 --- 个案实习教师的实习故事 --- p.156 / Chapter 一、 --- 薇的实习故事 --- p.157 / Chapter 二、 --- 凯的实习故事 --- p.176 / Chapter 三、 --- 玲的实习故事 --- p.191 / Chapter 四、 --- 慧的实习故事 --- p.209 / Chapter 小结 --- p.227 / Chapter 第二节 --- 专业身份的形塑--实习情境的识读与应对 --- p.228 / Chapter 第三节 --- 专业身份的建构--情感体验与自我反思 --- p.236 / Chapter 第四节 --- 小结 --- p.240 / Chapter 第六章 --- 实习教师身份发展的主要影响因素 --- p.243 / Chapter 第一节 --- 传记性因素 --- p.243 / Chapter 第二节 --- 情境性因素 --- p.247 / Chapter 第三节 --- 经历性因素 --- p.263 / Chapter 第四节 --- 小结 --- p.275 / Chapter 第七章 --- 结论 --- p.277 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究的结论 --- p.277 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究意义 --- p.285 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究反思与建议 --- p.292 / Chapter 附录一 --- 第一次访谈提纲 --- p.296 / Chapter 附录二 --- 第二次访谈提纲 --- p.298 / Chapter 附录三 --- 第三次访谈提纲 --- p.300 / Chapter 附录四 --- 文献综述中的“学教 --- p.300 / 参考文献 --- p.304
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轉變是如何發生: 教師學習運用「戲劇教學法」作為教學工具的學習及理解意義過程. / 教師學習運用戲劇教學法作為教學工具的學習及理解意義過程 / How does change happen: the learning and sense-making process of learning to use drama-in-education as a teaching tool / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhuan bian shi ru he fa sheng de: jiao shi xue xi yun yong "xi ju jiao xue fa" zuo wei jiao xue gong ju de xue xi ji li jie yi yi guo cheng. / Jiao shi xue xi yun yong xi ju jiao xue fa zuo wei jiao xue gong ju de xue xi ji li jie yi yi guo chengJanuary 2012 (has links)
教師學習「戲劇教學法」近年成為了教師專業發展的一種方式。不少外國的研究發現「戲劇教學法」課堂與一般課堂有很大的不同,當教師們學習掌握這些課堂時,這個學習過程本身對教師來說可能已經是一次專業發展的機會。然而,在香港,不單此方面的研究甚少,甚至連「戲劇教學法」的實踐或研究都甚少。不少前線教師甚至會對這種教學法有一定的誤會。 / 本研究旨於以「教師學習」的角度探討教師們學習「戲劇教學法」的過程。首先會檢視教師們如何就這種教學法的獨特本質,包括其教學意義、對教師來說的困難及挑戰、以及如何克服,進行意義理解。同時本研究亦會以「系統思維」的理論來分析教師們學習「戲劇教學法」時的各項學習條件,從而了解不同學習條件會如何對他們的學習產生影響。而本研究亦會透過分析教師們的學習過程,了解教師們的相關學習需要怎樣的支援模式。最後,本研究會分析教師們的學習結果,藉此了解相關學習過程,在「教師專業發展」的角度來說,對教師們產生了甚麼樣的影響。 / 因此,本研究採用質化研究的方法,並選取了五間學校,運用訪談與觀察相結合的方法,研究十四位教師透過校外到校前線支援的方式學習「戲劇教學法」的過程。研究發現,教師們在學習過後,對相關教學法的意義理解各有不同程度不同層次的轉變。教師們的學習結果,以及他們自己關於教學上的轉變,都各有不同。而教師們的轉變達到甚麼層次,則明顯受到各項學習條件的影響。 / 總括而言,教師學習「戲劇教學法」之後,自己亦會產生一定的轉變。當中的轉變包括對相關教學法的理解,以及對教學本身的反思。而轉變的程度和層次則受到相關的學習條件影響。本研究按教師們的學習經歷,提出有利於教師學習「戲劇教學法」的支援模式與學習條件的建議,可供日後參考。 / Teachers Learning Drama-in-Education has become a kind of Teacher Professional Development method recently. Several Overseas researches found that Drama-in-Education lessons different from ordinary lessons vastly. When teachers learn to use the techniques of Drama-in-Education, they might also get a chance for their professional development. However, such researches are very few in Hong Kong, so do the implementation of and research on Drama-in-Education. Many teachers in Hong Kong even have misconceptions about Drama-in-Education. / This research aims at investigating the process of teachers learning Drama-in-Education from the perspective of Teacher Learning. First of all, this research will investigate how teachers made sense of the special natures of this kind of teaching method, including the value for teaching and learning, the challenges and difficulties for teachers, and how to overcome. Also, this research will analyze the different learning conditions when teachers learnt Drama-in-Education from System Thinking approach, in order to understand the effect of different learning conditions on their learning. This research will also analyze the