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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle de la protéine RAP1 dans la protection des télomères humains / Investigation into the role of human RAP1 in telomere protection

Lototska, Liudmyla 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les télomères sont des séquences d’ADN, généralement répétées en tandem, localisées à l’extrémité des chromosomes linéaires. Une des fonctions principales des télomères est de différencier l’extrémité des chromosomes des cassures double-brin, et ainsi de prévenir l’activation des voies de réparation de l’ADN. Chez les mammifères, cette fonction est plus spécifiquement assurée par le complexe shelterin. Il s’agit d’un complexe hétérogène composé de six protéines distinctes : TRF1, TRF2, POT1, RAP1, TPP1 et TIN2, qui interagit spécifiquement avec l’ADN télomérique. Au sein de ce complexe, les protéines RAP1 et TRF2 coopèrent afin d’empêcher l’extrémité des chromosomes d’être perçue comme un dommage de l’ADN, ce qui autrement aboutirait à des fusions inter-chromosomiques suite au processus de réparation. La protéine TRF2 se lie directement à la molécule d’ADN dans laquelle elle s’enroule de façon spécifique. Cette propriété est primordiale pour générer une structure d’ADN en forme de boucle, appelée t-loop, et dont le bon fonctionnement des télomères dépend. Les travaux effectués au cours de cette thèse ont mis en évidence deux scenarii indépendants dans lesquels la protéine RAP1 assure un rôle critique dans la stabilité des télomères. Premièrement, RAP1 peut prévenir les fusions inter-chromosomiques dans des cellules exprimant une forme altérée de TRF2 incapable de former des t-loops. Deuxièmement, l’inhibition de RAP1 dans des cellules en sénescence réplicative conduit à l’activation des voies de réparation de l’ADN et à la formation de fusions inter-chromosomiques. Ces observations font écho à des résultats précédents obtenus dans des cellules HeLa traitées avec l’inhibiteur de la télomérase BIBR1532, et dont l’expression de la protéine RAP1 était abolie par shRNA. De plus, j’ai montré que les fusions interchromosomiques engendrées par la perte de RAP1 sont dépendantes de la ligase IV, qui est un acteur principal de la voie de réparation de l’ADN par recombinaison non-homologue (NHEJ). Dans l’ensemble, ces travaux démontrent l’importance de la protéine RAP1 dans la stabilité des télomères lorsque la protéine TRF2 est non fonctionnelle, mais aussi dans des situations physiologiques telles que la sénescence réplicative. / In mammals, the shelterin complex is the guardian of telomere stability. It operates through a set of six proteins (TRF1, TRF2, POT1, RAP1, TPP1 and TIN2) that binds telomeric DNA and protects it from being recognized as DNA double-strand breaks and therefore control DNA repair and DNA damage response pathways. Among them, RAP1 and TRF2 cooperate and together protect chromosome extremities from end-to-end fusions. TRF2 is seen as a major factor to control telomere DNA topology by wrapping DNA around itself in a right handed manner. This property of TRF2 is required to promote the formation of t-loops, special DNA structures at telomeres that are considered as protective barriers to DNA damage response and fusion. Here we demonstrate two independent situations where RAP1 dysfunction is critical for telomere protection. First, in cells expressing a wrapping-deficient TRF2 allele that cannot form t-loops, RAP1 appears as a backup anti-fusion mechanism. Second, RAP1 downregulation in replicative senescent cells leads to telomere fusions and DNA damage response activation. This is consistent with similar observations in HeLa cells treated with the telomerase inhibitor BIBR1532, and in which RAP1 expression was abolished by an inducible shRNA system. In addition, we show that fusions triggered by RAP1 loss are dependent upon ligase IV, which is a key player of the classical non-homologous end-joining (c-NHEJ) repair pathway. Altogether, these results indicate that RAP1 takes over telomere protection when TRF2 cannot properly function or in the normal physiological situation, such as replicative senescence.

