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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the Interactiveness of IELTS Academic Writing Tasks and Their Washback on EFL Teachers' Test Preparation Practices

Safaei, Parisa 01 December 2023 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 15 novembre 2023) / Cette étude a examiné l'interactivité des tâches d'écriture académique de l'IELTS et leur effet sur les pratiques de préparation des enseignants en anglais langue étrangère. En adoptant une méthodologie de recherche mixte convergente parallèle, cette étude s'est penchée sur la réalité de l'écriture académique dans des contextes réels et a examiné le degré de cohérence entre le test, les exigences d'utilisation de la langue cible et le contenu de la préparation au test. Elle a également examiné le facteur enseignant pour explorer la direction et l'intensité de l'effet de rebond de l'IELTS sur le choix du matériel, des activités en classe et de la méthodologie d'enseignement dans leurs cours de préparation au test. Dix-huit enseignants et 143 étudiants des cours de préparation à l'IELTS dans quatre écoles de langues ont participé à cette étude. La collecte de données qualitatives pour cette étude comprenait une analyse des caractéristiques des tâches effectuées sur des échantillons de tâches d'écriture académique de l'IELTS, des tâches d'écriture académique représentatives dans le contexte d'utilisation cible et des tâches en classe ; des observations en classe et des entretiens, sous forme de groupes de discussion, avec les enseignants. La collecte de données quantitatives comprenait des données provenant de deux questionnaires enseignants et de deux questionnaires étudiants. Les données ont été analysées en deux phases et triangulées afin de répondre aux questions de recherche. Dans l'ensemble, il a été constaté qu'en dépit des caractéristiques communes entre l'écriture de l'IELTS et l'écriture académique de la vie réelle, il existe des divergences majeures entre les compétences requises dans la vie réelle et les tâches du test. Il a été avancé qu'étant donné l'éventail de la diversité démographique des candidats et de l'applicabilité étendue de l'IELTS, la prise en compte adéquate de toutes les compétences requises dans la vie réelle représenterait un défi en termes de pratique pour la conception de l'IELTS. Les résultats ont mis en évidence des différences notables entre l'IELTS et l'écriture universitaire à différents niveaux en ce qui concerne l'interactivité, comme le degré d'engagement métacognitif prévu par l'interdépendance des tâches, l'engagement affectif et l'utilisation de stratégies. En ce qui concerne l'effet de rebond, l'interprétation a permis d'établir un lien entre certaines caractéristiques de la conception du test et les pratiques de préparation des enseignants en matière de préparation à l'examen, soulignant la réduction du programme d'études en raison des pressions exercées par le test, ainsi que les effets bénéfiques de la préparation à l'examen IELTS sur le comportement des enseignants, ce qui profiterait en fin de compte aux apprenants. Des facteurs tels que l'opinion des enseignants sur l'examen, leur philosophie d'enseignement, les pressions exercées par l'administration et les attentes des étudiants, entre autres, ont entraîné une variabilité de la rétroaction, influençant l'intensité et la direction des effets de l'examen sur les pratiques d'enseignement. Les retombées de l'étude comprennent l'importance des preuves de recherche et de la littératie de l'évaluation pour définir des attentes réalistes et des pratiques équitables dans les tests de langue standardisés, en particulier pour l'admission des étudiants internationaux dans les universités. L'étude suggère l'adoption d'un cadre global de littératie académique et la prise en compte de multiples critères, tels que les entretiens, les déclarations personnelles et les échantillons de textes, pour l'évaluation des candidats. Elle souligne également