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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faculty Perceptions about Virtual World Technology: Affordances and Barriers to Adoption

Wood, Linda W 12 December 2010 (has links)
Providing instruction using different instructional delivery methods allows the learner to absorb content in a way that fits the individual learner. Today’s students have grown up immersed in digital technology. However, many higher education faculty are still not speaking the same digital language as their students. The issue may be that the pedagogical and epistemological beliefs of faculty who are “digital immigrants” affect the teaching methods used in the higher education classroom today. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to explore design college faculty perceptions of the adoption of virtual world technology into the classroom. Diffusion and adoption theories, adoption models, and patterns of adoption provided a conceptual framework for this study. This mixed methods study collected data through a survey and post-survey interviews administered to faculty of 21 design colleges. The quantitative survey instrument included questions about the usage of technology, including virtual world technology, in the higher education classroom. A total of 309 faculty completed the survey. Descriptive statistics, including frequencies, means, and standard deviations were used in the analysis. A correlation analysis was performed to determine if there was a relationship between selected variables and the survey responses. Post-survey semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 faculty participants who volunteered for the interviews after participating in the survey. In this study, I used the constant comparative open coding hybrid method for the interview analysis. The specific research question posed in this study was: What are the perceptions of design college faculty regarding the use of virtual world technology in their courses? Guiding questions included: (a) What are faculty perceptions about virtual world technology that potentially affect its adoption into the classroom? (b) What are faculty perceptions of the affordances of using virtual world technology in the classroom? (c) What are faculty perceptions of the challenges of using virtual world technology in the classroom? In general, the results of this study indicate that while higher education faculty perceive that virtual world technology has the potential to be a useful teaching tool in the classroom, the faculty also perceive that they do not have the essential software and hardware support from their colleges to adopt this type of technology as a teaching tool in their courses.