SLX4 Interacting Protein (SLX4IP): A Vital Primer for Alternative Lengthening of Telomere (ALT)-like Processes Promoting Replicative Immortality in Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer with Androgen Receptor Loss

Mangosh, Tawna L. 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Stratégies de médecine personnalisée pour l’étude et l’utilisation de nouveaux biomarqueurs / Personalised medicine approaches for investigation and application of new biomarkers

Gorenjak, Vesna 29 October 2019 (has links)
La lutte contre les maladies chroniques nécessite la mise en œuvre de nouvelles stratégies de prédiction du risque et de prévention. La médecine personnalisée représente une approche sophistiquée pour réussir la prise en charge des morbidités de populations vieillissantes. Dans le cadre de ces travaux de thèse inspirés par les principes de la médecine personnalisée, nous décrivons une approche qui associe plusieurs méthodologies «-omiques». Nous avons utilisé un modèle de «dénominateur commun» pour les maladies chroniques afin d'identifier des biomarqueurs associés aux facteurs de risque et aux voies biologiques de maladies courantes. Par l’étude de variants génétiques localisés dans la région comportant le gène TREM2, nous avons identifié une association entre le rs6918289 et à la fois de taux élevés de TNF-α et une augmentation de l’épaisseur intima-média de l’artère fémorale. Grâce à des études d’association panépigénomique (EWAS), nous avons identifié de nouveaux marqueurs épigénétiques liés à des facteurs de risque de maladies courantes. Un site CpG de méthylation était associé à une augmentation du tour de taille, contribuant à expliquer la régulation épigénétique de l’obésité abdominale. De plus, une étude EWAS des taux de triglycérides a permis d’identifier deux sites CpG significatifs. L’un de ces deux sites a pu être confirmé dans le tissu adipeux. Une étude EWAS a également été réalisée pour décrire la régulation épigénétique des concentrations de VEGF-A. 20 sites CpG ont pu être identifiés ainsi et leurs relations avec la régulation du VEGF-A ont été examinées par analyse bioinformatique poussée. Les liens entre le VEGF-A et 11 cytokines ont également été étudiés. Le taux de protéine VEGF-A était associé à IL-4, MCP1 et EGF. Les associations entre les cytokines et des isoformes spécifiques de l’ARNm du VEGF-A ont également été évaluées : le VEGF165 était associé à MCP1 et IL-1α, et le VEGF189 à IL-4 et IL-6. Nous avons étudié le rôle du VEGF-A et LT dans l’athérosclérose. Cela a permis d’identifier un variant génétique lié au VEGF-A associé à l’attrition des télomères qui pourrait constituer un dénominateur commun pour les maladies chroniques. L’utilisation de diverses méthodologies pour étudier les facteurs de risque et les voies impliquées dans des maladies chroniques courantes a permis d’identifier de nouveaux marqueurs diagnostiques qui pourraient améliorer la prédiction du risque de maladie basée sur le profil génétique de chaque individu. / The fight against common chronic diseases requires the implementation of new risk prediction and prevention strategies. Personalised medicine offers sophisticated approaches for management of the morbidities of the ageing population. In this thesis, inspired by the principles of personalised medicine, we describe an integrative approach combining “-omics” methodologies. We use a model of a “common denominator” for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other chronic diseases to identify biomarkers linked with common diseases risk factors and molecular pathways. With the investigation of genetic variants, located in the region of the TREM2 gene, we identified the association of SNP rs6918289 with increased levels of TNF-α and intima-media thickness of the femoral artery. With the use of epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS), we identified novel epigenetic biomarkers related to common diseases risk factors: central obesity and lipid levels. One methylation site (CpG) was associated with increased waist circumference (cg16170243), which could explain the epigenetic regulation of central obesity. Moreover, an EWAS of the triglyceride levels identified two significant CpG sites, one of which was replicated in the adipose tissue (cg04580029), giving insights into epigenetic regulation of lipid levels. An EWAS was also used to study the epigenetics of VEGF-A levels; 20 CpG sites were identified and their relations with VEGF-A regulation were analysed through detailed bioinformatics analysis. VEGF-A was further investigated for its relation with 11 cytokines. VEGF-A protein levels were associated with IL-4, MCP1 and EGF. Specific VEGF-A mRNA isoforms were also investigated for their association with cytokines; VEGF165 showed associations with MCP1 and IL-1α and VEGF189 with IL-4 and IL-6. Together with another important biomarker, TL, we studied the role of VEGF-A in atherosclerosis and identified one VEGF-A related genetic variant associated with telomere attrition, which could present a common denominator of chronic diseases. The employment of diverse methodologies for the investigation of common chronic diseases risk factors and pathways provided new diagnostic markers and generated results, which could help to improve the diseases risk prediction based on the individual genetic “make-up”. New insights into associations between different biomarkers might help in understanding the pathophysiological pathways common between CVDs and other chronic diseases.