la nécessité pour les enseignants et les autres parties prenantes d'acquérir une littératie de l'évaluation afin de comprendre les limites et l'impact des examens à enjeux élevés. Les implications explorent en outre le potentiel des possibilités de développement professionnel, des communautés d'apprentissage en collaboration et de l'accès à des ressources de haute qualité pour améliorer les connaissances en matière d'évaluation en langue. Les résultats soulignent également le rôle des enseignants dans l'orientation des étudiants et l'influence des effets positifs et négatifs des examens à enjeux élevés. / This study investigated the interactiveness of IELTS academic writing tasks and their washback on EFL teachers' test preparation practices. Adopting a convergent parallel mixed-methods research design, this study looked into the reality of academic writing in real-life contexts and examined the degree of consistency between the test, target language use requirements, and test preparation content. It further examined the teacher factor to explore the direction and intensity of IELTS washback effect on teachers' choice of materials, class activities, and teaching methodology in their test preparation courses. Eighteen teachers and 143 students from IELTS preparation courses in four language schools participated in this study. Qualitative data collection for this study involved an analysis of task characteristics conducted on sample IELTS academic writing tasks, representative academic writing tasks in the target context of use, and classroom tasks; classroom observations, and focus-group teacher interviews. Quantitative data collection included data from two teacher questionnaires and two student questionnaires. Data was analyzed in two phases and triangulated in order to respond to the research questions. Overall, it was seen that despite shared features between IELTS writing and real-life academic writing, there are major divergences between Target Language Use (TLU) and test tasks. It was argued that given the extensive scope of test-taker demographic and wide applicability of IELTS, adequate engagement of all TLU features would pose a practicality challenge for the design of IELTS. Findings pointed to prominent differences between IELTS and university writing at various levels as far as interactiveness was concerned, such as the degree of intended metacognitive engagement via task interdependence, affective engagement, and strategy use. With regards to washback, the interpretation linked some test design features to the teachers' exam preparation practices, highlighting the narrowing of the curriculum due to the pressures imposed by the exam, as well as beneficial outcomes of IELTS exam preparation on the teachers' behavior, which would ultimately benefit the learners. Factors such as teachers' opinions of the exam, their teaching philosophy, pressures from administration and student expectations, among others, caused washback variability, influencing the intensity and direction of exam effects on teaching practices. The implications of the study include the importance of research evidence and assessment literacy in shaping realistic expectations and fair practices in standardized language tests, particularly for admitting international students to universities. The study suggests adopting a comprehensive framework of academic literacy and considering multiple criteria, such as interviews, personal statements, and writing samples, for assessing applicants. It also highlights the need for assessment literacy among teachers and other stakeholders to understand the limitations and impacts of high-stakes exams. The implications further explore the potential for professional development opportunities, collaborative learning communities, and access to high-quality resources to enhance language assessment literacy. The findings also emphasize the role of teachers in guiding students and influencing the positive and negative effects of high-stakes exams.

