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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy from Ocean Waves : Full Scale Experimental Verification of a Wave Energy Converter

Waters, Rafael January 2008 (has links)
A wave energy converter has been constructed and its function and operational characteristics have been thoroughly investigated and published. The wave energy converter was installed in March of 2006 approximately two kilometers off the Swedish west coast in the proximity of the town Lysekil. Since then the converter has been submerged at the research site for over two and a half years and in operation during three time periods for a total of 12 months, the latest being during five months of 2008. Throughout this time the generated electricity has been transmitted to shore and operational data has been recorded. The wave energy converter and its connected electrical system has been continually upgraded and each of the three operational periods have investigated more advanced stages in the progression toward grid connection. The wave energy system has faced the challenges of the ocean and initial results and insights have been reached, most important being that the overall wave energy concept has been verified. Experiments have shown that slowly varying power generation from ocean waves is possible. Apart from the wave energy converter, three shorter studies have been performed. A sensor was designed for measuring the air gap width of the linear generator used in the wave energy converter. The sensor consists of an etched coil, a search coil, that functions passively through induction. Theory and experiment showed good agreement. The Swedish west coast wave climate has been studied in detail. The study used eight years of wave data from 13 sites in the Skagerrak and Kattegatt, and data from a wave measurement buoy located at the wave energy research site. The study resulted in scatter diagrams, hundred year extreme wave estimations, and a mapping of the energy flux in the area. The average energy flux was found to be approximately 5.2 kW/m in the offshore Skagerrak, 2.8 kW/m in the near shore Skagerrak, and 2.4 kW/m in the Kattegat. A method for evaluating renewable energy technologies in terms of economy and engineering solutions has been investigated. The match between the technologies and the fundamental physics of renewable energy sources can be given in terms of the technology’s utilization. It is argued that engineers should strive for a high utilization if competitive technologies are to be developed.

