Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe CISG"" "subject:"hhe CISG""
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Battle of forms : vilken är den lämpligaste lösningen för avtalsparterna?Kristiansen, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
Kollisionen mellan två standardavtal benämns battle of forms och frågan blir om det finns ett avtal mellan parterna och vilka villkor som ska reglera parternas förpliktelser. De faktorer som anses vara av vikt är att lösningen bör vara förutsägbar, den ska innebära att parterna har en fortsatt avtalsrelation till varandra, den bör lösa tvisten snabbt och effektivt samt att den bör ta hänsyn till parternas egna krav och önskemål. Den svenska avtalslagens regler om oren accept innebär ett avtalslöst tillstånd mellan parterna och den svarar inte på vilka villkor som ska reglera avtalet. The last shot enligt art. 19 CISG innebär att det sist översända standardavtalet bli gällande på avtalet. Den amerikanska UCC 2-207 innebär en the first shot lösning, det första standardavtal som översänds till den andra parten ska reglera avtalet. Både the first och the last shot är möjliga lösningar, dock anses det inte lämpligt att battle of forms skulle lösas beroende på vem som råkar avge den första eller sista viljeförklaringen. Engelsk praxis stadgar att hänsyn ska tas till de individuella omständigheterna genom att beakta allt relevant material samt ta hänsyn till parternas beteende. Dock är lösningen baserad på spegelbildsprincipen enligt common law, varför lösningen inte anses vara lämplig. UniP och PECL erbjuder en s.k. knock-out lösning som innebär att ett nytt avtal bildas på grundval av de gemensamma villkoren i de båda standardavtalen samt eventuell utfyllnad. I en jämförelse av lösningarna framgår det att the knock-out rule kan vara den lösning som är mest lämpad och anpassad efter battle of forms och realiteterna i praktiken när parterna ingår avtal.
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An analysis of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and its relevance to developing countries. A case study of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).Kadiri, Magret Olufisayo. January 2007 (has links)
<p>This research paper aims to understand and analyse the CISG, its history, scope and structure, and to evaluate its impact on SADC.The main ideas that this paper will consider are: what is the CISG /   / Its history, scope and structure /   / Its impact on developing countries /   / Its relevance to developing countries within SADC / and How the implementation of the CISG improved these developing countries within SADC.</p>
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Rozsah náhrady škody podle článku 74 Úmluvy OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží / Damages under Article 74 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ((CISG)Bečvářová, Bára January 2018 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of damages under Article 74 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (hereinafter the "CISG") as one of the possible outcomes of a breach of international sale contract. The general goal of the thesis is to comprehensively describe possibilities of the innocent party when claiming the damages under Article 74 of the CISG while focusing in detail on the issue of calculation of damages. The contents of the thesis are separated into three parts. First two chapters of the thesis cover general topics related to CISG such as its importance in the field of international sales and historic context of both the CISG as a whole and its Article 74 in particular. The reader's attention is aimed at the position of Article 74 within the CISG and detailed description of the principles governing its application, including in particular the principle of full compensation and related categorization of loss for which the damages can be awarded. Apart from the extent of the innocent party's right to damages, the thesis also describes the limitations of such right, namely the foreseeability of the loss and the obligation of the innocent party to mitigate it. In its second part, the thesis focuses more closely on the calculation of damages. In this...