Snabbare, Säkrare, Sundare : Processkartläggning och Lean Production-baserad analys av det centrala provanalyssystemet på Södersjukhuset

Perez, Alexander, Österberg, Pontus January 2006 (has links)
<p>Södersjukhuset i Stockholm är ett sjukhus som har påbörjat förändringsarbete för att kunna möta framtidens krav på högkvalitativ vård från patienter och samtidigt uppfylla ekonomiska krav från ägaren Stockholms Läns Landsting. Denna rapport är resultatet av en grundlig genomgång av dagens centrala provanalyssystem på Södersjukhuset med syfte att effektivisera systemet för att möta framtida krav.</p><p>I arbetet kartläggs flödet av patienter och prover som behandlas antingen på de provtagningsintensiva medicinska mottagningarna eller på avdelning 27. Eftersom omkring 85 % av volymen av analyser som beställs på dessa enheter är klinisk kemiska har det analyserande arbetet inriktats på just dessa flöden. För vissa klinisk kemiska analyser finns det ett alternativ till central laboratorieanalys, patientnära analys, som innebär att tiden från provtagning till provsvar finns tillgängligt förkortas markant. I rapporten tas för- och nackdelar med patientnära analys upp och dess applicerbarhet på Södersjukhuset diskuteras. Det framkommer att för Södersjukhusets del är det mer fördelaktigt att hålla fast vid ett centralt provanalyssystem då detta är mer flexibelt samtidigt som kostnaderna för detta är lägre än för patientnära analys. Samtidigt finns ett klart behov av att effektivisera dagens centrala provanalyssystem för att minska patienternas väntan och utnyttja Södersjukhusets resurser på ett bättre sätt.</p><p>I en kvantitativ analys av över 17 000 observationer tagna från kliniskt kemiskt laboratoriums datasystem konstateras att det inte är någon större skillnad i systemets flödestid för medicinska mottagningarna och avdelning 27. På medicinska mot-tagningarna använder man sig av en mycket lång säkerhetsledtid då man anger när provsvaren finns tillgängliga för patient, medan avdelning 27 räknar med att ha de flesta provsvaren färdiga till läkarronden 1,5 timmar efter avslutad provtagning.</p><p>Det står klart att dagens informationssystem, framför allt i processerna som sker innan själva analysen av proverna, är mycket bristfälligt. Detta ger upphov till ett flertal icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter som förlänger provernas flödestid och är kostsamt då det kräver mänskliga resurser för att utföra. Dessutom generar informationssystemet en datamängd som innehåller relativt lite information som kan användas för uppföljning av hur provanalyssystemet presterar. Genom att införa ett bättre anpassat informationssystem som stödjer de processer som är absolut nödvändiga för provanalyssystemet kan flödestiden för prover förkortas samtidigt som de löpande kostnaderna kommer att minska. Personalens kompetens kan också utnyttjas på ett bättre sätt då icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter elimineras. Tillsammans med ändrade rutiner vid beställning av analyser kan patienters väntan reduceras avsevärt. För en stor del av dagens patienter skulle det vara teoretiskt möjligt att genomföra provtagning och läkarbesök på en och samma dag, med någon timmes mellanrum, vilket skulle innebära en avsevärd samhällsekonomisk besparing.</p> / <p>As a consequence of the transition from public to private management, Söder-sjukhuset Hospital in Stockholm has been forced to a greater focus on economical aspects in addition to health care issues. In turn, this focus has initiated numerous improvement projects. This report is the result of a thorough analysis of the hospital’s patient testing system with the intention of meeting future demands on increased efficiency. The analysis is based on the mapping of two of the hospital’s most test intensive units - the medical clinic and ward no. 27 - and their subsequent flows.</p><p>An initial analysis concludes that a vast majority of all tests are analyzed at the laboratory for clinical chemistry. Since approximately 85 % of the total number of analyses is conducted at this particular institution, the latter part of this work is focused solely on the flows of tests that regard this specific laboratory.</p><p>For some analyses conducted at the laboratory for clinical chemistry there exists an alternative to central laboratory analysis, namely near-patient-testing. This method results in a drastic reduction of the time span from taking the test to attaining a result. In this report the strengths and weaknesses of near-patient-testing are discussed, as well as its applicability on Södersjukhuset in particular. It is proposed that it is advantageous for Södersjukhuset to continue using a central analysis system, as it is much more flexible and at the same time more cost efficient than near-patient-testing. At the same time there is an obvious need for a more efficient patient testing system in order to reduce waiting time for patients and utilize the hospital’s resources more wisely.</p><p>The mapping of the two units reveals a number of interesting similarities and differences. One of them being that while the medical clinic uses a substantial safety lead time, ward no. 27 presumes to have most test results available in time for doctor rounds, approximately 1.5 h after tests have been taken. An analysis of over 17 000 observations taken from laboratory’s data system confirmed that there is no considerable difference in system flow time between the two units.</p><p>It is evident that today’s information system is of substandard quality. This results in a number of non-value adding activities that not only prolong each tests flow time, but cause unnecessary use of human resources. Furthermore the information system generates a data mass of little use in reassessing the systems performance. By introducing a better adjusted information system, shorter flow time can be attained as well as lower running costs. With changed ordering routines for analyses, waiting time for patients can be reduced substantially. For a large part of today’s patients it would be theoretically possible to conduct both the test taking and the doctor’s appointment on the same day, just hours apart. This would result in extensive socioeconomic savings.</p>

Snabbare, Säkrare, Sundare : Processkartläggning och Lean Production-baserad analys av det centrala provanalyssystemet på Södersjukhuset