Evoluce pohlavních chromozomů u plazů / Evolution of sex chromosomes in reptiles

Mazzoleni, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
- ABSTRACT - Among vertebrates, reptiles represent the ideal group for the study of sex determination. Reptiles include lineages with environmental sex determination (ESD) as seen in crocodiles and tuatara, lineages with genotypic sex determination (GSD), like e.g. iguanas, chameleons, skinks, lacertid lizards and birds, and few groups which possess variability in sex determination mechanisms, i.e. geckos, dragon lizards and turtles. This thesis is focused on the evolution of sex chromosomes and sex determination in turtles. The majority of turtle species exhibit ESD, which is considered the ancestral sex determination system of this group, while GSD either as male or female heterogamety evolved independently at least five times. We investigated the presence of sex chromosomes in representative species of turtles by cytogenetic analyses. The analyses included the reconstruction of karyotypes, distribution of constitutive heterochromatin (C-banding, methylation analysis) and repetitive elements (fluorescence in situ hybridization) and comparative genome hybridization (CGH), which often characterize the degenerated Y or W and can be helpful in the identification of "cryptic" sex chromosomes. We described XX/XY sex chromosomes in seven previously unstudied Australasian chelids (Pleurodira) from the genera...

Evoluce pohlavních chromozomů a karyotypů u hroznýšů a krajt / Evolution of sex chromosomes and karyotypes in boas and pythons

Charvát, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
- ABSTRACT - Snakes (Serpentes) are a group of squamate reptiles (Squamata) that represents more than one third of the total reptile species diversity. Snake karyotype is generally conserved with the most common chromosome number of 36 (16 macro- and 20 microchromosomes) in diploid state. It is believed that this karyotype was also present in the common ancestor of all snakes. The majority of snake species belong to the group Caenophidia and share homologous ZW sex chromosomes. Snakes from the groups "Scolecophidia" and "Henophidia" have mostly poorly differentiated, homomorphic sex chromosomes, which made them impossible to distinguish from the autosomes in the past. These snakes were for many years assumed to have ZW sex chromosomes as well. However, recent studies demonstrated not only ZW but also two non- homologous XY sex chromosome systems in non-caenophidian snakes and thus the sex determination systems in snakes are much more variable than previously thought. In this thesis, eight species of henophidian snakes (representatives from the genera Eryx, Cylidrophis, Python and Tropidophis) and one caenophidian species (Ophiophagus hannah) were examined using conventional and molecular cytogenetic methods. However, sex chromosomes were not detected in the henophidian species, only in Ophiophagus hannah,...