Electromagnetic Modelling for the Estimation of Wood Parameters

Sjödén, Therese January 2008 (has links)
Spiral grain in trees causes trouble to the wood industry, since boards sawn from trees with large grain angle have severe problems with form stability. Measurements of the grain angle under bark enable the optimisation of the refining process. The main objective of this thesis is to study the potential in estimating the grain angle by using microwaves. To do this, electromagnetic modelling and sensitivity analysis are combined. The dielectric properties of wood are different along and perpendicular to the wood fibres. This anisotropy is central for the estimation of the grain angle by means of microwaves. To estimate the grain angle, measurements are used together with electromagnetic modelling for the scattering from plane surfaces and cylinders. Measurement set-ups are proposed to determine the material parameters, such as the grain angle, for plane boards and cylindrical logs. For cylindrical logs both near-field and far-field measurements are investigated. In general, methods for determining material parameters exhibit large errors in the presence of noise. In this case, acceptable levels of these errors are achieved throug using few material parameters in the model: the grain angle and two dielectric parameters, characterising the electrical properties parallel and perpendicular to the fibres. From the case with plane boards, it is concluded that it is possible to make use of the anisotropy of wood to estimate the grain angle from the reflected electromagnetic field. This property forms then the basis of the proposed methods for the estimation of the grain angle in cylindrical logs. For the proposed methods, a priori knowledge of the moisture content or temperature of the wood is not needed. Furthermore, since the anisotropy persist also for frozen wood, the method is valid for temperatures below zero degrees Celsius. For the case with cylindrical logs, sensitivity analysis is applied to the near-field as well as the far-field methods, to analyse the parameter dependence with respect to the measurement model and the errors introduced by noise. In this sensitivity analysis, the Cram\'r-Rao bound is used, giving the best possible variance for estimating the parameters. The levels of the error bounds are high, indicating a problematic estimation problem. However, the feasibility of accurate estimation will be improved through higher signal-to-noise ratios, repeated measurements, and better antenna gain. The sensitivity analysis is also useful as an analytical tool to understand the difficulties and remedies related to the method used for determining material parameters, as well as a practical aid in the design of a measurement set-up. According to the thesis, grain angle estimation is possible with microwaves. The proposed methods are fast and suitable for further development for in-field use in the forest or in saw mills. / Träd med växtvridenhet orsakar problem i träindustrin eftersom brädor som sågats från träd med stor fibervinkel har problem med formstabiliteten och vrider sig då de torkas. Mätning av fibervinkeln under bark möjliggör optimering av förädlingsprocessen. I den här avhandlingen kombineras elektromagnetisk modellering och känslighetsanalys för att undersöka möjligheterna att bestämma fibervinkeln med mikrovågor. De elektriska egenskaperna hos trä är olika längs med och vinkelrätt mot fibrerna. Den här anisotropin är utgångspunkten för att bestämma fibervinkeln med hjälp av mikrovågor. För att skatta fibervinkeln används mätningar tillsammans med elektromagnetisk modellering för spridningen från plana ytor och cylindrar. Mätuppställningar föreslås för problemet att skatta materialparametrar, såsom fibervinkeln, i plana brädor och cylindriska stockar. För cylindriska stockar undersöks både närfälts- och fjärrfältsmätningar. I allmänhet har metoder för skattning av materialparametrar stora fel då systemet innehåller brus. Här erhålls acceptabla fel genom att använda få materialparametrar i modelleringen. De materialparametrar som används är fibervinkeln och två dielektriska parametrar som karakteriserar de elektriska egenskaperna längs med och vinkelrätt mot träfibern. Slutsatsen från fallet med plana brädor är att det är möjligt att använda anisotropin hos trä och dess påverkan på ett reflekterat elektromagnetiskt fält för att skatta fibervinkeln. Detta är grunden i de metoder som föreslås för cylindriska stockar. För samtliga metoder så gäller att varken fukthalt eller temperatur behöver vara kända på förhand. Eftersom anisotropin kvarstår också för fruset trä så är metoderna användbara även för temperaturer under noll grader Celsius. För fallet med cylindriska stockar används känslighetsanalys på både närfälts- och fjärrfältsmetoderna för att analysera parameterberoendet i uppmätt data samt felen som introduceras av brus. I den här känslighetsanalysen används Cram\'{e}r-Rao gränsen som ger den bästa möjliga variansen för skattning av parametrarna. Nivåerna på gränserna är höga vilket indikerar att det är ett svårt estimeringsproblem. Möjligheterna att skatta parametrarna noggrant förbättras genom bättre signal-brus förhållande, upprepade mätningar samt ökad antennstyrka. Känslighetsanalysen är också användbar som ett analytiskt verktyg för ökad förståelse för problem och möjligheter relaterade till metoden för att skatta parametrarna och som ett praktiskt stöd för design av en mätuppställning. Enligt avhandlingen är skattning av fibervinkel möjlig med mikrovågor. De föreslagna metoderna är snabba och lämpliga att utveckla vidare för användning i skogen eller i sågverk.

Signals and Noise in Complex Biological Systems

Rung, Johan January 2007 (has links)
In every living cell, millions of different types of molecules constantly interact and react chemically in a complex system that can adapt to fluctuating environments and extreme conditions, living to survive and reproduce itself. The information required to produce these components is stored in the genome, which is copied in each cell division and transferred and mixed with another genome from parent to child. The regulatory mechanisms that control biological systems, for instance the regulation of expression levels for each gene, has evolved so that global robustness and ability to survive under harsh conditions is a strength, at the same time as biological tasks on a detailed molecular level must be carried out with good precision and without failures. This has resulted in systems that can be described as a hierarchy of levels of complexity: from the lowest level, where molecular mechanisms control other components at the same level, to pathways of coordinated interactions between components, formed to carry out particular biological tasks, and up to large-scale systems consisting of all components, connected in a network with a topology that makes the system robust and flexible. This thesis reports on work that model and analyze complex biological systems, and the signals and noise that regulate them, at all different levels of complexity. Also, it shows how signals are transduced vertically from one level to another, as when a single mutation can cause errors in low level mechanisms, disrupting pathways and create systemwide imbalances, such as in type 2 diabetes. The advancement of our knowledge of biological systems requires both that we go deeper and towards more detail, of single molecules in single cells, as well as taking a step back to understand the organisation and dynamics in the large networks of all components, and unite the different levels of complexity.