Perez, Alexander, Österberg, Pontus January 2006 (has links)
Södersjukhuset i Stockholm är ett sjukhus som har påbörjat förändringsarbete för att kunna möta framtidens krav på högkvalitativ vård från patienter och samtidigt uppfylla ekonomiska krav från ägaren Stockholms Läns Landsting. Denna rapport är resultatet av en grundlig genomgång av dagens centrala provanalyssystem på Södersjukhuset med syfte att effektivisera systemet för att möta framtida krav. I arbetet kartläggs flödet av patienter och prover som behandlas antingen på de provtagningsintensiva medicinska mottagningarna eller på avdelning 27. Eftersom omkring 85 % av volymen av analyser som beställs på dessa enheter är klinisk kemiska har det analyserande arbetet inriktats på just dessa flöden. För vissa klinisk kemiska analyser finns det ett alternativ till central laboratorieanalys, patientnära analys, som innebär att tiden från provtagning till provsvar finns tillgängligt förkortas markant. I rapporten tas för- och nackdelar med patientnära analys upp och dess applicerbarhet på Södersjukhuset diskuteras. Det framkommer att för Södersjukhusets del är det mer fördelaktigt att hålla fast vid ett centralt provanalyssystem då detta är mer flexibelt samtidigt som kostnaderna för detta är lägre än för patientnära analys. Samtidigt finns ett klart behov av att effektivisera dagens centrala provanalyssystem för att minska patienternas väntan och utnyttja Södersjukhusets resurser på ett bättre sätt. I en kvantitativ analys av över 17 000 observationer tagna från kliniskt kemiskt laboratoriums datasystem konstateras att det inte är någon större skillnad i systemets flödestid för medicinska mottagningarna och avdelning 27. På medicinska mot-tagningarna använder man sig av en mycket lång säkerhetsledtid då man anger när provsvaren finns tillgängliga för patient, medan avdelning 27 räknar med att ha de flesta provsvaren färdiga till läkarronden 1,5 timmar efter avslutad provtagning. Det står klart att dagens informationssystem, framför allt i processerna som sker innan själva analysen av proverna, är mycket bristfälligt. Detta ger upphov till ett flertal icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter som förlänger provernas flödestid och är kostsamt då det kräver mänskliga resurser för att utföra. Dessutom generar informationssystemet en datamängd som innehåller relativt lite information som kan användas för uppföljning av hur provanalyssystemet presterar. Genom att införa ett bättre anpassat informationssystem som stödjer de processer som är absolut nödvändiga för provanalyssystemet kan flödestiden för prover förkortas samtidigt som de löpande kostnaderna kommer att minska. Personalens kompetens kan också utnyttjas på ett bättre sätt då icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter elimineras. Tillsammans med ändrade rutiner vid beställning av analyser kan patienters väntan reduceras avsevärt. För en stor del av dagens patienter skulle det vara teoretiskt möjligt att genomföra provtagning och läkarbesök på en och samma dag, med någon timmes mellanrum, vilket skulle innebära en avsevärd samhällsekonomisk besparing. / As a consequence of the transition from public to private management, Söder-sjukhuset Hospital in Stockholm has been forced to a greater focus on economical aspects in addition to health care issues. In turn, this focus has initiated numerous improvement projects. This report is the result of a thorough analysis of the hospital’s patient testing system with the intention of meeting future demands on increased efficiency. The analysis is based on the mapping of two of the hospital’s most test intensive units - the medical clinic and ward no. 27 - and their subsequent flows. An initial analysis concludes that a vast majority of all tests are analyzed at the laboratory for clinical chemistry. Since approximately 85 % of the total number of analyses is conducted at this particular institution, the latter part of this work is focused solely on the flows of tests that regard this specific laboratory. For some analyses conducted at the laboratory for clinical chemistry there exists an alternative to central laboratory analysis, namely near-patient-testing. This method results in a drastic reduction of the time span from taking the test to attaining a result. In this report the strengths and weaknesses of near-patient-testing are discussed, as well as its applicability on Södersjukhuset in particular. It is proposed that it is advantageous for Södersjukhuset to continue using a central analysis system, as it is much more flexible and at the same time more cost efficient than near-patient-testing. At the same time there is an obvious need for a more efficient patient testing system in order to reduce waiting time for patients and utilize the hospital’s resources more wisely. The mapping of the two units reveals a number of interesting similarities and differences. One of them being that while the medical clinic uses a substantial safety lead time, ward no. 27 presumes to have most test results available in time for doctor rounds, approximately 1.5 h after tests have been taken. An analysis of over 17 000 observations taken from laboratory’s data system confirmed that there is no considerable difference in system flow time between the two units. It is evident that today’s information system is of substandard quality. This results in a number of non-value adding activities that not only prolong each tests flow time, but cause unnecessary use of human resources. Furthermore the information system generates a data mass of little use in reassessing the systems performance. By introducing a better adjusted information system, shorter flow time can be attained as well as lower running costs. With changed ordering routines for analyses, waiting time for patients can be reduced substantially. For a large part of today’s patients it would be theoretically possible to conduct both the test taking and the doctor’s appointment on the same day, just hours apart. This would result in extensive socioeconomic savings.

