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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Access a better development for Chinese sustainable building -A study of problems and proposal from a technical view

Gong, Boyun January 2012 (has links)
Sustainable building issue plays a key role in world sustainable development as the building industry converge major sectors of energy, water and material consumption that have huge affect on social and environment. Modern China is under the process of sifting from agriculture society to industrialized society, experiencing a fast economic growth and urbanization, facing big amount of environment and energy problems. Large amount of migration swam from rural area to urban area, which bring up with huge construction work. Low-efficiency of energy use and short life-cycle causes big amounts of waste on energy and materials in China. Developing sustainable building is an emergency and essential issue. There are lots of problems in Chinese sustainable development. The research is try to find out some of the most important factors in Chinese building construction sectors in order to explore new and better methods for a more sustainable development. As a limitation, the research is focused on technical aspects. The research is discussing the problems on three aspects: Regulation standard, Stimulate support system and transfer of technology. Each of the part is discussed the question of ―what is it means to sustainable building?‖ and ―how to improve it?‖ To get the answer, several different approaches are used to analyze the problems. A comparison of Design standard of Energy Efficiency and Denmark housing regulation in order to find the inadequacies of Chinese current regulation, an exploration of Chinese rating system of green building certification tries to find how to make an improvement for green building assessment. and two cases study is help to understand a proper approach of technical transferring. / 0736136147

台灣生技公司專利授權與技術移轉策略之研究 / The Study on Strategy of Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring of Taiwan Biotechnology Company