Impact and Adoption of Proprietary Seed Technologies in Developing Countries

Kathage, Jonas 04 February 2013 (has links)
In den 1980er Jahren begannen viele Entwicklungsländer, ihre Saatgutmärkte zu liberalisieren. In der Folge verbreitete sich die Nutzung proprietärer Saatguttechnologien, einschließlich gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen (GV-Pflanzen). Die Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklung für Kleinbauern werden seither kontrovers diskutiert. Kritiker befürchten, dass Privatisierung die Qualität von Saatgut sowie den kleinbäuerlichen Zugang zu ihm verschlechtert. Befürworter gehen davon aus, dass proprietäres Saatgut landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Einkommen steigern kann. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir Auswirkungen proprietärer Saatguttechnologien auf Kleinbauern. Bacillus thuringiensis-Baumwolle (Bt-Baumwolle) in Indien und Hybridmais in Tansania. Der dritte Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Adoption proprietärer Saatguttechnologien, wo erneut auf Hybridmais in Tansania Bezug genommen wird. Infolge einer ausländischen Investition transferierte eine indische Saatgutfirma Mitte der 1990er Jahre die Bt-Technologie in mehrere Baumwollhybriden. Diese Hybriden wurden 2002 zum Anbau zugelassen. In den Folgejahren verwendeten auch zahlreiche andere Saatgutfirmen die Bt-Technologie in ihren Züchtungsprogrammen. 2011 bauten 7 Millionen Bauern auf etwa 90% der indischen Baumwollfläche Bt-Baumwolle an. Sie ist gegen Kapselbohrer, eine Gruppe wichtiger Schädlingsinsekten, resistent. Dadurch kann sie den Einsatz von Insektiziden verringern und außerdem den effektiven Ertrag erhöhen. Dies würde Kosteneinsparungen bei Pestiziden und höhere Erlöse nach sich ziehen, welche wiederum das landwirtschaftliche Einkommen steigern können. Wenn aber die Saatgutpreise von Bt-Baumwolle hoch und die Ertragseffekte klein sind, könnte der Einkommenseffekt gering oder negativ ausfallen. Zu den Auswirkungen von Bt-Baumwolle wurden viele Studien publiziert, aber Selektionsverzerrungen, die Entwicklungsdynamik der Effekte und über Einzelfelder hinausgehende Wirkungen wurden bisher nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt. Hier analysieren wir Paneldaten aus dem Zeitraum 2002-2008. Mithilfe von Fixed-Effects-Modellen reduzieren wir Selektionsverzerrungen und betrachten den zeitlichen Verlauf der Effekte. Unsere Schätzergebnisse zeigen, dass Bt im Zeitraum 2002-2008 den Ertrag um 24% und den Deckungsbeitrag um 50% erhöhte, sowie den Lebensstandard im Zeitraum 2006-2008 um 18%. Außerdem finden wir Hinweise für eine Steigerung der Ertrag- und Deckungsbeitragseffekte über den gesamten Zeitraum. Einen Rückgang des Insektizideinsatzes in Bt- und konventionellen Feldern, der wahrscheinlich ein Zeichen für eine starke Dezimierung von Kapselbohrern durch die Zunahme des Bt-Anbaus ist, können wir ebenfalls beobachten. Nach der Liberalisierung des Saatgutmarkts in Tansania Anfang der 1990er Jahre begannen mehrere private Saatgutfirmen mit dem Vertrieb von Hybridmais. Hybriden können zu einem Ertragszuwachs führen, der wiederum Erlös und Einkommen steigern kann. Auf der anderen Seite könnte der Einkommenseffekt negativ ausfallen, wenn Hybridsaatgut teurer als Nichthybridsaatgut ist. Zudem kann ein leistungsstarker Nichthybride durchaus auch einen höheren Ertrag erzielen als mancher Hybride. Es gibt zwar Studien, die Produktivitätseffekte von Hybridmais in Afrika evaluieren, aber in der Regel kontrollieren sie nicht Störfaktoren, wie etwa Bodenqualität oder Düngereinsatz. Darüber hinaus liegen kaum Untersuchungen zu modernen Maissorten in Afrika vor, die neben der Produktivität auch Effekte auf den Lebensstandard landwirtschaftlicher Haushalte berücksichtigen. Wir analysieren einen Querschnittsdatensatz aus dem Norden und Osten des Landes und finden einen Ertragszuwachs von 50-60% durch Hybriden. Dieser führt auch zu einem höheren Deckungsbeitrag. Die Zugewinne treten vor allem im Norden auf, wo sie außerdem den Lebensstandard um 15% erhöhen. Im Osten bringen Hybriden keine Vorteile hinsichtlich Ertrag, Deckungsbeitrag oder Lebensstandard. Da sich jedoch die Mehrheit der Anwender im Norden befindet, profitieren in einer überregionalen Betrachtung die meisten Hybridnutzer von der Technologie. Außerdem finden wir heraus, dass der Ertragseffekt von Hybriden unabhängig vom Einsatz von Mineraldünger, Bewässerung, Pestiziden oder Mischanbau ist. Allerdings ist die Adoptionsrate von Hybridmais in Tansania gering. Ein möglicher Grund könnte darin liegen, dass seine Verwendung durch bestimmte Faktoren, wie etwa einen mangelnden Informationstand der Bauern bezüglich der Hybriden, erschwert ist. In unserer Stichprobe bauen 31% der Bauern Hybridmais an. Im Norden sind Hybriden den meisten Bauern bekannt und 49% verwenden die Technologie, während im Osten nur 50% von der Technologie gehört haben und nur 12% sie nutzen. Mithilfe des Average Treatment Effect Framework errechnen wir, dass eine Informierung aller Bauern über Hybriden die Adoptionsrate auf 45% ansteigen lassen würde. Jedoch wären dann die meisten neuen Anwender im Osten, wo die Ertrags- und Deckungsbeitragseffekte von Hybriden klein sind. Im Norden, wo die Adoption einträglicher ist, haben bereits fast alle Bauern von Hybriden gehört. Außerdem zeigt sich, dass eine Verbreitung von Informationen über Hybriden durch Beratung und ländliche Netzwerke im Norden (nicht im Osten) stattfindet und daher als Resultat der dort höheren Nützlichkeit verstanden werden kann. Für diese Interpretation spricht auch, dass wir keine Hinweise finden, dass Risiko oder Mangel an Kreditzugang die Adoption verhindern. Daher erscheint es wahrscheinlich, dass Informationsflüsse und Adoptionsentscheidungen primär vom Nutzen, den Hybriden gegenüber Nichthybriden bieten, bestimmt werden. Wir kommen zu dem Schluss, dass der Privatsektor verbesserte Saatguttechnologien für Kleinbauern in Entwicklungsländern liefern kann und dass derartige Saatguttechnologien einschließlich GV-Pflanzen diesen Kleinbauern dienlich sein können. Daher sollte die Liberalisierung von Saatgutmärkten in Entwicklungsländern unterstützt werden. Außerdem müssen Regulierungen, welche die Verfügbarkeit von Saatguttechnologien einschränken, den möglichen Nutzen dieser Technologien für Landwirte berücksichtigen. Und schließlich sollten Politik und Geberorganisationen in ihren Förderentscheidungen die Beseitigung von Adoptionshemmnissen gegen die Schaffung verbesserter Technologien abwägen.

Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred Design

Chandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral adoption.

Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred Design

Chandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral adoption.

Performance of the Fruit Crop Industry in Ghana: Empirical Results and Policy Implications

Mensah, Amos 11 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Αποτελεσματικότητα τεχνολογιών υγείας / Health technology efficiency

Παπαθανασόπουλος, Φώτιος 05 July 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή έχει στόχο τη διερεύνηση της επίδρασης της νέας ιατρικής τεχνολογίας στην αποτελεσματικότητα παραγωγής των Μονάδων Εντατικής Θεραπείας (ΜΕΘ) στην Ελλάδα, καθώς και τον εντοπισμό των στοιχείων που επηρεάζουν τη διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων στο πλαίσιο του Εθνικού Συστήματος Υγείας (ΕΣΥ) για την υιοθέτηση ιατρικής τεχνολογίας. Για την εκτίμηση της αποτελεσματικότητας κάθε μονάδας, εφαρμόζεται η τεχνική bootstrapped DEA των Simar και Wilson (2007), ενώ για την διερεύνηση των στοιχείων που οδηγούν στην απόφαση υιοθέτησης γίνεται χρήση υποδειγμάτων probit. Κατόπιν, με τη χρήση υποδειγμάτων επιβίωσης εντοπίζονται οι παράγοντες που κατηγοριοποιούν τις Νοσοκομειακές μονάδες αναφορικά με το χρόνο υιοθέτησης. Ο αξονικός τομογράφος στα δημόσια νοσοκομεία χρησιμοποιείται σαν μελέτη περίπτωσης. Η μελέτη κατέδειξε ελλείμματα τόσο στην τεχνική αποτελεσματικότητα όσο και στην αποτελεσματικότητα κλίμακας στις περισσότερες μονάδες που εξετάστηκαν, κυρίως λόγω έλλειψης νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν ότι αν και η τεχνική αποτελεσματικότητα επωφελείται από την ενσωμάτωση των νέων ιατρικών τεχνολογιών, η αποτελεσματικότητα κλίμακας παραμένει ανεπηρέαστη. Αναφορικά με το την πιθανότητα και το χρόνο υιοθέτησης, διαπιστώθηκε ότι το μέγεθος του νοσοκομείου και η πληρότητα επιδρούν θετικά. Τέλος, τα συμπεράσματα επεξηγούν το βαθμό στον οποίο η υιοθέτηση νέας τεχνολογίας επηρεάζει τόσο την αποτελεσματικότητα των Νοσοκομειακών μονάδων γενικότερα, όσο και τη διαδικασία λήψης σχετικών αποφάσεων. Η παρούσα Διατριβή συμβάλλει στην γενικότερη ανάπτυξη της αποτελεσματικότητας του Συστήματος Υγείας και στην προώθηση του διαλόγου μεταξύ των εμπλεκόμενων στα θέματα διοίκησης και διαχείρισης του Συστήματος Υγείας. / This thesis aims to investigate the effect of new medical technology on the production efficiency of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in Greece and unravel the elements which influence the decision making process concerning the adoption of new medical technologies in the context of the Greek Health System. In order to evaluate the efficiency of each Unit, the bootstrapped DEA of Simar and Wilson (2007) is applied, while a probit model is used for exploring the elements that lead to the adoption decision. Then, the factors that categorize hospitals regarding the timing of adoption are identified through the use of survival models. Computerized tomography in the Greek public sector is used as a case study. The study demonstrated deficits in both technical and scale efficiency in most Units, mainly due to lack of nursing staff. The results show that while technical efficiency has benefited from new medical technology integration, the scale efficiency remains unaffected. With respect to the likelihood and the time of adoption, it was found that the hospital’s size and plenitude have positive impact. Finally, the findings explain the extent to which health technology adoption affects both the hospital’s efficiency and the decision-making process. The present thesis contributes to the overall increase of the Health System efficiency as well as in promoting the dialogue between health administrators.