Measuring routines of ice accretion for Wind Turbine applications : The correlation of production losses and detection of ice

Carlsson, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
Wind power will play a major role in the future energy system in Sweden. Most of the major wind parks are planned to be built in sites where the cold climate and atmospheric icing can cause serious problems. This underlines the importance of addressing these issues. The major cause of these problems is in-cloud icing of the rotor blades due to super cooled liquid droplets of clouds. The droplets freeze upon impact with the rotor blade and form hard rime ice. This rime ice causes disruption in the aerodynamics that leads to production losses, extra loads on the rotor blades and when the ice is shed it poses a safety risk to people in the near environment. This master thesis focuses on how to measure the accretion of ice and the correlation between measured ice and production losses of two wind parks in northern Sweden.   The results show a good correlation between the ice accretion on a stationary sensor and the production loss from a wind turbine. In most icing events the icing of the sensor and large production losses from the wind turbine correlated clearly. Attempts to quantify the production losses at a certain ice rate measured with the stationary sensors was done, however no clear results was produced. The reason for this is that the wind turbines often stop completely during an icing event and that the time series analyzed was too short to be able to quantify the losses at certain wind speed and ice rates.   Recommendations on the type of sensor which should be used was to be produced, however the conclusion was that no single sensor has acted satisfactory and could be recommended to measure ice accretion for wind turbine applications. Due to this, at least two sensors are recommended to increase the redundancy in the measurement system. Modeling ice accretion with standard parameters measured has been done and the results show that the time of icing could be determined quite well when the sensors was ice free, however when the sensors and especially the humidity sensors was iced the time of icing was overestimated.   The main conclusion drawn is that there is a clear relationship between the icing of a stationary sensor and the rotor blade. There is still no which fulfills all demands of measuring ice accretion for wind turbine applications, further it is possible with simple models to roughly determine when icing occurs with standard measurements.

Domestic Heating with Solar Thermal : Studies of Technology in a Social Context and Social Components in Technical Studies

Lundh, Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
Research in solar heating has traditionally focused solely on increasing the system efficiency by improving the technical components. In this thesis the technical methodology and system boundaries are widened to connect the technical aspects with market actors that are highly influential on the implementation of solar technology. The research was focused on how social aspects can be brought into technical studies to improve the understanding of solar heating, and how solar thermal technology can be optimized in a larger energy system. Both heat storage and different system solutions have been investigated. The thesis is built on a number of sub-projects exploring different aspects of solar heating. Improved components and system configurations may result in higher fractional energy savings and thereby make solar energy go from a marginal contribution to be the main energy supplier. Both components and systems are considered in this thesis. The solar heating technology has been shown to work well, also in unique system solutions. Technical possibilities with medium-sized stores for single-family houses and seasonal stores for residential areas are presented. Methods to bring studies of technology and actor studies together are also proposed; domestic hot water use has been modelled based on time-use data, while a multifaceted market situation, in which new system solutions must find their way, has been described by the solar and pellet industries. The complexity of assessing installation and use of a particular heating system in relation to the overall energy system is also discussed. Overall, this thesis shows that successful use of solar heating does not only come down to proper technical solutions, but also depends on the interaction between technology and market actors. A widened perspective, including the social context in which the heating system appears, is then essential. This thesis constitutes a step in that direction.

Molecular Diagnostics Using Volume-Amplified Magnetic Nanobeads : Towards the Development of a Novel Biosensor System

Strömberg, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
Micro- or nanometer sized magnetic particles (beads) currently have a vast range of life science applications in, for example, bioseparation techniques, cancer therapy, development of contrast agents and biosensing techniques. In the latter field, magnetic beads offer several unique advantages, including minimal background signals, physical and chemical stability and low manufacturing costs. Because of these properties, magnetic biosensing techniques are potential candidates for low-cost, easy-to-use molecular diagnostic devices. This doctoral thesis focuses mainly on the proof of principle and further development of a new magnetic biosensor platform for detection of DNA targets, a potential candidate for a new generation of low-cost, easy-to-use diagnostic devices: the Volume-Amplified Magnetic Nanobead Detection Assay (VAM-NDA). The VAM-NDA principle combines target recognition by padlock probe ligation followed by rolling circle amplification (RCA) of the reacted probes with changes in Brownian relaxation behaviour of magnetic nanobeads (typically ~100 nm in diameter) induced by a change in hydrodynamic bead volume. More specifically, the RCA products (coils, typically ~1 μm in diameter) are detected magnetically by adding magnetic beads tagged with detection probes complementary to part of the repeating RCA-coil sequence. Thus, depending on the target concentration, a certain quantity of beads binds to the coils by base-pair hybridisation (bead immobilisation), resulting in a dramatic bead volume increase, which is then detected by measuring the complex magnetisation spectrum. Use of a commercial SQUID magnetometer for measuring complex magnetisation resulted in a detection limit in the low pM range for DNA targets with excellent quantification accuracy. Simultaneous multiplexing was also evaluated. The stability and aging of typical commercial ferrofluids (suspensions of magnetic beads) were investigated by measuring the complex magnetisation of and interbead interactions in oligonucleotide-functionalised ferrofluids. In summary, the bead surface characteristics were found to have a strong impact on the measured dynamic magnetic properties.