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A conformidade na Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre contratos de compra e venda internacional de mercadorias / The conformity on the United Nations Convention on contracts for the international sale of goodsBernard Potsch Moura 08 August 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa o regime da conformidade das mercadorias na Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Contratos de Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias CISG, tema de maior parte dos litígios envolvendo o Comércio Internacional. Assim, após breve histórico da Convenção, ressaltando sua atual importância, aborda-se o conceito de conformidade das mercadorias e as diferentes características que este engloba. Prossegue-se, então, à análise dos diversos e complementares critérios de verificação da conformidade, tanto de ordem subjetiva quanto objetiva, expostos particularmente no art. 35 da Convenção. Detalha-se a maneira como a vontade das partes interage com os requisitos objetivos traçados, bem como o modo de aplicação e as discussões doutrinárias e jurisprudências que incidem sobre cada um deles. Dessa forma, busca-se consolidar a teoria e a prática do Comércio Internacional, para estabelecer as formas adequadas e inadequadas de aplicação do conceito de conformidade da Convenção, bem como seus efeitos sobre as partes contratantes. / The present paper analyses the issue of the conformity of the goods under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods CISG, one of the most pressing issues in international commerce. After introductory notes on the history of the Convention, having regard to its current importance, the paper seeks to conceptualize the meaning of conformity of the goods and all the characteristics that it engenders. The paper then proceeds to analyze the different and complementing sources of conformity, be of a subjective or objetive nature, particularly exposed under art. 35 of the Convention. It follows the detailing of the way the subjective and objective requisites of conformity interact with one another, and their application by the authorities and the case law. As such, the paper seeks to consolidate the theory and practice of International Commerce on the subject, to establish the adequate and inadequate ways to apply the Convention, and to point out their effects on the contracting parties.
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A conformidade na Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre contratos de compra e venda internacional de mercadorias / The conformity on the United Nations Convention on contracts for the international sale of goodsBernard Potsch Moura 08 August 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa o regime da conformidade das mercadorias na Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Contratos de Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias CISG, tema de maior parte dos litígios envolvendo o Comércio Internacional. Assim, após breve histórico da Convenção, ressaltando sua atual importância, aborda-se o conceito de conformidade das mercadorias e as diferentes características que este engloba. Prossegue-se, então, à análise dos diversos e complementares critérios de verificação da conformidade, tanto de ordem subjetiva quanto objetiva, expostos particularmente no art. 35 da Convenção. Detalha-se a maneira como a vontade das partes interage com os requisitos objetivos traçados, bem como o modo de aplicação e as discussões doutrinárias e jurisprudências que incidem sobre cada um deles. Dessa forma, busca-se consolidar a teoria e a prática do Comércio Internacional, para estabelecer as formas adequadas e inadequadas de aplicação do conceito de conformidade da Convenção, bem como seus efeitos sobre as partes contratantes. / The present paper analyses the issue of the conformity of the goods under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods CISG, one of the most pressing issues in international commerce. After introductory notes on the history of the Convention, having regard to its current importance, the paper seeks to conceptualize the meaning of conformity of the goods and all the characteristics that it engenders. The paper then proceeds to analyze the different and complementing sources of conformity, be of a subjective or objetive nature, particularly exposed under art. 35 of the Convention. It follows the detailing of the way the subjective and objective requisites of conformity interact with one another, and their application by the authorities and the case law. As such, the paper seeks to consolidate the theory and practice of International Commerce on the subject, to establish the adequate and inadequate ways to apply the Convention, and to point out their effects on the contracting parties.
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De sekundära påföljderna : En utredning av KöpL/CISGGhaleb, Ali January 2017 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda under vilka förutsättningar prisavdrag och hävning kan aktualiseras enligt KöpL. Dessutom ska CISG:s förutsättningar för prisavdrag och hävning utredas. En jämförelse mellan de sekundära påföljderna i KöpL och CISG har gjorts. I denna uppsats ligger tyngdpunkten på svensk rätt. För att fastställa gällande rätt och besvara frågorna har en traditionell rättsdogmatisk metod använts. Det innebär att de allmänt accepterade rättskällorna har analyserats. Uppsatsen har avslutats med en analyserande del. I den analyserande delen har frågan beträffande förutsättningar för prisavdrag och hävning enligt KöpL och CISG behandlats. I den analyserande delen har även en jämförelse mellan KöpL och CISG gjorts.