Cultural bias on the IELTS examination

Freimuth, Hilda January 2014 (has links)
The study reported in this thesis investigated Emirati students’ claims related to experiences of cultural bias of the reading component of the IELTS examination through a critical realist lens. Critical realism posits a layered reality which allows for the conceptualization of experiences as emerging from the interplay of events and mechanisms found in two other realms of reality – the actual and the real. Experiences, therefore, have a different ontological status than the events and the causal mechanisms to which they are attributed. Social realism was used to further explore the depth of the realm of the real through Archer’s construct of analytical dualism. This allowed for the placement of generative mechanisms into three domains: structure, culture, and agency. There were two parts to this investigation: a content analysis and a focus group study. The first part of the content analysis consisted of analyzing 60 reading passages from 20 IELTS examinations for a number of cultural categories. These included such things as cultural objects, social roles, idiomatic expressions, traditions and festivals, superstitions and beliefs, and political and historical settings. The second part of the content analysis focused on the question types and syntactical structure of the 5 different IELTS examinations that the focus groups students sat. All three components of the analysis – the cultural content, question types, and syntactical structure – were conducted at the level of the actual. Findings indicated that on average, an IELTS examination contained 14 cultural references of various kinds. Only 4% of all geographical references pertained to the Middle East with the biggest share being western locations. The most common question types were matching questions, fill in the blank questions, and yes/no questions with more than 50% of all questions requiring some form of higher order thinking due to text reinterpretation. The study also found that the question types were not consistently distributed over the examinations with each consisting of a different variety of questions and some even having repetitive question types on one reading examination. The second part of the study was the focus groups. Here, 21 Emirati students sat 5 different IELTS examinations. Upon test completion, these students underwent a semistructured interview to relate their experiences of the test. These experiences, at the level of the empirical, all shared 7 ideas: reading is hard, the questions are too difficult, the passages are too long and difficult, the topics are unfamiliar, the topics are not interesting, the vocabulary is too difficult, and there is not enough time. When the processes of retroduction and abduction were applied to both the content analysis and these common experiences, numerous structures and discourses at the level of the real were identified as having contributed to the emergence of the feeling of bias at the level of the empirical. These structures included such things as the students’ school system (eg. curriculum, assessment, instructors etc.), religion, literacy practices, and home. In the cultural domain, a number of discourses were found to contribute to the experiences at the level of the empirical. Amongst these were the ‘Unimportance of Reading’, the culture of ‘Obedience’, the rejection of the ‘un-Islamic’, and the students’ sense of ‘Entitlement’.

A Comparison of the Academic Achievements of Intermediate Students Based on Socioeconomic Status and Participation in an After-School Program.

Maxwell, Anthony Fayne 14 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine what, if any, associations exist between students' academic success on achievement tests and the predictor variables of students' socioeconomic status, participation in an after-school program, and gender. Middlesboro Intermediate School contains a high number of students who participate in the federal free- or reduced-price school meals program, as well as attend the after-school program. This study factored in the student's academic success on the Kentucky Core Content Test and the socioeconomic status of students based on their qualification for the federal free- or reduced-cost school meals program, their participation in the after-school program, and their gender. This study was based on test results for students in the fourth grade in the areas of math, science, reading, writing on demand, and writing portfolio, as well as the test results for the fifth-grade students in the areas of arts and humanities, practical living-vocational studies, social studies, math, and reading. The entire school population was included except for students never attending the after-school program and students receiving testing modifications on the Kentucky Core Content Test. Based on the analysis of the data and findings of this study, the implementation of an after-school program appears to have benefits for all students regardless of socioeconomic status; however, student success differs by content areas and the number of days of attendance in the after-school program.

The Role of Multiple Intelligences and Art-Education in performance of IELTS candidates on Reading comprehension section of IELTS Exam and their motivations.