Rural technology adoption and its impacts: direct planting system in Sao Paulo

Cenci, Eduardo 01 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Eduardo Cenci (educenci@gmail.com) on 2015-04-13T17:11:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Cenci_thesis_final.pdf: 7470303 bytes, checksum: 3000068146f7a5672bc2107b428b9466 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vera Lúcia Mourão (vera.mourao@fgv.br) on 2015-04-14T18:02:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Cenci_thesis_final.pdf: 7470303 bytes, checksum: 3000068146f7a5672bc2107b428b9466 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T18:06:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cenci_thesis_final.pdf: 7470303 bytes, checksum: 3000068146f7a5672bc2107b428b9466 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-01 / This paper investigates the adoption of the Direct Planting System (DPS) in Brazil, a rural technology whose adoption is widely promoted because of benefits, both private and social, it allegedly delivers. This study relies on recent evidence on the determinants of adoption of this technology to investigate its impacts using a large panel of microdata of farm units in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We explore variations in geographic locations and soil characteristics to construct instruments for adoption in order to identify the impacts of this adoption in agricultural outputs, in land allocations and in other production decisions. Although evidence of productivity gains remains uncertain, we do find significant impacts of DPS adoption in land allocations and production decisions. / Este trabalho investiga a adoção do Sistema de Plantio Direto (SPD) no Brasil, uma tecnologia rural bastante promovida devido aos benefícios, tanto privados como sociais, que alegadamente traz. O trabalho baseia-se em evidências recentes sobre os determinantes da adoção desta tecnologia para investigar seus impactos utilizando-se de um grande painel de microdados de unidades de produção agrícola no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Nós exploramos variações em localizações geográficas e características de solos para construir instrumentos para a adoção e assim identificar os impactos dessa adoção na produção agrícola, nas alo- cações de terras e em outros indicadores da organização produtiva das fazendas. Embora as evidências de ganhos de produtividade permaneçam inconclusivas, nós encontramos impactos significativos da adoção de SPD na alocação de terras e nas decisões de produção.

Environmental regulation, technology adoption and structural transformation: evidence from Brazilian sugarcane industry

Lima Filho, Francisco Luis 28 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by FRANCISCO Lima Filho (franciscoluislimafilho@gmail.com) on 2015-07-22T18:04:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoLuis_VersãoBiblioteca.pdf: 710120 bytes, checksum: fe33b7f98d5c7c76277246a9e4eacf7c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br) on 2015-07-23T14:09:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoLuis_VersãoBiblioteca.pdf: 710120 bytes, checksum: fe33b7f98d5c7c76277246a9e4eacf7c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2015-07-30T19:20:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoLuis_VersãoBiblioteca.pdf: 710120 bytes, checksum: fe33b7f98d5c7c76277246a9e4eacf7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-30T19:20:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoLuis_VersãoBiblioteca.pdf: 710120 bytes, checksum: fe33b7f98d5c7c76277246a9e4eacf7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-28 / We estimate the effects of the adoption of mechanized agriculture led by a new environmental regulation on structural change of local labor markets within a large emerging country, Brazil. In 2002, the state of S\~{a}o Paulo passed a law outlying the timeline to end sugarcane pre-harvest burning in the state. The environmental law led to the fast adoption of mechanized harvest. We investigate if the labor intensity of sugarcane production decreases; and, if so, if it leads to structural changes in the labor market. We use satellite data containing the type of sugarcane harvesting -- manual or mechanic harvest -- paired with official labor market data.%, also geomorphometric data base for our instrumental variable correction. We find suggestive evidence that mechanization of the field led to an increase in utilization of formal workers and a reduction in formal labor intensity in the sugarcane sector. This is partially compensated by an increase in the share of workers in other agricultural crops and in the construction and services sector. Although we find a reduction in employment in the manufacturing sector, the demand generated by the new agro-industries affected positively the all sectors via an increase in workers' wage.