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Mezinárodní kupní smlouva / International sales contractStaňková, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is called international sales contract. The aim of it was to provide an overview of the possible legal regime of an international sales contract and to inform about sources of law that are applicable to such contract. The main aim of my thesis was to analyze United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). I tried to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages through the whole thesis. I focused on its scope of application, on the other hand, I did not examine rights and duties of parties to a contract determined by the CISG. In one part of my thesis I also paid attention to INCOTERMS, which is a significant and practical tool on the field of international trade. I realized this thesis using a descriptive method, since I tried to characterize certain legal instruments and their position and function thanks to information obtained from legislation, doctrine and case law. Moreover, I was using a comparative method, as I was comparing differing opinions of doctrine. Afterwards, I tried to form and explain my own views. I divided my thesis into five sections. In the first section I described international sales contract and I pointed out the difference between international and domestic sales contract. In the second part I was dealing with sources of law of...
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An analysis of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and its relevance to developing countries. A case study of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)Kadiri, Magret Olufisayo January 2007 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa
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International business law and legal certainty : the need for South Africa to assent to the convention of international sale of goodsMashonganyika, Tendai Julius January 2015 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / This study seeks to provide answers on whether South Africa should ratify the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), in the light of promoting legal certainty and International trade. In order to address the main objective, the mini-thesis will seek to answer the following questions: 1. Evaluate the current functional Legal Framework for international sale of goods in South Africa. 2. Establish and evaluate the motivations for both accession and non-accession, including an examination of possible advantages and disadvantages arising from each. 3. Determine if the adoption of the CISG by South Africa will be a solution to the current problems and uncertainties that exist under South African Law with regards to the international sale of goods?
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South Africaâs non-ratification of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), wisdom or folly, considering the effect of the status quo on international tradeMatinyenya, Patience January 2011 (has links)
<p>The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG) seeks to provide a standard uniform law for international sales contracts. This research paper analyses the rationale behind South Africa&rsquo / s delay in deciding whether to ratify the CISG, and its possible effect on trade with other nations. The CISG drafters hoped that uniformity would  / remove barriers to international sales thereby facilitating international trade. Ratification of the convention is only the beginning of uniformity / uniformity must then be extended to its application  / and interpretation. Not all countries have ratified the Convention yet they engage in international trade in goods: this state of affairs presents challenges since traders have to choose a national  / law that applies to their contract where CISG does not apply. This takes traders back to the undesirable pre-CISG era. On the other hand, those States that have ratified the convention face  / different challenges, the biggest one being a lack of uniformity in its interpretation. The problem of differing interpretations arises because some CISG Articles are vague leading to varied  / interpretations by national courts. Further, the CISG is still largely misunderstood and some traders from States that have ratified CISG exclude it from application. South Africa can only ratify an  / international instrument such as the CISG, after it has been tabled before Parliament, and debated upon in accordance with the Constitution. CISG&rsquo / s shortcomings, particularly regarding  / interpretation, make it far from certain that CISG would pass the rigorous  / legislative process. Nonetheless, the Constitution of South Africa requires the South African courts and legislature to promote principles of international law. The paper, therefore, examines, whether the Legislature has a constitutional obligation to ratify CISG. South Africa&rsquo / s membership of the WTO requires  / that it promote international trade by removing trade barriers. It is, therefore, vital for South Africa to be seen to be actively facilitating international trade. Even though the trade benefits which  / flow from ratification are not always visible in States that have ratified the CISG, there is some doubt whether South Africa can sustain its trade relations without ratifying the CISG. The paper shows that the formation  / of contracts under the South African common law is very similar to formation as set out under Part II of the CISG and if the CISG were to be adopted in South Africa, no major changes would be  / needed in this regard. International commercial  / principles as an alternative to the CISG still require a domestic law to govern the contract and would, therefore, leave South African traders in the  / same position they are in currently, where their trading relations are often governed by foreign laws. Ratifying CISG would certainly simplify contract negotiations particularly with regard to  / governing law provisions. Overall the advantages of ratification for South Africa far outweigh the shortcomings of the CISG, and ratification will assist in ensuring that South African traders get an  / opportunity to enter the international trade arena on an equal platform with traders from other nations. </p>
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