learning process of the teachers, in order to understand which kind of mode of support are needed for teachers to learn Drama-in-Education. Finally, the results of teachers learning will also be analyzed, to understand such learning process, in term of Teacher Professional Development, resulted in what kind of impacts on teachers. / Hence, this research will adopt Qualitative Research Method, and had chosen five schools. By interviews and observations, this research studied the learning process of fourteen teachers learning to use Drama-in-Education through frontline external support. This research found that after the learning process teachers changed in different degree and level in terms of the sense making of such teaching method. Their learning result and also the change on their own teaching varied across teachers. The level of change obviously depends on those learning conditions. / To conclude, teachers themselves did change to certain extent after they had learnt Drama-in-Education. That include the sense making of respective teaching method and also the reflection on their own teaching. The degree and level of change was affected by the learning conditions. This research based on the learning experience of the teachers, suggested some favourable mode of support and learning conditions for teachers learning Drama-in-Education, for future reference. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 梁承謙. / Thesis (Ed.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 452-462). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liang Chengqian. / Chapter 第一章: --- 問題陳述 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究背景 --- p.p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 戲劇教育的發展與推行 --- p.p.2 / Chapter 二、 --- 香港教師對「戲劇教學法」的理解 --- p.p.6 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究目的 --- p.p.10 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究問題 --- p.p.12 / Chapter 第四節 --- 研究意義 --- p.p.13 / Chapter 第二章: --- 文獻綜述與評析 / Chapter 第一節 --- 戲劇教育的概念及其理論 --- p.p.17 / Chapter 一、 --- 戲劇教育的理論及其演進 --- p.p.18 / Chapter 二、 --- 戲劇教育的本質 --- p.p.21 / Chapter 2.1 --- 藝術融入教育的意義 --- p.p.21 / Chapter 2.2 --- 戲劇教育的基本概念 --- p.p.22 / Chapter 2.3 --- 戲劇教育活動的「社交及互動」特質 --- p.p.26 / Chapter 2.4 --- 戲劇教育活動的「即時自發」特質 --- p.p.28 / Chapter 2.5 --- 戲劇教育活動的「個人及參與」特質 --- p.p.30 / Chapter 2.6 --- 戲劇教育活動引發的「情緒投入」 --- p.p.33 / Chapter 三、 --- 戲劇作為學習媒介的特質 --- p.p.36 / Chapter 3.1 --- 戲劇作為學習媒介的基本概念 --- p.p.36 / Chapter 3.2 --- 戲劇作為學習媒介與讓學生經歷有質素的過程 --- p.p.40 / Chapter 3.3 --- 戲劇作為學習媒介與把經歷概括化及概念化 --- p.p.42 / Chapter 3.4 --- 「戲劇教學法」的課堂特點與帶領課堂原則 --- p.p.45 / Chapter 四、 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」的挑戰 --- p.p.49 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教師學習及其專業發展模式 --- p.p.55 / Chapter 一、 --- 學習理論的演變 --- p.p.55 / Chapter 1.1 --- 知識的類別 --- p.p.55 / Chapter 1.2 --- 認知學習觀點與處境學習觀點 --- p.p.60 / Chapter 二、 --- 「教師學習」概念的更新 --- p.p.63 / Chapter 2.1 --- 教師教學信念的改變 --- p.p.64 / Chapter 2.2 --- 「反思」作為教師學習手法 --- p.p.69 / Chapter 2.3 --- 「學習社群」作為教師學習條件 --- p.p.73 / Chapter 2.4 --- 「教學的概念」作為教師學習條件 --- p.p.74 / Chapter 三、 --- 教師學習及專業發展的系統理論架構 --- p.p.75 / Chapter 3.1 --- 系統思維下的教師學習條件 --- p.p.79 / Chapter 第三節 --- 近期的研究發展 --- p.p.85 / Chapter 第三章: --- 概念框架與研究方法 / Chapter 第一節 --- 理論框架與研究問題. --- p.p.92 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究方法 --- p.p.102 