Optical Characterization and Energy Simulation of Glazing for High-Performance Windows / Optisk karakterisering och energisimulering av smarta fönster

Jonsson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on one important component of the energy system - the window. Windows are installed in buildings mainly to create visual contact with the surroundings and to let in daylight, and should also be heat and sound insulating. This thesis covers four important aspects of windows: antireflection and switchable coatings, energy simulations and optical measurements. Energy simulations have been used to compare different windows and also to estimate the performance of smart or switchable windows, whose transmittance can be regulated. The results from this thesis show the potential of the emerging technology of smart windows, not only from a daylight and an energy perspective, but also for comfort and well-being. The importance of a well functioning control system for such windows, is pointed out. To fulfill all requirements of modern windows, they often have two or more panes. Each glass surface leads to reflection of light and therefore less daylight is transmitted. It is therefore of interest to find ways to increase the transmittance. In this thesis antireflection coatings, similar to those found on eye-glasses and LCD screens, have been investigated. For large area applications such as windows, it is necessary to use techniques which can easily be adapted to large scale manufacturing at low cost. Such a technique is dip-coating in a sol-gel of porous silica. Antireflection coatings have been deposited on glass and plastic materials to study both visual and energy performance and it has been shown that antireflection coatings increase the transmittance of windows without negatively affecting the thermal insulation and the energy efficiency. Optical measurements are important for quantifying product properties for comparisons and evaluations. It is important that new measurement routines are simple and applicable to standard commercial instruments. Different systematic error sources for optical measurements of patterned light diffusing samples using spectrophotometers with integrating spheres have been investigated and some suggestions are made for how to avoid such errors.

In-situ TEM Probing of Nanomaterials

Hummelgård, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Nanomaterials because of their small size, may have special properties unlikely to be seen in ordinary types of materials. Nanomaterials like nanotubes,nanowires and nanoparticles are best studied at the nanoscale, vital but also problematic. In this thesis we use a transmission electron microscope (TEM)combined with a scanning tunneling microscope probe. This system allows TEM images to be captured and recorded into a movie together with recordedelectrical data for real time analysis. Using this method we found that the electrical conductivity of molybdenumbased nanowires Mo6S3I6 can be improved by current induced transformation. This might be a general method of improving nanowires which is of high valueif the wires are to be used in electrical circuits or field emission devices. The bending modulus for these nanowires were also determined, by an electromechanical resonance method, to 4.9 GPa. The sintering phase of silver nanoparticles, used in electrical conductive ink for printing electrical circuits, were studied by the in-situ TEM probing method. We observed that percolation path ways are formed and that the dispersive agent of the particles can be pyrolysed into a net of carbon with characteristics similar to graphite. We also developed a method for decorating nanowires and nanotubes with gold nanoparticles. Nanowire particle composites are often used in assembling more complex devices (electronic circuits) or for linking to organic molecules (biosensor applications) and existing particle decoration methods are either difficult or with low yield. By in situ TEM probing we found that carbon nanocages can be grown onto these gold nanoparticles. The size of the gold nanoparticles is controllable an thus the size of the nanocages. These nanocages may be used in medicine- or hydrogen storage-applications. / Nanomaterial har givits stort intresse under det senaste årtiondet, detta på grund av deras unika egenskaper som gör att de i många hänseenden överträffar traditionella material. Egenskaperna beror till största del på storlek och därför är det nödvändigt att studera dessa material på nanonivå, något som är problematiskt. För sådana studier krävs ett instrument med tillräckligt hög upplösning på nanonivå samt ett system med en prob som möjligör selektion och karakterisering utav individuella byggstenar. I denna avhandling används ett transmissionselektronmikroskop (TEM) tillsammans med ett sveptunnelmikroskop (STM) där det senare används som prob. Systemet medger studier på nanonivå och karakterisering av enskilda byggstenar under realtids avbildning (in situ). Metoden medger en bättre överblick och hanterbarhet vid nanomanipulering än vad till exempel atomkraftmikroskopi medger. Piezodrivna probar kan även användas i svepelektronmikroskop men dessa medger inte samma upplösning som transmissionselektronmikroskopet. Nanotrådar av Mo6S3I6 är ett alternativt material till kolnanorör och överträffar dessa i form av löslighet i båda organiska såväl som polära lösningsmedel. De är enkla att syntetisera men deras elektriska konduktivitet är låg. Mo6S3I6 nanotrådar studerades med in situ TEM probing. Vi fann att genom att driva en tillräckligt hög elektrisk ström genom nanotråden så resulterade detta i en omvandling till en solid metallisk molybden nanotråd med en konduktivitet nära värdet för bulkmaterialet. Resultat är intressant då nanotrådar kan användas i t.ex. fältemission, men resultatet visar också på att det kan vara en generell metod för att förbättra nanotrådar överlag. På dessa nanotrådar har även en elektromekanisk resonans studie utförts där böjmodulen för materialet bestämdes till 4.9 GPa. Med in situ-TEM-probing metoden har även silvernanobläck studerats under en sintringsprocess. Studien visade att vid sintringen så bildas perkulativa vägar genom bläckets silvernanopartiklar samt att vid hög sinteringstemperatur förkolnades det lösningsmedel som silvernanopartiklarna är lösta i. Förkolningen av lösningsmedlet resulterade i ett kolnät med liknande egenskaper som för grafit. Förståelse utav sinteringsprocessen är nödvändig eftersom vid tryckning av elektriskt ledande banor på papper används sintring för att höja ledningsförmågan. Genom att växa nanopartiklar på nanotrådar förändras deras egenskaper och tillämpningar. Existerande metoder är endera komplicerade eller ger dåligt ut- byte. Ett enkelt recept för att växa guldnanopartiklar på kolnanorör och Mo6S3I6 nanotrådar har därför tagits fram. Dessa kolnanorör och nanotrådar har sedan studerats med in-situ-TEM-probing metoden som visade att utanpå dessa guldnanopartiklar kan burar av kol skapas. Eftersom partiklarnas storlek kan kontrolleras kan även kolnanoburarnas storlek kontrolleras. Burarna har användningsområden t.ex. inom medicin och vid lagring av vätgas. / The thesis covers six scientific papers