Heidari Panah, Leila 26 February 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las artes mejoran nuestras vidas, realzan nuestro sentido de la estética y pueden ser un instrumento valioso para los educadores de idiomas y para los estudiantes de idiomas en el contexto del inglés como lengua extranjera. Este estudio evaluó el papel de las inteligencias múltiples y la educación artística en el desempeño de los candidatos del sistema internacional de pruebas de idioma inglés. (IELTS) en la sección de lectura del examen IELTS y sus motivaciones. El investigador diseñó las tareas de lectura artística visual para las habilidades de lectura del IELTS de acuerdo con las definiciones de Armstrong (2009) de tareas artísticas visuales para las habilidades de lectura, incluidas a) tareas artísticas visuales para el aprendizaje de vocabulario yb) tareas artísticas visuales para las habilidades de comprensión lectora del IELTS. En este estudio participaron 54 candidatos de IELTS que asistieron a un aula de lectura de IELTS en un instituto de inglés. El grupo experimental (N=27) implementó un programa de educación artística para aprender habilidades de lectura IELTS, y el método tradicional de instrucción se utilizó para el grupo de control (N=27). Primero, se administró una prueba previa de lectura IELTS a ambos grupos. Luego, se aplicó a todos los participantes la escala MIDAS de Shearer (1996) en 119 ítems. Al final del curso, todos los participantes realizaron una prueba posterior de lectura del IELTS y un cuestionario de motivación. Los resultados indicaron que el programa de integración artística resultó en un desempeño superior de los candidatos en el grupo tradicional en el examen de lectura IELTS, en comparación con el grupo de control. Además, la motivación de los candidatos al IELTS que asistieron a un programa de educación artística aumentó significativamente y tuvieron actitudes muy positivas sobre la integración del arte en las aulas de lectura del IELTS. Los resultados revelaron que las inteligencias múltiples de todos los candidatos al IELTS impactaron positivamente su desempeño en el examen de lectura IELTS, y Musical, Kinestésico Visual-espacial contribuyó más al desempeño en el examen de lectura IELTS y visual/espacial en tercer lugar, y después de eso, La inteligencia lingüística tuvo un papel importante en la mejora de las puntuaciones de lectura de los candidatos al IELTS. La inteligencia lógica/matemática tiene un impacto moderado, la interpersonal y naturalista, y la inteligencia intrapersonal tuvo un impacto menos significativo en el desempeño de los candidatos del IELTS en la sección de lectura. Además, los resultados indicaron que la inteligencia musical y la inteligencia cinestésica hicieron una contribución única y significativa al desempeño de predicción de los candidatos en el examen de lectura IELTS. Después de eso, la inteligencia visual-espacial y la lingüística desempeñaron un papel importante, respectivamente. / [CA] Les arts milloren les nostres vides, milloren el nostre sentit de l'estètica i poden ser un instrument preciós per als educadors d'idiomes i per als aprenents d'idiomes en el context d'anglès com a lengua extranjera. Aquest estudi va avaluar el paper de les intel·ligències múltiples i l'educació artística en el rendiment dels candidats a l'sistema internacional de pruebas de idioma inglés. (IELTS) a la secció de lectura de l'examen IELTS i les seves motivacions. L'investigador va dissenyar les tasques visuals de lectura artística per a les habilitats de lectura IELTS d'acord amb les definicions d'Armstrong (2009) de tasques artístiques visuals per a les habilitats lectores, incloent a) tasques artístiques visuals per a l'aprenentatge de vocabulari i b) tasques artístiques visuals per a les habilitats de comprensió lectora IELTS. En aquest estudi van participar 54 candidats a l'IELTS que van assistir a una aula de lectura IELTS en un institut d'anglès. El grup experimental (N = 27) va implementar un programa d'educació artística per aprendre habilitats de lectura IELTS, i es va utilitzar el mètode tradicional d'instrucció per al grup de control (N = 27). En primer lloc, es va administrar una prova prèvia de lectura IELTS per als dos grups. A continuació, es va administrar a tots els participants l'escala MIDAS de Shearer (1996) en 