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究設計 --- p.p.105 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究對象 --- p.p.105 / Chapter 二、 --- 資料的搜集、整理與分析 --- p.p.106 / Chapter 第四節 --- 研究效度、 --- p.p.110 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究效度 --- p.p.110 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究倫理 --- p.p.111 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究限制 --- p.p.112 / Chapter 第四章: --- 學習「戲劇教學法」的五所學校教師的經歷 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小學中文科:K校的故事 --- p.p.114 / Chapter 一、 --- K校推行「戲劇教學法」的背景與條件 --- p.p.114 / Chapter 二、 --- K校教師們的背景與學習「戲劇教學法」的經歷 --- p.p.116 / Chapter 三、 --- K校推行「戲劇教學法」的結果 --- p.p.117 / Chapter 第二節 --- 小學英文科:H校的故事 --- p.p.119 / Chapter 一、 --- H校推行「戲劇教學法」的背景與條件 --- p.p.119 / Chapter 二、 --- H校教師們的背景與學習「戲劇教學法」的經歷 --- p.p.121 / Chapter 三、 --- H校推行「戲劇教學法」的結果 --- p.p.123 / Chapter 第三節 --- 中學通識科:C校的故事 --- p.p.124 / Chapter 一、 --- C校推行「戲劇教學法」的背景與條件 --- p.p.124 / Chapter 二、 --- C校教師們的背景與學習「戲劇教學法」的經歷 --- p.p.126 / Chapter 三、 --- C校推行「戲劇教學法」的結果 --- p.p.128 / Chapter 第四節 --- 中學英文科:S校的故事 --- p.p.129 / Chapter 一、 --- S校推行「戲劇教學法」的背景與條件 --- p.p.129 / Chapter 二、 --- S校教師們的背景與學習「戲劇教學法」的經歷 --- p.p.130 / Chapter 三、 --- S校推行「戲劇教學法」的結果 --- p.p.132 / Chapter 第五節 --- 特殊學校中文科:F校的故事 --- p.p.135 / Chapter 一、 --- F校推行「戲劇教學法」的背景與條件 --- p.p.135 / Chapter 二、 --- F校教師們的背景與學習「戲劇教學法」的經歷 --- p.p.137 / Chapter 三、 --- F校推行「戲劇教學法」的結果 --- p.p.138 / Chapter 第六節 --- 教師學習跨校個案比較及小結 --- p.p.140 / Chapter 第五章: --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」的理解意義過程之綜合分析 / Chapter 第一節 --- 教師本身對「戲劇教學法」的理解及認知基模 --- p.p.144 / Chapter 一、 --- 教師們學習前對「戲劇教學法」的理解與認知基模 --- p.p.145 / Chapter 二、 --- 教師們學習後對「戲劇教學法」的理解之轉變 --- p.p.150 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教師對「戲劇教學法」的本質之理解意義過程 --- p.p.156 / Chapter 一、 --- 關於「個人及參與」的理解意義過程 --- p.p.156 / Chapter 1.1 --- 教師們關於「個人及參與」於教學上的意義之理解 --- p.p.156 / Chapter 1.2 --- 教師們關於「個人及參與」的困難及挑戰之理解 --- p.p.159 / Chapter 1.3 --- 教師們如何克服「個人及參與」的困難及挑戰 --- p.p.164 / Chapter 二、 --- 關於「社交及互動」的理解意義過程 --- p.p.169 / Chapter 2.1 --- 教師們關於「社交及互動」於教學上的意義之理解 --- p.p.169 / Chapter 2.2 --- 教師們關於「社交及互動」的困難及挑戰之理解 --- p.p.173 / Chapter 2.3 --- 教師們如何克服「社交及互動」的困難及挑戰 --- p.p.176 / Chapter 三、 --- 關於「即時自發」的理解意義過程 --- p.p.179 / Chapter 3.1 --- 教師們關於「即時自發」於教學上的意義之理解 --- p.p.179 / Chapter 3.2 --- 教師們關於「即時自發」的困難及挑戰之理解 --- p.p.181 / Chapter 3.3 --- 教師們如何克服「即時自發」的困難及挑戰 --- p.p.184 / Chapter 四、 --- 關於「情緒投入」的理解意義過程 --- p.p.188 / Chapter 4.1 --- 教師們關於「情緒投入」於教學上的意義之理解 --- p.p.188 / Chapter 4.2 --- 教師們關於「情緒投入」的困難及挑戰之理解 --- p.p.192 / Chapter 4.3 --- 教師們如何克服「情緒投入」的困難及挑戰 --- p.p.193 / Chapter 五、 --- 關於「讓學生經歷有質素的過程」的理解意義過程 --- p.p.194 / Chapter 5.1 --- 關於「讓學生經歷有質素的過程」的要求及困難 --- p.p.195 / Chapter 5.2 --- 如何克服「讓學生經歷有質素的過程」的要求及困難 --- p.p.198 / Chapter 六、 --- 關於「把經歷概括化及概念化」的理解意義過程 --- p.p.205 / Chapter 6.1 --- 關於「把經歷概括化及概念化」的要求及困難 --- p.p.206 / Chapter 6.2 --- 如何克服「把經歷概括化及概念化」的要求及困難 --- p.p.211 / Chapter 七、 --- 關於帶領「戲劇教學法」課堂的原則之理解意義過程 --- p.p.214 / Chapter 7.1 --- 關於「教學內容」方面的帶領課堂原則 --- p.p.216 / Chapter 7.2 --- 關於「教學指示」方面的帶領課堂原則 --- p.p.220 / Chapter 第三節 --- 關於理解意義過程的綜合分析及小結 --- p.p.228 / Chapter 第六章: --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」之學習條件及過程的綜合分析 / Chapter 第一節 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」之學習條件:教師的認知基模方面 --- p.p.235 / Chapter 一、 --- 教學的概念 --- p.p.236 / Chapter 二、 --- 目標感 --- p.p.241 / Chapter 三、 --- 概念輸入 --- p.p.248 / Chapter 四、 --- 反思 --- p.p.252 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」之學習條件:教師的學習處境方面 --- p.p.260 / Chapter 一、 --- 時間框架 --- p.p.260 / Chapter 二、 --- 團隊感 --- p.p.273 / Chapter 三、 --- 行動 --- p.p.285 / Chapter 四、 --- 學生回饋 --- p.p.292 / Chapter 第三節 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」之學習過程 --- p.p.301 / Chapter 一、 --- 校外支援期間教師的學習過程 --- p.p.301 / Chapter 1.1 --- K校教師的學習過程 --- p.p.303 / Chapter 1.2 --- H校教師的學習過程 --- p.p.309 / Chapter 1.3 --- C校教師的學習過程 --- p.p.312 / Chapter 1.4 --- S校教師的學習過程 --- p.p.317 / Chapter 1.5 --- F校教師的學習過程 --- p.p.324 / Chapter 二、 --- 校外支援完結後教師再實踐或教導其他人的學習過程. --- p.p.328 / Chapter 第四節 --- 相關學習條件及學習過程的綜合分析及小結 --- p.p.342 / Chapter 第七章: --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」引發的轉變及學習結果 / Chapter 第一節 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」引發的轉變 --- p.p.353 / Chapter 一、 --- 相關概念 --- p.p.354 / Chapter 二、 --- 相關知識與技能 --- p.p.365 / Chapter 三、 --- 相關思維習慣 --- p.p.373 / Chapter 四、 --- 教學信念、習慣及對教學之理解 --- p.p.383 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」的學習結果之綜合分析 --- p.p.395 / Chapter 第八章: --- 結論、討論及建議 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究結果概述 --- p.p.406 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究結論 --- p.p.423 / Chapter 一、 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」的困難 --- p.p.424 / Chapter 二、 --- 相關學習需要示範、實踐及學校支持等條件的配合 --- p.p.426 / Chapter 三、 --- 教師的轉變與相關學習的意義 --- p.p.429 / Chapter 第三節 --- 相關理論的討論與反思 --- p.p.431 / Chapter 第四節 --- 相關政策的建議 --- p.p.434 / Chapter 一、 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」的條件與支援 --- p.p.434 / Chapter 二、 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」的起點與難點 --- p.p.436 / Chapter 三、 --- 教師學習「戲劇教學法」的進一步發展 --- p.p.438 / Chapter 四、 --- 在香港更有系統地推行「戲劇教學法」 --- p.p.441 / Chapter 第五節 --- 研究貢獻 --- p.p.443 / Chapter 一、 --- 理論貢獻 --- p.p.443 / Chapter 二、 --- 專業實踐貢獻 --- p.p.444 / Chapter 第六節 --- 研究限制及對未來研究的建議 --- p.p.446 / Chapter 一、 --- 本研究的研究限制 --- p.p.446 / Chapter 二、 --- 對未來研究的建議 --- p.p.447 / Chapter 附件一: --- 訪談問題 --- p.p.451 / 參考文獻 --- p.p.452
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Assessment in English First Additional Language (EFAL) following the principles of outcomes-based educationLetsoalo, Kgwahle Bernard January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.(Language Education)) -- University of Limpopo, 2009 / The assessment of the current school reform effort emphasizes the neeed to improve the education of all learners. Assessing the academic achievement of every learner is an essential part of this reform, but one that presents a challenge for most schools, school districts and provinces. Traditional assessment practices have tended to exclude learners who are denied access to important educational opportunities that are based on assessment results. This problem is often more pronounced among learners who have to do Grade 9. This study focuses on assessment and discusses the advantages and challenges experienced by learners and educators. The aim of this study, therefore, is to assess educators’ success in the implementation of OBE assessment principles of English First Additional Language (EFAL) in Grade 9.