Interaction between telomeres and the nuclear envelope in human cells : dynamics and molecular mechanism / Interaction entre les télomères et la membrane nucléaire dans les cellules humaines : dynamique et mécanisme moléculaire

Kychygina, Ganna 25 September 2019 (has links)
Le matériel génétique contenant l'information des cellules humaines se présente sous forme de chromosomes linéaires dont l'extrémité est protégée par une structure appelée télomères. Les télomères correspondent à une séquence d'ADN répétée, recouverte de protéines spécifiques, qui permettent aux cellules d'étiqueter l'extrémité de leurs chromosomes afin de les différencier des cassures internes de l'ADN nécessitant une réparation. Ainsi, ils jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la protection du génome. Les chromosomes sont organisés et compartimentés dans le noyau de la cellule. Cette organisation est primordiale, la proximité des chromosomes à la membrane nucléaire qui délimite ce noyau est essentielle pour de nombreuses fonctions régulatrices du génome, comme l'activation et la répression des gènes contenant les informations. A chaque division cellulaire, cette organisation est perdue après le désassemblage de la membrane nucléaire et la condensation de la chromatine qui va permettre de correctement répartir les chromosomes entre les cellules filles. Après la division, les noyaux des cellules filles se reforment, la membrane nucléaire est rétablie, et les chromosomes sont repositionnés comme dans la cellule mère. Ce mécanisme de mémoire spatiale est encore inconnu mais est vital au maintien de la stabilité du génome. Une large proportion de télomères sont ancrés à la membrane nucléaire en fin de division, et y restent durant la reformation du noyau. Le laboratoire s'intéresse à cette association afin de caractériser son rôle pendant cette phase clé du cycle cellulaire. Nous cherchons à comprendre ce fonctionnement chez les cellules normales et les cellules de patients atteints de pathologies associées au vieillissement accéléré. Ce projet de thèse à pour but de comprendre l'impact d'une déformation de la membrane nucléaire sur le matériel génétique, et sur l'intégrité des télomères qui protègent l'information génétique. Nous utilisons des techniques de pointe de microscopie, et de biologie cellulaire et moléculaire afin de mieux comprendre le lien entre l'organisation du noyau et le maintien de la stabilité du génome. / The material that contains genetic information of human cells consists in linear chromosomes. The extremities of chromosomes are protected by a specific structure called telomeres. Telomeres are made of repeated DNA sequence, covered by special proteins that prevent cells to recognize extremities of their chromosomes as internal DNA break, thus not to perform unnecessary repair that will result in genome instability. Therefore, telomeres play a major role in genome protection. Chromosomes are spatially organized in the cell nucleus. This organization is important as positioning of chromosomes in the nucleus ensures proper regulatory functions of the genome, such as activation or repression of genes. During the cell division process, this organization is lost after nuclear membrane disassembly and the condensation of DNA, to allow correct segregation of chromosomes between daughter cells. After cell division, the nuclei of daughter cells are reformed, and nuclear membrane is reconstructed. The chromosomes are then relocated as in the mother cell. This mechanism of spatial memory is not well understood yet, but is key to maintain stability of the genome. A large proportion of telomeres are anchored to the nuclear membrane at the end of mitosis, and stay during nuclear envelope reformation. Our laboratory focuses on characterizing the role of telomere anchoring during this important phase of cell cycle. In particular, we want to understand this mechanism in normal cells and cells from patients with premature aging disease. This thesis aims to understand the impact of nuclear envelope abnormalities on the genetic material, in particular on telomere integrity, as telomeres protect genetic information. Here, we use microscopy approaches and techniques of molecular and cellular biology to better understand the link between nuclear organisation and genome stability maintenance.

Udržování integrity chromosomů na modelu Giardia Intestinalis. / Maintenance of chromosomes integrity in Giardia intestinails as a model organism.

Uzlíková, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
Giardia intestinalis is a protozoan causing diarrhea worldwide. Beside its medical importance, it is evolutionary distant protist with two nuclei within a cell adapted for parasitic life in the environment poor of oxygen. Its genome is small and compact in term of gene content and size. It is therefore an attractive model organism for studies of minimal requirements for cellular processes. Present work brings new partial information on different levels of chromosome integrity maintenance of this parasite. Our study presents characteristics of chromosome termini and their protection. We localized telomeres during all stages of the trophozoite cell cycle and determined the length of Giardia telomeres ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 kb, we proved an existence of an active telomerase enzyme synthesizing telomeric repeats in in this parasite, despite the fact that giardial telomerase is structurally divergent. Present data support the view that the chromosomal termini in Giardia are maintained in a conservative manner that is common to other eukaryotes. We described effects of commonly used drug for treatment of anaerobic infections, metronidazole, on DNA and cell cycle progression in susceptible and resistant cell lines. Incubation of cells with this drug causes phosphorylation of histone H2A in cell nuclei...