顏榮毅, Yan, Rong Yih Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代的來臨,代表知識早已經取代勞力、土地、資本,成為最重要的生產要素,而知識創造的具體果實就是智慧財產,此項無形資產占企業財產的重要性已遠超過有形資產。個人、企業和國家唯有專注在智慧財產的創造、保護、管理和運用上,方可成為知識經濟下的大贏家。 近年來,隨著人類科學知識與生活智慧的增長與演進,與人類日常生活和生命安全息息相關的生物醫學技術日益突破且其重要性與日俱增,國際間生技產業發展迅速,並帶領生技產業走向多元化的發展;除此之外,生技產業也是台灣兩兆雙星計畫中所追求的新興產業之一。然而,台灣在這股趨勢洪流中,整體生技產業的發展上並不蓬勃。歸根究柢,生技產業乃為典型的高附加價值、知識導向型產業,智慧財產的重要性不言可喻並且更加突顯。智慧財產如同其他企業資產一樣,需要善加管理與運用才能發揮其價值,若企業擁有大量之智慧財產,但對該智慧財產欠缺有效之管理運用,亦無法為公司創造任何價值。因此,如何為智慧財產尋求正確的運用管道,應是智慧財產所有人最為關心的議題。由於生物技術產業十分重視技術的掌握與應用,故本論文研究將焦點放在與技術知識保護有關的「專利授權與技術移轉」上,並特別針對屬於智慧財產行銷管理層面的策略進行探討。 《時代》雜誌年度風雲人物華裔科學家何大一曾說過要用人才賭生技,其需要的是什麼樣的人才?又該如何賭?本論文研究希望能提出相對應之見解,藉由個案研究方法分析找出台灣生技企業在「專利授權與技術移轉」上的策略思考邏輯,並更加釐清智慧財產行銷管理對產業發展影響的角色與位置。 由於台灣生物技術公司目前本身先天條件不佳且資源不足,無法透過商品化與產業化之智慧財產實施方式來創造最大利益,因此透過智慧財產交換方式乃是其最佳模式,而考量相關環境條件後,其中又以「專利授權與技術移轉」為最具經濟效益且最可能成功之智慧財產商業模式與型態,因此本論文研究便針對此方面進行深入探討,以提供產業後續發展之參考借鏡。 本論文研究目的包括:1.探討推動台灣生物技術產業公司發展過程中,考量「專利授權與技術移轉」的重要因素。2.瞭解台灣生物技術產業公司目前在「專利授權與技術移轉」方面的運作機制。3.介紹台灣生物技術產業公司之指標性個案,分析其智慧財產行銷策略,歸納其關鍵成功因素,以茲其他業者參考。4.了解智慧財產行銷策略的核心結構,提出智慧財產行銷策略規劃上的建議。5.綜合研究結果,提出對台灣生物技術產業公司「專利授權與技術移轉」策略之建議,並分析該產業之潛在問題與可能限制。 本論文研究提出理論強調台灣生物技術產業公司必須考量智慧財產行銷的六大要素(6P),以『主導產業鏈』、『控制價值鏈』、『分配供應鏈』等三鏈為目標,因而決定採取「專利授權與技術移轉」之正確的智慧財產商業模式後,站在目標被授權人的立場思考,透過「策略九說」來作檢驗,以找出最適合的智慧財產行銷之執行策略,並在執行時確實考量組織行銷之特性。 本論文研究方式採用個案研究法以及質化研究法,獲得以下結論: 1. 「專利授權與技術移轉」必須著重於專利品質,以更貼近產業與市場需求,進而強化技術移轉之成效。 2. 「專利授權與技術移轉」是屬於相當複雜且專業性高的領域,與市場互動至關密切。 3. 任何產業的任何公司當其智慧財產行銷策略之方向目標正確,且手段方法合理,則成功便是可以預期的。 4. 一旦擬定正確的智慧財產行銷策略,則後續的執行力,便成為是否成功之唯一重點。 / The coming of Knowledge-based Economy Era indicates the fact that knowledge had taken the place of labor, land and capital to become the most important production factor. The results of knowledge creation are Intellectual Property (IP). The Intangible Assets are much more important than Tangible Assets for industries in nowadays. It becomes crucial for individuals, industries, and countries to achieve success in the Knowledge-based Economy Era to concentrate on the creation, protection, management and application of intellectual property. In the recent years, because of the developments of scientific knowledge and life wisdom, the progress and importance of the biomedical technology which closely related to human life and safety advances rapidly. Besides, the biotechnology industry is also one of the booming industries of Taiwan “Two Millions, Two Stars” projects. However, the Taiwan Biotechnology Industry does not follow the trend well. The biotechnology industry is a typical high value added and knowledge oriented industry, and the importance of IP is much more distinct. Same as other corporation’s property, intellectual property needs to be managed and put to use well to manifest its value. If a corporation owns a lot of IP without effective management and application, none value or benefit will be produced for the corporation from the IP. Therefore, for the IP owner, how to find out the correct application ways of IP will be the most important concern. Since technology familiarity and application is a highly emphasized issue for biotechnology industry, this study will focus on the technology knowledge protection concerning “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring,” especially on the IP Marketing Management Strategy. David Ho, a Chinese American scientist and the Man of the year 1996 of “Time” magazine, once said that “we have to bet on biotechnology with talents”. The question is what talents are needed, and how to bet? This study aims to provide some corresponding thoughts and find out the strategy of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” for Taiwan biotechnology corporation through case study. Furthermore, the study will manifest how IP Marketing Management will influence industry development. Due to the immature company structure and small business size of Taiwan biotechnology corporations, these corporations are unable to create the best profit through IP commercialization or industrization. Thus, the best model for them will be through IP Exchange and the “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” will be the most effective and feasible IP Business Model given the conditions of Taiwan biotechnology industry. This thesis will concentrate on this aspect and provide advices for industrial developments. The purposes of this study include: a. the important factors and the significnace of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” in the promotion of Taiwan biotechnology corporation development; b. the current mechanism of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” of Taiwan biotechnology corporation; c. a case study of Taiwan biotechnology corporation, including the IP Marketing Strategy analysis and the key successful factors as reference for other corporations; d. the core structure of IP Marketing Strategy and IP Marketing Strategy planning; and e. strategy suggestions for “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” and the potential problem analysis of the industry to Taiwan biotechnology corporation. This study proposes that the Taiwan biotechnology corporation must put the 6P factors of IP Marketing into consideration and target to dominate Industry Chain, to control Value Chain, and to allocate Supply Chain. They should also take the correct IP Business Model of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring”, and then think in the position of the targeted licensee through the examination of “9 Theories of Strategy” to find out the most suitable IP Marketing strategy. They should also take the characteristics of “Organizational Marketing” into consideration in practice. This study comes to the conclusions below with case study and qualitative methods: a. The quality of patents is always important in “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” to meet the industry and market demand and thus to reinforce the technology transferring achievement. b. “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” is complicated, highly professional and closely related to the market. c. The success of any corporation of any industry lies on a correct IP Marketing Strategy and a legitimate method. d. Once the correct IP Marketing Strategy is settled, the only key factor to success will be how to enforce the strategy.

