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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbarhet i sikte : En hermeneutisk studie av Visbys turismplanering / Sustainability in Sight : A Hermeneutical study of Visby`s tourism planning

Lopez, Carolina, Kaya, Gonca January 2008 (has links)
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Immersiva medier : För nya former av publikt berättande

Oretoft, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
En granskande rapport av Visualiseringscentrets verksamhet  i essäform. Rapporten innehåller redogörelser av deltagande observation av centrets olika utställningsdelar och deras filmdome. Rapporten innehåller även intervjumaterial som redovisas i citatform.  Begrepp som diskuteras och analyseras är interaktivitet och publikt berättande i förhållande till ny teknik. Rapportens syfte är att få en inblick i hur centret arbetar med dessa begrepp i förhållande till vad de strävar efter att erbjuda sina besökare i upplevelseväg.

En kommersiell stoppmöbel anpassad för industriell produktion : Beskrivning av designprocessen

Karlsson, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
Den här rapporten beskriver mitt kandidatarbete; en stoppad möbels tillkomst och utveckling under samarbete med JARM. Den beskriver företaget, min designprocess och vårt samarbete, hur kommunikationen har fungerat och bakgrunden till samarbetet. Insamling av inspirationsmaterial, utforskande och analys av olika företags soffor och tekniska lösningar. Utformning av brief, projektplanering, mina skissetapper på papper, från enkla ideskisser till slutgiltigt förslag på modell. Skissmodeller i Solidworks arbetet med renderingar som bollats mellan mig och mina samarbetspartners. Modellens utveckling och diskussionen kring denna. Experiment med fullskalemodell och prototyptillverkning i Tallinn. Ett metodiskt arbete med etapper och etappavslut har visat sig vara effektivt för att driva projektet vidare och nå resultat, vara öppen för diskussion och lyssna men samtidigt hålla kvar och argumentera för sina egna idéer. / This report describes my bachelor project, an upholstered furniture’s upcoming and development during the collaboration with JARM. It describes the company, my design process, our collaboration, how the communication has worked and the background to the collaboration. Collecting of inspiration material, exploring and analysis of different company’s sofas and technical solutions. Developing of brief, project planning and different fasces of sketching from simple ideas in to final models. Sketch models in Solid works with renderings which has discussed with my partners. Developing the model and the discussion around it. Experiment with full-scale model and prototype making in Tallinn. A methodical work in different fasces has shown to be an effective way of running the project to reach results, being open for discussion and listen, but at the same time hold on to and argument for my own ideas.

Scenen : En subkultur som inte vill synas

Pålsson, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
<p>De flesta piratkopior som sprids har sitt ursprung i en subkultur som de inblandade själva kallar för kort och gott Scenen. Det är en verksamhet där olika grupper tävlar mot varandra i att vara först med att lägga ut en piratkopia av ett nytt spel, program eller film. Det är en starkt organiserad verksamhet där grupperna jobbar efter givna regler och ramar. Uppsatsens syfte är att dels reda ut hur verksamheten fungerar men också att se varför invididerna väljer att delta trots de stora risker som deras deltagande är förknippat med. Med hjälp av Bourdieu och Thornton försöker uppsattsen reda ut vad det är som värderas inom subkulturen och vad individerna får ut av sitt engagemang.</p>

Lek och allvar : Om pokerspelande på nätet

Eriksson, Daniel, Nilsson, Erik January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study explores the relatively new phenomenon of online poker. More specifically, it elaborates on who the online poker player is, why s/he plays online poker, what the fascination of the game is, why s/he continues to play, and what the experience is. The study is delimited to focus on individuals who mainly play Texas hold’em online. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with active online poker players, as well as on secondary data such as articles and literature. Both professional and amateur players are included among the respondents. The material has been coded and qualitatively analyzed. Earlier studies in the same field have also been brought to light and discussed, among which we especially centered on Reith’s theories about gambling and the gambler. Finally, the study concludes that the four factors primarily motivating the online poker player are excitement, money, social interaction, and the aspect of skill.</p>

Mexican Icarus: Modernity, National Identity, and Aviation Development in Mexico, 1928-1958

Soland, Peter B., Soland, Peter B. January 2016 (has links)
In the decades following the Revolution, government officials and industrialists attempted to strike a balance between preserving a unique national identity and asserting Mexico's place in global affairs as a competitive, modern nation. Veneration of the aviators' bravery and technological mastery cut across political and cultural boundaries, setting standards for the model citizen of a modern world. The symbolic figure of the pilot proved an adept vessel for disseminating the values championed by the country's ruling party. Aviators validated the technological determinism that underpinned the government's development philosophy to domestic audiences, while projecting an image of strength abroad. This study explores the spectacle of aviation in cultural events including film, airshows, goodwill flights, and state-sponsored funerals, connecting the history of aviation to often-conflicting discourses of Revolutionary nationalism and modern cosmopolitanism that were espoused by both national and regional elites.