Différenciation des cellules souches et intégrité des télomères

Criqui, Mélanie 08 1900 (has links)
Le raccourcissement progressif des télomères, en grande partie dû à la réplication incomplète des télomères, est l’une des caractéristiques principales du vieillissement. De façon encore plus frappante, une attrition trop marquée ou rapide des télomères est l’une des causes majeures d’un vieillissement prématuré. Les patients diagnostiqués avec un tel syndrome présentent généralement des mutations délétères dans un gène de maintien de l’homéostasie des télomères. Parmi les symptômes physiologiques, on remarque chez ces patients, des dégénérescences dans les tissus hautement prolifératifs, dus à l’exhaustion des cellules souches. Les cellules souches adultes, spécialisées et présentes dans nos tissus, permettent normalement la régénération des organes grâce à leur potentiel prolifératif et de différenciation. Afin de maintenir leur intégrité génomique, les cellules souches expriment une enzyme, la télomérase, capable de rallonger les extrémités terminales des chromosomes, et ainsi de maintenir intègre les télomères de ces cellules subissant des divisions cellulaire et subsistant dans l’organisme durant la vie de l’individu. En revanche, l’expression de la télomérase s’amenuise au cours du temps, les télomères se raccourcissent et les fonctions des cellules souches sont altérées. Nous étudions ce phénomène en utilisant comme modèle cellulaire, les cellules souches embryonnaires de souris, dont le gène de la télomérase réverse transcriptase a été anéanti génétiquement (mESC Tert -/-). Notamment, ces cellules, qui possèdent des télomères extrêmement courts n’arrivent pas à se différencier correctement. D’une étude précédente, mon laboratoire avait montré que ces cellules ne réussissaient pas à réprimer l’expression des gènes de pluripotence, comme Pou5F1/Oct4 et Nanog, et donc montraient des difficultés à sortir de l’état indifférencié. Au cours de mes recherches, nous avons montré que ce défaut était en fait dû à une altération en profondeur de l’épigénétique de ces cellules. Après avoir observé une déméthylation globale de l’ADN, nous avons constaté une augmentation de la marque d’histone H3K27me3 à travers le génome. De plus, moduler la présence de H3K27me3 via des petits inhibiteurs du complexe PRC2, ou par une approche génétique, modifie également le potentiel de différenciation des cellules souches. À la suite de cette étude, nous avons voulu en savoir davantage sur le signal liant attrition des télomères et défaut de différenciation. Lorsque les télomères sont très courts, la voie de réparation de l’ADN les reconnait comme une cassure double-brin. Parmi les acteurs de la réparation de l’ADN, la protéine p53 joue un rôle central puisqu’elle influence le destin cellulaire. Candidat idéal, nous avons cherché à savoir si p53 influençait la différenciation des mESC Tert -/- en utilisant une approche génétique. Nous avons été surpris de constater que l’absence de p53 restaurait le potentiel de différenciation des mESC Tert -/-. Ainsi et pour la première fois, nous avons montré que le raccourcissement des télomères pouvait avoir un effet très global sur les cellules. Nos recherches permettront de mieux appréhender certaines problématiques, notamment en matière de vieillissement. / The progressive decline of telomere length, mainly due to incomplete DNA replication at telomeres, is one of the main features of aging. Even more strikingly, excessive or rapid telomere attrition is one of the major causes of premature aging. Patients diagnosed with such syndromes have deleterious mutations in genes that maintain telomere homeostasis. For these patients, physiological manifestations include degeneration in highly proliferative tissues due to stem cell exhaustion. Adult stem cells, present in our tissues, typically allow the regeneration of organs due to their proliferative and differentiation potential. To maintain their replicative potential, stem cells express an enzyme, called telomerase, that is capable of lengthening the terminal ends of chromosomes. The maintenance of telomere length and, consequently favoring genomic stability, is crucial for stem cells that undergo cell division and remain in the organism throughout the individual's life. However, in stem cells, telomerase expression decreases over time, leading to telomere attrition and defects in stem cell functions. We studied this phenomenon using mouse embryonic stem cells disrupted for telomerase reverse transcriptase (mESC Tert -/-) as a model. In particular, these cells, which have extremely short telomeres, are unable to differentiate appropriately. Previously, my colleagues had shown that these cells failed to repress the expression of pluripotency genes, such as Pou5f1/Oct4 and Nanog, and therefore were refractory to differentiation. Here, we uncovered that profound epigenetic alterations influenced mESC Tert-/- cell fate. In addition to global DNA demethylation, we found an increase in H3K27me3 throughout the genome. Furthermore, modulating the levels of H3K27me3 via small inhibitors of the PRC2 complex or by a genetic approach also altered the differentiation potential of stem cells. Following this study, we wanted to learn more about the signals linking telomere attrition and differentiation failure. When telomeres are very short, the DNA repair pathway recognizes them as a double-strand break. Among the actors in DNA repair, the p53 protein plays a central role in influencing cell fate. As an ideal candidate, we investigated whether p53 influenced the differentiation of Tert-/- mESCs using a genetic approach. We were surprised to find that the absence of p53 restored the differentiation potential of Tert-/- mESCs. Thus, for the first time, we have shown that telomere shortening can have a very global effect on stem cells. Our research will allow us to better understand specific problems, particularly in the field of aging.