This study was prompted by educator assessments, which have kept interesting the researcher because of traditional assessments which are at odds with OBE. Most importantly, assessment is no longer practised and determined in traditional ways. The educator must assess, in detail, the knowledge, skills and dispositions that learners must develop in order to achieve learning outcomes. The researcher recommends assessment to include English langauge learners, increase school accountability for all learners, have a shared vision of learner goals and standards, have an authentic picture of learning, and reflect assessment.
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A study of computer support for collaborative learning in secondary art education許敬文, Hui, King-man. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Science in Information Technology in Education
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學科教學知識在課堂實踐中的轉化過程研究. / Investigation the transformation of pedagogical content knowledge into classroom practice / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Xue ke jiao xue zhi shi zai ke tang shi jian zhong de zhuan hua guo cheng yan jiu.January 2012 (has links)
學科教學知識(PCK)是上世紀80年代提出的一種與教師課堂實踐緊密聯繫的知識。回顧學科教學知識的研究文獻發現,較少有研究專門針對學科教學知識轉化為課堂教學行為的過程。本研究選取三位中學化學教師作為案例,詳細描述和分析了PCK如何向課堂教學進行轉化。根據PCK的兩大維度一是關於“教",二是關於“內容",研究選擇了某一特定教學主題(化學反應速率)以及探究式教學來具體化這兩大維度。這樣研究就是從具有特定教學主題和教學取向的角度去闡釋PCK的轉化過程。轉化研究從四個方面進行展開:一是教師對於探究的知識和信念,二是以探究為教學取向的PCK,三是教師的課堂實踐行為,四是PCK與教學行為之間的聯繫和差異,以及影響PCK向課堂實踐轉化的因素。 / 研究發現PCK向課堂實踐的轉化,可以從三個方面進行闡釋。首先從教師所理解的探究知識而言,教師對探究的理解程度會影響教學目標的制定、教學內容的選擇、教學策略和教學評價的實施以及學生知識這些PCK的主要成分,繼而影響探究教學的實施。教師對探究的理解最主要的困難體現在三個方面:一是缺乏使用證據進行解釋的意識;二是將探究等同於“預測"、“實驗室活動";三是重視“做"科學多於“說"科學,學生較少獲得交流與解釋的機會。 / 其次PCK本身的程度影響課堂教學實踐的轉化。研究發現三位教師當中,有經驗教師的PCK各個知識成分比較均衡,知識成分之間能夠產生聯繫,PCK與教學行為之間的差異較小。新手教師的PCK發展處於不均衡狀態,其中教學目標和評價知識較為豐富,但是缺乏充分的教學策略知識來實現教學目標的轉變。PCK不僅僅是知識成分的綜合,它體現了教師將不同知識整合的能力,有經驗教師的整合能力明顯高於新手教師。此外,學生知識是變化最為劇烈的PCK知識成分,教師需要特別的提示或是刺激才能促進其在教學計劃中更多地考慮學生。 / 最後,教師面對探究教學的實施總體呈現一種複雜而矛盾的信念。這背後的影響因素主要來自五個方面:一是教學觀念,例如教師對學習“過程"和“結果"的價值判斷,通常“結果"定律影響探究教學的實施;二是自我效能感,自我效能感高的教師更能實現教學轉化;三是學生觀念,教師對學生的評價越是負面,越會阻礙教學轉化;四是同伴學習,擁有同儕支持的教師能夠獲得更多的教學資源以及自我效能感,如果有優秀教師的引領,這種自我效能感將更加得到強化;五是教科書、課程標準、考試等外在因素,通常“課程"和“考試"是教師認為最容易阻礙探究教學實施的兩大外部壓力。 / 基於以上發現,研究建議值得繼續關注的問題是:進一步確定PCK的評級方法和工具,幫助教師形成均衡發展的PCK;促進教師深入理解和反思探究的本質;為教師提供支持性的環境,包括穩定的培訓環境、增加教師之間學習的機會、支持教師對自我教學進行不斷的改進和跟新、鼓勵教師形成積極、正面、陽關的教學心態。研究對於教師專業發展和提高科學本質觀的認識這兩方面具有一定的理論和實踐貢獻。 / The notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) was proposed in the 1980s. PCK is closely related to teachers’ classroom practices, but a review of research on PCK revealed that few previous studies had focused on how PCK is transformed into classroom practice. Using three high school chemistry teachers in Beijing as cases, this study investigated the transformation process of PCK. They taught chemical reaction rate by using inquiry teaching and learning in their schools. Interviews and direct observations were used to collect data on the actual teaching and learning process in their classrooms. The research focused on four areas: teacher knowledge and beliefs about inquiry; the PCK for inquiry teaching; teacher behaviors in the classroom; and the transformation of PCK into classroom teaching as well as the factors affecting the transformation process. / It was found that the process of PCK transformation can be analyzed from three perspectives. First, teachers’ levels of understanding of inquiry affected their selection of learning objectives, content, teaching