119 ítems. Al final del curs, tots els participants van fer una prova posterior de lectura IELTS i un qüestionari de motivació. Els resultats van indicar que el programa d'integració artística va donar lloc a un rendiment superior als candidats en el grup tradicional a l'examen de lectura IELTS, en comparació amb el grup control. A més, la motivació dels candidats a l'IELTS que van assistir a un programa d'educació artística va augmentar significativament, i van tenir actituds molt positives sobre la integració de l'art a les aules de lectura de l'IELTS. Els resultats van revelar que la intel·ligència múltiple de tots els candidats a l'IELTS va afectar positivament el seu rendiment a l'examen de lectura IELTS, i el musical, cinestèsic i visual-espacial va contribuir més al rendiment de l'examen de lectura IELTS i visual/espacial en tercer lloc, i després d'això, la intel·ligència lingüística va tenir un paper important en la millora de les puntuacions de lectura dels candidats a l'IELTS. La intel·ligència lògica/matemàtica té un nivell moderat, interpersonal i naturalista, i la intel·ligència intrapersonal va tenir un impacte menys significatiu en el rendiment dels candidats a l'IELTS a la secció de lectura. A més, els resultats van indicar que la intel·ligència musical i la intel·ligència cinestèsica van fer una contribució única significativa al rendiment de predicció dels candidats a l'examen de lectura IELTS. Després d'això, la intel·ligència visual-espacial i la lingüística van tenir un paper important, respectivament. / [EN] The arts improve our lives, enhance our sense of aesthetics, and can be a precious instrument for language educators and for language learners in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. This study evaluated the role of Multiple intelligences and Art-education in International English Language Testing System (IELTS) candidates' performance in the reading section of IELTS exam and their motivations. The researcher designed the visual Artistic Reading tasks for IELTS reading skills according to Armstrong's (2009) definitions of visual artistic tasks for reading skills, including a) visual artistic tasks for vocabulary learning and b) visual artistic tasks for IELTS reading comprehension skills. 54 IELTS candidates who attended an IELTS reading classroom in an English institute participated in this study. The experimental group (N=27) implemented an art-education program for learning IELTS reading skills, and the traditional method of instruction was used for the control group (N=27). First, an IELTS reading pretest was administered for both groups. Then, the MIDAS scale by Shearer (1996) in 119 items was administered to all participants. At the end of the course, all participants took an IELTS reading post-test and a motivation questionnaire. The results indicated that the art integration program resulted in candidates' outperformance in the traditional group in the IELTS reading exam, compared with the control group. Also, the motivation of IELTS candidates who attended an art education program was significantly increased, and they had very positive attitudes about integrating art in the IELTS reading classrooms. The results revealed that all the IELTS candidates' Multiple intelligences positively impacted their performance in the IELTS Reading exam, and the Musical, Kinesthetic Visual-spatial contributed the most to the IELTS reading exam performance and visual/spatial in third place, and after that, linguistic intelligence had a significant role in enhancing IELTS candidates' reading scores. Logical/mathematical intelligence has a moderate, interpersonal and naturalistic, and intrapersonal intelligence had a less significant impact on the IELTS candidates' performance in the reading section. Furthermore, the results indicated that musical intelligence and kinesthetic intelligence made a significant unique contribution to the prediction performance of candidates in the IELTS reading exam. After that, visual-spatial and linguistic intelligence played a significant role, respectively. / Heidari Panah, L. (2024). The Role of Multiple Intelligences and Art-Education in performance of IELTS candidates on Reading comprehension section of IELTS Exam and their motivations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202762