Fatores determinantes da adoção da certificação SISBOV/TRACES na pecuária de corte do estado de São Paulo

Vinholis, Marcela de Mello Brandão 26 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4955.pdf: 2636649 bytes, checksum: 9aaa90da2357f5a0d30023f94eac63dd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / The increase number of food contamination cases, associated with increasing market competition, fostered the adoption and diffusion of new legal rules and certification systems related to food safety. Technical and sanitary barriers were created by import countries. The European Union has demanded traceability as a condition to have access to its market. These demand had impact on the national regulatory environment for food safety. In 2002, The Brazilian System of Identification and Certification of Bovine and Bubaline Origin (SISBOV) was created. The SISBOV certification is necessary, but not sufficient condition to export to EU market. The farm must also be part of TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System) certification. TRACES is a network created by EU for veterinary health which notifies, certifies and monitors trade in animals and animal products. However, the level of diffusion of this certification is low. A small number of farms have adopted and technological heterogeneity persists in bovine livestock production in Brazil. The aim of this thesis is to identify and analyze determinants of adoption of SISBOV and TRACES certification at the farm level in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The literature on technology adoption and entrepreneurship provides a theoretical framework to understand how farmers behave with regard to an innovation. A survey questionnaire was used to get the information on farmer and farm characteristics. The logit model was used to analyze the cross section data from a sample of 32 certified farms and 52 non-certified counterfactual farms. The results suggest that the adoption of feedlot production system, associated to the adoption of hedge mechanisms, is an important determinant of the adoption of the certification. There is complementarity between the technologies. Also, the livestock and farm size, education, participation on farmer organization and being a member of a group of farmers informally organized, previous experience with other certification, business travels abroad and access to specialized information by web play a significant role in the adoption of both SISBOV and TRACES certification. / As ocorrências de casos de contaminações alimentares, associadas ao ambiente comercial competitivo, resultaram na difusão de exigências legais e sistemas de certificação relacionados à segurança do alimento. Barreiras técnicas e sanitárias foram criadas por países importadores. A União Europeia tem demandado a rastreabilidade para viabilizar o acesso ao seu mercado. Esta demanda teve impacto no ambiente regulatório da defesa agropecuária nacional. Em 2002, foi normatizado o Sistema Brasileiro de Identificação e Certificação de Origem Bovina e Bubalina (SISBOV). A certificação SISBOV é necessária, mas não é condição suficiente para exportar para o mercado europeu. A propriedade rural certificada pelo SISBOV deve fazer parte da lista TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System). TRACES é uma rede criada pela União Europeia para a saúde animal que notifica, certifica e monitora o comércio de animais e de produtos de origem animal. Entretanto, o nível de difusão desta certificação é baixo na pecuária de corte no Brasil. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é identificar e analisar os fatores que determinam a adoção da certificação SISBOV e TRACES no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A literatura sobre adoção de tecnologia e empreendedorismo fornece a abordagem teórica para compreender o comportamento do pecuarista frente uma inovação. Um questionário estruturado foi utilizado para obter informações sobre características da propriedade rural, do sistema de produção e do pecuarista. O modelo logit foi utilizado para a análise dos dados transversais de uma amostra de 32 propriedades certificadas e 52 não certificadas. Os resultados sugerem que a adoção prévia de sistema intensivo de produção animal, que por sua vez é associado à utilização de instrumentos de gestão de risco, constitui um importante fator determinante da adoção da certificação SISBOV e TRACES. Este resultado deve-se à existência da complementaridade existente entre ambas as tecnologias. Ainda, o tamanho do rebanho e da propriedade rural, o nível de escolaridade, a participação do pecuarista em associação ligada à pecuária, o envolvimento em grupos não formais de pecuaristas, a experiência prévia com outras certificações, a prática de viagens a negócio ao exterior e o acesso à informação especializada por meio da web diferenciam as propriedades certificadas das não certificadas.

Adoção e uso de tecnologia : uma análise entre as características de inovação tecnológica e o comportamento dos docentes em torno do uso do Moodle / Technology adoption and use: a analysis between the characteristics of technological innovation and the teacher s behavior around use of Moodle.