strategies, and assessment. Three major difficulties encountered by the three teachers were identified. Secondly, teachers’ levels of PCK influenced the transformation of PCK into classroom teaching. Experienced teachers were able to transform their PCK more easily than novice teachers. However, both experienced and novice teachers had to pay more attention to students’ needs when designing and implementing inquiry teaching. Thirdly, the three teachers held complex and conflicting beliefs about teaching and learning. The key factors affecting the transformation of PCK into classroom teaching included teacher self-efficacy, beliefs about student ability, peer support, textbooks, curriculum guides, and examinations. / These findings have important implications for teacher professional development and science teaching and learning in school. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 廖梁. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 331-350). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liao Liang. / 摘要 --- p.iii / Abstract --- p.v / 致謝 --- p.v / 目錄 --- p.ix / 圖表目錄 --- p.xii / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 學科教學知識研究概述 --- p.1 / Chapter 二、 --- 課程改革與探究教學 --- p.3 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究目的 --- p.6 / Chapter 一、 --- 內容主題+探究取向的PCK研究 --- p.6 / Chapter 二、 --- 教師的探究知識和信念 --- p.7 / Chapter 三、 --- PCK在課堂實踐中的轉化過程 --- p.8 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 研究問題 --- p.9 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文獻回顧 --- p.11 / Chapter 第一節 --- PCK的概念与成分 --- p.11 / Chapter 一、 --- 概念與內涵 --- p.11 / Chapter 二、 --- 知識成分 --- p.17 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 主題式PCK --- p.31 / Chapter 一、 --- 概述 --- p.31 / Chapter 二、 --- Van Driel的主題PCK研究----教師的化學平衡PCK及其發展 --- p.33 / Chapter 三、 --- De Jong等人的主題PCK研究---教師有關粒子模型的PCK --- p.34 / Chapter 四、 --- Drechsler&Van Driel的主題PCK研究 --- p.36 / Chapter 五、 --- 小結 --- p.37 / Chapter 第三節、 --- PCK的發展與課堂教學實踐 --- p.39 / Chapter 一、 --- Cochran的PCK發展觀---“動態建構與“均衡發展 --- p.39 / Chapter 二、 --- Nilsson的PCK發展觀---在反思中促進PCK的發展 --- p.41 / Chapter 三、 --- Park&Oliver的PCK發展觀---PCK產生於行動,指導於行動 --- p.42 / Chapter 四、 --- 小结 --- p.44 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 獲得、描述和評價教師PCK的方法 --- p.45 / Chapter 一、 --- 早期PCK研究方法(1986-1999) --- p.45 / Chapter 二、 --- 2000---至今的PCK研究 --- p.47 / Chapter 三、 --- 如何描述和呈現PCK --- p.49 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 --- p.53 / Chapter 第五節、 --- 探究、探究教学与信念 --- p.54 / Chapter 一、 --- 什麼是探究 --- p.54 / Chapter 二、 --- 探究教學策略 --- p.60 / Chapter 三、 --- 探究信念 --- p.67 / Chapter 第六節、 --- 化學反應速率教學背景 --- p.70 / Chapter 一、 --- 化學反應速率的概念要點 --- p.70 / Chapter 二、 --- 學習化學反應速率常見的困難和錯誤概念 --- p.71 / Chapter 三、 --- 化學反應速率的教學策略 --- p.72 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究方法 --- p.75 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 案例研究方法概述 --- p.75 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 資料收集 --- p.76 / Chapter 一、 --- 第一次田野調查設計與初步結果 --- p.76 / Chapter 二、 --- 第二次田野調查數據收集 --- p.81 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 資料分析 --- p.88 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 研究效度與研究倫理 --- p.91 / Chapter 第四章 --- 教師的探究知識與信念 --- p.93 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 教师的探究知識 --- p.94 / Chapter 一、 --- 內涵 --- p.94 / Chapter 二、 --- 過程 --- p.99 / Chapter 