Low Speed Energy Conversion from Marine Currents

Thomas, Karin January 2007 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is research on the performance of very low speed direct drive permanent magnet generators for energy conversion from marine and tidal currents. Various aspects involved in the design of these generators and their electromagnetic modelling using the finite element simulations are presented. For a detailed study, a 5 kW prototype generator has been designed and constructed based on finite element based simulations. Several experiments were conducted on the prototype generator. The experimental results were compared with the corresponding case simulations on the designed generator. The differences between the results predicted by the simulations and those predicted by the measurements were less than 10%. The part and overload performance of the generator has been investigated and it is found from both simulations and measurements that the generator is capable to efficiently operate at varying speeds. The tests on the experimental generator were made for speeds between 2 and 16 rpm and for load variations of 0.5 to 2 per unit. In this thesis it is shown that it is possible to design a very low speed direct drive generator for more or less any given marine current site and this is beneficial for projects aiming to develop a technical and economical viable marine current energy conversion system.

Modelling and Experimental Verification of Direct Drive Wave Energy Conversion : Buoy-Generator Dynamics

Eriksson, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is focused on development of models and modelling of a wave energy converter in operation. Through the thesis linear potential wave theory has been used to describe the wave-buoy interaction. The differences lie in the generator models, in the simplest model the generator is a mechanical damper characterized by a damping factor. In the most advanced generator model the magnetic fields is calculated the by a FE-method, which gives detailed description of the electric properties and the effect it has on the buoy dynamics. Moreover, an equivalent circuit description of the generator has been tested. It has the same accuracy as the field based model but with a strongly enhanced CPU time. All models are verified against full scale experiments. The models are intended to be used for design of the next generation wave energy converters. Further, the developed models have also been used to study what effect buoy geometry and generator damping have on the ability to energy absorption. In the spring 2006 a full scale wave energy converter was installed at the west coast of Sweden. It was in operation and collected data during three months. During that period the load resistance was varied in order to study the effect on the energy absorption. These collected data was then used in the verification of the developed models. In the year 2002 a wave energy project started at Uppsala University; this work is a part of that larger project which intendeds to develop a viable wave energy conversion concept.

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