The effects of individual-level culture and demographic characteristics on e-learning acceptance in Lebanon and England : a structural equation modeling approach

Tarhini, Ali January 2013 (has links)
Due to the rapid growth of Internet technology, universities and higher educational institutions around the world are investing heavily in web-based learning systems to support their traditional teaching and to improve their students’ learning experience and performance. However, the success of an e-learning system depends on the understanding of certain antecedent factors that influence the students’ acceptance and usage of such e-learning systems. Previous research indicates that technology acceptance models and theories may not be applicable to all cultures as most of them have been developed in the context of developed countries and particularly in the U.S. So far little research has investigated the important role that social, cultural, organizational and individual factors may play in the use and adoption of the e-learning systems in the context of developing countries and more specifically there is almost absence of this type of research in Lebanon. This study aims to fill this gap by developing and testing an amalgamated conceptual framework based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and other models from social psychology, such as Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and TAM2 that captures the salient factors influencing the user adoption and acceptance of web-based learning systems. This framework has been applied to the study of higher educational institutions in the context of developing as well as developed countries (e.g. Lebanon and UK). Additionally, the framework investigates the moderating effect of Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions at the individual level and a set of individual differences on the key determinants that affect the behavioural intention to use e-learning. A total of 1197 questionnaires were received from students who were using web-based learning systems at higher educational institutions in Lebanon and the UK with opposite scores on cultural dimensions. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to perform reliability and validity checks, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in conjunction with multi-group analysis method was used to test the hypothesized conceptual model. As hypothesized, the findings of this study revealed that perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), subjective norms (SN), perceived quality of work Life (QWL), self-efficacy (SE) and facilitating conditions (FC) to be significant determinants of behavioural intentions and usage of e-learning system for the Lebanese and British students. QWL; the newly added variable; was found the most important factor in explaining the causal process in the model for both samples. Our findings proved that there are differences between Lebanese and British students in terms of PEOU, SE, SN, QWL, FC and AU; however no differences were detected in terms of PU and BI. The results of the MGA show that cultural dimensions as well as demographic factors had a partially moderated effect on user acceptance of e-learning. Overall, the proposed model achieves acceptable fit and explains for 68% of the British sample and 57% of the Lebanese sample of its variance which is higher than that of the original TAM. Our findings suggest that individual, social, cultural and organisational factors are important to consider in explaining students’ behavioural intention and usage of e-learning environments. The findings of this research contribute to the literature by validating and supporting the applicability of our extended TAM in the Lebanese and British contexts and provide several prominent implications to both theory and practice on the individual, organizational and societal levels.

Interactive media technologies challenges and risks among youth in Sweden. : 11 children’s and 11 parents’ thoughts and experiences about Internet and video games

Ortiz de Gortari, Angelica, Eltayeb, Rawia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Interactive media technologies like the Internet and video games have opened new avenues of opportunity for many, yet at the same time they represent new challenges and risks, especially for young people.</p><p>In our study, eleven families were interviewed. Their perceptions, experiences and risk management are described in this paper. The children we interviewed were not high media consumers. The vast majority appeared to have a positive attitude towards the Internet, and had learned to handle common interactive media challenges and risk. Nonetheless some online behaviors which we consider risky were indeed commonly practiced. The most commonly encountered risk experienced by children in our study was exposure to undesirable content. Yet, in a group of eleven children two had been victim of cyberbullying and one had been harassed by some classmate or family member.</p><p>The most recurrent negative comments parents made about the internet or video games and children were about the danger of being contacted by strangers, as well as the excessive use of the interactive media technologies.</p><p><strong><p> </p></strong></p>

Teknikundervisning utan könsroller

Rüdén, Ulf January 2008 (has links)
<p>Det här arbetet handlar till stor del om huruvida teknikundervisningen som genomförs i grundskolans senare del har påverkat flickors val av gymnasieutbildning. De flickor som går på typiska manliga utbildningar har varit utgångspunkt för den här studien. Antalet flickor som söker sig till dessa utbildningar är få, vilket framkommer i statistiken över förstahandsval till gymnasieutbildningarna som presenteras i undersökningen. Dessa elever har genom intervjuer fått möjlighet att berätta om varför de valt att gå de här utbildningarna. Val av gymnasieutbildning kommer i stor utsträckning att påverka dessa elevers framtida yrkesroller. Med detta i åtanke kommer även genusperspektivet i skola och yrkesliv att belysas. Läsaren får också en inblick i hur teknikundervisningen i grundskolan är uppbyggd och hur den genomförs i både teorin och praktiken.</p><p>Genom att intervjuat 6 kvinnliga elever, som går på typiskt manliga gymnasieutbildningar, visar den här studien att teknikundervisningen i grundskolans senare del inte påverkat dessa elevers val av gymnasieutbildning.</p>

Tonala skillnader i Ostindisk jakaranda och Europeisk lönn

Sengenbjerg, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
<p>This graduation paper is based on my interest for wood and its different tonal quality’s.</p><p>After some time of thinking I decided to write my paper on the tonal difference between two of the most common woods in guitars, East Indian Rosewood and European Maple. I had built two identical guitars before my graduation paper in which the difference was the wood the back and sides were made of. One was being made of East Indian Rosewood and the other being made of European Maple.</p><p>I chose to speak with a number of people with different angle of approach to the two kinds of wood and its tonal difference and quality’s. I present my point of view to these two woods. I also present the point of view of guitarists and guitar makers.</p><p>To present picture proof off the tonal difference in the woods I chose to record notes from both of the test guitars that I’ve built and used in my work. The notes were processed by a program that present the ton in a spectrogram in which you can see the difference in the notes between the different guitars/woods.</p><p>I asked about the difference both tonal and esthetically in the interviews I did of the established guitar makers. Unfortunately I didn’t receive as many answers as I wished for but I felt that it was important to present the ideas about the woods from those guitar makers who answered.</p>

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