三、 --- 角色 --- p.103 / Chapter 四、 --- 價值 --- p.107 / Chapter 五、 --- 困難 --- p.113 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 教師對探究教學所持有的信念 --- p.117 / Chapter 一、 --- 認同亦或疏離 --- p.120 / Chapter 二、 --- 行动亦或观望 --- p.123 / Chapter 三、 --- 堅持亦或嘗試 --- p.126 / Chapter 四、 --- 融洽亦或矛盾 --- p.128 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 小結 --- p.132 / Chapter 第五章 --- 以探究為取向的學科教學知識分析 --- p.139 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 學科教學知識分析框架 --- p.139 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 理論先行,實驗輔助----喬老師的探究教學PCK --- p.146 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 在教中學,吐故納新----郎老師學科教學知識分析 --- p.169 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 適應困境,力圖改變----胡老師學科教學知識分析 --- p.182 / Chapter 第五節、 --- 小结 --- p.197 / Chapter 第六章 --- 課堂教學行為分析 --- p.203 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 探究課堂教學中的師生對話分析框架 --- p.204 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 喬老師的課堂教學行為分析 --- p.206 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 郎老師師生課堂對話分析 --- p.241 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 胡老師師生課堂對話分析 --- p.251 / Chapter 第五節、 --- 小結 --- p.262 / Chapter 第七章 --- 學科教學知識向課堂實踐轉化过程的討論 --- p.268 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 學科教學知識與課堂教學行為差異討論 --- p.268 / Chapter 一、 --- 教學目標與教學行為 --- p.268 / Chapter 二、 --- 教學內容與教學行為 --- p.274 / Chapter 三、 --- 教學策略與教學行為 --- p.276 / Chapter 四、 --- 教學評價與教學行為 --- p.282 / Chapter 五、 --- 小結 --- p.286 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 學科教學知識向教學行為轉化過程的特徵 --- p.287 / Chapter 一、 --- 喬老師的轉化特徵----深刻的認識,深刻的矛盾 --- p.288 / Chapter 二、 --- 郎老師教學知識的轉化特徵----知識與行動的高度一致 --- p.294 / Chapter 三、 --- 胡老師教學知識的轉化特徵----艱難融入教學環境,信念頑強 --- p.298 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 轉化的影響因素討論 --- p.302 / Chapter 一、 --- 探究知識對轉化的影響 --- p.302 / Chapter 二、 --- 信念對轉化的影響 --- p.307 / Chapter 三、 --- PCK對轉化的影響 --- p.312 / Chapter 第八章 --- 結論與總結 --- p.316 / Chapter 第一節、 --- 結論 --- p.316 / Chapter 第二節、 --- 研究貢獻 --- p.321 / Chapter 第三節、 --- 研究局限 --- p.325 / Chapter 第四節、 --- 有待深入關注的問題 --- p.327 / 參考文獻 --- p.331 / 中文部分 --- p.331 / 英文部分 --- p.333 / 附錄 --- p.351
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Who is Who in Zimbabwe's Armed Revolution? Representation of the ZAPU/ZIPRA and the ZANU/ZANLA in High School History Textbooks Narratives of the Liberation WarSibanda, Lovemore 05 1900 (has links)
The liberation war was a watershed event in the history of Zimbabwe. According to the ZANU PF (Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front) ruling elites, an understanding of the common experiences of the people during the liberation war provides the best opportunity to mold a common national identity and consciousness. However, the representation of important historical events in a nation's history is problematic. At best events are manipulated for political purposes by the ruling elites, and at the worst they are distorted or exaggerated. In Zimbabwe, the representation of the ZAPU/ZIPRA and the ZANU/ZANLA as liberation movements in high school history textbooks during the armed struggle is a hot potato. This study critically examined and explored the contested "representational practices" of the ZAPU/ZIPRA and the ZANU/ZANLA as liberation movements during the Zimbabwean armed revolution. By means of qualitative content analysis, seven