Telomere Maintenance Pathway Activity Analysis Enables Tissue- and Gene-Level Inferences

Nersisyan, Lilit, Simonyan, Arman, Binder, Hans, Arakelyan, Arsen 24 March 2023 (has links)
Telomere maintenance is one of the mechanisms ensuring indefinite divisions of cancer and stem cells. Good understanding of telomere maintenance mechanisms (TMM) is important for studying cancers and designing therapies. However, molecular factors triggering selective activation of either the telomerase dependent (TEL) or the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway are poorly understood. In addition, more accurate and easy-to-use methodologies are required for TMM phenotyping. In this study, we have performed literature based reconstruction of signaling pathways for the ALT and TEL TMMs. Gene expression data were used for computational assessment of TMM pathway activities and compared with experimental assays for TEL and ALT. Explicit consideration of pathway topology makes bioinformatics analysis more informative compared to computational methods based on simple summary measures of gene expression. Application to healthy human tissues showed high ALT and TEL pathway activities in testis, and identified genes and pathways that may trigger TMM activation. Our approach offers a novel option for systematic investigation of TMM activation patterns across cancers and healthy tissues for dissecting pathway-based molecular markers with diagnostic impact.

Understanding specific roles of cohesins SMC1β and RAD21 in mouse meiosis

Deb Mallik, Tanaya 26 July 2024 (has links)
Over the course of more than two decades, numerous studies have meticulously explored the fundamental roles of the cohesin complex, unraveling its intricate functions in sister chromatid cohesion, DNA recombination and repair, gene expression regulation, telomere protection, and regulatory mechanisms in cell division processes. However, the detailed and multifaceted roles of individual subunits within the cohesin complex during meiosis remain poorly understood. During my PhD, I focused my attention on two principal subunits that complete the tripartite ring: the meiotic isoform of SMC1, namely SMC1β, and a kleisin subfamily protein, RAD21. While RAD21 is the sole kleisin during mitosis, it is accompanied by two other kleisin subfamily proteins, REC8 and RAD21L, during meiosis. From past research, it is known that SMC1β is crucial for telomere protection in both spermatocytes and oocytes. Interestingly, while several major phenotypes of SMC1β-deficient spermatocytes were rescued by SMC1α, telomere abnormalities were not. The expression of telomerase and shelterin components appeared usual in SMC1β-deficient spermatocytes. This study highlights SMC1β's role in safeguarding telomeres at chromosome ends from damage and abnormalities by regulating the expression of a long non-coding RNA transcribed from the subtelomeres of different chromosomes, known as TERRA (Telomeric repeat–containing RNA). TERRA comprises repetitive sequence motifs transcribed from the telomeric DNA strand that is complementary to the DNA sequence of the telomere itself. SMC1β suppresses the expression of TERRA strongly in spermatocytes and mildly in oocytes, increasing the number of foci and intensity at the ends of spermatocyte chromosomes corresponding to visually elevated telomeric damage in the absence of SMC1β. This suggests the strong role of SMC1β in regulating TERRA at chromosome ends. TERRA, with a similar sequence to that of telomeres, has the potential to form RNA-DNA hybrids, often referred to as open