研究機構進行技術移轉之影響因素的探討_以工業技術研究院為例 / A Study of Critical Factors in Technology Transferring Conducted by Research Institution _ ITRI as an Example

董振坤 Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化的後金融危機時代中,技術財產權的交易對於推動產業升級,推動新產品及市場發展和進一步推動技術移轉成對現實生產力仍然具有重要市場貢獻的實際意義。不斷豐富技術財產權交易的商業化方法及流程後充分發揮技術財產權交易在市場的領先及先發地位。本研究著重在技術移轉的成功關鍵因素之研究,所以會同時考量到技術應用、市場需求及供應鏈等方面的議題。另外,政府研究機構與企業間的技術移轉對其本身經營成效均是相當重要。對企業而言,此類型的技術移轉已成為其獲取新型技術的重要來源。對政府研究機構而言,政府研發投資的成效係決定於研發成果能否有效地移轉廠商。本研究主要以研究機構之一工業技術研究院技術移轉為主。研究對研究機構及企業而言,進行技術移轉的主要關鍵成功因素為何?研究有以下四個發現;(1)技術移轉業務牽涉層面廣泛、涵蓋多樣專業,包括技術、法律、管理、財務等,宜達到認知一致及雙方資訊回饋的情形下,一定要和對方保持在高頻率溝通。(2)技術移轉需要整合各方資源,所以為了使技術移轉時技術接受者方的技術達到同一個技術水平的情況下,研究機構應為對方隨時準備。(3)雙方背景的懸殊,會影響技術移轉績效;研究機構在避免開發出不符合市場競爭力的商品的情況下,研究機構應一開始就著手彌補這差異。(4)市場變化多端,建議甚至技術移轉期後,仍然應強化後續與企業在技術商品化的互動來因應市場在不同階段的變化。 關鍵字: 技術移轉、研究機構、技術商業化、新產品開發、成功關鍵因素。 / In the age of post global economy financial crisis, trading of intellectual properties still have real meanings to the market in pushing new products, developing new markets and further pushing technology transfer into producible. After continuous refining IP trading methodologies and processes, business entities will become leaders in their markets. This research will focus on success factor in technology transfer with topics in technology applications, market demand and supply chains. Moreover, we will discuss important factors in technology transfer between government research institutions and private enterprises. For private enterprises, it is an important source of obtaining new technology. For government research institutions, performance of the government research investment is determined by whether the result of research and development can be successfully transferred to private enterprises. In this research, we will be mainly discussing technology from Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan. In this research, the author will discuss four main findings in key successful factors in technology transfer between the government research institution and private enterprises. (1) Technology transfer is very involved in many aspect of business including research and development, law, management and finance, etc. It is best to keep good communication between both entities to reach a common consensus and to keep good feedback. (2) Resources from both entities have to be integrated in the process of technology transfer. Therefore, the research institution have to be prepared to have a plan of support for private enterprises to reach the same technology level. (3) Difference in background knowledge between both entities will have impact in technology transfer performance. In the beginning, the research institution have to prepare to remedy this difference in recognition to prevent developing a product that is not competitive in the market. (4) Market changes fast. The research institution should reinforce interaction between itself and private enterprises in technology commoditization and responds to difference phase of product development and market development. keyword : technology transferring, research institution, technology commercialization, new product development, critical success factor.

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