high school history textbooks from Zimbabwe were analyzed. Drawing from postcolonial perspectives and insights, particularly Fanon's concept of the pitfall of national consciousness, the study unveiled the way in which Zimbabwean high school textbooks portrayed the ZAPU/ZIPRA and the ZANU/ZANLA as very different liberation movements whose roles and contributions were unequal. High school textbooks depicted the ZANU/ZANLA as a radical revolutionary and people-oriented liberation movement totally committed to the armed struggle and the ZAPU/ZIPRA as a moderate party not dedicated to the armed revolution. In a nutshell, the high school history textbooks glorified and celebrated the political and military achievements of the ZANU/ZANLA and suppressed while not completely ignoring those of the ZAPU/ZIPRA. Although the findings of this study will not solve the problem of high school textbooks (mis) representation of the roles and contributions of the ZAPU/ZIPRA and the ZANU/ZANLA in the armed struggle, the study can serve as a "tool of resistance" by exposing the continual abuse and misuse of history education by postcolonial ruling elites to preservice teachers, classroom teachers, teacher education programs and textbook publishers.
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A comparison of first-semester organic chemistry students' experiences and mastery of curved-arrow formalism in face-to-face and cyber peer-led team learningWilson, Sarah Beth 03 December 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The cyber Peer-Led Team Learning (cPLTL) workshops are a synchronous online adaptation of the educational intervention PLTL, in which students, under the guidance of undergraduate peer facilitators, collaboratively solve problems in small groups. The purpose of this parallel convergent mixed methods study was to assess the impact of implementing cPLTL in an organic chemistry course on students’ workshop experiences, performance, and development of curved-arrow formalism skills. Statistical analyses revealed comparable attendance rates, distribution of course grades, and achievement on American Chemical Society First-semester Organic Chemistry Exams. However, plotting workshop grades by AB, C, and DFW grade groupings revealed that PLTL students earned more successful grades than their cPLTL counterparts (91% vs 77% ABC grades). Utilization of a new curved-arrow formalism analytic framework for coding student interview artifacts revealed that cPLTL students were statistically less likely to successfully draw the product suggested by the curved-arrows than their PLTL classmates. Both PLTL and cPLTL students exhibited a comparable incidence of relational to instrumental learning approaches. Similarly, both PLTL and cPLTL
students were more likely to exhibit a common Scheme for Problem-Solving in Organic Chemistry (SPOC) than having dialogue that could be characterized by Toulmin’s Argumentation scheme. Lastly, implications for faculty are suggested, including: developing more explicit connections concept, mode, and reasoning components of understanding curved-arrow formalism for organic chemistry students; optimizing graphical collaborative learning activities for online learners; and developing online students’ sense of community.
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