Machado, Petruska de Araujo 25 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-16T14:48:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal1.pdf: 1798793 bytes, checksum: a622918fa2dff41a673786c6c71acfcb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this study, the research model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) (DAVIS et al., 1989) and innovation diffusion theory (IDT) (ROGERS, 2003) was used to analyze the relation between the characteristics of innovation and teacher s behavior in the process of adoption and use of Moodle in the undergraduate courses at distance. Survey was applied with 162 teachers at distance of Universidade Federal da Paraíba Virtual, issue focusing on the perceived characteristics of innovation, attitude and intention about the use of Moodle. Multivariate statistical techniques were performed: 1) content-vality to analyze the complete structure of scale for relevance and representativeness of items and to verify which items refer to construct in question; 2) exploratory factory analysis to know the structure of interrelationship of the original variables of IDT; 3) confirmatory factor analysis to guarantee conceptual validity for the pattern observed; 4) coefficient alpha to verify the homogeneity of set of items; 5) ANOVA to verify the likely differences between the groups of respondents; and 6) multiple regression analysis to analyze the relation between constructs. Results showed that not all factors of IDT had effect on attitude and intention. Only three constructs had significant effect on attitude and/or intention: relative advantage+compatibility for work style (β = 0,792), visibility (β = 0,166) and result demonstrability (β = 0,152). Moreover, teachers had a positive attitude in relation to use of Moodle and a positive intention in relation to use in the future. It was not possible to confirm all the relation of TAM, probably this verification was been compromised for some problems in the measurement process, thus, the only unsupported relationship of TAM was the effect of complexity on attitude. An academic contribution was that although some constructs of IDT did not show effect on the constructs of TAM, the model provided evidence of appropriated application of constructs of TAM with IDT to measure attitude and intention of use of Moodle. A management contribution was the understanding and prediction the teacher s behavior in relation to adoption and use process of Moodle, being possible to verify the effectiveness of innovative project of distance learning in the UFPB Virtual. / Nesse estudo, o modelo de pesquisa baseado no modelo de aceitação da tecnologia (Technology Acceptance Model - TAM) (DAVIS et al., 1989) e na teoria da difusão da inovação (Innovation Diffusion Theory - IDT) (ROGERS, 2003) foi usado para analisar a relação entre as características de inovação e o comportamento dos docentes no processo de adoção e de uso do Moodle em cursos de graduação a distância. Foi utilizada uma estratégia de levantamento (survey) aplicado a 162 docentes a distância da Universidade Federal da Paraíba Virtual, focando questão sobre as características percebidas de inovação, atitude e intenção em torno do uso do Moodle. Foram realizadas técnicas estatísticas multivariadas: 1) validação de translação para analisar a estrutura completa das escalas em relação à pertinência e representatividade dos itens e a verificação de que os itens propostos remetem ao construto em questão; 2) análise fatorial exploratória para conhecer a estrutura das inter-relações das variáveis originais da IDT; 3) análise fatorial confirmatória para garantir a validade conceitual para os padrões observados; 4) alpha de Cronbach para verificar a homogeneidade do conjunto de itens das escalas; 5) ANOVA para verificar as possíveis diferenças entre os grupos de respondentes; e 6) análise de regressão múltipla para analisar a relação entre os construtos. Os resultados revelaram que nem todos os fatores da IDT tiveram efeito sobre atitude e intenção. Apenas três construtos apresentaram efeito significativo sobre a atitude e/ou intenção: avanço relativo+compatibilidade por estilo de trabalho (β = 0,792), visibilidade (β = 0,166) e demonstrabilidade de resultado (β = 0,152). Além disso, os docentes tiveram uma atitude positiva em relação ao uso do Moodle bem como uma intenção positiva em relação ao seu uso futuro. Não foi possível confirmar todos os relacionamentos do TAM, provavelmente essa verificação foi comprometida por alguns problemas no processo de mensuração das escalas, sendo assim, o único relacionamento do TAM não suportado foi o efeito de complexidade sobre atitude. Uma contribuição acadêmica foi que apesar de alguns construtos da IDT não terem apresentado efeito sobre os construtos do TAM, o modelo forneceu evidência de aplicação apropriada dos construtos do TAM com os da IDT para medir a atitude e intenção de uso do Moodle. Uma contribuição gerencial foi a compreensão e previsão do comportamento dos docentes EaD em relação ao processo de adoção e uso do Moodle, possibilitando verificar a efetividade do projeto inovador de EaD na UFPB Virtual.

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