R-loops, which may make telomeres more susceptible to damage. This study demonstrates that SMC1β-deficient mice exhibited increased staining for R-loops at both autosomal chromosome ends and sex chromosomes, which was mitigated upon treatment with RNase H endonuclease. In our recent publication, Biswas et al., 2023, it is confirmed that SMC1β helps maintain close chromatin at telomeric ends with support from ATAC sequencing and RNA sequencing data, thereby protecting the chromosome ends. One pertinent question that remains unanswered is what distinguishes SMC1β from SMC1α in maintaining these telomere functions. To address this, we generated a CRISPR-Cas9 mice strain with a deletion of the DNA binding domain at the carboxy terminal of SMC1β, which marks the major difference in sequence between SMC1β and SMC1α. While a reduced stability of these truncated proteins was observed at both RNA and protein levels in spermatocytes, yet it hints that the majority of SMC1β’s functions were abolished upon deletion of this C-tail. Interestingly, these mutant spermatocytes exhibit elevated telomere abnormalities, albeit not to the extent seen in full knockouts. This suggests that the C-terminal tail, along with additional components, participates in protecting telomeres, considering that a minimal level of SMC1β protein is sufficient to maintain telomeres in germ cells. Another objective of my thesis is to emphasize the significance of RAD21 as a kleisin protein in female meiosis. While there is limited research on RAD21 in spermatocytes, it has been described to transiently appear during late prophase I of male meiosis. However, studies on RAD21 in oocytes are lacking. RAD21 exhibits an appearance on the chromosome axis during mid to late pachytene in embryonic oocytes before being depleted in the diplotene stage. As RAD21 is the only kleisin protein in somatic cells, generating a constitutive Rad21 knockout mouse would be lethal. Therefore, using the Cre-LOX system, conditional Rad21 knockout mouse models were created, where RAD21 was specifically eliminated in oocytes at various stages of maturation. Early excision of Rad21 during the embryonic diplotene stage or in pups shortly after birth had a significant impact on ovary development and oocyte count with age, while oocyte sizes were reduced, indicating potential stress or onset of apoptosis. Conversely, late excision of Rad21 in activated germinal vesicle oocytes showed no notable differences in ovary size or oocyte number, and only mild differences in oocyte diameter, underscoring the significant role of RAD21 in the pre metaphase prophase stage. RAD21 does not actively participate in long-term arrest centromeric cohesin protection, chiasma maintenance, or DNA damage repair in heterozygous mice. However, young adult Rad21 conditional knockout mice with early excision exhibit a trend of delayed and less efficient oocyte maturation when exposed to DNA damage. These findings suggest a potential role of RAD21 in nonprogrammed DNA repair before metaphase I, which may ensure chromosome integrity after programmed recombination. Further investigation is necessary to study the mechanism of DNA repair by RAD21 through Homologous Recombination or End Joining pathways. In summary, these studies provide insights into the role of cohesin subunit SMC1β in telomere maintenance through TERRA regulation in spermatocytes, as well as the role of RAD21 in preserving ovarian reserve and oocyte health by potentially contributing to non-programmed DNA damage repair.

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