Automatické testování systému BeeeOn / Automatic Testing of the BeeeOn System

Wolfert, Richard January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis is about analysis of Internet of Things project BeeeOn, design and production of unit, integration and system tests and their automation by utilization of Continuous integration system Jenkins CI. The theoretical part is devoted to software testing fundamentals and Continuous integration systems. The main point of this thesis is about specification and description of BeeeOn system, its requirements for automatic testing and its implementation. In conclusion, the results of this work and expansion possibilities are discussed.

Model Coverage vs System-under-test Coverage in Model-based testing : Using Edge-pair coverage, Edge coverage, Node coverage and Mutation analysis / Modelltäckning vs täckning av system-under-test inom modellbaserad testning : Med användning av kantparstäckning, kant-täckning, nodtäckning och mutationsanalys

Rezkalla, George January 2021 (has links)
Model-based testing (MBT) is a black-box software testing technique that focuses on specification of the system-under-test (SUT) and/or its environment. It uses models to automatically generate a large number of tests. To the best of our knowledge, no study has investigated the correlation of model coverage with SUT coverage using more advanced coverage criteria (such as edge-pair coverage) and the correlation of coverage (at model level and SUT level) with test suite effectiveness using non-adequate test suites in the context of MBT despite the prominence of non-adequate test suites in industry. To carry out the investigation, we extend an existing open-source MBT tool called Modbat to measure edge-pair coverage at model level, implement a new tool called PaCovForJbc to measure edge-pair coverage, edge coverage and node coverage at SUT level. Finally, we perform an experiment using these tools applied on three projects: “ArrayList”, and “LinkedList” of Java standard library, and “Apache ZooKeeper”. Overall, the results suggest the following: Edge and edge-pair coverage at model level often have a moderate to high correlation with the same type of coverage at SUT level, while that link between model and SUT for node coverage is weaker. Moreover, coverage criteria at SUT level often have a moderate to high correlation with test suite effectiveness, and a coverage criterion at SUT level has a slightly higher correlation with test suite effectiveness than the same type of coverage at model level. Regarding coverage at model level, edge and edge-pair coverage at model level have a slightly higher correlation with test suite effectiveness than node coverage at model level. Note that the mentioned suggestions need to be taken with discretion, because results vary depending on the project and/or coverage criterion under investigation. / Modellbaserad testning (MBT) är en black-box-testteknik som fokuserar på specifikation av system-under-test (SUT) och/eller dess miljö. MBT använder modeller för att generera ett stort antal tester automatiskt. Såvitt vi vet, finns ingen studie som undersökt korrelationen mellan modelltäckning och täckning av SUT med hjälp av mer avancerade täckningskriterier såsom kantparstäckning. Dessutom finns ingen studie som undersökt korrelationen mellan täckning (på modellnivå och SUT-nivå) och effektivitet av icke- adekvata testsviter som genereras med hjälp av MBT trots betydelsen av icke-adekvata testsviter i industrin. För att utföra undersökningen, utökar vi ett ”open-source” MBT-verktyg som kallas för Modbat för att mäta kantparstäckning på modellnivå. Dessutom implementerar vi ett nytt verktyg som kallas för PaCovForJbc för att mäta kantpars-, kant- och nodtäckning på SUT-nivå. Till slut utför vi experiment genom att applicera Modbat och PaCovForJbc på tre projekt: ”ArrayList” och ”LinkedList” av Javas standardbibliotek samt ”Apache ZooKeeper”. Sammantaget indikerar resultaten följande: Kant- och kantparstäckning på modellnivå har ofta en måttlig till hög korrelation med samma typ av täckning på SUT- nivå, medan länken mellan modell och SUT för nodtäckning är svagare. Dessutom har täckningskriterier på SUT-nivå ofta en måttlig till hög korrelation med testsvitseffektivitet, och ett täckningskriterium på SUT-nivå har en aning högre korrelation med testsvitseffektivitet än samma typ av täckning på modellnivå. Angående täckning på modellnivå har kant- och kantparstäckning på modellnivå en aning högre korrelation med testsvitseffektivitet än nodtäckning på modellnivå. Observera att de nämnda förslagen måste tas med diskretion, eftersom resultaten varierar beroende på projektet och/eller täckningskriteriet som undersöks.

Development of Novel Wearable Sensor System Capable of Measuring and Distinguishing Between Compression and Shear Forces for Biomedical Applications

Dimitrija Dusko Pecoski (8797031) 21 June 2022 (has links)
<p>There are no commercially available wearable shoe in-sole sensors that are capable of measuring and distinguishing between shear and compression forces. Companies have already developed shoe sensors that simply measure pressure and make general inferences on the collected data with elaborate software [2, 3, 4, 5]. Researchers have also attempted making sensors that are capable of measuring shear forces, but they are not well suited for biomedical applications [61, 62, 63, 64]. This work focuses on the development of a novel wearable sensor system that is capable of identifying and measuring shear and compression forces through the use of capacitive sensing. Custom hardware and software tools such as materials test systems and capacitive measurement systems were developed during this work. Numerous sensor prototypes were developed, characterized, and optimized during the scope of this project. Upon analysis of the data, the best capacitive measurement system developed in this work utilized the CAV444 IC chip, whereas the use of the Arduino-derived measurement system required data filtering using median and Butterworth zero phase low pass filters. The highest dielectric constant reported from optimization experiments yielded 9.7034 (+/- 0.0801 STD) through the use of 60.2% by weight calcium copper titanate and ReoFlex-60 silicone. The experiments suggest certain sensors developed in this work feasibly measure and distinguish between shear and compressional forces. Applications for such technology focus on improving quality of life in areas such as managing diabetic ulcer formation, preventing injuries, optimizing performance for athletes and military personnel, and augmenting the scope of motion capture in biomechanical studies.</p>

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